The Mirror, May 2019 Revised June 6

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May/June, 2019       

CAPD/ACDP 2019 Annual Conference September 19-20-21 Ottawa, Ontario

2019 Annual Conference Conference Schedule Dynamic Speakers! Accommodation Networking Events Grads and Undergrads And lots more…

Our Valuable 2019 Annual Conference Sponsors


The Haida Gwaii Salon, Canadian Museum of History

Sustaining Sponsor


Sustaining Sponsor

The theme of the 2019 CAPD/ACDP Annual Conference features the stars of the profession including Drs. Kevin Boyd, Clive Friedman, Anne Rowan-Legg, Kathy Momtahan, and Barbara Sheller, with the Conference Summit talk being delivered by the renowned Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull. To enhance the educational value of the event, three in-demand pre-courses are offered: PEARS is presented by QRS Educational Services, Motivational Interviewing Level 1, is offered through Drs. Jennifer Irwin and Don Morrow of The Monarch System, and a 2 hour Symposium arranged through NuSmile, features Dr. Zafer Çehreli.

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Registration Bags

This is going to be one amazing Conference, packed with great information but also the valuable opportunity to get together with colleagues from across Canada. The Welcome Reception is a ‘bring-your-camera’ event at the Canadian Museum of History, while the President’s Dinner offers panoramic views of the Ottawa River, along with dinner and dancing. And check out the Companions Program that the Local Organizing Committee has put together, to help you and your guests explore Canada’s Capital. You can walk, hike, bake, bike, run, eat, explore, shop, photograph and more, as you take in the attractions and history of this dynamic city. It’s a perfect setting for the 2019 CAPD/ACDP Annual Conference!

REGISTER HERE The CAPD/ACDP Room Block expires on August 16th, but don’t worry, right now (May 30th) rooms are still available at the Delta Hotels Ottawa City Centre. The hotel is in a great location— just a short walk away from the iconic Parliament Buildings, the Supreme Court, the War Memorial, fresh food and restaurants galore in the ByWard Market, shopping in the Rideau Centre, the Moshe Safdiedesigned National Gallery of Canada…and you can even walk across the Alexandra Bridge for stunning views of Parliament Hill, the Ottawa River and the Museum of History in Gatineau, Quebec.

THE MIRROR, MAY, 2019 INDEX Get Ready for Ottawa! Our 2019 Annual Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors President’s Message (English and French) Message from the Chair of the Ottawa Organizing Committee Annual Conference Schedule of Events Conference Pre-Courses Speakers and Topics Notice of the Annual General Meeting The Companions Program – for your Conference Guests Social Events at the Ottawa Annual Conference Career Fair Accommodation in Ottawa at the Delta City Centre Travel Information - Flights and Rail Upcoming Events – AAPD, IAPD, CAPD/ACDP In Memoriam: Dr. Gary Derkson Interview with Dr. Michael Casas Collaboration Moves Dentistry Forward, Dr. Raymond Lee Interview with Dr. Karen Campbell Graduates and Undergraduates Students Awards and Scholarship Interview with Dr. Olaf Plotzke Membership Committee - New Categories/Joint Membership It’s Almost Renewal Time! Interview with Dr. Paul Macdonald CAPD/ACDP Committees and Liaisons Classifieds: Positions, Practices, Training

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Important Messages from our Sponsors Sustaining Sponsor: 3M Oral Care Sustaining Sponsor: NuSmile Gold Sponsor: Dentalcorp Silver Sponsor: Sprig Silver Sponsor: Henry Schein Silver Sponsor: Alexion Silver Sponsor: Altima Dental

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Thank you! To the Sponsors and Exhibitors who are supporting the 2019 CAPD/ACDP Annual Conference in Ottawa SUSTAINING SPONSORS





PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello everyone, It’s that time again to renew your membership for July 1st! With continual pressures from regulators, governments and the public, we need to remain the “the voice of Pediatric Dentistry in Canada” and it’s much easier if we can do it together. The CAPD is a “team sport”: we need each and every one of you and we ask that our colleagues who are not members or, for whatever reason, have let their membership lapse, to join us. Besides creating lifelong friendships and enjoying the camaraderie, there is strength in numbers!

Furthermore, with the new “Allied” and “Affiliate” categories, we want to encourage our health partners to collaborate with us as well. Like all Canadians, we are strong and proud of our diversity. I hope to see everyone at our Annual Conference in Ottawa, September 19-21, 2019. The theme is “Evolving Trends and Changing Paradigms”, and you can see the amazing roster of speakers on the website at The Career Fair is coming back for a second year, and for the first time, an extensive “Companions Program” has been created by the Ottawa LOC. Of course, I look forward to socializing with you all at the “Welcome Reception” to be held at the Canadian Museum of History and the “President’s Dinner” at our hotel, the Delta City Centre. Sooo excited! There will be more updates and e-blasts coming, but please do not ever hesitate to contact me/us if you have any questions. C’mon Spring! Happy Summer! And don’t forget to sign up for membership and register for Ottawa! Be safe everyone! 


MOT DU PRÉSIDENT Bonjour tout le monde, C’est déjà le temps de renouveler votre adhésion, d’ici le 1er juillet. Compte tenu de la pression constante exercée par les organismes de réglementation, les gouvernements et la population, nous devons demeurer la « voix de la dentisterie pédiatrique au Canada », et c’est beaucoup plus facile si nous le faisons ensemble. L’ACDP/CAPD est comme une « équipe sportive » : nous devons compter les uns sur les autres et demandons à nos collègues qui ne sont pas membres ainsi qu’à ceux et celles qui, pour une raison ou pour une autre, ont permis à leur adhésion d’expirer de se joindre à nous. En plus de créer des relations d’amitié de toute une vie et de favoriser l’esprit de camaraderie, l’union fait la force ! Par ailleurs, avec les nouvelles catégories de membres « alliés » et « affiliés », nous voulons encourager nos partenaires du domaine de la santé à collaborer avec nous. Comme tous les Canadiens, nous sommes forts et fiers de notre diversité. J’espère avoir le plaisir de vous rencontrer à notre congrès annuel qui se tiendra à Ottawa, du 19 au 21 septembre 2019, et dont le thème est « Évolution des tendances et nouveaux paradigmes ». Vous pouvez jeter un coup d’œil à la remarquable brochette de conférenciers sur le site Web à La Foire de l’emploi en sera à sa deuxième édition et, pour la première fois, le comité organisateur local d’Ottawa propose un vaste programme d’accompagnateurs ( Et, bien sûr, je me réjouis à l’idée de socialiser avec vous toutes et tous lors de la réception de bienvenue au Musée canadien de l’histoire et du « dîner du président » qui se déroulera à l’hôtel Delta City. J’ai vraiment hâte ! Bien qu’il y ait encore plusieurs autres mises à jour et courriels à venir, n’hésitez surtout pas à communiquer avec moi/nous si vous avez quelque question que ce soit. Vive le printemps ! Bon été ! Et n’oubliez pas de renouveler votre adhésion et de vous inscrire au congrès d’Ottawa ! Soyez prudents ! 


You protect and restore them. Before you know it, those smiles will be all grown up. Caring for pediatric patients is both fun and challenging. You never know from one child to the next what you’ll be dealing with: an overly energetic child… a timid or scared child… or a busy teen. In any case, you know what to do. Treat them gently but thoroughly, and before their patience runs out. 3M Oral Care products, ranging from preventive to restorative, are designed to help come to your rescue. • They’re fast and easy to use and help reduce chair time • They’re proven to be safe and effective • They’re designed to be patient friendly and help provide a positive dental experience

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A Few Words of Welcome from your Organizing Committee! Registration for the 2019 Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Annual Conference in Ottawa is well under way. Meeting dates are September 19-20-21. At this point, over half of the allotted rooms at our host hotel, the Delta Ottawa City Centre have been reserved. This year’s Conference also offers two full-day limited attendance courses on the day before the regular scientific program gets underway as well as a two-hour short course that evening. A hands-on Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization (PEARS) course provides exceptional emergency airway management training, specifically geared to Pediatric Dentists providing inoffice conscious sedation. At the same time, two international experts in training on Motivational Interviewing are providing a full day workshop for dentists and staff. Drs. Don Morrow and Jennifer Irwin offer their renowned program that gives the dental team key communication skills to benefit their patients and their practice. The Thursday program concludes with Dr. Zafer Çehreli’s two-hour symposium on the latest in the treatment of irreversible pulpitis of the young immature permanent tooth. The main scientific program, centered on the theme of “Evolving Trends and New Paradigms in Pediatric Dentistry”, fills out two solid days of education with leading speakers from Canada and the United States. But, it’s not just learning the latest in pediatric knowledge and skills; we also have for you a social program where you will catch up with colleagues and meet new friends. Our Friday Welcome Reception takes us to the Haida Gwaii Salon at the iconic Museum of History alongside the Ottawa River and overlooking Parliament Hill. Also, for the first time at CAPD/ACDP, we’ve put together a special Companions’ Program for your family and guests to enjoy the many special places in your national capital. It is a gorgeous city and the area will be resplendent in fall colours. We top off the Conference with the President’s Dinner and Dance along with a few surprises Saturday night high atop the Delta Hotel with a masquerade ball to remember. We look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful city this September. If you have not yet registered, do so now before the registration fee increases after June 15th. Register at http:/ For further information or details, please contact See you in Ottawa in September! Ian McConnachie, Chair of the LOC LOC members: Drs. Aimee Castro, Marie-Lyne Gosselin, Carol Janik, Ngoc Luong, Nabil Ouatik, Shannon Munsie and Robert Whyte

