季刊 Vol.
Travel in Taiwan
臺中郵局許可證 臺中字第2037號
中華郵政臺中雜字 第2147號登記證登 記為雜誌交寄
封面故事 收錄2020米其林必比登推介名單 2020 Michelin Bib Gourmand Full List
特色商圈 深度探訪東勢形象商圈x鹿港老街商圈 To Explore Dongshi and Lukang Commercial District 愛玩FB
主題遊程 彰化x濱海經典二日遊 A Classic Two-day Seaside Trip in Changhua
亞洲唯一12道鐵軌仍在運轉的扇形車庫 The only railway roundhouse in Asia with 12 tracks in operation. 照片提供:彰化縣政府 Photo Credit: Changhua County Government
彰化縣 王惠美縣長
Changhua County Magistrate, Hui-Mei Wang
愛玩中台灣 vol.15 秋季刊 發行日期:2020 年 10 月 15 日
02 04
名人專訪 Celebrity Interview
來觀光工廠知性學習! Come to the Tourism factory for intellectual learning!
經濟部工業局 - 呂正華局長
Vision of Sightseeing
Director General of MOEAIDB Jang-Hwa Leu
交通部觀光局 - 張錫聰局長
Taiwan, Everywhere Is the Scenery Director-General of Tourism Bureau, MOTC Shi-Chung Chang
Continuing the founding spirit, promoting Taiwan tourism!
有料又實在,深度旅遊來彰化! Come to Changhua for a profound and abundant trip!
彰化縣 - 王惠美縣長
觀光聯盟總會 - 姜仁通總會長
President of the Headquarter of Taiwan Tourism Associations Coalition Ren-Tong Jiang
Changhua County Magistrate - Hui-Mei Wang
Telling the Local Stories of Cultural and Creative Industry of Black Tea!
喝喝茶 - 王坤連總經理 General Manager of Hohocha Kun-lian Wang
臺灣護聖宮 Taiwan Hushenggong 照片提供:彰化縣政府 Photo Credit: Changhua County Government
旅遊情報 Travel Information
您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 國際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中 遊客服務中心;台灣電影製作發展協會(150 位會員);台灣各大旅行社、中華民國旅行業品質保障協會(3000 家);星動銀河旅 站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國 際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969 藍天飯店、富禾居會館、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店
發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:洪文能、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 總編輯:趙品瑄 執行編輯:何家嘉、張家銘、葉卉㚬 翻譯:賴思妤 Sandra 編輯委員:蔡維郡、巫賜發、廖萬隆 陳奕錩、陳瑛宗、康翠敏 洪明峰、陳晁偉、吳奇鴻 林俊明、高信傑 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路 106 號 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司
主題遊程 Themed Tour
彰化 X 濱海經典二日遊 A classic two-day seaside trip in Changhua
卡里善之樹 Rainbow House 照片提供:彰化縣政府 Photo Credit: Changhua County Government
特色商圈 Featured Commercial Districts
封面故事 Cover Story
2020 米其林「必比登推介」- 收錄台北台中 75 家上榜名單
The County of Fruit and Hakka Humanities
2020 Michelin Bib Gourmand Full list of 75 winners in Taipei and Taichung
Dongshi Commercial District
Seaside Culture X Historical Style
Lukang Old Street Commercial District
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following Internet Celebrities To Travel In Check-in Resorts In Taiwan
Mountain & Sea
石虎探險旅程 東勢月恆門 Dongshi Yuehengmen
Leopardcat Trip
通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台中林酒店、福容大飯 店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大飯店、 高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星 光酒店、台東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創 HOTEL、海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店⋯(陸續增加)。
Vision of Sightseeing
臺灣,俯拾皆是風景。 Taiwan, Everywhere Is the Scenery 交通部觀光局 局長 Director-General of Tourism Bureau, MOTC
張錫聰 Shi-Chung Chang
臺灣擁有豐富地景及自然生態,為落實永 續觀光發展理念,本局自 106 年開始推動年 度旅遊主軸之推廣計畫,今年度(2020 年) 為「脊梁山脈旅遊年」,引導國內外旅客走訪 海灣、小鎮、山城等不同旅遊風情,更加認識 臺灣。
張錫聰局長 Director-General, Shi-Chung Chang
喔熊彩繪列車 OhBear Painted Train
There are rich landscape and natural ecology in Taiwan. In order to implement the concept of sustainable tourism development, we have been promoting the annual tourism axis since 2017. The concept of this year is "Year of Mountain Tourism". It is going to lead foreign and domestic tourists to visit bays, small towns and mountain cities.
有美景,也要有美食。為讓臺灣美食通過品牌認證,努力推動《米其林指 南》,除了為旅客推介價格合理及提供優質餐飲的餐廳外,更使臺灣美食整體 品牌形象提昇並與國際接軌,讓世界看見臺灣美食。 Besides gorgeous sceneries, there are also delicacies. In order to make Taiwanese cuisine pass the brand certification, promoting the Michelin Guide is not only to introduce restaurants those provide high-quality dishes at a reasonable price but also to enhance the brand image of Taiwanese cuisine and connect with the world.
2020米其林指南發布會 2020 The MICHELIN Guide Revelation 照片提供:臺灣米其林公司 Photo Credit: MICHELIN (Taiwan)
目前全球疫情仍然未解,國內疫情控制則趨於緩和,配合中央流行疫情指揮中 心的「防疫新生活運動」,本局提出「復甦及振興方案」,鼓勵民眾體驗不輸給 國外的國內旅遊。自 7 月 1 日實施「安心旅遊國旅補助計畫」迄今,深獲民眾及 旅遊業的熱烈迴響,初步達成刺激地方觀光復甦等目標。同時也要求旅宿業接待 人員和觀光遊樂業者,都須嚴加注意旅客健康情形、備妥乾洗手、進行體溫測量 等措施,遵守防疫旅遊安全守則。 Currently, the situation of the epidemic tends to ease. Cooperating with the "Epidemic New Life Movement" issued by the Central Epidemic Command Center, we propose "Recovery and Revitalization of the Tourism Industry" to encourage domestic tourism. Since the announcement of domestic travel subsidy program on July 1st, it has been well received and has achieved the goals such as stimulating the recovery of local tourism; at the same time, hospitality receptionists, and tourism and amusement industries are required to pay attention to the health of passengers, preparing sanitizer, taking passengers temperature, and complying with the safety rules for epidemic prevention.
Vision of Sightseeing
而在後疫情時 代, 全 臺 都 是 值 得 大家到訪的最佳旅 遊 地 點! 本 局 輔 導 相關公協會結合臺 灣「 深 度 文 化 在 地 內 容 」, 推 動 精 緻 旅 遊, 包 含: 墾 丁 淨灘與認識潮間帶 生 態 的 環 保 旅 行, 臺東的「饗嚮臺東」 半 日 農 夫 體 驗, 又 或是參訪西螺百年 林部長與張局長到臺東體驗農夫手作。 醬 油 老 店、 南 投 觀 Minister Lin and Director-General Chang went to Taitung to have 光酒廠等,都是富有文化 hand-made experience. 意涵的旅遊體驗。此外, 亦有渡假旅館順應疫情時興的健康旅遊(Wellness Travel)趨勢,推出相關養 生、戶外體驗;旅行業則結合郵輪推出國內跳島郵輪旅 遊、環島旅遊、自行車旅遊、鐵道觀光及古 ( 綠 ) 道自由行,都會國際觀光旅館亦有轉型為郵輪式 渡假飯店,均獲得不錯口碑! During the post-epidemic period, every place in Taiwan is worth visiting for tourist! We coach official associations to promote exquisite tourism, including eco-friendly travel of beach cleanup in Kenting and knowing the ecology of the intertidal zone, half-day farmer experience in Taitung, and visiting of Xiluo century-old soy sauce store or Nantou Winery. Also, there are resort hotels launching wellness travel such as regimen and outdoor experience; tourism industry combines cruise ship industry to launch domestic island hopping tour, round island tour, biking tour, and free tour of railway sightseeing and ancient trail; there is also an international sightseeing hotel which turns into the cruise resort hotel! 日月潭自行車道 Sun Moo Lake Bikeway
臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華 Taiwan International Balloon Festival
未來,為達成以「觀光立國」的國家發展觀光產業之願景,本局研 提「Taiwan Tourism 2030 台灣觀光政策白皮書」,並為呼應交通部 林佳龍部長鼓勵國人「三十而立」之 3 項觀光成年禮:環島體驗、山 脈旅遊、跳島旅遊等理念,將持續推動 2021 自行車旅遊年、2022 鐵 道觀光旅遊年、2023 跳島旅遊年及 2024 博物館觀光旅遊年,讓世界 看到臺灣富含文化底蘊的軟實力,期許營造臺灣成為「亞洲旅遊重要 目的地」! In the future, in order to achieve the development vision of operating the country based on tourism, we will research and propose"Taiwan Tourism 2030 White Paper"and respond to the three tourism coming-ofage ceremonies proposed by Lin,Chia-lung, the minister of Ministry of Transportation and Communications; he encourages people to experience round island tour, mountain tour and island hopping tour. We are going to continually promote 2021 Year of Biking Tourism, 2022 Year of Trail Sightseeing Tourism, 2023 Year of Island Hopping Tourism and 2024 Year of Museum Sightseeing Tourism. Our expectation is to make Taiwan become "The Important Tourist Location in Asia"!
照片提供:交通部觀光局 Photo Credit: Tourism Bureau, MOTC
Vision of Sightseeing
採訪 Writer / 趙品瑄 Penny Chao
有料又實在,深度旅遊來彰化! Come to Changhua for a profound and abundant trip! 彰化縣縣長 Changhua County Magistrate
王惠美 Hui-Mei Wang
彰化即將建縣 3 百年,宛如開放式博物 館,擁有豐富文化底蘊,透過專業導覽搭 配漫遊步調,絕對是認識彰化的最佳方式。 Changhua has been founded almost 300 years. It resembles an open museum with abundant cultures. A professional, slow tour is definitely the best way to learn more about Changhua.
