The Mirror, December 2016

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December, 2016

The 2016-2018 Executive Committee

 Getting Ready for Winnipeg !  Graduate Student Awards  Undergraduate Page  Toronto Meeting Memories  Committees and Liaisons  Member Activities  Membership Directory  Classifieds  And more… A Huge Thank You to our 2016 Annual Meeting Sponsors Sustaining Sponsors

President: Dr. Paul Andrews Secretary-Treasurer: Raymond Lee

See you in Winnipeg! The 2017 Annual Meeting will take place at the Fort Garry Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre on September 14, 15 and 16. The hotel is located in the heart of the city; close to the Canadian Museum of Human Rights (where the Welcome Reception will take place), the downtown shopping area, the historic Forks area where the Red River and Assiniboine Rivers meet, and where strolling, shopping and dining opportunities abound. Other Winnipeg attractions include the Manitoba Museum, the Royal Aviation Museum, the Royal Canadian Mint, numerous city parks and Fort Whyte Alive.

Silver Sponsors And to add to the excitement of the Fort Garry hotel, did you know that some people believe it has a resident ghost? (You may want to avoid Room 222 when you reserve).

Vice President: Dr. Raymond Lee

SecretaryTreasurer: Dr. Jennifer MacLellan

Past President: Dr. Patrick Canonne

Executive Director: Dr. Ross Anderson

(more on page2)

Parliamentarian: Dr. Robert Barsky Parliamentarian: Ross Anderson

Click to order your copy of the Winnipeg Visitor’s Guide

ARE YOU GETTING READY FOR WINNIPEG? September 14-15-16, 2017 Join us at the Fort Garry Hotel, Spa & Conference Centre Winnipeg Organizing Committee: Drs. Charles Lekic (Chair), Brad Klus, Chris Yue and Jay Biber

Revised Constitution and By-Laws of the Academy The Constitution and Bylaws, as approved at the 2015 Annual General Meeting, are posted on the members-only section of the website in English at and in French at

Message from the President Message du président Season’s Greetings!

Meilleurs vœux !

I would like to take this time to thank all of you for the support you continue to give to the CAPD/ACDP through your active membership. The importance of membership cannot be understated and I would challenge each of you to reach out to just one of our colleagues in your community that is not a member and encourage them to join. As pediatric dentists we lead privileged lives and have a lot to be thankful for! I am very proud that we are all doing our best to give back. The needs of the poor children in our communities is huge and pediatric dentists continue to provide the lion’s share of care despite the poor compensation. Family, community and charity all come to mind as the holidays approach and I think we should all be proud to call ourselves Pediatric Dentists. I wish you all Health, Happiness and Success in all your endeavors throughout the Holidays and the New Year! I look forward to seeing you all in Winnipeg… it will be another great event! Happy Holidays Paul J’aimerais saisir cette occasion pour vous remercier de l’appui indéfectible à l’ACDP/CAPD dont témoigne votre adhésion à titre de membre actif. L’importance de l’adhésion ne peut être assez soulignée, et j’inviterais chacun et chacune d’entre vous à communiquer ne serait-ce qu’avec un ou une collègue dans votre entourage qui n’est pas encore membre et à l’encourager à adhérer à l’Académie. En tant que dentistes pédiatriques, nous menons des vies privilégiées et devons en être reconnaissants ! Je suis très fier du fait que nous ne ménagions aucun effort pour redonner à la société. Au sein de nos collectivités, les besoins des enfants pauvres sont énormes, et les dentistes pédiatriques continuent à leur dispenser la part du lion des soins en acceptant une rémunération réduite. Famille, collectivité et œuvres de bienfaisance sont des notions qui nous viennent à l’esprit à l’approche des Fêtes, et je crois que c’est avec fierté que nous devrions nous afficher comme dentistes pédiatriques. Je vous souhaite la santé, le bonheur et le succès dans toutes vos entreprises pour la période des Fêtes et la nouvelle année ! Je me réjouis à l’idée de vous rencontrer tous et toutes à Winnipeg – ce sera un autre événement exceptionnel ! Joyeuses Fêtes ! Paul

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3M Oral Care-CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Research Presentation Awards Six Students presented abstracts at the 2016 Annual Meeting. The judges, chaired by Scientific Committee Chair Dr. Elsa Hui-Derksen, selected the winner of the annual 3M Oral Care Award. Congratulations to Dr. Edwin Chan, the 2016 Award Recipient. CAPD/ACDP would like to thank all the students who submitted abstracts for consideration and congratulate the students who were selected to present their research in Toronto. Dr. Edwin Chan, University of Toronto: Regenerative Endodontic Treatment of Immature Necrotic Permanent Teeth: 30-Month Follow-up. Dr. Chan received the 3M Oral Care-CAPD/ACDP Graduate Student Award of $1000 for his presentation as well as a full introductory kit of 3M Stainless Steel primary crowns.

