2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards-Issue

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ENG - TCSA 成果摺頁(正面).pdf 2 2018/1/15 下午 07:15:15

台灣企業永續學院 Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability

Our Mission Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability (TACS) was established by Taiwan Institute of Sustainable Energy (TAISE) in 2016 with an aim to enhance Taiwan’s corporate sustainability (CS) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) dimensions. TACS’s mission includes: 1. to encourage and provide recognition of CS development successes, fulfilling CSR and recognizing exemplary enterprises, 2. to promote CS and CSR education, research and training, 3. to undertake the evaluation processes for outstanding corporates in implementing sustainable efficacy in Taiwan.

Ot h e r TA C S A war d s

Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards




TCSA is to recognise the implementation of corporate social responsibility and to promote corporate sustainable development, in the hope to foster to support enterprises with successful sustainable development, thereby establishing Taiwan’s exemplary models of sustainability. TCSA was presented with Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Awards, Corporate Comprehensive Performance Awards, Best Performance of Specific Category Awards and Corporate Sustainability Report Awards. The four awards categories select excellent sustainable performance businesses and best CSR reporting, highlighting Taiwan’s sustainable model corporates.






Climate Change Painting Competition Into the seventh year of running, the Climate Change Painting Contest, with guidance from the Ministry of Education attracted more than 2,450 entries. The emphasis on climate issues is not only the responsibility of the State and its related organizations, but also the individual's interest in how to make good use of resources, energy saving and carbon reduction, and how to develop creative thinking to contribute to the Earth's climate.

CSR Academic Paper Awards With an aim to encourage the pursuit of CS and CSR knowledge, and its application in universities and companies, the Awards is established to foster both CS and CSR academic research and the development of corporate sustainability. Leading sustainability trends and creating the vision of corporate susatinable development.

Taipei Golden Eagle Micro-Movie Festival The Taipei Golden Eagle Micro-Movie Festival is created to provide a platform for businesses in Taiwan to deliver its corporate sustainability development in ways of performing arts and films. Thereby connect with the world and to a sustainable future. The 2018 Taipei Golden Eagle Micro-Movie Festival discovers the stories behind the development of sustainable development of businesses. The award’s name Golden Eagle is pronounced “jin diao” in Chinese in which it also means the “explicitly carved” of films.

To re

2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards Preface Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability (TACS) President / Dr. Eugene Chien

01 Introduction 02 Observation and Trend

2 4 10

This Year's Result and Observation / TACS Sevretary Greneral / Dr. Yung-Shun Shen


Environmental Dimension Observations / Dr. Young Ku


Society Dimension Observations / Dr. Yu-Shan Chen


Governance Dimensions Observations / Dr. Hsien-Lun Hu


03 TCSA Honorary Award


04 Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Awards


05 Taiwan Corporate Sustainablity Awards


The Most Prestigious Sustainability Award - Top Ten Domestic Corporates


TOP 50 Sustainable Corporates


The Most Prestigious Sustainability Award - Top Three Foreign Corporates


06 Best Performance of Specific Categories


People Development Awards


Creativity in Communication Awards


Growth through Innovation Awards


Transparency and Integrity Awards


Social Inclusion Awards


Climate Leadership Awards


Sustainable Water Management Awards


Supply Chain Management Awards


Circular Economy Leadership Awards


07 Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


TOP 50 Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


Preface As the “TCSA Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards” enter the conduct of our Tenth Annual celebration, we recall our founding in 2008 as the “Corporate Sustainability Report Awards”, empirically evincing the flourishing progress and growth of Taiwan’s success in corporate sustainability; a decade ago, overseas firms had been assiduously deploying sustainability information disclosure efforts for some time, and began to include them as core operating strategy components for corporate annual development; comparing Taiwan’s domestic performance at that time, the number of enterprises which had then issued CSR report was limited, performing well behind more advanced nations. The Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy realized the emerging trend of the time and our urgent requirements, leading the way to host our First Annual “Corporate Sustainability Report Awards”(CSRA), to recognize and encourage industry leaders in corporate sustainability reportage; after many years of progress, our overall domestic corporate CSR publishing efforts and the quality thereof have noticeably improved, with Taiwan reaching parity with the international sustainable development trends, which allowed us to develop more distinct Awards to recognize enterprise realization of corporate sustainable development efficacy and results, since 2013, we enhanced from the prior CSRA to the new “Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards” (TCSA), which now include

Ambassador at Large Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability (TACS) President

Dr. Eugene Chien

Awards across four major subject: Corporate Comprehensive Performance, Corporate Best Performance of Specific Category, Corporate Sustainability Report, and Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Award. Moreover, since 2016, to enhance the content and diversity of Taiwan corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility, we have established the Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability (TACS) and continued to host the TCSA, while also including foreign branches within the judging, fully realizing the international harmonization of our recognition and encouragement for exemplary and exceptional domestic and foreign enterprises. Through the concerted efforts, collaboration and cooperation of government, the civic sector and civil society, industry and academia, for the past decade, our domestic promotion of corporate sustainability is now flourishing as a trend, and attracting the serious attention of ever more corporate leaders and senior executives, such that Taiwan’s corporate performance has been noted on the international stage as quite stellar, with 18 Taiwan firms included for consideration


in the DJSI in 2017, and 11 selected for inclusion

Finally, it is a privilege and pleasure to recognize,

in the Emerging Markets Index, sharing first place

honor and congratulate each of this year’s winning

with Thailand; also, according to Bloomberg’s

corporations and exemplary individuals, as well

2017 ESG Disclosure Comparison results, Taiwan

as to express my highest personal respect and

followed just behind France, in Second Place

appreciation, for each of your excellence in not

worldwide! Thus, one can see that Taiwan’s

only all the CSR evaluation dimensions, but also

companies’ promotion of sustainability issues in

for reflecting in your practical operations results

terms of quality and the quantity of governance

and EPS significant pragmatic growth and positive

information disclosure have not only greatly

results, which will ensure participating and Award

expanded, but have reached leading roles

winning corporations will redouble their efforts

globally. This recognition of domestic corporate

at streamlining, while grasping the latest trends,

sustainability performance by overseas institutions,

developing their core competencies, professional

provides us with deep appreciation and honor,

technology and capabilities, as well as inculcating

but also makes it a privilege here to continue to

CSR into your corporate operations strategies

endeavor promoting cooperation with everyone, to

and directions, for continuous enhancement of

enhance corporate sustainability efficacy and the

sustainability efficacy, as we work together to

realization of corporate responsibility. In particular,

lead Taiwan’s economic growth and development,

this year we set the “Corporate Sustainability

environmental sustainability, and social inclusion,

Lifetime Achievement Award”, recognizing their

equity and social justice, along with all the

vanguard vision and outstanding contributions to

benchmarks dimensions of national sustainability

the sustainable development field, for a variety of

success as we move and evolve forward with

Awards reflecting the corporate world’s diverse

progress in attaining, achieving and maintaining

contributions to the many unique dimensions of

our sustainable development.

sustainability. This year 143 enterprises registered for the competition, for a total of 209 corporate participants to date, and constituting 83% of Taiwan’s 2016 GDP, with an especially significant portion of the domestic economy, so this year’s TCSA is highly important for our domestic corporate sustainability field. In response to increasing participation from years past, we have continued to accelerate and expand the professionalism of the Judging, ensuring its fairness and transparency, by establishing a completely voluntary Judges system through open selection in 2015, after training and qualifying to serve as a volunteer Judge, with broadening participation and support from diverse industries and entities. This year there are 261 volunteers with practical corporate sustainable development issue experience and 88 academics and experts participating in the Judging pool to evaluate the entries, ensuring the evaluation process and results were comprehensive and equitable.

01 Introduction 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards




Since 2008, Taiwan Institute for Sustainable

1. Stimulating corporate social responsibility

Energy (hereafter, TAISE) has held the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA) now in its Tenth Annual conduct, to evaluate entrants for the Award, enjoying appreciable growth in participation each year, with an accumulated total to date of 209 corporations, whose corporate income constitute 83% of Taiwan GDP, indicating the importance that domestic enterprises place on the Award.In order to satisfy the ever growing participants of TCSA Awards, ensuring judging to be objective, fair, just and stringent, TAISE since 2015 has deployed the first Reportage Judges Training and Open Selection system among all those nations with CSR award


History and Overview of Judging the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA) principles and concepts, while promoting practice in corporate sustainability. 2. Recognizing attainments in corporate social responsibilities, and promoting corporate efforts at sustainable development. 3. Enhancing Taiwan’s corporate social responsibility standards and realization of broad multifaceted dimensions of sustainability issues. 4. Relying on the Awards to foster comprehensive Taiwan enterprise concern for corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues.

√ Pillars of existence

events. In the past two years TAISE has offered 22

DNA: Transparency, Integrity, Sustainability,

series of beginning and intermediate workshops,


while successfully training more than 700 Observer Judges. These volunteers are nominees hailing from a broad range of industries and entities’ personnel with CSR backgrounds, who complete training and testing for selection processes and practical judging experience, ensuring that the system nurtures a coterie of qualified corporate sustainability personnel, while furthering the relevant technical information and capabilities, thereby enhancing our goals of ensuring judging objectivity and open transparency. To further enhance the academic scope and influence of the CSR field, in 2016 TAISE established the Taiwan Academy for Corporate Sustainability (TACS), which conducts the evaluation processes for the Awards. The Award i n t e n d s to en sure judg in g an d recognit ion activities, which will encourage more enterprises participation in internalizing sustainable operation and management strategies, while unleashing their creative and innovation potentials, thereby enhancing Taiwan’s corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility development standards, and achieving international harmonization while progressing toward corporate sustainable operations.

√ Positioning • Enhancing Taiwan corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility dimensions as a leader in directing this international trend. • Unifying government sustainable development policy directions, while serving as a hub platform for corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility. • Promoting corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility education and research, training of professional human capital and promoting empowerment.

√ Vision Establish an environment of social inclusion, fairness and equity, promoting economic growth,


development, sustainability, and opportunity for

international corporate operations in Taiwan for


local sustainability and information disclosure efforts, and service to provide information

√ Mission

for stakeholders and the public, creating

Encouragement and recognition of corporate

mutual benefits and profitability, with win-win

sustainable development success, deftly fulfilling

situations for local employment, the economy

corporate social responsibility and recognizing exemplary enterprises, while establishing social

and social development.

models and recognition leading benchmark

Best Performance of Specific Categories:

corporate examples to provide learning

Recognizing best corporate performance and

opportunities, through transparent training,

exemplary models, the following efficacy awards are

fidelity, responsible, and sustainable corporate


cultures endeavoring to achieve globalization and international harmonization.


People Development Awards

Committed to staff career development and nurture


Creativity in Communication Awards

Recognize outstanding communications creativity, while establishing stakeholder consensus.


Exhibit vanguard innovation capabilities Growth through and values, and fulfilling corporate Innovation Awards growth while continually meeting profitability goals.


Transparent corporate governance Transparency and procedures to demonstrate the integrity Integrity Awards of business operations.


Social Inclusion Awards


Responsive to climate change, Climate Leadership displaying excellence in reducing or Awards ameliorating effort.


Establish sustainable and safe water Sustainable Water supply systems and equipment, and Management disclosing significant water resource use Awards reduction results.


Supply Chain Management Awards


Improve resource usage, develop innovative business models, creating Circular Economy success across the three dimensions of Leadership Awards the economic performance of Business, Environment, or Society.

Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards. Evaluate and recognize corporate sustainability efficacy with “Corporate Comprehensive Performance” Award, excellence in respective areas through the “Best Performance of Specific Category” Awards, encourage corporate information disclosure transparency through the “Corporate Sustainability Report” Award, and recognition for outstanding individuals contribution in promoting enterprise efforts at sustainable development through “The Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals”. Explained as follow-

Corporate Comprehensive Performance: (1.) The award evaluates overall performance across three dimensions, Corporate Governance, Environmental Management, and the public interest, among the outstanding firms fulfilling social responsibilities while meeting their visions for development and strategic directions. The award is made, respectively, to Domestic Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises.




Award Judging Contents There are four main categories in the 2017 TCSA


Meeting social requirements as core to establish shared value operating modes.

Fulfill environmental protection, human rights and corporate governance, and establish sustainable supply chain management.

Corporate Sustainability Report (CSR) categories:

(2.) “Taiwan Domestic Enterprises”: the top ten

Judging of enterprise CSR reportage includes the

performing corporations are honored with the

three assessment dimensions of Comprehensiveness,

“Most Prestigious Sustainability Award - Top

Credibility, and Communication Efficacy.

Ten Domestic Corporates”, and the enterprises

Evaluations also consider official corporate website

placing in eleventh to fiftieth place are awarded

CSR information disclosure, for which the top fifty

with the “TOP 50 Corporate Sustainability

placers are recognized with the “TOP 50 Corporate


Sustainability Report Awards”, and those placing

(3.) Since 2016, we’ve been hosting award for

after fiftieth can be recognized with the “Corporate

“Foreign Corporate” for the recognition of

Sustainability Report Award”. The judging

01 3. When corporate sustainability results have

Guidelines and ACCA Awards criteria, recognizing

already been successfully demonstrated,

information disclosure completeness, credibility,

participants may select for recognition for

and communication efficacy with Corporate

“Corporate Comprehensive Performance” or

Sustainability Report coverage evincing fulfillment

“Best Performance of Specific Categories” .

of social responsibility.

Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals’ Award:


follows the international standards of the GRI G4

- The Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Awards Nominations will be accepted from appropriate

Recognizing fulfillment of corporate social

domestic and foreign government agencies,

responsibility, exemplary contributions promoting

NGOs, enterprises, and academics, with

corporate sustainable development work,

recommendation of the respective nominee.

evincing personal and professional excellence, the “Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Award” is established.

