The Mirror, December 2019 Updated Dec 20/19

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December, 2019 The 2019-2020 Executive Committee

 Getting Ready for Whistler  Graduate Student Awards  Undergraduate Page  Ottawa Conference Memories  Meet our Members  Membership Directory  Committees and Liaisons  In Memoriam  And more…

President: Dr. Raymond Lee Secretary-Treasurer: Raymond Lee

September in Whistler! A Huge Thank You to our 2019 Annual Conference Sponsors

Sustaining Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Registration Bags

Whistler is one of the top mountain 4-season destinations in North America. If you have already visited then you are familiar with its pedestrian village, restaurants, outdoor activities, bars and spas. If you have not visited then you need to see its beauty and participate in its culture and arts. Whistler is the home of the Coast Salish First Nations people. The Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre and Audain Art Museum are a tribute to their rich history and culture. The first commercial enterprise began in 1915 with the Rainbow Lodge offering wilderness experiences in hiking and fishing. Whistler was named after the whistling calls of the resident marmots. The Whistler ski resort officially opened in 1966. The first bid for an Olympic destination took place in 1968 by a group of Vancouver businessmen. Blackcomb opened in 1980 and both mountains merged in 2000. In 2010 Whistler hosted the Winter Games and in 2020 Whistler will host the annual CAPD/ACDP conference! Cont’d Page 6

Vice President: Dr. Jennifer MacLellan

SecretaryTreasurer: Dr. Gregory Westman

Immediate Past President: Dr. Paul Andrews

Executive Director: Dr. Ross Anderson

Parliamentarian: Dr. Robert Barsky Parliamentarian: Ross Anderson

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Happy late Fall and early Winter everyone! I can’t believe that it’s already Decemberr!!! “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” — Buddha Accept and appreciate the Past… Good or bad, each of our life experiences have taught us invaluable life lessons. Remembrance Day marked 100 years since the end of World War 1 and I, especially as an immigrant, am so grateful just to be here in Canada And if being a proud Canadians wasn’t enough, I feel so blessed and privileged to be a member of our wonderful profession and specialty that allows us to help and take care of children, our future. We are so fortunate! Embrace the Future… Although Ottawa was not that long ago, I am excitedly anticipating Whistler in September 2020. Over the next year, we will hopefully have more clarity on the AAPD joint membership situation. Thank you to all who responded to our recent e-mail request for input. I’m hopeful of a “win-win” outcome, as I personally plan to attend the Annual Session in Nashville in May 2020 and the joint CE course with the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in September 2020. More importantly perhaps is the AAPD’s planned joint sectional meeting with our Annual Conference in Montreal in September 2021 and the 2024 AAPD Annual Session already scheduled for Toronto. This is going to be great! All of this teamwork and collaboration will ensure a strong CAPD/ACPD-AAPD relationship in the future and beyond. Wow! Be mindful and live in the Present… I hope you have all read and reviewed the AGM Minutes online ( The Scientific Committee continues to work hard with the RCDC examination group and CPS-Oral Health Section remains an ongoing priority in our efforts to liaise with our medical colleagues. As Christmas is around the corner (except it came to Costco weeks ago!) and whether you celebrate or not, I hope everyone takes time to recognize the here and now and appreciate everything that we have. For me, the New Year represents an opportunity to make resolutions for better year ahead. They say hindsight is 20/20, but this will be the one and only year that when we look forward, it will be “20-20”…everyday, all year! Pun intended.  Pre-Registered for Whistler 2020 ensures your accommodations at the beautiful Westin Resort & Spa, ( Please consider registering before January 2020, when general Registration opens. Wishing everyone great health, happiness and love! Sincerely, Ray

MOT DU PRÉSIDENT Bonne fin d’automne et bon début d’hiver ! Je ne peux pas croire que nous sommes déjà en décembre !!! « Ne demeure pas dans le passé, ne rêve pas au futur, concentre ton esprit sur le moment présent. » — Bouddha Accepter et chérir le passé… Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire, chacune de nos expériences nous a enseigné des leçons de vie inestimables. Cette année, le jour du Souvenir marquait le centième anniversaire de la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale et moi, à titre d’immigrant, je suis particulièrement reconnaissant de vivre au Canada. Et comme s’il ne suffisait pas que je sois fier d’être canadien, je me sens très privilégié d’appartenir à des profession et spécialité merveilleuses, qui nous permettent d’aider et de soigner les enfants, notre avenir. Nous sommes tellement chanceux ! Se tourner vers l’avenir… Bien que le congrès d’Ottawa ne soit pas si lointain, je pense déjà avec enthousiasme à celui de Whistler en septembre 2020. L’an prochain, nous aurons une meilleure idée de la situation entourant l’adhésion conjointe avec l’AAPD. Je remercie tous ceux et celles qui ont répondu à la récente demande de rétroaction que nous avions transmise par courriel. J’espère que nous en arriverons à une solution avantageuse pour tous, puisque pour ma part, je compte assister au congrès annuel à Nashville en mai 2020 et participer au cours d’ÉP conjoint avec le Collège royal des chirurgiens à Édimbourg en septembre 2020. Et ce qui importe peut-être davantage, c’est la tenue de la réunion de section conjointe de l’AAPD, en marge de notre congrès annuel à Montréal en septembre 2021, et du congrès annuel 2024 de l’AAPD déjà prévu à Toronto. Ce sera sensationnel ! Tout ce travail d’équipe et cette collaboration seront le gage d’une solide relation ACPD/CAPD-AAPD pour les années à venir. Formidable ! Se soucier et profiter du moment présent… J’espère que vous avez lu le procès-verbal de l’AGA que l’on trouve en ligne ( Le comité scientifique continue de travailler sans relâche avec le groupe d’examen du CRCDC, tandis que la section de santé buccodentaire de la SCP constitue une priorité constante dans le cadre de nos efforts de liaison avec nos collègues du domaine médical. Comme les festivités de Noël approchent à grand pas (elles sont déjà commencées depuis plusieurs semaines au Costco !), que vous les célébriez ou non, j’espère que vous prendrez le temps de profiter ici et maintenant de tout ce que nous avons. La Nouvelle année représente pour moi une occasion de prendre des résolutions pour faire mieux durant l’année qui s’amorce. On dit qu’une bonne vision est de 20/20, mais cette année sera la seule et unique où, quand on regardera en avant, la vision sera 2020… tous les jours, durant toute l’année. Sans blague !  Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, vous devriez vous préinscrire au congrès 2020 de Whistler et garantir votre hébergement au magnifique Westin Resort & Spa. ( Prévoyez le faire avant janvier 2020, lorsque débutera l’inscription régulière. Meilleurs vœux de santé, de bonheur et d’amour ! Salutations cordiales. Ray