Schedule of Events Thursday September 19, 2019 07:30 - 14:00 08:00 - 16:00 08:00 - 16:00 14:00 - 20:00 17:00 - 19:00 18:00 - 20:00

Meeting of the Executive Council Pre-Course: QRS Educational Services presents PEARS Pre-Course: Motivational Interviewing Level 1 Workshop with Drs. Jennifer Irwin and Don Morrow Registration Desk is open Conference Symposium, “The Pediatric Dentist Clinical Role in Endodontic Management of Young Permanent Teeth”, Dr. Zafer Çehreli Trade Show set up is available for Sponsors and Exhibitors

Friday September 20, 2019 07:00 – 16:30 07:00 – 08:00 08:00 – 16:30 08:00 – 08:15 08:15 - 08:25 08:30 – 09:00 09:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:00 11:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:45 13:45 – 14:30 14:30 – 15:30 15:30 – 16:00 16:00 – 16:45 16:50 – 17:50 18:30 – 21:30

Registration Desk is open Buffet Breakfast Trade Show exhibits are open Opening Ceremony Welcome by the City of Ottawa Keynote address on the Future of the Profession, Dr. John O’Keefe Assessing Pre-Apnea in the Child Dental Patient, Then What? Part One, Dr. Kevin Boyd Healthy Break and meet the Sponsors and Exhibitors, sponsored by Henry Schein Assessing Pre-Apnea in the Child Dental Patient, Then What? Part Two, Dr. Kevin Boyd Lunch for all Attendees Transitioning Patients with Special Needs to Adult Practice, Dr. Clive Friedman Oral Health in Children with Complex Medical Needs, Dr. Anne Rowan-Legg (CPS-Session) Healthy Break and visit the Sponsor and Exhibitor tables, sponsored by Sprig Panel discussion on Infant Oral Tethered Surgery with Drs. Kevin Boyd and Anne RowanLegg, moderated by Dr. Clive Friedman Career Fair and Wine & Cheese Reception for all attendees Welcome Reception and Dinner in the Haida Gwaii Salon, the Canadian Museum of History.

Saturday September 21, 2019 06:30 – 16:30 06:30 – 07:30 08:00 – 16:30 07:30 - 08:45 09:45 – 10:15 10:15 – 11:15 11:15 – 12:30 12:30 – 14:00 14:00 – 14:30 14:30 – 16:00 16:00 – 16:45 16:45 – 17:00 18:00 – 23:59

Registration Desk is open Buffet Breakfast Trade Show exhibits are open 3m Oral Care Graduate Student Research Presentations, sponsored by 3M Oral Care Healthy Break and visit the Sponsor and Exhibitor tables, sponsored by Alexion Annual General Meeting (open to all CAPD/ACDP members) Lunch for all attendees Applying Contemporary Behaviour Science in Pediatric Dentistry Practice, Part One, Dr. Barbara Sheller Health Break and visit the Sponsor and Exhibitor tables, sponsored by Altima Dental Applying Contemporary Behaviour Science in Pediatric Dentistry Practice, Part Two, Dr. Barbara Sheller Homelessness and Health, Our Collective Responsibility, Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull Closing Remarks President’s Dinner and Dance, the Panorama Room of the Delta Hotel, sponsored by NuSmile





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THREE OPTIONAL PRE-COURSES: AN OTTAWA CONFERENCE EXCLUSIVE! PEARS: Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization Thursday September 18, 08:00 to 16:00. $469.00 plus HST per person with Conference Registration (Maximum 32 attendees) Includes Breakfast and Lunch  

Please see for full Pre-Course details and to ensure that you fulfill the prerequisites. For those who have already registered for the Conference and would now like to add this Pre-Course, please contact

Motivational Interviewing Level 1 Workshop, with Drs. Jennifer Irwin and Don Morrow of The Monarch System. Thursday September 18, 08:00 to 16:00 $349.00 + HST with Conference Registration (Maximum 40 attendees) Includes Breakfast and Lunch This is a hands-on or experiential workshop with lots of work in interviewing dyads followed by discussions and integrations into your professional practices.  

Please see for full Pre-Course details. For those who have already registered for the Conference and would now like to add this Pre-Course, please contact

Pre-Conference Symposium with Dr. Zafer Çehreli The Pediatric Dentist Clinical Role in Endodontic Management of Young Permanent Teeth – Children Need your skills. $49.00 + HST with Conference Registration  

Please see for full Pre-Course details. For those who have already registered for the Conference and would now like to add this Pre-Course, please contact


Dr. John O’Keefe, Keynote Address, “The Future of the Profession” Friday, Sept. 20, 08:30 to 09:00 “What got us here, won’t get us there” The phrase in the presentation title captures the realization by the Board of the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) in 2016 that we as a profession had to take innovative proactive measures to help shape the future of our profession over the next 15 years. This realization led to the creation of a 25-person task force and the publication in April 2018 of “Dentistry 2032.” This report of the task force set out four vision statements for the Canadian dental profession for the year 2032, to be accomplished by the profession executing 28 recommendations. Dr. John O’Keefe is Director, Knowledge Networks with the Canadian Dental Association. He graduated as a dentist from the University of Dublin, in 1980, and obtained an M.Dent.Sc. degree from the same university in 1990. He is licensed to practice dentistry in Ontario. He has taught at both the University of Toronto and the McGill University dental schools. He has an MBA from Concordia University in Montreal. In this presentation, Dr. John O’Keefe will highlight the measures that CDA has embarked on to execute 12 of the top priority recommendations and he will emphasize that collaboration will be the Dr. O’Keefe has been chair the communications committee of thepublic Worldand Dental Federation (FDI) also president of key toof“getting us there” in terms of a healthy a strong profession by and 2032. the American Association of Dental Editors. He was senior staff lead for the project that led to the publication of “Dentistry 2032” by the CDA Task Force on the Future of the Profession.

Dr. Kevin Boyd, “Assessing Pre-Apnea in the Child Dental Patient: Then What?” Friday, Sept. 20, 09:00 to 10:30 and 11:00 to 12:30 Specific Human Malocclusion (poorly aligned teeth and jaws) phenotypes are a common finding among children raised in industrialized societies. However, these HM traits are a rare finding in the pre-Industrial skeletal and fossil records, and seldom seen in extant (modern day) aboriginal societies who have not yet been (so-called) Westernized. Many children diagnosed with SDB/OSA have also been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD; certain HM phenotypes known to be (at least) co-morbid with, if not causally related to, development of SDB/OSA and ADD/ADHD, etc., are usually first detectable in very early childhood (primary dentition), and recent evidence suggests that they might even be detectable in utero (mid-gestational ultrasound imaging). Changed dietary regimens associated with cultural industrialization during infancy/early childhood (i.e., nursing and weaning period) and beyond, seem to have played a role in the observed increased prevalence of skeletal-dental HM since the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe and North America from the late 18th- thru the mid/late-19th-Centuries. Kevin Boyd, DDS, M.Sc. is a board-certified pediatric dentist practicing in Chicago. He is also an attending instructor in the residency-training program in Pediatric Dentistry at Lurie Children’s Hospital where he additionally serves as a dental consultant to the Sleep Medicine service. He is currently completing pre-requisite course work in Biological Anthropology at Northeastern Illinois University in preparation for graduate study and research in the newly emerging discipline of Evolutionary Medicine. His clinical focus is centered upon prevention of oral and systemic disease through promotion of healthy breathing and eating; his primary research interest is in the area of infant/early childhood feeding practices and how they impact palatal-facial development, naso-respiratory competence and neuro-cognitive development. He is currently a visiting Scholar at U.Pennsylvania doing research in the areas of anthropology and orthodontics.

Dr. Clive Friedman, Transitioning Special Need Patients to Adult Practice, Friday September 20, 13:45 to 14:30 This presentation will present the current models being used in Pediatrics to facilitate transfer and transitioning of individuals with special needs to an adult based practice. Issues specifically related to Dental and Oral Health will be discussed followed by a dialogue which will hopefully result in the creation of a document and forms that can be distributed to the CAPD/ACDP for use in each person’s practice. Dr. Clive Friedman BDS Cert ped Dent., is a Graduate of the University of Witwatersrand South Africa. He received his specialty in Pediatric Dentistry from the University of New Orleans. Currently Clive is in part time clinical practice. He’s an Associate Clinical Professor at UWO and U of T, a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and a Fellow SCD. Clive was a past president of the ADPD, and iADH. Currently sits on the International Clinical Council on FOP. He has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally with specific interest in Special Needs and Behavior.