For registration and participation guidelines: visit the official TCSA website URL at

Participation Qualifications


Registration Requirements - Taiwan Domestic Enterprises 1. The company must be lawfully established in the Taiwan region and engaged in domestic operations and efforts, and must be a public or private enterprise or organization operating within the Republic of China. 2. Participants must complete registration to be included for evaluation of their Corporate Sustainability Reportage, and submissions shall include the most recent two year (2016 or 2017) CSR reportage, with disclosure contents covering 2015 or 2016 calendar years including corporate ESG information, sustainability, and social responsibility reportage. 3. When corporate sustainability results have already been successfully realized, participants may select from among the award categories for recognition in “Corporate Comprehensive Performance” or “Best Performance of Specific Categories”.

- Foreign Enterprises 1. The enterprise must be lawfully authorized in the Taiwan region and engaged in local operations and efforts, and must be a public or private enterprise or organization operating within the Republic of China. 2. Submit a domestic branch or subsidiary CSR report for evaluation to determine whether to participate in the “Corporate Sustainability Report” judging. 7

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ENG - TCSA 成果摺頁(背面).pdf 1 2018/1/15 下午 07:22:14










Taipei Financial Center Corp.

Kung Sing Engineering Corporation

02 Observation and Trend 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards


Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability Secretary General

Dr. Yung-Shuen Shen

Observation and Trend

Observations on Judging the 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards With the emergence of the global corporate sustainability trend, the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) has now for the past decade hosted the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), earning broad recognition and participation from Taiwan domestic enterprises, with steady growth in entrants, and appreciable enhancement in the quality of participant corporate sustainability reportage (CSR) and corporate sustainability (CS) efficacy performance. The qualitative improvement of these domestic enterprises CSR reportage appreciably reflects recent years’ success of Taiwan companies in attaining international recognition from CSR evaluations. Taiwan has merited recognition this year (2017) in Bloomberg’s survey of Global, Regional and Economies Corporate Sustainability ESG degree of disclosure and quality (as the Outstanding Asia-Pacific Performer and second globally only to France). As Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) in 2015 announced a new public policy strategy that four major corporate sectors would be subject to mandatory disclosure of CSR reportage, giving rise to a strong impetus emphasizing the criticality of serious issuance of CSR reportage, and the TCSA has also worked over the years to assiduously promote CSR judging and workshops, attaining major progress in Taiwan’s capacities. Hence, we recognize the success of our government and private sector cooperation working hand-in-hand together in this leading international trend. The 2017 TCSA Awards participant corporation background and trends are as follows:

Previous Years’ Participation and This Year’s Entrants The Awards are witnessing steady increase in participants, with a 25% increase annually, while this year (2017) enjoyed 143 entries, increase of 21 firms over last year’s 122 participants, for a total to date of 209 enterprises participating, representing 40% of all Taiwan’s CSR publishing efforts, while constituting 83% of Taiwan’s 2016 GDP. Since the majority of entries are from major corporations, they consequentially exercise a more significant influence and impact on Taiwan’s society and corporate environment. 250


First Published 209

Previous Participation


Total Accumulated Statistics






86 71

50 0







42 25

31 23






31 16







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year


Corporate Participation Award Category

Coprporate Nationality of Participants

This year the TCSA judging includes four major

The entrants this year were primarily Taiwanese,

award categories. From promoting corporate

for some 92%, and 11 international enterprises,

realization of sustainability efficacy through the

8% of participants. Most of the transnational

“Corporate Comprehensive Performance” Award, to

enterprises ensure their headquarter company

recognizing individual efficacy results through the

publishes Corporate Sustainability Reportage

awards for “Best Performance of Specific Categories

to meet the demands of their stakeholders,

Award”, to fostering corporate information

including the operational status of all the regions

disclosure transparency with the “Corporate

in which they are active. However, since the TCSA

Sustainability Report Award”, and recognizing

emphasizes disclosure of Taiwan operations, there

outstanding contributions at inculcating human

are fewer international enterprises whose branch

capital with corporate sustainable development

operations or subsidiaries in Taiwan publish such

efforts through “The Outstanding Corporate

Taiwan-specific reportage. Nevertheless, this year’s

Sustainability Professionals Award”. These four

entrants increased by one over the participants

award categories serve to evaluate outstanding

last year(2016). TAISE will maintain a steadfast

results in our domestic enterprise sustainability

commitment to encourage foreign investors

efficacy and for excellent corporate sustainability

in Taiwan to publish Corporate Sustainability

reportage, helping give recognition to Taiwan’s

information disclosure, and endeavoring in

exemplary firms for their sustainability success.

their respective fields to advance sustainable

Among the 143 participant corporations, there were

methods, realizing the international vision of their

131 entered for the CSR Report Awards, among

headquarter operations to support a vision of

which there were 49 recognized for their “Corporate

sustainability, and serving as exemplary models

Co m p reh e n siv e P erfo rm an c e ” (inclu d ing 5

from which Taiwan can learn in the hope of

international firms), while for the three classes

improving our own exemplary domestic enterprises’

of the “Best Performance of Specific Categories

sustainability performance.

Awards” (a total of 148 participants), there were 33 corporations with 35 entries for the “Social Inclusion Awards”, 25 corporations with 26 entries

France 1%

for the “Growth through Innovation Awards”, and

Germany 1% Japan 2%

20 corporations with 21 entries for the “People

Singapore 1%

Development Awards“. This year’s newly included

Taiwan 92%

“Circular Economy Leadership Awards” included

United Kingdom 1% United States 3%

nine participants, reflecting the growing interest in such newly emerging international sustainable development issues.

Industry Sector and Size Data


Industry sectors cover 19 areas, with the largest participation being the manufacturing sector at

44 13


35 16






Co rp or Co ate rp sus or ate tain Ou C ab tst (In C an ter or (T om ility din na po aiw pre rep g C tion rat an he or tc D n a e or po l En Com om sive ateg P t ra te erp preh estic erfo orie Su rise e En rm s sta s ns t ina ope ive erpr ance is bil r P ity atin erfo es) Pr g i rm n T an of Pe es op sio aiwa ce Gr le na n ow De ls ) th v Aw e th lop ar ro ds m ug Tra en hI ns tA nn pa wa ov re rd ati nc s on ya nd Aw Cli In ar m t d Cr eg ate s ea tiv Le rity A ity ad wa in er r ds sh Co ip m Aw m un ar i ds c ati Su So on pp cia ly Su Aw l I C n sta ar ha clu ds ina in sio M ble nA an W w a ge ate ar Cir ds m cu rM en lar an tA Ec ag wa on em rd om s en yL tA ea wa de rd rsh s ip Aw ar ds




23%, followed by electronic parts manufacturing at 18% and the finance and insurance sector at 15%, while the remaining 12 sectors were all less than 12%, respectively. From these results we can see the entrants were highly diversified, evincing the TCSA enjoy importance and attention from a wide variety of domestic industries.

02 Real Estate 2%

Non-profit organizations 1% Human Health and Social Work Service1% Professional, Scientific and Technical Service 1% Accommodation and Food Service 2% Traditional Manufacturing Service23%

Construction 2% Electricity and Gas Manufacturer 4% Transportation and Storage 4% Wholesale and Retail Trade 6% Other Services 7% Computers, Electronic and Optical Products Manufacturer12% Financial and Insurance Service 15% Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturer 18%

GRI Indicator Status and Practical Accreditation/Certification Standards

Observation and Trend

Information and Communication 2%

Among all the competing corporations, there were 13 (9.9%) relying on the GRI Standards, 104 (79.4%) using the GRI G4, with 3 (2.3%) concomitantly using the GRI Standards and Integrated Report (IR), and 11 (8.4%) using both the GRI G4 and IR standards. These indicate that Taiwan domestic

Among the entrants, there are 94 (65.7%) publicly

CSR reportage relies heavily on global consensus

listed companies, with 12 (8.4%) over-the-counter

standards, overall participants’ CSR report enjoys

(OTC) traded firms, and the number of unregistered

high quality. As integrated reportage issues take the

firms (including NGO/NPO) totaled 37 (25.9%).

fore internationally in recent years, the tendency

As for size, there are 86 (60.1%) major enterprises,

of Taiwan corporations to further promote CSR

with small and medium sized enterprises totaling

reports to IR reports has become increasingly

of 13 (9.1%), transnational enterprises comprised

clear, with the increase of 14 corporations this year.

of 26 (18.2%), and there are 18 others (12.6%). In

Among the competitors some of 90.8% (119) used

the Non-profit organizations category there are

third-party accreditation/verification for their CSR

4 entrants (including universities, Science Park

reports. In which 68.9% (82) used the AA1000,

Administrations, and Hospitals).

23.5% (28) used the ISAE 3000, 4.2% (5) used both and 3.4% (4) used other standards, such as

DJSI Indexed Companies

the DNV GL VeriSustain. These results indicate that current domestic CSR reportage accreditation

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) is the

standards tend to rely on the AA1000, while as the

world’s premier index for evaluating the vanguard

Taiwan FSC continues to expand the categories of

leaders worldwide for social responsibility, and

business sectors mandated to seek accreditation/

in this year’s (2017) annual entries, there are 319

certification, use of the ISAE 3000 standards will

contestants for DJSI inclusion, from 29 countries,

likely increase.

among which 18 from Taiwan were selected for


inclusion in the DJSI (10 in the Global Index; 17 in the Emerging Markets Index, sharing first place with Thailand). In 2017 the Center for Corporate Sustainability (CCS) 8 corporate members were selected for inclusion in the prestigious DJSI


GRI Standards

2016 CSR (this year) [115 entrants and CSR reports; 106 using 3rd party accreditation/ verification]

2017 CSR (this year) [131 entrants and CSR reports; 119 using 3rd party accreditation/ verification]









111 1

96.5 0.09

104 0

79.4 0

GRI Standards; IIRF IR





the five global corporations representing the






semiconductor and its equipment industries, three


















(80% of Taiwan’s included enterprises), and 14


were included in the Emerging Markets Index (contributing 82.3% of Taiwan’s share), for stellar results. Taiwan had especially spectacular performance in the semiconductor arena, among

were from Taiwan, including TSMC in its 17th consecutive year for inclusion in the DJSI, as well as the ASE Group which was selected as the Global Semiconductor Leader; the China Steel Corporation was selected as the 2017 Global Steel Industry

Reportage Standard


ISAE 3000 Third party accreditation Dual standard accreditation /verification Other standards



New Entrants As for this year’s new entrants, there are 35 firms

sustainable development synergistic harmony

(24.5%; where as last year had 33 new firms or

should be more concretely interconnected.

27%), with 6 (4.2%) being the first time CSR

2. Besides a linear correspondence to the UN

Reportage publishers (last year had 11 (9%) new

SDGs, corporations should consider their core

entries ; among which four were recognized, namely

technologies and products in harmony with

the Chang Horing Rubber Group, YOKE Industrial

the goals, establishing responsive strategies,

Corp., Shin Puu Technology, and Sino-American

proposals and efficacy presentation.

Silicon Products Inc.). With the trend for increasing

3. T h e s h o r t - t e r m a n d l o n g - t e r m g o a l s f o r

requirements from Taiwan’s FSC mandating greater

sustainable governance strategies, and major

industry sector preparation of CSR Reportage, we

issues in management directions and methods for

can expect more new entrants to CSR Reportage

realization could be more discretely explained.

and TCSA participation to appreciably increase over

4. The supply chain implementation efficacy

the future. In sum, the status of corporate sustainability information disclosure in past years’ TCSA compared with this year’s has witnessed significant progress, with TCSA winners for CSR Reportage this year (about 66.4%) appreciably greater than last year (51.3%) representing a marked improvement in disclosure quality. Our major Taiwan domestic enterprises have a solid grasp of CSR Reportage

disclosure comparison information could benefit from relevant planning for strengthening common growth of the supply chain ecology. 5. More discrete explanations of innovative products and new services, and their interconnection with financial performance efficacy. 6. D i s c l o s u r e o f c l i m a t e c h a n g e r i s k s a n d opportunities forecasting results.

techniques, implementing critical analyses, textual

Taiwan corporations are representative of our

and visual information presentation, attaining

national competitiveness, so with the challenges

robust experience in quality and quantity, and

posed by the international trend in CSR issues,

those in the lead are already publishing reportage

if corporations will enhance their sustainability

at international standards.

cognition and efforts, no doubt we will witness

Additionally, most corporations’ CSR reportage includes major areas of important disclosure, corporate efficacy and negative information transparent disclosure, as well as clear CSR key metrics presentation and writing techniques marking great improvement. Also, domestic corporations are proactively including in their CSR reportage, pragmatic feedback and consideration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with marked increase, but the depth of such coverage has not been uniform. Online CSR webpage multimedia design and presentation has improved from years past, but there remains room for improvement of domestic website planning and performance status when compared with the physical CSR reportage quality and international corporate website design standards and quality. As for overall observations on this year’s CSR participants, the following recommendations for streamlining are suggested: 14

1. Corporate sustainability visions and global

concomitant improvement in Taiwan’s international image, status, stature, and standing. We aspire for all Taiwan’s domestic corporations to assiduously and with alacrity anticipate more involvement and participation in sustainability information disclosure activities, fulfillment of social responsibility, improvement of sustainability management practices and information disclosure standards, so they will be more able to perform at international standards for exemplary corporate sustainability management benchmark practices, attaining international harmonization and achieving the goals of sustainable operations.

