The May, 2021 Issue of The Mirror, Revised July 14, 2021

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May, 2021 ●CAPD/ACDP – AAPD Joint Conference is now VIRTUAL ●Theme and speakers ●The 3M Webinar Series ●Grads and Undergrads ●Membership Renewal ●In Memoriam ●Meet the our Members ●And lots more…

MESSAGE FROM Dr. JENNIFER MACLELLAN, PRESIDENT, CAPD/ACDP Le Mot du président en français est présenté à la page 4.

Dear friends and colleagues, Sustaining Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Exhibitors (More to come)

President: Dr. Jennifer MacLellan

Vice President: Dr. Gregory Westman

We salute the Sponsors and Exhibitors supporting the 2021  Virtual Joint Conference. CAPD/ACDP looks forward to working together!

Sustaining Sponsor

The 2021-2022 Executive Committee

Well, I certainly did not foresee sitting down to write my second president’s note in the midst of a third wave of this unrelenting pandemic. However, I find great comfort in knowing that we are on a path to nationwide immunization and remain eternally optimistic that we will soon be able to spend some much needed “in-person” time with family and friends. Happily, spring has arrived, summer is around the corner, trees are in leaf, birds are singing and the smell of freshly mown lawns and backyard barbeques are in the air! Everything is better when the sun is shining and the evenings are warm and long! Sadly, with the ongoing uncertainty surrounding both domestic and international travel, the Executive has once again made the difficult decision to hold the Montreal 2021 meeting virtually. This year, in addition to the Executive Council Meeting, Annual General Meeting and 3M Graduate Student Research Presentations we are pleased to be offering a robust virtual scientific session. Continued on Page 3

SecretaryTreasurer Dr. Duy-Dat Vu Immediate Past President: Dr. Raymond Lee

Executive Director: Dr. Ross Anderson

Parliamentarian: Dr. Robert Barsky RCDC Director for Pediatric Dentistry: Dr. Paul Andrews


Message from the President Mot de la Présidente Virtual Conference Registration The WHOVA Conference App Virtual 3M Graduate Student Research Presentations Conference Schedule Conference Theme and Speakers The 2021 Annual General Meeting Student Awards Graduate Student Corner Student Benefits and Liaisons CAPD/ACDP’s 2021 Webinar Series It’s Membership Renewal Time! Update on the SKIP Program, with Dr. Raymond Lee In Memoriam: Dr. Steve Baylin Teeth, Trees and Totem Poles with Dr. Martin Curzon Meet our Members: Dr. Peter Pronych Meet our Members: Dr. Patrick Canonne CAPD/ACDP Committee and Association Liaisons Important Messages Sustaining Sponsor: Sustaining Sponsor: Silver Sponsor: Silver Sponsor:

3M Oral Care NuSmile Sprig Cheng Crowns

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Message from the President, Cont’d from page one

A collaborative CAPD/ACDP and AAPD scientific committee has developed a program themed “Molar Incisor Hypomineralization – Everything You need to Know!” which will provide a foundation upon which to base treatment options for this frequently encountered condition. The impressive roster of presenters will cover topics ranging from diagnosis and pathophysiology to restorative, endodontic, orthodontic and prosthodontic factors to consider when developing individualized care plans. The full Annual Conference agenda, course descriptions and presenter bios can be found both in this issue of The Mirror and on our website. Visit to register! I would like to applaud Dr. Duy-Dat Vu and his committee for organizing our inaugural continuing education webinar series. The first presentation was fantastic! If you have not yet enrolled, I encourage you to take advantage of the special CAPD/ACDP member price for the remaining two sessions. Details can be found on our website at An email will arrive shortly inviting you to renew your membership. I thank you in advance for renewing and recognizing the value of membership in our Academy. As The National Voice of Pediatric Dentistry in Canada we will always be most effective when we join together. I look forward to seeing you virtually in September. Happy summer!


A Message from the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee, Dr. Patrick Canonne Dear colleagues, Unfortunately we will not be able to attend the Montréal Conference live, but instead we can enjoy a lively, virtual event! Follow the announcements so you don’t miss any details! Patrick Chers collègues, Malheuresement on ne pourra pas assister en direct a’ la Conférence de Montréal mais plutôt à une Conférence bien vivante, virtuelle et bien étoffée. Suivez les annonces pour ne pas la manquer. Patrick


Cher(ère)s ami(e)s et collègues, Eh bien, je ne m’attendais certainement pas à écrire mon deuxième mot de la présidente au beau milieu d’une troisième vague de cette interminable pandémie. Ce qui me réconforte par contre, c’est de constater que nous sommes sur le point d’atteindre une immunisation nationale; éternelle optimiste, je crois que nous pourrons bientôt passer « en personne » des moments tant attendus avec nos parents et amis. Heureusement, le printemps est arrivé, l’été approche, les arbres ont retrouvé leurs feuilles, les oiseaux chantent, et l’odeur du gazon fraîchement tondu et des grillades dans les cours embaume l’air ! Tout va mieux quand le soleil brille et que les soirées sont longues et chaudes ! Malheureusement, compte tenu de l’incertitude persistante entourant les voyages aussi bien intérieurs qu’internationaux, l’exécutif a dû, encore une fois, prendre la décision difficile de tenir le congrès 2021 de Montréal en mode virtuel. Cette année, en plus de la réunion du conseil exécutif, de l’assemblée générale annuelle et des présentations de travaux de recherche d’étudiants diplômés 3M, nous sommes ravis de proposer un solide programme de séances scientifiques. Un comité scientifique conjoint ACDP/CAPD et AAPD a mis au point un programme intitulé « Molar Incisor Hypomineralization – Everything You need to Know! » (Hypominéralisation des molaires et des incisives – tout ce que vous devez savoir !), qui fournira la base sur laquelle fonder les options de traitement pour cette maladie rencontrée fréquemment. Cette impressionnante brochette de conférenciers traitera de sujets allant des diagnostics et de la pathophysiologie aux facteurs à prendre en compte lors de l’établissement de plans de traitement individualisés en restauration, en endodontie, en orthodontie et en prosthodontie. Le programme complet du congrès annuel, la description des cours et les notices biographiques des conférenciers se trouvent dans ce numéro de l’infolettre The Mirror et sur notre site Web. Allez à pour vous inscrire ! J’aimerais féliciter le Dr Duy-Dat Vu et son comité pour l’organisation de notre série inaugurale de webinaires d’éducation permanente. La première présentation était fantastique ! Si vous ne vous êtes pas encore inscrit(e), je vous encourage à profiter du prix spécial accordé aux membres de l’ACDP/CAPD pour les deux séances qui restent. Vous trouverez les détails sur notre site Web à Bientôt, vous recevrez un courriel vous invitant à renouveler votre adhésion. Je vous remercie d’avance de renouveler et de reconnaître la valeur de l’adhésion à notre Académie. En tant que porte-parole de la dentisterie pédiatrique au Canada, nous serons toujours plus efficaces si nous unissons nos forces. J’ai bien hâte de vous voir virtuellement en septembre. Bon été ! Jennifer





PACKAGE 1: $365.00 + GST or HST * Includes attendance at all Virtual Scientific Sessions on September 24 and 25. PACKAGE 2: $650.00 + GST or HST * Includes attendance at all Virtual Scientific Sessions on September 24 and 25 PLUS access to the sessions for a period of up to three years. This Early Bird price is valid if registered and paid by July 31, 2021. PACKAGE 3: $725.00 + GST or HST* Includes attendance at all Virtual Scientific Sessions on September 24 and 25 PLUS access to the sessions for a period of up to three years. This Regular price will come into effect after July 31, 2021. *CAPD/ACDP Members whose primary residence is in Canada, should register in the Provincial Category that pertains to them as GST or HST is directly tied to the provincial registration. Please note that there is no cost for CAPD/ACDP members to attend the Executive Council Meeting on September 23rd and / or the Annual General Meeting on September 26th.

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Introducing…THE WHOVA CONFERENCE APP! CAPD/ACDP has a Conference App! It’s from WHOVA (pronounced “Who - Va”) and will allow members to get involved with the 2021 Conference in a more interactive way. Of course you can still get the up-to-date information on the Conference websites, but now you can also watch the information and access the sessions either on your mobile device (with WHOVA) or on your laptop (through Zoom). Don’t worry, we will coach you through the process as we get a bit closer to the Conference. On the App, you will be able to …         

Review speakers, bios and topics Access Sponsors, Exhibitors and Trade Show information See who is attending the Conference Message your colleagues at the conference Access Sponsor and Exhibitor promotions and give-a-ways Receive reminders and notices during the event Submit comments about the Conference sessions Post your own photos And more!

While we are still developing the content, you can download the WHOVA App for free from your app store. As soon as it’s ready to launch, we will send out an eblast to inform you.