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The Medical Model for Managing Dental Caries in the Pediatric Population September 24 - 25 - 26, 2020 Whistler, British Columbia

Ottawa, Ontario

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In addition to a stunning location, we hope to offer you education, entertainment and camaraderie. On Thursday, September 24 we will once again be offering exciting precourses. Information will be forwarded as soon as the details are finalized. Our educational theme for 2020 is simple - can we manage dental caries in the pediatric population medically? Is there merit to not drilling and filling? We begin our scientific program on Friday September 25th with Dr. Brian Novy – speaking on “The Plaque Monologues” and “The Potty Mouth Predicament”. Saturday is filled with practical applications from Dr. Novy’s talks. Drs. Manwai Ng and Francisco Ramos-Gomez will be discussing “Supporting and Practical Strategies for ECC disease prevention and management”. Dr. Robert Lucas will be discussing “Practical prevention – Let’s get real with parents!”

Dr. Anita Gärtner, LOC Chair

We have two exceptional social events to offer you. Friday evening is our traditional Welcome Reception. In Whistler, the reception will take place in the Longhorn Saloon, which is located minutes form the hotel and in the heart of the village. It’s a great jumping point for your evening to begin with drinks and appetizers, as there are many world class restaurants and bars just steps away. This year we will be honouring Dr. Raymond Lee with the annual president’s dinner on Saturday night. The dinner will take place at the spectacular Audain Art Museum. Our group will have access to view the many historic and cultural treasures as well as take in the stunning architectural building prior to the dinner. After dinner we have Whistler’s favourite band “The Hairfarmers” for your entertainment.

Accommodation An email will be sent to all members in January to announce when the Westin Resort & Spa will start to take room reservations. The bulk of the rooms are in the category of Deluxe Studio Suites ($249.00 per night plus taxes) and One Bedroom Suites ($329.00 per night plus taxes). There may still be a selection of other room categories available including suites with mountain views and two beds. The Conference website will list the various options that may be available when members contact the Westin. CAPD/ACDP room rates are valid 3 days before and 3 days after the Conference, pending availability. Transportation Airline Discounts will available on both Air Canada and Westjet for the Annual Conference in Whistler. Flights arrive at Vancouver International Airport and then members can choose how they wish to travel to Whistler. Choices include Rental Cars, Seaplane and Shuttle Buses. Details will be provided on the Conference website when it formally opens in January.

You protect and restore them. Before you know it, those smiles will be all grown up. Caring for pediatric patients is both fun and challenging. You never know from one child to the next what you’ll be dealing with: an overly energetic child… a timid or scared child… or a busy teen. In any case, you know what to do. Treat them gently but thoroughly, and before their patience runs out. 3M Oral Care products, ranging from preventive to restorative, are designed to help come to your rescue. • They’re fast and easy to use and help reduce chair time • They’re proven to be safe and effective • They’re designed to be patient friendly and help provide a positive dental experience

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The 2020 Annual Conference Speakers Dr. Brian Novy, “The Plaque Monologues” and “The Potty Mouth Predicament”. Ottawa, Ontario Dr. Nový is the Director of Practice Improvement at the DentaQuest Institute, and an adjunct associate professor of restorative dentistry. He served on the ADA Council of Scientific Affairs from 2011-2014, and currently acts as the chairman of the CAMBRA coalition. The California Dental Association Foundation presented him with the Dugoni Award for “Outstanding contributions to dental education,” and in 2009, the American Dental Association awarded Dr. Nový and his office the title, “Adult Preventive Care Practice of the Year.” Dr. Man Wai Ng, “Supporting and Practical Strategies for ECC disease prevention and management” (with Dr. Ramos-Gomez) Dr. Ng is Chief of the Department of Dentistry at Boston Children's Hospital and holds the DentaQuest Endowed Chair in Pediatric Oral Health and Dentistry at Boston Children’s Hospital. She is Associate Professor of Developmental Biology (Pediatric Dentistry) at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Ng received her DDS degree from Stony Brook University, her MPH degree from the Harvard School of Public Health and her certificate in pediatric dentistry from Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard. She completed a general practice residency at the Booth Memorial Medical Center in Flushing, NY and a dental fellowship on the developmentally disabled at Helen Hayes Hospital in West Haverstraw, NY. In April 2018, Dr. Ng received the Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine Distinguished Alumnus Award. Dr. Francisco Ramos-Gomez, “Supporting and Practical Strategies for ECC disease prevention and management” (with Dr. Ng)) Francisco J. Ramos-Gomez is currently a Full Professor in the Section of Pediatric Dentistry, at the University of California, Los Angeles; and Executive Director for the UCLA Center for Children’s Oral Health. He is also Director of the Pediatric Community Health Advance Training (CHAT) Program. He has also served as the Director of Pediatric Services at the Family Dental Center at San Francisco General Hospital and has pioneered protocols in early detection, early intervention and prevention of Early Childhood Caries (ECC). Dr. Ramos-Gomez has been a pediatric dentist for more than thirty years with specific focus and research in the areas of early childhood caries (ECC) prevention, oral disease risk assessment, and community health with an emphasis on underserved populations. In addition to clinically based interventions, Dr. Ramos-Gomez conceptualized and co-founded the Center to Address Disparities in Children’s Oral Health to identify the cultural, environmental, workforce, behavioral, and biologic factors associated with health disparities among ethnic/racial groups in order to enhance health professionals’ ability to target children likely to be at risk for dental caries.