Dr. Anne Rowan-Legg, Oral Health in Children with Complex Medical Needs. Friday, September 20, 14:30 to 15:30 Sponsored by the CPS Oral Health Section. Dr. Anne Rowan-Legg graduated from medical school at McMaster University and then completed a pediatric residency at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Following her residency, she worked as a general pediatrician in Sydney, Cape Breton. Dr Rowan-Legg started at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in 2009, and currently works on the Clinical Teaching Unit and in outpatient clinics, caring for children with complex medical needs. She also does a consultative pediatric outreach clinic in Renfrew Ontario. Her interests include: oral health for children and youth, caring for children from military families, and medical education. Dr. Rowan-Legg served as a special advisor to the Canadian Paediatric Society on education and pediatrician engagement in the organization from 2015-2018.

Panel discussion on Infant Oral Tethered Tissue Surgery, with Drs. Anne Rowan-Legg and Kevin Boyd. Moderated by Dr. Clive Friedman. Friday September 20, 16:00 to 16:45

Dr. Kathy Momtahan, The Science of Human Factors and Modern Dental Practice – Learning From Other Disciplines. Saturday September 21, 09:00 to 10:00 This talk with provide conference participants with an introduction to Human Factors Engineering and Psychology, focusing on the topics that would benefit dental practice. Although there appears to be very little human factors research in the area of dentistry, much of the research and evaluation strategies that have been applied elsewhere in healthcare provide some insights into systems design, human performance, and optimal allocation of function between humans and machines that could be beneficial to the practice of modern dentistry. Dr. Kathy Momtahan worked as a critical care nurse for a decade after graduating from nursing school in 1976. She returned to school and obtained a PhD in Experimental Psychology from Carleton University in 1997, focusing on human factors in healthcare. She worked in the hi-tech sector as a human factors specialist for several years after graduating from her PhD program and then returned to the hospital environment in 2002 as a research lead at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and then at The Ottawa Hospital. Kathy has published in healthcare, human factors and engineering journals and founded the Canadian Patient Safety Institute Healthcare Human Factors Network. She currently does human factors consulting, having taken early retirement from The Ottawa Hospital.

Dr. Barbara Sheller, Applying Contemporary Behavior Science in Pediatric Dentistry Practice. Saturday, September 21, 12:30 to 14:00 and 14:30 to 16:00 This lecture will introduce attendees to the psychology behind successful nonpharmacologic behavior management. We can often help patients and their parents by what we say or don’t say, effective coaching, avoiding triggering the child patient’s survival brain reactions, and intentionally strengthening the social-emotional connection with our patients, parents, and team. This seminar is designed to be relevant to Pediatric Dentists of all experience levels and practice types. Barbara Sheller is Chief of Pediatric Dentistry and a staff orthodontist at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Since 1987, she has practiced both pediatric dentistry and orthodontics at Seattle Children’s and nearly all of her patients have special health care needs. She is Affiliate Professor in both Orthodontics and in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Washington School Of Dentistry and has held leadership and committee positions in organized dentistry locally and nationally. Dr. Sheller is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and a Fellow of the American College of Dentists. Her research and publications focus on dental trauma, caries emergencies, and dental management of children with special health care needs. Dr. Sheller is primarily a clinician and values educational programs that offer strategies and techniques to make quality dental care safer, smoother, and easier for children and adolescents, their parents, and the dental team. She strives to create and deliver presentations that blend scientific evidence with clinical experience and give course attendees practical tools to apply in their own practice.

Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull, Conference Summit, Homelessness and Health: Our Collective Responsibility. Saturday September 21, 16:00 to 16:45 Dr. Turnbull, the Medical Director of Ottawa Inner City Health, has pursued an interest in poverty and its effect on health nationally and internationally. He is one of the founders and is currently the Medical Director of Ottawa Inner City Health for the homeless which works to improve the health and access to health care for people who are chronically homeless. As well, he has been involved in education and health services initiatives to enhance community and institutional capacity and sustainable development in Bangladesh, Africa and the Balkans. He is the recipient of several national and international grants and awards, including the Order of Canada, the Order of Ontario, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and an Honorary Degree of Law from Carleton University. In addition to a BSc (University of Toronto) and a Masters Degree in Education (University of Western Ontario), Dr. Turnbull received his Doctorate in Medicine at Queen’s University and later achieved specialty certification in Internal Medicine through the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 1982. Dr. Turnbull has been the Vice Dean of Medical Education at the University of Ottawa (1996-2001), the President of the Medical Council of Canada (1998- 2001), the President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (2006-2007) and finally the President of the Canadian Medical Association (2010-2011)

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry/ Académie Canadienne de Dentisterie Pédiatrique will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2019, 10:15 a.m. at Delta Hotels Ottawa City Centre 101 Lyon Street North, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 5T9 The Meeting will: a) b)

receive and consider the financial statements of the Academy, transact such other business as may properly be brought before such a meeting

Dated at Toronto the 1st day of January, 2019 By Order of the Executive Committee Dr. Raymond Lee, President Please note: Only CAPD/ACDP Members in good standing may attend the meeting and vote.

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The Ottawa Annual Conference Companions Program, with your Guests in mind! As promised, the Ottawa Local Organizing Committee is pleased to provide you, your family members and guests with a host of special activities and benefits to make your stay in Ottawa even more special. Ottawa is a fabulous, pedestrianfriendly city to explore, much of it right at your hotel doorstep.

So to start off…Look what we’ve cooked up for you! Special Opportunity at the Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts Institute Ottawa is blessed with having the only Cordon Bleu culinary campus in Canada. People come from all over the world to learn from the best in the art of fine French cuisine. For your travelling companions, CAPD/ACDP has created an exclusive special opportunity with a 3-hour culinary experience on the art of making French Tarts. Register your guests for this unique Saturday event from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 pm. Space is limited to 12 people. Cost is $170.00 per person plus HST.

Register at To find out more about the Institute, go to

Flash your Badge Program Discounts on museums: In collaboration with Ottawa Tourism, we are pleased to offer discounts at a number of venues around the city. Just click on the link for the "Flash Your Badge Program" on the Ottawa Tourism website. A partial list to consider: In the Nation’s Capital: Parliament Hill, Rideau Hall, National War Memorial, Royal Canadian Mint. Explore Museums: Canadian War Museum, Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Canadian Museum of History, Museum of Science and Technology, Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, Canadian Children’s Museum. Enjoy the Arts: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa Art Gallery, National Arts Centre. Out and about: ByWard Market, Rideau Centre, Rideau Canal, River Boat Cruises, Dow’s Lake, The Haunted Walk, Gatineau Park, Mackenzie King Estate, Casino Lac Leamy.


The Ottawa Annual Conference Companions Program, with your Guests in mind! Companions’ Program - Cont’d We've put together a number of additional activities for you to explore during your stay in Ottawa. You may even have to stay longer so that everyone can enjoy the Ottawa area. Bike Rental: Ottawa has hundreds of kilometers of paved multi-use pathways. It is a great way to explore the city. We are also right next door to the Gatineau Park cycling paths and roadways to take in the glorious colours and test your legs with a few hills. To make all of this easier, we have arranged access to any bike you need through RentABike, a top line bike rental service in the downtown area.

Nordik Spa Nature: Immerse yourself in this relaxation and healing center, the largest spa in North America, set in a beautiful natural setting in the Gatineau hills just north of Ottawa. With its unparalleled facilities, this is truly a multisensory experience to enrich your stay in Ottawa. Follow the link to find out more.

Canada Army Run: So! …. It was a great meeting, the party Saturday night was special. Now get those running shoes on and join in one of the best, most popular running events in Canada, the Canada Army Run on Sunday, September 22. Choose from the 5K, 10K and half marathon for the entire family. For an added test, do the Commander’s Challenge or Normandy Challenge! The events originate right downtown, minutes from your hotel. Registration is open and will fill up early. Check out more details at


Annual Conference Social Events…to promote Networking and Fun! Friday September 20 18:30 to 21:30

WELCOME RECEPTION IN THE HAIDA GWAII SALON, AT THE CANADIAN MUSEUM OF HISTORY Join us for our Welcome Reception unlike any other. You’ll enter the most visited Museum in Canada, designed by the famous aboriginal architect, Douglas Cardinal. Then take the escalator down for a stroll through the Grand Hall with its incredible collection of Totem Poles and fantastic views of Parliament Hill across the Ottawa River.

The Maritime

Once you reach the sculpture "The spirit of Haida Gwaii" by artist Bill Reid, the fun begins with the food and refreshments. You can gaze at the dome above you to see the amazing painting "The Morning Star, by First Nations artists Alex Janvier and Dene Suline.

CAPD/ACDP members and guests will also have exclusive access to “From Time Immemorial”, a recreation of an archeological “dig” of an ancient Tsimshian civilization. We will also explore “First Peoples of the Northwest Coast”, an exhibition of six iconic Native houses connected by a Pacific Coast shoreline and boardwalk. Be sure to bring your camera to capture the many vistas along your way and at the museum for what promises to be a very special evening. Shuttle buses will transport you to and from the Canadian Museum of History. Alternatively, if Mother Nature cooperates, enjoy a pleasant walk along the beautiful Parliament Hill and waterfront areas and across the Alexandra Bridge, over the Ottawa River to the Museum.