02 Observation and Trend

Environmental dimension Observations United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda impacts on Corporate Sustainable Development Environmental protection and economic development must work in tandem is a major goal for many nations aspiring for such an ideal goal, but concomitantly achieving such objective results is not an easy matter in praxis, so as we face global warming in recent years, disparity in energy supplies, and severe challenges threatening the ecological system, there are damages which affect the natural ecology and are seemingly intractable, creating tremendous losses and significant harms to society and the economy. Meanwhile, enterprises face an onslaught of demands for environmental protection, which have evolved from the past requirements of responsiveness to government imposed environmental protection laws and regulations, to public and environmental group protests and

Dr. Young Ku

demands, which have now evolved to include the panoply of stakeholders (including consumers and customers, clients, investors, employees, and the entire supply chain) exercising pressure for environmental protection aspirations, as well


as international harmonization guidelines and overcoming trade barriers and obstacles affecting this arena. It is thus no

Chair Professor, National Taiwan

surprise that corporate sustainable development must develop

University of Science and

on the basis of a harmonious synergy among mankind and

Technology Department of Chemical

nature, so for the future corporate development must continue

Engineering; Executive Director,

to face ever more environmental and resource related issues,

Taiwan Environmental Management

and stakeholders can be expected to continuously evolve

Association, and Convenor, 2017

their conceptions of environmental resource management,

Taiwan Corporate Sustainability

providing even greater and more long-term impacts and

Awards Environmental dimension

lasting influences on corporate operations.


In 2015 the United Nations announced the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development�, establishing the theme for 2016

Executive Director, The Chinese

to 2030 along with a blueprint for Sustainable Development

Institute of Environmental

Goals (SDGs), and their launch and establishment of vanguard

Engineering, Sustainable Development

global strategic partnerships, international and trans-border

Committee Member, Executive Yuan

cooperation and collaboration over the long-term to replace

(the Cabinet), and Consultant, Taiwan

the prevalent cognitive mode emphasizing local short-term

EPA, Executive Yuan

bottom line performance defined singularly and solely as profits, for concerted efforts to deploy long-term planning and operations, thereby securing the achievement of the SDGs through global best practices deftly implemented worldwide. The scope of the SDGs contents broadly include objectives


directly relating to environmental protection, such as: “SDGs6: Clean water and sanitation”, “SDG12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”, “SDG13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”, “SDG14: Life bellow water”, and “SDG15: Life on land”; and targets indirectly related to environmental protection include: “SDG7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”, “SDG9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”, “SDG17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”, etcetera, to guide enterprises to inculcate and interconnect the SDGs with their corporate sustainability framework, allowing for diverse considerations of the significance of environmental sustainability, and major environmental issues, while practically contributing back and responding to global SDGs. The 2017 Tenth Annual “Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA)” enjoyed noticeably more entrants this year, with more robust information disclosures across all environmental dimensions, and enjoying framework contents and constructs which were more complete and comprehensive, while a number of enterprises also began to strengthen their reportage of sustainability efficacy and interconnections with the SDGs. As we face the future environmental issues affecting sustainable development, naturally corporations will explore their values for a harmonious balance among social considerations and development, assiduously planning pragmatic and practical policies and short-term strategic policy initiatives for environmental sustainability, while establishing follow-up and traceability procedures and mechanisms to ascertain and approve their quantified goals, promoting relevant strategies, technologies and improvements in implementation and critical review of realization measure efficacy, so as to attain all our aspirations for environmental resource sharing and stewardship.


02 Observation and Trend

Society dimension Observations SDGs Observations of Corporate Social Responsibility In 2000, 189 member states jointly announced the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, (MDGs) aiming to achieve their targets between 2000 and 2015, thus enhancing global welfare and prosperity. The eight goals include: To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, To achieve universal primary education, To promote gender equality, To reduce child mortality, To improve maternal health, To combat HIV / AIDS, malaria, and other diseases, To ensure environmental sustainability and To develop a global partnership for development. Throughout 2000 to 2015 the world witnessed a decline in global poverty levels by 12%, while children unable to attend school were reduced more than half, and disease induced morbidity declined by 6 million persons. However, even though the MDGs enjoyed exemplary results between 2000 to 2015, the UN nevertheless felt there remained

Dr. Yu-Shan Chen

room for improvement and thus established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, on September 25, 2015, the “UN Development Summit” announced “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

Affiliation Professor, National Taipei University Department of Business Management; Convenor, 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards Society Dimension; Committee Member, National Sustainable Development Awards, Executive Yuan (the Cabinet, Taiwan), and Co-Convenor, Taiwan Center for Corporate Sustainability,

Development”, focusing on those aspects of the MDGs which had been left somewhat unfulfilled, through the proposal of 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and 169 detailed benchmark indicators or metrics, to serve nations or other organizations over the next fifteen years (from 2016 through 2030) to attain the SDGs targets and directions. These 17 SDGs comprise the trifecta of the dimensions of sustainable development through “Economic Development”, “Social Concerns”, and “Environmental Protection”. Thus, corporations engaged in promoting sustainable development

Research and Development Committee

or corporate social responsibility, should not forget to also


nine related to the Society dimension includes: SDG 1 No

Recipient, Emerald 2016 Citation

being, SDG 4 Quality Education, SDG 5 Gender Equality,

of Excellence Award; Feng-Chang Lu Memorial Award, Chinese Management Association; Youth Management Award and Harvard University Fulbright Fellow Postdoctoral Award

focus their aim on these 17 SDGs. Among these 17 SDGs, the Poverty, SDG 2 Zero Hunger, SDG 3 Good Health and WellSDG 10 Reduced Inequalities, SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, and SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals. Hence, as corporations implement the society dimensions of their sustainable development efforts, these are the nine aspects of the SDGs for emphasis. Through my continued participation in the judging


for this year’s Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA), I have personally noticed that more and more of our Taiwan enterprises are incorporating descriptions of their efforts in regard to the SDGs within their 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility Reportage or Corporate Sustainability Reports. Moreover, the award winning enterprises can rely on the description of their SDGs targeted efforts in their Corporate Social Responsibility Reportage, evincing the unique characteristics of their performance. As corporations endeavor with alacrity to achieve and attain all 17 SDGs in their entirety, corporations must balance all the dimensions of their operational activities, scope of business, core competencies, sense of mission and corporate vision, strategic objectives, strengths as well as weaknesses, so as to adroitly focus their efforts on the relevant SDGs. Sustainable development is thus already a shared global value, and the SDGs have blossomed as corporate objectives, and as leading emerging industry trends. Selecting the appropriate set among the panoply of SDGs for cogent corporate efforts with clarity for sustainable development, not only helps avoid waste of resources, but also allows for optimally targeting resources on the relevant SDGs, ensuring optimized corporate sustainable development performance, results and efficacy. Additionally, choosing the relevant SDGs to serve as highlights for description in Corporate Social Responsibility Reportage or Corporate Sustainability Reports, can not only evince an enterprise’s unique character and characteristics, but also can practically inculcate the panoply of enterprise stakeholders about the actual efficacy of the corporation in sustainable development results, achieving their recognition and support, thereby further enhancing the overall positive corporate social influence and impact. Thus, through the coalescence and synergistic deployment of robust description of the SDGs, a corporation can not only efficaciously improve its corporate image, but attain the support and recognition of all its stakeholders, allowing for greater access to needed core strategic resources, and thereby improving the corporation’s holistic market competitive strengths.


02 Observation and Trend

Observations on Governance dimensions Corporate Sustainable Management New Homework In 2015 the UN announced two major initiatives relating to sustainable development: the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, which have served to set the pace and trajectory for global economic, environmental and social development. Since corporations play an imperative and irreplaceable role in the global movement towards sustainable development, international corporate sustainable development significantly affects domestic corporate operations and development, so in terms of corporate operating and governance teams, the best practices and trends in corporate sustainability are even more pressing and important issues of concern. So let me now present a few personal anecdotal observations and experiences with corporate sustainable development trends!

Dr. Hsien-Lun Hu

Taiwan’s enterprises are no longer unfamiliar with the UN SDGs, and corporate CSR reports will no doubt include how the company is responding to the SDGs. In fact, the practical and pragmatic realization and implementation of the SDGs involves panoply of multiple exclusions and offsets. One


most recent authoritative global leader, the International

Distinguished Professor, Institute

Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) published “Guide to SDG

of Environmental Engineering and Management, National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) Convener, 2017 TCSA Corporate Sustainability Report Corporate

Interaction: From Science to Implementation”, which proceeds from the scientific perspective to elucidate the intertwined relations of the 17 SDGs. If we are truly committed to the belief in our being “sustainable corporations”, then we must better appreciate this topic, to ensure we do not have to face

management Category

the law of unintended consequences as we strive for a better


In response to the global climate change aspect, currently

Chief Expert, Asian Productivity

Taiwanese corporations are assiduously endeavoring to

Organization, Deputy Director Committee, Taiwan Corporate Governance Association


enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, with concomitant establishment of emission reductions targets. At the same time, Taiwanese businesses establish emission reduction goals, most find they lack sufficient rigorous and robust data and metrics to monitor and provide a rational basis for reductions, which cannot prove helpful to achieving and sustaining the objective of reducing global temperature rise by 2 C . As the international community has reposed O

duties on corporations to engage in emission reduction and carbon reduction practices, there must be scientifically and


empirically valid and validated objectives and

fell out of the top contenders range. It may that

targets, which is why comparison vehicles are

this circumstance is not a result of a failure to do

imperative, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability

better, but rather that the various sustainability

Index (DJSI) and the Carbon Disclosure Project

comparison measures performance fell behind

(CDP) both of which demand Science-based

competitors’ progress, indicating the key is for

Targets (SBT). Recently, some domestic enterprises

corporate governance senior levels to redouble

have launched responsive efforts, and no doubt

sustainability awareness, cognition, and levels of

for the future this area will emerge with greater

support. Since sustainability is already well known

importance, indicating how corporations emphasize

to be interrelated with innovation, and closely

means of resolving these responsibilities, rather

so, how to deploy corporate core capabilities for

than a mere token response.

operational strategies and sustainable solutions

Another dimension related to carbon risk is the trend announced by the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) “Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TFCD), which in December 2016 issued two reports and Guidelines for Climate Risk related Disclosures. Since the FSB is a critical international financial stabilization organization, and its guidelines require carbon risk disclosures, and these have been adopted by the CDP as requirements for annual corporate survey items, so their future capital markets affects will no doubt exercise ever more significance. The final item to mention is the emergence of Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and forecasting which are gaining greater importance daily as ecological resource disclosures. In 2011 the PUMA Company released their own innovative Environmental Profit and Loss (EP&L) metrics, heralding the world’s premier corporate natural capital accounting report, with disclosure of the company’s land uses, air pollution emissions, waste generation, and other environmental damage overhead for the entire 2011 year, which far exceeded traditional corporate internal overhead calculation, with expansion to include their supply chain’s environmental challenges systematically. Currently, more and more enterprises are adopting and deploying these approaches, for an emerging ecological disclosure trend which corporate governance observation will emphasize for the future. In this year’s (2017) most sought after and broadest based benchmark sustainability indicators, the DJSI and CDP results indicatedecline in the performance of Taiwan corporations. , and even


connected to the creation of corporate sustainability competitiveness, will pose significant future missions for Corporate Sustainability Governance.

04 Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Awards

03 TCSA Honorary Award 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards


TCSA Honorary Award

Our Better, Brighter Future Together! Chairman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (TSMC)

Dr. Morris Chang Experience

• Chairman, Industrial Technology Research Institute • President, Operating Officer of General Instrument Corporation

03 TCSA Honorary Award

example in the seven areas of Morality, Business Ethics, Economy, Rule of Law, Sustainability for our planet and the next generations, Work/ Today heralds the 30th anniversary of the Taiwan

Life Balance and Happiness, work in the Public

Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereafter

Interest and Philanthropy. During that same year,

TSMC)! In 1987, I founded TSMC by pioneering a

I directed our Chief Financial Officer to establish

revolutionary new business model that gave rise to

our premier “CSR Committee”, to efficaciously

two completely new and innovative industries: the

and holistically integrate our internal resource

dedicated IC foundry and fabless IC design. Now

capacities, competencies, and capabilities, across

in our third decade, I am privileged to lead TSMC

research and development, manufacturing,

as the global dedicated IC foundry leader. Over the

environmental protection, finance, quality control,

years our team has innovated with our customers,

customer relations, human capital development,

driven continuing progress in global technology,

our entire supply chain, as well as social and

brought about proliferation of a convenient digital

community participation, to lay the firm and lasting

lifestyle, and enabled many wonderful changes for

foundations for TSMC to emerge as a robustly

empowerment in modern society.

green enterprise.