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The Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (CAPD) / Académie Canadienne de Dentisterie Pédiatrique (ACDP) is excited to announce this year’s 3M Oral Care Graduate Student Research Presentations will take place virtually on September 25, 2021 from 11:00 – 12:30 Eastern time. VIRTUAL atmosphere. Full information on submitting abstracts is available at (The 2021 deadline for submission is July 27) We encourage all members to attend the presentations and support the hard work completed by our Pediatric Dental residents… Check out the latest in Canadian Pediatric Dental research. Continuing Education credits will be available for attendees. Details will be emailed to all members in the late summer.

Dr. Nashat Cassim of the University of Toronto was the winner of the 2020 Virtual Graduate Student Research Presentations and was sent a cheque for $1000.00 by 3M Oral Care Solutions Division


CAPD/ACDP Executive Council Committee Meeting

Friday September 24 11:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00 13:00 – 13:15 13:15 – 14:15 14:15 – 15:45 15:45 – 16:00 16:00 – 17:30 17:30 – 18:00 18:00 – 19:30

Opening Talk on Pathophysiology and Prevalence of MIH, with Dr. Michael Casas Special Topics: MIH Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges, with Dr. Evelina Kratunova Break To Save or Sacrifice? Guidelines for the Extraction of First Permanent Molars in Children (Review of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of England Guidelines), with Dr. David Avenetti Intracoronal Restorative Options, with Dr. Kevin Donly Break Full Coverage Restorations: Review Cost Effectiveness and Quality of Life Differences between Saving versus Extracting Teeth, with Dr. Paul Bahn Panel discussion with Drs. Bahn, Donly and Wright Bleach to Restore – Esthetic Approaches for Hypomineralized Incisors, with Dr. Tim Wright

Saturday September 25 11:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 14:00 14:00 – 14:15 14:15 – 16:15

16:15 - 16: 35 16:35 – 16:55 16:55 – 17:15 17:15 – 17:45 17:45 – 18:00

3M Graduate Student Research Presentations Overview of New Evidence-based Pulp Therapy Guidelines for Primary Molars, with Dr. Vineet Dahr Break Management of Deep Caries Lesions in Young Permanent Molars, with Dr. Evelina Kratunova Cost of Care - Working with other specialties Cost of Care and Long Term Considerations – It Does Not End with Pediatric Dentistry, with Dr. Jean-Marc Retrouvey, Orthodontist Cost of Care – MIH Molars: The Prosthodontic Viewpoint, with Dr. Tuan Dinh Guiding a General Practitioner, with Dr. Kevin Donly Panel discussion with Drs. Retrouvey, Dinh and Donly Closing Remarks

Sunday September 26 11:00 – 12:00

CAPD/ACDP Annual General Meeting


Dr. Michael Casas, DDS, MSc. FRCD(C) Opening Talk on Pathophysiology and Prevalence of MIH Friday, September 24, 11:00 to 12:00 Dr. Michael Casas completed his undergraduate dental training at the Faculty of Dentistry of Western University. After a dental residency at The Hospital for Sick Children, he undertook specialty training in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Toronto where he also completed a Master of Science in neurophysiology. He returned to SickKids as a staff dentist in 1991 and was appointed Director of Dental Clinics in 2007 and Dentist-in-Chief in 2018. He is Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry and Full member of the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association and sits on the editorial board of Pediatric Dentistry and the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. His current research activity focuses on simulation tools for measuring clinician competence and pediatric dental restorative techniques. Course Outline: 1. E3 group from Australia- what are known risk factors? Do we really have a good understanding of the condition? What are current and future directions for research? How often are primary and non-molar/nonincisor teeth affected? 2. Classification of MIH- what are standardized and validated methods to classify the degree of MIH? How can clinicians contribute to epidemiologic data on the prevalence and severity of MIH? How do we differentiate MIH from other items on the differential diagnosis list? 3. Description of MIH in a micro and macrostructural level- what processes in maturation/secretion/calcification are affected, when are teeth hypocalficied (qualitative defect) and when are teeth hypoplastic (quantitative defect)? what contributes to post-eruptive enamel breakdown, and how rapidly does this occur? Learning Objectives: 1. Know the worldwide prevalence of molar hypomineralisation. 2. Be able to apply descriptive terminology for molar hypomineralisation that is consistent with terminology used by international colleagues. 3. Be able to differentiate molar hypomineralisation from other enamel anomalies.

4. Understand the basic pathophysiology of molar hypomineralisation.


Dr. Evelina Kratunova, BDS, MDS Special Topics: Molar Incisor Hypomineralization - Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges Friday, September 24, 12:00 to 13:00 Management of Deep Lesions in Young Permanent Molars Saturday September 25, 14:15 to 16:15 Dr. Evelina Kratunova is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Pediatric Dentistry Department, University of Illinois Chicago. She joined the Department in August 2015, having previously worked as a pediatric dentist in community, private practice and hospital settings. Dr. Kratunova is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, holds a clinical doctorate in Pediatric Dentistry from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and a specialist fellowship degree in Pediatric Dentistry from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons. Dr. Kratunova has over 15 years of clinical experience working with children. Specific areas of her research interests include Pulp Therapy and Restorative Dental Materials for Primary and Immature Permanent Teeth, Dental Trauma, Local Anesthesia for Children, and Developmental Dental Anomalies.

Special Topics: Molar Incisor Hypomineralization - Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges Course Outline: a) Pain pathways for teeth affected by MIH- what are current concepts in dental pain, and why are teeth with MIH difficult to numb? b) Review of articaine and why it might be a good adjunct for anesthesia- briefly review pharmacokinetics and pharmacology of articaine and when it should be used as an adjunct to blocks. c) Does SDF help teeth affected by MIH? SMART technique? Does SDF slow lesion progression MIH? Does SDF reduce sensitivity in these teeth? Does the SMART technique hold the tooth over until a definitive restoration can be placed? What material should be used for the SMART technique (GI vs. RMGI)? Learning Objectives: The objectives of this presentation are:  To review of all relevant aspects related to the diagnosis of molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH);  To provide an update on the etiology, prevalence and histopathology of MIH;  To discuss the dental management and treatment options for the dentition affected by MIH;  To review methods of effective local anesthesia for MIH teeth and to discuss the use of articaine in Pediatric Dentistry.


Dr. Evelina Kratunova, Cont’d Special Topics: Molar Incisor Hypomineralization - Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges Friday, September 24, 12:00 to 13:00 Management of Deep Caries Lesions in Young Permanent Molars Saturday September 25, 14:15 to 16:15

Management of Deep Caries Lesions in Young Permanent Molars Course Outline:   

Indirect and direct pulp therapy- review fundamental of managing deep lesions in immature permanent teeth. When to do a direct pulp cap and with what material, and when to do an indirect pulp cap? Update on bioactive materials- Please review the spectrum of bioactive materials available on the market (pro-root MTA, endosequence, NeoMTA putty, biodentine, etc.). When should we do a cervical pulpotomy on a permanent molar? Regenerative endodontics/revascularization in non-vital immature perm teeth. Provide an overview of regenerative endodontics including case selection and brief description of the steps.

Learning Objectives:    

To review the histopathology of dentinal caries and the defense response mechanism of the pulp to the carious process; To present the current challenges to decision-making in deep caries management; To discuss management approaches including stepwise excavation, indirect and direct pulp therapy. To provide an overview of regenerative endodontics; To review the application of bioactive materials in the dental therapy of immature permanent teeth.


Dr. David Avenetti, DDS, MSD, MPH To Save or Sacrifice? Guidelines for the Extraction of First Permanent Molars in Children (Review of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of England Guidelines) Friday, September 24, 13:15 to 14:15

David Avenetti is a full-time Associate Professor and the Pediatric Dentistry residency program director at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Avenetti is actively involved in clinical and didactic teaching, administration, research, and service; he provides direct patient care in an extramural practice one day per week. Dr. Avenetti is actively involved in the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, where he also completed spokesperson training and participated in the Leadership Institute. Clinical Activity and Teaching Interests Didactic responsibilities include instruction in Orthodontics & Growth and Development, Pulp Therapy and Dental Materials, Advocacy, and Journal Club/Post-Graduate Seminars. He also provides lectures in the pre-doctoral curriculum, select courses in the certificate and MS curricula, and Continuing Education courses. Dr. Avenetti’s clinical responsibilities include serving as an attending in the post-graduate clinic and at the UI Hospital. In the hospital setting, Dr. Avenetti supervises residents for general anesthesia cases, consults, and call. He facilitates the collaborative “Mixed Dentition Clinic” with the Department of Orthodontics. Course Summary: First permanent molars affected by caries, Molar Incisor Hypomineralization/Hypoplasia, and other pathologies present clinicians with the difficult decision to restore or extract teeth with guarded prognoses. This presentation will review the Clinical Guidelines from the Royal College of Surgeons, England, review clinical cases and describe protocols for timing balancing and compensating extractions (opposing and contralateral molars) to achieve favorable outcomes. Learning Objectives: 1. Describe reasons why a clinician may decide to extract rather than restore first permanent molars and review common risk-factors and clinical etiologies for non-restorable molars, including MIH. 2. Recognize the appropriate time to extract first permanent molars to allow mesial drift of the second permanent molar and establishment of a functional occlusion. 3. Identify when balancing extractions (extraction of contralateral molars) and compensating extractions (extraction of opposing molars) should be planned to achieve favorable orthodontic, esthetic, and functional outcomes based on evidence available.


