September/October/November/December 2015
What to Do
When You Don’t Know What to Do
Becoming a
Faithfulness Is Gay OK?
A Biblical Foundation for Those Who Are Confused.
A Note from Tai
Well, here it is again -- another magazine, coming out at my favorite time of year (I love fall). It was a long and very full summer, with our Bible School going full-steam on PEI this year, and touring here and there and everywhere! But, to top it all off, I felt like God was asking me to write and illustrate a children’s book before we set out on the Fall tour! Say whaaa’??? Yeah, me too. It was all God. I can say that with complete confidence. What looked like an impossible project up until the very last day, was accomplished by God with a LOT of prayer...and illustrating non-stop. Praise God! So, that’s my excuse for why THIS e-mag is a little late in coming out. But when you look at how cute Tiny Pig is, you’ll forget all your annoyance. At least...that’s what I’m hoping.... ;) I pray that this magazine is a blessing and a real help to you girls! I’ve tackled some challenging subjects in this issue, and I pray that the Holy Spirit gives you understanding...but as always, feel free to ask questions you might have on any of the articles, either on the forums on OR send me an email at: God Bless!!
Tai Sophia You can purchase copies of “Tiny Pig Meets Jesus” on
Unshakable Girl Magazine Designer: Tai Sophia All content in this publication is copyright 2015.
Since 2014
Unshakable Passion:
What to Do When You Dont Know What to Do.
How to make the most of your life.
Unshakable Thinking: Stay At Home Daughter?
An admonition to seek first the kingdom of God...and trust Him with your future.
UnshakableLove: Becoming a Shepherdess
What does it mean to give your life for the sheep?
Unshakable Delight: Faithfulness.
The small things become the big things.
Broken Girls: Is Gay OK?
A Biblical foundation for those who are confused. 3
What t Mom and Dad approve !
...When You Don’t K
to Do... $$
Follow Your Dreams!
Know What to Do.
can’t even comprehend what it would mean ollowing God is simple. But most of the to keep up. Then the Holy Spirit cuts through time, it’s not exactly what any of us would my anxious, overwhelmed thoughts and says, expect. “What if Jesus was coming back today? What would you want to accomplish before His re People press in around us from the turn? What do you want to be doing when He time we enter middle school, with questions, comes back? Now DO that.” suggestions, always wondering what we’re going to do with our lives - urging us to make That one line of thinking can change decisions, and follow our dreams, watching everything. In that light, there are suddenly us, waiting for us to do something big - amaza lot of things that seemed important, but ing - something to change the world. They’re aren’t. A lot of pressure that doesn’t need to always so supportive of the kids who decide exist. A lot of hesitation and questioning that that, when they grow up, they’re going to be can be swept away. And so much freedom a doctor, a firefighter, or a hairdresser. But for to throw yourself into any who might be tenthe Lord’s service with der enough to voice abandon. their desire to be a “missionary”, there is often If Jesus was compolite laughter, a pat ing back today, I would on the head, and unwant to rescue as many ending, “But what are lives as I could. I would you REALLY going to want to share the gosdo with your life?” quespel with as many peotions. And for those ple as possible. I would who don’t even have a want to take advanclue, there is so much tage of every meeting pressure to jump into with someone, whethcollege and spend tens er at the store or on the of thousands of dollars street as if it was their “figuring out” what you last chance to be saved from judgement. want to’ve got to be doing SOMETHING. If Christ’s return was imminent, I wouldn’t have to worry about having enough But let’s take a step back for a moment. money saved up. I wouldn’t worry about what Let’s lay aside all the pressure, the opinions, people thought about me. I wouldn’t worry the advice...and just quiet our souls for a about having a good enough education. minute. There are always more things to be I would take what I do have, and what I do done, things that COULD be done, things that know, and go out into the world and preach people think you should be doing. But what the gospel. I would lay aside all my own plans, is it that God wants you to do? There is one desires, and dreams...and every vision of sucquestion that keeps me going, and helps me cess in the world, or what the world says I to stay focused when my brain is trying to go need to do or have. I would set out with just 120 different directions at once...and my body Jesus, and courageously go forth to do what-
ever He set before me. I would let Him fully and truly live through me, to do the things that are on His heart to do; the things that He would want to do if He was in His own body on earth right beside me. Following God’s will isn’t that complicated. We can make it complicated, by inserting all of our “what-if’s” and fears and plans for ourselves. But really, if we were all perfectly “What if Jesus honest, we would was coming back know what God is asking of us. We would today? know what His will is What would you -- it is to go forth and share the gospel with want to accom- every person. No deplish before His grees required. And, we could truly trust return? What do ifHim to provide, there you want to be would be no need to about money, doing when He worry or organizations supcomes back? porting us, or anyWe could actuNow DO that.” thing. ally just go wherever He lead us.
Katie Davis’ prom picture. atie Davis is an excellent modern-day example of a life surrendered to God, and what He can do through one who lays down their own desires and plans and ideas of what would be “fun” in order to rescue lives, and share God’s love. Katie was just a normal teenager in pursuit of all the things that were on the normal teenager’s mind: popularity, boys, a good career....and then, God showed up and turned her world upside-down. After she graduated from high-school, she had decided to take a year off before going to college. She signed up for a short-term mission trip to a Ugandan orphanage, and, as she said, “I moved over there thinking that I would be there for a year and then I would come back and go to college and be normal It’s not complicated. But it’s not easy. again.” But God had other plans. It means that our lives are not our own. It While she was there, God captured her means all of the rosy plans we had for our- selves are no longer our goal or aim. It means heart and opened her eyes to see the desperthat any acclaim of the world, any recogni- ate need of the people there...for someone to tion, any hope of fun or doing what we like love them and to show them a better way. or what we feel is our “gifting” is gone...and “I quit my life…I quit college; I quit cute replaced by the urgency to just get out in any way possible and share the gospel with who- designer clothes and my little yellow convertever will listen. Laying down our own lives to ible; I quit my boyfriend. I no longer have all the share God’s amazing love with the hurting, things the world says are important.” broken world at our doorstep. Then...God took her back to Uganda, God’s will means simply saying, “yes”. And go- with no plans to ever return to her home land, and began to make her a mom, at 19, to ing.
