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APPROVAL “I hereby declare that I had read and go through for this thesis, and it is adequate in terms of scope and quality which fulfill the requirements for the awards Bachelor Of Technology Management With Honours (High Technology Marketing)”




i CITY MARKETING TO PROMOTE MELAKA CITY MD TAJUL ISLAM The thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (Hons in High Technology Marketing) Faculty of Technology Management and Technopreneurship Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka JULY 2021


ii DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL WORK I hereby declare that this thesis with the title “CITY MARKETING TO PROMOTE MELAKA CITY” is the result with my own research except as cited in references.



I would like to dedicate the appreciation to my beloved family member which always supported and motivated me all the time, my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Syaiful Rizal Bin Abdul Hamid and my panel Mrs. Sitinor Wardatuaina Binti Mohd Yusof who guided me along with my research and my course mates that assisted me through the journey of my research.

It is a great opportunity for me to study the research of “City Marketing to Promote Melaka City”. During the preparation of this research, I used a variety of resources, including books, news, and related publications, to obtain more pertinent information for my research topic. Firstly, I am truly grateful to my respective supervisors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Syaiful Rizal Bin Abdul Hamid. Despite his extremely intense job, he took the time to listen, guide, and direct me in the right direction while working on my research assignment. He has always been genuine and helpful in assisting me in better understanding what I should be going through when preparing my research. With her help, support, and supervision, I was able to complete this research project. Next, I consider myself fortunate to have a family and relatives who have never failed to support me during this study endeavor. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved friends and classmates for their unwavering support throughout the study process.




An environment of increased competition between jurisdictions to attract investment and people has resulted in cities implementing marketing and branding strategies. These strategies should be adapted to the requirements and needs of cities; therefore, managers and planners should be initiated into these techniques. The image of the city is an essential element here. All the city's potential advantages should be improved in order to improve the perception of the city's population. The present study seeks to identify the key sectors that Melaka can develop to improve its image. So, there will be a survey of the perception of the city. This research will be carried out with the help of quantitative methods, which are descriptive research. The survey data will be collected by using a questionnaire from 384 respondents who are residences of Malaysia, especially from Melaka city. This research can assist the researcher in offering the best way to promote the city of Melaka to the rest of the world.

Keywords: Marketing, City Marketing, Perception measure of the city

Persekitaran yang meningkat persaingan antara bidang kuasa untuk menarik pelaburan dan orang telah menyebabkan bandar melaksanakan strategi pemasaran dan penjenamaan. Strategi ini harus disesuaikan dengan keperluan dan keperluan bandar; oleh itu, pengurus dan perancang harus memulakan teknik ini. Imej bandar adalah elemen penting di sini. Semua kelebihan potensi bandar harus ditingkatkan untuk meningkatkan persepsi penduduk bandar. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti sektor utama yang dapat dibangunkan oleh Melaka untuk meningkatkan imejnya. Jadi, akan ada tinjauan mengenai persepsi bandar. Penyelidikan ini akan dilakukan dengan bantuan kaedah kuantitatif, iaitu penyelidikan deskriptif. Data tinjauan akan dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik dari 384 responden yang tinggal di Malaysia, terutamanya dari bandar Melaka. Penyelidikan ini dapat membantu pengkaji dalam menawarkan kaedah terbaik untuk mempromosikan bandar Melaka ke seluruh pelosok dunia. Kata kunci: Pemasaran, Pemasaran Bandar, Ukuran persepsi bandar



vii TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER CONTENT PAGES TITLE i DECLARATIONOF ORIGINAL WORK ii DECICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENT vii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introduction 1 1.2. Background of Study 1 1.3. Problem Statement 3 1.4. Research Questions 6 1.5. Research Objectives 6 1.6. Scope and Limitation 6

viii 1.7. The Significance of the Study 7 1.8. Thesis Outline 7 1.9. Summary 8 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Introduction 10 2.2. Definition of Terms 10 2.3. From Marketing to City Marketing 11 2.3.1. The Marketing Mix 12 2.3.2. PESTEL Analysis 14 2.4. City Marketing and The Business Globe 16 2.5. The Role of Social Media in The City Marketing 17 2.5.1. Social Media Channels 18 YouTube 19 WhatsApp 20 Facebook 20 Instagram 20 2.6. The Necessity of Social Welfare and Community in City Marketing 21 2.7. The Image of The City 22 2.8. Key Actors in The City 23 2.9. The Perception of The City 25 2.9.1. Economy Sector 25

ix 2.9.2. Education Sector 26 2.9.3. Tourism Sector 27 2.9.4. Cultural Sector 27 2.9.5. Social Welfare System Sector 28 2.10. Example of Implementation of Places Branding/Marketing Strategies 29 2.11. Research Framework 30 2.12. Hypothesis Testing 31 2.13. Summary 32 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Introduction 34 3.2. Research Design 34 3.2.1. Descriptive Research 35 3.3. Methodology Choices 35 3.4. Data Sources 36 3.4.1. Primary Data 37 3.4.2. Secondary Data 38 3.5. Research Strategy 39 3.5.1. Survey Strategy 39 3.5.2. Pilot Test 40 3.6.LocationofResearch 41 3.7. Sampling Design 41 3.8. Questionnaire Design 42

x 3.9. Reliability and Validity 43 3.10. Data Analysis Method 44 3.10.1. Descriptive Analysis 45 3.10.2. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient 45 3.10.3. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) 46 3.11. Time Horizon 47 3.12. Summary 48 CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Introduction 49 4.2 Pilot Test 49 4.3 Descriptive Statistics of Demographic Background 51 4.3.1. Gender 51 4.3.2. Age 52 4.3.3. Education Level 54 4.3.4 Nationality 55 4.3.4 Residence 56 4.4. Descriptive Statistics on Independent Variables and Dependent Variable 57 4.4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 1 (IV1) 59 4.4.2. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 2 (IV2) 60 4.4.3. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 3 (IV3) 62 4.4.4. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 4 (IV4) 63

xi 4.4.5. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 5 (IV5) 64 4.4.6. Descriptive Statistics of dependent Variable (DV) 66 4.5 Result of Measurement 67 4.5.1 Validity Test 67 4.5.2. Reliability Test 70 4.6. Hypothesis Testing 72 4.6.1 Multiple Regression Analysis (Model Summary) 73 4.6.2 Multiple Regression Analysis (ANOVA) 74 4.6.3 Multiple Regression Analysis (Coefficients) 74 4.6.4. Summary of Hypothesis 76 4.7 Summary 78 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5.1. Introduction 80 5.2. Summary of Study 80 5.3 Discussion on the Demographic Background 81 5.4 Discussion on Research Objectives 82 5.5. Implication of Study 89 5.6. Limitation of Study 92 5.7 Recommendations of Future Study 92 5.8. Conclusion 93


xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLES TITLE PAGES 3.1 Likert Scale 37 3.2 Questionnaire Design 43 3.3 Cronbach’s Alpha and Internal consistency 44 3.4 Equation of Multiple Regression Analysis 47 4.1 Reliability Statistics for All Items 50 4.2 Gender of Respondents 51 4.3 Age of Respondents 53 4.4 Education Level of Respondents 54 4.5 Nationality of Respondents 55 4.6 Residence of Respondents 57 4.7 Descriptive Statistics for Independent Variables 58 4.8 Descriptive Statistics for Dependent Variable 59 4.9 Descriptive Statistics of Economy Sector (E) 59 4.10 Descriptive Statistics of Education Sector (ED) 60 4.11 Descriptive Statistics of Tourism Sector (T) 62 4.12 Descriptive Statistics of Culture Sector (C) 63 4.13 Descriptive Statistics of Social Welfare System Sector (SW) 65

xiv 4.14 Descriptive Statistics of the perception measure of the city 66 4.15 Range of Pearson's Correlation Coefficients and the Interpretation 68 4.16 Correlations between Variables 69 4.17 Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient range and the strength of association 71 4.18 Reliability Test for Independent Variables and Dependent Variable 72 4.19 Multiple Regression Analysis 73 4.20 Multiple Regression Analysis (ANOVA) 74 4.21 Multiple Regression Analysis 75 4.22 Summary for Hypothesis 78 5.1 Summary of Hypothesis Testing 84

xv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES TITLE PAGES 2.1 The 4Ps of the marketing mix 13 2.2 PESTEL analysis six factors 15 2.3 The most used social media channels in Malaysia 19 2.4 Lynch's Five Elements 22 2.5 Key Actors in The City 24 2.6 Research Framework 31 3.1 Dichotomous Questions 38 3.2 Pearson’s Correlations Coefficient 46 4.1 Gender of Respondents 52 4.2 Age of Respondents 53 4.3 Education Level of Respondents 55 4.4 Nationality of Respondents 56 4.5 Residence of Respondents 57

xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDICES TITLE PAGES APPENDIX 1 Gantt Chart for PSM 1 104 APPENDIX 2 Gantt Chart for PSM 2 105 APPENDEX 3 Questionnaire 106

To some extent, City marketing is the promotion of a city or a region within it, intending to encourage certain activities there. It aims to transfer the city into a brand with particular values in people's minds. It is good that the branding concept can use in cities for branding places. Any city may be transformed into an attractive destination with a successful branding effort. Successful campaigns will revitalize their towns after they are started, drawing visitors, residents, and workers. (Dan, 2018). The branding of the city is in front of a new era of recognition. Additionally, the city's brand image can be viewed as a long term investment that benefits the city's residents.


1.2. Background of Study

This chapter aims to introduce the reader to the background of the research as “city marketing to promote Melaka city”. There will have a problem discussion, research questions, and objectives, the scopes, and limitations of the study, the significance of the study, and the thesis outline of this research will be discussed in this chapter.

1.1. Introduction


These points cannot easily to apply in city branding, especially the financial value of the branding.

▪ Allowing distinctiveness from competitors: This means that if a city is properly branded, people may prefer to visit, live, or study in that city over others with similar benefits.

As an example, Dubai city banding.Dubai has chosen this simple and US-style marketing strategy for its image development does not come as a surprise to a city with global aspirations. The Dubai brand is supported by a simple story and a universal and emotional concept. Its value system is the one that may be suitable with ease. Dubai currently has the most successful and liberal business model in the Middle East (Huda, 2020). Tobehonest, effectivecitymarketingandbranding tactics can nowbebeneficialto Melaka, which is currently undergoing development. The one part of the main focus of this research is based on Melaka's current megaprojects, which can be called as vision 2025. Because most of these projects will be finished by 2025, those projects are Melaka Gateway (2025), The Sail Melaka (2024), The Sail Melaka (2025), and Harbour City (2025) a few more. Because once these megaprojects are opened that year will catalyze their overall process are aiming for more residences, businesses, outside visitors there will be more investment in the city. It will generate benefits from both tangible and intangible, which become obvious than the advancement of the city. But for that, the city of Melaka needs to have an efficient city marketing strategy.

It is more difficult to apply in cities if we compare with companies, but not impossible to apply.

▪ Providing customers with emotional value

▪ Increasing turnover, for example, promotes tourism, which immediately generates revenue as long as tourists consume throughout their stay, etc.

This concept is used extensively in the corporate world. The same branding methods that are employed for businesses can be applied to the city's marketing. The branding process generates subsequent effects (Kerry, 2014):

▪ Providing long term strategic advantages. ▪ Bring financial worth to a brand: the financial value of a brand's future discounted profits is the financial value of the brand's future discounted earnings.

1.3 Problem Statement In modern times, every single city around the world tries to point out the best possible image of it to the people. Cities are trying to put themselves in the best position of top cities rank in the world, country, region, or area. To attain this goal, the city must first identify the most important areas to improve or the market segment on which it should concentrate its efforts. Nowadays cities developers are using marketing tools and develop analogous strategies for cities. The image of one city on its own may distinguish it from another. However, city marketing is not easy to create and every city does not have the skills to realize it. This is quite a big problem for a city to build the image or transfer itself a brand in people's eyes. It is not an easy nor a rapid faster process. Therefore, the city needs to have a deep investigation of its basics sector to build a good city brand or image. Otherwise, it could be a big failure for the city itself. If we compare a city with an organization. The organization sees its downfall when it could not fulfill up the customers' basics needs, wants, and demands The city must identify and interact with potential customers, as well as satisfy them. That is why Levitt called it marketing myopia (Aashish, 2020). According to Van den Berg and Braun (1999, p. 987), there are four general potential customers of a city: residents, companies, visitors, and investors. There is an important key sector that has never been focused on city marketing or branding, which is the Social Welfare System. A social welfare system helps individuals and families in need by providing health care, food vouchers, and unemployment compensation programs. (Julia, 2020). It could help the city to build a strong and good image of it in people's eyes. After studies about city marketing and city branding, this research will be found on the main sectors where Melaka city needs to have relevant strategies are the following economy, tourism, culture, education, and social welfare system. Firstly, the tourism sector, because Melaka is known as World Heritage Site declared UNESCO in 2008. Every year nearly almost 20 million tourists visit Melaka city. Chief Minister Adly Zahari


4 said Melaka tourist's number increased to 4.79 million in the first three months of 2019 compared to 4.07 million duringthesame period last year (MalayMail, 2019). Due to the Covid 19 pandemic tourist visits fell 36.8% to 4.23m in 1Q from a year ago (Areeshya, 2020). Melaka's government is sponsoring a tourism campaign dubbed "Dream Now, Travel Later" to help the state's tourism economy recover from the Covid 19 outbreak. The campaign may be accessed through an online platform named 'Melaka eXcess' App, which can be downloaded from Google Play and AppStore, according to State Tourism, Heritage, and Culture Committee chairman Datuk Muhamad Jailani Khamis. (MalayMail, 2020). To restart the tourism sector again by end of 2021. Melaka has a rich cultural sector; the culture of Melaka has been a melting pot of ethnic customs and traditions for over six centuries. Thanks to the life that gave rise to the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Baba, and Nyonya, Portuguese, Chitty, and Eurasia, the Melaka races have a variety of people. They live a perfect and quiet life. Melaka now has a lot to offer visitors in terms of culture, istiadar customs, historical monuments, religious holidays, and traditional celebrations. Melakahasasolideconomysector,whichismainlydependentontheservicessector. Theindustry sector is quite weak with about 2070 companies established in the region only according to (Busniesslist, 2020). Melaka Governor Mohd Khalil Yaakob said that the state government will work hard to encourage foreign and domestic investors to set up operations in the state’s industrial areas. This research is going to mainly focus on two sectors the economy sector is one of them. In the higher education sector, this city has six reputed universities: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malacca Manipal Medical College, Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysian Maritime Academy (ALAM), Malaysian Han Studies (MAHANS). This city has 237 primary schools and 77 secondary schools, and several institutions offer nursing education. Melaka has three international schools, which specialize in teaching Cambridge International A Levels and cater to the expatriate communities.