Dr. Kevin Donly, DDS, MS Intracoronal Restorative Options Friday, September 24, 14:15 to 15:45 Kevin J. Donly, DDS,MS is currently a Professor and Chair in the Department of Developmental Dentistry and Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He received his DDS in 1984, Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry in 1986, and M.S. in 1986 from the University of Iowa. Dr. Donly is a Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, was on the Board of Trustees for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, was on the Board of Directors for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Foundation, is the previous Chair of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on Post-doctoral Education, is Past-President of the American Society of Dentistry for Children, was the Pediatric Dentistry Commissioner to the Commission on Dental Accreditation and was the President of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He has published over 350 chapters, manuscripts and abstracts associated with pediatric dentistry, prevention, dental restorative materials research and clinical utilization.

Course Outline: To cover severely affected molars in general a) Describe the span of GI materials- in this section, it would be helpful to review when GI and RMGI restorative materials can be used to temporarily restore teeth with MIH or advanced lesions? What are the benefits of GI vs. RMGI? b) Bonding to affected dentin/enamel- How is the bond strength affected when bonding to teeth affected by MIH? Should we etch less or more? c) When to use GI vs. composite, and what are the limitations? What guidelines should clinicians follow when deciding to restore with composite, full coverage, vs. GI materials? When preparing the tooth, should the margin be on unaffected enamel? Learning Objectives: Participants will have an understanding of the clinical utilization of photopolymerized glass ionomer cements, dentin bonding adhesives and resin-based composites, including bioactive restorative materials and universal resins. Indications and contraindications for use of these restorative materials will be presented in accordance with standards of care and risk assessment.


Dr. Paul Bahn, DMD Full Coverage Restorations: Review Cost-Effectiveness and Quality of Life Differences between Saving vs. Extracting Teeth. Friday, September 24, 16:00 to 17:30 Dr. Paul A. Bahn III, DMD is a graduate of the Temple University School of Dentistry (2006) and Temple University Hospital-Episcopal Division (2008) with his pediatric dental certificate. He is the former clinical program director and current program director for the Temple University Hospital-Northeastern Campus Pediatric Dental Resident Program. Dr. Bahn serves as an Oral Board Examiner for the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry (ABPD) and is board certified by the ABPD and the American Board of Laser Surgery (ABLS). Clinically he enjoys teaching and performing various routes of conscious sedation, advanced restorative options for Molar Incisor Hypomineralization/Hypoplasia molars and the utilization of soft tissue lasers in pediatric dentistry. He is an active member and fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and member in the Pennsylvania Dental Association (PDA) and Philadelphia Dental Society. Course Outline:  

SSCs for MIH molars: When should clinicians decide to place SSCs on severely affected molars? What is the longevity and effect on the periodontium? When can we replace SSCs with porcelain/PFM/zirconia crowns? At what age can clinicians remove an SSC and replace with a PFM/Zirconia crown? How can digital dentistry be used in children? When should clinicians consider an onlay vs. full coverage restoration?

Learning Objectives:   

Recognize permanent molars that are better served with alternative restorations Describe various clinical scenarios that impact treatment planning related to MIH Determine the cost effectiveness of various treatment modalities related to MIH

A panel discussion with Drs. Bahn, Wright and Donly will follow the presentation, from 17:30 – 18:00.


Dr. J. Timothy Wright, DDS, MS Bleach to Restore – Esthetic Approaches for Hypomineralized Incisors Friday, September 24, 18:00 to 19:30 Tim Wright received his DDS degree from West Virginia University and completed his Pediatric Dentistry training and Master of Science Degree at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He currently is the Distinguished Bawden Professor in the Division of Pediatric and Public Health at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and has served as Pediatric Dentistry Department Chair and Department of Endodontics Department Interim Chair. Tim is a Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and a Fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science and is the Immediate Past President of the AADR. He has Chaired the Counsel of Scientific Affairs for the American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He has published over 200 peer reviewed scientific manuscripts, edited two texts and authored 24 text chapters. Dr. Wright is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of the American Dental Association. Course Outline: When children have “white spots” on the incisors, how are they managed? How does the management differ between decalcification, hypomineralization, fluorosis, etc.? a) Etch, bleach, seal technique for affected incisors b) When to use icon, etch/seal, vs composite. Explain why ICON does not work well on many MIH lesions c) What is the earliest age when we would consider a veneer or full coverage anterior tooth? Might touch on teeth affect by trauma. What is the longevity of strip crowns? Learning Objectives: Be familiar with the different esthetic approaches that can be applied to improve the appearance of hypomineralized incisors including bleaching and resin perfusion (Icon). 1. Understand rationale for selecting different treatment approaches from the least invasive to restoring for hypomineralized anterior teeth. 2. Be familiar with restorative approaches for hypomineralized incisors including direct restorations, veneers and digital restorative applications and materials.


Dr. Vineet Dhar, BDDS, MDS, FDSRCS (Eng.), PhD Overview of New Evidence-based Pulp Therapy Guidelines for Primary Molars Saturday, September 25, 12:30 to 14:00 Professor and Chair, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Professor Dhar is a board-certified Pediatric Dentist serving as professor and department chair of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry and graduate program director of Pediatric Dentistry at University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Baltimore, USA. He serves on the Councils on Scientific Affairs and Post-doctoral Education at the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and on the Council of Scientific Affairs, American Dental Association (ADA). He currently serves on the ADA guideline panels on restorative care, caries prevention, and has in the past served on the pit and fissure sealants panel. He is also on the AAPD guideline panels on vital pulp therapies in primary and immature permanent teeth, and behavior guidance and has in the past served on the AAPD panel to produce clinical practice guidelines on non-vital pulp and vital pulp therapies in primary teeth. Dr. Dhar is the recipient of 2018 ADA Evidence Based Dentistry Mid-Career Faculty Award, and 2017 AAPD’s Jerome B. Miller/Crest-Oral-B/For The Kids Award. He is also a co-author on the manuscripts that were selected for the Paul P. Taylor award in 2016, 2017, and 2020. Course Outline: Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are informed by well-done systematic reviews and aim to represent the best available cumulative evidence. The development of clinical practice guidelines is both time and resource intensive as it must have the appropriate representation of certainty of evidence, balance of benefits and harms, patients’ values and preferences, resource utilization, and clinical expertise. Such guidelines are considered trustworthy and can be used by the clinicians to provide the highest quality patient-centered care in their practices. The AAPD published clinical practice guidelines on primary teeth vital pulp therapies in 2017 and on primary teeth non-vital pulp therapies in 2020. This session will explore the need for clinical practice guidelines from a clinician’s perspective and evaluate in-depth the basis and interpretation of key evidence-based recommendations for vital and non-vital pulp therapies in primary teeth including Lesion Sterilization and Tissue Repair (LSTR). Learning Objectives: Upon completion, the participant will be able to understand the: 1. need and interpretation of clinical practice guidelines; 2. evidence-based recommendations supporting vital pulp therapies in primary teeth; and 3. evidence-based recommendations supporting non-vital pulp therapies in primary teeth including LSTR.

MOLAR INCISOR HYPOMINERALIZATION – EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Dr. Jean-Marc Retrouvey, DMD. MSc, FRDC (C) Cost of care and long-term considerations—it does not end with pediatric dentistry! Saturday September 25, 16:15 – 16:35, Panelist on Cost of Care Session Jean-Marc Retrouvey is Professor and Leo Rogers Endowed Chair of the Orthodontic Department at the University of Missouri Kansas City. He is a graduate from the Université de Montréal (1978) and from Boston University (1993) RCDC (Royal College of Dentists of Canada) examiner, an NDEB advisor and member of the AAO, the American College of Dentists, The Angle East Society of Orthodontist, a Fellow in the Académie Dentaire du Quebec, the past president of the Canadian Association of Orthodontists and ABO certified. As a teacher, he has received the McGill Dental Society, the Wood, Katz and Silverstone awards for excellence in teaching. Dr. Retrouvey also received the Bravo award for his implication at McGill in teaching and research at McGill University. Dr. Retrouvey is involved with HVO (Health Volunteer Overseas) in the development of blended teaching program for emerging countries and is president of the International Foundation for Dental Education, a nonprofit organization offering orthodontic course in developing countries. He is the principal investigator for the NIH supported research project dental aspect of the Longitudinal Study of Osteogenesis Imperfecta and is the Principal Investigator for the “Dental Malocclusion and Craniofacial Development in OI”. These research projects are conducted by the Brittle Bone Disease Consortium from the RDCRN network of the NIH and have been renewed for a second phase. Course Outline: Extractions vs Restorations Review of Royal College of Surgeons guidelines. a) Balancing and compensating extractions for non-restorable molars. b) In what clinical situation should someone decide to extract more than one tooth for balancing and compensating? c) This can review MIH as well as other molars that are severely affected (molar incisor root malformation, MIH, caries, etc.). Learning Objectives:     

In orthodontics, several teeth are considered almost sacrosanct and are seldom extracted. Many times, heroic efforts are devoted to restoring or position these teeth on the arch despite a high risk of morbidity and less than ideal prognosis. Permanent molars, canines are teeth that are less often extracted. Orthodontists usually do not hesitate to extract perfectly sound premolars and less frequently a lower incisor. Severely decayed molars are conserved despite their high cost of restoration, poor long-term prognosis and need for significant restorations. Maxillary impacted canines with poor positioning are brought into the arch with complex mechanics and significant morbidity, sometimes following the extraction of perfectly positioned premolars. In this lecture we will address the dilemma for the pediatric dentist of deciding if a tooth is better extracted if its prognosis is doubtful. Alternative of treatment will be presented with their own costs and benefits.