little Ugandan girls who had no one to love them. God brought them to her, one-by-one, until she had 13 little ones in her care, and gave her charge over them as their mother, to love them, snuggle them, teach them, clean them...and to tell them about Jesus. She also started a ministry in her home, to any who wanted to come. She started “Amazima Ministries”, so that the destitute children would have someone to sponsor them, and so they could eat and go to school. You might think, “Wow. It takes a special person to do that! I could never do something like that.” No! Don’t even think that way, friends! That thought is where the call of God dies. You must understand that NO ONE is spectacularly gifted to love people like that. We are all weak, sinful, and sorely lacking the love it takes. BUT, Jesus has said, “Come, and drink freely!” He has promised to give us all we need to do the work He sets before us. It’s not about how capable we’s about allowing God to fill us with HIS power and strength, and to work and live through us.
loved the most goodbye. I remember when I didn’t have enough money to sponsor just ten children, and I remember when I wasn’t old enough to be a mother, and I remember when I didn’t know how to parent. I remember when I couldn’t cook for fifteen people and when I didn’t want to share my house and my things and my life with sick people and addicts. I remember when I was afraid of the slum community that now holds hundreds of friends and when I was terrified that my daughter would never walk and when I was scared that we would never heal after tragic loss. And I remember that never, not once, was I really as ready as I wanted to be. And I remember that God kept all His promises, every last one, in His perfect time. This new season looms and I don’t know what is next. But He doesn’t need me to be ready for this season because He is ready. He just needs me to be clinging to His feet. Now. This is where He has called us.”
“People tell me I am brave. People tell me I am strong. People tell me good job. Well here is the truth of it. I am really not that brave, I am not really that strong, and I am not doing anything spectacular. I am just do As Katie expressed so well, “I remem- ing what God called me to do as a follower ber when I wasn’t of Him. Feed His ready to move sheep, do unto You might think, “I could never do to Uganda. I rethe least of His member when I something like that.” No! Don’t people.” wasn’t ready to “I want to even think that way! That thought kiss the people I give everything,
is where the call of God dies.
no matter the cost, because I believe that nothing is a sacrifice in light of eternity with Christ.” “The goal of the book [“Kisses From Katie”] was for other people to be encouraged that, in small steps of obedience to God, he can create something more extraordinary than you could have imagined. When people come into my story from this side of things, they might say, ‘Oh, this young girl has this organization and all these children—either she’s totally crazy or she’s gotta’ be incredible.’ I’m neither, but the story started with one open door of going to this thirdworld country. I said yes, and then God placed needs in front of me, and I tried to meet them in the best way I could. I think prayer is key. I would encourage people to follow and obey, and try to serve others one step at a time, whoever is in front of them. If there is an open door to go to a foreign country and it is something you want to explore, walk through the open door. Once you get there, God will open other doors and
bring needs to you. And as you meet the needs right in front of you, he can build something different than we ever would have thought or planned.” “Maybe courage is not at all about the absence of fear but about obedience even when we are afraid. Courage is trusting when we don’t know what is next, leaning into the hard and knowing that it will be hard, but more, God will be near. Maybe bravery is just looking fear in the face and telling it that it does not win because I have known The Lord here. I have known The Lord in the long, dark night. We still tremble, but more than that we have faith. Even though we feel uncertain, we press into a God who is so certain, so sure, so steady. He carries us, He lifts our heads. And His unfailing love and comfort becomes our courage and our hope.”
So what is God’s will for you? Be faithful to do what He sets before you. Move forward through one door, and He will open another. Trust, and, as God has told me very seriously: make sure to do nothing out of fear.
By Tai Sophia
here has been a widespread movement in the last 10 years or so, mainly stemming from the “Patriarchy Movement”, which, summarized, is all about fathers stepping up to lead their families. That is a very noble goal, and I heartily endorse fathers taking the leading of their families in seeking the Lord more seriously. However, there were a number of things attached to this movement that were full of errors...and there is one in particular that I would like to touch on right now: The “Stay-at-Home Daughter”. I have an interesting angle of viewing this issue, because I am personally very glad for what the movement did for me, while, at the same time, being very aware of its faults...which can be very seriously destructive to those who might otherwise be fruitful for the Kingdom of Heaven. A number of years ago, when I was about 16 or 17, I read a book by the Botkin sisters, called, “So Much More”. It opened up a whole new world to me, which I had previously not even considered could be possible. Through the book, the sisters were encouraging girls, instead of leaving home as soon as possible, to stay at home and learn how to be a home-maker, help their fathers with his work, be active in helping their siblings and serving at their churches, and to grow their intellect by personal study and pursuit of the arts at home. There was a lot to the book (it was about 3 inches thick), but the basis was, you stay at home until you marry, and serve your father. Now, for my own life, this was an important book for me to read at the time, because I was 10 being told I needed to go to college because I had so many “talents and gifts”, and was looking at
getting into debt about $100,000. But I count this book to have been a mercy of God for me at the time, because I was able to present it to my parents and talk about the very real possibility of NOT going to college -- something I’m not sure they really seriously considered before. And having a precedent of someone else having done it was a real help and encouragement to them that maybe I wasn’t totally crazy. And now I look back and am only thankful that I never went to college, never got into loads of debt, never wasted 4 years of my life, and never got sidetracked from seeking the Lord as so many Christian kids do when they head off to college.