Lastly, Melaka has a strong social welfare system. Malaysia has a Community Development Department, better known among the general public as KEMAS, which help other social service community to develop themself and help those who needed, they have a department in Melaka also. There are a few more communities have in Melaka: Majlis Agama Islam Melaka (BAITULMAL), Pembangunan Wanita Office Melaka, Women Service Center (Rumah Nur), Melaka State Anti Drugs Agency (AADK), Melaka Stroke Foundation (YAAM), The Ministry of Women and Family (KPWK), and Department of Education Human Development Management Sector.Thesecommunitiesofferassistanceto individualsandfamiliesinneed,withsuchprograms as health care assistance, food stamps, and unemployment compensation. The social welfare system does not create any market for the city except it helps people to grow up from their problems. This system only built a positive image of the city to the people, which attracts outsiders (foreign investors, tourists, and students, etc.) to come into the city. This is another sector which is going to be focus deeply. Moreover, Melaka city is primarily known to the world and promotes itself as the best tourist destination place in Malaysia. The tourism sector is more dominant than the other sectors due to its historical riches, which attracted a lot of local and international tourists to visit the city (The Tourism Industry in the State of Melaka, 2015). Where other sectors could not promote the city as like the tourism sector has to be doing. However, this study will be conducted to get information and develop different ideas or strategies for other sectors include the tourism sectors, that the city can follow to strengthen its image and the awareness of people about it and promote itself. Thus, this study will be conducted to analyze all the potential sectors of the city to promote Melaka city to the world.

To fully achieve the study purpose, research objectives are developed to guide this research. The research objectives are stated as below: RO1: To describe the city marketing. RO2: To identify the key sectors to focus on in order to improve the image of the city of Melaka. RO3: To provide the sectors of the city of Melaka that should be highlighted to the rest of the world.

1.5 Research Objectives

RQ3: What are the sectors of the city of Melaka that should be highlighted to the rest of the world?


1.6 Scope and Limitation

1.4 Research Questions

The purpose of this study will be reached by answering the following research questions. The research questions are stated as below: RQ1: What is the city marketing? RQ2: What are the key sectors to focus on in order to improve the image of the city of Melaka?

The scope of this research study is to identify the important sectors that have to be developed by Melaka city to improve its image. This research will be collected information from the people of

This research study can provide information on the base image of the city in people's minds, that what people think of the city. This study will help the city to build a good image in people's eyes and will give information about how to focus on the key points in order to improve the city and which assets should be the highlight to the rest of the world for making a destination place for higher education, visitors, residents, investors, and companies.


There are so many contexts on tourism marketing but only a few contexts on city marketing. This whole research is based on place and destination marketing.

the city who are living and studying over here by doing a survey. There will an investigation about the city on macroeconomic features: economy, education, tourism, culture, and there is one more added area, which is social welfare and community, that what people think about these areas.

Focusing on these areas will be enough rather than trying to cover all areas because most people focus on these areas. The researcher is going to develop a few forwardness about the strategies since the highlighting sectors to be a conception in order to improve the image of the city and promote it to the rest of the world to make destination place for higher education, visitors, residents, investors, and companies. There are some limitations in the conduct of this research, such as time limits, less secondary information, and respondent honesty. The time is very limited since the researcher has to complete the data collection within three months. The respondent's honesty is also a limitation on carrying out the research. Moreover, it is a kind of rare topic and does not have that much secondary data.

1.7 The Significance of the Study

8 1.8 Thesis Outline This research study is divided into five main chapters: Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 2 (Literature Review), Chapter 3 (Research Methodology), Chapter 4 (Data Analysis and Discussion), Chapter 5 (Conclusion) 1.9 Summary INTRODUCTION • Background, problem discussion, research questions, and objectives, the scopes, and limitations of the study, the significance of the study. LITERATUREREVIEW • Presentaton of the existing literaure on the subject (markeying mix and PESTEL) and Research framework. METHODLOGYRESERCH • Explanation of the research strategy and design will follow. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION • Analysis of the data will be collected. • Discussion will be made from the found evidence and association with literature review. CONCLUSION • Summary of the bindings, implications, limitations and suggestionsfor further researches.

This chapter highlighted the purpose of the study of this research, underlines its background of the study as well as gives ideas for the next chapter. The chapter also includes the significance of the study, scope and limitation, research questions and objectives, and problem statement with the validity and reliability of the study.


The researcher will present significant bits of literature about the topic in this chapter. These many components will be combined to form a conceptual framework, which will then be linked to the findings. The potential clients of a city will be shown using Van den Berg and Braun's concept. This model aided the researcher in developing a theoretical framework upon which the hypotheses and questions were built.


2.1. Introduction

2.2. Definition of terms

What is marketing, Really? Is Marketing advertising? Is Marketing a brochure? Is Marketing a press release? And these modern days, Is Marketing a FB page, an IG, or a Twitter account?

Marketing is all of these, where, to many businesspersons, is simply selling at a larger scale (Michael, 2019). Before marketing anything the organization needs to do the branding. Because branding is the overall impact that makes on the organization which shows what the customers knowabout theorganization.Peoplelovetopayextraattentionto trademarks andbrands, therefore willing to spend more on them.

Nowadays, organizations are using marketing concepts of Place Marketing which is also known as Destination Marketing. Place marketing is a marketing strategy that uses a particular place to promote. Place marketing is also known as place branding or place promotion (Hitesh, 2018). In simple words, place marketing means intimating the attractions (visitors, residents, investors, and companies), resources, and business opportunities available at that place. From the last few years, Place marketing has acquired a lot of traction in the marketing profession since it is common for a location to compare itself to other locations in order to attract people, businesses, and resources.


These special applications of place marketing are going to use in the research as city marketing. City marketing is the promotion of a city, or a district within it, which intends to inspire specific activities to be held in the city. It is used to alter the external perceptions of a city to encourage tourism, attract internal migration of residents, or qualify business relocation (Smyth & Hedley, 1994). To impaling the city marketing concepts in the city, there is going to be a management system. The city marketing management system is going to set the marketing goals for the city.

Place marketing encompasses a number of factors: The quality of local services that encourages businesses to invest in a location or visitors to visit it. Business potential is what motivates a corporation to locate its operations in a specific location. Infrastructure that promotes tourism in the area. People and resources have an impact on a company's decision to invest in a location

To achieve the goals there are going to have a few activities which will be planning and carrying out to meet these goals.

2.3. From Marketing to City Marketing

The AMA’s definition of Marketing is the business, the set of institutions and processes for generating, communicating,delivering,andexchanging valuableofferingsforcustomers,partners, and society as a whole.. It is a process of interesting possibility customers and clients in the

12 products and/or services. The main keyword in this marketing definition is "process". Which is involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing the products or services (Susan, 2019).

There are numerous of marketing theories that help companies or organizations to be built. For this research, the researcher has come up with marketing models which are The Marketing Mix, and PESTEL Analysis. These models are going to focus on multiple areas of the city part, it might help to better understand the city to promote the city to the rest of the world.

2.3.1. The Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is one of the main key theories in marketing. It has been using in the majority of business fields. The marketing mix is the set of actions, marketing tools that the business uses to promote its products and services to targeted customers (Laura, 2019). In 1960, the 4Ps of the marketing mix has been created by E. Jerome McCarthy. The 4Ps of the marketing mix are Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, which are shown in FIGURE 1 below.

FIGURE 2.1: The 4Ps of the marketing mix

Asthetopicofthis researchis citymarketing to promotethecitythe 4Ps is thebest mix tool instant of using the 7Ps, 9Ps, or 11Ps. There will be three main fields of the marketing mix; Place, Promotion, and Product, which are going to be deeply engaged with this research. Place another word is location, where the customers can use, access, or purchase a product. The place also represents the distribution system (Laura, 2019). In this research, The availability of the city, as well as how the transit infrastructure is constructed, are all examples of city marketing. It helps the customers to select the best transport system and do it cost effectively to reach the city. It also helps the investors and residents to select the location. Promotion, which encompasses advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations, is another significant component of the marketing mix. (Will, 2020). These modern day promotion strategies have been changed and transferred into social medial promotion. Due to the use of social media platforms and people are more on social media looking for advice for their specific product. However, social 4Ps of marketingthemix Product Price Promotion Place



The same strategies can be applied in the city for its marketing. Last but not least, another field of the marketing mix is the product. It is what the businesses are going to sell. This represents an item or service designed to satisfy customer needs and wants (Will, 2020). For a city, the product of that city is the city itself. The city has to make sure that the services of the city have satisfied customer needs and wants.

2.3.2. PESTEL Analysis In 1967, Harvard Business School professor Francis J. Aguilar released a critical novel: Scanning the Business Environment. The book came up ETPS but did not roll off the tongue. Later on, it began with ETPS after that Arnold Brown, connected to the American Institute of Life Insurance, renamed the analysis to STEP. But the acronym changed once more. An ‘E’ was added, turning STEP into STEPE. But the meaning was altered. It now meant: Social, Technical, Economic, Political, and Ecological. Again in 1980, STEPE turned into STEEPLE, PESTLE, and PEST respectively (Kiesha, 2017). PESTEL analysis is formed primarily by the six categories Political, Economic, Socio cultural, Technological, Legal, and Environmental. These are the most important factors, which residents, companies, visitors, and investors look at before deciding the destination. Down FIGURE 2 represents the six factors of PESTEL analysis.

media helps businesses to communicate with their customers easily and bring feedbacks shortly.

Political Factors: include government policy, political stability or instability in international markets, foreign trade policy, tax policy, labour legislation, environmental law, trade barriers, education, and infrastructure, among other things

Political EconomicSocial Technological EnvironmentalLegal


These factors of PESTEL analysis can change the influence of the whole economy, not just for a market, or city, it could change the whole country's economy. PESTEL-analysis factors are not fixed and easily change within a short period. How the PESTEL analysis can influence the city to explain in detail down below (Richardson, 2019) & (B2U, 2016).

FIGURE 2.2: PESTEL analysis six factors


Economic Factors: include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, consumer disposable income, money supply and business, domestic economic conditions, and so on.

Social Factors: include population growth, age distribution, lifestyle trends, media views, health consciousness, career attitudes, consumer buying behavior patterns, and ethical issues, etc.


Legal Factors: include health and safety, equal opportunity, advertising standards, consumer rights and laws, product labelling, and product safety, as well as market entrance legislation, are just a few

Factors: include energy consumption, level of pollution and its regulations, environmental protection, etc.


PESTEL analysis have directly influenced the city positively or negatively. The potential customers of a city are residents, companies, visitors, and investors. For example, an unstable and highly corrupt political situation might influence negatively all the potential customers of the city. Basically, it depends on the government of the city which could influence positively also. The economic factor has a significant impact on the city companies, how companies do business, and also how they are profitable. It also influences the investors to invest in the city. Next, the social factor which is also known as socio cultural. It has a significant impact on visitor influx since it provides travellers with information about the city's cultural development level. Technological changes in the city may influence the investors to launch or not launch certain products or companies in the city. The city's different changes in the environment can be crucial for companies and residents of the city and it also impacts the visitors to select it as their traveling destination. However, the legal factor in the city helps the residents and companies to be protected which inflow the visitors and investors in the city.

Technological Factors: include Technology incentives, levels of innovation, automation, R&D effort,technological change,technologicalawareness,andintellectualpropertydifficulties,among other Environmentalthings.

2.4. City Marketing and The Business Globe City marketing is closely connected with visitors, companies, and investors' environments. The stronger the city branding, the more companies, investors, and visitors attract into the city. Cities

17 usually looking for visitors, and new businesses and industries to invest in the city and provide jobs for and bring revenues to the national budget. Nowadays the most attractive industry for cities is the electric automobile industry and services. Because electric vehicles are eco friendly for the city environment. Forecasts estimate that by 2025, 20% of all cars sold will be EVs (Margaret, 2018). Cities must also promote existing firms, as maintaining an existing link is easier than establishing a new one. To be successful in developing a brand, the city must first understand how visitors, businesses, and investors make judgments about where to invest. Visitors, companies, and investors tend to focus on factors such as the business climate and legal environment, trade restrictions, labour force size, infrastructure availability, consumer buying behaviour patterns, media perspectives, energy consumption, ethical issues, technological awareness, educational quality, and overall quality of However,life. looking at Melaka from this point of view, it can be concluded that the education level of this city is quite impressive if compete with other cities in Malaysia. The amount of official area ofMelakais1,664sqkm (642sqmi)(JabatanPerangkaanMalaysia.p.27)andthetotalpopulation of Moscow is almost 900,000 people. Melaka is a well developed city in Malaysia, it has a solid tourism sector, but it does not have that's many companies in the city. According to the Business list, Melaka has only 2073 companies include big and small companies compare with other cities it is quite less. Especially in Melaka does have any electric automobile industry and services, except a few Electric vehicle charging stations. As was mentioned above, the amount of technological awareness and intellectual property issues, which influences companies' and investors' location decisions negatively. However, the positive experience of other companies like Tesla EVs can influence other companies and investors to rethink their ideas. 2.5. The Role of Social Media in The City Marketing


2.5.1. Social Media Channels Social media marketing is a type of marketing approach that focuses on a specific demographic. The use of social media channels to communicate with consumers and generate awareness about products or services is known as social media marketing. (Annie, 2020). The city can use social

Social media is a joint term for applications and websites which focus on the users to create and share communication, community based input, interaction, collaboration, content, and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks (Margaret, 2020). Before social media, there were few ways to learn about specific areas, so visitors, businesses, investors, and inhabitants had to rely on brochures, magazines, newspapers, and advertisements to learn about them. Contacting someone who had already visited the city or turning to travel companies were the most usual ways to obtain information about the destination. However, no one could guarantee the city's dependability or primary data in that scenario. Nowadays, social media has changed everything completely. It helps the potential customers of the city to make the decision. For example, visitors and residents can search for advantages and disadvantages of the destinations, the best accommodation, the best places to visit, etc. People love to share their experiences via social media, their trip plans, and posting pictures of the residential area on Facebook, Instagram, or, YouTube. Social media also help investors and companies. Investors can have real data of their destination before investing in that place. Even small local businesses now have their own websites and Facebook pages, while large organizations have created social media marketing teams to manage all social media networks and activity. Furthermore, many businesses attempt to form partnerships with Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

FIGURE 2.3: The most used social media channels in Malaysia (DIGITAL 2020: MALAYSIA) Looking above at the chart, it is clearly seen that the most popular social media channels in Malaysia are presented by YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram, etc. YouTube People can use YouTube to find, share, and watch many types of videos, as well as comment, like, and dislike them. Monthly logged in users on YouTube total more than 2 billion. As part of their social media marketing plan to win customers, companies produce relevant video material on

19 media marketing to increase awareness and promote itself to the rest of the world by sharing useful content in social media channels and drive the city's own website traffic. WhatsApp WhatsApp is a mobile messaging platform which allows users to add friends and create groups for dialogue through text, voice, or even video. There are approximately 2 billion monthly active users across the globe. This is popular all over the world, particularly among young people. Businesses can communicate directly with their customers via group discussions or in person. (Annie, 2020). Instagram

20 YouTube to introduce their brand and products. It is essentially a commercial that isn't broadcast on television but is instead distributed through YouTube. Facebook Facebook is one of the most popular social media marketing platforms, with over 2.7 billion users globally. Everyone, from teenagers to seniors, uses this social networking platform. Companies may build company pages, groups, and even events on Facebook. (Annie, 2020). The website offers a wide range of marketing options that may be tailored to a person's gender, interests, geography, education, workplace, and other factors. Facebook ads have quickly become the most popular and easiest approach to reach a huge audience. Facebook, of course, gives marketers a lot of room to promote their fantasy.