Annual Conference Social Events…to promote Networking and Fun! Saturday September 21 18:00 to 23:59

THE PRESIDENT’S DINNER AND DANCE, THE PANORAMA ROOM, DELTA CITY CENTRE HOTEL Put on a ‘mask of a different kind’ for a special evening of elegance, mystique… and intrigue! Connect with old and new friends and colleagues at what promises to be a fun and memorable event being held in the Panorama Room of the Delta City Centre Hotel with its spectacular city views!

The Maritime

Dress up for cocktails, followed by a delicious dinner, presentation of the 3M Oral Care Student Research Award, enjoy exciting Entertainment, Dancing … and more! The President's Dinner is sponsored by NuSmile.


CAREER FAIR! CAPD/ACDP is holding its Career Fair during the Annual Conference on Friday, September 20 from 16:50 to 17:50. The Career Fair is a great opportunity for the new pediatric dentist seeking their first practice position or for the more experienced dentist who is looking for a change to network with hiring individuals or organizations. CAPD/ACDP Conference Registrants who wish to attend the Career Fair do not have to register since there is no entry fee. Entry to the Career Fair is complimentary for all CAPD/ACDAP Annual Conference attendees. For potential “Exhibitors”, what a great opportunity for you, in a one-on-one setting, to present the unique career possibilities that your office or facility could provide to interested pediatric dentists. The Career Fair is a personal and dynamic way of connecting with members of the Academy – new pediatric dentists, graduating pediatric dental residents and those looking to make a career change. To showcase your practice/facility/charitable outreach program, you must act quickly as space is limited. Registration and payment must be submitted by July 1, 2019. Upon acceptance, you will be assigned a specific 6’ table to display your presentation and a tent card with your name on it. Exhibitor Registration Fees: CAPD/ACDP Members: $150 CAD + HST Recruitment Companies: $500 CAD + HST Application is available at

The 2018 Career Fair featured, Left to Right: Chew Chew Pediatric Dentistry, dentalcorp, Gateway Pediatric Dentistry and ToothPark Pediatric Dentistry

Remember to Reserve your accommodation as soon possible. The CAPD/ACDP room block expires on August 16. Reservations for accommodation at the Annual Conference may be made directly with Marriott reservations at 1 (888) 236-2427 or (613) 237-3600 NOTE: Please plan your trip to arrive on September 18th so you can attend the Pre-Courses on September 19th, and enjoy some extra time exploring the Nation’s Capital! The following Room Types are available at the per night Conference Rate, pending confirmation by the Delta at the time the member contacts the hotel. Traditional Double/Double or One Queen, $229.00 Deluxe, $249.00, Club, $289.00, Suites, $349.00 and up

Accommodation information available at

Travel Information for the 2019 Annual Conference in Ottawa Please plan your trip to arrive on September 18th so you can attend the Pre-Courses on September 19th, and enjoy some extra time exploring the Nation’s Capital!

As the official airline of the 2019 CAPD/ACDP Annual Conference, Air Canada is offering a 10% discount on fares to Ottawa (YOW) between September 11, 2019 and September 29, 2019. The Annual Conference fare is available only at, using the discount code ZE279TD1. No discount will apply to Tango bookings for travel within Canada or between Canada and the U.S. For conditions of travel, please review the Air Canada Conference Rate Letter 2019 that relates to this offer, on the travel information web page, listed above.

Westjet is offering 5% off Econo* and 10% off EconoFlex and Premium fares for travel within Canada and 2% off Econo*, 5% off EconoFlex and 10% off Premium base fares for guests travelling Trans-border** into and out of Ottawa from September 11 to September 29, 2019. Please book your flight at quoting the CAPD/ACDP Coupon Code F86OO62. Full details on the travel information web page listed above.

Porter Airlines is offering a 10% discount on available base fares (with the exception of the lowest class fare during a public seat sale). This offer is available from anywhere in Canada or the United States for travel; to Ottawa from September 16 to September 22, and then from Ottawa to anywhere in Canada or the United States from September 18 to September 23. Members must book online at and use the Promo Code CAPD19. Full details are available on the travel information web page listed above.

VALID: September 15th 2019 to September 24th 2019 from all stations throughout the VIA system to Ottawa and return. RESTRICTIONS: Fare applies to a maximum of two passengers per booking. One complimentary stopover is allowed at no additional charge. For travel on all fare plans in Business class, the first stopover is allowed at no additional charge, provided that this stopover takes place in Toronto, Montréal or Ottawa only. DISCOUNT: 10% off the best available fare in Economy, Economy Plus, Business, Business Plus, Sleeper class. “Subject to the conditions and restrictions of the fare plan to which the additional discount is being applied.” EXCEPTION: Discount does not apply in any Escape fares and Prestige Class. IDENTIFICATION: Participants must reference the event’s VIA convention discount code: 13857.


The IAPD’s 50th anniversary Congress

According to IAPD President, Dr. Anna-Maria Vierrou “We are all working at full swing, to prepare unforgettable celebration events to take place in one of the world's most beautiful destinations, Cancun. Delegates from around the globe will gather in this magic part of the world bringing the flavour of their countries and cultures, to join us for four unforgettable days of science, enjoyment and celebration”. Register at http://

And another reason to attend? CAPD/ACDP member, Dr. Germán Ramírez-Yañez, from Aurora Kids Dentistry in Aurora, Ontario, is one of the Pre-Congress and Congress speakers.

The 2020 CAPD/ACDP The AAPD Annual Conference, Annual Session, Whistler, B.C. Nashville, TN September 24-25-26 May 21-24, 2020 Pre-registration begins on Sept 21, 2019

In Memoriam

DR. GARY DERKSON CAPD/ACDP wishes to express the sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Dr. Derkson. We reached out to some of his colleagues and are please to include their memories of Gary Derkson. Vancouver — Gary Derkson, 76, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, December 25, 2018 at St. John Hospice following his battle with brain cancer. His entire family visited him earlier in the day and his beloved wife was by his side when he passed. He leaves his wife, Marg (Cordell) Derkson, his two daughters Kathy Hess (Tom Hess) and Kristy Ormsby (Christopher Ormsby); his four grandchildren Harriet Hess (age 18), Paddy Hess (age 16), Helen Ormsby (age 11) and Cassandra Ormsby (age 9); his sister Holly Derkson and many other relatives and close friends. Born in Winkler, Manitoba, he moved to Winnipeg in his teens. After graduating from Viscount Alexander High School, Gary attended the University of Manitoba graduating with a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD). After marrying Marg, August 5, 1966, his dream to set up his own dental practice became true in Melita, MB and again in 1969 when they moved to Pinawa, MB. In 1975 a decision to specialize in pediatric dentistry led the family to Hartford, Connecticut. After completing his training in 1977, the family settled in Vancouver. Gary taught pediatric dentistry at the University of British Columbia before becoming Chief of Dentistry at BC Children’s Hospital in 1986. He retired in 2004. An avid golfer who took up the game during a sabbatical year in Augusta, Georgia, Gary continued to play with his wife, daughters and grandson through this past summer. A loyal customer of Lee’s Donuts at Granville Island since 1979, he could be found eating a “homecut” donut dipped in coffee with Marg, family and friends on Sunday mornings. An enthusiastic traveller always up for his next adventure, Gary enjoyed cruises and trips to Europe, China and Australia. His annual March visit to Maui with family and friends was what he loved most of all. At heart, Gary was a family man.

Dr. Rosamund Harrison, Professor Emerita UBC: My first sighting of Gary Derkson was at an IADR meeting in Dallas, Texas where Gary arrived, fittingly for Texas, wearing cowboy boots. The "cowboy-image" suited Gary given his western Canadian roots. However, he was very much the cool, thoughtful, always professional, kindly “gentleman-cowboy" of the Gary Cooper ilk, not a self-important, swaggering John Wayne or a belligerent, bombastic Lee Marvin. Indeed, Gary was one of those most gifted clinical teachers. He possessed that remarkable ability for patient, one-one-one clinical instruction that guided the most uncertain student to new learning, and stayed with them always. He generously shared his amazing skill for clinical guidance and learning, with the many UBC dental students and hospital dental residents at BC Children’s Hospital who had the privilege of his mentorship.