Just one month ago, we hosted our 30th Anniversary

TSMC believes our corporate social responsibility

Symposium, with all our key global clients, strategic

is “to uplift society”. After extensive discussions in

partners and stakeholders from around the world

2015, Chairman Dr. Morris Chang and the entire

to join us here in Taiwan, in a broad ranging and

senior management team, announced “Uplifting

unfettered discussion of our common aspirations

Society” as our global corporate vision and

and the emerging trends for the semiconductor

identified three primary missions to focus TSMC's

industry for the next decade. As the largest provider

CSR efforts: “Acting with Integrity”, “Strengthening

of the logic integrated circuit industry, the IC chips

Environmental Protection”, and “Caring for the

we produce serve as the backbone for today’s global

Disadvantaged”. In our daily operations, we remain

high technology, whether in Mobile computing,

steadfast in persistent strengthening, fostering

HPC, automotive electronics, the IoT, and other

and stewarding our commitment for sustainable

emerging fields, our role is both central and indeed,

development. This panoply of sustainability

the irreplaceable core.

strategic tools suite serves to ensure TSMC

For TSMC, as we seek to ensure sustainable

consistently reflects our core values across our ten

development, we not only focus on developing our core competencies to their ideal, but also

key operational precepts, because working as a team in conjunction is the only means to realize our

strive for optimal profitability, earnings and

sustainable operations.

value for our shareholders, while contributing

So to our present era, and with our exceptional

our share to fulfilling environmental and social

corporate culture, each TSMC team member is

responsibility through our robust, pervasive,

dedicated to giving their all, working assiduously

persistent, and profound commitment. We keenly

and with alacrity, ensuring doing their very best to

appreciate that the greater the size of an enterprise,

commit to securing the TSMC mission across the

the concomitantly greater are its impact and

trifecta dimensions of the economy, environment,

influence on industry and society, so since 2011,

and society, so in the deepest recesses of my

I committed to personally preparing the Taiwan

heart, each of our TSMC employees represent

Semiconductor “CSR Matrix”, clearly elucidating

the repose of our richest assets; concomitantly,

our scope of corporate social responsibility,

we strive to deploy the most fervent interaction

while aiming to achieve success across the seven

and collaboration with our shareholders, clients

cardinal dimensions in which TSMC aims to set an

and customers, supplies, society, and each of our


treasured stakeholders, because TSMC knows all

consistent principle to which TSMC has adhered

too well, to paraphrase the famous anecdote, “no

since my founding of the firm, and to which we

successful corporation is an island”. Everyone

remain steadfastly dedicated to the present. Now,

at TSMC recognizes our success is embedded

upon our thirtieth anniversary, it is with special

in society. Over the past three decades, we have

honor and privilege that I have been personally

endeavored to cooperate with our customers and

recognized with the “Corporate Sustainability

suppliers to innovate the world’s most creative and

Lifetime Achievement Award”, which I share

empowered semiconductor research, development

with my entire TSMC team as a treasured honor

and manufacturing team, ensuring our production

reflecting well upon our shared past and committed

processes enjoy the highest capital commitments

endeavor to the present among all at TSMC. As

to assure environmental sustainability, along with

we commit to maintaining our solid principles,

robust profitability and returns on investment

TSMC will continue to “Create common sustainable

for our shareholders and investors, while

development, achieve social justice and equity,

concomitantly contributing to society and creating

and promote the common welfare for a society

value for all our stakeholders.

replete with happiness and meaning”, synergizing

Throughout this time, TSMC has maintained fulfillment of responsibility as the core foundation of our corporation, and this has remained the

and energizing the social dynamic for continued progress and innovation for our better, brighter future together.

TSMC CSR Matrix Society TSMC Acting with Integrity

Morality Business Ethics, Economy ●

● ●

Environmental protection, Climate change, Energy saving Emphasis on corporate governance

Sustainability Work/Life work in the for our planet Balance Public Interest and the next and and generations Happiness Philanthropy

Compliance Oppose corruption, No bribe, reject political and business relations

Rule of Law

● ●

Provide quality work opportunity

High-quality shareholder feedback

● ●

Promote employee life balance Actively encourage innovation

● ●

Provide a good working environment Volunteer social service Culture and Education Foundation

Our TSMC Core Values and 10 Key Operating Principles: http://www.tsmc.com/chinese/aboutTSMC/values.htm


● ●

● ●

04 Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Awards 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards

Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Awards This is the very first time TCSA set up awards to recognize individual that lead corporate with sustainable plan and has outstanding contribution to corporate sustainable development. The first year "Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Awards" candidates were recommended by different industrial experts and reviewed by scholars and judges. The review committees view on contestants outstanding achievement, overall contribution, impact and reputation, hope to select the model professional individual that is worth learning from for all corporate owners and managers.

• Criteria 20% Hub Status




Overall Contribution

20% Social Influence




Corporate Reputation

20% Special Deeds

• Judges

Lai, In-Jaw

Chung-Shu Wu

Tsai-Yi Wu

Yun-Ming Lee

Chief Judge

President, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research

President, Taiwan Research Institute(TRI)

• Distinguished Professor

Chair Professor, National Taipei University, National Chiao Tung University

• President, Judicial

• Chairman, Taiwan

Economic Association

Yuan & Chief Justice, Constitutional Court

Lee Swee Huat

Chien-fu Jeff Lin

Yang, Ku

Professor, College of Commerce National Chengchi University

• President, Taiwan

Chair Professor, National Taiwan University of Technology Chemical Engineering

• VP & CHRO, TSMC • VP, Asia Pacific, Lucent

Technologies • General Manager, GE China


Institute of Economic Research • Chairman, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council

• Chairman, The

Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering

and Director, Institute of Natural Recsources Management, NTPU • Secretary General, CCS

04 Outstanding Corporate Sustainability Professionals Awards

Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

Daniel M. Tsai


Education Georgetown University, MA Law


• Chairman, Fubon Financial Holding Company Ltd.

• Chairman, Taipei Fubon Bank

AU Optronics Corporation

Paul S. L. Peng Chairman and CEO Education Heriot-Watt University, MA Business managment


• General Manager, AU Optronics Corporation • General Manager, AU Optronics Corporation Monitor business Headquarters


05 Corporate Sustainability Awards 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards

A total of 44 corporate applicants applied for this years TCSA "Corporate Comprehensive Performence" Award, with 261 judges in the primary process and 9 environmental social and governance field experts in the semi-final judging process. Finally, with 9 finalist judges selecting 15 semi-finalist, in order to decide the final"The Most Prestigious Sustainablity Award - Top Ten Domestic Corporates" award winner.

The Most Prestigious Sustainability Award - Top Ten Domestic Corporates TOP 50 Sustainable Corporates The Most Prestigious Sustainability Award - Top Three Foreign Corporates


P.31 P.36 P.45

Corporate Sustainability Awards This award recognizes senior enterprise executives for their clear values for corporate sustainability, principles and visions, and for their establishment of clear governance frameworks and objectives, ensuring integration of sustainable strategies into corporate operational concepts, realizing corporate governance, ensuring environmental protection, achieving social harmony, and deploying supply chain management, to assiduously endeavor for global sustainability issues and innovative methods for corporate operational strategies and core competency syntegrity, while implementing exemplary corporate sustainability, and revealing practical efficacy in positive corporate fiscal and operational growth performance, worthy of meritorious recognition as an exemplary domestic enterprise leader.

• Criteria 15%



Corporate Sustainability Vision and Strategy


Performances of Corporate Governance

15% Performances of Social Inclusion

Financial Operations Performances






Performances of Supply Chain Management

15% Performances of Environmental Protection

15% Recognition of Outstanding Results

• The Most Prestigious Sustainability Award - Top Ten Domestic Corporates Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.

Sinyi Realty Inc.

Delta Electronics, Inc.

Chunghwa Telecom

E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

CTCI Corporation

China Steel Corporation

AU Optronics Corporation

Fubon Financial Holding Company Ltd.

MediaTek Inc.


• TOP 50 Sustainable Corporates Tranditional Manufacturing

IT & IC Manufacting


Far Eastern New Century Corporation

Inventec Corporation

Hotai Motor Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Sugar Corporation

GIGA-BYTE Technology Co., Ltd.

KD Holding Corpporation

TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd.

Qisda Corporation

Pacific SOGO Department Store Co., Ltd.

Asia Cement Corporation

ChipMOS Technologies Inc.

Far Eastern Department Store Ltd.

Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation

Nanya Technology Corporation


Finance & Insurance

Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation

China Steel Express Corp.

Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Cement Corporation


Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation

Real Estate & Construction

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

China Life Insurance CO., Ltd.

Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd. Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

REIJU Construction Co., Ltd.

Nonprofit Organization Nanhua University

• Judges

Shih-Chun Hsu

Rong-I Wu

Wei-Wen Li

Paul S. P. Hsu

Ching-Ray Chang

Chief Judge

• Senior Minister,

• Founder and

• Founding Chairman

• Executive Vice

• Kao Reyan Chair

Professor, Feng Chia University • Chairman, Taiwan Institute of Directors

• Former Vice Premier of Executive Yuan

Honorary Chairman, The Society of Wilderness

• Committee,

, Epoch Foundation • Chairman and CEO, PHYCOS International Co., Ltd.

National Sustainable Development Association

Alice Kuo

Chien-Chi Chen

Pei-Chi Chen

Yang, Ku

• President, Chin

• Associate Professor

• General Manager,

• Chair Professor,

Credit Information Service, Ltd.

• Credit/Risk

Management in Dun & Bradstreet.


Presidential Palace

and Director, Department of Earth and Life Science University of Taipei

• Former

Chairman, Taiwan Environmental Information Association

Bloomberg Taiwan Branch

Technology Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Technology

• Chairman, The

Chinese Institute Environmental Engineering

President, Administrative affairs, National Taiwan University(NTU) • Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics, NTU



Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.

Corporate Sustainability Award


A Better Future Together – CSR is part of TSMC’s DNA Guided by Dr. Morris Chang’s “TSMC Business Philosophy”, Corporate Social Responsibility has long been an internalized principle for every TSMC employee. TSMC has always played a key role in providing innovative solutions to the semiconductor industry, which enables new technologies that help overcome the challenges we face. Beginning with our fundamental integrity core value, we view employees as our most precious asset, build the strongest innovation team in the semiconductor industry with our customers and suppliers, and dedicate resources to ensuring environmental sustainability and providing abundant returns to shareholders, investors and the society to create sustainable value to our stakeholders.



Delta Electronics, Inc. On Track with SDGs and Becoming a Global Corporate Citizen To fulfill our corporate mission “To provide innovative, clean, and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow”, Delta integrates CSR with business strategies that correspond with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are active in implementing three commitments of “We Mean Business” and we strive to establish ESG management in our green supply chain. As a global corporate citizen, Delta also promotes green building concepts internationally with the Delta Green Building Exhibition.




E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd. LOVE - Build a Better Society E.SUN upholds a business philosophy of "expertise, service, and business" and combines corporate social responsibilities and business strategies. E.SUN's sustainability strategy is built around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and complete top-down implementation of the SDGs. The aim is to make real improvement of the global sustainability issue and to create a brighter future.



China Steel Corporation

Steel Commitment to Corporate Sustainability CSC draws its short-, mid- and long-term strategies based on its vision, “We aspire to be a trustworthy steel company of global distinction that pursues growth, environmental protection, energy saving, and value innovation.”, for the sustainable development. CSC Group’s position“Bases its headquarters in Taiwan, centers its development in Asia and categorizes the businesses of steels and materials, engineering and services, mines and resources with philosophies of environmental protection and energy saving.”




Fubon Financial Holding Company Ltd.

Corporate Sustainability Award


LIGHT Radiating Positive Energy Driven by the spirit of “positive energy,” Fubon Financial Holdings pursues five strategies – Leading investment, Innovative finance, Golden practices, Honest lending, and Tender care – focused on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) goals to foster economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability. Core competencies are leveraged to strengthen the Company’s sustainable practices and steadily pursue 12 of the SDGs to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection. The initiative also aims to enhance Fubon’s competitiveness and harness the positive influence of the financial sector to promote global sustainability and make the world a better place.



Sinyi Realty Inc.

Provide World-class Service with CSR Since the Sinyi Group was founded, the company has held fast to the “people first”principle and challenged itself to provide world-class service with CSR. It is the company’s ultimate goal to achieve coexistence and mutual prosperity with the society. Six strategies were then developed to balance all stakeholders’ interests and lay a foundation for future sustainability. We keep proving that righteousness and profitableness can be both achieved through implementation of business ethics. The company continues to go beyond its core business to initiate various innovative practices that address interests of different stakeholders.




Chunghwa Telecom The Engine of Digital Economy and the Pilot in the Innovation Industry CHT has set the goal from becoming "the most valuable and trustworthy ICT company" to "the engine of digital economy, the pilot in the innovation industry" in 2016. With the motto of "always ahead" and "the value lies where the responsibility lies," CHT injects profit into corporate governance, environmental protection and social integration to reach a mutually beneficial cycle.CHT responds to SDGs and DIGI+, and is committed to eliminating all digital barriers, making people benefit from digital technology regardless of age, social status, geographical factors, education level to protect human rights, shorten the digital divide and create opportunities.



CTCI Corporation Building A Global Brand Image and Enhancing Sustainable Development Capability To realize our vision of being the most reliable global engineering services provider, we built a brand new CTCI in 2016 and began the first year of our new branding campaign. CTCI has always upheld its corporate culture of "professionalism, integrity, teamwork, and innovation" in our commitments. While displaying our achievements in operations and governance, we are committed to the research of innovative technology and the development of green engineering. We develop strategies for climate change and pollution prevention to respond to the global issue of carbon reduction. In terms of social participation, we build longterm trusted partnerships with all stakeholders to grow and fulfill our social responsibilities together.


05 TOP

Corporate Sustainability Award

AU Optronics Corporation


PANTONE 308 C 企業色


Outstanding enterprise with sustainable operation Since the initiation of ‘AUO Green Solution’ in 2008, AUO has been progressing steadily on the path to sustainability, taking economic, environmental and social aspects into consideration to achieve sustainable development. Aside from incorporating sustainability in our operation, we are dedicated to influencing external stakeholders for a sustainable future.



MediaTek Inc.

Connecting the next billion In our 20th anniversary, we made a declaration of "Connecting the next billion" –we will strive to innovate technologies to help people connect to the world, and to create endless possibilities. Innovation comes from the interactions between MediaTek employees and talents from all over the world. We turn innovative ideas into practical solutions to enhance and enrich everyone's life. In the future, MediaTek will expand the achievements from the past 20 years, and connect the society, environment, cultural aspects, and everyone's life with technology. We will also continue to fulfill our responsibilities as a corporate citizen.