meant...well...I was at home, spending a lot of time in my room doing whatever I wanted, and reading good books about good things that I hoped someday I would be like, but doing nothing actually really worthwhile with my time. I folded some laundry and washed our few measly little dishes. I had my checklist of meals I wanted to learn how to make. (Don’t even remember what they were now.) I vacuumed. I did most of these things only half-heartedly. I tried to think about how glad the person who married me someday would be. But you know what? I just wasted a lot of time focusing on myself. Can I just say However, after something straight this is where it begins out?? Ok, here it is: to fall apart. While, in You do NOT need to many cases, it can be a learn how to be a good, and right thing “home-maker”!! All for girls to stay at home, you need for that job and help their is a willingness to I wasted a lot of time... is NOT something that do what needs to be the Bible says MUST happen in order done, and the ability to read difor us to be walking rightly before the Lord. rections...and maybe a few basics on how Many people mistakenly hold onto these not to burn water, and what to do with a “stay-at-home-daughter” teachings as being hunk of raw chicken. It comes naturally afakin to the 10 commandments. But they’re ter you are married. I’ve learned the most not. Not even close. In fact, there are many important things I know since BEING martimes that NOT staying at home until you’re ried, and having my own home. Not that I married, and learning to be a home-maker didn’t learn good habits and such from my can be BETTER! Here are some reasons that mom...but I wasted a lot of time thinking I personally feel this movement falls short of I couldn’t do anything until I got married, what Jesus’ heart is for us. when I could have been out serving the Lord...or even simply being a LOT more serious about my relationship with HIM. 1.) When you have no siblings and your dad works in an do you do?? I had one brother. My dad had a 9-5 office job. So for me to be at home “helping” my mom, and learning to be a home-maker
2.) All these things keep your heart always
dwelling on marriage and relationships instead of seeking the Lord and being able
to selflessly seek His will and direction now. You can so easily waste a lot of time “perfor your life. I know...because I was there. fecting” yourself in many useless pursuits just Everything I did was in order to make to simply be able to say you are accomplishmyself more “marriageable”. Every time ing just as much as someone who has gone I did something to help out it was only to college, without having gone yourself. You because I wanted to get married some- wind up filling your time with things that really day, and I wanted my parents to think I have no bearing on your spiritual state, and are was “prepared” enough (and of course, of no real use to anyone else, time-fillers that to impress the guy too, whoever he are just empty fluff. But that is not the point was). It also gives you of life! Do you really a rosy picture of what want to spend your life The of our lives your “perfect dream” playing the harp or befamily life will be like ing able to read latin? should not be to “get -- that thing that beWe need to be careful comes what you seek married”. What that we do not waste after and look to later our single years sitting when you get there?? in life for your haparound waiting to be piness. But...what if Does everything cease? married, or filling the God calls you to be years with the pursuit of a missionary? What Do you be- things that seem “fun” if you never have a or “praiseworthy”, but come a different person? place to call home? don’t last - and we need What if you never to be equally careful No, the of our even have a proper that we are not putting oven? Will your heart marriage and/or a relalives should be to be be crushed to piectionship in such a high es...or will you emin seeking place in our hearts that brace these things we would jump out of as being just normal Christ, and the course of serving acts of denying oneChrist in a heartbeat, the gospel. self in the course of simply to be “in love”. duty and service to Our priority must be our King Jesus? first and foremost to use our time wisely, sav The purpose of our lives should ing the lost while we have opportunity! Singles not be to “get married”. What happens -- serve God TODAY. Don’t spend another day when you get there?? Does everything without throwing yourself at the feet of Jesus, cease? Do you magically become a dif- and asking Him to use you however HE wants. ferent person? No, the purpose of our Pray until God gives you the strength to say, “I lives should be to be wrapped up in want to do whatever you want, Lord. I want to seeking Christ, and proclaiming the gos- go wherever you want. I want to pour out my pel. The things you spend your time on life for others. I want to rescue the perishing. now are what you will be 20 years from EVEN if it means that I am never married. Giv-
magically purpose
wrapped up proclaiming
ing my life to YOU is more important to me.” You do NOT have to wait until you are married before you can serve God. You do not have to wish your parents were serving God so you could too. You do not have to resign yourself to simply washing dishes and folding laundry for the rest of your life. Now note that I am not saying that these things are bad, or aren’t necessary. They are important for keeping any household running -- even if you are single forever. But there is also more to life...and God has MUCH work to be done, and is so glad for any who will lay aside seeking their own gain in order to serve Him and reach the lost. There are stories of many ladies who laid down their own pursuits in order to follow the call of the Lord...and God was able to do AMAZING things with Picture from these ladies - most of whom were single! Read about Mary Slessor, Gladys Aylward, Jackie Pullinger, Amy Carmichael, and Katie Davis, for starters! You will be SO encouraged and inspired! All it really takes for God to use you is a mustard seed of faith, and the determination to not look back or hesitate when He calls.
3.) Perhaps the most fatal twist of this move-
ment is its strong but subtle undertow which drags our hearts into seeking after all the same things of this world that every non-Christian
is striving for: money, praise, power, dominion, acclaim, storing up an earthly “heritage” for future generations, and building yourself an earthly legacy. When we spend our time dreaming about marriage, preparing ourselves to be marriageable, and and trying to prove to the world that we are just as successful as the person who went to college and got $200,000 in debt, we will inevitably have our hearts drawn after the fleeting benefits of this present world. But friends, Jesus IS going to return soon! All of our 100-year plans, and storing up wealth for future generations is going to look very trivial. “Set your mind on things that are above and not on things that are on earth...”; this is where God wants our hearts to be dwelling. What are we doing to invest ourselves in ETERNITY?? What are we doing to make sure as many people as possible are going to be there with us? “Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:37-39) The most important thing we can do with our life is to “lose” it (meaning: it will have none of the acclaim and praise of the world for
what we invest ourselves in -- it will look ridiculous to those who are chasing after their “best life now”.) for the sake of the gospel, and for the sake of the call that Jesus Christ Himself has put on you. Yes, being a wife and mom are noble things indeed... but what is more noble? Laying your life at Jesus’ feet. Throwing away earthly success and praise for the sake of following the call of the Lord to reach the lost. Acknowledging and embracing the shame that will inevitably come from family and friends who had other plans for you. And yet...your obedience to the call of God, may in fact BE what God uses to alert them of His soon coming as well, and to get them to think further than just the fleeting success of this world. Katie Davis obeyed the call of God on her life to leave everything she knew and loved in America to go to Uganda and share living water with the poor and destitute there. Her family resisted, were angry, and would not support her or give her their blessing. But God. God used her obedience to soften their hearts...and now they are partners together in this amazing work, reaching the orphans, and the destitute. Because of Katie’s obedience, now her whole family will receive an eternal reward for the work that is being done. The thing I most desire in all the world is to hear Jesus say to me, “Well done,” when I see Him face to face. That is worth more to me than all the riches of every treasure in this world. So daughters, please honor and respect and love your parents. Please serve them all you can, pray for them without
ceasing, and keep your hearts always soft toward them. But please...please pray; earnestly seek the Lord for HIS guidance and will for your life. Parents are humans too, and even our best intentions fall short. Your parents’/family’s/friends’ plan and dreams for your life very well may not be what God has been calling you to do. God always wants the best for us...but He wants the best for everyone...and He cares about each individual who is slipping off into hell because no one reached them with the gospel. Could you be that person who will reach them? Ask God, and really take the time to seek Him until He makes it clear to you. And then, take the first step, whatever that is. Don’t hesitate, because the longer you hesitate, the harder it may be for you... and you may find yourself years down the road, with nothing changed, and no fruit in your life...and by then, the door that was once opened may be closed. Or Christ may have come back by then. So please take these things very seriously...and ask God to give you the power of His Holy Spirit to do what He sets before you to do. You will never regret “losing” your life for Christ. Those that lose their lives for His sake WILL find them. They will find that every loss, and every surrender is their gain, both in this life, and in eternity.