擁有 26 個鄉鎮市的彰化,各地區都發 展出獨特亮點,如:鹿港保有眾多傳統技 藝和多位人間國寶;二林是百果鎮,尤以 火龍果聞名;員林蜜餞全台知名;而社頭不僅是芭樂的故鄉,織襪產業 亦是隱形冠軍!為此,我們推出 20 條小旅行路線,設計不同主題讓遊客 深入走訪彰化。 王惠美縣長 Magistrate, Hui-Mei Wang
Changhua has 26 counties and cities. Unique specialties have been developed in each region. For instance, Lukang has preserved traditional craftsmanship and numerous experienced, professional craftsmen. Erlin is a town of fruits and known for dragon fruit. Preserved fruits from Yuanlin is well known around Taiwan. Shetou is the home of guava. The hosiery industry in Shetou is a hidden champion. Therefore, we recommend 20 short tours for visitors to 社頭芭樂 Shetou Guava explore Changhua thoroughly.
彰化農工各半的發展特性,創造旅遊多元性,亦延伸出由傳統產業 轉型的觀光工廠。目前彰化觀光工廠共 15 家,數量位居全國第三名, 海線一帶的台灣優格餅乾學院、台灣玻璃館、緞帶王、白蘭氏健康博物館 與卷木森活館,都是高人氣景點。 The industrial development in Changhua is divided into agriculture and industry with a half-and-half proportion, stimulating the thriving of tourism factories, caused by the transformation of traditional industries. A total of 15 tourism factories are available in Changhua, ranking third place nationwide. Taiwan You Good School of Cookies, Taiwan Glass Gallery, Ribbon Museum, BRAND's Health Museum and J.Wood Garden are popular attractions.
緞帶王觀光工廠 Ribbon Museum
白蘭氏健康博物館 BRAND's Health Museum
Vision of Sightseeing
臺灣護聖宮 Taiwan Hushenggong
不只如此,彰化還擁有「亞洲三項唯 一」!「扇形車庫」為唯一 12 道鐵軌 仍在運轉的活古蹟,又號稱「火車頭旅 館」,是鐵道迷朝聖地;芳苑「海牛車」 是見證台灣漁村發展的無形文化資產, 海牛車 Oxcart 可以體驗絕無僅有的出海採蚵作業;護 聖宮則是全球唯一的「玻璃媽祖廟」,以 7 萬多片玻璃建造,隨著日光推移 能折射各式色彩。 In addition, there are three things in Asia that only exist in Changhua. Changhua Railway Roundhouse is the only roundhouse in Asia with all of its 12 tracks still in operation. It is also known as the locomotive museum. "The oxcart in the sea" in Fangyuan symbolizes the development of fishing village in Taiwan. Visitors can ride the oxcart to pick oysters. Hushenggong is the only Mazu temple made of glass and built by over 70 thousand glass pieces.
肉圓 Ba-wan
美食是旅遊不可或缺的元素,來彰化市必嚐「三 寶」-肉圓、貓鼠麵、爌肉飯,而北斗肉圓、溪湖 羊肉、鹿港麵線糊與蚵仔煎等,都是老饕必吃,料 好實在又美味!當然,走訪彰化一定要帶伴手禮與 親朋好友分享,鹿港百年餅店糕餅、卦山燒、肉乾、 蜜麻花、葡萄酒等,都是絕佳好物。
Food is essential to travel. Do not miss these three specialties when you come to Changhua City: the ba-wan, Maoshu Noodle, and soystewed pork with rice. Bei Dou Rou Yuan Sheng, Shihu lamb hotpot, Lugang vermicelli paste and oyster omelet use great ingredients, are tasty, and fill you up. Cakes from pastries in Lukang that have been around for over a hundred years, guashanshao, jerky, honey twist cracker and wine, are great souvenirs for visitors.
我們也持續打造節慶活動,將季節性活動與地方緊密結合,創造不同玩法,提升 鄉鎮觀光力。除了已結束的鹿港慶端陽、王功漁火節,11 月「彰化馬拉松嘉年華」 可說是年度盛事,系列活動中的「田中馬拉松」和「二水國際跑水節」更躍升為國 際性馬拉松,每年皆吸引海內外跑者報名參加;而春節期間的「花在彰化」,則是 全國民眾引頸期盼的走春活動。 We will continue to hold more festivals to combine seasonal events with local community. Besides the Lukang Dragon Boat Festival and Wangkung Music Festival, which both of them have ended, a grand annual event will be held in November, the Changhua Marathon Carnival. Tianzhong International Marathon and Ershui Water Running Festival in the event series have become international marathons. Changhua Flower Festival during the Chinese New Year is a Chinese New Year event everyone in 二水跑水節 Ershui Water Running Festival Taiwan looks forward to.
為達到「觀光經濟化」的發展目標,我們致力打造新景點,包含:今年甫開幕 的自然生態教育中心和清水岩溫泉露營區,而未來更有芳苑紅樹林木棧道和海線自 行車道,歡迎大家來彰化深度之旅! To achieve the development goal of "economized tourism," we aim to create new attractions, including the Changhua Natural Habitat Education Center and Shetou Qingshuiyan Hot Spring & Camping Area that had a grand opening this year. Fangyuan Mangrove Forest Boardwalk and Coastal Bike Path will be built in the future. Everyone is welcome to enjoy an in-depth tour of Changhua.
照片提供:彰化縣政府 Photo Credit: Changhua County Government
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview 採訪 Writer / 趙品瑄 Penny Chao
來觀光工廠知性學習! Come to the Tourism Factory for intellectual learning!
經濟部工業局 呂正華局長 Director General of MOEAIDB Jang-Hwa Leu
國 旅 正 夯, 來 一 趟 觀 光 工 廠 能改變您對於「工廠」的看法。 透過了解生產製程,搭配導覽、 DIY、 體 驗, 達 到 寓 教 於 樂 的 效 益,儼然是親子旅遊的絕佳選擇。 A visit to the tourism factory can change your view of the "factory". You can not only understand the process of production but also have guided tours and DIY experience. It's the best choice for the parent-children trip.
呂正華局長 ( 左 ) Director General, Jang-Hwa Leu (left)
在我們積極推動下,並委由工業技術研究院進行輔導與評鑑,目前全 台觀光工廠多達 153 家,概分為五大類:以工藝產業為主的「藝術人文」、 主打生技美妝的「健康美麗」、飲食文化豐富的「醇酒美食」、與日常 息息相關的「居家生活」,以及柴米油鹽醬醋茶的「開門七件事」,展 現觀光工廠的多元主題。 We had entrusted Industrial Technology Research Institute for coaching and evaluation. Under our active promotion, there are 153 tourism factories in Taiwan.They can be divided into five categories, Arts and Humanities, Health and Beauty, Wine and Delicacy, Home Life, and Seven Necessities.It shows the diverse themes.
除了以「主題特色」、「廠區空間」、「設施展示」、「服務品質」 與「營運模式」作為評鑑要素的基本評鑑外,每年我們亦評選「優良觀 光工廠」和「國際亮點觀光工廠」,前者希望選出標竿企業供業者學習, 後者則為推動國際觀光而努力。 In addition to the basic evaluations of featured theme, space of factory, the display of facility, and service quality, we also select “Excellent Tourism Factory"and “International Highlights Tourism Factory"every year. The former hopes to provide benchmark companies for the industry to learn from, while the latter strives to promote international tourism.
面對疫情衝擊,我們不僅把握時間做超前準備,包含:人才培訓、動 線調整、內容多元化等,同時配合振興三倍券,與觀光工廠業者合作推 出加碼三重優惠:「打卡好禮送給你!」、「 1.5 倍樂購 GO」、「買 一送一超划算」,給予超值的放大回饋,歡迎全家大小來觀光工廠同 樂! While facing the impact of the epidemic, we seize the time to make preventive measures, including personnel training, line adjustments, and diversified content; at the same time, we collaborate with the tourism factories to launch Triple Stimulus Voucher activities, such as "Check in and get Special Gifts!", "Get 1.5 X more Bonus", and "Buy one get one FREE". Welcome to have fun in these tourism factories!
振興三倍券加碼活動 Triple Stimulus Voucher with Extra Bonus 照片提供:經濟部工業局 Photo Credit: MOEAIDB
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview
延續創會精神, 推廣臺灣觀光! Continuing the founding spirit, promoting Taiwan tourism!
臺灣觀光旅遊聯盟總會會長 姜仁通先生 President of the Headquarter of Taiwan Tourism Associations Coalition Ren-Tong Jiang
姜仁通總會長 President, Ren-Tong Jiang
臺灣觀光旅遊聯盟總會秉持著推廣臺灣觀光 的初衷,2014 年在臺中正式成立,由家喻戶曉 的吳敏女士(烏來嬤)擔任創會理事長。如今, 姜仁通承續使命,接任理事長一職「我會將創立 精神薪火相傳,讓觀光志業繼往開來。」 他滿懷抱負地說。
Holding the original intention of promoting Taiwan tourism,the Headquarter of Taiwan Tourism Associations Coalition was established in 2014 in Taichung. The well-known Ms. Wu, Min was the founding chairman. Now, Jiang, Ren-Tong continuing the mission to be the new chairman."I will pass the founding spirit down and also, keep the past and create a better future of the tourism industry for the posterities" he said ambitiously.
創會至今,除了配合政府推行的各項觀光旅遊政策,也積極辦理國內外觀 光旅遊交流及研習活動。在接下理事長的重責大任後,姜仁通期許能夠偕同 各縣市協會,將觀光資源進行充裕準備,以面臨未來的挑戰。除了硬體設備 的支援,在人為層面也加強會員訓練,提升相關領域專業度,並辦理觀光旅 遊實務訓練,強化觀光旅遊產業的服務品質。
Since its founding, in addition to cooperating with various tourism policies launched by the government, it also actively held domestic and foreign tourism exchanges and research activities. After taking over the responsibility of the chairman, Jiang, Ren-Tong hopes to collaborate with the associations from counties and cities to make adequate preparations for tourism to face the challenge in the future. Besides the support of hardware, about the human level, he also strengthens training of members, improves professionalism in related fields, and holds tourism practical training to strengthen the service quality of the tourism industry.