Tranditional Manufacturing

Far Eastern New Century Corporation

Inventing New Century and Creating Sustainable Growth

FENC pursues sustainable development. Actively communicate with stakeholders, set environmental, social and governance objectives, and formulate policies for implementation. We create innovative products continuously, and bring a win-win solution of human development and the global environment.

Tranditional Manufacturing

Taiwan Sugar Corporation

Making Contributions to Sustainability and Rebuilding Warm Memories and Bonds

Taiwan Sugar Corporation upholds the concept of sustainable management, devotes itself to implementing circular agriculture and creating social interests, and retrieves social identity with the use of cultural assets. The functions of the board of directors are continuously optimized, and under the guidance of the board members, the proceedings and the strategies are determined for the full practice of corporate governance norms to achieve the responsibility for sustainability.

Tranditional Manufacturing

TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd. “Energy-saving, emission-reducing, intelligence and automation”, “stressing corporate governance and pursuing sustainable development”, as well as “building a happinessoriented corporation and encouraging integration of humanism and technology” are the three major directions of vision for TECO’s on-going developments.

Growing Sustainably


TECO has been implementing its concepts of sustainable developments, which base on corporate governance, environment sustainability, and society prosperity, for 6 decades and, steadily and rapidly, continues to grow and thrive for the next 60 years.

05 Corporate Sustainability Award

Tranditional Manufacturing

Asia Cement Corporation

Green Partner for Building Sustainable Home Land and Sustainable Circular Economy

Asia Cement follows its mission and vision to develop sustainable targets for 2020, such as sustainable mining, implementation of the three-stage cement 4.0 five-year plan, promoting cement plant to circular economy, caring for the interests of aboriginal groups, and sustainable environmental education to achieve long-term sustainable goals.

Tranditional Manufacturing

Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation

「Better Chemistry Better Life」

Everlight Chemical’s corporate governance ranks among the top 6~20% listed companies in the list. Emphasize on enterprise commitment,and establish a good relationship to employee to become a happy business. Everlight Chemical was awarded "work-life balance" award by the Ministry of Labor in 2016.It promoted “Character First education”, economic ethics, care for the vulnerable groups and also commited to environmental sustainability, material flow cost accounting, (MFCA), circular economy, supplier green partner certification etc. We have significant results in energy-saving, water-saving, waste reduction and ecological benefits in 2106. Tranditional Manufacturing

Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation

Do less for more

CHP takes the sustainable development as the common denominator for our company operation. On the mission of mutualistic symbiosis between the environment and society, human oriented as the core value, we devote to implement from “Company Governance”, “Eco-Environment”, “Circular Economy” and “Social Responsibility”, strives to honor its commitment to sustainable development strategies.The transformation of the paper business from read, extended to the lives of the industry. A new bio-economic in CHP is emerged from forest, pulp and paper of business model, by taking advantage in the high affinity with nature, maximizing the utilization of resources to show the value of our sustainability.


Tranditional Manufacturing

Taiwan Cement Corporation

The future is worth it

To fulfill “The future is worth it” belief and to endeavor for social duty, Taiwan Cement Corporation involves in power, waste accessing business and to be a “cement, power, environmental” core driven enterprise. The R&D center in Taoyuan, Taiwan makes every effort on product and procedure innovation. The final vision of the company is to raise the life quality in full aspects. Via “cement, power, environmental” core driven platform, we not only provide excellent service and products, but also reduce the impact to environment and energy via manufacturing technology. We do contribute the solution for global warming via CCS technology. TCC develops potential qualified management human resource to realize balance between benefit and honest. IT & IC Manufacting

Inventec Corporation

Inventec’s Corporate Sustainability and Devotion as the Promoter of Social Enterprise

"Innovation, Quality, Open Mind and Execution"as Inventec's corporate philosophy for business operationhas deeply cultivated each scope in Inventec for 42 years. Inventec is well aware of the importance of sustainable operation to the social impact, devises the "sustainable vision and sustainable strategy goal",and progressively builds Inventec's sustainable competitive advantage. "Love is to shoulder Inventec's responsibility to our societies for those in need"is the belief of Inventec internally fulfilling the corporate governance with integrity and externally embodying the corporate citizenship.

IT & IC Manufacting

GIGA-BYTE Technoloy Co., Ltd.

Reduction, Sharing, Love the Earth-Creating a new value of sustainability


GIGABYTE launched Green Action Plan 2.0 in 2016 aiming at win-win value chain, reducing waste, water, carbon and plastic use, and deeming environmental education as duty. By holding specific technology and resource integrates sustainability into corporate operation. Practical implementations such as SROI to analyze impacts, benefits and contributions of G-HOME and plastic-reducing volunteering programs, all-product LCA to systematize the chance of reducing product carbon footprint, plant-forthe-planet to meet the goal of carbon neutrality, and FPC packaging to achieve winwin in the environment and economy are all for building a future that all stakeholders share values and then create a new value for sustainable development.

05 Corporate Sustainability Award

IT & IC Manufacting

Qisda Corporation

Combine Core Competencies, Expanding CSR Influence

According to the expectation of stakeholders, Qisda has structuralized our corporate sustainable development and set KPIs since 2010. In 2015, we reviewed the old KPIs and further set the 2016-2020 goal and 2030 goal. In 2016, Qisda checked the “SDGs”, clarifying all SDGs had relevant management measures and 5 priorities have been included in our KPIs. We believe that the goal of a company’s existence is to create value. With combining core competencies, we continue to develop sustainability. Up until now, we already have various achievements in all aspects of CSR. We strive to expand CSR influence to value chain, expecting the spirit could lead company to enlarging the power of sustainability. IT & IC Manufacting

ChipMOS Technologies Inc.

ChipMOS 20 anniversary, towards corporate sustainability

ChipMOS are committed to implementing corporate citizen responsibility on economic aspects, environmental aspects and social aspects. Based on our practical approaches: corporate commitment, environmental protection and social contribution, we earned silver of National Production invention Award; bronze of Talent Quality-management System,bronze of Enterprise Environmental Protection; QFN production was verified by MFCA in 2016. We dedicated to communicate with our stakeholders and take the necessary responsive action and enrich the content of our information disclosures.

IT & IC Manufacting

Nanya Technology Corporation

Comprehensive Performance of Nanya Technology Corporation (NTC) in 2016

As a global citizen, Nanya Technology is dedicated to integrating sustainability into business practices, raising the environmental awareness, and giving back to the society in order to not only create longterm values for shareholders but also build a sustainable ecosystem.


Finance & Insurance

Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

The Leader of Co-Constructing A Sustainable Future

As the largest financial holding company in Taiwan, Cathay FHC has maintained a long-standing commitment to sustainability. In the spirit of “Sustainable Cathay; Contribution to the Community,� Cathay FHC undertook even greater efforts to connect its three major growth engines ofinsurance, banking, and asset management along with PSI,EPs, and PRI. Cathay FHC CS Committee also identified four focus areasto further embed the principles of CSR into its overall strategic planning. Cathay FHC looks forward to accelerating its efforts in the years to come and to continuing to do its part in building a sustainable future for the world.

Finance & Insurance

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Build up a more sustainable and resilient financial institution

To be consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals developed by UN, CTBC emphasize communication with stakeholders in integrating environment, social, and governance criteria into our operating model. We expect to be the most trusted financial institution by customers and shareholders.

Finance & Insurance

China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Creating shared values to become a leading brand of life insurance—China Life


"In response to the 17 sustainable development goals launched by United Nations in 2016, China Life begins to set up ESG goals proposed by each department and implements them in daily work. Along with the combination of forward-thinking business management, strong financial performance, rigorous corporate governance and solid risk management mechanism, China Life will continuously engage interested parties to create common values, to achieve long-term business vision and to become the leading brand in the life insurance market in Taiwan."

05 Corporate Sustainability Award

Finance & Insurance

Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Your Smart Partner towards Sustainable Developmentďź? Taishin Financial Holdings

Taishin Financial Holdings will be devoting attention to six main sustainability dimensions, including: sustainable governance, responsible product, customer relation, employee care, green operations, and social involvement. We shall accept corporate sustainability as the ultimate responsibility, and further mobilize our employees to escalate our sustainability practices and fulfill the vision of sharing and prosperous society.

Finance & Insurance

Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Shin Kong Life lights in your heart

SKL has issued the CSR report and got reward for six consecutive years. We grasp the issues raised by stakeholders and have a solidly competitive position, On economic side, total premium income grows 16.1% yearly, and we grant the rating twAA- of financial strength and steady progression; On the environmental side, we execute the energy management, and saving rate up to 3%; on community side, we promote the "physical and mental comprehensive care program" for staffs, and provide the convenience of digital financial services for customers. In the future, we will continue to create value to practice CSR.


Hotai Motor Co., Ltd.

Jump Outside the Box Challenge Your Dreams

Hotai Motor is never satisfied with the present achievements, but in the minds of drawing a piece of the ideal blueprint, the pace of attention has not been break. With the " Jump Outside the Box Challenge Your Dreams " as the sustainable vision, we constantly create irreplaceable value through transcending dream over the top.


K100 C80 M0 Y100 K0 (PMS 354C)


ECOVE Environment Corporation

Become the most reliable provider of industry-leading ‘resource cycling’ services

ECOVE Environment Corporation is dedicated in developing resource cycling business, including energyfrom-waste, photovoltaic power and recycling. We continue to promote resource cycling and make great efforts in environmental sustainability. Moreover, following the principle of “Take from society, Give back to society”, ECOVE actively sponsors and participates in various social welfare, environmental education, disaster relief, and community services . Through our efforts we encourage the community together to protect our planet.


Pacific SOGO Department Stores Co., Ltd.

To be the Best Enterprise for the World, SOGO Strengthen Six Keys to Sustainability

As a 30-year leading department store, SOGO is committed to be the best enterprise in the world, and the best enterprise for the world. Under the spirits of “New Life Initiative” and the value of “SOGO’s Six Keys to Sustainability”, SOGO brings our strength as a distribution channel into full play and collaborates with all our stakeholders.


Far Eastern Department Stores Ltd.

Sustain for a good life


"Making contributions" is the core value of FEDS. For the past 50 years, we have persistently striven for innovation, sustained high growth capabilities, and taken efforts to environment and social sustainable developments, and built a sustainable growth model that secures a three-way win for economy, environment, and society. Due to our excellent performances in implementing CSR, FEDS received more than 11 national and international awards in 2016. The fulfilled qualities of most awards are"innovative spirit" and "long-term engagement." In the future, we will persist in creating and sustaining a good life for our society, pursuing corporate sustainability, and making contributions to and grow together with our community.

05 Corporate Sustainability Award


Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

“Think Sustainable, Act Responsible” “20 Years of Glory, Innovation Beyond Imagination”

TWM aims to be a leader in sustainable digital convergence. As we mark our 20th anniversary by commemorating “20 Years of Glory, Innovation beyond imagination”. TWM is not only a telecommunications operator, but also an internet company. We focusing our efforts on four big industries – Telecom, Internet, Media and Entertainment (TIME) and implement the new “6C” strategy- Coverage/Convergence/Content/Channel/ Cloud/CSR to response the UN sustainable Development goals (SDGs). We firmly committed to CSR into economic, environment, society, employee, human rights and supply chain. We also identified material topics to plan our sustainable road map and endeavor to main values for shareholders. Telecommunications

Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Maximizing environmental and social impacts through improving integrated thinking amongthe entirecompany

To promote integrated thinking from within, FET has defined key inputs, outputs and outcomes of the sixcapitals to ensure effective allocation of resources to drive both businesses, social and environmental growth. FET has joined the IIRC business network to promote a better form of reporting in Taiwan.


China Steel Express Co., Ltd .

Respect the life, Esteem the ocean

Through 2016, the bulk shipping industry had encountered the most severe situation aroundrecent 30 years. Although most shipping companies experienced deficits,the CSE manipulating flexible strategies and cooperating all the staff, still delivered the annual consolidated revenue of NT$12.246 billion, and pre-tax EPS of NT$5.73 transcripts with dazzling performance, while in contrast to many shipping companies of the world had faced bankruptcy. Shipping transport is our core business. In addition to abiding by the international marine convention, strengthening the fleet management, CSE much focuses on "Safety and Environmental Protection", and practices of "Respect the life, Esteem the ocean" concept. 43


Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation

Taipei Metro 2.0: Innovative Excellence for a Sustainable Taipei

As a member of the Taipei City Government (TPCG), the Taipei Metro is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, leading awareness of social care and eco-friendliness, and promoting public transport in support of the TPCG’s development vision: For a Livable and Sustainable City. By reorienting its missions and visions, the Taipei Metro made sustainability an integral part of its mission in 2016. The aim was to grow together with its stakeholders, including customers, local communities, employees, investors, and suppliers; to cultivate the“Taipei Metro 2.0”; demonstrate the power of innovation and sustainability; and shape a better urban culture and lifestyle while corporatizing its operations.

Real Estate & Construction

REIJU Construction Co., Ltd.

The Leader of Green Innovation The value of Environment Sustainability

"Reiju builds trust with customers by offering our specialty, quality, safety control, environmental protection and service management. We also implement corporate social responsibility, public welfare and environmental protection. Reiju strives to research and improve on eco-friendly building materials and technology in a bid to create a non-toxic ecofriendly space so that everyone can breathe and live healthily. Apart from that, Reiju tries the utmost best to make contributions to the earth and achieve the objective of green environmental protection on both construction sites and company headquarter.