Dr. Tuan Dinh, DMD, MSc, FRCD(C) Cost of Care - MIH Molars: the Prosthodontic Viewpoint Saturday September 25, 16:35 – 16:55, Panelist on Cost of Care Session Tuan Dinh received his doctorate in dental medicine (DMD) from the University of Montreal in 1999 followed by a general practice residency certificate from St-Peter’s Hospital in Albany, New York. In 2005, he completed his specialty education in Prosthodontics as well as a master of science (M.Sc.) at the University of Toronto. After graduation, he accepted a teaching position and was named Director of the Implant Prosthodontic Unit (I.P.U.) at the same institution. In 2006, he returned to his hometown of Montreal where he accepted a teaching position at McGill University. He is a Fellow and an examiner of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada (F.R.C.D.(C)). He collaborates frequently with the CHU Sainte-Justine and the Montreal Children’s Hospital in the treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies. He practices his specialty at his private office in Westmount.

Course outline:       

How early should one intervene on an MIH molar? To extract or not to extract. Short, medium and long term considerations of MIH molars with current available prosthodontic options. Expected longevity of traditional prosthodontics versus implant prosthodontics. How many prosthetic revisions would one anticipate in a life span? Is endodontic therapy an expected outcome with multiple full coverage restorations over the life span of a tooth? Are eventual implant restorations an expected outcome?


Dr. Kevin Donly, DDS, MS Guiding a General Practitioner Saturday September 25, 16:55 – 17:15 Course Outline: This presentation will discuss the decision making in choosing to extract a tooth or save a tooth, including tooth restoration versus orthodontic care or implant and crown with associated costs. Learning Outcomes:


Participants will understand treatment options associated with teeth exhibiting MH, decision making on choosing the appropriate treatment option and the costs associated with different treatments.

VIRTUAL SESSIONS / SÉANCES VIRTUELLES Please plan on attending one or both of these Virtual Sessions, whether or not you intend to register for the Virtual Joint Conference. Veuillez prévoir participer à l’une ou l’autre de ces séances virtuelles, ou aux deux, que vous ayez ou non l’intention de vous inscrire au congrès conjoint virtuel.

Executive Council Committee Meeting On Thursday September 23, 2021, from 18.30 to 20:30 Eastern, the Executive Council Committee Meeting will take place virtually. “Active Members” of the CAPD/ACDP may attend and observe, in-whole or in-part. As we will be using the Zoom platform, it will be necessary to sign up beforehand. Full details will be emailed to members in the weeks ahead. Annual General Meeting (1 CE Point) The 2021 Annual General Meeting will take place virtually on Sunday September 26, from 11:00 to 12:00 Eastern. Reports from the Executive Committee covering items such as CAPD/ACDP activities, finances and industry updates will be presented for the approval of the membership. All CAPD/ACDP members in good standing may attend, including student members, but only full Active Members and Honourary Members are eligible to vote. As we will be using the Zoom Platform, it will be necessary to sign up beforehand. Full details will Réunion du conseil exécutif Le jeudi 23 septembre 2021, de 18 h 30 à 20 h 30 (HAE), la réunion du conseil exécutif se tiendra virtuellement. Les « membres actifs » de l’ACDP/CAPD peuvent y assister, en tout ou en partie, à titre d’observateurs. Comme nous utiliserons la plate-forme Zoom, il sera nécessaire de vous inscrire au préalable. Tous les détails seront transmis aux membres par courriel au cours des semaines à venir. Assemblée générale annuelle ( 1 UFC) L’assemblée générale annuelle 2021 se tiendra virtuellement le dimanche 26 septembre, de 11 h à 12 h HAE. Comme d’habitude, les rapports du comité exécutif traitant de sujets tels que les activités et les finances de l’ACDP/CAPD ainsi que les mises à jour sur la profession seront présentés aux fins d’approbation par les membres. Tous les membres en règle de l’ACDP/CAPD peuvent y participer, y compris les membres étudiants, mais seuls les membres actifs et les membres honoraires ont le droit de vote. Et, encore une fois, comme nous utiliserons la plateforme Zoom, sera nécessaire de vous inscrire au préalable. Tous les détails seront transmis aux membres par courriel au cours des semaines à venir.

Proven performance... 15 years and counting. Did you know… Updated American Dental Association (ADA) and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) guidelines now conclude that sealants are effective in preventing and arresting non-cavitated carious lesions. But which sealant is best for your practice? Dentists have trusted 3M™ Clinpro™ Sealant for over 15 years – and it’s been proven by numerous clinical studies. You’ll find that it’s also easy to use. With a lower viscosity, it flows easily into pits and fissures and results in fewer occlusal adjustments than filled sealants. Plus, the direct-delivery syringe and patented colour-change technology make placement control virtually effortless.

3M™ Clinpro™ Sealant

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Members of CAPD/ACDP offer sincerest congratulations to the winners of these prestigious awards:

GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE WINNERS! 3M Oral Care – CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Research Award, 2020-2021

Dr. Nashat Cassim, University of Toronto

Dr. Keith Titley Pediatric Dental Graduate Training Scholarship, 2020-2021

Dr. Nashat Cassim, University of Toronto

Richard C. Pugh Achievement Award, 2020 Dr. Kimberly Ngai was the only Canadian recipient of the Richard C. Pugh Achievement Award for 2020. This notable award is granted to those individuals who score in the top 3% of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Qualifying Examination. The examination typically has a registration of approximately 500 individuals. Congratulations!

Dr. Kimberly Ngai

Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Awards, 2020. Please note that the 2021 recipients will be acknowledged in the December 2021 issue of The Mirror and will be listed at The Dr. Keith Titley Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Training Scholarship: ● Doris Pham, University of British Columbia ●Christian Chao, University of Alberta st 1 Prize: ●Caitlin Dr. Andrew Wong, University British Columbia Martinson, Universityofof Saskatchewan ●Derek R. Milani, University of Manitoba Miller, University Torontoof Toronto 2nd Prize: ●Aaron Dr. Marie-Lyne Gosselin,of University ●Marie-Flore Vallières, McGill University ●Ellen Woodworth, Dalhousie University Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award

●Chloé Bérubé-Morin, Université de Montréal ●Geneviève Trudel, University of Laval

GRADUATES AND UNDERGRADUATES CAPD/ACDP recognizes that the future national voice of pediatric dentistry in Canada lies within its undergraduate and graduate population. Whether students are participating in a program within Canada or in the United States, there is one common thread amongst them all - they are linked together and with their active CAPD/ACDP member colleagues through the CAPD/ACDP website at


Registration for the Scientific Sessions at the Annual Conference is complimentary for Student Members


Each year up to 5 Graduate students are invited to present their research at the Annual Conference. (In 2021 this will be a Virtual Presentation). Invited students are eligible for the 3M Oral Care - CAPD/ACDP Graduate Research Presentation Award of $1000 which is awarded to the best presenter as determined by a panel of judges. 3M Oral Care also awards a sample of their product line to all graduate student presenters. For full details please visit ***The 2021 deadline for submission is July 27***


The Dr. Keith Titley Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Training Scholarship was established to support advanced training in the area of Research and Fellowship in Pediatric Dentistry in Canada. It‘s open to Canadian graduate students who are registered in an accredited Canadian advanced training program in Pediatric Dentistry and who are entering their final year of the program. Graduate students must be a student member of CAPD/ACDP and may be considered for the scholarship one time only. The value of the scholarship is $2000.00 for 1st prize and $1000.00 for 2nd prize. For full details visit


The CAPD/ACDP Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award consists of one award given annually to each accredited Canadian Faculty of Dentistry for a third or fourth year DDS/DMD student who demonstrates aptitude and passion for the field of pediatric dentistry and/or dentistry for persons with special needs. The recipient is nominated by the Undergraduate Pediatric Dentistry director in consultation with the respective faculties’ awards committee. The recipient of this award will receive $200.00 and a certificate. For further details visit

And just a note…Students looking for information about the NDSE may find this at

Undergraduate students actively enrolled in an educational program in dentistry accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada or an accreditation body with which the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada has a reciprocal accreditation agreement, are eligible to apply for Undergraduate student membership. All student members shall be exempt from membership dues, receive copies of all general membership communications and publications without charge. Also…Undergraduate student members may attend meetings of the Academy after registering and paying all associated fees. For complete details see Section 4.2.5 of the Constitution and By-Laws.