此外,他也積極推動觀光旅遊產業結盟,整合異業資源,並善用當代科技, 辦理旅遊產業 e 化輔導及網路行銷。近 期更是為了十月中旬即將到來的「2020 臺灣觀光年會」,緊鑼密鼓地籌備著, 疫情趨緩過後的觀光產業要如何重振旗 鼓,可說是一個非常大的挑戰! Jiang, Ren-Tong also actively promotes alliances in the tourism industry, integrates resources from different industries, and makes good use of contemporary 蔡英文總統與姜總會長 technology to help tourism industry on President Jiang and President Tsai electronic coaching and online marketing. Moreover, he is currently preparing for the upcoming activity in mid-October – 2020 Taiwan Tourism Annual Meeting. How to reinvigorate the tourism industry after the epidemic will be a huge challenge!
深信透過年會的舉辦、異業合作、資源共享等策略,能夠完善地整合國內觀 光產業,做足準備,讓國人與國際觀光客獲得最佳的旅遊體驗! Through strategies such as the holding of annual meetings, cross-industry alliance, and resource sharing, we believe that we can perfectly integrate the domestic tourism industry and make adequate preparations for domestic and foreign tourists to have the best travel experiences!
積極辦理觀光交流及研習活動 Tourism Exchanges and Research Activities 照片提供:臺灣觀光旅遊聯盟總會 Photo Credit: Headquarter of Taiwan Tourism Associations Coalition
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview 採訪 Writer / 趙品瑄 Penny Chao
紅茶文創化,說出在地好故事! Telling the Local Stories of Cultural and Creative Industry of Black Tea!
喝喝茶總經理 王坤連
General Manager of Hohocha Kun-lian Wang
來到南投魚池一定要喝杯紅茶! 宛如直覺的旅遊思維,背後卻要經歷 多年品牌推廣的淺移默化才能達到。 「喝喝茶」王坤連總經理在魚池深耕 多年,擁有園藝設計背景的他,曾經 為九族文化村打造轟動一時的歐洲花 園,他將此份工作經驗也運用在「喝 喝茶」經營上。 If you come to Yuchi, Nantou, you can´t leave without drinking a cup of black tea! The thought of traveling feels like the 喝喝茶王總經理 intuition. Actually, it took years of brand General Manager of Hohocha, Mr. Wang promotions to reach that. The manager of Hohocha, Kun-lian Wang, devoting time and effort in Yuchi for many years. With the background of horticulture design, he created the famous European Garden for Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village. He also applied this work experience to the operation of Hohocha.
王總經理表示,以在地產業為主題的觀光,必定要有「文化」作為支持, 透過「文創化」和「現代化」讓年輕人接受,並且所有細節都必須用心到位, 方能長久延續。 Kun-lian Wang expressed that the tourism with the theme of local industry must be supported by culture. Making young people accept that through cultural creativity and modernization, and all details must be in place, so that it can be lasted for a long time.
以「喝喝茶」來說,光是品牌 名稱就貼近年輕人喜好,而扎實 的文化底蘊亦是不可或缺元素! 魚池早在日據時期開始種植紅 茶,王總經理特別尋來百年老茶 樹,移植在園區內與遊客分享珍 貴歷史。喝喝茶建築設計結合日 式與現代風格,一樓規劃半開放 茶廠,製茶流程與機具都能一覽 二樓販售區 Sales area is on second floor 無遺;二樓販售區嚴選紅茶、茶 具和甜點;三樓則是品茗體驗區,為遊客免費奉上紅茶和滷煮四天的紅茶蛋。 In terms of Hohocha, the brand name is close to the preference of young people, and the profound cultural background is also the indispensable element! People in Yuchi had been planting black tea since Japanese colonial period. Kun-lian Wang especially transplanted hundred-year-old tea tree in the park and shared the precious history with tourists. The architecture design of Hohocha combines Japanese and modern styles. There is semi-open tea factory on the first floor. You can see tea process and equipment of making tea; on the second floor, you can buy the finest black tea, tea set and dessert ; tea tasting area is on the third floor. There are free black tea and black tea eggs which are braised for 4 days for tourists.
作為紅茶體驗新景點,王總經理自有一套經營哲學,他表示單純住宿已經 不能滿足觀光需求,於是自願成為附屬角色,配合飯店套裝行程融入觀光鏈, 一起豐富在地旅遊體驗,期望以魚池紅茶說一個動人故事! Operating a new attraction for black tea tasting, Kun-lian Wang has his own philosophy of management. He expressed that the ordinary accommodation was no longer to meet the tourism needs, so he voluntarily became a subsidiary role for Integrating hotel's package itinerary into sightseeing chain and enriching the local travel experience. He is also expecting to tell a touched story with black tea of Yuchi!
喝喝茶園區 The Park of Hohocha 照片提供:喝喝茶
Photo Credit: Hohocha
Travel Information
2020 澎湖國際海灣燈光節- 美人魚嗨翻海島啦! 2020 Penghu Bay International Light Festival 澎湖國家風景管理處打造秋冬最大觀光盛會「2020 澎湖國際海灣燈光節」, 即日起到 11 月 14 日要嗨翻海島啦!八公尺高美人魚造型「海島之歌」主燈盤坐 在雙心石滬緩緩旋轉,象徵舞動澎湖蓬勃新生命,結合重頭戲燈光水舞秀「蓬勃 之海」,引領遊客穿越時空,走入一場視覺與聽覺的聲光饗宴。 Penghu National Scenic Area Administration creates the largest tourism event in autumn and winter – 2020 Penghu Bay International Light Festival. From now on to November 14th, let's have fun in Penghu! The 8 meter high mermaid-shaped signature lantern - The Song of The Island, will be placed on Twin-Heart Fish Trap. Combining the highlight of the festival – light show, it is going to lead visitors into a feast of sound and light.
「麗娜輪」正式啟航- 臺中直達澎湖超方便 Taichung to Penghu, The Natchan Rera Officially Set Sail 因疫情影響,國內旅遊特別夯,離島更是大家體驗「偽出國」的首選。為此, 東聯航運「麗娜輪」新增了臺中港至澎湖馬公航線,日前已順利試航通過審查, 最快將於中秋或國慶正式開航,未來預計每週五、六、日共 3 航次不定期往返臺 中至澎湖,提供旅客更便利的交通選擇。 During the epidemic, offshore islands become the first choice for "Pretend to Go Abroad" tours. For this reason, Uni-Wagon Marine Co., Ltd. has added ship route from Taichung Port to Magong, Penghu. The trial sailing has been passed the review and the sailing will officially start on Mid-Autumn Festival or National Day at the earliest. In the future, it is expected to sail every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to provide passengers with more convenient transportation options.
2020 花現龍井
2020 Hua Xian Longjing 活動時間 Activity Period
10.17 14:00 開幕式 Opening Ceremony 10.18 閉幕式 Closing Ceremony 第二屆花現龍井之美攝影比賽 2 nd The Beauty of Hua Xian Longjing Photography Competition 金牌獎 趙令級 ( 稻與花 ) Gold Medal Zhao, Ling-Ji (Rice and Flower)
十月底臺中市海線地區二期休耕轉作之際,綻放出波斯菊花海及向日葵花海,迎接 即將到來的春日時光,同時也塑造了海線休閒農業,活化在地產業,打造農村特色。 歡迎大家來龍井,感受海風、花香,以及稻穗隨風搖曳的聲浪。 At the end of October,during the fallow period of the second phase of the coastal area in Taichung,there are cosmos and sunflower seas to welcome the upcoming spring time;at the same time, it has also established the coastal line leisure agriculture,activated local industries,and created the character of the village.Welcome to Longjing to feel the sea breeze, the delicate fragrance of flowers,and the sound of rice ears swaying in the wind.
花現龍井 ~ 百花齊放:花田裝置藝術
花田美食農特產品展售 Flower Field Agricultural Specialties Exhibition
花現心世界 ~ 大肚采風行 Hua Xian Xin Shi Jie~ Dadu Cai Feng Xing 第四屆花現龍井單車逍遙遊 4th Hua Xian Longjing Biking Tour 花時間寫生比賽 (10/17 比賽,下午頒獎)Hua Shi Jian Sketching
Hua Xian Longjing ~ A hundred flowers bloom - Flower Field Installation Art
Competition (Competition on 10/17 and awards ceremony in the afternoon)
花現龍井 ~ 路跑活動 Hua Xian Longjing~ Marathon
洽詢電話 Contact Number +886-4-26396511#262 活動地點 Activity Place 臺中市龍井區中華路一段 & 茄投路一段交叉口 The intersection of Sec.1,Zhonghua Rd. and Sec.1,Jiatou Rd.,Longjing Dist., Taichung City 指導單位 Adviser:臺中市政府 Taichung City Government、 臺中市政府農業局 Agriculture Bureau of Taichung City Government 臺中市龍井區農會推廣部 Promoting Department of Longjing Farmers' Association
Travel Information
臺中新社花海節- 愛你愛你百合浪漫花展 Taichung Sea of Flower in Xinshe 2020 新社花海節將在 11 月 14 日至 12 月 6 日盛大登場,運用花海與造景呈 現的大型花卉盛事,每年都吸引許多國內外遊客慕名而來。今年響應 2020 諧音 「愛你愛你」,以百年好合為主題,結合農委會種苗改良繁殖場與臺灣百合產業 發展協會舉辦百合花展,邀請民眾來一趟百年好合的浪漫愛情之旅! 2020 Sea of Flower in Xinshe will be held from November 14th to December 6th. This year, in response to the 2020 "Love You Love You", with the theme of "Hundred Years of Harmony", it combines Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station, and Taiwan Lily Development Association, to hold a lily exhibition; inviting people to take a romantic trip!