Dr. Kelly Wright, Pediatric Dental Associates, Victoria and Brentwood Bay. B.C. It was through Gary Derkson I found my path to a career in pediatric dentistry. I was a fourth year student at UBC contemplating doing a General Practice Residency (GPR) upon graduation when Gary suggested I apply at BC Children’s Hospital where he was head of Pediatric Dentistry. I was the successful applicant and I spent a wonderful year with Gary as my mentor. While the GPR at Children’s was only in its second year when I was there, Gary had already set up rotations through the medical specialties, and when I wasn’t on a rotation, treating patients in the operating room, or seeing patients in the clinic, I was doing one-on-one literature reviews with Gary in his office. The range of medically, physically and mentally compromised children I saw during my GPR provided me a fantastic educational experience. My year with Gary inspired me to apply to graduate programs in pediatric dentistry and with Gary’s assistance, I applied to, and successfully matched with the Pediatric Dentistry program at the University of Connecticut. Gary and his wife Marg often held get-togethers at their house, turning a professional relationship into a social one as well. Dr. Kelly Blundell, Pediatric Dental Associates in Victoria and Brentwood Bay, B.C. I was a dental resident at BC Children’s Hospital and Gary was my supervisor. He taught me so much during my time with him. He developed my dental knowledge and skills, but what I appreciated the most was Gary showed me how to care for kids and their parents. He demonstrated care, respect and compassion for each child and parent that he met. He always reminded me to think of the whole person, not just as a patient. I will always remember Gary's smile and laugh. He encouraged me in my career and was a great mentor. I certainly am a better person because of the time I spent with Gary. I believe he inspired many young dentists that were lucky enough to be taught by Gary. I am grateful to have known Gary and will remember him as one of the great people that I have had in my life.

Dr. Hasnain R. Dewji, ABC Dental, Mission, B.C. Dr. Derkson was a mentor to me as I went through dental school and also after my pediatric residency. He taught me lots of tricks to improve efficiency and excel at doing quality work. Every time I do a depth cut for a strip crown I remember him. Children's Hospital's dental department has not been the same since he left. . Dr. David B. Kennedy, Clinical Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia Gary Derkson was from the Prairies and went to specialty training in Connecticut. He was in general practice before doing his specialty training. I knew Gary Derkson as a very humble man, who was a very solid Pediatric Dentist. He was a solid teacher for the DMD program at UBC; and later took the position as head of BC Children’s Hospital Department of Dentistry. He also worked part time with Dr. Gordon Jinks, a very fine pediatric dentist in Vancouver.



Why did you choose to specialize in Pediatric Dentistry?

My experience at The Hospital for Sick Children as a resident was instrumental in my decision to pursue a speciality in pediatric dentistry. My mentor at SickKids, David Kenny, played the largest role in stimulating my interest. Where did you do your training?

Upon completing my residency at SickKids, I enrolled at the University of Toronto where I completed my diploma in pediatric dentistry and followed it with a Master of Science in neurophysiology of swallowing; also, at the University of Toronto.

Gruppo Gaudente in Tuscany

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

I am fortunate to have a great amount of variety in my job. There are many aspects of my job that I enjoy; the part of my job that is my favourite varies over time. I enjoy working with families, the collegiality of working in a hospital, the opportunity to teach residents and fellows, performing administrative responsibilities and the time spent on clinical research.

Dr. Michael Casas Cont’d What do you find most challenging?

Fitting all of it into the working day. What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric Dentistry is not just about kids; it’s also about their families.

Halong Bay, Vietnam

Industry Involvement - Why do you volunteer?

My volunteering activities largely take place within SickKids. At SickKids, I am a member of the Research Ethics Board and sit on a number of committees. I volunteer because I want to understand how the hospital works and I want to do my part to make it better.

What is your message to Pediatric Dentists (Students, Graduates and those Active in the Profession) about the value of volunteering (the value to the individual; the value to the profession; the value to the community) Doing more than the bare minimum, finding time to try other things raises the profile of our profession and provides one with new insights as to how others navigate the world. It’s a benefit for everyone involved.

Celebrating my Birthday with my family

Dr. Michael Casas Cont’d

Gazing at the Crystal Ball, what innovations in the profession do you foresee (or dream about) in the next 30 years.’ I suspect my position would be viewed as unpopular by most of my dental colleagues, but I would like to see dentistry as part of single-payer healthcare system. The children and families that we care for are likely to be the individuals that most need the social safety net. The social determinants of health and disease mean that those most in need of dental care are often the least able to access it.

Under attack from my daughter's Boston Terrier, Ziggy

As you seem to lead a fairly busy life, what do you do to relax and unwind? Cycling, travel and cycling travel! We travel as a family when we can (our children are adults) and my wife and I travel with friends at other times. We travel together on cycling trips at least once a year. I also cycle in Europe every year with the same core group of cycling dentists: Gruppo Gaudente. This autumn we will take our 13th consecutive cycling trip together.

Cycling in Mallorca

COLLABORATION MOVES DENTISTRY FORWARD CAPD/ACDP continues to expand their high profile role as "The Voice of Pediatric Dentistry in Canada". Dr. Raymond Lee, Pediatric Dentist and current CAPD/ACDP President, sat with Dr. John O’Keefe, Director, Knowledge Networks at CDA to speak about the role the CAPD/ACDP plays in the Canadian dentistry landscape and how collaboration between Pediatric and General Dentists is instrumental for the provision of successful treatments for Pediatric patients. The article, video and transcript of the interview recently appeared in CDA Oasis.



Chief of Dentistry, BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver – just outside the Ambulatory Bldg. where the dental department is located.

Why did you choose to specialize in Pediatric Dentistry?

I developed a partiality for pediatric dentistry during my early years in private practice in Northern Ontario. This strengthened when I became a clinical dentist for the Middlesex-London Health Unit. My thirteen years there, focussing on dental treatment for disadvantaged children, really deepened my commitment to the specialty. Those experiences, and a desire to pursue an academic career with appropriate credentials were the motivating factors for me to specialize after 20 years as a general dentist. Where did you do your training? My undergraduate dental degree (DDS) was from Western (1982). Last fall I was recognized as one of the 2018 awardees for the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry’s ‘Alumni of Distinction’ (see photo below with Dean Cheng). After 20 years of practice, I attended U of T for the 3-year combined MSc/Clinical Specialty program in Pediatric Dentistry. I graduated in 2005 and returned to London to further my part-time academic career at Western.

2018 Schulich Dentistry Alumni of Distinction Award.

Dr. Karen Campbell Cont’d What do you enjoy the most about your job? My career goals as a clinician-academic were to teach at the graduate level and eventually serve in a leadership capacity. Somewhat serendipitously I’ve been fortunate enough to achieve these goals. I served at UBC and BC Children’s Hospital as Director of the Grad program in Pediatric Dentistry and Chief of Dentistry (see photo in OR scrubs, in front of BCCH) and most recently Grad program director at U of T. I am passionate about quality graduate training and, for the most part, I enjoy the challenges the administrative side of academia brings. What do you find most challenging? I am becoming more committed to achieving a healthy work-life balance. For a long time, I was doing too much multi-tasking, working long hours, I didn’t realize there were important things other than my career passing me by. It seems the work is never done, and it is so easy to over-commit yourself.

Rowan and Lewis with their Nan

What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry? I am uneasy when program applicants tell me they want to be a pediatric dentist because “they love kids”. In reality, if you truly “love kids”, you will find it tough to do what you need to do without a broken heart. Pediatric Dentistry is one of the most difficult and demanding specialties to practise; I believe that you are better suited if you are empathetic, understand the way kids view their environment and can “connect” with them at their level. Given that we provide care for children (in some cases vulnerable children) we are under intense scrutiny with high expectations of proficiency. Because Pediatric Dentistry is more an “age-specific” than a “techniquespecific” specialty, there is need for a multifaceted skill set – one has to be skillful in all aspects of dentistry, an excellent communicator (to both parents and in ‘childrenese’), an advocate, social worker, psychologist, have a sense of humour, play-actor, family counsellor, divorce lawyer, cirque-de-soleil agility, know all the popular kid’s movies, games, TV shows AND their characters, be a good singer (and know the lyrics), magician etc.

Dr. Karen Campbell Cont’d

Industry Involvement. Please list the various volunteer positions/activities you have undertaken. In earlier days when I had a young family, I taught Sunday School lessons, was an Elder & heavily involved in fund-raising for our church. For our community Scouting Group, I was on Group Committee and a Scout leader. In later years I focused most of my extra efforts to my specialty. Currently I serve as an examiner for the RCDC. Aside from that I also served for two years as Strata Council President for the 110-unit strata complex I lived in while in Vancouver. a) Why do you volunteer? I had specific reasons to volunteer. Being an examiner for the RCDC was a way to give back to the specialty. Volunteering for strata council kept me aware of goings-on in the complex and in some ways helped me protect my investment. Sometimes volunteering just comes down to practicality – if you don’t volunteer, there is no one else to do it (eg. Scouting leader). b) What is your message to Pediatric Dentists (Students, Graduates and those Active in the Profession) about the value of volunteering (the value to the individual; the value to the profession; the value to the community)? Being supportive of and visible in activities that serve your community and your profession can be a ‘win-win’ situation. Our specialty can be very stressful and it is good to have a break from day-to-day practice to decompress – volunteering can provide this release and benefit those in receipt of your time & effort.

Gazing at the Crystal Ball, what innovations in the profession do you foresee (or dream about) in the next 30 years? Virtual reality training may not be too far away in the future for Canadian dental schools. It is very difficult to recruit dental educators - even part time - to maintain optimal instructor: student ratios. Also, attracting a sustainable patient pool is increasingly challenging for some dental faculties.