Free Student Membership. Free 1st Year of Graduation Membership. Discounted 2nd & 3rd Year of Graduation Membership. Dr. Keith Titley Scholarship (Graduates).


Dr. Norman Levine Award (Undergraduates).



Participation in the 3M Oral Care – CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Research Presentations. Ability to win the 3M Oral Care – CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Research Presentation Award. Free Registration at Annual Conference Scientific Sessions. Reduced registration fee for the Annual Conference Social Events. Reduced Joint Fees for Full Active Members (CAPD/ACDP and AAPD).


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Classified Ads to assist in Job Placement. Career Fair at the Annual Conference CAPD/AAPD Reception at the Annual Meeting of the AAPD. Dinner for Students with the CAPD/ACDP Student Liaison (see below) Advice and information about the FRCD(C) Canadian Fellowship Examination process. CAPD/ACDP Member Access to CPS Oral Health Section Membership. Participation in the CDSA (Canadian Dental Specialties Association) International Research Presentation Award. Listing in the CAPD/ACDP Membership Directory. Twice-Yearly Issues of The Mirror (the CAPD/ACDP Newsletter). E-Correspondence from CAPD/ACDP on Issues affecting the practice of Pediatric Dentistry, as well as news about Academy matters.

Student Liaisons 2021-2022 Contact details are posted at The Liaison to Canadian Graduate Students studying in the United States: 

Dr. Terry Farquhar

The Liaison at the Canadian Pediatric Dental Training programs    

University of British Columbia, Dr. Joy Richman University of Manitoba, Dr. Brad Klus University of Montréal, Dr. Duy-Dat Vu University of Toronto, Dr. John Wiles

CAPD/ACDP’s BRAND NEW WEBINAR SERIES There is still time to sign up for the last two webinars! Dear Members, I hope everyone is safe and healthy. The past year has been rough for everyone. The CAPD is still here for all of its members. The first webinar of the series was held on May 6, 2021 - Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment: What to Treat Early and What Can Wait, with Dr. Tracey Hendler. Both the 60 members and non members who attended gave it an enthusiastic thumbs up in terms of the overall quality of the presentation, the relevance of the topic, the Speaker's knowledge of the topic and the Return on Investment...was it worth the time to attend? CAPD/ACDP Members who were not able to register for the 3 webinar package can still save $50.00 by signing up for the remaining two in the series

Dr. Duy-Dat Vu, Secretary-Treasurer/ Secrétaire-trésorier

Cher(e)s membres, J'espère que tout le monde va bien et est en bonne santé. L'année passée a été difficile pour toutes et tous, mais l'ACDP est toujours là. Le premier webinaire de la série a eu lieu le 6 mai 2021 - Traitement orthodontique interceptif: ce qu'il faut traiter tôt et ce qui peut attendre, avec la D re Tracey Hendler. Les 60 membres et non membres qui y ont participé ont grandement adoré la qualité globale de la présentation, la pertinence du sujet, la connaissance de la conférencière sur le sujet et le retour sur investissement du webinaire (cela valait-il le temps d'y assister). Les membres qui n'ont pas pu s'inscrire au forfait des 3 webinaires peuvent tout de même économiser 50,00 $ + TVH en s'inscrivant aux deux autres de la série.

CAPD/ACDP Members: $50.00 + HST for the remaining 2 webinars

Membres CAPD / ACDP: 50,00 $ + TVH pour les 2 autres webinaires de la série.

Non Members: $50.00 + HST for each webinar

Non membres: 50,00 $ + TVH pour chaque webinaire

Please note that attendance is limited to 100 participants per webinar

Veuillez noter que la participation est limitée à 100 participants par webinaire



The CAPD/ACDP’s WEBINAR SERIES JUNE 10, 2021, 20:00 – 21:15 (Eastern) MANAGEMENT OF DENTAL TRAUMA, Dr. Sam Switzer Dr. Switzer graduated with a DMD from the University of Manitoba in 1987. He practiced general dentistry in Calgary from 1987-1990. He earned a Certificate in Endodontics from Temple University School of Dentistry in 1992 and has been practicing full time in Calgary since then. Dr. Switzer was an associate professor and clinical instructor at the University of Alberta School of Dentistry from 1999-2017. Since 2009, he has been a clinical instructor at Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary. Course Outline: Discuss interdisciplinary management of pediatric dental trauma Learning Objectives: Gain insight into pediatric dental trauma from an endodontic perspective

JULY 8, 2021, 20:00 – 21:15 (Eastern) ESTHETICS IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: IT’S MORE THAN BEAUTY! Dr. Daniela Rodrigues P. Silva Dr. Silva is the Course Director for the CMEInfo/Oakstone Foundations in Pediatric Dentistry: Evidence-Based Decision in Everyday Practice. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and serves as Consultant for the ABPD Oral Clinical Examination. Also a Board Member of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry,she was recently inducted as Fellow of the American College of Dentists. Course Outline: An esthetically compromised dentition may have serious psychosocial implications during child’s overall growth and development. Traumatic dental injuries, genetic defects, and caries disease can have negative functional and esthetic effects on children. And the dental market today offers us many different options to restore a tooth. This course will be a fast paced and exciting evidence-based clinical presentation of the different techniques available to manage dental esthetic for the young patients. Learning Objectives: Esthetic dentistry is the marriage between the “art and science of dentistry”! Topics that will be covered in this course: Esthetic diagnosis and treatment planning of the dentition The science of color and shade matching for the young patients The treatment options and techniques for restoring the primary and permanent incisors, and molars:  Direct bonding of composite resin  Composite strip crowns  Prefabricated composite and zirconia crowns

It’s Almost Membership Renewal Time! But you don’t have to do anything yet. During the week of June 1st, an email will be sent to all members asking that they please renew their memberships for the year 2021-2021, before the late fee applies after August 31, 2021 MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS BENEFITS

2017-2018 memberships begin on July 1st, 2017.

CAPD/ACDP belongs to a National and International community of dental professionals. The Academy is the ‘GoTo” Organization for all issues pertaining to the oral health of infants, children, adolescents and persons with special health care needs. Please review for full details. The CAPD/ACDP…     

Is the recognized voice for pediatric dentistry with the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) Maintains a close, continuous liaison with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and negotiates exclusive AAPD membership rates for CAPD/ACDP members Maintains close, continuous liaison with the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) Is a member of the Canadian Dental Specialties Association (CDSA) Is a member of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD)

Education and Networking Opportunities     

The Annual Conference provides a forum for education and opportunities for intra-professional support with peer pediatric dentists, and at a reduced members’ rate. The Membership Directory provides information for referral and increasing communication among members The CAPD/ACDP Committee structure allows members to be as involved in the Academy as they choose. Committees are listed in this issue of The Mirror, as well as on the website. Subscription to the Mirror, CAPD/ACDP’s newsletter, published twice yearly to inform members about current issues and events. Just-in-Time information. CAPD/ACDP’s member communication protocol allows for the transmission of information on a timely basis, while at the same time eliminating unnecessary e-blasts.

Business Benefits  

The CAPD/ACDP website contains updated information about all aspects of the Academy including News, Events, Membership Directory, the Find-a-Dentist Directory, a platform to update your file and more. Classified Ads that allow members to post notices as well as check out opportunities relating to positions and office space availability.

Graduates and Undergraduates 

A page dedicated to Graduates and Undergraduates provides information on Scholarships, Abstracts, 20 Student Member benefits (!), complimentary registration at the Annual Conference scientific sessions, and more.

C’est bientôt le temps de renouveler votre adhésion ! Mais vous n’avez rien à faire pour le moment. Au cours de la semaine du 1er juin, un courriel sera envoyé à tous les membres afin de leur demander de renouveler leur adhésion pour l’année 2021-2022, avant que les frais de retard entrent en vigueur le 31 août 2021. L’ADHÉSION A SES AVANTAGES! L’ACDP/CAPD appartient à une communauté nationale et internationale de professionnels dentaires. L’Académie se veut l’organisme par excellence pour toutes les questions liées à la santé buccodentaire des enfants, de la naissance à l’adolescence, et des personnes ayant des besoins particuliers en matière de soins médicaux. Veuillez visiter la page pour connaître tous les détails. L’ACDP/CAPD est…     

le porte-parole officiel de la dentisterie pédiatrique au sein de l’Association dentaire canadienne (ADC) par le biais de son comité de direction et à titre de membre du comité éditorial du Journal de l’ADC. entretient des liens étroits avec l’American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) et négocie des tarifs d’adhésion exclusifs pour ses membres. entretient des relations étroites et soutenues avec la SCP (Société canadienne de pédiatrie) membre de l’ACSD (Association canadienne des spécialités dentaires). membre de l’AIDP (Association internationale de dentisterie pédiatrique)

Occasions de formation et de réseautage     

L’assemblée annuelle de l’ACDP/CAPD sert de tribune afin d’offrir des occasions de formation et d’entraide intraprofessionnelle avec des pairs dentistes pédiatriques, le tout à des tarifs privilégiés pour ses membres. Le répertoire des membres (réservée aux membres) de l’ACDP/CAPD donne des renseignements utiles à des fins de consultation et de communication accrue entre les membres. La structure des comités de l’ACDP/CAPD permet à ses membres de s’impliquer au sein de l’Académie à leur gré. La liste des comités figure sur le site Web, ainsi que dans l’infolettre, The Mirror Abonnement à l’infolettre THE MIRROR de l’ACDP/CAPD, qui est publiée deux fois par année afin d’informer les membres des questions et des événements de l’heure. Information juste-à-temps. Le protocole de communication avec les membres de l’ACDP/CAPD lui permet de diffuser l’information importante en temps opportun, tout en éliminant les courriels inutiles.