Communitysecurity.isanon profit organization center, which is operated by volunteers. It makes sure that people are suffering and how can help them. However, community centers are acknowledged to be highly efficient organizations for helping groups of disenfranchised individuals or families to engage in collective action directed at eliminating the sources of their deprivation. Social welfare and community play an important role in improving the welfare of the community through the services provided and the social development of the professional and strategic sharing of responsibilities in society, city, or country. In marketing, marketers only do focus on their products or services and customers. Even, in the city marketing concept, many contexts and researchers only focus on the potential customers of a city. According to Van den Berg and Braun (1999, p. 987), there are four general potential customers of a city: residents, companies, visitors, and investors. But in this research, the researcher wants to add social welfare and community, not as a potential customer. As a future


2.6. The Necessity of Social Welfare and Community in City Marketing Social welfare is an important tool for the redistribution of a society, city, or country. It provides assistance to individuals and families in need through programs such as support for seniors. It supports the maintenance of children, medical care, housing assistance, unemployment and disabilitybenefits,andassistanceforvictimsofaccidentsatwork,etc.Socialwelfareisalsoknown as social

Instagram is primarily utilized on mobile devices. It allowed users to upload images, short movies, live streams, and stories that would vanish at the end of the day. There are over a billion active users on the app. However, the value of influencer marketing (such as Kardashian) on this social media channel is substantially higher. Companies may target their clients via Instagram influencers.

2.7. The Image of The City In 1960, Kevin Lynch published a book called “The Image of the City” this was the first idea of seeing a city image as a concept. This book gave a definition and explanation of legibility and imageability are mentioned. This research is focused on imageability, which gives people a more important dimension of personality, a vibrant image of the city (Ecem, 2019). Kevin Lynch found that there are five basic elements that people use to construct their mental image of a city: Pathways, Districts, Edges, Landmarks, and Nodes. FIGURE 2.4: Lynch's Five Elements Paths: streets, main thoroughfare where people move Edges: transition zones between water for instance Districts: divisions of the city Nodes: strategic gathering points Landmarks: public memorable points

22 investment and create a better image for the city. Because social welfare and community work for the residents of the city, help the individuals or families these who need. It is kind of like investing, and it helps people to grow up from their problems, which establish them in the city. These things attract the residents, companies, visitors, and investors to select the place as their destination.


2.8. Key Actors in The City Following an explanation of the significance of the city image, it is vital to discuss who it should be developed for and which paths to take in order to develop and implement marketing strategies for places. The researcher believes it is critical to mention the city's prominent players, as they play a significant part in this study.

For attracting a customer's attention, the image is vitally important. The idea of perception, which encompasses five basic stimuli such as vision, touch, sound, taste, and smell, is closely linked to the city's image. (Kendra, 2020). Regarding on the city marketing, it is possible to focus not just on the Touch, Sound, Smell, and Tastestimulation, as well as vision. However,this study is about citymarketing, and theresearcher discusses the city's image. Vision stands out among other stimuli since it is the most essential factor in determining how a city is seen. When individuals try to remember about the city, the value of landmarks and monuments comes to mind. As a result, a city must promote a certain emblem or monument that will be linked with a particular location. For example, Burj Khalifa reminds us about Dubai, the Statue of Liberty reminds us about New York and Jonker Street reminds us about Melaka. The city's image can be leveraged in a variety of ways to boost its popularity. Customers form their opinions toward a given place if the city chooses the marketing strategy precisely and succeeds in creating a positive perception. As a result, the most crucial challenge is to link inputs like vision, touch, sound, taste, and smell to a city in a unique way.


If took the city as a product, then the customers of this product are the city stakeholders and the tourism department, it is really important to understand who the customers are. The city develops its important points in order to meet their needs. Thus, the realization of the city's potential customers is critical to the success of any brand building plan, and neglecting customers' demands can lead to failure for a company or, in this case, a city (Kuzina & Irina, 2017). In 1960, an American economist Theodore Levitt released an article, which called “marketing myopia”. It means that the city can't just push whatever approach they choose. Customers demand a strategy, so the city must advertise it. Customers must be satisfied, and the city must ensure that this is the case. That is why, in city marketing, one of the first issues that marketing directors must answer is who the potential clients are and what they desire. Based on the Van den Berg and Braun classification (1999, 987), key actors in the city can be divided into four groups: city residents, companies, visitors or tourists, and investors.

FIGURE 2.5: Key Actors in The City Residents in this research study are those who are able to visit the city. They made the decision to stay for an extended amount of time in order to work, study, or do something else. Based on the Residents Companies Visitors Investors

labourforceand taxes structure,other actor companies,whoare represented byforeign companies, may choose to put their factory, plant distribution, or establishment in the city. For clients who plan to stayin the cityforan extended period of time, labour is one of themost important concerns.

2.9. The Perception of The City After the study of the marketing theories, the image of the city, the key actors, which play an important role in the city, and the necessity of social welfare and community in city marketing. The researcher has come with his own perception of the city. The perception of the city has been decided in five sectors Economy Sector, Education Sector, Tourism Sector, Cultural Sector, and Social Welfare System Sector.

Tourists arethethirdkind ofperformerswhovisit thecityforashortlength oftimeforsightseeing, other events, or festivals. The final actor in the city is investors, who can be businesses or individuals who want to invest money in the city without necessarily having to live there. It is impossible to create successful marketing strategies without having the proper knowledge of key actors, which was already mentioned above. Therefore, it is important to know the preferences of each of these four groups. Every group has its interests and needs, which should fulfill up. In this research, the researcher is going to focus on all of these actors. Based on these actors the researcher is going to develop his own perception of the city, but there is going to be a special concentration on two actors’ group- companies and investors.

2.9.1. Economy Sector


2.9.2. Education Sector In many cities and areas, having skills and progress gives the city a competitive advantage. That is why the existence of higher education institutions is seen as a vital development sector that has a beneficial impact on people's perceptions of the city. These educational institutions give the city with avariety ofbenefits,including attractinginternational students, providinggraduatesas human capital and possible recruiters for businesses, fostering culture, and growing the city's economy. The education sector has a direct impact on the city's economic growth, as it is required to improve human capital. The capacity of an economy to produce goods and services is determined by a variety of factors. Physical capital, technology, and the number of personnel, as well as their


The economy sector is very important to the functioning of the city. Its investments, companies, and the presence of sufficient infrastructures create a positive impact on people’s perception of the city. More frankly say, this sector provides jobs, products, and services to the peoples but also builds the economical network of the city. Moreover, investors also increase the investment and put themselves to the unique presence of companies and can take many forms. The term infrastructure refers to the city's basic physical systems, such as transportation systems, communication systems, sewage, water, and electrical systems (Marguerita, 2020). Infrastructure systems are really important in people's daily life and can be considered that their absence can be a drawback for the city. The attractiveness of a place depends on the size and quality of the “welfare elements” that the location offers (Braun, 2008, p.10) According to Braun, the welfare factors fluctuate depending on the city's actors. The following are the welfare potentials for enterprises and investors: potential locational, labor market, and market.

27 quality, are all examples. When these workers' education levels rise, their human capital rises, and the city economy grows. (Clàudia, 2017). There are a few models constructed to demonstrate the effects of education on the economic process, but there are also broader and less investigated topics such as democratization, health, and the environment. (McMahon, 1999). Similarly, in China, worker education has been related to the emergence of provincial creative activities, with education playing a major and secondary role. The OECD (Organization for Economic Co operation and Development) has a program called IMHE, which stands for Institutional Management for Higher Education. Take a look at: This program includes the project “Supporting the Contribution of Higher Education Institutions to Regional Development”.

2.9.3. Tourism Sector These days, the tourism sector has become a highlighted sector to booming the cities or countries economy. The World Tourism Organization describes tourism as one of the largest and fastestgrowing economic sectors in the world and countries are doing heavily invest in the sector. It creates a positive impact on people’s perception of the city. But in the year of 2020, the tourism sector has faced a massive fall. In the 2020 edition of the review entitled Tourism Highlights, international tourism downfall during this COVID 19 pandemic resulted in a 22 percent decline in international tourist arrivals in the first quarter of 2020, according to the latest data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). According to the specialized agency of the United Nations, the crisis could lead to an annual decrease of 60% to 80% compared to the numbers of 2019. This endangers millions of livelihoods and threatens to slow down progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But in 2019,

2.9.4. Cultural Sector

Individuals and families in need are helped bythesocialwelfare system. The socialwelfaresystem is a collection of institutions, programs, measures, professional activities, and specialized individual and group oriented protection services provided to communities with special needs that are temporarily in difficulty due to a variety of factors such as economic, social-cultural,

28 international tourism exports were 1.7 trillion. There is hope that by the end of 2021 the tourism sector will transmigration again.

2.9.5. Social Welfare System Sector

According to several academics, such cultural events have a favorable impact on the city's image and increase its desirability. Cities frequently use unique cultural events or shows to market themselves and attract visitors. Creating events in place and carrying out marketing practices, both in the network and in the macroenvironment of the promoted location, are regarded necessary practices for successful place branding. Some points can be enhanced by cultural events or shows, which are the local economy, increased in the number of visitors and the image of the city. The local economy is a market and networking system that is part of a specific community or place (Charles, 2012). The residents and sometimes the visitors within that community or place who purchase their kinds of stuff for the local shops that give the benefits of the local economy. The local economy can be improved if the cultural department hosts cultural events or shows. Which attract the visitors to come to the city and that will improve the image of the city.

2.10. Example of Implementation of Places Branding/Marketing Strategies

In this context, the researcher wants to demonstrate how city marketing strategies work in the perception of the city except for the social welfare system, cause this sector has never been used in the city marketing strategies. The researcher has been chosen two different cases of branding and marketing because they concern different aspects: economy, education, culture, and tourism. These aspects are the key actors of the city in this research. The cities are Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, which is connected with the economy, culture, and tourism aspects, on the other hand, Glasgow in Scotland, which is connected with the education aspect. The first case is devoted to Dubai. This city brand itself and the way to develop its economic, cultural, and tourism sectors. It is considered as one of the earliest implementation cases of marketing strategies for a city. Dubai was a city of sand; its economy was dependent only on oil and trade. Dubai has invested billions of dollars in marketing to discover this problem and decided

Because this sector does get that focused on the governments that it should have it. The social welfare system has the power that can improve a city, country, or even the world image and its people's living standards. According to the WORLD ECONOMIC forum, during this Covied 19 pandemic Governments across the developed world have responded to the COVID 19 crisis by making welfare states vastly more generous to enduring the risk of income and help those people who have been worst affected.

29 biological, or psychological, and do not have the means to live a decent life. (Androniceanu. A, 2017, p67 82). It creates a positive impact on people’s perception of the city. Cities continuously working to improve and design their social welfare system to better respond to the needs of their residents, including new migrants. Consequently, the fact is the social welfare system is facing a deep crisis all over the world.

Dubai offers foreign investors to invest in Dubai without any restrictions and duty free. Dubai has widened its cluster model over the previous decade to encompass construction, financial services, media, and ICT services, manufacturing, health care, and education. The creation of these new clusters was aided by a group of around 22 international trade zones. Dubai, on the other hand, has built hotels and developed real estate to center its economy on tourism. Dubai's government has played a key role in the tourist industry, not only by enabling visitor admission but also by investing heavily in the business. When it became necessary to diversify the economy following the peak of oil production and the drop in oil prices, key decisions in the tourism sector were made. Furthermore, it was recognized that tourism was a key component in the emirate's commercial activity. As a result, the government has been eager to promote the tourist sector to both casual visitors and business buyers. (Hafeez et. al, 2016). Dubai's culture was primarily centered on the religion of Islam and traditional Arab culture in the cultural sector. In 2016, 83 percent of metropolitan Dubai's population was foreign born, with almost half of them coming from India to enrich the city's culture (Emirates 24/7, 2016). When visiting the UAE, however, international nationals must respect Emirati tradition. Dubai is well known as the Middle East's entertainment capital; the city attracts partygoers who like splurging at the city's posh clubs and nightclubs. The city is still planning greater development in these sectors. The next case is the city of Glasgow in the region of Scotland. The city is rapidly growing and thriving world class education sector. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland with eight of Glasgow’s educational institutions. There are more than 5,000 academic staff and 130,000 students, in these institutions. Medicine, the arts, engineering, life sciences, business, and healthcare are all represented in these educational institutions. These eight educational institutes, along with the Glasgow City Marketing Bureau (GCMB), are collaborating to exchange resources and experience in order to market Glasgow as a premium study destination. The city has been working on ways to boost the number of students, scholars, researchers, and educators who choose Glasgow as their first choice. The city is also establishing a reputation as a center of excellence in education, research, and industry. (Rachel, 2015).