Cross-country skiing at Scenic Caves, Blue Mountains

Dr. Karen Campbell Cont’d As you seem to lead a fairly busy life, what do you do to relax and unwind? I love to bake (see photo), especially at Christmas time, and take many samples for quality assurance. Consequently, I have to keep active, especially outdoors (I’ve taken up cross-country skiing (see photo, page 3), snowshoeing, running and hiking) to break the monotony of working out at the gym. I love to visit with my two grandsons, Rowan and Lewis (see photo, page 2 – they are 8 and 3 respectively) and listen to their news. More recently I’ve started to play the piano again – I rarely had time to do this working full-time. Sadly, there is much practising to do….

Baker in Action!

GRADUATES AND UNDERGRADUATES CAPD/ACDP recognizes that the future national voice of pediatric dentistry in Canada lies within its undergraduate and graduate population. Whether students are participating in a program within Canada or in the United States, there is one common thread amongst them all - they are linked together and with their active CAPD/ACDP member colleagues through the CAPD/ACDP website at


Registration for the Scientific Sessions at the Annual Conference is complimentary for Student Members who are Canadian Students or Canadian Residents and are attending an accredited Graduate Pediatric Dentistry Program! This means you can attend the scientific sessions and enjoy the daytime meals at no cost. In addition, there is a special Student price for attending one or both of the Conference Social Events with the Welcome Reception priced at $25.00 per person and the President’s Dinner Dance priced at $50.00 per person. (The regular fee for attending the Friday Welcome Reception is $100.00 and $150.00 for the President’s Dinner.)


Each year up to 5 Graduate students are invited to present their research at the Annual Conference. Invited students are eligible for the 3M Oral Care - CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Award of $1000 which is awarded to the best presenter as determined by a panel of judges. 3M Oral Care also awards a sample of their product line to all graduate student presenters. For full details please visit ***The 2019 deadline for submission is June 3rd***


The Dr. Keith Titley Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Training Scholarship was established to support advanced training in the area of Research and Fellowship in Pediatric Dentistry in Canada. It‘s open to Canadian graduate students who are registered in an accredited Canadian advanced training program in Pediatric Dentistry and who are entering their final year of the program. Graduate students must be a student member of CAPD/ACDP and may be considered for the scholarship one time only. The value of the scholarship is $2000.00 for 1st prize and $1000.00 for 2nd prize. For full details visit


The CAPD/ACDP Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award consists of one award given annually to each accredited Canadian Faculty of Dentistry for a third or fourth year DDS/DMD student who demonstrates aptitude and passion for the field of pediatric dentistry and/or dentistry for persons with special needs. The recipient should be nominated by the Undergraduate Pediatric Dentistry director in consultation with the respective faculties’ awards committee. The recipient of this award will receive $200.00 and a certificate. For further details visit

And just a note…Students looking for information about the NDSE may find this at

Sweetu Shah the recipient of the Norm Levine Undergraduate Award in Paediatric Dentistry at University of Toronto. On either side of Dr. Julia Rukavina-Schep and Sweetu are portraits of Dr. Michael Sigal (L) and Dr. Norman Levine (R)


Members of CAPD/ACDP offer sincere congratulations to the winners of these prestigious awards:

GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE WINNERS! 3M Oral Care – CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Research Award, 2018-2019

Dr. Léa Haikal, University of Montréal

Dr. Keith Titley Pediatric Dental Graduate Training Scholarship, 2018-2019

Dr. Tara Kennedy, University of Manitoba

Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award, 2019  McGill University: Mallory Laframboise  UBC: Michael Wong  University of Alberta: Connor Grimes  Université de Montréal: Andee Goldstein  University of Toronto: Sweetu Shah

Dr. Julia Rukavina and Dr. Paul Andrews congratulate Dr. Shahrokh Esfandiari, the Dean of the Faculté de The Dr. Keith Titley Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Training Scholarship: Sweetu Shah, the University of Toronto recipient of the Dr. médecine dentaire at the Université de Montréal presents the Dr. Normal Levine Undergraduate Dental Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award . They st Prize: between Dr. Andrew Wong, University British Student Award to Andee Goldstein. are1standing portraits of Dr. MichaelofSigal (L)Columbia and Dr. Norman Levine (R). nd



Why did you choose to specialize in Pediatric Dentistry?

I think it has more to do with the fact that it chose me. I was, like many of my peers in the late 60’s, heading off to University to become a “Doctor”, specifically a Paediatrician. When I did not make it to medical school and Dentistry came calling, a very wise decision on my part was in place to exercise Plan B. After 5 years of general practice I had had it with adults and off I went to Indiana for my specialty degree and the rest as they say is history, except for the part where I don‘t ever regret for a moment having made that decision at a pivotal time in my life. Where did you do your training? I received my undergraduate degree in Biology at the University of Western Ontario (that’s how I knew it then and still do now). I completed my Dental Programme at the Faculty of Dentistry, also at the University of Western Ontario. As I mentioned, my graduate studies were completed at Indiana University (IUPUI) in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Hoosier State offered me hospitality, an education, lots of new friends and colleagues and a course in intramural basketball at which I did not excel at all, but enjoyed thoroughly. What do you enjoy the most about your job?

Cleft Palate Clinic

What I did enjoy the most in my profession as a paediatric dental specialist (having retired from full time practice in 2014) was the incredibly simple notion, that by just being honest, kind and compassionate (which are extremely easy to do) with my little patients, I could be and was successful and happy throughout my career. What do you find the most challenging? The painfully obvious answer would be “the parents and caregivers” but that really isn’t the case. The most challenging part of my “job” was to accept the change that was happening with parenting. It became difficult to put into perspective that the parents of these children had a different and new approach to

Dr. Olaf Plotzke Cont’d parenting that I questioned and sometimes found frustrating. It was difficult to accept the lack of boundaries and discipline that was becoming more prevalent. Parents wanted to be their children’s friends. New parents did not want their little ones to have to deal with any of the reality and sometimes discomfort of life and growing up and yet were not prepared to accept responsibility of their actions. Professionally it was difficult to accept that some of my GP colleagues would simply just not try to deal with children at all, even though wait times in London became ever longer. What would have been a simple quick fix became a monumental, possibly painful and expensive situation 6 months later due to the wait. Even now, although every organized dental association or group supports and recommends “first birthday first visit” I still hear from parents “my dentist does not want to see my child until age three but did not refer me to a specialist”. I don’t get it.

What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric Dentistry is not just about kids; it’s also about the about their families.

Schulich Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Alumni of Distinction, December 2018

What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry? Issues from the parent’s point of view are things like asking the receptionist “why do I have to pay more for my child’s treatment here…what do you mean he/she is a specialist…. they just treat kids that’s all…. I don’t want my 6-year-old to miss any school…. why don’t you have evening hours…. what do you mean I have to wait 814 months for an OR in the hospital, my dentist told me you could just put my child to sleep today and finish all of the work right now”? Shall I go on?

Dr. Olaf Plotzke Cont’d Issues relative to the family dentist’s referral included, not preparing the family properly for the referral, making inappropriate claims as to what the paediatric dentist can realistically accomplish on day one and during the entire scope of comprehensive care. I also have a problem with “dentists, be they family dentists and other paediatric specialists that completely absolve themselves from dealing with special needs patients (in my case of course I am referring for the most part to “paediatric” special needs patients, although there is no real delineation of age when it comes to preventive care). Issues from a society that seems to think that, since the government has a programme that offers ”free dental care to all school age children” every dentist and especially the paediatric dentist would be more than willing to participate in such a debacle. Issues from the corporate world that targets children with absolute garbage that is labelled as “healthy snacks and foods”. This is an absolute travesty and yet the almighty dollar rules, especially when it comes to corporate greed and rewarding CEO’s and shareholders alike, never mind the general and oral health of the most vulnerable in our society. Industry Involvement. Please list the various volunteer positions/activities you have undertaken. With regard to our profession, I have offered my time and expertise (acquired knowledge) to giving talks to schools, church groups, Heath Units, Parental support groups, and study clubs. As well I have… What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry? Pediatric Dentistry is not just about kids; it’s also about the about their families.  served on the Executive of our local dental society.  volunteered with Public Health in educating oral care to Senior homes and other health care facilities.  spoken at Grand Rounds to Medical students, Antigua, Guatemala, November 2018 paediatric residents and medical faculty members.  lectured to other health care disciplines at the University level.  participated in dental research and co-authored several papers. And more recently I have volunteered with a Medical/Dental mission to Antigua, Guatemala.


Dr. Olaf Plotzke Cont’d

ICD Induction with Dr. Mike Suzuki

ICD Induction with Dr. John O’Keefe

Why do you volunteer? Because it makes me feel good…is the quick answer. However, I have always felt that I / each of us, has a responsibility to do our part to make our world a little bit better even if I feel I can’t be making that much of a difference. If I can eliminate the consequence of dental disease from even one child, remove their pain and suffering, allow them to live as a child should, then I feel I have done some good. What is your message to Pediatric Dentists (Students, Graduates and those Active in the Profession) about the value of volunteering (the value to the individual; the value to the profession; the value to the community)? Quick answer, see above However, I find being kind, tolerant and non-judgmental so much easier than the alternative, which appears to be so prevalent in today’s world. I go to sleep at night knowing I have done my part, gone that extra step, never mind extra mile to help another human being. The feeling that gives me can never be replaced by the almighty dollar.

