Your Health-April

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april 2013

Marina Brown She made doors open for opportunities and opened her life to adventure

Do you use Dr. Google? Put the

sizzle back in sex Make that lunch hour work for you

Twinkle toes for summer sandals

The MosT AdvAnced heART cenTeR in The Region. Period.

A double bypAss sAved My life. The mosT advanCed hearT Team in The region performed iT. Lisa Cox, Triathlete

On June 4, 2012 my heart suddenly stOpped beating during an evening run. When i arrived in the er, i had 99 percent blOckage in a main artery and 80 percent in anOther. the heart surgeOns at tmh perfOrmed a dOuble bypass On my heart, and On december 8, 2012, i cOmpleted the tallahassee ultra distance classic 50k.

this Issue

April On the cover


HAVE A POSITIVE VIEW OF THE WORLD AND GO FORWARD Marina Brown makes her dreams a reality.


10 18

DR. GOOGLE ON CALL If Dr. Google is your primary caretaker, think again. MANAGING DIABETES Whether for you or a family member, here’s what you need to know.

Also inside...

Photos by Long’s Photography 702 West Tharpe Street, Tallahassee 339-5799

06 Mind | Body | Soul How do you keep the sizzle in sex?

22 SMART FITNESS Can you really lost that belly fat?

08 MIND MATTERS This won’t hurt a bit - getting over a fear of needles.

24 BEST BODY It’s almost sandal time for your toes.

12 ESSENTIAL NUTRITION There’s a beloved liquid that rounds out a meal.

26 MAKEOVER Brighten your day, and your face, with a lunch hour indulgence.

28 YOUR TIME Can we get along with stress? In every issue 4 Editor’s letter 30 Around town April 2013 YOUR HEALTH


First word

Living in a dream I

’m traveling to Nepal in May. Marina Brown has agreed to let me go with her—in my mind at least—on her adventures. I have known Marina for a few years and have always been in awe of her zest for life, her sailing adventures, her poise and beauty. The more I talked to her, the more fascinating she became. She has been a ballerina, nurse, writer, artist, musician and opera lover. It’s amazing how many lives we have within one life — Marina pushes the envelope and dances across the sticky edges. Now you can learn more about the fascinating life in our cover story.

Here are some other issues we explore in this month’s issue: • Do you have a Dr. Google in your house? You know, that resource you go to the in the middle of the night when you’re thinking the worst. There’s actually a name for that gut-wrenching diagnosis process you experience online—Cyberchondria. Don’t let your fear of what you think you have substitute for a face-to-face visit with your doctor. I’ll admit I have done this to myself only to finally go to the doctor and find there is a simple solution or explanation—hence a story idea was born and now you are the benefactor. • We seem to be bombarded by ads on the Internet with a cartoon figure of jiggly belly fat. The question remains the same—can you really lose belly fat? The answer is yes. Leigh Farr has found ways to melt your midline for health and beauty. • The weather has offered up pollen clouds and frost within the same day during the last month, but we know spring will eventually settle in, to be followed by hot days of sandals, slides and flip flops. Start pampering your feet now to look their best all summer. Think of


YOUR HEALTH April 2013

how good your toes will look in white sand or a summer lawn. • Got an hour? Rejuvenate yourself. It seems easier to carve out an hour in the middle of day for a moment of luxury. There’s a nice array of facial treatments to enjoy. It’s one of those instances where people will wonder what you’ve been up to on a lunch hour. A sly smile is in order. • A sly smile also might come across your face once you read Tricia Dulaney’s article on cooking with wine. Tricia was very enthusiastic while researching this topic. I see many cooking adventures in your future too. • The numbers are astounding for how many diabetics we have in this country. Everyone knows someone with diabetes. We have some guidelines for how to recognize and emergency situation and learn what you can do that might possibly save a life. • Dr. Linda Humphries delves into how to keep those sexual sparks flying in a long-term relationship. Inspired by Esther Perel’s TED Talk on the subject, Linda helps us explore the emotions and new pathways to our most intimate encounters. What a perfect topic to kick off our season of the birds and the bees. Thanks for reading Your Health— we’ll see you again on April 24.