30 tochangetheimageoftheplace.Ithelpedthecitytochangeitsimageinpeople'sminds.Nowadays

SocialEducationEconomyTourismWelfareSystemCulture H2H1H5H4H3

31 2.11. Research Framework

The researcher has developed the research framework to study the perception of the city. This study deals with five independent variables, which are the economy, tourism, culture, education, and social welfare system. These independent variables lead to the dependent variable of this research which is the perception of the city. The research framework is illustrated in FIGURE 2.5 down below: Independent Variable: Dependent Variable: FIGURE 2.6: Research Framework The Perception measure of the city

Tourism Sector H₀: There is no significant relationship between tourism and the perception measure of the city. H₁: There is a significant relationship between tourism and the perception measure of the city.

Culture Sector H₀: There is no significant relationship between culture and the perception measure of the city.

H₁: There is a significant relationship between culture and the perception measure of the city. Social Welfare System Sector H₀: There is no significant relationship between the social welfare system and the perception measure of the city. H₁: There is a significant relationship between the social welfare system and the perception measure of the city.

32 2.12. Hypothesis Testing There are 5 hypotheses that can be constructed according to the proposed framework in FIGURE 2.5. Hypotheses are: Economy Sector H₀: There is no significant relationship between the economy and the perception measure of the city. H₁: There is a significant relationship between the economy and the perceptionmeasure of the city. Education Sector H₀: There is no significant relationship between education and the perception measure of the city.

H₁: There is a significant relationship between education and the perception measure of the city.

33 2.13. Summary In this chapter, the researcher has discussed about the definition of terms, from marketing to city marketing (two marketing theories concept), city marketing and the business globe, the role of social media in the city marketing, the necessity of social welfare, and community in city marketing, the image of the city, and key actors in the city, based on the researcher has developed the dependent variable the perception of the city. It is composed of five independent variables, which are listed above. The independent variables and dependent variables have been covered in the research framework. Lastly, the connection between independent and dependent variables has been assessed through hypothesis testing.


This research is going to study the main sectors of the perception of the city to promote Melaka city. Research design is the framework for data collection and analysis to answer the research questions and meet the research goals providing reasonable justification for the choice of data sources, methods of collection, and techniques of analysis (Saunders, 2019). The structure of research that may keep all the components of a research project together, in brief, it is a plan of

3.1. Introduction In this chapter, the researcher has discussed the method used to collect the data to achieve the research objective. Research methods are the tools and techniques that will be taken by the researcher to do the research. Basically, the research methods are inelastic procedures for collecting and analyzing data. The researcher has discussed about the research design, methodologicalchoices, datasources,questionnairedesign,andresearchstrategyinorder,toattain thegoal ofthis research whichwill beutilizedin evaluating therelationship betweenthedependent as well as independent variables to better enhance the consistency and accuracy of the research.

3.2. Research Design

The option to be made regarding the research approach is a highly important decision in the research design process because it impacts how relevant information for a study will be acquired. The research design procedure, on the other hand, necessitates several correlated decisions. (Aaker, Research2008).design can be categories into four types, which were exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluative (Saunders, 2019). Descriptive Research has been chosen by the researcher as the research design for this research.

3.2.1. Descriptive Research Accordingto (Shona, 2020)descriptive research design can use awidevariety ofresearch methods to investigate one or more variables. It aims to describe a population, situation, or phenomenon accurately and systematically. Descriptive research can be casting light on current issues or problems through the action of data collection that possesses them to explain the situation more completely than was possible without employing this method (Fox, 2007). It is collected information without changing the environment. Which will help the researcher to have a large amount of data about the city. Methodology Choices

35 the planned research task, is widely debated. Research design is critical because it enables easy navigation ofthemanyresearch techniques,resulting in researchthatis as professional as possible, delivering maximum knowledge with the least amount of work, time, and money (Inaam, 2020).



Methodology choices can be categories into three types, which were quantitative method, qualitative method, and mixed method. Various types of research studies need to use the appropriate methods of their research. However, quantitative research is that the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It is oftenwillnotfindpatternsandaverages,makepredictions,testcausalrelationships,andgeneralize results to wider populations (Pritha, 2020). According to (Saunders et. al., 2019) quantitative data is involved with a deductive approach which concerns testing the theory by using the data. Quantitative research is the explanation of phenomena by utilizing numerical data and analyzed using mathematically based methods. For this research study, the researcher will use a quantitative research approach to investigate what peoplethink about the city. Inorder to improve the citymarketingto promoteMelaka cityby using five independent variables that are economy, tourism, culture, education, and social welfare system. To prove that this research study is purely quantitative, the researcher will use a reliable questionnaire to collect the primary data. A dependable questionnaire will be utilized in collecting the data to depose that this study is fully quantitative. 3.4. Data Sources The data source is the place where the data that is being used comes from. A knowledge source could also be the first location where data is created, or physical data is digitized. Even the most sophisticated data can be used as a source if it is accessed and improved by another process. (Talend, 2020). In the conduct of research, there are two sources of data and information to be collected which are primary data sources and secondary data sources. In this research, the researcher is using both data sources to conduct the research.

37 3.4.1. Primary Data

DisagreeStronglybelow. Disagree Neutral Agree AgreeStrongly 1 2 3 4 5 TABLE 3.1: Likert Scale


The primary data source is one that has genuine data. This is one in which the researcher gathers data firsthand for a specific research endeavor or objective. There will be a variety of ways to obtain primarydata.Self administered surveys, interviews, fieldobservation,and experiments are, nonetheless, the most popular methodologies. When compared to secondary data collection, primary data collection is both costly and time consuming. Nonetheless, for a few types of study, original data collecting is the only option. (Salkind et. al., 2010). For this study, primary data acts as an important role in this research. The researcher is used the questionnaire survey to collect the primary data as it provided the most accurate first hand information about the respondents to the primary data is gathered by delivering individual questionnaires to respondents via the Internet questionnaire method. An internet questionnaire allows data to be collected using an electronicsetofquestionsthatarepublishedontheinternet. (Archer,T.M.,2003).Therespondents are requested to respond to the prepared questionnaire containing few statements to measure the various independent constructs understudy on a Likert Scale and Dichotomous Questions. As shown

38 Are you happy? • Yes • No FIGURE 3.1: Dichotomous Questions 3.4.2. Secondary Data In the research, the well known method that has been used by most researchers to collect the data is secondary data. Secondary data is inquired about the knowledge that has already been gathered and may be accessed by researchers. The term contrasts primary data which is data collected specifically from its sources. Secondary data could also be stated to be the info employed in the previous literature. The secondary data is important to use in supporting the first data to realize the target of the research. Journal articles, internal documents, books, and government publications websites, among other things, are used as secondary data sources. They can be assessed to offer more detailed information, explanation, or conclusion. (Saunders et. al.,2019). The researcher has analyzed the related data with the research topic of the research by studying articles, journals, and books. The secondary data has collected by the researcher through the web page of Google Scholar and library databases for example Academia, Research Gate, SAGA Research Methods, and CORE to corroboration the research aim. The example of the referred journals Braun, E., 2008. City Marketing: Towards an integrated approach, Balencourt & Zafra., 2012. City marketing: How to promote a city? the case of Umea, and Kuzina, I., 2017. City Marketing: Case: Moscow.

3.5.1. Survey Strategy

3.5. Research Strategy

The research strategy is a step by step plan of action that gives direction to one's ideas and efforts, allowing one to do research in a methodical and timely manner, resulting in high-quality results and detailed reporting. The research technique allows you to stay focused, reduce frustration, improve quality, and save time and money. (Jenny., 2014). In research, the research strategy is critical since it allows the researcher to choose the study flow and organization. Experiment, survey, archival and documentary research, case study, ethnography, action research, grounded theory, and narrative inquiry are all examples of research methodologies. (Saunders et. al., 2019).


In this research, the researcher has decided to use the survey strategy as the research strategy. The survey strategy is a research strategy used to collect data from a predefined group of respondents in order to obtain information and information on various subjects of interest. It can have multiple purposes, and researchers can conduct it in some ways counting on the methodology chosen and therefore the study’s goal. Survey research is a quantitative method of gathering information from a group of people by asking them a series of questions. Individuals are gathered, data is collected, and data is analyzed in this form of research. It is ideal for researchers that want to communicate new features or trends to their participants. (QuestionPro., 2016). The survey strategy mostly using the questionnaire to study quantitatively after collecting standardized data. Questionnaires are a research charter, which consists of a series of questions with the aim of gathering information from respondents (Saul., 2018). Questionnaires are not the best way to obtain data on sensory themes. People rarely talk about behaviors that put them in

The purpose of the pilot test is to refine the questionnaire in order that respondents will have not any problems in answering the questions and there will be no problems in recording the information. Besides, it will enable you to get some assessment of the validity of the questions and also the likely reliability of the information that may be collected both for individual questions and, where appropriate, scales comprising several questions (Saunders et. al., 2019). A pilot study may be a necessary first step in investigating a single, unique intervention or a novel application of an intervention. Pilot results can help determine feasibility and indicate changes that need to be made in the design of a larger, subsequent hypothesis testing research. (Leon et. al., 2011). It can also help the researcher familiarize themselves with protocol procedures and may assist them in choosing between two competing study methods, such as the use of interviews rather than a selfadministered questionnaire. The error and weakness within the questionnaire may show through the pilot test in order that the questionnaire is often modified to form sure that it's correct before distributing it to the respondents. Due to the limited time, a minimum of ten respondents is chosen.

40 legal jeopardy. The controlled design of the questions, as well as the brief and external social interaction between researcher and respondent, do not foster the inwardness and trust that are required for people to share unsanctioned actions, attitudes, and qualities. The survey method is an effective means for the researcher to collect data and assess the relationship between the many aspects of the city's impression. For this study, the researcher is going to approach through a web questionnaire, which is a quantitative method. The web questionnaire uses the Google Form, it can collect the data from every single respondent accurately. The web questionnaire provides a relatively cheap, quick, and efficient way of obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of people.

3.5.2. Pilot Test

3.6. Location of Research Melaka is the main place that has been selected to conduct this research because it is about city marketing to promote Melaka city. Basically, the whole of Melaka city is the location of the research. Due to know more about Melaka city from the people. It will help the researcher to analyze and make valuation easier on the part of the perception of the city.

3.7. Sampling Design Sample design methods are the procedures for selecting sample units for metering, such as selecting individuals from a community or sampling sites within a study region. Probability and non probability sampling methods are the two most common types of sample design approaches. (Saunders et. al., 2019). The target population for this research mainly is the people of Melaka include foreigners and local people. The researcher has chosen probability sampling as the sampling technique in this research. According to Trochim, W. M. (2020), The probability sampling method is a sampling technique that makes use of random selection. It discovered a technique or system that ensures that all units within the population have equal chances of being chosen in order to have a random selection approach. The researcher is going to use the simple random sampling method for the selection process of sampling. For the case of this study, simple random sampling is the best approach. A simple random sample could be a set of an applied math population during which every member of the set has an associate in the nursing's equal chance of being chosen. a simple random sample is supposed to be an associate in nursing unbiased illustration of a group (Adam Hayes., 2020). The researcher is going to distribute the questionnaires for the residents of Melaka city. According to,


3.8. Questionnaire Design For this research, the questionnaire will be distributed to the residents of Melaka city in order to collect the primary data in this research. The researcher has been designed the questionnaire to determine the main sectors of the city base on the Balencourt & Zafra., 2012. City marketing: How to promote a city? the case of Umea. It will contain three sections in the questionnaire design for the survey research. The first section of the questionnaire has designed to analyze the demographic of respondents. The questions have offered here a set in the format of close ended multiple selections to address the respondent's demographic characteristics. In the second section, the researcher has focused on the independent variables of this research which are the main sectors of the city. Lastly, in the third section, the questionnaire method will emphasize the perception of the city. The questionnaire is designed based on the 5 point Likert scale and Dichotomous Questions. The scale displays, 1: ‘Strongly disagree’, 2: ‘Disagree’, 3. ‘Neutral’, 4. ‘Agree’, 5. ‘Strongly Agree’. Dichotomous Questions where there can be only two answers, commonly 'yes' or 'no'. The questionnaire consists of three parts that show in TABLE 3.2. Section Content A Respondent background: Gender

42 department of statistics Malaysia's official portal 2020, the total population of Melaka is 932,700. As shown in the Krejcie and Morgan tables, the population sample size is 384 persons. Each respondent will be provided with sufficient time to complete the questionnaire and maximize the opportunity for sampling in the event of an error.


EducationAge level - ResidentsNationalityof state B Assessment of Independent Variables

The main sectors of the city (Economy, Tourism, Culture, Education and Social Welfare System)

C Assessment of the Dependent Variable

Cronbach’s Alpha Internal consistency α ≥ 0.9 Excellent 0.9 > α ≥ 0.8 Good

3.9. Reliability and Validity Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure and it is usually estimated using internal consistency (Saunders et. al., 2019). There are several types of methods for calculating internal consistency. The researcher has chosen to use Cronbach's alpha method to measure reliability because Cronbach's alpha uses most frequently. In accordant to Mohsen and Reg (2015), Alpha was developed by Lee Cronbach in 1951 to supply a measure of the inner consistency of a test or scale; it is expressed as a variety between 0 and 1. Internal consistency describes the extent to which all the things during a test measure the identical concept or construct and hence it is connected to the inter relatedness of the things within the test. The Cronbach's α result is a number between 0 and 1 and the acceptable reliability score is one that is 0.7 and higher.

The perception measure of the city TABLE 3.2: Questionnaire Design

Table 3.3 shows the result is better for the reliability questionnaire if the Cronbach’s Alpha able to gets 1.0. For those Alpha Index under 0.6 is considered as poor consistency. For the sorts, 0.60.7 are considered as satisfactory and index number ranges 0.7 0.8 considered the best. Validity is a method for measuring what should be measured. It is defined as a concept that is accurately measured in a quantitative study (Heale and Twycross., 2015). A high value of validity would imply that the study ends up with a high degree of confidence. There are two types of validity tests in quantitative studies. Internal validity, on the other hand, is a measure of how well one can draw conclusions about causal links between two variables based on the research design. (Askan., 2019). Internal validity would be established in a survey questionnaire where a group of questions may well be statistically shown to be correlated with an analytical factor or result.