Brother, Sister, and my Dad who passed away Dec 2018

Dr. Olaf Plotzke Cont’d Gazing at the Crystal Ball, what innovations in the profession do you foresee (or dream about) in the next 30 years? When I came back to London from graduate school in 1984 and started my paediatric practice, a wise removable prosthodontist working full time at the Faculty said to me “hey buddy don’t you know there will be no more cavities in 5 years?” and here we are 35 years later with more disease, less access to care and no real solutions. What I am hoping for is, a responsible food industry, a responsible government, responsible dental schools, responsible parenting, and a responsible society that worries more about health than biggee sizing their drink or anything else on their plate. I am personally not going to hold my breath. What I would like to see is: a. The ability to use stem cell therapy to replace and heal the sequelae from oral/dental congenital or developmental disorders and any other diseases. b. A simple little pill or drink that would in the worst-case scenario, where dental treatment is required, render the patient totally compliant without any side or after effects and at the same time, if necessary, do the same to the parent/caregiver (a little bit of humour there).

Kids and Grandkids

Dr. Olaf Plotzke Cont’d As you seem to lead a fairly busy life, what do you do to relax and unwind? At the time of this writing April 9, 2019 I am producing a play called The Laramie Project for an independent little theatre company that a group of us started a couple of years ago here in London. (not necessarily always relaxing but lots of fun, most of the time). Cycling, hiking, some travelling, photography, visiting family and friends all help to nicely fill my days in the most relaxed way imaginable. A good glass of wine does not hurt either. While I recently stopped teaching at the dental school in London after 41 years I can honestly say that since May 24, 1977, when I walked into my first office as a Doctor of Dental Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry has given me so much more out of life than I could ever have imagined

Theatre Aezir Company

Membership Committee Updates Dr. Jennifer MacLellan, Chair CAPD/ACDP’s New Membership Categories came into effect on July 1, 2018. Additions to the By-Laws were voted on by the membership at the AGM on September 14, 2018. We look forward to extending our educational outreach to members of the dental community at large. We also urge those members who are “CAPD/ACDP-Only” to consider moving to ‘Joint’ membership in CAPD/ACDP and AAPD with the July 1st membership renewals. It’s a fantastic deal for Canadian Pediatric Dentists! Please see the blue box, below.

Please Note: It is incumbent on all members of Component Society Executive (e.g. Provincial Representatives) to ensure that their membership in CAPD/ACDP is in good standing. This is both a matter of ‘leadership–by-example’ as well as a business consideration when fulfilling Executive duties which include liaising with CAPD/ACDP members regarding membership issues, attendance at annual events and disseminating information from time to time. New Membership Categories: 4.2.6 Affiliate Members: This category of membership is available to General Dentists who are engaged in dental practice, administration, teaching, and/or education in Canada or the United States and are members of the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) or the American Dental Association (ADA) at the time of application. Affiliate members are strongly encouraged to maintain membership in the CDA and /or the ADA. Privileges of the Affiliate members shall be to attend the annual general meeting of the Academy, serve on councils/committees as ex officio members and not vote, receive copies of all general membership communications and publications, attend and participate in all continuing education opportunities. Affiliate members may NOT use the Academy name, membership status or logo, vote or hold office or imply special expertise or training in pediatric dentistry. Membership Fee: $225.00 annually 4.2.7 Allied Members: Pediatricians who are Active members of the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS), or American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) may apply for allied membership in this Academy. Allied members shall pay all dues and shall NOT have the right to vote, to make nominations or to hold office. Membership Fee: $190.00 annually

Joint in CAPD/ACDP and Members the AAPD Just a Membership reminder that CAPD/ACDP Student may join the CPS in the Associate Medical Student Category which is for health profession students enrolled in an accredited college or university program. Annual Fee: $30.00 Most members of the Academy enjoy Joint membership—a special-priced category that includes all the benefits offered by CAPD/ACDP and the AAPD. CAPD/ACDP Benefits are listed on the main website, while AAPD’s membership benefits may be found at Joint membership is available to members who are Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents and whose primary residence is located in Canada. The cost savings to CAPD/ACDP members is noteworthy. In the Full, Active Member Category, if you pay separate AAPD dues and CAPD/ACDP dues, you are paying $690 USD (roughly $870 CAD) to AAPD, PLUS $335.00 Canadian to CAPD/ACDP, for a total of approximately $1205.00 CAD. CAPD/ACDP Joint Membership, which gives you the same benefits, is $818.00 Canadian—a savings of $387.00!

It’s Almost Membership Renewal Time! But you don’t have to do anything now. In a few weeks an email will be sent to all members to ask that they please renew their memberships for the year 2019-2020. MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS BENEFITS

2017-2018 memberships begin on July 1st, 2017.

CAPD/ACDP belongs to a National and International community of dental professionals. The Academy is the ‘GoTo” Organization for all issues pertaining to the oral health of infants, children, adolescents and persons with special health care needs. Please review for full details. The CAPD/ACDP…     

Is the recognized voice for pediatric dentistry with the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) Maintains a close, continuous liaison with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and negotiates exclusive AAPD membership rates for CAPD/ACDP members Maintains close, continuous liaison with the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) Is a member of the Canadian Dental Specialties Association (CDSA) Is a member of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD)

Education and Networking Opportunities     

The Annual Meeting provides a forum for education and opportunities for intra-professional support with peer pediatric dentists, and at a reduced members’ rate. The Membership Directory provides information for referral and increasing communication among members The CAPD/ACDP Committee structure allows members to be as involved in the Academy as they choose. Committees are listed in this issue of The Mirror, as well as on the website. Subscription to the Mirror, CAPD/ACDP’s newsletter, published twice yearly to inform members about current issues and events. Just-in-Time information. CAPD/ACDP’s member communication protocol allows for the transmission of information on a timely basis, while at the same time eliminating unnecessary e-blasts.

Business Benefits  

The CAPD/ACDP website contains updated information about all aspects of the Academy including News, Events, Membership Directory, the Find-a-Dentist Directory, a platform to update your file and more. Classified Ads that allow members to post notices as well as check out opportunities relating to positions and office space availability.

Graduates and Undergraduates 

A page dedicated to Graduates and Undergraduates provides information on Scholarships, Abstracts, 19 Student Member benefits (!), complimentary registration at the Annual Conference scientific sessions, and more.


DR. PAUL MACDONALD Why did you choose to specialize in Pediatric Dentistry? Where did you do your training?

During my Dalhousie undergraduate dental program (1975-79), I chose to do an elective course at the IWK Children’s Hospital in Halifax. My program Director Dr. Don Cunningham then facilitated an Intern year at the Hospital for Sick Children with Dr. Arlie Dungy (1979-80). Dr. Norm Levine stopped me in the hall one day and let me know I would be applying to his University of Toronto graduate program (198082). These three legendary Canadian Pediatric Dentists (all past presidents of CAPD/ACDP) made the choice for me; and I'm glad they did! What do you enjoy the most about your job?

Dr. Paul Macdonald relaxing with a Pint after a day on the Irish links

I think I'm like most Pediatric Dentists: sociable. I really have enjoyed providing an important aspect of healthcare, as well as the engagement with parents, physicians and most importantly the children. I believe our chosen specialty keeps us balanced and "younger" in life.

What do you find most challenging? The most challenging aspect of the job has historically been adjusting to the changes in parental attitudes over the past 40 years. My practice changed … From To To To

The Parents The Velcro Kid The Helicopter Parent The Drone Parent

“Get in there kid and do whatever the dentists tells you.” (Show-Tell-Do) “You're not going to hurt him are you?” “You're going to put her to sleep first aren't you?” “I need to video this!”

Dr. Paul MacDonald Cont’d What is the most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry? The most misunderstood aspect about Pediatric Dentistry comes from our other dental colleagues. They don't understand how we can actually enjoy what we are doing. Industry Involvement Throughout my career I have tried to give back to our profession as much as possible by serving on various committees. I feel honoured to have served as President of the Kingston and District Dental Society (twice) and President of CAPD/ACDP. I have also served as a Dental Director of Ontario's Cleft Lip/Palate Craniofacial Dental Program since its inception in 1987. Why do you volunteer? What is your message about the value of volunteering? My most fulfilling volunteer role would have to be the four missions that I have participated in with Dentistry For All. This charitable group founded by CAPD/ACDP member Dennis Bedard provides preventative, restorative and surgical dentistry to several regions of Guatemala and Nicaragua.

Having fun on a European Ski Holiday

I encourage all of our members to consider future involvement wherever needed. The deepest rewards come from the gratitude of our colleagues and the emotional satisfaction of helping those that would otherwise never receive dental care.

Thumbs up to volunteering in Guatemala with Dentistry for All.