Avantages professionnels  

Le site Web de l’ACDP/CAPD comporte une mine d’information à propos de l’Académie. Mis à jour périodiquement, le site comporte la revue des actualités, le calendrier des événements, le répertoire des membres et bien plus. Des annonces classées qui permettent aux membres d’afficher des avis ainsi que de consulter les postes à combler et la disponibilité d’espaces de bureau.

Étudiants de premier cycle et de cycles supérieurs 

Une page consacrée aux étudiants de premier cycle et de cycles supérieurs comporte de l’information sur les bourses, les abrégés de travaux de recherche, les 20 privilèges dont bénéficient les étudiants (!), l’inscription gratuite aux séances scientifiques du congrès annuel et bien davantage.

UPDATE – 5 Questions to Ask about My Medicine By Dr. Raymond Lee, CAPD/ACDP Immediate Past President

ISMP Canada is an independent not for profit organization dedicated to preventing harm from medications to all Canadians. The 5 Questions to Ask About My Medicine, a pediatric focussed safety tool was created to support children who take medications. Together, with a panel of experts including patients, health care providers and pediatric specialists these questions were designed to facilitate important conversations about medications between health teams and their patients and families.

@ismpcanada #5QsforKids on social media

As mentioned in the December 2020 issue of The Mirror, “5 Questions to Ask About My Medicine” has been launched in Canada in both English and French (#5QsforKids). The original concern was that patients are at high risk of fragmented care, adverse drug events, and medication errors during transitions of care.


#5QsforKids is a new pediatric-focused medication safety resource that has been created to help children and youth learn what questions they should ask when they receive medication from their health team. Patients and caregivers are encouraged to be active partners by starting the conversation about medications to improve communications with their health care provider. This process was co-designed by children, caregivers and providers to facilitate conversation during any patient consultation and/or appointment. After its first presentation in February 2021, at a pharmacology conference hosted by the University of Toronto, this resource tool has been picked up nationally and internationally. (, 56:00 min mark)

In Memoriam: A tribute to Dr. Steve Baylin by Dr. Brad Krusky

I miss Steve Baylin. In fact, I am finding it excruciatingly difficult to live without him. We all have family, friends, colleagues - dear, precious and close - that we’ve lost. Some slowly, some suddenly, some tragically. And our experience with the global pandemic has created a whole new sense of loss. But none of it comes close to the feeling I am living with each and every day. An entire chunk of my heart and soul is simply missing. Gone for good. I suppose memories will become helpful in time, but for now, they just drive the dagger of pain in deeper. . Steve left his mark on so many. They knew him as a dedicated and passionate pediatric dentist, an exceptional photographer with a truly unique eye for the “wild” side of life, an avid and experienced skier, a fiercely dedicated man of the links, a man who kept family and friends closer than close, and as a man who imprinted himself on the lives of anyone - both close and casual - who came within his purview. To me, he was - he is - all these things and so very much more, and I find it impossible to describe the massive void his death has left behind. I was a confused, directionless undergrad student when I first met Steve. His insane energy and passion for his career was exactly what I was looking for, and I had the mentor, teacher and coach I needed to help guide me down the path I was meant to be on. Steve had a way of just knowing which people he could inspire, how things could go, what he could add to a situation, a project, or an organization. He did this repeatedly over time. Steve and Debbie, along with their daughter Melissa, have a family history of generosity - simply helping everyone and anyone who required it. Whether it was friends who had lost their way, colleagues needing influence, family seeking support, or any community group or organization that Steve and his family were involved in – there was a seemingly never-ending tank of gas which at times had to have been burdensome to them, but they never stopped sharing of themselves.

Steve’s contributions to Pediatric Dentistry in particular are worth mention. He may not have imprinted his name on the covers of books or in research articles, but his legacy in the practice he founded, the dentists he influenced along the way, and the impact he made amongst colleagues is absolutely indelible. Steve saw the need and helped modernize CAPD’s communications, single-handedly taking over the Mirror newsletter and helping to create the organization’s website. He faithfully served the CAPD almost from the time he joined, never missing an annual meeting, always valuing the chance to gather with friends and colleagues from across the nation, sharing insightful shop-talk and inciting wine-inspired banter in any and every host city regardless of location. In fact, no matter where he was, whomever he was with meant everything. Steve LOVED the opportunity to be social. His patented smile and laughter echoes in my mind and vision daily. Indeed, “those who knew him loved him” When it comes to Steve, this is no cliché, it’s the truth. We respected him, valued him, looked up to him. We admired and followed and learned from him. We watched him weave magic in his clinic and we were in awe of the many talents he mastered. But Steve’s greatest gift to me and to so many others was his honesty and generosity. Steve continually redefined “giving’” in monumental ways – giving of himself, his time, and his beliefs. At the core of everything he did was the most ardent of ethical codes, one he practiced in every interaction with the patients he looked after. It was always about what’s best for the patient, and he continually reminded me of what’s really important about the service we provide – it’s not how much we produce or what’s left on the bottom line – it’s that we do what is best, we do only what is needed and we do it admirably and with kindness. For those who could not afford it, he made it affordable. For those who were scared, he dispelled fear and made it fun and so exciting that everywhere he went children pursued him screeching, “Dr. Steve! Dr. Steve!” You name the place – the practice, Costco, the airport, the ski hill, everywhere and anywhere - there were hordes of kids who always seemed to know Dr. Steve. They loved him and he loved them. It was hard for him to say goodbye to his dental career, but he certainly made the best of the change – Banff never had a finer ski hill parking attendant nor Canmore a better golf course marshal. A few seasons later, he made a lateral move to the park he loved so much – Kananaskis. The famed Kananaskis Country Golf Course never had a finer starter, and neighboring Nakiska Ski Area never had a cooler, kinder or more competent attendant at their visitor information booth. Yep. Steve just needed to keep being with people and chatting about what he loved. And so it was that three years ago I started down the path of denial that my Steve was approaching the end. His wife, Debbie, had contacted me to say something was not right. It’s not that I didn’t believe it. It’s that I couldn’t, or rather wouldn’t. Nothing could be wrong with Steve and that was that.

Steve Baylin was taken from us and from me on January 7th, 2021. After 34 years of practicing pediatric dentistry, 43 years of marriage, 37 years of being a dad and with decades of enjoying retirement ahead of him, he was simply gone. There’s no reason, no rationale I can summon as to why. Comfort … I can find none. Steve … You took my hand and became my guide. My heart aches for your laughter and your smile and for one more terrifying ride with you in your Porsche. You brought so much to so many and especially to me. I am a much better man, husband and father for my time with you. Dedicated, Loving, Adventurous and Fun. Few men on earth were Born to Run. Rest well my Brother, Steve. We will see you again one day. -

Brad Krusky

Those who love and respect Steve have established a fund in his legacy designed to support all the things he loved, for those who have limited access. We offer the opportunity to help build the fund in honor and memory of our beloved Steve Baylin.

Teeth, Trees and Totem Poles By, Dr. Martin Curzon, Honourary Member, CAPD/ACDP Dr. Martin Curzon, Emeritus Professor of Dentistry at Leeds University, has published a book “Teeth, Trees and Totem Poles”. In this memoir, Dr. Curzon relates stories about how, sixty years ago, he and his wife, Jenny, were persuaded to relinquish plans to travel to Nigeria and instead, head to British Columbia, where they brought dentistry services to settlements along the coast and on the islands, and had both challenging and lively encounters with loggers, truckers, miners, First Nation peoples, and children. Conditions were often basic with garages, schools, churches and huts serving as dental offices, while transportation between settlements could take days. Copies of this book can be obtained by email at: or £14.95 (approx. $25.00 CAD). Dr. Curzon was featured in the December 2016 issue of the Mirror as a thank you for giving CAPD/ACDP a gavel. In fact, he made it …it took about 5 hours, and this is the Gavel used at the Academy’s Council meetings to this day. Dr. Curzon wrote about the history and significance of the gavel, as well as some caveats about improper use including “banging in an attempt to drown out a disorderly member, (instead, only give one vigorous tap at a time until order is restored) and he advised that “The Chair should not lean on a gavel, juggle or toy with it or use it for threatening behaviour”. See , pages 18-19.