3.10. Data Analysis Method Data analysis is expected to be a systematic application of measurable and levelheaded procedures to demonstrate the scope of information, modularize the information structure, consolidate the information portrayal, delineate through pictures, tables, and diagrams, and assess factual

44 0.8 > α ≥ 0.7 Acceptable 0.7 > α ≥ 0.6 Questionable 0.6 > α ≥ 0.5 Poor 0.5 > α Unacceptable TABLE 3.3: Cronbach’s Alpha and Internal consistency Source: (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2019)

45 tendencies,likelihood information,anddetermine significant ends. (Simran., 2020).Forthis study, the researcher will use the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software as a statistical tool to analyze data, after collecting all data. SPSS is going to be used by the researcher to analyze and explain all kinds of data. Because this software can manage huge data effectively to qualify the appraisal process of the data collection and tabulation for quantitative research. This study will be used descriptive analysis, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression Analysis techniques to analyze the data.

3.10.1. Descriptive Analysis Descriptive analysis considers the recorded data, key performance indicators, and depicts the presentation in relation to a chosen benchmark. It considers previous patterns and how they could influence future execution. The numerical description and comparison of variables that target the central tendency and dispersion are used in descriptive analysis. (Saunders et. al., 2019). In this study, descriptive analysis acts as a role in describing the essential and comparing statistical variables. The descriptive analysis allows the researcher to understand the variables numerically and the variables that are focused on the respondent's demographic information. Descriptive research will be used to compile the population and to distribute it differently for different groups. From each descriptive statistic, a clearer description from a large amount of data is simplified. The researcher will be used the descriptive analysis to distinguish the gender, age, education level, nationality, and the residents of the state among the respondent.

3.10.2. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient

The relationship between the independent and dependent variable is negative if the Pearson’s correlation coefficient is negative, it means that if one of the variable increases, the score on another decreases. The relationship between the independent and dependent variable is positive if the Pearson’s correlation coefficient is positive, it means that if one of the variable increases, the score on another will be an increase. The subsequent table shows Pearson’s Correlations Coefficient. GURE 3.2: Pearson’s Correlations Coefficient (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2019)



3.10.3. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA)

Lastly,therangevaluableon0.5andaboveandneverexceed1.0is assumedasasturdycoefficient.

Pearson’s parametricstatisticis atechnique are accustomed to investigating thestrong relationship between the dependent and dependent variables in data analysis of respondent, to see whether the correlation is significant or not. The aim of it is to work out a direct correlation. The ranging of parametric statistics which shows between 0.12 0.35 is assumed as weak. While the ranging of the coefficient of correlation which shows between 0.35 0.6 is assumed as a moderate positive. And the range valuable between 0.6 0.8 are assumed to a strong positive. After that, the range of the coefficient of correlation which shows between 0.8 1.0 is assumed as a very strong positive.


Multiple regression analysis is an extension of easy statistical regression. it is wont to predict the worth of a variable supported by the worth of two or more other variables. The variable predict is named the variable quantity. The variables are using to predict the worth of the variable quantity are named the independent variables. This analysis also allows to work out the general fit of the model and therefore the relative contribution of each of the predictors to the overall variance explained. MRA will be helped the researcher to analyze which independent variables there are Economy, Tourism, Culture, Education, and Social Welfare System have the greatest effect on the dependent variable which is the perception measure of the city. Moreover, the equation of multiple regression analysis is shown below the table. Equation: y = a+bx1+cx2+dx3+ex5+fx5 Where,y Dependent Variables (The perception measure of the city) a Constant/Other influences b Influence of x1 (Economy) c Influence of x2 (Tourism) d Influence of x3 (Culture) e Influence of x4 (Education) f Influence of x5 (Welfare System) x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 Independent Variables TABLE 3.4: Equation of Multiple Regression Analysis Source: (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2019)

3.11. Time Horizon



According to Saunders et al. (2019), The time horizon refers to the length of time that the study design will be implemented, regardless of the research methodology chosen. Longitudinal and cross sectional time frames are the two types of time horizons. Longitudinal studies are those in which the research is repeated throughout time. The study in cross sectional studies is limited to a given time span. The cross sectional temporal horizon is employed when the investigation is also constrained to a specified time frame. In this study, the researcher is going to be conducted by using a cross sectional study due to the limited time for obtaining an analysis of data and conclude within a period of this research time. The researcher is going to be conducted this research in a short term period which is from October 2020 until July 2020. The questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents from March 2021 until May 2021. The research will be completed in June 2021, and lastly ready to be present the result of the data collected in July 2020.

3.12. Summary In this chapter, the researcher has indicated which method will be utilized to assemble information and dataidentified with thevariables. It contains anassessmentoftheprimaryphilosophy intended to address the research questions. The researcher has picked the descriptive research design and utilize the quantitative method for this research study. The data hotspots for this research are primary and secondary data. For the research design, the survey method had been used to gain response for this research. The web survey which is Google Form will be utilized to gather the appropriate response from respondents. The researcher has picked Melaka, Malaysia as the fundamental area of the research. In this research, questionnaire design, sampling design, and pilot testing had been conducted in cross sectional time by the researcher. The researcher is going to be used SPSS to analyze the data in the data analysis part while descriptive analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient had also been explained in the data analysis part. The different strategies had been used to ensure the reliability of this research can be a trustworthy research study.


This chapter will discuss the results of the questionnaire of respondents to the heading which is thecity marketing to promotethecityofMelaka. Itwill begin with apilot test andthenbefollowed by descriptive, correlation, and regression analysis. As part of this search, 384 questionnaires are collected through surveys conducted by researchers that are randomly distributed through the Google Online Survey form at the residence of Melaka and other cities. The researcher will use version 26 of the Social Science Statistical Package (SPSS) software to analyze all the data collected and it will be presented in a table form.

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Pilot Test


Pilot testing is a rehearsal of the research study. It is allowing the researcher to test the research approach with a small number of test participants before conducting the main study (Matt Wright, 2021). The aim of the pilot test is to show the reliability of the questionnaire (Saunders et. al., 2019). In addition, pilot testing ensures that respondents understand the questions and complete the questionnaires that have been submitted. Pilot trials are critical to ensuring that research

50 performance goes smoothly. All associations between all independent variables and dependent variables were revealed by the pilot test. For the pilot, the researcher prepared 20 sets of questionnaires to obtain feedback from respondents. The researcher used SPSS version 26 to check the reliability of the data collected, and the Cronbach alpha method is applied to measure the reliability. According to Saunder et. al. 2019, Cronbach alpha value equal to and exceeding 0.7 is considered acceptable. Though, it is good if the Cronbach alpha is higher than 0.8 and those which 0.9 and above are considered excellent. Case Processing Summary N % Cases Valid 20 100.0 Excludeda 0 .0 Total 20 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbach'sAlpha

AlphaCronbach'sBasedonStandardizedItems N of Items .945 .944 31 Table 4.1: Reliability Statistics for All Items (Source: SPSS Output) Table 4.1 shows that the reliability statistics for all items. It consists of 31 items in the questionnaire. The value of Cronbach's alpha is 0.945, which is higher than 0.7. Therefore, it

51 indicates that it has a high level of reliability, and the questionnaire was reliable. This proved that there are strong correlations for all items. 4.3. Descriptive Statistics of Demographic Background In this research, the researcher used descriptive statistics to analyze the demographic background for a total of 384 respondents. In this section, the background of respondents is analyzed including gender, age, education level, nationality, and residence. 4.3.1. Gender Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent CumulativePercent Valid Male 187 48.7 48.7 48.7 Female 197 51.3 51.3 100.0 Total 384 100.0 100.0 Table 4.2: Gender of Respondents (Source: SPSS Output) Table 4.2 shows that the gender of all 384 respondents who were answering the questionnaires. It shows that the total for males was 187 respondents who were 48.7 % of the total. On the other hand, the total for females was 197 respondents who were 51.3 % of the total. From the data analysis of this research, the female respondents participated more than the number of male

52 respondents. However, this research questionnaire was randomly distributed by the researcher and did not systematically choose the gender of the respondents. Figure 4.1: Gender of Respondents 4.3.2. Age Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent CumulativePercent Valid 18 24 270 70.3 70.3 70.3 25 30 85 22.1 22.1 92.4 31 37 21 5.5 5.5 97.9 38 45 8 2.1 2.1 100.0 46 aboveand 0 0 0 100.0 Total 384 100.0 100.0 49%51% GENDER Make Female


Table 4.3: Age of Respondents (Source: SPSS Output)

Table 4.3 shows that the range of age of all 384 respondents who were answering the questionnaires, the range of age was between 18 years old to 46 years old and above. Most of the respondent's ages were between 18 24 years old, which were 270 respondents who made up 70.3% of the total respondents. Besides that, 85 respondents came from age between 25-30 years old, which was 22.1% of the total respondents. Those who were age between 31 37 years old got 21 respondents, 5.5% of the total respondents. And 8 respondents made up from age between 38 45 years old, which was 2.1% of the total respondents. However, there were no respondents from age between 46 and above years old. Figure 4.2: Age of Respondents 70% 22% 6%2%0% AGE 18-24 25-30 31-37 38-45 46 and above

54 4.3.3. Education Level Education Level Frequency Percent PercentValid CumulativePercent Valid SPM 14 3.6 3.6 3.6 STPM/Diploma 85 22.1 22.1 25.8 Bachelor’s Degree 247 64.3 64.3 90.1 Master 25 6.5 6.5 96.6 PhD 13 3.4 3.4 100.0 No Education 0 0 0 100.0 Total 384 100.0 100.0 Table 4.4: Education Level of Respondents (Source: SPSS Output) Table 4.4 shows that the range of education levels of all 384 respondents who were answering the questionnaires. Education level was divided into SPM, STPM/diploma, bachelor’s degree, masters, Ph.D., and no education. However, no education did not get any respondents. The highest respondents came from a bachelor's degree which represents 247 respondents with 64.3% of the total respondents. There were 85 respondents from STPM/diploma with 22.1% of the total respondents. 25 respondents from masters with 6.5%. SPM came with 14 respondents which 3.6% of the total respondents. Lowest respondents from Ph.D. 13 with 3.4% of the total respondents.

55 Figure 4.3: Education Level of Respondents 4.3.4. Nationality Nationality Frequency Percent Valid Percent CumulativePercent Valid Malaysian 297 77.3 77.3 77.3 MalaysianNon 87 22.7 22.7 100.0 Total 384 100.0 100.0 Table 4.5: Nationality of Respondents (Source: SPSS Output) 4% 22%64%7% 3% EDUCATION LEVEL SPM STPM/Diploma Bachelors Degree Master PhD

56 Table 4.5 indicated the nationality of all 384 respondents of the questionnaires. Most of the respondents got from Malaysian which is 297 respondents with 77.3% of the total respondents. On the other hand, 87 respondents from non Malaysian with 22.7% of the total respondents. Figure 4.4: Nationality of Respondents 4.3.5. Residence Are you residence of Melaka Frequency Percent Valid Percent CumulativePercent Valid Yes 250 65.1 65.1 65.1 No 134 34.9 34.9 100.0 77% 23% NATIONALITY Malaysian Non-Malaysian

57 Total 384 100.0 100.0 Table 4.6: Residence of Respondents (Source: SPSS Output) Table 4.6 shows that the range of residence of all 384 respondents who were answering the questionnaires. 250 respondents were the residence of Melaka with 65.1% of the total respondents. Moreover, non residence of Melaka were 134 respondents with 34.9% of the total respondents. Figure 4.5: Residence of Respondents 4.4. Descriptive Statistics on Independent Variables and Dependent Variable 65% 35% RESIDENCE OF MELAKA Yes No


Table 4.7: Descriptive Statistics for Independent Variables (Source: SPSS Output)

The descriptive statistics in table 4.4 shows economy, education, tourism, culture, and social welfare system sectors. The economy sector has the highest mean of 3.8823 followed by this, the social welfaresystem sectorwhichis themeanof3.7969.However,thetourism andculturesectors have a mean of 3.7802 and 3.7406, respectively. Moreover, the lowest mean of descriptive statistics is the education sector which is 3.7109.

Furthermore, in this research, the culture sector has the highest standard deviation, which is 0.44642. on the other hand, the lowest standard deviation has the economy sector, which is 0.36974. The tourism, education, and social welfare system sectors' standard deviations are 0.44642, 0.420976, and 0.40285, respectively. All the standard deviations showed that the respondents have not deviated from the mean value. Statistics

The perception measures of Melaka city (DV) Mean 3.8880 Std. Deviation .39255

The researcher used a five point Likert Scale to identify the key sectors of the perception of the Melaka city to promote it. The Likert Scale will be five points rating scale in which 1 represent strongly disagree, 2 represented disagree, 3 represented neutral, 4 represents agree and 5 represented strongly agree. Statistics

EconomySector(IV1) EducationSector(IV2) TourismSector(IV3) Culture(IV4)Sector Social Welfare System Sector(IV5) Mean 3.8823 3.7109 3.7802 3.7406 3.7969 Std. Deviation .36974 .42097 .44642 .45682 .40285

Table 4.9: Descriptive Statistics of Economy Sector (E) (Source: SPSS Output)

Table 4.8 shows that the descriptive statistics for the dependent variable which is the perception measures of Melaka city. The mean value for the dependent variable is 3.8880. On the other hand, the standard deviation value is 0.39255.


4.4.1. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 1 (IV1) Statistics E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Mean 4.6406 3.0182 4.2031 3.5182 4.0313 Std. Deviation .57902 .95714 .83986 .96394 .83279

E1:Remark:Melaka has a strong ecomony. E2: Melaka has good city service and infrastructures. E3: Melaka has a good transportation network inside the city. E4: There is a good transportation network between Melaka and the rest of the cities in Malaysia. E5: Melaka should be focused on other economical sectors rather than only one sector (Tourism Sector).

Table 4.8: Descriptive Statistics for Dependent Variable (Source: SPSS Output)


Statistics Mean Std. Deviation .96376 .97794 .97018 .93797 .98994


Table 4.9 shows the characteristics of the economy sector which acting as the key sector of the perception of the Melaka city to promote.Based on Table 4.9, demonstrates that the average value of each item is fairly close to each other. The highest value of mean was scored by question E1 with the value of 4.6406. Where most of the respondents are conceived that Melaka has a strong economy. The second highest mean value was scored by question E3 with the value of 4.2031. However, the third and fourth highest values of means were scored by E5 and E4 with the value of 4.0313 and 3.5182 respectively. The lowest value of mean was scored by the question E2 with 3.0182. It has the lowest value of respondents who were less agree that Melaka has good city service and infrastructures. On the other hand, the highest standard deviation value was scored by question E4 with the value of 0.96394. It shows that question E4 value was spread out over a wider range. The second highest standard deviation value was scored by the question E2 with the value of 0.95714. Where the question E3 and E5 hold the position third and fourth with the value of 0.83986 and 0.83279 respectively. The lowest value of standard deviation was scored by question E1 with the value of 0.57902, which indicates that the question E1 value tends to be close to the mean of the set and more reliable. 4.4.2. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 2 (IV2)

3.6927 3.7266 3.6875 3.8646 3.5833

Table 4.10: Descriptive Statistics of Education Sector (ED)

ED2: Melaka has the standard environment for the student.