Dr. Kunal Chander, University of British Columbia: Effects of Aging on Dentin Bonding and Mechanical Properties of Restorative Glass Ionomer Cements.

Dr. Anne-Sophie Fortin Pagé, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal, Québec: Breastfeeding Improvement in Young Infants Diagnosed with Ankyloglossia after a Lingual Frenotomy.

Dr. Shuang Liu, Interfaith Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York: Canadian Pediatric Residents’ Perceptions, Training and Knowledge of Infant Oral Health.

Dr. Simrit Nijjar, University of Manitoba: Comparison of Manitoban General and Pediatric Dentists Behaviour Guidance Technique Usage and Preference.

Dr. Becky Olacke, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington: The Effect of Biophysical Characteristics and Dosing on Pediatric Oral Sedation Outcome.

More details on the 2016 Abstract Presentations may be found at

On behalf of the entire NuSmile family, we want to thank you not only for your loyalty to our company and our products, but for your insights on how we can better serve your needs and those of your patients and their parents. We invite you to keep the candid feedback coming so that we can do an even better job of supporting your success during our next 25 years.

The Dr. Keith Titley Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Training Scholarship The recipient of the 2015-2016 Scholarship was Dr. Alison Sigal. She was also the first Canadian to be honoured with the AAPD Resident Award

Winners of the Dr. Keith Titley Scholarship with Committee Members, 2015-2016. L to R: Dr. John Wiles, Dr. Alison Sigal, Dr. Keith Titley, Dr. Leena Chohan (the runner up)

Absent: Dr. Ross Anderson

Alison Sigal Certified Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry B.H.Kin, DDS, MSc (Ped Dent), Fellow-Elect

Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award Dr. Norm Levine was the first graduate trainee in pediatric dentistry from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto program in 1960. Norm was Professor and Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto from 1976 to 1993. He was an internationally renowned and respected leader in dentistry for Persons with Disabilities. Demonstrating a steadfast passion for pediatric dentistry, Norm raised its profile and reputation. It is with great honour and respect that the membership of CAPD/ACDP has established The Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry/Académie Canadienne de Dentisterie Pédiatrique Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award.


Laura Rose MacDonald of Dalhousie University here pictured with Dr. Ross Anderson (on the occasion receiving the Dr. D.E. Williams award.)

Guillaume Goulet is accompanied by professor Dre Suzanne Hébert and by the Dean, Dre Cathia Bergeron. © Université Laval / Pascal Duchesne

Undergraduate students actively enrolled in an educational program in dentistry accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada or an accreditation body with which the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada has a reciprocal accreditation agreement, are eligible to apply for Undergraduate student membership. All student members shall be exempt from membership dues, receive copies of all general membership communications and publications without charge. Also…Undergraduate student members may attend meetings of the Academy after registering and paying all

associated fees. For complete details see Section 4.2.5 of the Constitution and By-Laws.

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One of the highlights of the 2016 Annual Conference President’s Gala, was Ross Anderson’s heartfelt tribute to Vic Legault as the Academy’s newest Honourary Member. Here are some things you may not know about Vic. Vic was born in Dorval, Quebec between the two wars into a family of 9 children. Vic says that “In those days, parents had many children. Today children have many parents!” Vic started Dentistry at the University of Montreal in 1955, but in order to bolster his funds, he spent the following year in the Toronto area (Brampton) and was licensed as an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) with the Department of Transport. He returned to the University to retake first year Dentistry and learn more about basic sciences. Vic graduated in 1957. Past President Patrick Canonne presents the Honourary Member plaque to Victor Legault

After completing his second and third years in Dentistry, Vic was enrolled for one year by the International Civil Aviation Organization to work in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where Independence had just been declared. He Worked as ATC in charge in Leopoldville Airport (Kinshasa today) for 6 months.

On December 27, 1960 Vic married Andrée Gagnon in the Lovanium University chapel (built by Le Corbusier). But then he was detached to Kamina Airport, a former Belgian military base in the Katanga province, for another 6 months, as ATC in charge. Afterward, Vic returned to Montreal to complete his 4th year in Dentistry, and graduated in 1962 with a DDS. As Vic says, “I must have been the first dental student to ever take two ‘sabbatical years’ and still graduate! It had taken me ‘only’ 7 years, but gave me a strong base to build on”. After one year in General Practice, Vic moved the family to Rochester NY, where, at Eastman Dental Dispensary (EDD), from 1963 to 1965, he earned a Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry. Vic and Andrée

Vic noted that “During my stay at EDD, I had the pleasure and opportunity to cooperate with the Research Team of Michael Buonocore, and contribute to the elaboration of the now famous BisGMA, the original composite of Methylmetacrylate used in dentistry today. In the wake of this research, EDD also commercialized the Eastman 910, a cyanoacrylate that is now better known as ‘Crazy Glue’!