愛之愛知 2020 臺灣生物多樣性特展- 情境場景認識野生動物 The Aichi targets and 2020 Biodiversity in Taiwan Exhibiton 行政院農委會特有生物研究保育中心為推動「愛知目標」,在保育教育館舉 辦為期一年的「愛之愛知 2020 臺灣生物多樣性特展」,展期至 2021 年 5 月 31 日。 展場採用情境場景方式呈現,模擬研究人員在野外調查的情況、野生動物急救過 程、動植物標本的製作展示,並以實物展示珍貴牛樟芝產學應用等,值得大小朋 友來一趟知識之旅。 Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute holds "The Aichi targets and 2020 Biodiversity in Taiwan Exhibiton" in conservation education center. The period of exhibition is until May 31st, 2021. The exhibition uses situational scenes to simulate the field research of researchers, wildlife first aid, and specimen making of animal and plant; it also displays industrial and academic application of Antrodia cinnamomea with real object. 22
Mega Seafood Hall 大間漁場秉持新鮮、美味、健康的信念,提供桌菜、 火鍋、單點等料理,使用各國進口活體海鮮,讓顧客以 最划算的價格,吃的安心又健康。 Mega Seafood Hall adheres to the belief in freshness, deliciousness, and health to offer prix fixe, hot pot and à la carte menu. Using imported live seafood from various countries and letting customers taste delicious and healthy dishes at the most costeffective price.
+886-4-23860276/ 台中市南屯區環中路四段2號 No. 2, Sec. 4, Huanzhong Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City
提供Nikon、Canon、SONY等各大品牌數位單 眼相機、數位相機、鏡頭等各式相機周邊配件銷 售服務。我們有專業親切的店員提供購買諮詢、 操作技巧、配件詢問及售後服務等。
We offer not only digital single lens reflex cameras, digital cameras, camera lens and accessories of Nikon, Canon, Sony and many other brands, but also advisory service and after service.
+886-4-22256624 / 台中市中區台灣大道一段310號 No. 310, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City
# #
Travel Information
2020 嘉義市自行車旅遊節「騎道 嘉義趣」-城市慢活體驗在地文化 2020 Chiayi City Biking Tourism Festival 嘉義市政府分別於 10 月 31 日及 11 月 1 日,在嘉義市立棒球場舉辦「自行車 旅遊節-騎道嘉義趣」活動,以城市慢活的概念規劃旅遊路線,並結合在地產業、 創造嘉義市的城市旅遊風格。活動除規劃七大自行車道外,也串聯在地觀光景點, 吸引外縣市旅客、甚至外籍旅人來「嘉」漫遊,一起樂活體驗當地文化。 Chiayi City Government is holding "2020 Chiayi City Biking Tourism Festival – Chiayi City Ride Fun" on October 31st and November 1st in Chiayi City Baseball Stadium. Taking the concept of slow city and combining local industries to create the tourism style of Chiayi City. Besides planning 7 biking trails, it also connects local tourism attractions. Come and experience local cultures.
麗寶賽車主題旅店- 運動迷的夢幻天堂 Lihpao Racing Theme Hotel 備受矚目的全新「麗寶賽車主題旅店(T11 Hotel、T12 Hotel),目前已開始 試營運並接受預約訂房囉!旅店整體以「賽車&運動」為主軸,結合籃球、足球、 衝浪等元素設計,還可以觀看賽車馳騁、俯瞰 G2 賽道。除了極具特色的房型外, 早餐也是參考運動員的餐盤設計,可依運動強度,攝取合適的早餐熱量,給你元 氣滿滿的一天。 Lihpao T11 Hotel and T12 Hotel have started trial runs and accepted reservations from now on! The main concept of these two hotels is racing and exercise, they also combine basketball, football, surfing, and other elements. The breakfast provided by hotels is based on the design of the dinner plate of athlete; they will offer dishes with suitable calorie intake according to the intensity of exercise! 24
訂房專線 Reservation line :+886-4-23696888
鹿港紅樓精品旅館 / 員林紅樓商務旅館
員 林 館 員 林 紅 樓 位 於 彰 化最熱鬧的員林市 區,是全新改裝的商務飯店,採的是 平價的消費,頂級的服務,為的是讓 每位外出的旅人都能感受到我們的用 心,感受到家的溫暖。
鹿 港 館 鹿港紅樓為中部規模最大及第一間六星級裝潢設施的精品旅 館,有各種不同風格的特色房型,房內有私人花園、游泳池 、牛奶浴等設施,讓您不用出國就能體驗的渡假勝地!
鹿港館/ 彰化縣福興鄉橋和街62號
員林館/ 彰化縣員林市南平四街9號 04-8331116
Themed Tour
彰化 X 濱海經典二日遊 A classic two-day seaside trip in Changhua 彰化觀光資源多元豐富,有自然風貌,也有歷史人文,交織出 11 條 獨特的旅遊推薦路線。我們以濱海為主題,串聯彰化縣政府推薦的「絕 美西濱海岸拍起來」、「媽祖也文青老街體驗之旅」、「蚵不蚵以藝起 去海邊」3 條遊程,規劃兩天一夜小旅行。來吧,一起出發! Both natural landscape and historical humanism are available in the tourism resources in Changhua. We recommend a total of 11 tours based on these resources. We create a two-day seaside trip based on three tours. These three tours are recommended by the Changhua County Government, "Gorgeous West Coast Photography Tour," "Hipster Mazu Old Street Tour," and "Oyster Picking Coast Tour."
從小鎮藝術到西濱生態 From Arts in Small Towns to Habitats on the West Coast
卡里善之樹以繽紛雨傘撐起彩虹小 鎮,代表夢想與希望。往濱海前進, 不能錯過擁有魔法元素的觀光工廠- 台灣優格餅乾學院,深入了解餅乾製 程。擁有地表最美打卡景點白色海豚屋 的自然生態教育中心,可說是了解西濱 生態最好的入口!
自然生態教育中心 The Changhua Natural Habitat Education Center
A small town becomes a beautiful rainbow town, thanks to Rainbow House, filled with colorful umbrellas. A magical tourism factory, Taiwan You Good School of Cookies, is on your way to the seaside, for visitors to learn a lot about cookie manufacturing. The Changhua Natural Habitat Education Center has a white dolphin house, the most beautiful check-in attraction in the world. It is the best place to start to learn about the habitat on the west coast.
鹿港老街文青巡禮 Hipster Tour of Lukang Old Street
歷史文化豐富的鹿港,是文青最 佳走訪之地!無論是全台知名的天后 宮、象徵小鎮發展史的鹿港老街,以 及周邊景點如鹿港公會堂、龍山寺、 摸乳巷等,都值得細細品味。此外, 桂花巷藝術村將日治時期宿舍群重新 整修,為藝術家提供創作工作室,並 成為與民眾交流的平台。
鹿港公會堂 Lukang Culture Center
Lukang is the best place for hipsters! Lukang Tianhou Temple is well known nationwide. Lukang Old Street symbolizes the development of this small town. Lukang Culture Center, Lukang Longshan Temple and Moru Lane are worth visiting. In the Lukang Artist Village, Japanese-style dormitories were renovated to allow artists to use them as studios. The Village has become an exchange platform.
夜宿鹿港大吃美食 Stay over in Lukang for lots of great food
晚上的鹿港老街依舊十分熱鬧,空氣裡充滿美食香氣,老饕必吃蚵仔煎、 麵線糊、芋丸、蝦猴、蝦丸、包子、魷魚羹等小吃,若想帶伴手禮給親朋好友, 傳承百年的在地糕餅是最佳選擇。夜宿鹿港,感受百年小鎮歷史氣氛。 Lukang Old Street at night is bustled with people. Foodies must not miss the oyster omelet, vermicelli paste, taro ball, mud shrimp, shrimp ball, bun and squid potage soup. local cakes made with techniques that have been passed down over a hundred years are the best choice for souvenirs. Stay over in Lukang to experience the history of the small town.
麵線糊 Vermicelli Paste
蚵仔煎 Oyster Omelet
Themed Tour
深度體驗觀光工廠與採蚵 A profound experience at the tourism factory and oyster farm
彰濱工業區有台灣玻璃館、緞帶王、白蘭氏健康博物館與卷木森活館 四大觀光工廠,是親子同遊、寓教於樂的好地方,還有一座全球唯一的 媽祖玻璃廟!沿著濱海往南,來到王功必要認識採蚵文化!順遊王功老 街、蚵藝文化館、王功燈塔外,還要體驗海牛採蚵、大啖新鮮海產,享 受漁村獨特的迷人風格。 Taiwan Glass Gallery, Ribbon Museum, BRAND's Health Museum and J. Wood Garden, the four major tourism factories, and the only Mazu Temple made of glass are located in Changhua's Coastal Industrial Park. Go south along the seaside to Wanggong. When you stop by, you must learn about the culture of oyster picking! Besides visiting Wanggong Old Street, Wanggong Oyster Craft Culture Center and Wanggong Lighthouse, you can also ride the oxcart to pick oysters (only available at suitable tide times), eat seafood, and have fun in the fishing village.