DR. PETER PRONYCH Two-term Past President, CAPD/ACDP Why did you choose to specialize in pediatric dentistry? During the last two years of summer breaks in high school I worked at Camp Easter Seal in Saskatchewan. Here I was responsible for looking after children and adults with a broad range of handicaps and illnesses. In my final year at Dental School when considering which specialty to take, Pediatric Dentistry seemed like the logical choice as I felt that I had an ability to relate with children. As it turned out in my opinion, I did have that ability to relate with children of all ages. Where did you do your training? After DDS graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie University I was accepted into the Pediatric Dental Program at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Here I completed the didactic portion of the Master’s degree and a residency in Pediatric Dentistry at the Columbus Children’s Hospital before returning to Nova Scotia where I went into solo private practice, joined the Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie University and the IWK Hospital. What do you consider to be your career achievements in Pediatric Dentistry? • International Oral Health Consultant, World Health Organization – served in the Middle East and Malaysia • Program Director & Coordinator, Canada–Egypt Children's Dental Program • Coordinator, Dalhousie University, Faculty of Dentistry Outreach Service Based Learning Oral Health Programs in Nova Scotia • Full time Faculty, Dalhousie University, five term Head of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie University • Practitioner, Part Time Private Pediatric Dentistry Practice • Active Medical/Dental Staff IWK Children's Hospital and Grace Maternity Hospital • Coordinator & Chair, Educational Program, American Academy of History of Dentistry • Authored and co-authored nine books about the Life and Times of “Painless Parker, Dentist” • Two-term President of CAPD/ACDP (1989 -1992), served in all offices including editor of the Newsletter 

Established the position of Executive Director on the CAPD/ACDP Executive Committee.

Successfully negotiated formal associations with the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry and the Canadian Pediatrics Society.

Dr. Peter Pronych Cont’d You were involved in a great deal of international travel during your career. Please tell us about this. Initially, I was invited as a speaker at an International Dental Conference in Alexandria, Egypt. While there, I was asked to enter into a dental project with the Egyptian government for Egyptian children. I was successful in obtaining funds and a two-year program was initiated for placing sealants in precarious first molars of 11 to 13 year old children in 5 Clinics in Alexandria and 5 clinics in Cairo, Egypt. After the project in Egypt ended, I was invited by WHO to act as a short-term consultant to work with Dental Departments in Lebanon, Bahrain, and Pakistan to develop specific dental programs to address their dental needs. I also went to Malaysia as a consultant and speaker at the Dental Conference. International development aside, I travelled to the United States numerous times to conduct research and interview Jane Parker Hewson for the books that my co-author, Arden Christen and I were preparing. As well, I attended meetings of the AAPD, and Chaired meetings and presentations of the History of Dentistry Education Committee. This was all done while still discharging my responsibilities to the University, Children’s Hospital and my private practice.

all made a difference.

Peter’s hobby is cars! He is standing next to his Ferrari at a car show

You are a Past President of CAPD/ACDP. How and why did you get involved in the association? Dr. Ian Bennett, CAPD/ACDP President then asked if I would be interested in joining the Executive. I agreed and went through all offices including two terms as President, Executive Officer and Parliamentarian before retiring from Dentistry. I even produced a printed newsletter as secretary.

Dr. Peter Pronych Cont’d

Peter in the Royal Canadian Navy, prior to his career in Dentistry

Do you have advice for Pediatric Dentists today regarding ‘sharing knowledge and experience with others’, and volunteering your time? For the speciality of Pediatric Dentistry to advance and involve it is extremely important to share knowledge through research and one’s clinical experiences with everyone in the speciality and outside of dentistry. Otherwise time will pass Pediatric Dentistry by if it doesn’t keep pace with the latest advancements. I have found great satisfaction, perhaps the greatest of volunteering in all my committee work, and my international dental projects, as I didn’t get reimbursed for those programs. It gave me varied and diverse interests which kept my inquisitiveness alive and keen. On that note, please highlight some of the volunteer roles you undertook over the course of your career?

• • • • • • • • • •

President of the Atlantic Chapter - Canadian Society of Dentistry for Children Member of the C.D.A. Dental Aptitude Testing Evaluation Team (chalk–carving); designed a standardized system of test exercises, standardized the marking and scoring system, and developed a handbook for chalk-carving evaluators, Member of the Survey Team to conduct accreditation of the Univérsite de Montréal, Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry program on behalf of the Commission of Dental Accreditation at Montréal, QC, 23–25 February, Specialty Editor & Contributor–Preventive Dentistry Section of the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. Liaison officer for the media, hosted series on Dental Education on radio and T.V. Specialist representative on the Nova Scotia Dental Association and member of Executive Society of Dental Specialists of Nova Scotia American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry: member on the Board of Trustees, Public and Professional Relations Committee, Subcommittee on Membership Diversification. Editor of Atlantic Region Newsletter-American College of Dentists Chair - Teaching Dental History Committee-American Academy of the History of Dentistry Nova Scotia Council on Smoking and Health

Dr. Peter Pronych Cont’d Tell us about Painless Parker and how you got involved in writing about him? Based on his career, do you have any “lessons” for Pediatric Dentists? As it happened, in my third year of Dental school we were given an assignment in Dental Ethics. During my research I came across a newspaper article about a renegade dentist from New Brunswick called Painless Parker. I became hooked to know more about this outcast of Dentistry. Several years later I met Dr. Arden Christen and we joined up as partners to discover more about Painless. The end result, some sixty years later: two hard copy books were coauthored with Arden while I further authored seven other offshoots in eBook form on the Apple book store. My advice: don’t be afraid to think and go beyond the box.

Arden Christen (Co-Author) and Peter, interviewing Jane PARKER Hewson, Painless Parker's daughter

What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry? That’s a hard question to respond to with any credibility. Unfortunately it appears that many general dentists seem to think there is no need for the speciality. We have a hard sell ahead trying to educate the need for the speciality and the complicated cases we encounter. Gazing at the Crystal Ball, what innovations in the profession do you foresee (or dream about) for the future? My crystal ball is cracked as to what I see when I look into it. As long as there is the excessive amount of sugar in prepared food, and the confectionary industry keeps producing more tempting and mouth-watering sweets, there will always be dental caries. So I see more innovations in treating and trying to prevent caries. I’m afraid that more and more community fluoridation programs will go by the board as the environmentalists actively campaign against the use of fluoride in the water.

Dr. Peter Pronych Cont’d

Peter and Joanne, married for 55 years

As you seem to lead a fairly busy life, what do you do to relax and unwind? I have been extremely busy with my many outside interests and hobbies. To mention a few of my collections, I have a large die-cast model airplane collection, a large library of aircraft books and a large vinyl record and CD collection. I produce my own CD’s from vinyl records in my mini recording studio. I also make home DVD’s from movies and photos that I have taken. As a You Tube contributor, I have uploaded 460 eclectic videos and slide shows. Since my teenage years I have been an avid photographer and camera collector. Joanne and I are hobby car collectors owning four old cars and showing them. Incidentally Joanne still has her original 1964 blue Comet convertible — original owner, original condition, not restored and “original husband”!

Peter, Joanne and the grand-children, Zoe, Coral and Perry

Peter and daughter Gilda a Fellowship Trained Geriatric Dentist (and married to Richard, a Dental Hygienist with degree)


DR. PATRICK CANONNE Past President, LOC Chair, 2021 CAPD/ACDP – AAPD Joint Conference

Why did you choose to specialize in pediatric dentistry? Pediatric dentistry goes hand-in-hand with other dental and medical specialties. It relates to orofacial development, oral and global health, and behavior with growing individuals, compromised or not. It’s a very challenging field and provides the opportunity to care for clients from infancy through the maturing process. The personal interaction with this growing population is very rewarding. Where did you do your training? University of Montréal What do you enjoy most about your career? The spontaneity of kids, behavior changes with the special needs patients, and the long term impact on global health. Working ambience with kids. What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry? The importance of pediatric dentistry on global health of the individual: growth guidance, school performance, eating habits.... importance of understanding very early warning signs: recognition of behavior problems, breathing problems etc. Children are not small adults. They are in the process of becoming adults. Pandemie…

You are a Past President of CAPD/ACDP. How and why did you get involved in the association? What other industry volunteer roles have you undertaken? I was impressed by the volunteer involvement of my predecessors for long period of time (8 years minimum) and the vitality of the group from Atlantic to Pacific, North to South. Prior to this I was involved with the Quebec Association of Pediatric Dentists for 10 years, volunteer with First Nations families’ dental education in the evenings during my different working contracts up North for 11 years, volunteer in a fugitive shelter administration...