And here’s just a short summary of Vic’s Professional Activities…         

Private practice in Pediatric Dentistry, 5757 Decelles, Montreal, 1965-2009 Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, U of M, 1965-1972 ( with Dr. Georges Perreault ) Founder of the Dental Clinic for Children with Special Needs, Hôpital Marie-Enfant, Montreal, and Clinician in charge, 1967- 2009. Clinician-in-charge, Pediatric Dentistry, U of M, 1979- today. Member of ODQ, CAPD/ACDP, AAPD, ADQ, ADPQ, FDSQ. Lectured in Montreal, Toronto, Jerusalem, Paris, etc. President of the Federation of Dental Specialists of Quebec, 1978- 2016. CAPD/ACDP Executive Director, 1996-2016 “Father of 2 normal children and 4 normal grandchildren and still married to Andrée”!

The 2016 Annual Meeting in Toronto: History, Hospitality, Great Educational Sessions and Fun for All The Local Organizing Committee, chaired by Dr. Raymond Lee and assisted by Drs. Franklin Young and Bob Hustwitt organized an excellent event at the Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel. From the Opening Reception at the Hockey Hall of Fame (and the souvenir pucks that everyone received) to the President’s Gala Dinner and Dance, the event was packed with surprises (note: the Lion Dance that chased away evil spirits before the Conference began) plus great speakers, an amazing trade show and great networking opportunities. Here is a photo gallery of memories for both those who attended and those who were unable to attend.

A slide show presentation of the 2016 Annual Meeting may be found at

Remembering Dr. Arlington Franklin Dungy, DDS Dr. Arlington Dungy, a true gentleman and exemplary member of our profession, passed away peacefully on Saturday April 30, 2016, in Ottawa at 83 years of age. Throughout his career as a clinician, teacher, and leader in Dentistry he touched the lives of many and helped shape the careers of dentists as well as students of dentistry, medicine and allied health. Soft spoken and wise, Arlie, as he was known by his friends and colleagues, was a visionary leader who effected changes for the advancement of oral health care and education, always keeping true to his philosophy of inclusiveness and opportunities for marginalized populations. I came to know Dr. Dungy when he was Chief of Dentistry at the Hospital for Sick Children (now SickKids) and I was a dental resident. His knowledge, patience, and compassion made him a most valued mentor and I have carried many of his lessons and clinical tips with me through the years. As a matter of fact, I still think of him every time I use a particular bur I termed the ‘Dungy diamond’. In 1981, the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) recruited Dr. Dungy as Chief of Dentistry where he served for many years providing administrative guidance in furthering the development of the Dental Division at the hospital, as well as clinical care to medically complex children with significant dental challenges. Dr. Dungy later moved on to become a vital member of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa as Adjunct Professor of Surgery, while maintaining an association with the dental service at the hospital. He was eager to develop an oral health component for the undergraduate medical curriculum revision in 2008, and I was honoured to work with him to take it forward as content expert for this module. Years later when he was no longer affiliated with CHEO, Arlie would often come to visit us at the dental clinic. During his remarkable career at the Faculty of Medicine, he served in a number of leadership roles, including Associate Dean of Alumni and Student Affairs and Associate Dean of Professional Affairs. The education and support of students was very important to Dr. Dungy. He established his first of two scholarships in 1997, the Hilda Rebecca Dungy Memorial Scholarship, which provides financial assistance to medical students in need. In a collective effort first proposed by Dean Peter Walker, he was instrumental in the foundation of the Indigenous Program (known then as the Aboriginal Program) in 2005 and became the program’s first Director. The Arlington F. Dungy Scholarship was created in his honour on the occasion of his retirement as Associate Dean and Director of the Indigenous Program at the Faculty of Medicine. This scholarship is awarded annually, ensuring continued support for medical students in the program. As Dr. Dungy was respected by his colleagues, he was equally respectful and supportive of them. There are many of us that are proud and grateful to have had the good fortune of knowing Arlie as a colleague, mentor, teacher and friend. He will be truly missed, but the contributions of Dr. Arlington F. Dungy to the profession will be treasured and his legacy will live on and surely influence generations to come. Respectfully Submitted, Dr. B. Carol Janik Division of Dentistry, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Lecturer (Oral Health) Dept. of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa

Pediatric Dentistry in Nunavut Dr. Lawrence Yanover DDS PhD Dip Paedo On July 6, 2014, I began providing pediatric dentistry with my first one week visit to Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut, treating patients at Qikiqtani General Hospital. We generally serve the eastern or Baffin region of Nunavut, caring for children requiring extensive dental treatment under general anaesthesia, with most being flown to Iqaluit. I am part of a team of pediatric dentists that currently includes Dr. Kathy Zettle of Guelph ON and Dr. Greg Westman of Barrie ON, providing 11 weeks of care per year to the children of the territory. Over 85% of preschoolers have dental caries, with a mean of 8.2 deciduous teeth affected, greatly exceeding similar counts for southern Canadians. Although some treatment is provided by dentists travelling to local community clinics, many of the children are flown to either our facility or that in Churchill, Manitoba for comprehensive care under general anaesthesia, often depending upon ease of travel, as Churchill is easier to reach from the western or Kitikmeot region of Nunavut. My journey from Ottawa to Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut is more than 6,000 miles and takes about three hours. My patients, along with a caregiver, travel from as far away as Arctic Bay, a five hour flight costing upwards of $2000 each. They stay overnight in Iqaluit, have treatment completed and return home the following day after recovery, as long as the weather cooperates. I see four patients a day for five days. The families are appreciative of the service provided as many children have pain and wait times for care might be a year. The people of Nunavut are trying to address the significant dental needs of their citizens with more access to care along with comprehensive preventive programs. They are challenged by complex social circumstances that include isolation, crowded housing and food insecurity. I am grateful to have the opportunity to serve the children of Nunavut and look forward to my next visit. In closing, I would like to thank Pat Fehr, Val Friesen and Barb Drysdale, my adventurous dental assistants, who have accompanied me to Nunavut to work in the operating room. We are supported by a wonderful team of nurses led by Ann Collier and an administrative staff of Jude Lewis, Carla Tobin and Joanna Taptuna who have to arrange flights and housing for each family as well as planning each day‘s operating room schedule. This is truly a team effort.

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AAPD Life Members Life membership is awarded to Active members who have been in good standing for 30 years, in recognition of their commitment to the Academy. CAPD/ACDP congratulates the four newest members to have achieved this milestone.

Dr. Patrick Canonne Past President, CAPD/ACDP Saint-LĂŠonard, QC

Dr. Alan R. Milnes with Teo Kelowna, BC

Dr. Olaf B. Plotzke London, Ontario

Dr. Frances E. Telch with Dr. Joseph Telch and Callan Toronto, Ontario

Important Industry Dates for your Calendar 2017 and Beyond CAPD/ACDP’s Communications Committee has compiled a list of dates that may be of interest to members. Please contact the respective organizations for event details.


Sept 14-15-16, 2017: Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba Details announced Feb, 2017 Sept 13-14-15, 2018: Annual Conference, Banff, Alberta


May 31-June 3, 2017 Vancouver, BC. 94th Annual Conference


September 23, 2017 Calgary, AB.

52nd Annual Convocation Ceremony.

AAPD  

May 25-28, 2017 Washington, D.C. 70th Annual Session May 24-27, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii 71st Annual Session


June 20-23, 2018: 14th Congress, Lugano, Switzerland


October 4-7, 2017: 26th Congress, Santiago, Chile

The CAPD/ACDP Gavel Gav’el. N. (Old English) chairman’s or auctioneer’s or authority’s hammer. (OED) In Medieval England the word ‘gavel’ often referred to a tribute or payment made with something other than cash, such as harvested grain, animals (cattle, pigs or sheep) or service. These agreements were set in the English Land-Courts and proclaimed by the sound of a “gavel”. This word originated in the Old English “gafol” – meaning “tribute”. This would be prefixed to any non-monetary payment given to the lord or owner of the land e.g. “gavel-malt”. Thus the use of the sound of a gavel striking the soundblock signified the completion of the agreement for that year. This setting of the use of, originally, a “mason’s maul” came into use to signify authority and to maintain order in meetings, hence the “Chairman’s Gavel”. Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure states that in addition to an optional light tap after a vote, there are three other uses of a gavel: 1. To attract attention and call a meeting to order. In most organizations, two taps raises and onetap seats the assembly/committee, in others two taps raises and three taps seats it. 2. To maintain order and restore it when breached in the course of any proceedings the gavel should be rapped once, but vigorously. 3. To be handed to successors in office (The Chairman, President, etc.) or to officiating officers on ceremonial occasions. Improper use includes banging in an attempt to drown out a disorderly member, but only to give one vigorous tap at a time until order is restored. The Chairman should not lean on a gavel, juggle or toy with it or use it for threatening behaviour.