王功漁港 Wanggong Fishing Harbor 王功燈塔 Wanggong Lighthouse
照片提供:彰化縣政府 廣告 Photo Credit: Changhua County Government 廣告 照片來源:彰化縣政府
行程建議 Itinerary
卡里善之樹 Rainbow House 彰化縣和美鎮孝義路 391 巷 5 號 +886-4-7358038
No. 5, Ln. 391, Xiaoyi Rd., Hemei Township, Changhua County
台灣優格餅乾學院 Taiwan You Good School of Cookies 彰化縣線西鄉草豐路 501 巷 5 號 +886-4-7582448
No. 5, Ln. 501, Caofeng Rd., Xianxi Township, Changhua County
自然生態教育中心 The Changhua Natural Habitat Education Center 彰化縣伸港鄉 Shengang Township, Changhua County 鹿港老街 Lukang Old Street 彰化縣鹿港鎮埔頭街 Putou St., Lukang Township, Changhua County
桂花巷藝術村 Lukang Artist Village 彰化縣鹿港鎮公園三路 85 號
No. 85, Gongyuan 3rd Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County
夜宿鹿港 Stay over in Lukang
台灣玻璃館 & 媽祖玻璃廟 Taiwan Glass Gallery & Mazu Temple 彰化縣鹿港鎮鹿工南四路 30 號 +886-4-7811299
No. 30, Lugong S. 4th Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County
王功老街 Wanggong Old Street 彰化縣芳苑鄉芳漢路
Fangxin Rd., Fangyuan Township, Changhua County
蚵藝文化館 Wanggong Oyster Craft Culture Center 彰化縣芳苑鄉漁港路 900 號 +886-4-8936657
No. 900, Yugang Rd., Fangyuan Township, Changhua County
王功燈塔 Wanggong Lighthouse 彰化縣芳苑鄉漁港七路 146 號
No. 146, Yugang 7th Rd., Fangyuan Township, Changhua County
海牛採蚵體驗 Ride the oxcart to pick oysters (須搭配潮汐時間)(only available at suitable tide times)
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
卡里善之樹 - 為愛撐傘
電話 Tel:+886-4-7358038 # 彰化縣和美鎮孝義路 391 巷 5 號 No.5, Ln.391,Xiaoyi Rd.,Hemei Township, Changhua County
# 彰化縣伸港鄉慶安北路與慶安路交叉處 Intersection of Qing'an Rd and Qing'an N.Rd., Shengang Township,Changhua County
Following Internet Celebrities to Travel
福寶濕地 電話 Tel:+886-935-335855 # 彰化縣福興鄉新生路臨 63 號 No. 63, Xinsheng Rd., Fuxing Township, Changhua County
王功風力發電 電話 Tel:+886-2-23651234
# 彰化縣芳苑鄉 Fangyuan Township, Changhua County
扇形車站 電話 Tel:+886-4-7624438 # 彰化縣彰化市彰美路一段 1 號 No.1,Sec.1,Zhangmei Rd.,Changhua City, Changhua County
# 彰化縣線西鄉 Xianxi Township, Changhua County
109 年推動商圈振興補助計畫 《山盟海誓-山城水果之鄉東勢商圈邂逅海濱文化之都鹿港老街商圈》
水果之鄉X客家人文薈萃 水 果之鄉X客家人文薈萃
The C The County ounty o off F Fruit ruit aand nd H Hakka a k ka H Humanities umanities
東勢形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District 東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
臺中市東勢區為蔬果產業的重要城鎮,香甜多汁的蔬果如高接梨、甜柿、柑橘、 茂谷柑等等,都是外銷的品質保證,使得本地區有「水果之鄉」的美譽。與東勢 區形象商圈比鄰的客家文化園區,為東豐自行車道綠廊的終點,由早期東勢火車 站改建而成,保留著客家重要的歷史文化,極受遊客歡迎。來到東勢,商圈內的 傳統客家美食更是不可錯過,附近更有許多值得一遊的景點,如小中嵙健行步道、 巧聖仙師祖廟、鯉魚伯公廟、果菜市場、林業文化園區等。環境好、美食多、人 熱情的東勢,歡迎遊客們前來尋幽探訪。 Dongshi District, Taichung City, is an important area for the fruit and vegetable industry. Exporting high quality and juicy fruit, such as oriental pear, persimmon, citrus fruit, and honey tangerine, makes people call it “The County of Fruit”. Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, which is close to Dongshi Commercial District, is the destination of Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way. It was rebuilt from the old Dongshi Railway Station. Keeping the important Hakka historical culture, it became very famous among people. When you visit Dongshi, you can’t miss the traditional Hakka delicacy and those worth-visit attractions, such as Xiaozhongke Trail, Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple, Liyu Bogong, Dongshi Fruit and Vegetable Market and Dongshi Forestry Culture Park. Dongshi, a place with a beautiful environment, great delicacy, and hospitable people, welcome you to explore.
The Hakka Village of Native Style
東勢形象商圈位於東勢主要精華區中山路 上,臨近東勢客家文化園區,也是到谷關 必經的客家庄,保存了客家文化的歷史 傳承,並展示了客家人極具歷史價值的 生活智慧及文化演變,更是個高人氣的 觀光休閒商圈。
東勢區形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
Dongshi Commercial District is located on Zhongshan Road, the main essence area of Dongshi. The location is near Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, which is also the Hakka village you must pass by if you go to Guguan. This famous tourism and leisure commercial district preserves the historical heritage of Hakka culture and demonstrates the wisdom of life and the cultural evolution of the Hakka people.
「新丁粄節」-不容錯過的客家年度盛事 Taichung Dongshi Sindingban Festival – The Annual Hakka Festival You Can’t-Miss
東勢著名的客家重大年度盛事「新丁粄節」起源於 早期農業社會,因重男輕女觀念深厚,特重視「出丁」 文化,家中若有添丁或新婚等喜事,將於次年元宵製 作龜粄或新婚粄至廟中祭祀神祇。新丁粄節當天的一連 串活動,如踩街遊行、廟宇團體拼大粄比賽等,更成為東 勢一大特色文化。 The annual festival of Hakka culture in Dongshi, Shidingban Festival, is originated in the early agricultural society. Due to the thought of patriarchy, people cared about Chu Ding Culture (it means having a newborn baby boy in the family) so much. When a person gives birth to a baby boy or gets married, the family will make red tortoise cakes on the Lantern Festival in the following year and worship the Gods in temples. There will be a lot of activities at that day, such as carnival-style parade, Pindaban competition of temple groups. It became a distinctive culture of Dongshi.
巧聖先師廟 Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple
東勢形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
東豐自行車道 Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way
Nearby Attractions – Eco-Tourism and Leisure Area
東勢形象商圈恰巧位在東豐自行車道綠廊的終點,串連了周邊許多景 點,如:東豐鐵路綠色走廊、石岡水壩風景遊憩區、新社白冷圳文化區、 谷關溫泉風景區、四角林場生態教育園區等休閒觀光區域,形成了一個 完整的綠色觀光休憩帶,讓東勢商圈蛻變成知名的觀光休閒中心。 Dongshi Commercial District happens to be at the destination of Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way. It connects many nearby attractions, such as Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way, Shigang Dam Scenic Recreation Area, Shinshe Baileng Canal Cultural Area, Guguan Hot Spring Scenic Area and Sijiaolin Ecological Education Park, to form a complete eco-tourism and leisure area. And it also got Dongshi Commercial District to become a famous tourism and leisure area.
citrus fruit and honey tangerine
Fruit of Four Seasons
peach and oriental pear
temperate pear and japanese persimmon
persimmon and snow pear
東勢林業文化園區 Dongshi Forestry Culture Park
Must-visit Itinerary in Dongshi Commercial District 行程建議 Recommended Itinerary 路線
Itinerary 1:Humanity and Culture Feast
Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple
東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
東勢形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
東勢林場遊樂區 Dongshi Forest Garden
Itinerary 2:Natural Styles 怒橘哥
月恆門 Yuehengmen
東勢林業文化園區 Dongshi Forestry Culture Park
金門橋 Dongshi Golden Bridge
Picking pears at Pears Homeland
東勢形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
經濟部中小企業處 Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
109 年推動商圈振興補助計畫 《山盟海誓-山城水果之鄉東勢商圈邂逅海濱文化之都鹿港老街商圈》
海濱文化X歷史風情 海 濱文化X歷史風情
Seaside C Seaside Culture ulture X H Historical istorical S Style tyle
鹿港老街商圈 Lukang Old Street Commercial District
鹿港老街是臺灣最早的全面性古蹟保存區,亦是鹿港鎮商業發展 的歷史原點「古市街」,不論從歷史傳承、空間記憶或地理位置上 都具有相當重要的地位。鹿港給人一種古樸、懷舊的印象,走入鹿 港小鎮,就彷彿是進入一個時空隧道。「懷舊記憶」成為鹿港最重 要的意象指標。鹿港所擁有的豐富文化底蘊、古蹟景觀、美饌小吃 都集結在這一條充滿人文氣息的鹿港老街商圈。 Lukang Old Street is not only the earliest comprehensive historical site preservation area in Taiwan, but also the historical origin of the commercial development of Lukang - Old market Street. It’s of great importance no matter considering historical heritage, spatial memory or geographical location. The unadorned and nostalgic impression is what people feel about Lukang. When you walk into Lukang, it is like getting into a time tunnel. “Nostalgic memory” has become the most important image of Lukang. The abundant cultural background, historic sites, and delicacy of Lukang are all gathered in Lukang Old Street Commercial District, which is full of the atmosphere of humanity.
Fucheng, Lugang and Manka– The Most Prosperous Trade Port in Central Taiwan
西元 1784 年,鹿港與福建蚶江正式設港口對渡,開啟了臺灣中部最早的商業 繁盛時期。鹿港老街緊鄰港口,擁有絕佳的地利之便,形成船頭行與店家重要據 點。鹿港老街商圈所在區域即是昔日碼頭區船頭行的古市街,擁有豐富歷史典故、 多項鹿港特色傳統產業及巧藝,還有與鹿港人息息相關的生活美學、文化產業、 美食小吃等豐富多元的人文風貌,形成了現今的鹿港老街商圈。 In 1784, Lukang and Hanjiang, Fujian officially established ports to each other and started the earliest commercial prosperity in central Taiwan. Lukang Old Street is located near the port; its excellent geographical location has made it the important base for the trading companies near the port and stores. The area where the Lukang Old Street Commercial District is the Old Market Street in the early days. It has rich historical allusions, multiple characteristic traditional industries, and craftsmanship of Lukang, as well as diverse cultural features such as life aesthetics, cultural industries, and delicious food which are related to Lukang people; those have formed the current Lukang Old Street Commercial District.
鹿港美食 Delicacies of Lukang
鹿港老街商圈 Lukang Old Street Commercial District
Worth Keeping Historical Treasures
鹿港老街有著曲折的紅磚巷道,街區內 林立著舊式店屋,其內部格局每每耐人尋 味,帶領著旅人們進入時空隧道。一間間 百年街屋、一幕幕街景光影都散發出濃濃 歷史風味。至今仍璀璨的彩繪、雕刻、樓 井、青斗石階、窗櫺、吉祥圖騰、門口楹 聯都在在令人流連忘返。 There are tortuous red brick lanes and old-style stores in Lukang Old Street. The intriguing internal structures lead people into the space-time tunnel. You can feel the strong historical style from century-old houses or street scenes. The paintings, sculptures, middle floor, basalt steps, chinese lattice windows, auspicious totems and couplets are still bright and causes people eager to keep them.