As a proponent of global health, Dr. Ramos-Gomez has supported the UC California-Mexico Health Initiative, established in 1999 to further the advancement of the UC bi-national health activities, and chaired the Oral Health Task Force, which fosters collaboration between UC and Mexican scientists in the areas of dental, pediatrics and oral health policy. Early in his career, Dr. Ramos-Gomez received the Kellogg Fellowship for International Development and testified at the U.S. Congressional Legislative Hearing on Hispanics. He has received numerous prestigious awards over the years such as the National Dental Association NDA Foundation/Colgate-Palmolive Faculty Recognition Award for Research, And the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry IAPD award for Best Global Innovation Preventive Program in Glasgow. Dr. Roger Lucas has written a great book that you're going to love! More Chocolate, No Cavities: How Diet Can Keep Your Kid Cavity Free outlines strategies that will make simple cavity-prevention practices easier for you and your child and avoid “surprise� cavities that have previously been blamed on genetics or weak enamel. As you will learn, starting the Dr. Ramos-Gomez over the years correct habits when has your received child is a numerous toddler will prestigious set them upawards for a healthy mouth theirsuch entireas the National Dental Association NDAhas Foundation/Colgate-Palmolive Faculty and Recognition for Research, lives. Dr. Lucas already taught thousands of patients hundredsAward of dentists this new And the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry IAPD award for Best Global Innovation Preventive Program in Glasgow. diet-based approach to cavity prevention, and loves to see these practices improving dental health in children everywhere. He's helping change how everyone thinks about cavities for the better!

3M Oral Care-CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Research Presentation Awards Four Students presented abstracts at the 2019 Annual Conference. The judges, chaired by Scientific Committee Chair Dr. Elsa Hui-Derksen, selected the winner of the annual 3M Oral Care Award. Congratulations to Dr. Kimberly Ngai CAPD/ACDP would like to thank all the students who submitted abstracts for consideration and congratulate the students who were selected to present their research in Ottawa. Dr. Kimberly Ngai, University of Toronto: Ex vivo evaluation of novel antimicrobial-containing adhesive systems for bacterial inhibition and secondary caries reduction. Dr. Ngai received the 3M Oral Care-CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Award of $1000 for her presentation as well as a full introductory kit of 3M Stainless Steel primary crowns. Dr. Ashley Gill, University of Washington, Comparison of Three Esthetic Full-coverage Restorations in Primary Maxillary Incisors.

Dr. Pauline Lee, University of British Columbia: University of British Columbia Children’s Dental Program – A Retrospective Study.

Dr. Michael Rullo, University of Toledo Medical Center: Visits to the Emergency Department for Paediatric Dental Treatment.

Dr. Elsa Hui-Derksen, Chair of the Scientific Committee introduced the Student presenters

Luc Turcotte, Sales Representative, Oral Care Solutions Division, 3M Canada congratulates Dr. Kimberly Ngai, Winner of the 3M Graduate Student Research Presentation.

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The Dr. Keith Titley Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Training Scholarship We are pleased to announce that the 2019-2020 recipient of the scholarship is Dr. Kimberly Ngai of the University of Toronto and the runner-up is Dr. Sheri McKinstry from the University of Manitoba. We would like to recognize all the applicants at this time and encourage them at the onset of their career in Pediatric Dentistry to emulate the qualities that made Dr. Titley the practitioner that he was.

Dr. Kimberly Ngai

Dr. Titley is and was a mentor, a friend, an educator, an administrator, and a volunteer in both community events and dental organizations. May your future practice take you down many paths to success.

Dr. Sheri McKinstry

John Wiles, Committee Chair For more information, see

The Norm Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award One award is given annually to each accredited Canadian Faculty of Dentistry for a third or fourth year DDS/DMD student who demonstrates aptitude and passion for the field of pediatric dentistry and/or dentistry for persons with special needs. The 2019 recipients include: Alana Fraser, Western University  Andree Goldstein, Université de Montréal  Connor Grimes, University of Alberta  Lindsay James, Dalhousie University  Hamid Qasim, University of Saskatchewan  Mallory Laframboise, McGill University  Sweetu Shaw, University of Toronto  Allison Torbiak, University of Manitoba  Michael Wong, University of British Columbia  Isabela Machado Zanon, Université Laval

Sweetu Shah, University of Toronto is congratulated by Dr. Julia Rukavina and Dr. Paul Andrews. They are standing between portraits of Dr. Michael Sigal (L) and Dr. Norman Levine (R)

Andee Goldstein, Université de Montréal is congratulated by Dr. Shahrokh Esfandiari, the Dean of the Faculté de médecine dentaire.

Connor Grimes, University of Alberta with Dr. Mintoo Basahti, President of the University of Alberta Alumni Association

Undergraduate students actively enrolled in an educational program in dentistry accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada or an accreditation body with which the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada has a reciprocal accreditation agreement, are eligible to apply for Undergraduate student membership. All student members shall be exempt from membership dues, receive copies of all general membership communications and publications without charge. Also…Undergraduate student members may attend meetings of the Academy after registering and paying all associated fees. For complete details see Section 4.2.5 of the Constitution and By-Laws.



Free Student Membership. Free 1st Year of Graduation Membership. Discounted 2nd & 3rd Year of Graduation Membership. Dr. Keith Titley Scholarship (Graduates).


Dr. Norman Levine Award (Undergraduates).



Graduate Student Research Presentations.



