Talentum Q2 2006 Interim Report

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STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE July 21, 2006 at 8.30 am

TALENTUM OYJ Annankatu 34-36 B FI-00100 Helsinki Tel.+358(0) 20 442 40 Fax +358(0)20 4424 130 www.talentum.com 1(16)


Net sales: EUR 61.2 million (EUR 49.1 million) Operating profit: EUR 3.0 million (EUR 4.6 million) Cash flow from business operations: EUR 6.0 million (EUR 5.0 million) Earnings per share: EUR 0.05 (EUR 0.06) Equity ratio: 34.7% (35.6%)

The consolidated net sales increased 24% in January-June compared with the previous year and totalled EUR 61.2 million (EUR 49.1 million). Talentum Sweden contributed EUR 11.0 million to the growth in net sales and, eliminating the effect of the acquisition (October 6, 2005), net sales went up by 2%. The b-to-b advertising market which is of particular interest to Talentum was subdued in the second quarter, and advertising sales fell short of the target. Outlook for the year as a whole remain unchanged, however. In publishing, the profit from books was more than EUR 0.7 million down from the previous year, but the traditionally strong last quarter is expected to be stronger this year than in previous years and will thus compensate for this. The consolidated operating profit decreased in the first half of the year to EUR 3.0 million (EUR 4.6 million). The consolidated operating profit increased by EUR 0.6 million as a result of the addition of Talentum Sweden but decreased by EUR 0.5 million as a result of the divestment of the Internet consulting business. Talentum development emphasis on new products and one-off expenses show in the financial result as a short-term weakening. The most significant project in the first half of the year was the Focus magazine project. As announced on June 20, 2006, Talentum is withdrawing from the introduction of the magazine in Finland. The costs of the Focus magazine project, totalling around EUR 1 million, have been recognized as expenses in their entirety in the accounts for the first half of the year, which explains the increase in Group items to EUR 2.2 million (EUR 1.1 million). IAS/IFRS REPORTING Talentum transferred to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on January 1, 2005. This interim report has been drawn up according to the IFRS recognition and valuation principles. In drawing up this interim report, Talentum has applied the same accounting principles as in the financial statements for 2005, which contains a description of those principles. The interim report is unaudited. TALENTUM CEO HARRI ROSCHIER: TALENTUM SWEDEN IS GROWING WELL, PARTICULARLY AFFÄRSVÄRLDEN "Talentum Sweden is showing a growth rate of 20%, and the circulation and readership of Affärsvärlden have grown rapidly, as planned. The steady improvement of TV Content Production since last autumn is also an important positive development. Publishing in Finland did not do as well as last year because of emphasis on new products and slow growth in the advertising market during the second quarter. Also, book sales are stronger in the autumn. Overall, publishing will yield a good result this year too. "Reader surveys in both countries have given excellent results, supporting advertising sales in the autumn. Talouselämä was the uncontested front runner in

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