The Old Street Full of Lively and Innovative Ideas
彰化縣鹿港老街發展促進會於 2004 年成 立,目前有近 80 名會員,65 個店家及攤商, 歷年舉辦活動以新春過年、鹿港慶端陽、鹿 港老街文化節為主,極受國內外遊客歡迎。
Lukang Old Street Development Promotion Association was established in 2004. Currently, there are almost 80 members and 65 stores and stalls. In the past years, it had held activities related to Chinese New Year, Lukang Dragon Boat Festival, and Lukang Old Street Culture Festival. The activities are popular among foreign and domestic visitors.
The Must Visit Itinerary of Nostalgic Old Street 行程建議 Recommended Itinerary 路線
南北鹿港走透透 Itinerary 1:Travel Around South and North Lukang 龍山寺
Longshan Temple
Nine Turns Lane
➡ Xingan Temple ➡
Remembrance Hall
Shih Yih Hall
鹿港老街商圈 ( 古蹟保存區 )
➡ Lukang First Market ➡ Lukang Artist Village ➡ Lukang Old Street Commercial ➡
Lukang Assembly Hall
District (Historic Site Preservation Area)
➡ Xinzhu Temple ➡ Lukang Mazu Temple
南鹿港懷舊遊 Itinerary 2:Nostalgic travel in South Lukang 文武廟停車場
Wenwu Temple parking lot
Nine Turns Lane
➡ Wenwu Temple ➡ Longshan Temple ➡ Molu Lane ➡ Xingan Temple ➡
Shih Yih Hall
➡ Wine Bottle Wall ➡ Tings Family Historical Residence ➡
Lukang Folk Arts Museum
北鹿港文化行 Itinerary 3:Cultural travel in North Lukang 天后宮停車場
➡ Teachers Lane Lukang Mazu Temple parking lot ➡ Rimao Hang (county designated historic site) ➡
Lukang Assembly Hall
Houche Lane, Ai Gate
鹿港老街商圈 ( 古蹟保存區 )
➡ Lukang Old Street Commercial ➡ District (Historic Site Preservation Area)
Cheng Huang Temple
Lukang Artist Village
➡ 新祖宮 ➡ Xinzhu Temple
➡ Lukang Mazu Temple
經濟部中小企業處 Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Cover Story
20 20
米其林「必比登推介」- 收錄台北台中 75 家上榜名單 2020 Michelin Bib Gourmand Full list of 75 winners in Taipei and Taichung
台灣美食躍上國際! 屬 於《 米 其 林 指 南 》 評 鑑 制 度 之 一 的「 必 比 登 推 介(Bib Gourmand)」, 於 2020 年 8 月 11 日公布 75 家上榜名單, 除了位於台北的 54 家,今年度 評選首次列入台中,並有 21 家 入選!跟著封面故事一窺這令 人癡迷的米其林美食! Taiwanese cuisine has become worldwide famous! Bib Gourmand, which is a part of Michelin Guide, had announced the list of 75 winners on August 11. The list includes 54 restaurants and food stalls in Taipei and 21 venues in Taichung, which is covered by Michelin for the first time this year!
照片提供:淇里思 Photo Credit: Chilliesine
照片提供:東山棧 Photo Credit: Dong Shan Zhan
照片提供:祥和蔬食 Photo Credit: Serenity
照片提供:京華煙雲 Photo Credit: Moment in Beijing
什麼是「必比登推介」? What is Bib Gourmand? 《米其林指南》評鑑制度分為三種:「米其林星」、「必比登推介」、「米其林餐 盤推薦」,其中「必比登推介」負責評選出「以台幣 1,000 元內能吃到三道優質料 理的傑出餐廳」,入選美食絕對物超所值。 Michelin Guide is divided into three parts, includes Michelin Star, Bib Gourmand and Michelin Plate. Bib Gourmand is to select the restaurants and food stalls where people can taste three high-quality dishes at a cost under NT$1,000. 43
Cover Story
75 間入選餐廳,愛玩編輯部將其概分為五類 展現「必比登推介」的多元味蕾。 To reveal the diverse taste buds of Bib Gourmand, we divided 75 selected restaurants into five categories. 1 街 頭 小 吃 Street Food
麵 食 Noodles
4 中 菜 Chinese Cuisine
其 他 Others
1. 街頭小吃,庶民的美味 Street Food, the delicacy of civilian
台灣菜 Taiwanese Cuisine
Street Food
「巷仔內」的街頭小吃,最能展現台灣在地生命力,小吃種類百百種, 舉凡:刈包、藥燉排骨、滷味、涼麵、臭豆腐、生煎包、米糕、蔥抓餅、 湯圓等,紛紛上榜,其中也不乏經營超過一甲子的老店。 Street food in the alley is definitely the best thing to show the vitality of Taiwan, such as sliced pork buns, herbal ribs, braised dishes, cold noodles, stinky tofu, pan-fried buns, rice cakes, scallion pancakes and glutinous rice balls. On the list, there are also some restaurants opened for over 60 years.
高麗菜飯 原汁排骨湯 Cabbage Rice and Pork Rib Soup 照片提供:蔡宜臻
2. 麵食,乾湯兩吃都可以 Noodles, dry noodles and noodle soup are both tasty
一碗麵,可乾可湯,乾的拌一拌配醬料入口,湯的必嚐湯頭鮮味。麵食變化之 多,光是牛肉麵又能區分清蒸或紅燒,而簡單乾麵加完甜辣醬便又不簡單,再 選上一些小菜,就是豐盛一餐。 A bowl of noodles can be dry noodles with sauce or noodles with flavorful soup. There are various noodle recipes. Taking beef noodle soup as an example, there are steamed beef noodle soup and red braised beef noodles soup. When sweet chili sauce is added, dry noodles taste totally different; with side dishes, it becomes a perfect meal.
照片提供:Gubami Photo Credit: Gubami
3. 台灣菜,創新與傳統並進
Taiwanese Taiwanese cuisine, the combination of innovation and tradition 什麼是台灣獨有的美味?料理中的肉類、蔬菜和海鮮,選 cuisine 以台灣在地食材作為主角,來一點豬腳、鴨肉麵線、豬油 拌飯和甕缸雞吧,再炒幾道台灣菜 餚,令人食指大動! What is the unique flavor of Taiwan? Making dishes with local ingredients from Taiwan,such as meat, vegetable and seafood. Come and taste pork knuckle, duck thin noodles, lard rice and urn roasted chicken. Then order some Taiwanese stir-fries. What a mouthwatering feast! 照片提供:女娘的店 Photo Credit: Mother's Kitchen
中菜,匯集各地風格 Chinese cuisine
Chinese cuisine
中菜菜系繁多,江浙菜、京菜、滬菜、粵菜、滇菜、川菜皆紛紛入圍, 亦有受人喜愛的上海點心,酸、甜、鹹、辣,各有獨門味覺,搭配餐廳 裝潢, 頗有中式風格。 There are many types of Chinese cuisine. Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine, Beijing cuisine, Shanghai cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Yu n n a n c u i s i n e a n d S i c h u a n cuisine are all selected. There is also popular Shanghai Dim Sum. No matter the taste is sour, sweet, salty or spicy, it has its unique flavor. With the decorations, the restaurants have Chinese styles.
照片提供:鼎泰豐 Photo Credit: Din Tai Fung
Others, more unique and amazing delicacy
除了上述類別外,必比登名 單中亦有 3 家印度料理,以 及素食、火鍋、粥、點心等 美食,提供饕客多元且驚喜 的選擇。 In addition to the above categories, there are also three Indian restaurants, vegetarian food, hot pot, congee and snack on the list of Bib Gourmand. Those restaurants provide diverse and surprising choices for gourmands.