3M Oral Care Presentation Award.



Free Registration at Annual Conference Scientific Sessions. Discounted attendance at the Annual Conference Social Events. Reduced Joint Fees for Full Active Members (CAPD/ACDP and AAPD).


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Classified Ads to assist in Job Placement. Career Fair at the Annual Conference CAPD/AAPD Reception at the Annual Meeting of the AAPD. Dinner for Students with the CAPD/ACDP Student Liaison (see below) Advice and information about the FRCD(C) Canadian Fellowship Examination process. CAPD/ACDP Member Access to CPS Oral Health Section Membership. Participation in the CDSA (Canadian Dental Specialties Association) Student Travel Awards Program Listing in the CAPD/ACDP Membership Directory. Twice-Yearly Issues of The Mirror (the CAPD/ACDP Newsletter). E-Correspondence from CAPD/ACDP on Issues affecting the practice of Pediatric Dentistry, as well as news about Academy matters.

Student Liaisons 2019-2020 Contact details are posted at The Liaison to Canadian Graduate Students studying in the United States:  

Dr. Michal Goralski Dr. Terry Farquhar

The Liaison at the Canadian Pediatric Dental Training programs    

University of British Columbia, Dr. Joy Richman University of Manitoba, Dr. Brad Klus University of Montréal, Dr. Duy-Dat Vu University of Toronto, Dr. John Wiles


DR. ANITA GÄRTNER CHAIR, WHISTLER LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Why did you choose to specialize in Pediatric Dentistry?

As an older student in dental school I did not expect to specialize. I was attracted to family dentistry and being involved in a community. In dental school I excelled in prosthodontics and pediatric dentistry. In pediatric dentistry, it was the connection with the child and the management of the situation that was the challenge. After graduation I was accepted into a residency program at BC Children’s Hospital. After the residency, I worked as an associate in general dentistry and in public health dentistry in a school based program. Although I enjoyed working with children, I did not think about specializing in pediatric dentistry until I discovered the program at the University of Washington. I chose this program so that I could return to work in BC and help my family – my sister was born with osteogenesis imperfecta and in dental school my mom was diagnosed with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration – so I needed to be close to home. Where did you do your training? My undergraduate degree was completed at the University of British Columbia. My graduate degree was completed at the University of Washington. What do you enjoy most about your job? It is a thrill to work with kids and an absolute privilege for a parent/caregiver to trust me with their child. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that every morning I wake up that I go to a job that I love. I have a wonderful team that supports each other. What do you find most challenging? As with most things in life there are great days and days that are hard. That might involve a challenging patient, parent/caregiver or staffing situation. I have learned over the years to be more empathetic and look at the bigger picture. It’s hard not to take things personally when a situation is not ideal, so I am learning to be more mindful and accept my own limits. What is the most misunderstood aspect of pediatric dentistry? When I graduated I felt like I had to know all the answers and that a child’s oral health was my responsibility. I saw the world in more black and white absolute terms. Now I gladly tell a parent when I don’t know something and engage them in the decision making process. I am no longer patriarchal – it’s not my responsibility to prevent decay with a larger filling. It’s my responsibility to give choices and listen to a families’ needs.

Dr. Anita Gärtner Cont’d Why is Whistler a great location for the Annual Conference? Whistler has been touted as Canada’s premier 4-season mountain destination. It is a short distance from Vancouver and offers a pedestrian village, restaurants, skiing, biking, hiking, bars and spas to mention only a few activities. Why should members who have never attended an Annual Conference come to Whistler? The most obvious is that Whistler is a beautiful destination. But the most important reason is to connect with your colleagues. Since I was educated in the U.S. I did not have any strong connection to CAPD/ACDP. However I have grown to see the value of a national organization that is not too big, where I can meet almost all its members and where I can make a difference. In general, why do you volunteer? My biggest mentor for volunteerism was my dad – he was an active Lion’s Club member. I began my volunteerism in dentistry as a way to give back to the profession. As a result I have fostered many relationships will colleagues of many walks of life. In a small way I can make a difference and be held accountable instead of sitting on the side-lines. Are you involved in other volunteer positions other than those with the CAPD/ACDP? Yes I am. I have been involved in pediatric study clubs both in Canada and Washington. I am on the board of directors at the BCDA and I’ve been on College committees. In the past I have taught at both UBC and UW. What is your message to Pediatric Dentists about the value of volunteering? I think many of us begin volunteering because someone asked. In a humble way it’s an honour to think you can add value to something. But what really happens is that you receive so much more value back from listening, learning and working with your colleagues- in essence it enriches your life. It is not the practice, house, car or any other possession that can enrich your life as much as the quality of relationships that you foster.

Promoting Whistler with Dr. Wendy Tang at the Annual Conference in Ottawa

Dr. Anita Gärtner Cont’d Looking in the Crystal Ball, what innovations in the profession do you foresee? So many of us think that change or disruption is bad and to be feared. It makes us feel uncomfortable – it makes us grow. I never want to lose the ability to embrace change. We will need to offer services our patients want. We will need to partner with each other in ways we thought impossible. We will use technology to reach more individuals. We need to remain dynamic. What do you do to relax and unwind? I enjoy gardening and being with my animals – a horse and two dogs. I love to travel and take on new challenges. I enjoy a glass of wine and a great book.