“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.� Proverbs 4:18 15
Becoming a
Shepherdess By Tai Sophia
“...Do you love me?....Tend my sheep.” John 21:16 “I am the Good Shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.” John 10:11-13 “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2 od recently pointed out these scriptures to me and said to me, “This is what I want G you to become. A shepherdess.” I was a little puzzled at first, and began to ponder what that really meant. First, what does it mean to be a shepherd, and second, what are some important things to know about shepherding?
What does it mean to be a shepherd? A shepherd must take very seriously the lives of the “sheep” that God has put into their care. This will look different for everyone, but God gives each of us our own “sheepfolds” - places where we meet people and become connected to them, such as school, work, church, etc. Depending on how outgoing you are, your “sheepfold” may be larger or smaller...but it’s still there, no matter who you are, or what your personality, we all know people who are hurting and need help. Each of these people you know will/have become your “sheep”; as God calls you to a serious relationship with Himself, it will never be simply for your own enjoyment - God calls us to always be pouring out our lives to help others, and the closer you get to God, the more He will ask you to give. And the closer you get to God, the bigger He will make your “sheepfold”...because you will begin to see, more and more, that you don’t have the right to choose who you feel comfortable talking to about Jesus or not...because every single person needs Him even just the people you walk by in the grocery store or at the mall - and you may be their only chance to hear the gospel. A shepherd’s duty is to invest their lives in the sheep. To give all they can give to see the sheep succeed. To teach them, to invite them over, to be available whenever they need help - or just a friend, and most importantly...... A shepherd is also the “priest” of their sheep-fold. This does not mean that you have to perform rituals with incense and wear weird hats. Let me share a few scriptures to clarify: 17
“Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. He can deal gently with the ignorant and wayward, since he himself is beset with weakness. Because of this he is obligated to offer sacrifice for his own sins just as he does for those of the people. And no one takes this honor for himself, but only when called by God, just as Aaron was.” Hebrews 4:14-5:4 “The former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office, but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever. Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” Hebrews 7:23-25 “But you are....a royal priesthood....” 1 Peter 2:9 These verses show us that God has called each of us to become like a high priest, just as Jesus did. This doesn’t mean that we are to think of ourselves as something special. No, it actually means quite the opposite. As shepherds and priests, it means we are to 18
become the servants of all, and to deal compassionately with those God has placed in our care, knowing all that He has saved us from, and His great mercy toward us daily. But it also means that we are to live our lives to make intercession for these “sheep” of ours (intercession=earnest prayer). The job of the priests in Biblical times was to offer sacrifices and prayers before the Lord on behalf of their people. And in the same way, God has called us to pray earnestly for those He has given into our care. We are to uphold them in prayer as if their very lives depended on it. And indeed, so often they really do depend on it.
What are some important things to know about shepherding? 1.) Shepherding is not a part-time job.
We humans are always looking for the easiest way around things. We don’t want to just throw our lives into things without careful thought and planning...and making sure we still have plenty of time to do the things we want. “I don’t know if I really want to commit to that job right now...maybe I can just work part-time.” Well, in Biblical times, being a shepherd meant giving up your life to take care of your sheep. It meant 24/7 care. It meant that you spent your life leading your sheep around to new pastures, and being aware of their every need and trouble. A good shepherd literally invested their whole life into these sheep, so they were very careful to watch over them and take great pains to make sure they were well cared for. When you invest your own time and energy into something, you take a greater responsibility
Serving God means being on call all the time. for it, because it has suddenly become a part of you. A shepherd didn’t have the choice of waking up late, or watching TV, or hanging out with friends and doing whatever he wanted to. A shepherd woke as the sheep woke, and had to continually keep watch over them, to make sure they had what they needed and that they were safe from harm. A bad shepherd was one that would relax when he should have been alert, and wild animals would come and kill the sheep. A bad shepherd would also be one who was simply out with the sheep because he had no other choice, and who didn’t invest his time and energy into taking the best possible care of that when the wolves come to attack the sheep, he cares only about saving his own life, and flees - leaving the sheep to be devoured. When God makes you a shepherdess, you can’t say, “Today I am ‘off duty’, and I’m not available to help anyone.” Nope. Serving God means being on call all the time, and when someone calls you at 2am, it means talking with them, and helping them gladly. It means when someone interrupts your plans or ideas for a nice time with their need
for help, it means not hesitating to rush to their aid.
