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“Herme” Hello! I am Hermenejildowl, I don’t like my name, but my mum gave me that name. I’m a busybody owl. I’m eleven years old. I’ve got three brothers and two sisters, but I’m the most busybodies. I haven’t got fur, I’ve got feathers. My feathers are brown and black. I have got a cap and a t-shirt with a flag. I wear trainers because I don’t like my feet. You see, I don’t like anything of me, but I really like English. I want to go to the English Day, but this day I have got a dinner with my family because we celebrate a wedding. My sister Laura will get married to Marcos.

I have got lots of friends, but they laugh at my name. One of my friends is an ostrich; she saved me from a lion. For this reason she is my best friend. Her name is Donna and she’s older than me. She’s sixteen years old.

By Irene Cama ( Madre Sacramento School / 6th grade)


Hi, everybody. I am Herme. But I think you already know me. I’m going to tell you about my biggest adventure. But first I need you to know about my family and friends. As you know, I have three brothers and two sisters. My oldest brother is Dark Jungle, he is very ugly and he doesn’t get on well with me because he loves fighting and I don’t.

My other two brothers are John and George. John is 12 years old, handsome and very friendly. He is not my real brother. He is adopted and he was born in South Africa. And his favourite food is chocolate.

George is 6 years old. He is the youngest. His hair is black, he is fast and funny. And he always plays with a baby toy. Then there is Donna. She is an ostrich and my best friend. She is pink and pink is also her favourite colour. We always have a lot of fun together. She is always by my side on our adventures. She likes running with me and listening to music. She also loves singing and dancing.

By IES Sant Just group D Illustrators Montseny school


I didn’t tell you about my sisters. My oldest sister is called Tina and my youngest sister is called Helen. Helen is prettier than me and Tina is better than me at everything. They both have blue eyes and a big mouth. I love playing with my brothers and sisters but we usually argue, especially with Dark Jungle.

Last summer my family and I went to a tree hotel in a very nice forest near the beach. Our room was on the thirteenth branch, in a hole from where you could see all the forest. The bad thing about the hotel were the other guests.

On the fourteenth branch there was a group of young mosquitoes who had a lot of parties with their friends, the noisy flies.

On the twelfth branch there was an old squirrel who always wanted to hear our conversations behind the door.

However, we made a good friend, a butterfly. Her name was Flora. She was the gardener of the hotel, she took care of all the flowers around the tree. She was pink with purple wings. She was nice, sweet and very friendly with us. We became best friends.

On Friday 13th July it was my birthday. I invited Donna to spend a few days with us in the tree hotel. On my birthday Donna, Flora and I went for a walk on the beach and they became best friends too.

When we arrived at the beach we played for a while and then we saw a pier. On the pier there was a funfair with a lot of rides: a roller coaster, a big wheel, a merry-go-round and at the end of the funfair there was a “Haunted House”.

I wanted to get in because as an owl I love darkness, but my friends were scared as they prefer the sunlight. I tried to make them come with me but they asked me to go first. Then, I bought my ticket and I entered in the Haunted House. At first I wasn’t afraid but then I started to hear voices shouting. It was cold, very cold and I got scared. I started to fly but I couldn’t see the exit, the door was closed. I think I’ve been here for about 30 minutes and I still haven’t seen my friends…


“ I am worried. Herme hasn’t come back yet “ - Donna said.


“ Me too, what’s going on in there? “ – Flora told Donna


“I don’t know. Should we stay or should we get in ? butterfly

- Donna asked the

By Madre Sacramento 1st ESO Illustrators Madre Sacramento 6th grade


- “I'm too scared to get in the Haunted House.” Flora said. - “I'm too scared too.” - Donna continued. - “What can we do?” - Flora asked the ostrich. - “I've got an idea! We can ride on the roller coaster!” - She said. - “The roller coaster? Herme might be in danger and you're thinking about riding on the roller coaster?” - Flora said. - “It's not that Flora, look, if we ride on the roller coaster we will be able to see what's going on in the Haunted House once we are on the top.” - Donna told Flora. - “That's an excellent idea, Donna!” - Flora exclaimed.