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An Interview with Dr. Trang Nguyen, President of the Oral Health Section of the Canadian Paediatric Society The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) is the national association of paediatricians, committed to working together to advance the health of children and youth by nurturing excellence in health care, advocacy, education, research and support of its membership. Founded in 1922, the CPS is a voluntary professional association that represents more than 3,600 paediatricians, paediatric subspecialists, paediatric residents, pediatric dentists and others who work with and care for children and youth. 1) What is the value of being a CPS Oral Health Section member? The Canadian Pediatric Society Oral Health Section (CPS-OHS) advocates for and promotes optimal oral health for infants, children and adolescents, including children and youth with special health care needs. By joining the CPS-OHS you would be supporting oral health public policy advocacy to all levels of government and the writing of position statements, practice points, clinical tools and education resources to help health care professionals, parents and others make the best decisions about oral health care in Canada’s children and youth. Positions statements and practice points published by CPS have included:   

“Ankyloglossia and Breastfeeding” ( “Oral Health Care for Children: A Call for Action” ( “Early Childhood Caries in Indigenous Communities” (

2) What are the annual dues? The annual dues are $129. The breakdown includes $105 to become a member of the CPS and an additional $24 to become a member of the CPS-OHS. GST/HST is dependent on location. 3) What do you get for your dues? (i.e. meeting registration and CE etc.) There are a multitude of benefits for pediatric dentists joining CPS. The biggest returns I get from membership include receiving CPS news bulletins and the Paediatrics & Child Health (PCH) journal. The CPS news bulletin from CPS every month summarizes the most relevant topics in the field of pediatrics and lists upcoming events and education opportunities in Canada. The PCH is the official journal of the CPS, and it’s the only peer-reviewed paediatric journal in Canada. Its mission is to advocate for the health and well-being of all Canadian children and youth and to educate child and youth health professionals across the country.


An Interview with Dr. Trang Nguyen, Cont’d Other membership benefits include: (           

Advocate locally using the resources available in the advocacy centre. Educate your patients and their parents on issues such as healthy active living, injury prevention, immunization and healthy growth and development using materials developed by the CPS and available on Caring for Kids. Network with fellow paediatric specialists in your area Membership savings on UpToDate ranging from 15 to 35% Memberships savings with Telus Access to PetalMD, the largest online physician network in Canada Discounts on conferences and publications A listing of CPS members through our searchable membership directory The opportunity to join sections and apply for committee membership Group rates on home and auto insurance with The Personal Discounts on paediatric titles purchased from McGraw Hill

4) How CAPD/ACDP supports this valuable relationship? Collaboration of CAPD/ACDP and CPS has been very beneficial in advocacy and promoting oral health to all health care professionals across Canada. Members of the CAPD/ACDP Executive Committee have been instrumental in founding and supporting the CPS-OHS. The CAPD/ACDP sponsors a CPS speaker at the CAPD annual conference to lecture on medical topics relevant to pediatric dentists. Previous speakers have included Dr. Anne-Rowan Legg who spoke in Ottawa on complex special needs patients and Dr. Laura Purcell who spoke in Toronto on concussions. Similarly, CPS and CAPD/ACDP sponsors a speaker at the CPS annual conference to promote awareness of oral health to pediatricians. The CPS-OHS is the only section that has consistently had a speaker at each CPS annual conference since its inception. The CAPD/ACDP also sponsors the CPS-OHS President to attend the CAPD/ACDP annual conference to liaise with the CAPD Executive Committee, Chair of the Scientific Committee, and CAPD/ACDP annual LOC; further strengthening the relationship between CAPD/ACDP and CPS.


DR. GORDON NIKIFORUK 1922-2019 At the age of 96 year’s one of Canada’s most distinguished Pediatric Dentists, Gordon Nikiforuk, died on July 22, 2019 as a result of complications from Parkinson’s Disease. Gordon was the sixth of nine children born on a farm in Redfield Saskatchewan in a Ukrainian environment. A career in teaching, academia and dental research took him far from these rural roots Following pre-dental training in Saskatchewan, he transferred to the University of Toronto and later did post-graduate studies at the University of Illinois on a Wrigley Gum Scholarship. In 1950 he married Margaret Nokleberg, a public health nurse from Wisconsin. He is survived by two sons Andrew and Chris. After teaching at the University of Toronto, Gordon served as a professor of Pediatric Dentistry and later as acting dean at UCLA. In 1970 he became Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto. On a personal note, I completed my pediatric dental training in 1968 and I was very early into my own teaching and research career when Gordon became Dean of the Faculty. As a result, he had a huge role as a mentor and advisor both to me and others like me who were just beginning their academic careers. His availability and down to earth advice were both a reflection of his farming roots and his dedication to academia and research. A dean’s lot straddles the unenviable tasks of fiscal responsibility of running a faculty and keeping both academic and support staff happy. The approachability and diplomacy with which Gordon carried out these duties are a credit to his commitment to excellence. The end of his term as Dean and eventual, what was then, compulsory retirement from Faculty at age 65, did not spell the end of commitment to the profession. For many years he was the editor of ‘The Oral Care Report’ a Colgate newsletter distributed to 250,000 dentists. It was also a pleasure to see him at CAPD and OSPD meetings where he and like colleagues would retire to a convenient bar for a good natter over a beer or two. Conversations would range from Dentistry, family and how to put the world to rights. The profession of Dentistry, particularly Pediatric Dentistry was indeed fortunate to have Gordon Nikiforuk as one of its shining lights for so many years. May he rest in Peace. Keith Titley Professor Emeritus

IN MEMORIAM Dr. Gordon Nikiforuk was dean at the University of Toronto during a period that many feel was a golden age in dentistry and a significant growth period for pediatric dentistry in Canada. As dean at the largest dental school in Canada, he played a central role in our education. We saw him frequently in the halls, clinics and classrooms; and if we went somewhat astray in our path, his gentle guiding hand and voice were there to bring us back. Two experiences come to mind. The class of ‘75 was somewhat “energetic”; Some were anxious to test the boundaries. When we thought it reasonable to “drink the Village House dry”, and ended with a photo on page 2 of the local newspaper, Dean Nikiforuk might well have exacted a harsh penalty from the offenders. But rather, he saw this as a teaching moment with firm but even-tempered words. When the dental students sought to run a dental clinic in the Alexandra Park community as part of a community health facility run by students in medicine, dentistry, nursing and pharmacy, the dean was nothing but encouraging and facilitating of faculty and students to collaborate on this worthwhile and life-altering project. For me personally, when presented with a patient with a significant genetic condition and dental complications, Gordon Nikiforuk, expert in the intricacies of that condition, sat down with me, a simple undergraduate dental student, and showed me what I was capable of. -Dr. Ian MacConnachie