2.) Shepherding means laying down your
life. Like I mentioned in the previous point, shepherding means dying to yourself. Jesus is our example in this as John 10 says, “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” We must be willing to set aside our own plans in order to pray for and help those around us. If they need prayer, we must be faithful to lift them up before the Lord. If they call us at 2am, we must be willing to talk. If they need a home, we must be willing to offer them ours... We must always be willing to have God answer our prayers for people through us...otherwise, it is not real love and care for them. Of course we are always glad to pray for people who need help; praying that God sends them someone who can help them, someone to encourage them....someone to give them the money they need -- the support they need. But...when you pray for God to provide for someone, are you willing to 19
give your own last $50 to help them? When you pray for God to encourage them, are you willing to be the one to go out of your way to bake them cookies, invite them out to coffee, and just BE there for them? When you pray for them to be saved...are you willing to be the one to share the gospel with them? I’m not saying these things to scare you out of praying, but to show you what real love for people looks like...and to show you the kind of heart attitude we need to have when we pray for people, if we truly want God to answer our prayers. Sometimes God will do things to answer our prayers that have nothing to do with us. Sometimes God will ask us to pray someone into salvation without ever talking to them even once. But sometimes...many times...God will test us to see what we are willing to do ourselves to help someone...and when we give all that we have to help those in need, God will both fill in anything else that is lacking and use our sacrifice to actually minister to their needy hearts. As Oswald Chambers said so well, “It is one thing to follow God’s way of service if you are regarded as a hero, but quite another thing if the road marked out for you by God requires becoming a ‘doormat’ under other people’s feet. God’s purpose may be to teach you to say, ‘I know how to be abased…’ (Philippians 4:12). Are you ready to be sacrificed like that? Are you ready to be less than a mere drop in the bucket— to be so totally insignificant that no one remembers you even if they think of those you served? Are you willing to give and be poured out until you are used up and exhausted— not seeking to be ministered to, but to minister? Some saints cannot do menial work while maintaining a saintly attitude, because they feel such ser-
vice is beneath their dignity.” God wants us to serve and to give of ourselves without expecting any praise, any recognition, or any help from another person. And it is only a truly pleasing sacrifice when it is done with gladness and praise to God, and not begrudgingly.
3.) God will teach you obedience through
shaped and pruned so that it becomes more pleasing to God - this can often be a painful process, and is never truly finished while we are here on earth. You will have to give up your own plans, your own comfort -- even things that every other “normal” person feels entitled to may not be things that God allows you to have or do. But it is all worth it if some of your “sheep” are brought into freedom and life with Jesus! And, it is even worth it all if you learn the lessons that God needs to work in your heart, and you are drawn into a closer walk with Him.
your suffering. “In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to So, I hope him who was that you will join able to save me in praying him from that we will cling death, and more closely to he was heard God in all things, because of and that we will his reverence. take our jobs Although he more seriously, was a son, he and pour out our learned obedilives more freely ence through for the sake of what he sufothers. fered.” Only by His (Hebrews 5:7power working within us. 8 ESV) Lord, teach us how to be shepherdesses. Even Jesus Himself had to go through suffering in order to be perfected, and to “Now may the God of peace who brought learn true obedience. When you live your life again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the Great for others instead of yourself, it will require Shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the great suffering and difficulties. You will have eternal covenant, equip you with everything your heart crushed when “sheep” you have good that you may do His will, working in us invested much love and prayer in turn away that which is pleasing in His sight, through from you. You will have to battle off the in- Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and tense desires of your flesh for ease and plea- ever. Amen.” sure continually. You will have your character Hebrews 13:20-21
Faithfulness By Tai Sophia
e are always looking for something big and important to do. Something that will change the world. Or at least something that will show people that what we are doing is important; something that shouts, “Take note!” So many young people go to Bible school and learn new things about the Lord, and in their zeal, and the emotions of exciting new discoveries and victories in their walk with the Lord which they’ve never had before, are full of big new ideas of how they can get out and “serve the Lord for real”. Often including dashing off to a foreign country, starting their own ministry which they intend to use to reach hundreds of people - or even thousands, or at the very least, intending to have hundreds of people lining up at their doors asking how they can be saved. Now, these are all very noble desires. But there’s one thing that makes us squirm -- and it’s the one thing that matters MORE than doing something “big” for God. It’s faithfulness. 2 weeks of Bible school or of
successfully making time for God in your daily schedule isn’t enough. 2 months of growing closer to the Lord isn’t enough. 2 years of being faithful to pray every day and read the Bible...aren’t enough. Indeed, in my own heart, I frequently see the tendency to want to congratulate myself when I have had great prayer times for a week straight, and have been learning amazing things from God’s Word. When this happens, I will suddenly feel the urge to just “relax” a little after such a successful week, because obviously I’m at a good place in my relationship with God. I? In a Christian’s life, their is neither a place of “having made it” spiritually, or a day you can finally relax your efforts just a little. The moment you relax your efforts, you will start going backwards. There is no “carry-over” time in your walk with the Lord. Each day His mer23
cies are new...but so your pursuit of Him must also be. He will not hold over your head your failures, but He does make it clear that when we know the right thing to do, and don’t do is sin (James 4:17). God desires that we would earnestly seek Him, day by day. It takes real discipline, because it goes against all of the distractions that seem SO important, and it goes against the antsy nature we seem to all have -- that urge that we’ve GOT to be doing something else - anything else! We pray a minute or two, and then, we feel like we should check our Facebook, or plan our day, or text a friend. But the faithfulness we need is not a dry, rushed, 2 minutes of prayer every day, but a hunger and thirst for more of God, every hour - every second that we can possibly use for drawing closer to Him. We must realize that our earnest pursuit of God is never “safe”. We all have the potential within us to turn our backs on God at any moment...or to let sin or carelessness slip in. We must always be on guard, and “keep alert, with all perseverance” (Eph.6:18)...because as soon as we let our guard down, the devil will try whatever He can to sneak into our thoughts and lives again, and to lead us astray. The devil knows that life is a battle, and he takes his job of sidetracking and destroying lives seriously. It’s not a game. It’s life-or-death...but the devil is right beside us - maybe even right beside you right now - to tell us, “Oh, it’s not really that serious.” and to “kindly” help us to push aside all thoughts of conviction or desires to change...and to re-direct our attention to other more “pressing” things -- such as the latest episode of our favorite TV show, or the ever present need to feed the dog, or check our email. But we must not listen to his fluff, and his schemes to distract us, and all of the things he tells us to make it seem like we don’t really have 24