The CAPD/ACDP gavel comprises the hammer, of two parts - the shaft and the head. The shaft is made from English Yew and the figuring comprises the heartwood, dark cinnamon in colour, and the

sapwood, which is yellow. The combination of the two gives flexibility to the shaft. The English longbow was always made of the same wood combination giving the great strength and flexibility to the bow. The head or hammer is of English Oak and is always rounded, but may be made in other styles, such as a mason’s hammer with a square head. This CAPD/ACDP Gavel has the traditional round head but turned to give a convex rounded striking head at each end. The “Sound Block” serves to increase the sound of the strike. This sound-block is made of Sycamore (a type of Maple) and includes an inset of burled (figured) Elm. The latter is for decoration only.

The Making of the Gavel. For the gavel itself the first piece to be made is always the head. A piece of suitable wood – always a hard wood such as Oak or Ebony (in times past ivory) – trimmed to be exactly square in cross-section and of sufficient length to provide all the necessary size but also to allow end-wastage used to hold the wood in the lathe. Exactly in the middle of the piece of wood and in the centre of one face is drilled an accurate hole of the size that will allow the shaft end, or spigot, to be inserted. The headpiece is mounted and turned to the appropriate shape as desired. It is then sanded sequentially down from a 150 grit to 240 or 600 grit to achieve a smooth finish. The wood is then sealed with a wood sealer (sanding-sealer) and then further finished using fine wire wool. The head is finally waxed to a high polish. The second piece of wood – for the shaft – is similarly cut to the desired length and accurately squared off. The shaft is turned to the desired length and shape. As for the head it is sanded, sealed and polished. If all procedures have been accurately completed the top end of the shaft – as a spigot – should fit exactly, but no too tightly, into the hole of the head/hammer. A vertical cut is made in the spigot, which is glued and driven into the hole in the hammerhead. A wooden wedge, usually of oak or a contrasting colour of wood, is driven into the vertical cut of the shaft spigot thus wedging it tight. Any excess spigot is cut away with a fretsaw, polished and finished. The sound block is made from any suitable wood and turned as a disc. If an insert is to be used then a disc of a hard contrasting wood is turned, sanded, polished and finished. Ideally this is completed before turning the main sound block. A recess is turned into the sound block and the decorative disc, which should be an exact fit, is glued into place. After the glue has set the whole sound block receives a final sanding and wax polish. Prof. M.E.J. Curzon, BDS, PhD, DSc, FRCD(Can), Emeritus Professor of Child Dental Health Puerorum sumere curam Martin Curzon, an Honourary Member of CAPD/ACDP added that the gavel took about 5 hours to make, and that for proper maintenance, “Just polish once or twice a year with furniture wax. The gavel has been finished in beeswax and that just needs recharging once in a while”.

Advertising with CAPD/ACDP >>ONE MONTH FREE TO MEMBERS<< Classified Ads – Banners – The Mirror Contact for more details

These ads appear on the Classifieds Page as of December 9, 2016    

Motivated Full Time Pediatric Dentist in Edmonton, Alberta Assistant/Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, University of Manitoba Full Time/Part Time Pediatric Dentist in the Greater Toronto area, Ontario Full Time Pediatric Dentist in London, Ontario

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This Directory (for Members-only) includes:         

The Academy's Vision and Mission Statement List of Committees and Association Liaisons Regional/Provincial Representatives Pediatric Hospital Dental Chiefs in Canada Past Presidents of the Academy Honourary and Retired Members Student Members Alphabetical Listing of All Members Geographical Listing of Active Members

Please check your listing and report any discrepancies to Updates and Corrections will be posted at

CAPD/ACDP INTERVIEW WITH DR. DENNIS BEDARD (HONOURARY MEMBER OF CAPD/ACDP) ON DENTAL MISSIONS TO GUATEMALA, THE PHILIPPINES AND NICARAGUA. When and why did you initially decide to provide dental services in Central America and the Philippines? I had been practicing for a number of years and always had in the back of my mind that wouldn’t it be nice to provide dental services to those less fortunate in the world. We seemed to have so much in Canada and it only seemed reasonable to share some of our good will. A professor of Nursing, Wendy Neander, was at that time bringing her three children to my office in Edmonton. She mentioned that she was taking nursing students on a sixweek public health course to Guatemala. She had been running this course for a few years. On the spur of the moment, I asked if they required a dentist to join their team. She said she would talk to her people in Guatemala and word came back, “Yes”. And thus the journey of providing dental services to the less fortunate, the working poor was formed. In May of 1995, my daughter, Nicole and I joined Wendy and about 20 nursing students and we traveled to Guatemala, working mostly in the western highlands with the Mayan Indian population. Bev and Dennis Bedard

At that time there were not many white people traveling to these areas. Our daughter who was blonde and pale would frighten the children and some would begin to cry as they thought she was a ghost. There were no phones, no internet, nothing in this village of at that time of 12,000 people. The world could have ended and we would not have known until the weekend.