Dr. Patrick Canonne Cont’d Do you have advice for Pediatric Dentists today regarding the importance (and satisfaction) of volunteering your time? It is another way to see our profession, to appreciate what we have, to get our feet back to the ground, meet people from other backgrounds, countries, cultures...and at the same time increase your knowledge, empathy and giving back to our society. As the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for the CAPD/ACDP – AAPD Joint Conference in September 2021, what does this Conference mean to you and what message do you have for CAPD/ACDP members to attend this event? The CAPD/ACDP Annual Conferences are very stimulating as you meet colleagues in person from other provinces and countries to exchange ideas, to enhance your skills even if it’s only a small amount, by learning/reviewing new subjects and new techniques. You also get to meet and chat with the new blood…the younger generation of Pediatric Dentists, and share the feeling of being together with the same educational and social goals in mind. I am hoping that the Virtual Joint Conference with the AAPD will motivate our members to pursue their same speciality goals. At the CAPD/ACDP Annual Conference in Banff, with Dr. Jennifer MacLellan, the current President

Gazing at the Crystal Ball, what innovations in the profession do you foresee (or dream about) for the future? My hope is to see stem cells involved in dentistry to replace damaged teeth, missing teeth ...noisy instruments replaced…dentistry recognized as part of global health, helicopter parents disappeared ...... easy access to our older special needs patients dental and medical care....

As you seem to lead a fairly busy life, what do you do to relax and unwind? Travel! I love South America, Europe when possible, gardening, sailing, family, meeting with close friends for special dinners, international news, international humor, scientific news…


Dr. Patrick Canonne Cont’d

Patrick’s sense of humour has always been one of his hallmarks. He submitted these two cartoons to bring a smile…

Patrick, having a great time with his very enthusiastic office staff at the 2019 CAPD/ACDP Annual Meeting, Masquerade Dinner, in Ottawa

CAPD/ACDP Committees and Association Liaisons Working to Enhance Membership Value CAPD/ACDP has a number of standing Committees as well as appointed liaisons with other dental and industry associations, each with specific responsibilities in the service of CAPD/ACDP members. We feel that it is important for you to know that your Executive and Volunteers are actively engaged in the industry and looking out for your interests on both the domestic and international scene. Membership involvement is the hallmark of our Academy. If you are interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact the respective Chair or send an email to 2020-2022 Executive Committee President – Dr. Jennifer MacLellan Immediate Past President – Dr. Raymond Lee Vice President – Dr. Gregory Westman Parliamentarian – Dr. Robert Barsky Secretary-Treasurer – Dr. Duy Dat Vu Executive Director – Dr. Ross Anderson RCDC Director for Pediatric Dentistry – Dr. Paul Andrews






Chairperson and Members Chair: President Members: Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. The EC shall be advised by the Executive Director, Parliamentarian, and the RCDC Director for Pediatric Dentistry Chair: Vice-President Members: SecretaryTreasurer, Immediate PastPresident, Chair of the Scholarship and Student Affairs Committee, plus other individuals as required. Chair: Secretary-Treasurer Members: Vice-President, and Dr. Ian McConnachie Chair: Immediate Past President Members: President, VicePresident and SecretaryTreasurer

Purpose Shall be the managing body and shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Academy vested with full power to conduct the business of the Academy. It shall have the power to establish rules and regulations consistent with the By-Laws and to establish ad-interim policies and guidelines between Annual General Meetings when such policies and guidelines are necessary for the management of the Academy provided that all policies are presented to the General Assembly for ratification at the next Annual General Meeting of the Academy. To consider matters related to the interests and well-being of the members and promote membership in the Academy.

To prepare an annual budget for submission to the Executive Committee, and investigate and report on financial matters. To submit nominations for line officer positions from the Active and Honourary membership.


Chairperson and Members


Chair: Dr. Trang Nguyen Members: Drs. Irwin Fried, Tracy Doyle, Shannon Fitzpatrick and Edwin Chan

Constitution and By-Laws

Scholarship and Student Affairs

CAPD/ACDP National Annual Conference

CAPD/ACDP –AAPD Joint Virtual Conference - LOC 2021 CAPD/ACDP Annual Conference Whistler LOC 2022

Chair: Parliamentarian Members: Drs. Ross Anderson, Paul Andrews, John Wiles and Patrick Canonne. Chair: Dr. John Wiles Members: Drs. Keith Titley and Ross Anderson

Purpose  To organize the 3M Oral Care – CAPD/ACDP Graduate Research Student Presentations at the annual conference.  To assist in the process of selection of topics and or themes in conjunction with annual scientific meetings. To review proposed changes to the Constitution and ByLaws and Policies and Procedures

 To act, through the student reps at each Canadian Graduate training program as their contacts with the academy. This may involve the dissemination of information to the students, answering any questions from the students, and acting as the students Liaison to Canadian advocate with the academy. Graduate Students studying in  To administer and award the Dr. Keith Titley scholarship. the United States: Dr. Terry  To create the criteria, and implement the Dr. Norman Farquhar Levine Undergraduate Student Dental Award at Canadian dental schools. Liaison at the Canadian  To be the ‘go to’ people for the students if they have any Pediatric Dental Training questions or concerns. programs: Drs. Joy Richman, Brad Klus, Duy-Dat Vu and  To engage students in the US that might not be aware of John Wiles the benefits of CAPD/ACDP membership and of being part of the Canadian pediatric dental community. Chair: Vice-President  To propose future meeting cities to the Executive Members: Treasurer, Past Committee LOC Chair, Current LOC  To suggest candidates to Chair the Local Organizing Chair, Incoming LOC Chair, Committee Scientific Committee Chair,  To review the LOC Guidelines and ensure that Executive Director, Director of recommendations from previous meetings are Operations. documented. Chair: Dr. Patrick Canonne Members: Drs. Duy-Dat Vu, Paul Andrews and Kevin Donly (AAPD rep) Chair: Dr. Anita Gärtner Members: Drs. Lisa Coveney, Geoffrey Grant, Luc Magne, Diederik Millenaar, Wendy Tang


Dr. Sarah Hulland CAPD/ACDP Representative


Dr. Trang Nguyen President, CPS Oral Health Section

To coordinate the venues, educational program, local activities, entertainment and schedule for the Annual Conference in consultation with the Executive Director, with the assistance of the Director of Operations, Executive Secretary and Chair of the Scientific Committee.

The International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD) is a non-profit organization with the objective to contribute to the progress and promotion of oral health for children around the globe. IAPD includes 60 National Member Societies and represents more than 15,000 dentists  To advocate for and promote optimal oral health for infants, children and adolescents, including children and youth with special health care needs.  To provide expertise and guidelines for children and youth with special health care needs through a number of programs including the provision of a forum for discussion of important child and youth dental health issues between the CPS and the CAPD/ACDP.

Committees CDA Committee on Clinical and Scientific Affairs CDA National Coordinating Working Group on Access to Care for Children & Seniors

Chairperson and Members T.B.A.

Drs. Paul Andrews, Ross Anderson, Robert Barsky and Anil Joshi

Purpose To examine topics and develop knowledge-based position statements and guidelines that are recommended to the CDA Board for approval. CDA Ad Hoc Committee with a mandate to look at access to care for seniors, notably in LTC and in access to care for infants, notably the age one visit. This resulted in the CDA campaign “First Tooth, First Visit”.


Dr. Paul Andrews CDSA President and CAPD/ACDP Representative to the Board

Dedicated to the representation and advancement of the Canadian Dental Specialties, the profession of dentistry nationally and internationally, the achievement of optimal oral health, general health and quality of life of Canadians, and the support of the profession of dentistry in the advancement of optimal oral health. .


Dr. Paul Andrews Director for Pediatric Dentistry and Chair, Governance Committee

To report on relevant RCDC Executive council matters to CAPD. Directors are elected for a 3-year term.

3M Oral Care


CDAC Health Facilities / Dental Residencies Committee

The Fellowship Examination Committee (FEC) is responsible to maintain or enhance the organization’s high Dr. Christine Corbeil standards through the administration of a Fellowship Examiner-in Chief Examination; policy development; and volunteer engagement. Responsibilities include ensuring the Dr. Gordon Payne Fellowship Examination meets recognized psychometric Chief Examiner, Pediatric principals and is a valid evaluation instrument; overseeing Dentistry the development of policies, processes and best practices to maintain or enhance the quality and effectiveness of the Fellowship Examination; and oversee the volunteer management program. POSITIONS. PRACTICES TRAINING To ensure anAND ongoing relationship with 3M Oral Care and Dr. Ross Anderson their sponsorship of the 3M Oral Care - CAPD/ACDP CAPD/ACDP Liaison Graduate Student Research Presentation Awards. The Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) is the body responsible for accrediting dental, Dr. Ross Anderson dental specialty, dental residency, dental hygiene and CDA Representative to the dental assisting education programs in Canada. CDAC also Board accredits dental services. In Québec, dental services accredited by ODQ are recognized by CDAC. To review all of the accredited hospital dental services and internships (dental residencies in Canada) to ensure that Dr. Ross Anderson standards that are reflective of quality service and education are met in accordance with CDAC.

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