Nonprofit Oranization

Nanhua University

"do good things, good words, good intentions" to promote the sustainablility of Nanhua University


The school is founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun with a life care, and public interest/justice. Based on life education, wisdom of innovation, environmental sustainability, good things/words/intentions, and the support of millions of Fo Guang Shan worshippers, outstanding students were attracted by the excellent teaching, research quality and many scholarships. After the implementation of life education and the sustainable campus with the target of carbon neutral, the award of world's first waste treatment was obtained in 2016 by the World Green University Alliance. In addition, the Dalin town obtained the "slow city" certification by the school support.

Corporate Sustainability Awards The Most Prestigious Sustainability Award Top Three Foreign Corporates

• Criteria 20%



Understanding of Parent Company CSR Strategies

Performances of Corporate Governance



Performances of Social Inclusion




Performances of People Development

15% Performances of Supply Chain Management


15% Performances of Environmental Protection

15% Recognition of Outstanding Results

• Prize-Winners Mercedes-Benz Taiwan Ltd.

3M Taiwan Limited

Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited

• Judges

Shan-Cheng Chang

Wu, Tai-Hsi

Mao-Wei Hung

Chin-ho Hsieh

Ying-Shih Hsieh

Chief Judge

• Dean, College

• Chairman, Taiwan

• Chairman,

• Chairman,

• CEO, Wealth

• Former Director,

• Chairman, Taiwan Mobile Foundation • President, Executive Yuan

of Business, National Taipei University(NTPU) • Distinguished Professor, Department of Business Administration, NTPU

Academy of Banking and Finance • Chair Professor, National Taiwan University

Investment Media Ltd.


Environmental Quality Protection Foundation Environmental Law Committee at Taiwan Bar Association


Mercedes-Benz Taiwan Ltd.

Think Global, Act Local Making Real Change Being the leader in premium automotive industry, MercedesBenz Taiwan together with our employees,dealers and customers, commit to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Mercedes-Benz Taiwan,the subsidiary of Daimler in Taiwan, takes great pride in our long tradition as a responsible corporatecitizen. In Taiwan, our central management committee for sustainability is the Corporate Sustainability Committee (CSC), which we are not solely geared to shortterm profit, but also take into account the common good, CSR of Mercedes-Benz Taiwan has been listed as one of the long-term strategic objectives of our dedicated to CSR with the core theme “Inspiring the Future”.

3 M Taiwan Limited 3M Taiwan – Science Applied to Life, Cooperation to Reach Sustainability 3M responds to CSR initiatives, such as UN’s SDGs, and develops 2025 CSR plan which covers 14 sustainable goals including environmental, social and corporate commitment aspects. 3M Taiwan echo head office’s policy and cooperate with stakeholders to set up a CSR structure meets local vision. 3M Taiwan is devoted to governance, talent development, and also sticks to our vision - “Technology advancing every company”, “Products enhancing every home” and “Innovation improving every life”. As a science-based company, 3M produces green products, and pursue the minimal impact to the environment. 3M integrate core competiveness into our CSR plan and work with clients and supply chain. It will create more positive influence to Taiwan’s sustainability.


05 Corporate Sustainability Award

Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited Here for good Here for good incorporates the Bank’s past, present, and future. It is a deep commitment to the markets where we are: We are here for the long run, applying our knowledge and experience to create profits for our customers and clients. We are here for progress and committed to upholding the highest standards and doing the right things. To materialise our brand promise through our behaviours, Standard Chartered revised our sustainability model to encompass 3 pillars: Contributing to sustainable economic growth, Being a responsible company, and Investing in communities.


Criteria for Foreign Enterprises The enterprise must be lawfully authorized in the Taiwan region and engaged in local operations and efforts, and must be a public or private enterprise or organization operating within the Taiwan.

Self-challenge Prominent performance Image Improvement Benchmarking





Early in Nov

Late in Nov

Registration Starts

Registration Ends

Submission Ends

Notice of judging results

Awards ceremony


06 Best Performance of Specific Categories 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards

A total of 9 categories in this year's TCSA "Best Performance of Specific Categories" award and a sum of 148 Sustainable Performance project applicants applied. We invited experts from all fields to evaluate the content of the Sustainable Performance and sincerelly hope that through showing the result of Sustainable Performance will highlight Taiwan sustainable model enterprises. People Development Award


Creativity in Communication Award


Growth through Innovation Award


Transparency and Integrity Award


Social Inclusion Award


Climate Leadership Award


Sustainable Water Management Award


Supply Chain Management Award


Circular Economy Leadership Award


People Development Award These Awards rely on the GRI G4/Standards and CSR FOR HR (Cohen, 2010) standards for People Development related activities and perspectives, while referring to the People Development indicators in the 2014 Integrated Report (IR) of the largest software firm in Europe, SAP, which was founded in Germany. SAP research indicates that the firm’s People Development indicators metrics directly affects the firm’s earnings and profitability. For example, for every 1% change in the firm’s health culture indicators, there were affects to the percentile of women in senior management positions, employee commitment and participation, and customer loyalty, all of which thus influence earnings and profitability.

• Criteria 30%



Employee Career Development and Human Resource Training and Retention

Employee Contentment

• Judges

Promaries Yang, Ku Chief Judge

• Chair Professor, Technology

Chemical Engineering, NTUT




Employee Labor Rights, Occupational Safety and Hygiene, and Privacy

15% Participation in Local Community Sustainable Development

Christine Chiang

Yun-Ming Lee

• Senior Manager, Asia-

• Distinguished Professor and

Pacific & Japan, Social and Environmental Responsibility, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Director, Institute of Natural Recsources Management, NTPU

Final Judges

Po-Chih Chen

Jyh-Yang Wu

Joseph S. Lee

Chen-Jai Lee

Chief Judge

• President, Yuan Ze

• K. T. Li Chair Professor,

• President, NTPU • Distinguished Professor,

• Emeritus Professor,

Department of conomic, NTU

University Chair Professor of Computer Information

Management at National Central University(NCU)

• Chairman, Council for

• President, National

Joseph Chou

Ed Shyurng

Wenlung Li

• Chairman & CEO,

• Dean, Entrepreneurial

• Acting President, NTPU • Professor, Dept.

Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Taiwan

Chung Cheng University

and Industrial Academy, Chung Yuan Christian University

• Chairman & CEO, The

Tait Group of Companies

• Professor, Department

Dept. of Real Estate & Built Environment, NTPU

of Economics, Minnesota State University

of Mechanical Engineering and Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, NTPU


• Prize-Winners E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

Talent’s ability transformation (TAT) program Fubon Financial Holding Company Ltd.

Work Life BalanceA Happy Workplace in TWM Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

Positive Energy – Helping Fubon People Forge a Better Society China Steel Corporation

New Employee Training of China Steel Corporation TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd.

Systematic Approach to Talent Development 50

Dream Job in Cathay Life Insurance First Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

A Happy workplace aligned with CSR and SDGs DBS Bank(Taiwan) Ltd.

Spectacular career journey in DBS – Feel Valued, Feel Connected and Feel Growth.

06 Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

Drive Your Future

2018 TCSA Judges Training Program Ambitious Recruitment Underway

People Development Award

Overseas Talent Development ProgramOverseas Business Associate (OBA)

Best Performance of Specific Categories

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

About The Program

To ensure the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA) judging is objective, fair, equal, and strict, the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) began training in 2015 during the global corporate Sustainability reportage (CSR) judging activities by establishing a CSR Reportage Judges Training And Transparency System, aiming to develop 1,000 Judges through training and certification efforts. As of June 2017, there have already been 20 course cohorts at the introductory and intermediate levels, with 1,312 enrollments, and in 2017 a total of 261 judges participated in the formal evaluation process.


Enhance Personal Professional Competencies Cultivate Corporate Leadership Cohorts Transparent Equal Fair Judging

Establishing Exemplary Corporate Models


Registration Period: December 2017 to May 2018 Online Certification period: June to July, 2018


Creativity in Communication Award This Award relies on the assessment framework of The Materiality Report published by AccountAbility(2006) and secondarily uses the IABC Strategic Creative Communication evaluative framework. For this year’s evaluation beside considering enterprise communication method innovations, we also specially emphasize assessment of communication efficacy, evaluating how creative communication methods of the enterprise affect stakeholder engagement efficacy, and referring to PDCA management cycles to ensure continuous improvements as part of the evaluation framework. (Refer to: AccountAbility official website www.accountability.org )

• Criteria 30%


Stakeholder identification and analysis of critical issues




Innovative communication strategies and measures



Communication efficacy evaluation and performances

Online Communication Strategies and Implementation

• Judges

Yun, Peng

Tao, Lee

Sheng-Fen Lin

Yen-Yuan Ni

Luis Ko

Chief Judge

• Chairman, Taiwan

• Professor,

• President, Ming

• President, I-Mei

• Professor, Social and Policy Science,YZU

• Former Chairman of National Communication Commission


Care Charity Foundation

• General Manager,

TVBS TV Network

Institute of Service Science College of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University

Chuang University School of Communication

• General Manager,

TVBS TV Network

Foods Co., Ltd.

• Publisher, Taiwan News,

06 • Prize-Winners

Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation

FET Boosts Public’s Environmental Awareness through Touching Images and Real Actions Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

City Highlights with Unique Culture: Taipei Metro Cultural Excellence Promotion Plan

Green energy initiative -A better stakeholder engagement strategy

Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Creativity in Communication Award

CTBC Intelligent Service Chain Makes Communication Creative & No Distance!

Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Best Performance of Specific Categories

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

Sky Talk show. Your best “partner” for marketing

Social Marketing on Internet by Digital Bank, Richart


Growth through Innovation Award This award recognizes those enterprises which take innovation as a core corporate mission, and seek to ensure innovation potential throughout the firm’s management culture, products and services, while realizing their creativity results in practical products and service systems. Enterprises must be able to collaborate with customers for joint research and innovation, and to establish close ties with their upper and downstream suppliers and cooperative partners, to attain the objective of common growth. Besides innovation and development of new products and services themselves, there must also be creation of value-added innovation affecting the enterprise internal and external environment, key sales markets and customers.

• Criteria 20% Innovation values and culture




Innovation resources and processes

• Judges

20% Innovation operations and management

Peter J. Sher

Chief Judge

• Chair Professor, Feng • Chairman, Taiwan Chia University Carbon Capture • Dean, D.School, Feng Storage and

of Computer Science,National Tsing Hua University

Innovation collaboration and development


20% Innovation Efficacy and Promotion

Manufacturing Group

Jyuo-Min Shyu

• Professor, Dept.



Chia University

• Minister, Ministry of Science & Technology

Hsiao-Kang Ma

Denny Kuo

Ren C. Luo

• CEO, Deloitte

• Irving T. Ho Chair


Utilization Association (TCCSUA) • Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NTU

Professor and Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NTU

Services Group

Yun-Peng Chu

Chin-Lai Wang

Kuo-En Chang

Li-Chen Chang

Ching-Jong Liao

Chief Judge

• Chairman, Ernest

• President, National

• President,

• President, National

• Managing Director

• President, Association of

• Chair Professor,

School of Business,Soochow University

• Minister Without 54

Portfolio, Executive Yuan

and Young (EY) Cultural and Educational Foundation

• Chairman, EY

Taiwan Normal University(NTNU) • Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education, NTNU

Securities & Futures Institute

& CEO, Taipei Exchange(TPEX)

Taiwan University of Science and Technology(NTUST)

National Universities of Science and Technology of Taiwan

06 • Prize-Winners (Manufacturing Group) MediaTek Inc.

Recognition as One of The Top 100 Global Innovators for Three Consecutive Years

Far Eastern New Century Corporation

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

Innovation of World First 100% Bio-Polyester Shirts

System-in-Package Technology Platform – the Key to Unlocking a Smart Future

Nanya Technology Corporation

30nm Design Shrink Product Line Development

Growth through Innovation Award

Performance and Benefits of Green Economics in the R&D of CSC

Best Performance of Specific Categories

China Steel Corporation

3M Taiwan Limited

3M Taiwan – Innovation for Improving Life

Onyx Healthcare Inc.

Dual hot swappable battery mobile cart computer 55

• Prize-Winners (Services Group) E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Offering financial services anywhere and anytime Chunghwa Telecom

4G Smart Community Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

CTCI Corporation

CTCI expands factory revamping for value recovery to achieve circular economy strategy through innovation Taipei Financial Center Corp.

The best paradigm of operation and management for super highrise buildings in the world Sinyi Realty Inc.

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

First Taiwan bank adopting the Equator Principles, pioneering offshore wind energy financing Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Digital Bank - Richart


Innovation inspired by the business ethics of Sinyi Realty"Decoration Escrow" Far Eastern Department Stores Ltd.

Marching toward E-tailing Transforming to New Generation Stores


Best Performance of Specific Categories

Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Growth through Innovation Award

FET Smart City: Create Social and Environment Innovation through ICT Competency

Our Partners

Chinese National Association of Industry & Commerce, Taiwan

General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic China

China Credit Information Service, Ltd.

Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufactures’ Association

EY Taiwan

Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable

KPMG in Taiwan

Deloitte Taiwan

National Federation of Certified Public Accountant Associations of the Republic of China


PwC Taiwan

Sponsored by Taiwan Alliance for Sustainable Supply

SGS Taiwan Ltd.

Compass Public Relations Ltd.

DNV Business Assurance Taiwan

Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service

CSRone Reporting

British Standards Institution

n Environmental Science Technology Consultants corporation


Transparency and Integrity Award These awards recognize the two dimensions of transparency and integrity, among which the transparency dimension evaluates an enterprise’s degree of disclosure and channels for corporate governance processes, thereby establishing fair and objective operational practices; the integrity dimension primarily evaluates the degree that the enterprise fulfills its commitments to corporate governance, and its clarity in disclosing negative information and the means and channels for such disclosures.