ED4: It is positive for businesses to have a partnership with higher educational institutions.

ED5: The educational sector could be an important part of Melaka city's economy. Table 4.1o shows the characteristics of the education sector which acting as the key sector of the preception of the Melaka city to promote. Based on Table 4.10, demonstrates that the average value of each item is fairly close to each other. The highest value of mean was scored by question ED4 with the value of 3.8646. which showed that most of the respondents agreed that it is positive for businesses to have a partnership with higher educational institutions. The second highest value of the mean was scored by question ED2 with the value of 3.7266 and then followed question ED1 holds third place with the value of 3.6927. The second lowest value of mean was scored by ED3 with the value 3.6875. The lowest value of mean was scored by question ED5 with the value of 3.5833. This shows that respondents were less agreed the educational sector could be an important part of Melaka city's economy. The highest standard deviation was scored by question ED5 with the value of 0.989944, which shows that the questionED5 value has been distributed across a broader range. The second highest standard deviation was scored by question ED2 with the value of 0.97794. The third highest value of mean was scored by question ED4 with the value of 0.93797 and followed question ED1 with the value of 0.96376. The lowest standard deviation was scored by question ED4 with the value of 0.993797. The lowest value question ED4 indicates that more reliable since the value of 0.993797.

61 (Source: SPSS Output) ED1:Remark:Universities in Melaka are a good incentive for students to come to the city.

ED3: It is important for Melaka to have a skilled workforce.

T1:Remark:Melaka has great touristic potential. T2: Melaka should display its potential tourism widely. T3: Melaka should offer more tourist guide services in order to increase tourism. T4: Melaka should flourish its tourism attracting places. T5: Melaka should organize more cultural festivals to increase tourism. Table 4.11 shows the characteristics of the tourism sector which acting as the key sector of the preception of the Melaka city to promote. Based on Table 4.11, demonstrates that the average value of each item is fairly close to each other. The highest value of mean was scored by question T1 with the value of 3.8984. Which showed most of the respondents were agreed that Melaka has great touristic potential. The second and third highest values of mean were scored by questions T5 and T4 with the value of 3.8203 and 3.7630

62 4.4.3. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 3 (IV3) Statistics T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Mean 3.8984 3.6823 3.7370 3.7630 3.8203 Std. Deviation .86571 .95217 1.00447 .97680 .89180 Table 4.11: Descriptive Statistics of Tourism Sector (T) (Source: SPSS Output)

The lowest standard deviation value was scored by question T1 with the value of 0.86571, which indicates that it is more reliable.

Table 4.12: Descriptive Statistics of Culture Sector (C) (Source: SPSS Output) C1:Remark:Melaka is a multicultural city. C2: Melaka has a rich history. C3: Melaka has a wide cultural offer. C4: Melaka should advertise more cultural activities.

63 respectively. Thefourth highest valueofmean was scored byquestionT3withthevalueof3.7370. The lowest value of mean was scored by question T2 with the value of 3.6823, which shows that respondents were less agreed with Melaka should display its potential tourism widely.

The highest standard deviation value was scored by question T3 with the value of 1.00447. The question T3 value has been distributed over a wider range. Questions T4, T2, and T5 hold the position of second, third, and fourth with the value of 0.97680, 0.95217, and 0.89180 respectively.

4.4.4. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 4 (IV4) Statistics C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Mean 3.7734 3.6615 3.7630 3.8021 3.7031 Std. Deviation .91018 1.01682 .97144 .94352 .95343

64 C5: Cultural activities are an opportunity to promote the city. Table 4.13 shows the characteristics of the culture sector which acting as the key sector of the preception of the Melaka city to promote. Based on Table 4.13, demonstrates that the average value of each item is fairly close to each other. The highest value of mean was scored by question C4 with the value of 3.8021. This showed that most of the respondents were agreed with Melaka should advertise more cultural activities. The second highest value of mean was scored by question C1 with the value of 3.7734. Moreover, the third highest value of mean was scored by question C3 with the value of 3.7630 and then followed by question C5 with the value of 3.7031. The lowest value of mean was scored by question C2 with the value of 3.6615, which shows that respondents were less agreed with Melaka has a rich Thehistory.highest standard deviation value was scored by question C2 with the value of 1.01682, which meant that the data was less reliable. The second and third standard deviation values were scored by questions C3 and C5 with the values of 0.97144 and 0.95243 respectively and then followed the question C4 with the value of 0.94352. The lowest standard deviation value was scored by question C1 with the value of 0.91018. Question C1 was the lowest standard deviation value of 0.91018 so the data of question C1 was more reliable. 4.4.5. Descriptive Statistics of Independent Variable 5 (IV5) Statistics SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5

65 Mean 3.8047 3.6589 3.8333 3.7292 3.9583 Std. Deviation .89727 .97261 .90449 .95299 .81650 Table 4.13: Descriptive Statistics of Social Welfare System Sector (SW) (Source: SPSS Output) SW1:Remark:Melaka has a strong Social Welfare System SW2: Social Welfare and Community in Melaka are providing free healthcare for poor people. SW3: NGO’s in Melaka assistance including advisory and guidance related to women’s issues. SW4: Social Welfare and Community in Melaka provides working opportunities for unemployed and disabled people. SW5: Melaka should widely promote its social welfare system in itself to help more people. Table 4.13 shows the characteristics of the social welfare system sector which acting as the key sector of the preception of the Melaka city to promote. Based on Table 4.13, demonstrates that the average value of each item is fairly close to each other. The highest value of mean was scored by question SW5 with the value of 3.9583. This showed that most of the respondents were agreed with Melaka should widely promote its social welfare system in itself to help more people. However, the second, third, and fourth highest values of mean were scored by questions SW3, SW1, and SW4 with the value of 3.8333, 3.8047, and 3.7292 respectively. The lowest value of mean was scored by question SW2 with the value of 3.6589, which shows that respondents were less agreed with social welfare and community in Melaka are providing free healthcare for poor people.

Table 4.14: Descriptive Statistics of the perception measure of the city (Source: SPSS Output) PM1:Remark:Melaka is a pleasant city. PM2: Melaka is one of the most important cities in Malaysia. PM3: Melaka has an international reputation. PM4: Melaka is developing a good advertising strategy. PM5: Melaka has a good image. PM6: Melaka is a safe city.

Std. Deviation .61895 1.01111 .76561 .98338 .94904 .91832

The highest standard deviation value was scored by question SW2 with the value of 0.97261. The question had the highest standard deviation mean, where the data was less reliable. However, the second, third, and fourth highest standard deviation were questions SW4, SW3, and SW1 with the value of 0.95299, 0.90449, and 0.89727 respectively. The lowest standard deviation value was scored by question SW5 with the value of 0.81650, which indicates that it is more reliable. 4.4.6. Descriptive Statistics of dependent Variable (DV) Statistics PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 PM5 PM6 Mean 4.6172 3.2005 4.2526 3.5651 3.9479 3.7448




The highest value of mean was scored by question PM1 with the value of 4.6172. This meant that most of the respondents were agreed with Melaka is a pleasant city. The second and third highest values of mean were scored by questions PM3 and PM5 with the values of 4.2526 and 3.9479, respectively. Moreover, the fourth highest value of mean was scored by question PM6 with the value of 3.7448 and then followed by PM4 with the value of 3.5651. The lowest value of mean was scored by question PM2 with the value of 3.2005. This shows that respondents were less agreed with Melaka is one of the most important cities in Malaysia. The highest standard deviation value was scored by question PM2 with the value of 1.01111. The question had the highest standard deviation mean, where the data was less reliable. Moreover, the second, third, fourth, and fifth highest standard deviation value was scored by questions PM4, PM5, PM6, and PM3 with the values of 0.983338, 0.94904, 0.91832, and 0.76561, respectively.

Table 4.14 shows that the perception measure of Melaka city. Based on Table 4.14, demonstrates that the average value of each item is fairly close to each other.

The lowest standard deviation value was scored by question PM1 with the value of 0.61895, where the data was more reliable. Result of Measurement In this section, the researcher has supervised examining the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables used in the study. In this research, all the variables that had been used will be tested by the validity test and the reliability test. Test

4.5.1. Validity

Thevalidity test was conductedwith PearsonCorrelation which describes therelationship between independent variables and dependent variables. Saunders et. al. 2019, stated that the strength of therelationshipbetweenindependentanddependentvariablescanbedetermined bythecorrelation coefficient. The table below shows that the Pearson's Correlation Coefficients for the interpreting correlation range of the R Values.


Pearson's Correlation Coefficients (R-values) Interpretation ± 0.70 to ± 1.0 Very strong relationship ± 0.40 to ± 0.69 Strong relationship ± 0.30 to ± 0.39 Moderate relationship ± 0.20 to ± 0.29 Weak relationship ± 0.01 to ± 0.19 No relationship Table 4.15: Range of Pearson's Correlation Coefficients and the Interpretation (Source: Saunders et. al., 2019)

E (IV1) ED (IV2) T (IV3) C (IV4) SW (IV5) PM (DV) E (IV1) Pearson Correlation 1 .464** .456** .439** .460** .490** Sig. (2 tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 N 384 384 384 384 384 384 (IV2)ED Pearson Correlation .464** 1 .511** .583** .548** .539** Sig. (2 tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 N 384 384 384 384 384 384 T (IV3) Pearson Correlation .456** .511** 1 .576** .538** .557** Sig. (2 tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 N 384 384 384 384 384 384 C (IV4) Pearson Correlation .439** .583** .576** 1 .506** .557** Sig. (2 tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000



Pearson Correlation .460** .548** .538** .506** 1 .520 Sig. (2 tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000

.000 N 384 384 384 384 384 384 (DV)PM

N 384 384 384 384 384 384

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2 tailed). Table 4.16:

Pearson Correlation .490** .539** .557** .557** .520** 1 Sig. (2 tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 **. Correlations (Sources: SPSS Sector Education Sector T: Tourism Sector C: Culture Sector SW: Social welfare system Sector PM: The perception measure of the IV1: Independent Variable 1 IV2: Independent Variable 2 IV3: Independent Variable 3 IV4: Independent Variable 4 IV5: Independent Variable 5 DV: Dependent Variable

between Variables

69 N 384 384 384 384 384 384 (IV5)SW

Output) E:Remark:Economy



This showed that there was a strong relationship between the economy sector and the perception measure of the city. Next, the correlation value for the education sector is 0.539 with a significant level of 0.000 (p<0.01). This showed that there was a strong relationship between the education sector and the perception measure of the city. Moreover, the correlation values for the tourism sector and the culture sector are the same 0.557 with a significant level of 0.000 (p<0.01). This showed that there was a strong relationship between the tourism sector and the culture sector with theperceptionmeasure of the city.Lastly,the correlation value forthesocial welfaresystem sector is 0.520 with a significant level of 0.000 (p<0.01).This showed that there was a strong relationship between the social welfare system sector and the perception measure of the city. In conclusion, based on table 4.15, there was a positive and strong relationship between the five independent variables and the dependent variable, which showed that all the independent variables were correlated with the dependent variable.



4.5.2. Reliability Test Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure and it is usually estimated using internal consistency (Saunders et. al., 2019). The reliability test performs the result of Cronbach's alpha to

Table 4.16 shows the correlations between the independent variables and dependent variable. The independent variables in this research are the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector, while the dependent variable is the perception measureofthecity.Thecorrelationoftheeconomy sector,educationsector,tourismsector,culture sector, and social welfare system sector were categorized as a positive relationship towards the perception measure of the city as correlation values are 0.490, 0.539, 0.557, 0.557, and 0.520, value for the economy sector is 0.490 with a significant level of 0.000 (p<0.01).

71 assess whether or to what extent the elements of the questionnaire have been linked to each other. However, the researcher used the Cronbach’s Alpha method to measure the reliability while the level of reliability was analyzed by the range of values in Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. Table 4.15 below shows that the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient range and the strength of association. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient Range Strength of Association α ≥ 0.9 Excellent 0.9 > α ≥ 0.8 Good 0.8 > α ≥ 0.7 Acceptable 0.7 > α ≥ 0.6 Questionable 0.6 > α ≥ 0.5 Poor 0.5 > α Unacceptable Table 4.17: Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient range and the strength of association Source: (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2019) This research was comprised of 31 questions that used the Likert scales to assess the degree of agreement. The scale started from 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree and 5 = Strongly Agree. Reliability testing has been conducted for all questions. The result of reliability has been enumerated below. Case Processing Summary N % Cases Valid 384 100.0 Excludeda 0 .0 Total 384 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.


Reliability Statistics Cronbach'sAlpha

AlphaCronbach'sBasedonStandardizedItems N of Items .761 .752 31 Table 4.18: Reliability Test for Independent Variables and Dependent Variable (Sources: SPSS Output) Table 4.18 above showed the reliability test for both the dependent variable and the independent variables for this research. The total of questions was 31, where 25 questions from independent variables, and 6 questions were from the dependent variable. On these questions, the Cronbach Alpha was at 0.761. Based on table 4.15 Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient range and strength of association, these questions were acceptable and reliable.The outcome of these questions has been positive and ongoing. 4.6. Hypothesis Testing In this research, hypothesis testing is needed to test whether the constructed hypothesis is accepted or rejected. The researcher used the Multiple Regression Analysis to conduct the hypothesis testing. It is made up of three sections of the multiple regression analysis, which are the model summary, the ANOVA, and the coefficient. An evaluation of the relationship between a dependent variable and independent variables required a multiple regression analysis. The significant level was resulting from multiple regression analysis. A significant level of research was introduced through a range of values. This means that it was important whether the average value was less


73 than 0.05. If the mean level is above 0.05 the mean level is not relevant. The most significant value for the variable was 0.00. 4.6.1. Multiple Regression Analysis (Model Summary)

Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .685a .469 .462 .28794 a. Predictors: (Constant), Social Welfare System Sector (IV5), Economy Sector (IV1), Culture Sector (IV4), Tourism Sector (IV3), Education Sector (IV2) Table 4.19: Multiple Regression Analysis (Source: SPSS Output) Table 4.19 shows that the result of the model summary demonstrated that the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The value of the correlation coefficient(R) was 0.685, which means that there was a strong relationship between the variables. Therefore, the value of the coefficient of the determinant (R Square) was 0.469 which indicates that the perception measure of the city got 46.9% that influence by the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector. The rest (100% was by the other sectors that are not been done in this research.

Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) is a model that good fits the data and results from the output. It can help the researcher to predict the value of a variable based on two or more other variables. The probability level of significant value showed was 0.000. The probabilityofasignificantvalueis0.000whichwaslowerthan0.05,somultipleregressionmodels may be used to estimate the key sectors of the city towardsthe perception measure of the city. The factor of independent variables of the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector contributing to the perception measure of the city. However, the null hypothesis would be rejected because the significant level of the regression model is less than 0.05. 4.6.3. Multiple Regression Analysis (Coefficients)

74 4.6.2. Multiple Regression Analysis (ANOVA) ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 27.679 5 5.536 66.770 .000b Residual 31.339 378 .083 Total 59.018 383 a. Dependent Variable: The perception measure of the city (DV) b. Predictors: (Constant), Social Welfare System Sector (IV5), Economy Sector (IV1), Culture Sector (IV4), Tourism Sector (IV3), Education Sector (IV2) Table 4.20: Multiple Regression Analysis (ANOVA) (Source: SPSS Output) Based on table 4.20, the result of the F test value was 66.770 with a significant level of p=0.000(p<0.05).

75 Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients StandardizedCoefficients t Sig.B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) .785 .179 4.390 .000 IV1 .179 .048 .168 3.714 .000 IV2 .152 .047 .163 3.202 .001 IV3 .182 .044 .207 4.122 .000 IV4 .169 .044 .197 3.842 .000 IV5 .138 .048 .142 2.874 .004 a. Dependent Variable: The perception measure of the city (DV) Table 4.21: Multiple Regression Analysis (Source: SPSS Output) Based on table 4.21, the linear equation was developed as below: Y = 0.785+0.179X₁+0.152X₂+0.182X₃+0.169X₄+0.138X₅ Y=Where,The perception measure of the city X1= Economy sector X2= Education sector X3= Tourism sector X4= Cultural sector X5= Social welfare system sector

Hypothesis 1: Economy Sector H₀: There is no significant relationship between the economy and the perception measure of the city. H₁: There is a significant relationship between the economy andthe perception measure of thecity. From table 4.21, the result of regression of the economy sector against the perception measure of the city. The significant value of performance expectancy was 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be assumed that the economy sector has a significant relationship with the perception measure of the city. Therefore, the researcher accepted the alternative hypothesis (H1) and rejected the null hypothesis (H0).

Based on the linear equation above, there was a strong relationship between the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector with the perception measure of the city. Summary of Hypothesis



Hypothesis 2: Education Sector H₀: There is no significant relationship between education and the perception measure of the city. H₁: There is a significant relationship between education and the perception measure of the city. From table 4.21, the result of regression of the education sector against the perception measure of the city. The significant value of performance expectancy was 0.001 < 0.05, so it can be assumed that the education sector has a significant relationship with the perception measure of the city.

Hypothesis 3: Tourism Sector

Therefore, the researcher accepted the alternative hypothesis (H1) and rejected the null hypothesis (H0).

H₀: There is no significant relationship between tourism and the perception measure of the city.

H₁: There is a significant relationship between tourism and the perception measure of the city. From table 4.21, the result of regression of the tourism sector against the perception measure of the city. The significant value of performance expectancy was 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be assumed that the tourism sector has a significant relationship with the perception measure of the city.

Hypothesis 4: Culture Sector

H₀: There is no significant relationship between culture and the perception measure of the city. H₁: There is a significant relationship between culture and the perception measure of the city. From table 4.21, the result of regression of the culture sector against the perception measure of the city. The significant value of performance expectancy was 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be assumed that the culture sector has a significant relationship with the perception measure of the city. Therefore, the researcher accepted the alternative hypothesis (H1) and rejected the null hypothesis (H0).

H₀: There is no significant relationship between the social welfare system and the perception measure of the city.

Therefore, the researcher accepted the alternative hypothesis (H1) and rejected the null hypothesis (H0).

Hypothesis 5: Social Welfare System Sector


4.7 Summary


H1: There is a significant relationship between the economy and the perception measure of the city. Accepted H2: There is a significant relationship between education and the perception measure of the city. Accepted H3: There is a significant relationship between tourism and the perception measure of the city. Accepted H4: There is a significant relationship between culture and the perception measure of the city. Accepted H5: There is a significant relationship between the social welfare system and the perception measure of the city. Accepted Table 4. 22: Summary for Hypothesis

H₁: There is a significant relationship between the social welfare system and the perception measure of the city. From table 4.21, the result of regression of the social welfare system sector against the perception measure of the city. The significant value of performance expectancy was 0.004 < 0.05, so it can be assumed that the social welfare system sector has a significant relationship with the perception measureofthe city.Therefore, theresearcheracceptedthealternativehypothesis (H1) andrejected the null hypothesis (H0). Hypothesis Results


In this chapter, all the data that had been collected was done analyzed by the researcher by using the SPSS software version 26. All of this has been presented the data by using tables and figures.

Descriptive statistics, validity test reliability testing, and hypotheses testing had been done to analyze the data collected in this chapter. The researcher found out that all of the hypotheses have been acceptable.



5.1. Introduction

This chapteraddressesthedataanalysis shownin chapter4.Therefore,theanalyzedresearch study data and findings will be explained in this chapter. In this chapter, the part of demographic, research objectives, the implication of the study, the limitation of the study, and recommendations of the future study will be discussed.

5.2. Summary of Study

The purpose of this researcher was to be examining the sectors which contributed to the perception measure of the city. In this research, there were five independent variables which arethe economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector contributing to the perception measure of the city. The things that need to be achieved from the results and findings of the research are the three research objectives. Namely as to describe the city marketing, to identify the key sectors to focus on in order to improve the image of the city of Melaka, and to provide the sectors of the city of Melaka that should be highlighted to the rest of the world.

81 5.3.

The total of respondents for this research was 384 respondents. The total for males was 187 respondents who were 48.7 % of the total. On the other hand, the total for females was 197 respondents who were 51.3 % of the total. According to the department of statistics Malaysia's official portal, the sex ratio refers to the number of males per 100 females 106:100. Where the male population is 16.8 million and the female population is 15.9 million. The questionnaire was distributed simple randomly although the female respondents are more than male respondents in the Next,research.mostof the respondents of age were from between 18 24 years old, which are 270 respondents made up 70.3% of the total respondents. Even though, the range of age for the respondents who were answering the questionnaire was between 18 years old to 46 years old and above. According to Johnson (2021), 18 percent of global online internet users were aged 18 to 24 years. Then, 85 respondents came from age between 25-30 years old, which was 22.1% of the total respondents. Those who were age between 31-37 years old got 21 respondents, 5.5% of the total respondents. And 8 respondents made up from age between 38 45 years old, which was 2.1% of the total respondents. However, there were no respondents from age between 46 and above years

Furthermore,old. from the education level, the highest respondents came from a bachelor's degree which represents 247 respondents with 64.3% of the total respondents. There were 85 respondents from STPM/diploma with 22.1% of the total respondents. 25 respondents from masters with 6.5%. SPM came with 14 respondents which 3.6% of the total respondents. Lowest respondents from Ph.D. 13 with 3.4% of the total respondents.

Discussion on the Demographic Background

5.4. Discussion on Research Objectives

2: To identify the key sectors to focus on in order to improve the image of the city of Melaka.

Moreover, non-residence of Melaka were 134 respondents with 34.9% of the total respondents.


3: To provide the sectors of the city of Melaka that should be highlighted to the rest of the world. Research objective 1: To describe the city marketing. City marketing is the promotion of a city, or a neighborhood within a city, aimed at encouraging certain activities to take place there. City marketing also has a positive influence on the economy of the country, attracting tourists, international businesses, and investors to various destinations.

Besides that, for the nationality, most of the respondents got from Malaysian which is 297 respondents with 77.3% of the total respondents. On the other hand, 87 respondents from non Malaysian with 22.7% of the total respondents. Lastly, 250 respondents were the residence of Melaka with 65.1% of the total respondents.

The research objectives were stated as below: 1: To describe the city marketing.

City marketing itself aims to transform the city into a brand in the minds of customers, which will encourage the influx of tourists, positive migration, and the relocation of companies. City marketing can also help improve or enhance a city's reputation or enable it to be viewed from a

Even though, according to, department of statistics Malaysia's official portal, the total population of Melaka is 932,700. But there were 34.9% of respondents were non residence of Melaka.

Research objective 2: To identify the key sectors to focus on in order to improve the image of the city of Melaka. For the second research objective, based on the result from Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis, all the independent variables which, are the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector. From the result of Standardized Coefficients (Beta), the value showed that the highest value which was 0.207 from the tourism sector. However, in the culture sector, economy sector, and education sector result of Standardized Coefficients (Beta), the value was 0.197, 0.168, and 0.163, respectively. The lowest Standardized Coefficients (Beta), the value was 0.142 from the social welfare system sector. According to Stephanie (2016), the higher the absolute value of the beta coefficient, the stronger the effect. The social welfare system sector has the lowest Standardized Coefficients (Beta) value. Therefore, the city should put more focus on the social welfare system sector and work on it to improve. However, the city should not forget other sectors too, those sectors are important in order to improve the image of the city of Melaka. Research objective 3: To provide the sectors of the city of Melaka that should be highlighted to the rest of the world. For the third research objective, the researcher had used SPSS software to prove the results of the explanatory factor. There were five sectors that contribute to the perception measure of the city which, are the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare

83 different perspective. City marketing is useful and important because it can help to promote your cityaspreferabletotheseotheroptions,bydrawingattentiontoitsuniquequalitiesandpluspoints.

84 system sector. Through the hypothesis testing, all of the factors are accepted which are significant to the perception measure of the city. Hypothesis Sig. Results

H1: There is a significant relationship between the economy and the perception measure of the city. 0.000 < 0.05 Accepted H2: There is a significant relationship between education andtheperceptionmeasureofthecity. 0.001 < 0.05 Accepted H3: There is a significant relationship between tourism and the perception measure of the city. 0.000 < 0.5 Accepted H4: There is a significant relationship between culture and the perception measure of the city. 0.000 < 0.05 Accepted H5: There is a significant relationship between the social welfare system and the perception measure of the city. 0.004 < 0.05 Accepted Table 5.1: Summary of Hypothesis Testing (Source: SPSS Output) Based on Table 5.1, the significant value of the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector were 0.000 < 0.05, 0.001 < 0.05, 0.000 < 0.5, 0.000 < 0.05, and 0.004 < 0.05, respectively. From the result of multiple regression analysis, it can be assumed that all the sectors which are the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector had a significant relationship to the perception measure of the city. Therefore, it shows that Melaka should highlight all of these sectors to the rest of the world.

Hypothesis 1: There is a significant relationship between the economy and the perception measure of the city.

85 Independent Variable 1: Economy Sector

In hypothesis 1, based on the result, it showed that the economy sector was contributing to the perception measure of the city. The result for the Multiple Regression Analysis showed that the significant value of the economy sector is 0.000 which was lower than the significant value of 0.05. It showed that there was a significant relationship between the economy sector and the perception measure of the city. From the result of Pearson Correlation, the correlation value of the economysectorwas0.490whichshowedthattherewasastrongrelationshipbetweentheeconomy sector and the perception measure of the city. Businesses play an essential role in how the city operates. Indeed, they provide jobs to their employees, products, and services to their customers but also strengthen the economic network of a region or a city. The previous researcher mention that the economy sector is very important to the functioning of the city (Balencourt, A., & Curado Zafra, A, 2012). Its investments, its businesses, and the existence of sufficient infrastructure create a positive impact on the perception of the city's population. However, investments do not limit themselves to the unique presence of companies and can take many forms. Most of the respondents are conceived that Melaka has a strong economy. Even though there were a few respondents who were less agree that Melaka has good city service and infrastructures. Infrastructure systems are very important in people's daily lives and can be considered as their absence can be an inconvenience to the city. The economy sector has always played an important role in the functioning of the city. To sum it up, the value for the economy sector was less than 0.05, so that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. There is a significant relationship between the economy sector and the perception measure of the city.

Hypothesis 2: There is a significant relationship between education and the perception measure of the city.

In hypothesis 2, based on the result, it showed that the education sector was contributing to the perception measure of the city. The result for the Multiple Regression Analysis showed that the significant value of the education sector is 0.001 which was lower than the significant value of 0.05. It showed that there was a significant relationship between the education sector and the perception measure of the city. From the result of Pearson Correlation, the correlation value of the education sector was 0.539 which showed that there was a strong relationship between the education sector and the perception measure of the city. In previous research stated that the education sector has an impact on people’s perception of the city. However, the respondents were not focusing on this sector and think that is no significant relationship with the perception measure of the city. They think that the image of the education sector was not that powerful when it comes to the perception measure of the city (Balencourt, A., & Curado Zafra, A, 2012). However, it is important to have a skilled workforce and around and importance for businesses to have partnerships with high education institutions. Moreover, in this research, most of the respondents agreed that it is positive for businesses to have a partnership with higher educational institutions. Education Sector directly impacts the growth of the city’s economy, as much as it is necessary to improve the human capital. When the education level improves these workers, it increases their human capital and the growth of the city economy (Clàudia, 2017). In conclusion, the value for the education sector was less than 0.05, so that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. There is a significant relationship between the education sector and the perception measure of the city.

86 Independent Variable 2: Education Sector

Hypothesis 3: There is a significant relationship between tourism and the perception measure of the city.