to be so careful or alert. No! We must take the battle as seriously as he does! We must daily arm ourselves with the weapons that can only be obtained by earnest prayer and real time spent in the presence of the Lord. As Peter admonishes us in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” As Matthew 24:12-13 says, “....because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” The understanding of this concept is one that both sobers us and helps to keep us humble, pressing on toward the Lord with all of our hearts, knowing that each day is a new battle, and facing it with our faces upturned to the “Sun of Righteousness”. For we know that lawlessness has indeed increased - everywhere we look, sin is sought after, praised, and encouraged. Sin and distractions grab at us from every shop window, every webpage, every street, every advertisement and TV show. Everything works to crowd our minds and thoughts and make us hesitant, at best, to spend a lot of time with the Lord each day. Everything else is telling us that there are more “important” or “fun” things to do...and you can practically FEEL your love for the Lord (and others!) growing cold. You can see the hardness of heart starting to creep in -- the feelings of annoyance at the idea of praying, the urge to rush through it all and do ANYTHING else besides sit there and spend time with the Lord. How heartwarming do you think that is to God? He is just longing to hold us, and to lavish His love upon us, like any good parent longs to do for their children...but we are squirmy, fussy, and selfish! So often we care nothing about blessing the heart of
God...we just want to do the things that look fun and exciting! We care nothing about the reality that we literally have NO strength to do anything without God...we just want to rush off and DO something - we don’t care if we waste our time and fall flat on our face. But this is not what God wants for us. Faithfulness. Faithfulness springs forth from a real, true love for the Lord. A longing just to be near Him - to hear His heart, and to walk in His ways...and to never let go - not even for one second. Faithfulness can’t save us - it’s only the grace and power of the gospel that can save us, and transform our broken hearts into hearts that CAN love Christ. But it is faithfulness that gives us the daily strength we need to stay close to God. Because, no matter which way you look at it, this world IS full of sin, and if we aren’t staying close to God, we WILL be swept away by the deceitfulness of sin, and striving to live in our own strength. God IS stronger than the devil, but the devil is stronger than we are without God working and living through us...and that is why we need to faithfully seek the Lord day by day. Faithfulness is the ultimate surrender. It is the daily recognition of our utter inability to live rightly, and the understanding that we WILL go astray without following closely after our Shepherd...and it is the crying out to the Source of Life, Christ Jesus, and asking Him to live through us...because us trying to live in our own strength and knowledge is the ultimate foolishness. It is only the power of our precious Lord’s blood, and triumphant resurrection that can overcome the wiles of the deceiver of souls - the devil. And THAT power, is greater than all. And can be found in the sanctuary of God. May our hearts long for that time in the presence of the Lord as David speaks of in Psalm 63:1-8:
“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.”
Is Gay OK? A Biblical foundation for those who are confused, and want to know the truth.
FIRST: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Here are a few scriptures for you to look up: Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:26-28.
I recently had a conversation with a young lady who, though confused about God’s opinion of homosexuality and how it could work in the realities of our culture, wanted to know the truth. So, I thought I would give a snapshot into our conversation for anyone else who is confused by the general acceptance of this sin in our culture.
“The Bible says homosexuality is does that mean those people no longer believe in God’s Word and have turned from Him, or can they still believe in Him as Lord and share the gospel with others? I know one way to look at this is that if someone is a true believer they would ask for God to keep them from temptation and never even go down that path, but like you said, it’s a sin, and believers sin everyday. So...what makes this so different? Is it because the sin is out there for the world to see? I ask all this because I believe some people were born to be this way and I’m always torn on this subject because I know what the Bible says but most of my friends are not straight. Any clarity on this would be much appreciated.”
Well, I’d definitely love to try to help clarify it for you. First, as you said, sin is sin. God says that all lust is sin, no matter if you are a girl lusting after a girl, or a guy lusting after a girl or whatever. He says anger, pride, selfishness, lying, etc., are all sins. So when someone sins with homosexuality it has roughly the same consequences as someone who steals something or lies. The thing that most people don’t understand, though is that, when we sin, whatever it is, we are disobeying God. And in order to be right with God, we must repent (say sorry, and turn from our sins). One
big problem with all the LGBT stuff, is that it has come in with a tide of intense pride. Pride keeps us from being able to be right with God, because that requires humility, and admitting we are wrong. This does not make it impossible for someone of the LGBT community to be right with God...but it makes it very hard, because they don’t want to hear anything other than praise for their choices. Someone who steals might feel guilty, and therefore, be moved to repent when told that what they did was wrong. But for so many LGBT’s, they have stopped their ears, and because of the pride behind the movement, can’t hear anything that is said against homosexuality, because they are proud of their choices, and not feeling guilty in the least. Now, you mentioned Christians sinning every day. This is true -- how well I know. However, being a Christian means -- literally -- being a follower of Christ; meaning you love what He stands for and says in the Bible. It is undeniable that God is unwavering in His justice, and when we sin, we must also repent. The Christian who refuses to repent for a sin, or tries to justify it, becomes stagnant and distances themselves from God. I’ve seen it happen in my own life. The moment God asks you to surrender something and you refuse, that is the moment you stop moving forward. The moment you sin, there is a barrier between your relationship with God...and you can FEEL it. The sin that Christ’s atonement covers is CONFESSED sin. Sin that is hidden, or justified, and left unconfessed is sin that is not covered in the atonement of Christ. BUT, as SOON as we confess and forsake our sins, we WILL have mercy, and the barriers are removed, and we can experience the joys of God’s presence again! So, if you love Christ, and you want to follow His commands, and do what is 27
pleasing to Him...then you are a Christian. Even if you fail, you will be alright if you do what He asks and just humble yourself and say sorry. However, if you say you are a Christian, but you don’t like some of what He says, that means you can’t really BE a Christian...because it means you are forming a new and different “god” for yourself according to your own passions and desires. God does not change, and we don’t get to pick and choose which commands we like and which we don’t...and which parts of God we prefer. God is God. He has been from the beginning. And He hasn’t changed His mind as the cultures have changed. If we don’t like what God stands for, then we don’t really like God.
we don’t agree with this command, and this verse here...and that one there. So, if someone is unwilling to see their sin as sin, and confess and forsake it, I really don’t think they can be “Christians”. I don’t think you can be a Christian and not love and try to obey God’s Word.
