STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE October 27, 2006 at 8.30 am
TALENTUM OYJ Annankatu 34-36 B FIN-00100 Helsinki Tel.+358(0) 20 442 40 Fax +358(0)20 4424 130 1(15)
Net sales: EUR 84.5 million (EUR 69.0 million) Operating profit: EUR 2.7 million (EUR 16.5 million) Profit from continuing operations: EUR 2.2 million (EUR 3.5 million) Cash flow from business operations: EUR 1.0 million (EUR 2.0 million) Earnings per share: EUR 0.04 (EUR 0.34) Earnings per share, continuing operations: EUR 0.04 (EUR 0.08) Equity ratio: 35.2% (42.0%)
July-September 2006 - Net sales: EUR 23.3 million (EUR 19.9 million) - Operating profit: EUR –0.3 million (EUR 11.9 million) - Profit from continuing operations: EUR -0.2 million (EUR 0.7 million) The consolidated net sales increased 22% in January-September compared with the previous year and totalled EUR 84.5 million (EUR 69.0 million). Talentum Sweden contributed EUR 14.5 million to the growth in net sales and, excluding the effect of the acquisition (October 6, 2005), net sales went up by 1%. The b-to-b advertising market, which is of particular importance to Talentum, was subdued in the third quarter, and product advertising sales fell short of the target. This caused a fall of slightly over EUR 0.6 million in Publishing’s financial performance, compared with the July-September period in 2005. Premedia’s increased restructuring costs and credit losses (TEUR 130) caused a decrease of EUR 0.8 million in its performance compared with July-September in the previous year. The consolidated operating profit fell to EUR 2.7 million (EUR 16.5 million) in the January-September period. Talentum Sweden contributed an increase of EUR 0.3 million to the consolidated operating profit. The previous year’s figure included a profit of EUR 10.5 million on the sale of the Internet consulting business, and the operating profit for Internet consulting totalled EUR 11.3 million in the previous year. IAS/IFRS REPORTING Talentum transferred to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on January 1, 2005. This interim report has been drawn up according to the IFRS recognition and valuation principles. In drawing up this interim report, Talentum has applied the same accounting principles as in the financial statements for 2005, which contain a description of those principles. The interim report is unaudited. Talentum CEO Juha Blomster: "TALENTUM’S PUBLISHING BUSINESS IN FINLAND SHOWED A WEAK TREND BUT TALENTUM SWEDEN CONTINUES ITS VIGOROUS GROWTH" "Talentum’s publishing business in Finland showed a weak trend. Its net sales for July-September were down on those achieved last year and the financial performance was weaker than one year ago. It was gratifying to note, however, that Talentum’s recruitment advertising increased by a good 30% in JanuarySeptember and that the growth continued at the same rate in September. Product advertising fell 16% on the previous year’s figure in Finland and in the January-September period the fall was 10%. A 10% increase in income from subscriptions during the January-September period was a major favourable turn around. Talentum Sweden continues to grow at a rate of 20%. The circulation and readership of Affärsvärlden continue to grow rapidly as planned, and those of Ny