Independent Variable 3: Tourism Sector


In hypothesis 4, based on the result, it showed that the tourism sector was contributing to the perception measure of the city. The result for the Multiple Regression Analysis showed that the significant value of thetourism sector is 0.000 which was lower than the significant value of 0.05. It showed that there was a significant relationship between the tourism sector and the perception measure of the city. From the result of Pearson Correlation, the correlation value of the tourism sector was 0.557 which showed that there was a strong relationship between the tourism sector and the perception measure of the city. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) describes tourism as one of the most important and flourishing economic sectors in the world, and countries are investing heavily in this sector. It creates a positive impact on people’s perception of the city. In recent days, the tourism sector has become a sector emphasized to the booming economy of cities or countries. Besides that, previous research stated that the tourism sector has an impact on people’s perception of the city. However, most of the respondents were agreed that Melaka has great touristic potential. Traditionally, the contribution of the tourism sector to job creation, economic growth, and foreign investment has made it an industry worth recognizing and supporting. In conclusion, the value for the tourism sector was less than 0.05, so that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. There is a significant relationship between the tourism sector and the perception measure of the city.

Independent Variable 4: Culture Sector

Hypothesis 4: There is a significant relationship between culture and the perception measure of the city.

Hypothesis 5: There is a significant relationship between the social welfare system and the perception measure of the city.


Independent Variable 5: Social Welfare System Sector

In hypothesis 4, based on the result, it showed that the culture sector was contributing to the perception measure of the city. The result for the Multiple Regression Analysis showed that the significant value of the culture sector is 0.000 which was lower than the significant value of 0.05. It showed that there was a significant relationship between the culture sector and the perception measure of the city. From the result of Pearson Correlation, the correlation value of the culture sector was 0.557 which showed that there was a strong relationship between the culture sector and the perception measure of the city. The culture sector was significant to the perception measure of the city (Balencourt, A., & Curado Zafra, A, 2012). Many researchers have been claimed that such cultural events have created a positive impact on the city's image and bring attractiveness to it. Cities are often using special cultural shows or events to promote themselves, in a way to attracting people. The local economy is a market and networking system that is part of a specific community or place (Charles, 2012). Some points can be enhanced by cultural events or shows, which are the local economy, increased in the number of visitors and the image of the city. Based on the result from (Balencourt, A., & Curado Zafra, A, 2012) there was a variation in the perception measure of the city that can be explained in the culture sector. In conclusion, the value for the culture sector was less than 0.05, so that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. There is a significant relationship between the culture sector and the perception measure of the city.

In hypothesis 5, based on the result, it showed that the social welfare system sector was contributing to the perception measure of the city. The result for the Multiple Regression Analysis showed that the significant value of thesocial welfare system sector is 0.004 which was lower than the significant value of 0.05. It showed that there was a significant relationship between the social welfare system sector and the perception measure of the city. From the result of Pearson Correlation, the correlation value of the social welfare system sector was 0.520 which showed that there was a strong relationship between the social welfare system sector and the perception measure of the city. According to Androniceanu. A, 2017, For communities with particular needs, the social welfare system has recognized a variety of organizations, programs, measures, professional activities, and specializedprotectionservicesforindividualsandgroups.Thosewhoaremomentarilyindifficulty due to a variety of factors such as economic, social-cultural, biological, or psychological, and who are unable to achieve an acceptable standard of living through their resources and efforts. As a result, the social assistance system is in serious trouble all across the world. Moreover, most of the respondents were agreed with the city should widely promote its social welfare system in itself to help more people. the social welfare system sector is an important part of the perception measure of the city, and it could help the individuals or families who need it. It is kind of like investing, and it helps people to grow up from their problems. In conclusion, the value for the social welfare system sector was less than 0.05, so that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. There is a significant relationship between the social welfare system sector and the perception measure of the city.


5.5. Implication of Study

The findings of this research are analyzed to determine the research objectives that can identify the relationship between the city marketing sectors and the perception measure of the city. The researcher had used SPSS software to analyze the collected data such as the pilot test, Cronbach’s Alpha, Descriptive Statistics, Correlations, Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA), and hypothesis testing to analyze the relationship of independent variables and dependent variable. Through the analysis from the findings, the researcher had found that these five sectors which are the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector had a significant relationship to the perception measure of the city. The perception measure of the city sectors that the most affect the city to promote itself was the tourism sector.Theresult oftheStandardizedCoefficient(Beta)showedthehighest valueis 0.207.


By adding multiple values and economic benefits to the city's brand, image, and identity, and by assisting in thedevelopment ofthe city's brand,image, andidentity.The tourism sector contributes significantly to economic growth in addition to providing desired places (Kshitiz Thakur, 2018). The tourism sector provides the city with the opportunity to show itself and improve its visibility in the world. The impact ofthe tourism sector needs to be taken as the key sector of the perception measure of the city in order to promote the city. Not only the tourism sector, the culture sector, economy sector, and education sector also have a significant relationship to the perception measure of the city. These sectors the culture sector, economy sector, and education sector hold the second, third and fourth highest of the Standard Coefficient (Beta) values which were 0.197, 0.168, and 0.163, respectively. For the culture sector, the result showed that the most of respondents agreed that the culture sector can affect the perceptionmeasureofthecity.Certainpointsmaybeenhancedbyculturaleventsorperformances,

The result showed that the most of respondents agreed that the tourism sector can affect the perception measure of the city. The tourism sector can boost the city to promote itself widely than other sectors. Tourism marketing refers to the economic discipline of attracting tourists to a specific location, which might be a state, a city, a heritage site or tourist destination point, a hotel or a conference center, or anything else (Hitesh Bhasin, 2019). The respondents agree that Melaka has great touristic potential. The tourism sector adds to a city's overall growth and development.

91 which are the local economy, have increased the number of visitors and the image of the city.

Having a strong culture sector will bring more tourism to the city and nowadays cultural tourism is big business. Some people travel solely to have a cultural experience, while others may have a cultural experience as a byproduct of their travels (Hayley Stainton, 2019). Next for the economy sector, the result showed that the most of respondents agreed that the economy sector can affect the perception measure of the city. The economy sector provides jobs, products, and services to the people but also builds the economical network of the city. A strong economy sector is very importantforthecityand mostoftherespondentsareconceivedthatMelakahasastrongeconomy. Moreover, for the education sector, the result showed that the most of respondents agreed that the education sector can affect the perception measure of the city. The education sector has a direct impact on the growth of the city's economy since it is necessary to improve human capital. Most of the respondents agreed that it is positive for businesses to have a partnership with higher education institutions for the betterment of the city. All these threecontributing sectors, the culture sector, economy sector, and education sector can affect the perception measure of the city. Lastly, the social welfare system sector also was a significant sector of the city to promote itself as a contributing sector that can affect the perception measure of the city. It showed the value was 0.142 from the result of the Standardized Coefficients (Beta) value. This result showed that the most of respondents agreed that thesocial welfare system sector can affect the perception measure of the city. The social welfare system sector assists individuals and families, who are facing difficulties. However, most of the respondents were agreed with Melaka should widely promote its social welfare system in itself to help more people. It creates a positive impact on people’s minds. In summary, the social welfare system sector is a city promoting contributing sector that can affect the perception measure of the city. In conclusion, cities today compete for investment and residents, necessitating the implementation of innovative marketing and branding tactics. Several sectors can have an impact on the city's image and how clients view it. The city should take all of these sectors seriously and put effort into these sectors' improvement. The improvement of all of these sectors can enhance the city's marketing to promote itself.

There are several limitations in conducting this research. Firstly, the researcher only has 3 months to collect the data for this research. The researcher only has a limited time which is from March 2021 to May 2021 to send the questionnaire to the respondent. Due to the time limitation, the researcher only can distribute the survey questionnaire by using Google Form. The researcher had sent the survey questionnaire by using e mail, WhatsApp, Facebook, and some other social media for distributing to the people. The honesty of respondents also one of the limitations to surveying the perception measure of the city. The respondents did not want to spend their time and honesty answering the questionnaire.

Theresearcherhadstudiedthesectorsthat contributingtotheperceptionmeasureofthecity.There are several recommendations that can be suggested by the researcher for further researcher. The first recommendation is the further, the researcher may conduct this research in the current sectors which are the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector. In this research, the researcher focused on all of these sectors. However, all of these sectors can have their individual research. For the economy sector can its own research because the economy sector is quite big by itself. Next to the education sector, this can focus on a better education system for the next generation in further research. The tourism sector is a mass sector for any researcher because now cities are nowadays more focusing this sector. Besides that,

5.6. Limitation of Study

5.7 Recommendations of Future Study


The second recommendation is that the further researcher may use the qualitative method for conducting the future study to get more understanding of the user perspective. The further researcher may interview the respondents for the data collection, and this will give the honest respondents. Through this method, it may increase the participation from the respondent so that the researcher will get more opinions from the respondent from different perspectives. This will help the researchers to understand what is in the people's minds towards the perception measure of the

93 the culture sector is an important part of the tourism attraction. So, this sector also has a big potential forresearch.Lastly,inthesocialwelfaresystem sector,citiesarealways trying to provide a better lifestyle for their residence which can be done by this sector. Therefore, it shows that further research can be done in all of these sectors.

5.8 Conclusion In conclusion, these days, cities are competing to attract investment and people, forcing them to implement new marketing and branding strategies. Several factors can influence the image of the city and its perception in the minds of customers. The goal of this research is to realize how a well selected city marketing strategy benefits the city and gain a more in depth understanding of the city's marketing opportunities. The main objective of this research to provide a more thorough

Lastly,city.theanalysis of the Multiple Regression Analysis showed that the R Square value was 0.469 which indicates that the perception measure of the city got 46.9% that influence by the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector. The rest (100% 46.9%=53.1%) was by the other sectors that are not been done in this research. Therefore, further research can be explored in other sectors which can be contributing to the perception measure of the city.

94 understanding of the marketing concept of the city, its possibilities, and its benefits for the region and its surroundings. This research used two marketing models which are The Marketing Mix and PESTEL Analysis. These models were focused on multiple areas of the city part, which helped to better understand the city and how to promote the city to the rest of the world. This research also used two more concepts which are Kevin Lynch's “The Image of the City” and Van den Berg and Braun's “Key Actors in The City”. Based on these two the researcher had created the conceptional framework. Through the finding of this research, the economy sector, education sector, tourism sector, culture sector, and social welfare system sector will be contributing to the perception measure of the city to promote itself. However, focusing on the major sectors of the city, will build a better development for the city and promote itself to others.

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104 APPENDIX 1 GANTT CHART FOR PSM 1 Task/Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PSM TopictalkDiscussion and RQ,ConfirmationRO& Research CompleteConstructionFrameworkChapter 1 Complete(Introduction)Chapter 2 (Literature Review) Complete Chapter 3 (Research Method) PresentationPSMSubmissionPSM Year 2020/2021

105 APPENDIX 2 GANTT CHART FOR PSM 2 Task/Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PresentationPSMSubmissionPSMChapterCompleteChapterCompleteAnalysingDataGatheringDataQuestionnaireDistributeQuestionnaireCreate4522 Year 2020/2021

Dear Mr./Ms., I am MD Tajul Islam, a final year student that currently undertaking a course Bachelor of Technology Management (High Technology Marketing) at Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka is part of the final year project for the bachelor’s degree which needs to achieve the academic requirement. I am conducting research on City Marketing to promote Melaka city The main purpose of this research is to be identifying your perception of the essential points for promoting and develop the city of Melaka.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to spend your precious time to give assistance to me in my educational endeavor. The information that is collected in the use of academic purposes and private information is highly confidential.



107 Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you! MdFaithfully,TajulIslam You may contact the following number, MD Tajul Islam Faculty of Technology Management and Technopreneurship Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) E mail: Contactislammdtajul399@gmail.comnumber:0143846713 Referred by, ASSOC.PROF DR. MOHD SYAIFUL RIZAL BIN ABD HAMID E mail: Management and technopreneurship, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, 76100 Hang Tuah Jaya, Melaka SECTION A: DEMOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND In this section, please choose ONE which represents you by placing TICK (/). 1. Gender

108 MaleFemale 2. Age 18 24 25 30 31 37 38 45 46 and above 3. Education Level SPM STPM/Diploma Bachelors Degree Master PhD No Education 4. Nationality NonMalaysian-Malaysian 5. Are you a residence of Melaka NoYes


1. Universities in Melaka are a good incentive for students to come to the city. 2. Melaka has the standard environment for the student. 3. It is important for Melaka to have a skilled workforce. 4. It is positive for businesses to have a partnership with higher educational institutions.

Part 2: Education Sector No. Statement 1 2 3 4 5

Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

DisagreeStrongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Part 1: Economy Sector No. Statement 1 2 3 4 5 1. Melaka has a strong ecomony 2. Melaka has good city service and infrastructures. 3. Melaka has a good transportation network inside the city. 4. There is a good transportation network between Melaka and the rest of the cities in Malaysia. 5. Melaka should be focused on other economical sector rather than only one sector (Tourism Sector)

This section is to seek your opinion regarding about the key sectors the preception of the city to promote. Based on the scale given, please TICK (/) ONE which represents your answer.

Part 3: Tourism Sector No. Statement 1 2 3 4 5

Part 5: Social Welfare System Sector No. Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. Melaka has great touristic potential. 2. Melaka should display its potential tourism widely.

4. Melaka should advertise more cultural activities.

1. Melaka has a strong Strong Social Welfare System 2. Social Welfare and Community in Melaka are providing free healthcare for poor people. 3. NGO’s in Melaka assistance including advisory and guidance related to women’s issues.

1. Melaka is a multicultural city. 2. Melaka hasa rich history. 3. Melaka has a wide cultural offer.

4. Melaka should flourish its tourism attracting places.

5. Melaka should organize more cultural festivals to increase tourism.

Part 4: Culture Sector No. Statement 1 2 3 4 5

5. Cultural activities are an opportunity to promote the city.


5. The educational sector could be an important part of Melaka city's economy.

3. Melaka should offer more tourist guide services in order to increase tourism.

111 4. SocialWelfareandCommunityinMelakaprovidesworking opportunities for unemployed and disabled people. 5. Melaka should widely promote its social welfare system in itself to help more people. SECTION C: THE PERCEPTION MEASURES OF MELAKA CITY This sectionis to seekyouropinionregardingyour perceptionofthecity.Basedonthescale given, please TICK (/) ONE which represents your answer. Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 DisagreeStrongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree No. Statement 1 2 3 4 5 1. Melaka is a pleasant city. 2. Melaka is one of the most important cities in Malaysia. 3. Melaka has an international reputation 4. Melaka is developing a good advertising strategy 5. Melaka has a good image 6. Melaka is a safe city Note: These questions are adapted from “City Marketing: How to promote a city? The case of Umeå” Balencourt and Zafra, 2012 & “City Marketing Case: Moscow” Kuzina and Irina, 2017.

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