照片提供:台客燒肉粥 Photo Credit: Tai Ke Meat Congee
2 02 0
必比登推介 x 75 家完整名錄
2020 Michelin Bib Gourmand x Full List of 75 Winners
臺北 Taipei 店家名稱
街頭小吃 Street Food 電話
海友十全排骨 Hai Yu Pork Ribs
台北市士林區大東路 49 號 No.49, Dadong Road, Shilin Dist.,Taipei
好朋友涼麵 Good Friend Cold Noodles
台北市士林區大南路 31 號 No.31, Danan Road, Shilin Dist., Taipei
鍾家原上海生煎包 Chung Chia Sheng Jian Bao
台北市士林區小東街 38 號 No.38,Xiaodong Street,Shilin Dist.,Taipei
高麗菜飯 原汁排骨湯 Cabbage Rice and Pork Rib Soup
台北市大同區延平北路三段 17 巷 2 號 No.2, Lane 17, Section 3, Yanping North Road, Datong Dist., Taipei
大橋頭老牌筒仔米糕 Da-Qiao-Tou Tube Rice Pudding
台北市大同區延平北路三段 41 號 No.41, Section 3, Yanping North Road, Datong Dist., Taipei
施家鮮肉湯圓 Shih Chia Big Rice Ball
台北市大同區延平北路三段 58 號 No.58, Section 3, Yanping North Road, Datong Dist., Taipei
劉芋仔 Liu Yu Zi
台北市大同區寧夏路 Ningxia Road, Datong Dist., Taipei
方家雞肉飯 Fang Chia Shredded Chicken on the Rice
台北市大同區寧夏路 44-2 號 No.44-2, Ningxia Road, Datong Dist., Taipei
豬肝榮仔 Rong's Pork Liver
台北市大同區寧夏路 68 號 No.68, Ningxia Road, Datong Dist., Taipei
梁記滷味 Liang Chi Lu Wei
台北市大安區通化街 39 巷 50 弄 Alley 50, Lane 39, Tonghua Street, Da'an Dist., Taipei
TAIPEI 駱記小炒 Lo Chi Hsiao Chao
台北市大安區通化街 39 巷 50 弄 27 號 No.27, Alley 50, Lane 39, Tonghua Street, Da'an Dist., Taipei
御品元冰火湯圓 Yu Pin Yuan Iced and Hot Tangyuan
台北市大安區通化街 39 巷 50 弄 31 號 No.31, Alley 50, Lane 39, Tonghua Street, Da'an Dist., Taipei
無名推車燒餅 Unnamed Clay Oven Roll
台北市中正區中華路二段 311 巷 Lane 311, Section 2, Zhonghua Road, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
吾旺再季 Wu Wang Tsai Chi
台北市中正區中華路二段 313 巷 29 號 No.29, Lane 313, Section 2, Zhonghua Road, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
臭老闆 現蒸臭豆腐 Stinky Tofu Boss
台北市中正區中華路二段 313 巷 6 號 No.6, Lane 313, Section 2, Zhonghua Road, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
藍家割包 Lan Chia Guabao
台北市中正區羅斯福路三段 316 巷 8 弄 3 號 No.3, Alley 8, Lane 316, Section 3, Luosifu Road, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
雄記蔥抓餅 Hsiung Chi Scallion Pancake
台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 108 巷 2 號 No.2, Lane 108, Section 4, Luosifu Road, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
陳董藥燉排骨 Chen Tung Pork Ribs Medicinal Herbs Soup
台北市松山區饒河街 160 號 No.160, Raohe Street, Songshan Dist., Taipei
阿國滷味 A Kuo Lu Wei
台北市松山區饒河街 226 號 No.226, Raohe Street, Songshan Dist., Taipei
紅燒牛肉麵牛雜湯 Beef Noodles and Beef Entrails Soup
台北市松山區饒河街 63 號前路邊攤 No.63, Raohe Street, Songshan Dist., Taipei
一甲子餐飲 Yi Jia Zi
台北市萬華區康定路 79 號 No.79, Kangding Road, Wanhua Dist., Taipei
昶鴻麵點 Chang Hung Noodles
台北市萬華區華西街 15 號 No.15, Huaxi Street, Wanhua Dist., Taipei
源芳刈包 Yuan Fang Guabao
台北市萬華區華西街 17-2 號 No.17-2, Huaxi Street, Wanhua Dist., Taipei
小王煮瓜 Wang's Broth
台北市萬華區華西街 17-4 號 153 號攤 No.17-4, Huaxi Street, Wanhua Dist., Taipei
臺北 Taipei
麵食 Noodles
賣麵炎仔 Mai Mien Yen Tsai
台北市大同區安西街 106 號 No.106, Anxi Street, Datong Dist.,Taipei
天下三絕 Tien Hsia San Chueh
台北市大安區仁愛路四段 27 巷 3 號 No.3, Lane 27, Section 4, Ren'ai Road, Da'an Dist., Taipei
清真中國牛肉麵食館 Halal Chinese Beef Noodles
台北市大安區延吉街 137 巷 7 弄 1 號 No.1, Alley 7, Lane 137, Yanji Street, Da'an Dist.,Taipei
永康牛肉麵 Yong-Kang Beef Noodle
台北市大安區金山南路二段 31 巷 17 號 No.17, Lane 31, Section 2, Jinshan South Road, Da'an Dist.,Taipei
阿國切仔麵 A Kuo Noodles
台北市中山區錦西街 20 號 No.20,Jinxi Street, Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
老山東牛肉家常麵店 Lao Shan Dong Homemade Noodles
台北市萬華區西寧南路 70 號 B1 之 15 室 B1, No.70, Xining South Road, Wanhua Dist.,Taipei
牛店精燉牛肉麵 Niu Tien Beef Noodles
台北市萬華區昆明街 91 號 No.91, Kunming Street, Wanhua Dist., Taipei
臺北 Taipei 店家名稱
台灣菜 Taiwanese 電話
阿城鵝肉 A Cheng Goose
台北市中山區吉林路 105 號 No.105, Jilin Road, Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
茂園 Mao Yuan
台北市中山區長安東路二段 185 號 No.185, Section 2, Chang'an East Road, Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
絕美歐風星級酒店在草屯 寶旺萊 6 號花園酒店位於草屯,鄰近烏溪河 畔,酒店建坪 2,500 坪,高達十層樓,擁有歐 香庭園咖啡、伴手禮精品館及頂樓空中花 園餐廳,風格低調奢華,不用出國就能 瞬間來到歐洲!為講求寬敞舒適,每 種房型的坪數都達 10 坪以上,並 以歐風家具打造佈置,宛如私 人豪宅。 交通方便,位於國 1、國 3 附近, 並可銜接國 6,由埔里、日月潭、台中、 彰化進來都不到 30 分鐘!加上周邊景點 豐富,絕對是住宿最佳選擇!
訂房專線:049-2328888 飯店位置:南投縣草屯鎮中正路 1751 號
TAIPEI My 灶 My Tsao
台北市中山區松江路 100 巷 9-1 號 No.9-1, Lane 100, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
雙月食品 MoonMoonFood
台北市中正區青島東路 6-2 號 No.6-2, Qingdao East Road, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
女娘的店 Mother's Kitchen
台北市士林區天母東路 97 號 No.97, Tianmu East Road, Shilin Dist., Taipei
欣葉小聚今品 Shin Yeh Shiao Ju
台北市南港區經貿二路 166 號 1 樓 No.166, Jingmao 2nd Road, Nangang Dist., Taipei
臺北 Taipei 店家名稱
中菜 Chineses 電話
好公道金雞園 Hao Kung Tao Chin Chi Yuan
台北市大安區永康街 28-1 號 No.28-1, Yongkang Street, Da'an Dist., Taipei
四川吳抄手 Chili House
台北市大安區忠孝東路四段 250-3 號 No.250-3, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Da'an Dist., Taipei
彭家園 Peng Family
台北市大安區東豐街 60 號 No.60, Dongfeng Street, Da'an Dist., Taipei
鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung
台北市大安區信義路二段 194 號 No.194, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Da'an Dist., Taipei
榮榮園 Rong Rong Yuan
台北市大安區信義路四段 25 號 No.25, Section 4, Xinyi Road, Da'an Dist., Taipei
北平陶然亭 Tao Luan Ting Roast Peking Duck Palace
台北市中山區復興北路 86 號 No.86 Fuxing North Road, Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
餅 糬&口酥 手工麻 餅 脆 純鮮奶
SAT 日式陳年
地中海 湯
Annie’s House
咖哩配印 拉奶油雞肉
牛肝菌 田季發爺燒肉 塔吉特千層蛋糕
飲 機雪耳
10/7起於「臺中市美術園道商圈」粉絲團開賣! 填寫完成報名表並於二日內匯款完成才算報名成功。 啟祺嘉 可單獨報名或以桌(10人)為單位報名,僅300席,名額有限,額滿為止!
洽詢電話 (04)23755482 臺中市美術園道商圈
日期/109年11月14日(六) 17:00 地點/美術園道C段(五權三街和五權五街之間綠色草地) 新月梧桐、京華煙雲、大和屋日本懷石料理、一米麥、巴部屋工房、 田季發爺燒肉、塔吉特千層蛋糕、POTALA布達拉西藏美食館、 澳們打邊爐、Annie’s House義式風味餐廳、啓祺嘉、雙鍋粵式豬肚 雞煲鍋
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
人和園 Jen Ho Yuan
台北市中山區錦州街 16 號 No.16 Jinzhou Street, Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
醉楓園小館 Tsui Feng Yuan
台北市松山區八德路三段 8 巷 5 號 No.5, Lane 8, Section 3, Bade Road, Songshan Dist., Taipei
點水樓 Dian Shui Lou
台北市松山區南京東路四段 61 號 No.61, Section 4, Nanjing East Raod, Songshan Dist., Taipei
都一處 Do It True
台北市信義區仁愛路四段 506 號 No.506, Section 4, Ren'ai Road, Xinyi Dist., Taipei
宋廚菜館 Sung Kitchen
台北市信義區忠孝東路五段 15 巷 14 號 No.14, Lane 15, Section 5, Zhongxiao East Road, Xinyi Dist., Taipei
臺北 Taipei 店家名稱
其他 Other 電話
泰姬 Taj
台北市大安區市民大道四段 48 巷 1 號 No.1, Lane 48, Section 4, Civic Boulevard, Da'an Dist., Taipei
番紅花印度美饌 Saffron Fine Indian Cuisine
台北市士林區天母東路 38 之 6 號 No.38-6, Tianmu East Road, Shilin Dist., Taipei
祥和蔬食 Serenity
台北市中正區鎮江街 1 巷 1 號 No.1, Lane 1, Zhenjiang Street, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
阜杭豆漿 Fu Hang Soy Milk
台北市中正區忠孝東路一段 108 號 2 樓 2F, No.108, Section 1, Zhongxiao East Road, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
杭州小籠湯包 Hang Zhou Xiao Long Bao
台北市大安區杭州南路二段 17 號 No.17, Sec. 2, Hangzhou S. Rd., Da'an Dist., Da'an Dist., Taipei
Maolan Black Tea Factory 魚池鄉中 明村在日月潭 畔,地名叫貓 口 蘭 山,是日據 時代日本人為 了發展台灣紅 茶,從印度阿 薩姆引進茶種,為了延續台灣獨有的風味紅茶,成立 本紅茶廠專製日月潭高品質紅茶。 Jhongming Village of Yuchih Township is located by the Sun Moon Lake, at the place named Maolan. During the Japanese Colonial Period, the Japanese people imported the tea species from Assam, India in order to develop the Taiwan black tea and this black tea factory was founded to specialize in the production of Sun Moon Lake quality black tea to continue Taiwan’s uniquely flavored black tea. +886-49-2898262 / 南投縣魚池 中明村文化巷2-9號 No.2-9, Wunhua Ln.,Jhongming Vil.,Yuchih Township, Nantou County
綠大地露營咖啡農場 Greenlandcamping
North Coast Seafood Wedding Hall 專賣帝王蟹,龍蝦大餐,無菜單,創意料理傳 統台菜,風華再現,有包廂,有喜宴,來館用餐 可點招牌香酥鴨,再搭配解膩解渴的自製貴妃花 茶,更是一絕。
The specialty of the restaurant is King Crab, lobster, chef's tasting menu and traditional Taiwanese dishes. We offer private rooms and wedding banquets. You can’t miss our signature dish, Crispy Duck and handmade Gui Fei flower tea. It can reduce the grease.
+886-4-24220286 / 台中市北屯區崇德路三段 569-1號(中油旁) No.569-1, Sec.3,Chongde Rd., Beitun Dist.,Taichung City
Chung-She Flower Garden
位在新社大甲溪畔上第一美景設有各式露營區 豐富生態園區,適合悠閒親子渡假的好地方。
It is located in the Dajia Riverside of Xinshe. There are different kinds of camping area and abundant ecological park. It's the good place for family trip.