What were your expectations when you first visited each country and how were these expectations met? Were the patient problems as you expected? much worse? Each country provides their own unique experience.

In Guatemala we were working mostly with the indigenous population. When we first started traveling there, the war was still in progress. It was a violent country. We expanded our work to include clinics in the western highlands, the southern coastal region, Guatemala City and the northern area of the country near the jungle and close to Belize. The distances were huge as the roads were not great. If you had to travel 400 km, it would take 8 hours. There was never a short drive. But what a stunning country. We did our last mission to Guatemala in 2009 as Dr. Brad Krusky, a pediatric dentist from Calgary became the coordinator for the country. In 1999, we did our first mission to the Philippines. This country presented their own unique problems. Manila is a huge city, over 12 million people. There are over 4 million slum dwellers. The population of Manila has the highest population density in the world. It is a long trip from Edmonton to Manila. It has gotten better as they now have a direct flight from Vancouver to Manila (15 hours there, only 11 hours return – its downhill). Arriving there was an experience. People, crowds, pushing, looking for your ride, never having met the people you will work with. We were working with on order of Nuns, The Religious of the Virgin Mary. I remember when Bev and I were taken to the area we would be staying and working, it was in the slum area called Payatas A. This area was very close to the dump where there was 15 stories of Setting up the clinic garbage and this is how many people made their living claiming recyclable from the dump. My thought was what had I gotten ourselves into. Taxi drivers would not drive into the area at night as it was not safe. We would see rats running along in to the ditches beside the sidewalks. We had a rat in our room. Huge cockroaches. But what was important and something we would never forget and was very humbling, they gave us the best that they could afford. Our first week, we worked at the kindergarten. I forget how many children I saw that week, but I would just shake my head when they opened their mouths, and all I could do was decide which side of the mouth would have their teeth extracted as they were all abscessed with draining fistulas. These children probably did not know what it was like to eat without pain and discomfort. The people were the friendliest and kindest people we had ever encountered. Eventually we had to give up the Philippines as we could not find people to help us and could not sustain doing three countries in one year. Another factor was that it is dangerous. They had communist rebels in the north, and the Abu Sayaft terrorist in the southern part of the country. We had to constantly be vigilant as to our whereabouts and the situations we were in. One year the President, Estrada was impeached. One million people turned out to protest. That night we could here gunfire the entire night. In 2001 we began traveling to Nicaragua. We had met a priest, Padre Denis Hebert who had been working in Managua for about 10 years. Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere, only Haiti is poorer. We were working in the northwest area of the country in the province of

Chinandega, one of the poorest provinces of the country. The villages we travelled to were among the poorest. When we arrived in 2001, the country was still recovering from Hurricane Mitch that had passed through the country in 1998. Roads were still in disrepair, temporary bridges were being used as the old bridges had been washed away. New bridges were being constructed, but this would take a long time to be completed. Of all the countries we had established missions in, Nicaragua would prove to be the most challenging. We were working with a men group in the north that had been established for a number of years. Their organizational skills were somewhat lacking. They always had a rotation of villages for us to work in, but there was really no preparation for our needs. Our very first time there, we arrived in the evening, we cleared customs, were introduced to our two drivers The first patient in the Managua Clinic and were sent north for a 4-hour drive over a very rough road. We arrived in Somotillo around 2:30 AM and of course they forgot that we would need a place to sleep. We slept in a men’s compound (that is all I will say of the place). Neither of our drivers spoke English and we spoke very limited Spanish. We traveled to many villages, but things were always trying. Finally we broke away from the men’s group and went independent. We chose 4 main villages we had a good working relationship with. We told them we would return to their village every 4 years. They would organize the surrounding, smaller villages to attend our clinics on designated days. It has worked very well. We use the local charity that Padre Denis had established for our contact between us and the villages. It is successful. This year (2016) we established a clinic in the city of Managua in the Barrio of Edgar Lang. This is a working poor area. We have done this in honor of Padre Denis who passed away in 2015.