Dr. Paul MacDonald Cont’d

First day of dental school…I’ve hardly aged!

Gazing at the Crystal Ball, what innovations in the profession do you foresee (or dream about) in the next 30 years? While I would love to see the elimination of dental caries in the Pediatric population of Canada, it is an unrealistic dream. My “crystal ball” does foresee the delivery of care with a more pain free approach than that we can currently master. As you seem to lead a fairly busy life, what do you do to relax and unwind? I am happy to say that I have always loved being a Pediatric Dentist. To maintain my health and sanity, I knew taking both family and personal time every couple months to get away from the office stress was important. While I have always played multiple sports, golf has truly been my passion. It may frustrate many of our members, but I find both peace and beauty every time I walk the golf course. Anything else? One of the toughest problems for dentists is staying fit both physically and emotionally. While holidays and hobbies can help, we need to focus daily on our mind and bodies. Yoga was a late discovery for me. I may not “love it” like others, but believe this practice has helped maintain my flexibility and back over the last ten years. Try it and remember that you don’t have to sit in a dental stool to examine those children. Stand up and stretch!

At the 2018 CAPD/ACDP Conference in Banff…Bev & I are at the top of the world at the start of retirement

CAPD/ACDP Committees and Association Liaisons Working to Enhance Membership Value CAPD/ACDP has a number of standing Committees as well as appointed liaisons with other dental and industry associations, each with specific responsibilities in the service of CAPD/ACDP members. We feel that it is important for you to know that your Executive and Volunteers are actively engaged in the industry and looking out for your interests on both the domestic and international scene. Membership involvement is the hallmark of our Academy. If you are interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact the respective Chair or send an email to

Committees Executive





Chairperson and Members Chair: PresidentDr. Raymond Lee Members are Elected Officers including the Vice President, Dr. Jennifer MacLellan, SecretaryTreasurer Dr. Gregory Westman and Immediate Past President, Dr. Paul Andrews. The EC may request advice from the Executive Director, Parliamentarian, RCDC Director for Pediatric Dentistry liaison to CAPD/ACDP, and other individuals as required. Chair: Vice PresidentDr. Jennifer MacLellan. Members: Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Gregory Westman, Dr. John Wiles, Immediate Past President Dr. Paul Andrews and other individuals as required. Chair: Secretary-TreasurerDr. Gregory Westman. Members-Vice President Dr. Jennifer MacLellan and Dr. Ian McConnachie Chair: Immediate Past President- Dr. Paul Andrews. Members-President, Vice President and SecretaryTreasurer Chair: Dr. Elsa Hui-Derksen Members: Drs. Irwin Fried, Trang Nguyen, Tracy Doyle and Shannon Fitzpatrick

Purpose The Executive Committee shall be the managing body and shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Academy vested with full power to conduct the business of the Academy. It shall have the power to establish rules and regulations consistent with these Bylaws and to establish ad-interim policies and guidelines between Annual General Meetings when such policies and guidelines are necessary for the management of the Academy provided that all policies are presented to the General Assembly for ratification at the next Annual General Meeting of the Academy.

Consider matters related to the interests and well-being of the members and promote membership in the Academy

Prepare an annual budget for submission to the Executive Committee, and investigate and report on financial matters

Nominate from the active and honourary membership, line officer positions.

Purpose of the Scientific Committee: ď‚ŹOrganize the Graduate Student Scientific Session at annual meetings ď‚Ź Assist in the process of selection of topics and or themes in conjunction with annual scientific meetings

Committees Constitution and ByLaws

Scholarship and Canadian Graduate Student Affairs

Chairperson and Members Chair-Vice President Dr. Jennifer MacLellan Members: Drs. Ross Anderson, John Wiles, Michal Goralski, Patrick Canonne, Warren Loeppky Chair – Dr. John Wiles Members-Dr. Keith Titley, Dr. Ross Anderson Liaison to Canadian Graduate Students studying in the United States: Drs. Michal Goralski, Terry Farqhuar Liaison at the Canadian Pediatric Dental Training programs: Drs. Joy Richman, Brad Klus, Duy-Dat Vu and John Wiles

CAPD/ACDP National Annual Conference Committee

Annual Conference Ottawa LOC 2019

Annual Conference Vancouver LOC 2020 Annual Conference Montreal LOC 2021 CPS Oral Health Section/ CAPD/ACDP Liaison to CPS

Chair: Vice President Dr. Jennifer MacLellan Members- Executive Director, Past LOC Chair, Current LOC Chair, Incoming LOC Chair, Scientific Committee Chair, Director of Operations. Chair: Dr. Ian McConnachie Members: Drs. Aimee Castro, Marie-Lyne Gosselin, Carol Janik, Ngoc Luong, Nabil Ouatik, Shannon Munsie and Robert Whyte Chair: Dr. Anita Gartner Members: TBA Chair: Dr. Patrick Canonne Members: TBA Dr. Sean Ostro

CDA Committee on Clinical and Scientific Affairs

Dr. Geoff Smith

Access to Care

Drs. Paul Andrews, Ross Anderson, Geoff Smith and Anil Joshi.

CDAC Committee on Hospital Service and Internship

Drs. Geoff Smith and Ross Anderson

Purpose Review proposed changes to the Constitution, by-laws and Rules and Regulations.

 Act, through the student reps at each Canadian Graduate training program as their contacts with the academy. This may involve the dissemination of information to the students, answering any questions from the students, and acting as the students advocate with the academy. Administration and awarding of the Dr. Keith Titley scholarship. Creating the criteria, and implementing the new Dr. Norman Levine undergraduate prize at the Canadian dental Schools.  We are the go to people for the students if they have any questions or concerns  Engage students in the US that might not be aware of the benefits of CAPD/ACDP membership and of being part of the Canadian pediatric dental community. To propose future meeting cities to the Executive Council, suggest candidates to Chair the Local Organizing Committee, review the LOC guidelines from time to time and ensure that recommendations from previous meetings are documented.

To coordinate the venues, educational program, local activities, entertainment and schedule for the Annual Meeting in consultation with the Executive Director, with the assistance of the Director of Operations, Executive Secretary and Chair of the Scientific Committee.

The Oral Health Section advocates for and promotes optimal oral health for infants, children and adolescents, including children and youth with special health care needs. This section also provides expertise and guidelines for children and youth with special health care needs through a number of programs including the provision of a forum for discussion of important child and youth dental health issues between the CPS and the CAPD/ACDP Committee of the CDA that examines topics and comes up with knowledge based position statements and guidelines that are recommended to the CDA Board for approval. Ad Hoc Committee of the CDA with a mandate to look at access to care for seniors, notably in LTC and in access to care for infants, notably the age one visit. This is resulting in the campaign to both dentists and the public on the “First Tooth, First Visit – a time to celebrate”. Reviews all of the accredited hospital dental services and internships (dental residencies in Canada) to insure that standards that are reflective of quality service and education are met in accordance with CDAC.

CDSA Representative Liaison

Dr. Paul Andrews

RCDC Director for Pediatric Dentistry 3M Oral Care Liaison

Dr. Paul Andrews

CDA representative to the CDAC Board

Dr. Ross Anderson

IAPD Representative

Dr. Katherine Zettle

Dr. Ross Anderson

Dedicated to the representation and advancement of the Canadian Dental Specialties, the profession of dentistry nationally and internationally, the achievement of optimal oral health, general health and quality of life of Canadians, and the support of the profession of dentistry in the advancement of optimal oral health. See Report on relevant RCDC Executive council matters to CAPD/ACDP. Position changes every 3 years. To insure an ongoing relationship with 3M Oral Care and their sponsorship of the 3M Oral Care CAPD/ACDP Graduate Training Presentation Awards The Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) is the body responsible for accrediting dental, dental specialty, dental residency, dental hygiene and dental assisting education programs in Canada. CDAC also accredits dental services. In Quebec, dental services accredited by ODQ are recognized by CDAC The International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD) is a non-profit organization with the objective to contribute to the progress and promotion of oral health for children around the globe. IAPD includes 60 National Member Societies and represents more than 15,000 dentists.

Please note that CAPD/ACDP has made every effort to list the involvement of our Members in the various industry committees and associations. We acknowledged that many CAPD/ACDP members are involved in provincial associations and committees. If your name and committee work were inadvertently omitted, please accept our sincere apologies and send a note to steve@capd-acdp so we may include you in the next issue of The Mirror. The latest updates to the Committees and Association Liaisons listings may be found at


Website Classified Ads CAPD/ACDP Members are entitled to 100 words or less, Free for one month. • You may submit the same (or similar) ad only once in a fiscal year at no charge • Afterward the cost for 100 words or less is $150.00 + HST* for one 2-month insertion • Additional words: $1.00 per (+ HST*) • Ads should be submitted in JPG Format Non-Member rates are also available. For details about advertising opportunities, please see or contact

The Annual Conference Welcome Reception in the Haida Gwaii Salon at the Canadian Museum of History, will begin with a stroll through the magnificent Grand Hall. This is just one of the amazing events taking place in Ottawa from September 19 to 21. Early Bird Registration continues until June 15, 2019.

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