園區花海佔地達六公頃,一年四季都有不同時 節的花卉繽紛綻放,不管何時來,都能大飽眼福!
In the park, there is a flower sea with about 6 hectares large. In different seasons, different flowers bloom. No matter which season you visit, you will have different feelings, watching these magnificent sceneries.
+886-4-22390991 / 台中市新社區慶西里上坪4-6號 No.4-6,Shangping, Xinshe Dist.,Taichung City
+886-4-25576926 台中市后里區三豐路五段333號 No.333,Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist.,Taichung City Open/ 09:00am-06:00pm
TAICHUNG 臺中 Taichung 店家名稱
麵食 Noodles 電話
阿坤麵 A Kun Mian
台中市中區平等街 142 號 No.142, Pingdeng Street, Central Dist., Taichung
上海未名麵點 No Name Noodles
台中市中區市府路 69 號 No.69, Shifu Road, Central Dist., Taichung
台中市西區存中街 46 號 No.46, Cunzhong Street, West Dist., Taichung
臺中 Taichung 店家名稱
台灣菜 Taiwanese 電話
范記金之園 Chin Chih Yuan
台中市中區成功路 170 號 No.170, Chenggong Road, Central Dist., Taichung
富貴亭 Fu Kuei Ting
台中市中區三民路二段 18 巷 31 號 No.31, Lane 18, Section 2, Sanmin Road, Central Dist., Taichung
富鼎旺 Fu Din Wang
台中市中區台灣大道一段 560 號 No.560, Section 1, Taiwan Boulevard, Central Dist., Taichung
馨苑 Shin Yuan
台中市西區民生北路 106 號 No.106, Minsheng North Road, West Dist., Taichung
富狀元豬腳 Fu Juang Yuan
台中市西區美村路一段 203 號 No.203, Section 1, Meicun Road, West Dist., Taichung
東山棧 Dong Shan Zhan
台中市北屯區東山路一段 380 號 No.380, Section 1, Dongshan Road, Beitun Dist., Taichung
溫叨 Wen Tao
台中市北屯區太原路 3 段 191 號 No.191, Section 3, Taiyuan Road, Beitun Dist., Taichung
東方龍 Orient Dragon
台中市南屯區公益路二段 271 號 No.271, Section 2, Gongyi Road, Nantun Dist., Taichung
三喜食堂 San Hsi Shih Tang
台中市南屯區永春東路 140 號 No.140, Yongchun East Road, Nantun Dist., Taichung
彭城堂 Peng Cheng Tang
台中市太平區宜昌路 377 號 No.377, Yichang Road, Taiping Dist., Taichung
臺中 Taichung 店家名稱
中菜 Chineses 電話
沁園春 Qin Yuan Chun
台中市中區台灣大道一段 129 號 No.129, Section 1, Taiwan Boulevard, Central Dist., Taichung
京華煙雲 Moment in Beijing
台中市西區五權七街 57 號 No.57, Wuquan 7th Street, West Dist., Taichung
陸園 Lu Yuan
台中市西區民權路 248 號 No.248, Minquan Road, West Dist., Taichung
新月梧桐 1924 Shanghai Restaurant
台中市西區五權西三街 123 號 No.123, Wuquan West 3rd Street, West Dist., Taichung
臺中 Taichung 店家名稱
其他 Other 電話
尚牛二館 Shang Niu Erh Kuan
台中市北區民權路 470 號 No.470, Minquan Road, North Dist., Taichung,
淇里思 Chilliesine
台中市西區存中街 47 號 No.47, Cunzhong Street, West Dist., Taichung
台客燒肉粥 Tai Ke Meat Congee
台中市南屯區五權西路二段 722-1 號 No.722-1, Section 2, Wuquan West Road, Nantun Dist., Taichung
滬舍餘味 Shanghai Food
台中市南屯區公益路二段 537 號 No.537, Section 2, Gongyi Road, Nantun Dist., Taichung
Mountain & Sea
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
阿里山眠月線 Alishan Mianyue Railway 電話 Tel:+886-5-2593900 (阿里山國家風景區 Alishan National Scenic Area) # 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Alishan Township, Chiayi County
金城武樹 Takeshi Kaneshiro Tree
# 臺東縣池上鄉伯朗大道 Brown Avenue, Chishang Township, Taitung County
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel your50134654 tony.chtop
阿里山神木秘境 Alishan Giant Tree 電話 Tel:+886-5-2593900 (阿里山國家風景區 Alishan National Scenic Area)
鼻頭角步道 Bitou Cape Hiking Trail
# 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Alishan Township, Chiayi County
電話 Tel:+886-2-24991210 (福隆遊客中心 Fulong Visitor Center) # 新北市瑞芳區鼻頭路 Bitou Road, Ruifang District, New Taipei City
玉山山頂 Yushan 電話 Tel:+886-49-2773121 (玉山國家公園 Yushan National Park) # 玉山國家公園 Yushan National Park
阿里山隙頂茶區 Alishan Shizhuo Tea Area # 嘉義縣阿里山鄉台十八線公路旁 On Alishan Provincial Highway 18., Alishan Township,Chiayi County
跟著石虎去旅行 打卡勝地 Following Leopardcat to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
向山行政暨遊客中心 Xiangshan Visitor Center 電話 Tel:+886-49-2855668 # 南投縣魚池鄉中山路 599 號 No.599, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
成為夥伴的快速通道! Fast way to becomea partner of leopard cats
崎頂火車站 Qiding Train Station 電話 Tel:+886-37-472030 # 苗栗縣竹南鎮北戶 55 號 No. 55, Beihu, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County
與黑羊相遇 Meet the Goat # 苗栗縣後龍鎮 Houlong Township, Miaoli County
Following Leopardcat to Travel
阿嬤洗衣場 # 南投縣魚池鄉頭社村 Tousher Village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County
龍鳳漁港 Longfeng Fishing Port
苗栗火車站 Miaoli Train Station
# 苗栗縣竹南鎮 Zhunan Township, Miaoli County
電話 Tel:+886-37-260031 # 苗栗縣苗栗市為公路 1 號 No. 1, Weigong Rd., Miaoli City, Miaoli County
Halloween Tombstone, Falling Snow Christmas Village
Leofoo Village Year-end Classic Presents
迎接西洋萬聖節,不能出國在國內同樣能體驗原汁原味萬聖節氣氛,六福 村主題遊樂園年年口碑發燒、人氣爆棚的鬼城「墓碑鎮」大門即將再度開 啟,不管是妖魔鬼怪或喪屍,受到墓碑鎮巫師強力召喚群魔亂舞,將以盛 大鬼怪慶典儀式,歡慶墓碑鎮骷髏禁地重返陽界! Without going abroad, you can experience the atmosphere of Halloween at Leofoo Village. The gate of the popular ghost town, Tombstone Town, is about to open again. Celebrating the skeleton forbidden land being back to the human world with the grand ghost celebration ceremony!
2020 六福村「墓碑鎮 - 厄鈴惡靈」,9 月 26 日起至 11 月 1 日為期一個多月 的主題活動,營造墓園場景、闇黑沼澤、傑克南瓜園以及全新登場 10 呎高嗜 血大惡魔,絕對是網美網紅不能錯過的拍照景點;還有惡靈大道快閃演出、惡 靈驚魂夜夜間遊行,往年一位難求、媲美百老匯國際水準驚悚臨場感「惡靈餐 廳」,今年邀請遊客們再次以鬼模鬼樣盛裝前來,參與六福村「墓碑鎮」年度 盛會! “The Tombstone Town - Er Ling Er Ling", the theme activity of 2020 Leofoo Village, will be held from September 26th to November 1st.There are many photo shooting spots you can't miss, such as the cemetery scene, the dark swamp, Jack's Pumpkin Garden, and the whole new Bloodthirsty Demon which is 10 feet high;and more, Evil Avenue Pop-up Performance, Evil Night Parade and Evil Restaurant, its scary presence is comparable to the level of Broadway Show. This year, we invite everyone to get dressed in ghost costumes and come here to have fun!
另外,六福村迎接歲末年終更將打造【夢幻冰雪耶誕】慶典,白雪飄飄瀰漫濃 濃氛圍的耶誕村,將國外經典場景搬到台灣,讓大家不必出國也能感受濃濃北 國風情。六福村亦將邀來重量級國際巨星耶誕老人駐村,陪伴小朋友們歡度耶 誕月,透過近距離互動,讓每個孩子都能夢想成真! Besides, Leofoo Village is going to build the Dreamy Frozen Christmas Festival at the end of the year. With the classic scenes of foreign countries, everyone can feel the Northland atmosphere without going abroad. We will also invite international superstar - Santa Claus to be here and accompany the children to celebrate the Christmas month!
六福村主題遊樂園 Leofoo Village
+886-3-5475665 新竹縣關西鎮仁安里拱子溝 60 號 NO. 60, Gungtzgou, Renan Li, Guanshi Jen, Hsinchu County
亞 洲 首 座 緞 帶 博 物 館 織造體驗
32 年的工藝堅持 帶你走進創意緞帶繽紛世界
# 熱門 IG 打卡熱點
#18 項免費體驗
# 緞帶 DIY 教學
寓教於樂 超值好玩 緞帶王觀光工廠堪稱亞洲首座緞帶博物館,更連續榮獲優良觀光工廠的 肯定,園區共規劃緞帶拼圖體驗、紡織穿紗體驗、緞帶主題拍照區、緞 帶博物館展覽區、緞帶幸福博物館等主題區。 不只可免費參觀全台唯一透明化緞帶生產線, 還能在織造體驗區,體驗動手織出緞帶的樂 趣。園內有許多可愛浪漫的緞帶裝置拍照 場景,緞帶恐龍樂園、彩虹步道,更 成為熱門 IG 打卡熱點。還有各種緞帶 DIY 教學體驗活動,琳瑯滿目各種緞 帶販售,品嘗各地美食,寓教於樂, 超值又好玩,是鹿港最適合 親子遊樂的最佳去處!
彰化縣鹿港鎮鹿工路 15 號
緞帶王觀光工廠 Facebook