What was the attitude of the patients who were receiving treatment? How did the treatment end up changing the quality of life for these patients? Patients are always so appreciative of the care that they receive from our teams. In most countries the price of dental services is beyond the reach of the poor or working poor. If you are making $2.00 a day and it cost $8.00 to have your tooth extracted, you will live with a lot of pain before you will seek treatment. A person will live with much pain and discomfort without having treatment. That is why we sometimes will see many patients with draining fistulas in their mouths and untreated caries. Our work changes their quality of life. We are able to get people out of pain. We change their smiles. One of our Nicaraguan coordinators explained to us that when our treatment was completed, there was

so much more smiling people. They realize their front teeth are decayed, and when they smiled, they would bring their hand up to cover their mouths and shields their unsightly teeth. We come in, restore their teeth, they are so happy and they give us big smiles. One of our motto’s for Dentistry for All is: Change a Smile, Change a Life. This is so true in these countries. What we take for granted is a new experience for the patient. I remember a 13 yr. old girl who required some restorations. My colleague anaesthetized her, giving her a lower block. He restored her teeth and as he was sitting her up, she began to cry. We asked the interpreter to ask what was wrong as all the hard part was completed. He spoke to her and said she was crying because we had “stolen” her lip (she couldn’t feel it). We provided her with a mirror to show her that her lip was still there and things would go back to normal in a couple of hours. She did return to have her other restorations done.

How have the missions personally affected your own life? The affect these missions have had on Bev and I lives has been unexplainable. We wonder why we were not born on a mountain in Guatemala or the slums of Manila or a remote village in Nicaragua. Why have we been so fortunate to have all the amenities of life and the choices to do what we want? We keep threatening that we are going to retire, as we have found people to continue the missions in Guatemala, Dr. Brad Krusky and Nicaragua, Dr.’s Blaine and Trudy Aucoin. But Bev and I found that further need of services in Managua. We travel there two times a year now, Jan/Feb and in October. There is a pull that giving to others, no strings attached that makes you want to continue. The thanks in the smiles is more than enough to bring you back, year after year. Our first child patient in Managua

What message would you send to 1st-2nd-3rd year Graduates? I would recommend everyone should try a dental mission. There are so many good charitable organizations around our country that provide services. Pick one that meets your needs and investigate the organization and if it meets your needs go with them. We welcome dental students to travel with us. It is such a great experience. It takes planning, but is doable. I believe that last year over 20 dental students from the University of Alberta Dental school went on dental missions. Check out our website: We are registered charity that Bev and I established in 2000. My email address is:

CAPD/ACDP Committees and Association Liaisons Working to Enhance Membership Value CAPD/ACPD has a number of standing Committees as well as appointed liaisons with other dental and industry associations, each with specific responsibilities in the service of CAPD/ACDP members. We feel that it is important for you to know that your Executive and Volunteers are actively engaged in the industry and looking out for your interests on both the domestic and international scene. Membership involvement is the hallmark of our Academy. If you are interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact the respective Chair or contact Committees





Chairperson and Members Chair: PresidentDr. Paul Andrews Members are Elected Officers including the Vice President, Dr. Raymond Lee; SecretaryTreasurer, Dr. Jennifer MacLellan; and Past President, Dr. Patrick Canonne. The EC may request advice from the Executive Director, Parliamentarian, RCDC Councillor for Pediatric Dentistry liaison to CAPD/ACDP, and other individuals as required. Chair: Vice President, Dr. Raymond Lee Members: Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Jennifer MacLellan; Dr. John Wiles, Past-President, Dr. Patrick Canonne and other individuals as required. Chair: Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Jennifer MacLellan Members: Vice President, Dr. Raymond Lee; and Dr. Ian McConnachie Chair: Past President, Dr. Patrick Canonne Members: President, Dr. Paul Andrews, Vice President, Dr. Raymond Lee; and Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Jennifer MacLellan


The Executive Committee shall be the managing body and shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Academy vested with full power to conduct the business of the Academy. It shall have the power to establish rules and regulations consistent with these By-Laws and to establish ad-interim policies and guidelines between Annual General Meetings when such policies and guidelines are necessary for the management of the Academy provided that all policies are presented to the General Assembly for ratification at the next Annual General Meeting of the Academy.

Consider matters related to the interests and well-being of the members and promote membership in the Academy.

Prepare an annual budget for submission to the Executive Committee, and investigate and report on financial matters.

Nominate line officer positions from the active and honorary membership.




Constitution and By-Laws

Chairperson and Members Chair: Dr. Elsa Hui-Derksen Members: Drs. Sonia Chung, Irwin Fried, Phu-My Gep, Choo-Kar Kua, Charles Lekic, Regina Revuelta, Trang Nguyen Chair: Dr. Judy Martin

Chair-Vice President Dr. Raymond Lee Members: Drs. Ross Anderson, John Wiles, Michal Goralski, Patrick Canonne, Warren Loeppky

Purpose Purpose of the Scientific Committee: Organize the Graduate Student Scientific Session at annual meetings. Assist in the process of selection of topics and or themes in conjunction with annual scientific meetings. To design a communications strategy that effectively engages and informs the membership and the Academy’s various stakeholders through e-mails, e-blasts, the website and The Mirror, with the assistance of the Executive Secretary and the Director of Operations. Review proposed changes to the Constitution, by-laws and Rules and Regulations.