Photo credit: glasseyes view / Foter / CC BY-SA
1 John 1:6-8 says, “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins Saying God is and to cleanse us from ok with homosexuall unrighteousness. ality and would enIf we say we have not courage you to pursinned, we make Him If we pick and choose what we want Jesus to be like, we are sue whatever makes a liar, and His word is defacing Jesus to create our own version of god. you happy would be like a not in us.” boyfriend being convinced that you think Hitler was a good guy, that you find run You might love God...but if you ning over cats in your car to be funny, and don’t want to be set free from your sins, that you love when people drive off of there’s no point in even calling yourself a cliffs. It’s simply not true about you, and Christian...because Jesus came to set us if this person was only your boyfriend free from sin -- not just to save us from because they were convinced that you Hell...but to actually give us NEW hearts believed these things, they’d really be in and lives!! love with someone else, because the per But if we don’t want the heart that son they have created you to be in their HE considers to be new, and pure, and mind is not really you. And, in fact, you righteous, then we don’t really want the would probably be quite offended that God of the Bible. they thought such things of you! That’s kind of a weird example, but I So it’s the same for all sins...even just wanted to illustrate what it is that we though, yes, homosexuality is often zedo to God, when we say we love Him, but roed in on because 1) if you don’t struggle 28
with it, then it’s easy to pick on it without your own conscience being pricked, and 2) because the whole movement IS so full of pride, and is very “in your face” about a lot of things, so that if you stand up for God’s standards at all, you *will* likely come headto-head with them, because they won’t let you go un-challenged.
rior looks like, and He wants to help them. He loves them...and calls out to them...because freedom is only found in Him.
BUT...then there is our culture. Our media is insanely bad. I haven’t watched a mainstream movie for the past 5 years, because they were getting so bad...and they have only gotten worse since then. BUT, there’s also another angle. Our music is just as bad -- maybe worse. A couple, actually. I’ve chosen not to listen to any secular music for a long time, First, a lot of them but I’ve heard songs are hurt. Angry. Bitter. Everything we are in stores blasphemMany girls who decide ing God, Jesus, and to become lesbians/ watching and pump- the Holy Spirit. I’ve transgender have been heard songs glorifyhurt...many have been ing through our earbuds ing the party lifestyle, abused...many have glorifying sex, glorifybeen raped. They hate 24/7 is telling us to live ing doing whatever men. They don’t trust makes you happy. I’ve men. But they feel like for whatever makes us heard songs saying, their only safety and “I can’t help it, even security is in becoming happy, and is feeding if I tried,” about beone themselves...and ing gay. Everything becoming unattractus a way of life that is we are watching and ive to guys, then they pumping through our won’t be hurt again. completely abominable earbuds 24/7 is telling They think maybe, just us to live for whatever maybe their hearts will to God and goes against makes us happy, and be safer and their longis feeding us a way of ings met in another girl His Word and His char- life that is completely instead of trusting their abominable to God aching hearts to the acter in every way. and goes against His gender who has broWord and His characken them time and time ter in every way. How again. can someone stand against such a tide of ungodliness?? It’s practically impossible, I know someone who went through unless you truly know God and hold onto this. BUT...Jesus has set her free from the an- Him and hold onto Truth with every ounce ger and bitterness and the intense hurts... of strength you have. and has made her able to love again, and On top of it all, all our media (includto enjoy being a girl again! (She wrote an ing video games) actually have real, dearticle in my last Unshakable Girl e-Mag, monic spirits attached to them, and when which you can read on we willfully listen to and watch those things, And I know Jesus sees these hurting we open the door to let those things into little girls inside -- no matter what the exte- our lives...and they are SO deceitful. I’ve felt 29
their power before. The devil can flick on and Any of us could go that way if we let off our emotions like a light switch. He can our sinful thoughts take root...and act on enflame us with passion for someone/some- them. But the point of His salvation and thing that makes no sense at all, and makes the gift of His Holy Spirit is to give us NEW it SEEM like it’s our thoughts -- our idea...and hearts with NEW desires, and the power to that we NEED to do it! Or He can make us resist temptation, and flee from it. feel SO depressed and overwhelmed over nothing at all. But as Christians, we can simply re“I have drifted away from church and buke the devil in Jesus’ name, and he WILL believers just because I couldn’t stand how flee from us. However, most of them were -- and I if we are not following Any of us could go that find myself, now -- in that Christ, we don’t have His place of picking and choosauthority, and these de- way if we let our sinful ing what they wanted to bemonic spirits are able to lieve of God’s Word. I didn’t totally wreak havoc on our thoughts take root... fully realize it until you said lives. Even so, Jesus can that we can love God but not set us free...but...we have and act on them. But really love and obey Him. to want to be free. And I’ve always thought that the point of His salva- He made you to feel certain that is the catch. ways toward certain gen So, I personally tion and the gift of His ders despite what you were don’t believe that people on the outside. are born to be that way. Holy Spirit is to give us God made us male and feFor the longest time I felt male, just how He meant NEW hearts with NEW like something has been us to be...and even goes missing...and it seems like so far in the Bible as to desires, and the power I’m growing more attracsay that even a man weartive to other women, but ing woman’s clothing and to resist temptation, I’ve kept myself from pursuvise-versa is abominable ing those thoughts and feelto Him. He doesn’t make and flee from it. ings because, I knew if I did, I mistakes. And He really wouldn’t be able to work at doesn’t give any wiggle places with kids for a very room. Some people may be more inclined long time -- if ever -- and that’s selfish. But to fall into the sin of homosexuality, just like I feel like that shouldn’t be my reason at some people tend to struggle with lying all. I should be say “no” to those thoughts more, or anger more. But just because you because of what God says and wants from struggle with the desire to want to throw me...but with my tug-of-war relationship things and punch people, does that mean with Him that’s hard to do. you should give in to that temptation? No! The same is true with homosexuality. God I’ve been through a lot and I’m tired of it. doesn’t give us homosexual desires -- we Every time I feel like I’m growing in my faith choose them because of our sinful nature, something happens and I take 10 steps as Romans 1:24-27 says; it’s not because of back.” the way we were born, but because of our choices and desires to sin. I understand your struggle with the
Photo credit: Katie Tegtmeyer / Foter / CC BY
church. I travel to so many churches now with my family’s ministry, and see so many people in the same place of going to church, but not having a real love for the Lord. We fail to realize that just going to church can’t take away the emptiness and cleanse our hearts from their sinful tendencies. So many people in the church are still living in sin, and living with their worldly worldviews, because they don’t actually have a living relationship with the Lord and/or haven’t let the Lord search their hearts for things that are displeasing to Him -- because they don’t want to let go of the things that make them feel comfortable or happy. But God didn’t come to make us comfortable or happy. He came to give us new hearts, and lives that are full of light and joy. He came to make us into His children.
