STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE April 27, 2005 at 8.30 pm
TALENTUM OYJ Malminkatu 30 FIN-00100 Helsinki Tel.+358(0) 20 442 40 Fax +358(0)20 4424 130 1(10)
Net sales: EUR 29.7 million (EUR 29.8 million) Operating profit: EUR 1.9 million (EUR 2.4 million) Cash flow from business operations: EUR 1.5 million (EUR 1.2 million) Earnings per share: EUR 0.03 (EUR 0.04) Equity ratio: 34.9% (39.3%)
Talentum’s consolidated net sales remained unchanged compared with the previous year, totalling EUR 29.7 million (EUR 29.8 million), with sales for the latter part of March being well below those twelve months earlier. The operating profit fell from the previous year to EUR 1.9 million (EUR 2.4 million). The most significant positive factor in the Group’s profitability was Publishing’s obvious improvement. However, the profitability of TV Commercial Production, Premedia, Internet Consulting and Direct Marketing failed to reach the targets. Managing Director Harri Roschier: "Of Talentum’s business areas, Publishing did extremely well in the first quarter of the year. The net sales went up by 8% and the operating profit improved by 40% and was 16% of the net sales in spite of a quiet March. Contributing to the flat market development in March compared with the previous year was the falling of Easter and the attendant holidays either side of it in a different quarter – this time in March whereas a year ago it was in April. One particular cause of pleasure was the success of the magazines Tietoviikko and Talouselämä, whatever standard they were judged by. Overall the spring looks like being good for Talentum’s Publishing. The net sales continues to grow and with more efficient operations the operating profit will improve from last year’s good level. The net sales of Talentum’s other operations failed to meet the targets in the first quarter, and the operating profit levels did not come up to those of the previous year. The second quarter of the year, however, will bring a real improvement to the situation compared to the previous year. The net sales of the TV Content Production group rose by a few per cent compared with the corresponding period last year, but in terms of the financial performance the period under review was a disappointment. Talentum strengthened its market position in Premedia’s field by acquiring Faktor Oy, a move that led to the company achieving market leadership in magazine prepress production. Premedia’s operating profit fell short of last year’s figure and was 5% of the net sales. Premedia will, however, improve its operating profit for January-June period compared with last year. Direct Marketing is performing well and operations are expanding gradually in the Baltic region. The net sales fell, but it is expected to start an upturn during the present year. Satama Interactive’s net sales and financial performance did not materialize as planned for January–March. Expectations are that the net sales in the second quarter will be higher than in the first and a good profit will be made."