Scholarship and Canadian Graduate Student Affairs

Chair: Dr. John Wiles Members: Dr. Keith Titley; Dr. Ross Anderson

Act, through the student reps at each Canadian Graduate training program as their contacts with the Academy. This may involve the dissemination of information to the students, answering any questions from the students, and acting as the students advocate with the academy. Administration and awarding of the Dr. Keith Titley scholarship. Creating the criteria, and implementing the Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award at the Canadian dental schools. We are the go to people for the students if they have any questions or concerns.

CAPD/ACDP Liaison to Canadian Graduate Students studying in the United States

Chair: Dr. Michal Goralski Members: Dr. Terry Farquhar

To engage students in the US that might not otherwise be aware of the benefits of CAPD membership and of being part of the pediatric dental community in Canada.

CAPD/ACDP National AGM Committee

CAPD/ACDP AGM Winnipeg LOC 2017


CPS Oral Health Section/ CAPD/ACDP Liaison to CPS

Chair: Vice President, Dr. Raymond Lee Members: Past LOC Chair, Current LOC Chair, Incoming LOC Chair, Scientific Committee Chair, Executive Director, Director of Operations. Chair: Dr. Charles Lekic Members: Drs. Brad Klus, Christopher Yue and Jay Biber. Chair: Dr. Brad Krusky Members: Drs. Sarah Hulland, Kari Badwi and Sandy Schwann Chair: Dr. Ian McConnachie

Dr. Terry Farquhar

To propose future meeting cities to the Executive Council, suggest candidates to Chair the Local Organizing Committee, review the LOC guidelines from time to time and ensure that recommendations from previous meetings are documented.

To coordinate the venues, educational program, local activities, entertainment and schedule for the Annual Meeting in consultation with the Executive Director, with the assistance of the Director of Operations, Executive Secretary and Chair of the Scientific Committee.

The Oral Health Section advocates for and promotes optimal oral health for infants, children and adolescents, including children and youth with special health care needs. This section also provides expertise and guidelines for children and youth with special health care needs through a number of programs including the provision of a forum for discussion of important child and youth dental health issues between the CPS and the CAPD/ACDP.

Committees CDA Committee on Clinical and Scientific Affairs

Chairperson and Members Dr. Geoff Smith

Access to Care

Vice President, Dr. Raymond Lee, Dr. Ross Anderson; Dr. Geoff Smith; and Dr. Anil Joshi

CDAC Committee on Hospital Service and Internship

Dr. Geoff Smith, Dr. Ross Anderson

CDSA Representative Liaison

Dr. Paul Andrews

RCDC Councillor

Dr. Felicity Hardwick

3M Oral Care Liaison

Dr. Ross Anderson

CDA Representative to the CDAC Board

Dr. Ross Anderson

IAPD Representative

Dr. Katherine Zettle

Purpose Committee of the CDA that examines topics and comes up with knowledge based position statements and guidelines that are recommended to the CDA Board for approval. Ad Hoc Committee of the CDA with a mandate to look at access to care for seniors, notably in LTC and in access to care for infants, notably the age one visit. This resulted in the CDA campaign “First Tooth, First Visit” Reviews all of the accredited hospital dental services and internships (dental residencies in Canada) to insure that standards that are reflective of quality service and education are met in accordance with CDAC. Dedicated to the representation and advancement of the Canadian Dental Specialties, the profession of dentistry nationally and internationally, the achievement of optimal oral health, general health and quality of life of Canadians, and the support of the profession of dentistry in the advancement of optimal oral health. See Report on relevant RCDC Executive council matters to CAPD. Position changes every 3 years. To insure an ongoing relationship with 3M Oral Care and their sponsorship of the 3M Oral Care CAPD/ACDP Graduate Training Presentation Awards. The Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) is the body responsible for accrediting dental, dental specialty, dental residency, dental hygiene and dental assisting education programs in Canada. CDAC also accredits dental services. In Quebec, dental services accredited by ODQ are recognized by CDAC. The International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD) is a non-profit organization with the objective to contribute to the progress and promotion of oral health for children around the globe. IAPD includes 60 National Member Societies and represents more than 15,000 dentists.

Please note that CAPD/ACDP has made every effort to list the involvement of our Members in the various industry committees and associations. We acknowledge that many CAPD/ACDP members are involved in provincial associations and committees. If your name and committee work were inadvertently omitted, please accept our sincere apologies and please send a note to steve@capd-acdp so we may include this in the next revision.

Contact Information

Central Office Claire D’Amour Executive Secretary/Secrétaire de direction 1815 Alta Vista Drive Ottawa, ON K1G 3Y6

Steve Gillick Director of Operations/ Directeur des opérations

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