Contacting CAPD/ACDP is even easier! Dr. Raymond Lee, President Dr. Jennifer MacLellan, Vice President Dr. Gregory Westman, Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Paul Andrews, Immediate Past President Dr. Robert Barsky, Parliamentarian Dr. Ross Anderson, Executive Director Claire D’Amour, Executive Secretary Steve Gillick, Director of Operations


Dr. Gerald (Gerry) Zanvil Wright 1935 - 2019 It is with sadness that we share news that Dr. Gerald (Gerry) Zanvil Wright – professor emeritus at Schulich Dentistry and a passionate local and international advocate of dental training in pediatric practice passed away at home surrounded by the love of his family on October 30, 2019 and is survived by his wife Nancy, his children Michael (Robyn), Charles (Jill), Jeffrey (Linh) and his six grandchildren Simone, Maxine, Lexi, Josh, Theo and Lily. He was always a Winnipeg north ender, the poor side of town, and throughout his career he helped those who had seen hardship in life. After graduating from U of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry in 1960, he returned to Winnipeg to practice and was encouraged by Dr. Wilf Feasby to study pediatric dentistry. In 1971, having graduated from pediatric dentistry at Indiana University, he joined Dr. Feasby, now located at Western University, and began an illustrious academic career. As a DDS, MSD, FRCD (C), Dip. American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, he was an internationally respected clinician, writer and Professor Emeritus at Western University. He was a member of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and became the Chair of the Division of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry. His innovations led to the creation of several programs, including being founder and director of Operation Belarus, a project to improve dentistry in Belarus. With colleagues at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, he also developed the Mustang Dental Conference and at the end of his academic career he was responsible for creating the Qualifying Program (later known as the International Program) for landed immigrants who were trained as dentists outside of Canada. He edited/authored numerous scientific articles and five books, including writing the leading text on behaviour management of children in the dental office; the newly revised edition will be titled Wright’s Behaviour Management in Dentistry for Children in his honour. As a matter of note, Dr. Wright was the Keynote Speaker at the 2012 Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Annual Conference on the topic of Behaviour Management He served on the Board of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, was an Examiner as well as a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentistry and worked with dentists around the world as Secretary General of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry (IAPD. Among his initiatives was creating Dentists for All Children, which helped academics in low-income nations, and the IAPD International lecture program. Dr. Wright was a Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, at Baylor College in Texas, at Sydney University in Australia, at Ulm University in Germany, and Trinity College in Ireland. -Continued on the next page

In Remembrance of Dr. Gerry Z. Wright A note from Dr. Gregory Westman. Dr. Gerald Wright's recent passing has prompted me to reflect on his influence on my career as a Pediatric Dentist. My first exposure to Pediatric Dentistry was a lecture by Dr. Wright to my first year dental school class at the University of Western Ontario, 41 years ago. GZ certainly commanded our attention and respect. I have many memories of Dr. Wright in the Pediatric Dental clinic during my third and fourth year. He always provoked thought and treated me with respect. Because of Dr. Wright’s lead, the pediatric dental program at Western was very strong. Four of the fifty graduates of my Class of 1982 went on to become pediatric dentists. Following graduation I did a dental internship at Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario. At this time Dr. Wright practiced in the dental clinic at Victoria Hospital. As in dental school, I felt that Dr. Wright took a personal interest in my training. He requested that I manage the dental treatment of a 12 year old girl with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. I was privileged to accompany him in the OR to treat her. On a personal note Dr. Wright “suggested” that I take one of the clinic dental assistants to a staff wedding. This led to a two year relationship with the dental assistant. Upon deciding to specialize in Pediatric Dentistry, it was with Dr. Wright’s input and influence that I applied to the program at Indiana University, his alma mater. Dr. Wright had been a classmate of the program director, Dr. David Avery, and I’m sure his reference bolstered my application. While at Indiana University, I learned that Dr. Wright was well respected by the American Pediatric Dental community as well as being an honoured Indiana University Pediatric Dental Alumni. When I completed my program in Indianapolis in July 1988, I consulted with Dr. Wright with respect to career opportunities. I preferred the private practice option and he directed me to a few offices in Southern Ontario. This included Dr. Keith Morley in Barrie Ontario, a fellow RCDC examiner with Dr. Wright. I moved to Barrie in 1988 and I'm still practicing there today. The last time I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Wright was at the CAPD meeting in Niagara-on-the-Lake in 2012. Throughout my career when presented with a behaviour management dilemma, I often think “what would GZ do? Dr. Lawrence Yanover added some details to the obituary on Page 24. He concluded by remarking that “The dental community has lot a giant”. Dr. Wrights obituary is posted on the website and includes the French version of Dr. Raymond Lee’s remarks. Please see or


The 2nd Global Summit of the IAPD takes place in Taipei, Taiwan on November 6-8, 2020. The Theme is Global Pathway to Evidence-Based Dental Cries Management in Children. Please visit

2) Infographic with recommendations from the Early Childhood Caries: IAPD Bangkok Declaration to reduce the prevalence and burden of Early Childhood Caries worldwide. Click here to download a PDF of the infographic below.

