1 minute read
Diamond Buying Guide

Take Five loves magazines...
Yes, it's true, we love magazines, but at £5.00 or more to buy a decent quality publication, it's often difficult to justify, especially when it's usually read just the once and then ends up in the bin.
For the most part, Magazines and Newspapers are passive reading. You read your magazine, enjoy the articles and pretty pictures: then, set it aside.

It's sad but true that each printed publication can cost us a tree or two, while it's also likely that in the future print publications will be but a thing of the past or else they will become a very specialised item, like the 8Track Cassette, Sony Walkman, Betamax, etc, etc...
But, the Kindle is still doing very well...
Join Take Five and the digital revolution and place yourself at the head of the game now...
Take Five is an 'Active' publication that offers readers an experience on their phone or tablet that the TV, Radio or printed publications can't match.
Take Five has embedded live links to websites, shopping sites, YouTube videos, social networking, email, details about all your products and services, downloads and you can even zoom in and out of the page without the need of a magnifying glass. And for your clients, it's absolutely FREE...
Ask yourself:
"How much monthly media advertising can I buy for £280 each month to promote myself?"
Remember, that your print advertising will probably be read just once, possibly twice, thrown into the bin, or maybe it will be missed by readers altogether?
PLUS, since you set your own pricing, you might only have to sell five or six adverts, and you've already paid for your magazine.
Why not ask your newspaper publisher, TV Channel or Radio Station if they will provide you with free ads and what 'Call To Action', they can promise you?
This is why Take Five is for you...