However, it is good to keep in mind that, no matter what people around you do and say, God IS real, and following Him with total surrender IS worth it! No matter what someone The devil loves to wrap us in guilt. else does or doesn’t do, what is important is to make sure your OWN heart and life are right with the Lord, and that you are walking in His ways --in obedience-- yourself. Not every person who calls themselves a Christian is going to be a true reflection of Christ (we’re all sinners!), many will fall short, and make mistakes...but that doesn’t make God’s Word and the truth of the Bible any less true or real. If you want to have an unwavering relationship with Christ, go to the Bible, and walk according to what it says, not according to what the people around you do or don’t do. Then you will be firmly rooted when the winds of
adversity and the struggles and trials of life come. And, whatever reason you’ve had behind it, it IS good that you have been keeping yourself from pursuing those thoughts you’ve had. That is the starting point for doing what is right. “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it,” and, “Resist the devil, and he WILL flee from you,” are two very helpful scriptures in this case. With the first, it is comforting to know that you are not alone, and also, that every time you are tempted, there IS a way out. There is never a temptation that you are forced to give in to. BUT, we have to be willing to actually TAKE the way of escape that God makes for us. And most times it isn’t pleasant to our flesh...because, like I said before, every temptation the devil throws at us is something we LIKE or WANT...otherwise, it wouldn’t be tempting. It would be like if I held a can of rotten eggs in front of your face, hoping it would lure you wherever I wanted you to go; it’s not really that effective unless the bait is something you really want. Now if I said, “Do such-and-such for me, and I’ll give you a $1,000 gift card to your favorite store,” you’d probably jump at the offer! The devil is very clever...and does everything he can to destroy any hope we have of a relationship with the Lord. He seems to especially love anything that will wrap us in guilt, and make us think that we can never be good enough to walk with the Lord again. But the reality is, God makes it the most simple thing ever: we just have to humble ourselves and say sorry...and then he removes our sin from us as far as the east is from the west, and remembers it no more, and will never hold it against us. But the devil tells us, “You can’t say sorry now! You’re too bad. God can’t forgive you for that.” Thinking that any sin you commit is too big for God to forgive it is 31
scheduled that way. Even if you have to get up an hour earlier and lose a little sleep, it is well worth it. Our lives on earth are just a “How can I grow closer to God when the fleeting breath, but our spirits will last fordevil really likes to screw up my life? Every ever. time I get closer one of two things happens: 1.) I date a guy who says he’s a believer but Any time you have free time, or you’re turns out to be either lying and have his own doing something that doesn’t take a lot of religion, or he turns into an abuser or a per- thought -- pray! Sometimes we feel like it has vert. 2.) Someone I care for dies. to be a big chunk of time to “count”, but every I know God does things to test us as 10 minutes we get to spend time with the well. Just look what he let happen to Job. Lord, is a 10 minutes well spent. Also, there Sadly, I’m not strong enough to keep press- have been times when I was feeling so overing into God in the mist of my whelmed and oppressed hardship. and just like I wanted to can I wait cry for no reason at all that on Him to find me the right I could put my finger on... man? If I’m meant to be with and I just stepped away to someone?” pray for 10 minutes, and rebuked the devil and every oppressive spirit, and The key to growing asked God to fill me with closer to the Lord, and stayHis Spirit and peace -- and ing close, instead of your even joy...and I immedirelationship with Him beately felt lighter and more ing like a yo-yo, is...actually joyful! just 1.) Being faithful in the small things, and, 2.) Trust Also, be willing to do ing in God’s good character, whatever He asks, knowand holding fast to it, withing that it is always for out doubting or acting out our good -- because God of fear. knows what things will destroy our lives, and lead us So, first, be faithful to seek Him each down wrong paths, and sidetrack us from day. We act like we deserve God’s benefits investing in eternity. for nothing -- we want God to bless us, and everything to be perfect, but we don’t ac- And one thought about waiting to tually want to exert any effort. But...what find the right guy: It is far better to be single friendship is like that?? How can you ever be and totally in love with the Lord and walkbest friends with someone unless you hang ing in a way that is pleasing to Him, than to out with them, talk with them all the time, be in a relationship that is not godly, and get to know all the things they love, and which will destroy your life and your eternal exert the effort it takes to know all about life, and take away all your joy in the Lord. them? There have been many single women who It is the most important thing in your have been sold out for Jesus, and were surwhole life. More important than making rendered to whatever God wanted them to money, more important than friends, more do...and He was able to use them in amazimportant than it should be ing ways! Women like Gladys Aylward, Amy
Carmichael, Mary Slessor...and even Katie Davis, a modern day gal who felt God telling her to give up her life in America, and move to Uganda to be a mom to orphan girls...and she actually just got married this year, because God finally brought along a very godly guy who was glad to be a part of what God had called her to do.
I was willing to surrender the concept of ever being married or being in a relationship, before God was able to actually give me my husband. Because God knows that unless we are able to surrender these things and put Him first in our lives, we will make an idol out of them, and love our relationships and our significant other MORE than we love Him. And He knows that would destroy us, because no human can live up to that standard; none of us can fill that hole of needing unconditional love in someone else’s life -- only God can do that. So I had to come to the point in my own heart where I was able to say, “God, I love you, and whether I ever get married or not, I will serve you with my life. Even if it means I will never have a companion, never get to have my first kiss, never have the comfort of someone’s hand to hold. I surrender these things, and I say YES, Lord. Yes, I will serve you, even still.”
The world makes us feel like our lives don’t really have meaning until/unless we have a relationship...and like we are worthless or useless till then. But that isn’t true at all! ANY person who is surrendered to God, and just wants to be used by Him CAN be! Relationships are really just extra -- in fact, Paul says in the Bible that it is much easier to serve the Lord and be single, and HE found the joy in it! Being married is a blessing, but it is not essential, and in fact, can be just one long distraction unless both people actually love JESUS first and want to serve Him with their lives. And it was only after that hurdle was overcome in my own heart, and I gave up So, every story is different, but if you my dreams of marriage, that God was able have it set in your heart that you want to fol- to bring my husband to me...because it was low Jesus, and will not compromise for the only then that He knew that it wouldn’t desake of a relationship, God will honor that. I stroy me by becoming my first love. personally had to come to the place where
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