1. //**

MEMBERSHIP NEWS THE 2019-2020 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY IS NOW AVAILABLE In the Members-Only section at This Directory (for Members only) includes:           

The Academy's Vision and Mission Statement List of Committees and Association Liaisons Regional/Provincial Representatives Pediatric Hospital Dental Chiefs in Canada Past Presidents of the Academy Honourary and Retired Members Student Members Affiliate Members Alphabetical Listing of All Members Geographical Listing of Active Members Contact Information

Please check your listing and report any discrepancies to Updates and Corrections posted at


DR. GORDON PAYNE CHIEF EXAMINER IN PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY FOR THE RCDC Why did you choose to specialize in pediatric dentistry? It was really a twist of fate. I always liked kids, but my experiences in the undergraduate children’s clinic were less than stellar. I was caught off guard one day when phoned by Dr. John McComb, who informed me that I had been accepted as an intern at both Toronto Western and Sick Kids Hospitals, and that I had to make a decision on the spot. I chose Sick Kids based on how nice my interviewers were! The rest is history. Where did you do your training?

After delivering the 34th Annual Feasby Lecture at Western University (November 2016) - A career highlight.

My first degree was in Pharmacology and Toxicology at Western. I stayed on at Western to get my DDS, in 1986. I then interned at The Hospital for Sick Children. After some time in general practice, I went back to school, at U of T this time. I completed my Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry in 1990 and my Master of Science in 1992.

What do you enjoy the most about your job? The kids, of course! I love working with children – they are my fountain of youth. What do you find most challenging? Like most Paediatric Dentists, I find dealing with some parents to be a challenge. I have yet to turn a parent from the Dark Side who read bad things about fluoride on the internet. What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry? Basic behaviour management skills! Parents don’t realize it and many dentists don’t either. A great Paediatric Dentist relies more on behaviour management techniques than sedation. Hiking up the trail to the extinct volcano at Diamond Head State Monument near Waikiki Beach, Hawaii while attending the AAPD conference (May 2018).

Dr. Gordon Payne Cont’d You are currently the Chief Examiner in Paediatric Dentistry for the RCDC. What are some of the challenges of this position and what do you hope to accomplish by the end of your term? The RCDC is a wonderful organization and has worked hard to shake its label as an old boys club. I have just started my second 3-year term as Chief Examiner. Our role is changing as the regulatory authorities keep shifting the landscape. Unfortunately, it is the candidates who suffer as a result of this uncertainty. If you could wave a magic wand, how would you want to better prepare candidates who are sitting the exams? In order to prepare for their Fellowship Exam, candidates should practice their oral exam skills. A systematic approach to reviewing the patient’s history and prescribing appropriate diagnostic aids will pay dividends. The Examiners want you to do well – they are not out to get you. Giving my acceptance speech after receiving the Alumni of Distinction Award from Western University (October 2019). A career highlight!

In general, why do you volunteer? It is only right to give back to the profession that gives us so much.

What is your message to Pediatric Dentists (Students, Graduates, Active in the Profession) about the value of volunteering/getting involved in the industry? We have an amazing profession, yet we are under threat from every direction. We all need to do what we can to protect it and improve it. Looking at a Crystal Ball, what innovations in the profession do you foresee (or dream about) in the years ahead? I understand that research is being done on new local anaesthetic modalities. It would be great to have an effective technique that is fast, efficacious, and does not leave kids with a numb lip. As you seem to lead a fairly busy life, what do you do to relax and unwind? Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to do all of the other things I love. I manage to get to the gym three days a week, which I enjoy, but it’s a necessity at my age. My lifelong passion is birding. My latest excursion was a boat trip looking for seabirds about 50 miles offshore from Monterey, California. I have seen nearly 800 species of birds in Canada/U.S. and I am one of the few people who have seen more than 400 species in Ontario.

After a long hike to see the mountain gorillas in Rwanda (February 2017).

CAPD/ACDP Committees and Association Liaisons Working to Enhance Membership Value CAPD/ACDP has a number of standing Committees as well as appointed liaisons with other dental and industry associations, each with specific responsibilities in the service of CAPD/ACDP members. We feel that it is important for you to know that your Executive and Volunteers are actively engaged in the industry and looking out for your interests on both the domestic and international scene. Membership involvement is the hallmark of our Academy. If you are interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact the respective Chair or send an email to

Committees Executive





Chairperson and Members Chair: PresidentDr. Raymond Lee Members are Elected Officers including the Vice President, Dr. Jennifer MacLellan, SecretaryTreasurer Dr. Gregory Westman and Immediate Past President, Dr. Paul Andrews. The EC may request advice from the Executive Director Dr. Ross Anderson, the Parliamentarian Dr. Rob Barsky, RCDC Director for Pediatric Dentistry liaison to CAPD/ACDP Dr. Paul Andrews, and other individuals as required. Chair: Vice PresidentDr. Jennifer MacLellan. Members: Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Gregory Westman, Dr. John Wiles, Immediate Past President Dr. Paul Andrews and other individuals as required. Chair: Secretary-TreasurerDr. Gregory Westman. Members-Vice President Dr. Jennifer MacLellan and Dr. Ian McConnachie Chair: Immediate Past President- Dr. Paul Andrews. Members-President, Vice President and SecretaryTreasurer Chair: Dr. Trang Nguyen Members: Drs. Irwin Fried, Tracy Doyle and Shannon Fitzpatrick

Purpose The Executive Committee shall be the managing body and shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Academy vested with full power to conduct the business of the Academy. It shall have the power to establish rules and regulations consistent with these Bylaws and to establish ad-interim policies and guidelines between Annual General Meetings when such policies and guidelines are necessary for the management of the Academy provided that all policies are presented to the General Assembly for ratification at the next Annual General Meeting of the Academy.

Consider matters related to the interests and well-being of the members and promote membership in the Academy

Prepare an annual budget for submission to the Executive Committee, and investigate and report on financial matters

Nominate from the active and honourary membership, line officer positions.