• Criteria 25%


Enterprise Disclosure Integrity Policies and Pledge




Enterprise Governance Procedural Completeness


Enterprise Governance Procedural Transparency

25% Enterprise Governance Procedural Transparency

• Judges

Li-Ling, Wang

Chilik Yu

Li Ful-Dien

Tseng Chao Kai

Yin-Hua Yeh

Chief Judge

• Professor,

• Professor of Law,

• Chief Secretary,

• Professor, Department

• Professor,

Department of Risk Management and Insurance, NCCU

• Chairman, Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC)


Department of Public Policy and Management • Chair of Advisory Council, Transparency International’s chapter in Taiwan

Chinese Culture University

• National

Ombudsman, Control Yuan

Agency Against Corruption

Information Management and Finance, National Chiao Tung University(NCTU)

• Commissioner,

Executive Yuan FSU

06 • Prize-Winners CTCI Corporation

C80 M0 Y100 K0 (PMS 354C)

Sinyi Realty Inc.

Believe in “Trustfulness” and “Righteousness”, do what should be done and uphold our word E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Integrity, the new foundation of the corporates Fubon Financial Holding Company Ltd.

Improve the efficiency of governance to achieve integrity and transparency of sustainable management

Prioritizing Transparency & Integrity, CTCI Excels in Sustainable Management Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Transparency and Integrity Award

Principle of transparency, specialization and sound corporate governance becomes the most reliable corporation

Best Performance of Specific Categories

ECOVE Environment Corporation K100

Beyond Compliance, FET’s Dedications to Transparent Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

TWM Transparency and Integrity Project Chunghwa Telecom

Openly DiscloseInfo


Social Inclusion Award This Award relies on the Australian Government’s publication of the Social Inclusion Principles for Australia, referring to enterprise responsibilities to include in their operational strategies measures designed to meet the needs of disadvantaged groups as clients and customers, through business models of the supply end incorporating them in the enterprise value chain, thereby ensuring a win-win situation for the enterprise and society, with the aim of fostering core corporate objectives and vision of shared values of inclusivity.

• Criteria 20%



Core objective and vision



Connection to core corporate competencies and operational strategies



Promotional approaches and measures

Evaluation of overall efficacy

• Judges Manufacturing Group

Hou-Sheng Chan

Shen-Yi Lee

Hank Lin

Sung-Lin Chai

Kai Ma

Chief Judge

• Pecretary General,

• Country Managing

• Chairman, Taiwan

• Founder, Social

• Member, Control

• Certified Public

• Chairman,

• Chief Editor,

• Chairman, Cross-

Straits Common Market Foundation

• Chairman, Executive Yuan Labor Committee


Dharma Drum Mountain Humanities and Social Improvement Foundation

Yuan Second and Third Generation

Partner, EY Taiwan

Accountant of Taiwan

Hospitality & Tourism College

Consumer's Foundation

Enterprise Commitment FoundationFinance, National Chiao Tung University(NCTU)

Economic Daily News

Services Group

Ovid J. L. Tzeng

Min-Hsiu Chiang

Li-Fang Chou

Lu, Yun

Tseng, Min-Chieh

Chief Judge

• Dean, College of

• Professor,

• Executive Director,

• Dean, College for

• President, Miaoli

• Dean, Office of

• Academician,

Academia Sinica

• Minister, Ministry of Education

Social Sciences, NCCU

Community University

Department of Public Finance, NCCU

Research and Development, NCCU

Consumers’ Foundation, Republic of China • Adjunct Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, NTU

Social Sciences, NTPU

• President, Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders

Finance & Insurance Group

Hsiung-Wen Chen Chien-Wen Shen Chief Judge

• Division Convener, National Policy Foundation

• Minister, Labor Ministry

• Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Central University(NCU) • Director, Yunus Social Business Centre, NCU

Ming-Hui Chang

Chen, Chiech-Ju

Joyce Yen Feng

• President, PwC

• Chairman, Taiwan

• Professor,

• Chairman, PwC

• Legislator,

• Minister without

Taiwan Education Foundation


Social Welfare League

Legislative Yuan, Taiwan (7th, 8th)

Department of Social Work, NTU

Portfolio, Executive Yuan


• Prize-Winners (Manufacturing Group) Taiwn Fertilizer Co., Ltd.

Sustainable Agriculture-Promotion of Rational Fertilization and Eco-friendly Fertilizers Far Eastern New Century Corporation

Run for a Healthy Life and Create Eight Times of Social Benefits Uni-President Enterprises Corp.

Create a healthy and happy tomorrow

MediaTek Inc.

MediaTek IoT/Wearable Device Innovations Contest Taiwan Sugar Corporation

Sharing the Land and Cultural Resources to Facilitate Social Inclusion and Progress Taiwan Cement Corporation

Take care disadvantage children by way of educational program from T-Cement School

06 • Prize-Winners (Services Group)

PresiCarre Corp.

Carrefour Food Bank Project Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

“Save the Abandoned Children” Revolutionized the Traditional Fundraising Approach NU SKIN Taiwan

NU SKIN NU LIFE, NU DREAM 2016 Integrated Society Program

myfone, Not Only Stores But Also Community Care Centers with 5 Heartfelt Services CTCI Corporation

Social Inclusion Award

Technology Links Hopes

Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

Best Performance of Specific Categories

Chunghwa Telecom

Valuing Sustainable Development, CTCI Fosters Taiwan’s Strengths Sinyi Realty Inc.

Sinyi School shows our care of the environment, and work together to create the New Era of Ethics Hotai Motor Co., Ltd.

TOYOTA Toy Story


Pacific SOGO Department Stores Co., Ltd.

SOGO Children’s Charity Events: Bridging the Gap of our M-Shaped Society

Eva Airways Corporation

The Unbroken Bond between EVA and Taitung Brings Local Community Development Forward and Upward

China Airlines Ltd.

Increase positive social impacts through China Airlines' service

CSR Academic Paper Awards


Survey on Taiwanese People's Attitudes towards Climate Change and Energy 網址:taise.org.tw 網址:ccstw.net 地址:台北市光復北路11巷35號5樓 電話:(02)2768-2655 網址:www.ccstw.net

With an aim to encourage the pursuit of CS and CSR knowledge, and its application in universities and companies, the Awards is established to foster both CS and CSR academic research and the development of corporate sustainability. We hosted 2 sessions, total has 87 contestants and 57departments and organizational units took part in it actively with their papers.

Entering the 7th year, TAISE continues to organize Climate Change and Energy Opinion Polls by conducting phone interviews to observe the general public awareness of climate change and sustainable energy. The study seeks to provide governmental agencies and research institues as means of analytical resources

Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy For the latest news Visit


06 • Prize-Winners (Finance & Insurance

China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Seeing is Believing Visually Impaired Employment Platform Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Social Inclusion Award

Nan Shan Charity Fund for Community Health Care Program

Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited

Best Performance of Specific Categories

Nan Shan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.


橫式簽署 淨空範圍

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

Make the next generation better— Read Across 319 Townships CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Baseball campaign: "Take Root Downward and Bear Fruit Upward." Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Accident-Free Motor Rider – Protecting Students from Traffic Accidents Mercuries Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Mercuries Happy KidsHealthy Lifestyle Program for Elementary School Kids E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

橫式簽署 淨空範圍

Cathay Life provides petty amount whole life insurance to satisfy demands of insurance coverage

Training through industry-academia partnership to make Taiwan more competitive in the FinTech sector 65

Climate Leadership Award These Awards rely on the evaluative framework of the “Carbon Disclosure Project(CDP)” which encourages corporate monitoring and management of greenhouse gas emissions, thereby reducing climate change impacts, and deploying investment risk concepts to undertake activities for corporate greenhouse gas information disclosure and actual emission reduction efforts. Assiduous actions to influence suppliers to undertake carbon information disclosure and emission reduction, as well as transformation from a passive approach to a pro-active engagement are also considered.

• Criteria 15%



Assessment and responsive measures of climate change risks and opportunities



Carbon management strategies and measures



Carbon Disclosure Transparency and Communication Methods

Carbon disclosure and emission reductions performances

• Judges

Chao-Han, Liu

Shen, Shu Hung

Robert Yie-Zu Hu

Chia-Yon, Chen

Shin-Cheng Yeh

Chief Judge

• Chairman, Bigbest

• Vice President &

• Professor Emeritus,

• Professor and Director,

• Minister,

• Associate

• Associate

• Minister without

• Distinguished Professor, Academia Sinica

• Associate Dean,

Academia Sinica

Overseas Internet intelligent Motor Systems Corp.

Environmental Protection Administration

General Director, Green Energy and Environment Research Lab.,ITRI

Professor, CUT, TTUT&T, Tangjiang University

Department Resources Engineering National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Dean, College of Engineering, NCKU

Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, NTNU

Portfolio, Executive Yuan

06 • Prize-Winners China Airlines Ltd.

Fly Clean, Clean Flight

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

AU Optrinics Corporation

Climate Leadership Award

Delta Promotes Green Buildings and Building Energy Saving Solution Worldwide

Best Performance of Specific Categories

Delta Electronics, Inc.

PANTONE 308 C 企業色


Low carbon mission in sustainable enterprise Taiwan Cement Corporation

Climate change adaptation strategy and derivative opportunities GIGA-BYTE Technology Co., Ltd.

Hero in You Make Earth Green Again

The Largest Rooftop Solar Power Plant in Taiwan China Steel Corporation

Green Living Leading Low Carbon Life Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

Green energy initiative, the opportunity in Climate Change 67

Sinyi Realty Inc.

CPC Corporation, Taiwan

Trio of Green makes Sinyi the role model of sustainability in real estate industry


reen! My g o


Sustainable Energy & Ecological Conservation- Safeguarding and Improving Our Environment

ss Travel

Adventur e!

Climate Change Painti 7 ng 1 20 petition (Age 10-15 ) m Co

Sustainable Water Management Award These Awards recognize proactive enterprise efforts to establish climate change and water resource supply and demand assessment and responsive measures, realizing water resource management and adaptive plans, establishing sustainable and secure water system facilities, disclosing water footprint and use reduction efficacy data, while promoting green economy and industry, and informing stakeholders for reference.

• Criteria 20%



Climate Change and Water Resource Supply and Demand Evaluation and Responsive Measures

Water Resource Management and Amelioration Strategies

20% Water Footprint Disclosure Transparency and Communication Methods




Water Provision System Equipment Sustainability and Safety

20% Water Use Reduction Measures and Efficacy

• Judges

Lee, Hong-Yuan

Hwung, Hwung-Hweng

Wei-Fuu Yang

Chief Judge

• President, NCKU

• Chairman, Taiwan

• Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, NTU

• Minister, Ministry of

the Interior,Executive Yuan

Research and Development Foundation • Emeritus Professor, Department of Hydraulics & Ocean Engineering, NCKU

Power Company

• Vice Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs


• Prize-Winners Innolux Corporation

Innolux Effective Zero Discharage Project

China Steel Corporation

Reclaimed water from urban sewage applied in CSC

Far Eastern New Century Corporation

To Create the Best Water Recycling Project in the Printing and Dyeing Industry

Taipei Golden Eagle Micro-movie Festival By conducting CSR Micro-movie Competition, we hope to unearth touching stories of corporates fulfilling social responsibilities, and innovative communication

Supply Chain Management Award These Awards rely on the GRI G4/Standards for corporate sustainability in supply chain management operations, with the aim of encouraging corporate senior management levels to establish sustainable supply chain management strategies and clear objectives, determining guidelines for selecting from among suppliers, establishing supplier risk/impact assessment mechanisms, for a comprehensive description of the characteristics of the supply chain, along with accounting for potential changes affecting the enterprise and supplier relations, maintaining appreciation for actual or inchoate negative effects or impacts of suppliers, for use when considering whether to provide supplier guidance or to terminate contracts or take other action, and serving to inform corrective action and provide streamlined activities, to ensure enterprise operations are stable and continue to enjoy efficacy and growth.

• Criteria 20%


Sustainable supply chain management strategies and objectives




Sustainability guidelines for selection of suppliers



Assessment mechanisms of supply chain risk and impact

Overall efficacy and streamlining measures

• Judges

Lin, Yi-Fu

Winston Yu

Terry Lee

Lin, Chih-Sen

Pen-Chi Chiang

Chief Judge

• Chairman/CEO,

• President, CSCMP

• Chairman, Taiwan

• Distinguished

• President, Miaoli

• Vice Chairman,

• Chairman,

• Chairman,

• Advisor, Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce

• Minister, Economic Affairs

KPMG in Taiwan

Community University

Taiwan Roundtable

Taiwan Int’l Logistics & Supply Chain Association (TILSCA)

Green Productivity Foundation

Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering

Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, NTU

Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering


• Prize-Winners Delta Electronics, Inc.

Corporate Synergy System Achieves Sustainable Growth in Supply Chain MediaTek Inc.

MediaTek and suppliers jointly organize talent training and EICC online courses Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

Collaborate with suppliers to enhance the industry value chain China Steel Corporation

Implementing the policy of Labor Standards Act to promote labor working condition of contractors

Pacific SOGO Department Stores Co., Ltd.

Protect Food Safety! SOGO's Pioneering Food Safety Supply Chain Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

FET leads to optimize the vendor management to build up green and sustainable supply chain Chunghwa Telecom

Create Value with CHT Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.

Shaping sustainable supply chain of the future through supply chain risk analysis

Circular Economy Leadership Award This Award is modeled after the highly successful Austrian “Banksia Leadership in the Circular Economy Award”, which encourages and recognizes corporate efforts to affect the economy in holistic and naturalistic manner, while protecting and preserving our natural resources, optimizing resource reutilization, and throughout the supply chain emphasizing recycling, enhanced recycling, design, alternative business models, interrupt and closedloop management, innovative applications in commercial models or technologies, generating substantial economic, environmental, and social efficacy.