Then, Donna and Flora went to the ticket office and bought two tickets for the roller coaster. They got on a red carriage. They were very worried about Herme, would he be OK? Then, the carriage began to move and went faster and faster. It was going so fast that they couldn't see anything.

- “Donna, we won't see anything at this speed” - Flora observed. But suddenly, when they reached the top, the coach stopped. - “What's wrong now?” - Donna asked.

- “I don't know.” - Flora answered. Then, something called Flora's attention. - “Look! It's Herme!” - Flora said. - “Where? Where is he?” - asked Donna. - “Over there, in the Haunted House yard!” - Flora answered. - “Yes, you're right! And what's that white thing next to him? Is it a …?” Donna said

- “GHOST!!!” - Both exclaimed. At that moment, the carriage began to move again and the ride finished. Donna and Flora rushed up to the Haunted House and when they were at the gate they listened to a scary voice howling and saying: - “You must guess this riddle if you don't want to disappear.” - The voiced said. “It's a white box that you can open but you can't close.”

By INS Sant Just group A Illustrators Canigó School 6th grade A



I don’t know the answer and I don’t want to disappear! Give us a clue!- Flora shouted.


It’s something you can eat- the ghost voice whispered.


It’s an egg! – Donna exclaimed.

The big door opened immediately and they went into the house. It was very dark and they were very frightened.

Suddenly, the floor started to shake and they fell into a very deep hole. Luckily, they weren’t hurt. They tried to get out, but they couldn’t. Flora couldn’t fly because there was a lot of dust on her wings. After a long time they were tired and hungry. They both started to cry, but they stopped when they heard a scared voice.


I think it’s Herme! Herme, Herme, come and find us! We can’t see you. We are

in danger! – they both shouted Herme arrived in a few minutes. -

Don’t worry, I’ll take you out of here.

He flew and took Donna out of the deep hole. After this, he did the same with Flora. It was too dark and they couldn’t see anything. Herme went first because he is an owl and could see better in the darkness. They didn’t know

where they were but it was very strange because it looked like a forest with very tall trees. Suddenly, they saw a pair of unhuman, shiny, red eyes. A moment later there were more eyes like the others, until they were completely surrounded.


They look like clown eyes! – Donna said.


No, I think they are bats because I have seen some black wings. Run!Herme shouted. They ran and they saw a dog in front of them.


Let’s follow it! Perhaps it knows the way out!- Flora said.

By INS Sant Just group B Illustrators Montserrat School


The dog guided Herme, Donna and Tina to the end of a long passage where they found three doors. Herme opened the first door and they saw three tigers. Inside the second door there were spiders and cockroaches. Donna opened the third door and there were stairs. They climbed them fast because the bats had followed them and they arrived at a room with no doors. They were trapped!

Meanwhile, Herme’s brothers and sisters were worried because they couldn’t find Herme. Nobody knew anything, but George, the youngest, said: - I know where he is. He is at the Haunted House. I saw him! The brothers and sisters hurried to the Haunted House, but when they arrived they saw that the door was closed. - I’ll make a hole in the roof - Dark Jungle said.

He was very strong and he could make a big hole.

Tina, Helen, Laura, Dark Jungle, John and George jumped into the house and they were surrounded by the bats. Dark Jungle started hitting the bats, but there were too many. -Help, help! -he shouted. -What can we do? – Tina asked. Helen had some food and she started giving it to the bats. The bats were very hungry and they were so glad that they guided the group to a room where they found Herme, Donna and Flora. Then, the dog started running again and they followed it until they saw a light. It was a window! The dog jumped first and the rest followed it. -We are safe at last! - Herme exclaimed. - But today it’s my wedding day and we are late! – Laura cried. They ran and they arrived at the wedding on time. The dog had followed them and they decided to adopt it because it was very friendly. After a long day, they could sleep at the tree hotel. And now they’ve got a new story to tell!

By INS Sant Just group C Illustrators Canigó School 6th grade B

English Day 2015 Mascota guanyadora “Herme” Autora Irene Cama Centre Escola Madre Sacramento (6è)

Centres participants: Escola Canigó Escola Montseny Escola Montserrat Escola Madre Sacramento IES Sant Just

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