Purpose of the Scientific Committee: ď‚ŹOrganize the Graduate Student Scientific Session at annual meetings ď‚Ź Assist in the process of selection of topics and or themes in conjunction with annual scientific meetings

Committees Constitution and ByLaws

Scholarship and Canadian Graduate Student Affairs

Chairperson and Members Chair-Vice President Dr. Jennifer MacLellan Members: Drs. Ross Anderson, John Wiles, Michal Goralski, Patrick Canonne, Warren Loeppky Chair – Dr. John Wiles Members-Dr. Keith Titley, Dr. Ross Anderson Liaison to Canadian Graduate Students studying in the United States: Drs. Michal Goralski, Terry Farquhar Liaison at the Canadian Pediatric Dental Training programs: Drs. Joy Richman, Brad Klus, Duy-Dat Vu and John Wiles

CAPD/ACDP National Annual Conference Committee

Annual Conference Whistler LOC 2020

Annual Conference Montreal LOC 2021 CPS Oral Health Section/ CAPD/ACDP Liaison to CPS

Chair: Vice President Dr. Jennifer MacLellan Members- Executive Director, Past LOC Chair, Current LOC Chair, Incoming LOC Chair, Scientific Committee Chair, Director of Operations. Chair: Dr. Anita Gärtner Members-Drs. Lisa Coveney Geoffrey Grant, Luc Magne, Diederik Millenaar and Wendy Tang Chair: Dr. Patrick Canonne Members: TBA Dr. Trang Nguyen

CDA Committee on Clinical and Scientific Affairs

Dr. Anjani Koneru

Access to Care

Drs. Paul Andrews, Ross Anderson, Geoff Smith and Anil Joshi.

CDAC Committee on Hospital Service and Internship

Drs. Geoff Smith and Ross Anderson

Purpose Review proposed changes to the Constitution, by-laws and Rules and Regulations.

 Act, through the student reps at each Canadian Graduate training program as their contacts with the academy. This may involve the dissemination of information to the students, answering any questions from the students, and acting as the students advocate with the academy. Administration and awarding of the Dr. Keith Titley scholarship. Creating the criteria, and implementing the new Dr. Norman Levine undergraduate prize at the Canadian dental Schools.  We are the go to people for the students if they have any questions or concerns  Engage students in the US that might not be aware of the benefits of CAPD/ACDP membership and of being part of the Canadian pediatric dental community. To propose future meeting cities to the Executive Council, suggest candidates to Chair the Local Organizing Committee, review the LOC guidelines from time to time and ensure that recommendations from previous meetings are documented.

To coordinate the venues, educational program, local activities, entertainment and schedule for the Annual Meeting in consultation with the Executive Director, with the assistance of the Director of Operations, Executive Secretary and Chair of the Scientific Committee.

The Oral Health Section advocates for and promotes optimal oral health for infants, children and adolescents, including children and youth with special health care needs. This section also provides expertise and guidelines for children and youth with special health care needs through a number of programs including the provision of a forum for discussion of important child and youth dental health issues between the CPS and the CAPD/ACDP Committee of the CDA that examines topics and comes up with knowledge based position statements and guidelines that are recommended to the CDA Board for approval. Ad Hoc Committee of the CDA with a mandate to look at access to care for seniors, notably in LTC and in access to care for infants, notably the age one visit. This is resulting in the campaign to both dentists and the public on the “First Tooth, First Visit – a time to celebrate”. Reviews all of the accredited hospital dental services and internships (dental residencies in Canada) to insure that standards that are reflective of quality service and education are met in accordance with CDAC.

CDSA Representative Liaison

Dr. Paul Andrews

RCDC Director for Pediatric Dentistry 3M Oral Care Liaison

Dr. Paul Andrews

CDA representative to the CDAC Board

Dr. Ross Anderson

IAPD Representative

To be announced

Dr. Ross Anderson

Dedicated to the representation and advancement of the Canadian Dental Specialties, the profession of dentistry nationally and internationally, the achievement of optimal oral health, general health and quality of life of Canadians, and the support of the profession of dentistry in the advancement of optimal oral health. See Report on relevant RCDC Executive council matters to CAPD/ACDP. Position changes every 3 years. To insure an ongoing relationship with 3M Oral Care and their sponsorship of the 3M Oral Care CAPD/ACDP Graduate Training Presentation Awards The Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) is the body responsible for accrediting dental, dental specialty, dental residency, dental hygiene and dental assisting education programs in Canada. CDAC also accredits dental services. In Quebec, dental services accredited by ODQ are recognized by CDAC The International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD) is a non-profit organization with the objective to contribute to the progress and promotion of oral health for children around the globe. IAPD includes 60 National Member Societies and represents more than 15,000 dentists.

Please note that CAPD/ACDP has made every effort to list the involvement of our Members in the various industry committees and associations. We acknowledged that many CAPD/ACDP members are involved in provincial associations and committees. If your name and committee work were inadvertently omitted, please accept our sincere apologies and send a note to so we may include you in the next issue of The Mirror. The latest updates to the Committees and Association Liaisons listings may be found at


Website Classified Ads CAPD/ACDP Members are entitled to 100 words or less, Free for one month. • You may submit the same (or similar) ad only once in a fiscal year at no charge • Afterward the cost for 100 words or less is $150.00 + HST* for one 2-month insertion • Additional words: $1.00 per (+ HST*) • Ads should be submitted in JPG Format Non-Member rates are also available. For details about advertising opportunities, please see or contact directorofoperations@capd-acdp,org.

The 2019 Annual Conference in Ottawa The Local Organizing Committee was chaired by Dr. Ian McConnachie and included Drs. Aimee Castro, MarieLyne Gosselin, Carol Janik, Ngoc Luong, Nabil Ouatik, Shannon Munsie and Robert Whyte. The Ottawa Team organized a memorable event at the Delta City Centre Hotel, a great Welcome Reception in the Haida Gwaii Salon of the Canadian Museum of History, and a masked President’s Dinner and Dance in the Panorama Room of the Delta. The Conference showcased great speakers, thought-provoking presentations, an amazing trade show, and many valuable networking opportunities.

For the video/slide show of the 2019 Annual Conference please visit


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