• Criteria 40%



Innovative Business model, or Innovation of Technology


Economy Benefit




Environment Benefit

Society Benefit

• Judges

Yen-Shiang Shin

Juu-En Chang

Tien-Chin Chang J.C. Liu

Daigee Shaw

Chief Judge

• Distinguished

• Professor, Institute

• Research Fellow,

• Minister,

• Dean, Engineering

• Chair Professor,

Chung Yuan Christian University

• Minister, Economic Affairs

Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering NCKU

Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan

of Environmental Engineeringand management, NTUT

College, NTUT

• Dean, College

of Engineering, NTUST • Professor, Department of Chemical, NTUST

Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica

• President, ChungHua Institution for Economic Research


• Prize-Winners Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.

China Steel Corporation

Use of Byproducts: Slag Application on Asphalt Concrete Pavement

TSMC actively promotes water resource and waste reduction and recycling Taiwan Cement Corporation

Far Eastern New Century Corporation

Driving Circular Economy─ Eco-friendly Yarn Made of Ocean Plastics

Green Business Opportunities and Practice of TCC ECOVE Environment Corporation

AU Optrinics Corporation

K100 C80 M0 Y100 K0 (PMS 354C)

PANTONE 308 C 企業色


Apply technical knowhow to advance efficiencies in ‘resource cycling’

Case on increasing value to waste recycling of the optronic industry

07 Corporate Sustainability Report Awards 2017 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards

Total 131 corporates participated in "Corporate Sustainability Report Awards", with 261 first round judges and 9 experts from Environment, Society and Governace fields in the final judging process. The following in the are the selected Top 50 high-quality domestic corporate sustainability reports.

TOP50 Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


Corporate Sustainability Report Awards Assessing information disclosure completeness, credibility, and communication efficacy of Corporate Sustainability Reports (70%), and corporate online social media information disclosure (30%).

• Criteria 1. Assessing corporate publishing of Corporate Sustainability Reports (70%)

40 % Completeness

35 %



• Practicality/Importance • Strategy • Stakeholder Inclusion • Organizational Overview

25 %


• Management Processes • Governance • Reliability/Verification • Stakeholder Inclusion • Efficacy


• Demonstration • Framework • Stakeholder Inclusion

2. Assessing corporate online social media information disclosure (30%):

20 % CSR dedicated webpages quality


20 % Webpage updating and management

• Is there a dedicated • Is the CSR area CSR website link periodically updated (points • Is the CSR dedicated link hyperlinked on the Company Homepage • Is the CSR downloadable



awarded for frequency/update content)

20 %


Electronic CSR Reports & Hyperlinks to related information

• Are there CSR

notices published (points awarded for volume of publishing) • E-reports & Hyperlinks to related information

20 %


20 %

Multimedia design and interactive function

Stakeholder Communications and Feedback Channels and Social Network Websites

• Are audiovisual

• Is there a website

or multimedia webpages used to describe CSR activities

map or search engine • Is the CSR area content explained or categorized

07 • Judges

Yang, Ku Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


Hsien-Lun, Hu

Chun-Shan, Chen

Chief Judge

• Professor, Graduate

•Professor, Department

• Former Chairman, Chinese

• Former Chief

Yu-Shan, Chen

Chun-Shan, Chen

Hsiung-Yi, Su

Chief Judge

• Professor, Department

• Secretary General, Taiwan

• Professor & Provost, Center of Holistic Education Mackay Medical Center Associate • Secretary General, TCSA Committee

Yang, Ku

Christine Chiang

Yun-Ming Lee

Chief Judge

•Senior Manager of Asia-

• Distinguished Professor

• Distinguished Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) • Former Vice President,

Institute of Intellectual Property, NTUT Television Corp

Chen-Li, Huang

of Accounting, Tamkang University (TKU) Accountant, TKU

Sustainable Development Committee, Taiwan Corporate Governance Association


•Professor, Department of

Business Administration, NTPU Management Institute

of Business Administration,SooChow University

• Former Distinguished

Professor of Institute of Economic and Society Development,Nan-Kai University


Chair Professor, National Taiwan University of Technology Chemical Engineering

Pacific & Japan, Social and Environmental Responsibility, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

and Director of Institute, Natural Recsources Management,NTPU • Secretary General, CCS

• Chairman, The Chinese

Institute of Environmental Engineering


TOP 50 Corporate Sustainability Report Awards Listing order from First to Last

Real Estate

Best Report

Sinyi Realty Inc. Highlights

• The report and web content have complete structure and good communication • Clearly explain the importance and significance of CSR to the organization, the principle of sustainable management and short and medium-term goals and strategies

• Clearly list the analysis process of the major subject, matrix graph and various types of • • • • •

topics Well-established channel for stakeholders and publish relevant organization notice and respond to the concerns of the stakeholders In addition to illustrating the internal audit mechanism, it also clarifies the relationship between stakeholder inclusion, board remuneration and sustainable performance The remuneration of the Board of Directors is open and transparent. It also clearly states the remuneration packages of the senior executives for their sustainable development The proportions of words and pictures of the report and the webpage are clear and easy to read Website design is very friendly, in addition to containing the latest information and rich content, the webpage interaction is good, such as audio-visual introduction, easy to search for major topic, etc.

Traditional Manufacturing

Best Report

Far Eastern New Century Corporation Highlights

• The structure and content of the report is complete and its presentation is friendly and • • • • • • • 78

innovative Report preparation process is clear, and clearly explain the management of major issues and related information Clearly set out the differences between the major subjects for 2015, 2016 and the adjustments to the sustainability topic Clearly indicate the progress of the KPIs, and also quantify the economic value allocated to the stakeholders In addition to responding to the concerns of stakeholders, questionnaires were also used to ask questions about the five principles of AA 1000 SES (2011), clearly observe that the corporation pays close attention to the needs and expectations of stakeholders The remuneration and performance evaluation of directors covers economic, social and environmental goals and operational participation The report is well illustrated, proportionate and easy to read; Enriches the report by providing QR Code for interested parties to search for additional information Rich and clear website information and classification, good interaction, such as easy to read content, multimedia design, etc.



IT & IC Manufacturing

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd.

United Microelectronics Corporation

Delta Electronics, Inc.

AU Optronics Corporation

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

Powertech Technology Inc.

Qisda Corporation

MediaTek Inc.

Innolux Corporation

GIGA-BYTE Technology Co., Ltd.

ChipMOS Technologies Inc.

Inventec Corporation

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.



Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


Finance & Insurance

China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Fubon Financial Holding Company Ltd.

Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

First Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

China Development Financial

Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.





CTCI Corporation

Pacific SOGO Department Stores Co., Ltd.

Hotai Motor Co., Ltd.

CTCI Advanced Systems Inc.



Taiwan Sugar Corporation

CHC Resources

Asia Cement Corporation


TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd.

China Petrochemical Development Corporation

China Steel Express Corp.

Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation

Acer Incorporated

Taiwn Fertilizer Co., Ltd.


Eva Airways Corporation


ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

Traditional Manufacturing

China Steel Corporation


Far Eastern Department Stores Ltd.

China Airlines Ltd.

Taiwan High Speed Rail Co.



Real Estate & Construction

Cathay Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.




REIJU Construction Co., Ltd.


Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd.


Taipei Financial Center Corp.

Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


Far Eastone Chunghwa Telecom Telecommunications Co., Ltd.


Taiwan Power Company

Formosa Petrochemical Corp.


Corporate Sustainability Report Awards Listing order from First to Last

IT & IC Manufacturing


Shin Puu Technology Co., Ltd.

Lite-On Technology Corp.

Wistron NeWeb Corporation

Actron Technology Corporation

Nanya Technology Corporation

Dynamic Electronics Co., Ltd.

Neo Solar Power Corporation

AcBel Polytech Inc.

Compal Electronics, Inc.

HIWIN Technologies Corp.

Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd.


Sino-American Silicon Products Inc.

E Ink Holdings Inc.

Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation

Coretronic Corporation

Topoint Technology Co., Ltd.

Apacer Technology Inc.

Phihong Technology Co., Ltd.

Green Energy Technology Inc.

Panasonic Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Epistar Corporation


Fine Blanking & Tool Co., Ltd.


07 Traditional Manufacturing Corporate Sustainability Report Awards


Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation

C.S.Aluminium Corporation

Chang Horing Rubber Co., Ltd.

Taiyen Biotech Co., Ltd.

YOKE Industrial Corporation

Long Chen Paper Co.,Ltd.

Walsin Lihwa Corporation

Tatung Co.

Taiwan Cement Corporation

Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp.

Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp.

Uni-President Enterprises Corp.

Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation

Swancor Holding Co., Ltd.

Dragon Steel

Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

San Fu Chemical Co., Ltd.

Lucidity Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Nien Made Enterprise

Lian Hwa Foods Corporation

Taiwan HOPAX Chemicals Mfg. Co., Ltd.

Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation



Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation


Finance & Insurance


Mercuries Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Nan Shan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Chailease Holding Limited Company

O-Bank Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

SinoPac Holdings

Taichung Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Business Bank Co., Ltd.

Far Eastern International Bank

Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co., Ltd.

President Chain Store Corp.

KD Holding Corporation

China Ecotek Corporation

Fuji Xerox Taiwan Corp.

Epson Taiwan Technology & Trading Ltd.

MOMO.com Inc.

Taiwan-Asahi Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

Acter Co., Ltd.



Services K100 C80 M0 Y100 K0 (PMS 354C)




Nonprofit Organisation


NanHua University


Kaohsiung Hsinchu Science Municipal Park Bureau Siaogang Hospital Ministry of Science and Technology

07 Energy


CPC Corporation, Taiwan

Corporate Sustainability Report Awards



Taiwan Cogeneration Corporation

The Great Taipei Gas Corporation

Real Estate & Construction



Kedge Construction Co., Ltd.

Kung Sing Engineering Corporation





An-Shin Dood Services Co., Ltd.

Wowprime Corp.

U-Ming Marine Transport Corporation

Small & Medium


DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc.

Onyx Healthcare Inc.

New Comers

Novatek Microelectronics Corp.

Axiomtek Co., Ltd.

Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation


The mission of Center for Corporate Sustainability(CCS) is to conjoin the efforts from enterprises to promote corporate sustainable development as well as to nurture benchmark entities, and to transmit the mission of sustainability. The CCS is currently composed of 45 corporate members covering benchmark and elite corporates of major business sectors in Taiwan. CCS emphasizes the ethics of value chain with emerging business development trends to enhance corporates’ capabilities for sustainability through information provision and training activities. CCS also provides custom consulting or training packages to fulfill the distinct needs of its members, ensuring that all the CCS members are experienced comprehensive and updated trends for corporate sustainability.

Our Members Manufacturing

Accounting Firms

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

CPC Corporation, Taiwan

Taiwan Cement Corporation

The Great Taipei Gas Corporation

Deloitte & Touche Risk Management Advisory Co., Ltd.

AU Optronics Corporation

Delta Electronics,Inc.

Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp.

Top Victory Electronics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

Ernst & Young

China Steel Corporation

Formosa Petrochemical Corporation

Taiwan Power Company

Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation

HIWIN Technologies Corp.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan

Keywordďźš CCSTW Compal Electronics, Inc.

Powertech Technology Inc.

TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd.

Please join our fan page to get latest news

Taiwan’s Most Influential Corporate Sustainability Leaders Strengthening competence through benchmarking

CEO Forum CSO Salon CS & CSR Clinic CS Reportage Seminar CS Series Publications and Monographs

Cultivating sustainable and green-collar Elites TCSA Judges Training Program CS Management Certification Training CSR Academic Paper Awards Host/Participate with CSR Campus Promotional Events

Building the sharing and mutually beneficial platform Taipei Golden Eagle Micro-movie Award Festival International Conferences and Summit Courses for Improving Competitiveness of CS Project Consultation and Exchange Meeting News Letter of CSR Global Trend and Opportunities


Finance and Insurance

Acer Incorporated

Eva Airways Corporation

Hotai Motor Co., Ltd.

Breeze Group

Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation

China Airlines Ltd.

Taiwan Shin Kong Security Co., Ltd.

Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co., Ltd.

Pacific SOGO Department Stores Co., Ltd.

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Fabulous International Holding

REIJU Construction Co., Ltd.

E. SUN Financial Holding Company, Ltd.

Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd.

Far Eastern Department Stores

Sinyi Realty

First Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

TransGlobe Life Insurance Inc.

CTCI Corporation

Far EasTone Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation

Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

英文版 - 廣告頁(TAISE、當地球發燒時)461集-外框.pdf 1 2018/1/15 下午 07:08:47

Key Efforts

Policy Initiatives International Liaison and Cooperation

Environmental Protection Knowledge Research and Transmission Conducting Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards and other activities





Corporate Sustainability Cross Straits Exchange





Sustainability Education

Academic Research

International Exchange

“A Feverish Earth” Radio Show (2008-Present)

Since 2008, TAISE Chairman Dr. Eugene Chien hosts a weekly radio program called “A Feverish Earth”, advocating a sustainable society by sharing stories and insightful analysis on topics of sustainable energy, climate change and environmental protections. It is broadcasted every Saturday 10:20-11:00 at Broadcasting Corporation of China, BCC. (From 2008 to 2018 January, we host 505 episodes )

Sustainable Energy Green Economy Low-Carbon Societies Climate Change Corporate Sustainablity


TAISE is an NGO focusing on enhancing public awareness of climate change and energy sustainability, and endeavoring to accelerate Taiwan’s low carbon economic transformation.

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