277 N. Magnolia Drive Tallahassee, FL 32301 Call 850.599.2255 Fax 850.942.0185

President and Publisher

Julie Moreno 850.599.2126


Kathleen Back Brady Tricia Dulaney Leigh Farr Dr. Linda Humphries Avery Hurt Kenya McCullum Elise Oberliesen Kati Schardl


April Miller


Lisa Lazarus.Brown 850.599.2333


Find a digital copy of the magazine and all this month’s articles, along with stories from past issues, online at

Your Health Magazine is published 12 times a year by the Tallahassee Democrat at 277 N. Magnolia Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32301. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Your Health Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and artwork.

Mind | Body | Soul



aintaining the sexual spark in your long term

relationship is a subject that is frequently seen in magazine articles, books and other media. It’s so popular because of the many couples that struggle with it. Amidst our busy life of work, kids, finances, in-laws and home, who has time or energy to deal with confusing sexual issues? Conversations about sex are often moved to the back burner. It’s unfortunate because touch is one of those anchors that keeps us connected to our partner. So what is there to do? Esther Perel discusses the issue in her book “Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Exotic and the Domestic.” She says that human beings have two sets of needs that vie for our attention at the same time. One is for security and comfort. This includes having a mate who is predictable and reliable – someone we can count on in difficult times. 6

YOUR HEALTH April 2013

However, we also have sexual desire, and that can be fueled by the need for adventure, novelty, and surprise.

Perel also says that we are turned

If the need for predictability and comfort becomes so important that it crowds out the need for adventure and novelty, that leads to boredom in the bedroom. If the need for novelty and adventure becomes so important that it crowds out the need for predictability and comfort, it makes us feel insecure, anxious, and fearful. A careful balance between the two areas is the ultimate goal.

even scary to share sexual fantasies

Have you noticed that many people are sexually drawn to those who are radiant, self confident and self-sustaining? At some level we understand that they are emotionally stable enough to provide comfort and stability when needed, but able to let go enough to explore sexual adventures that can ignite the libido.

on by the “politically incorrect” things that we are actually against during the day. It’s awkward and with someone else. Others might judge, criticize, laugh, or point out the discrepancy between who you are sexually and who you are in the rest of your life. Accepting and balancing the adventurous sexual part with the need for comfort and security is what makes a couple sexually alive and satisfied over the years. As with most areas of our lives our ability to accept others for the people they are and to work together with them to achieve balance brings the most successful results. Dr. Linda Humphries is a board certified sexual therapist in private practice in Tallahassee. Website – or call 656-2100 v

April 2013 YOUR HEALTH


Mind matters

Puncturing needle phobia

Fear of needles can be hazardous to your health, but you can overcome it By Kenya McCullum


y anxiety began the minute I woke up the morning of my appointment. Actually, that’s not entirely accurate: My nerves began to tense up as soon as my doctor mentioned that she wanted me to take a blood test. Since I had already declined a flu shot and a tetanus shot (what are the chances of me actually getting tetanus, I rationalized), I thought I had dodged a bullet—or rather, a needle. You see, I have an extreme fear of needles, and just the thought of getting a shot or a blood test is enough to raise my blood pressure through the roof. Needle phobia is hardly an exclusive club. In fact, medical professionals have seen it so frequently that in the early nineties, it earned a name in the DSM-IV: trypanophobia. 8

YOUR HEALTH April 2013

If you’re like me, you get extremely nervous as soon as the tourniquet comes out, and there’s a momentary spike in your blood pressure while you’re getting a shot or having blood drawn. You clench your teeth and push through your fear. But in extreme cases, people with needle phobia have such an intense fear that they can’t even force themselves to undergo any medical procedures that involve needles—which can be disastrous if they have conditions that require the use of needles for treatments that can improve their health, or even save their lives.

Fighting the Fear of Needles The fear of needles can be a prickly pain that’s very difficult to deal with. But the good news, says Dr. Larry Kubiak—a psychologist at Tallahassee Memorial

HealthCare’s Behavioral Health Center—is that, like any phobia, it can be overcome with some work. “If you had a bad experience getting a shot or having your blood drawn—like if someone extremely incompetent poked you several times—then you may develop a phobia to having that done in the future,” he said. “We tend to be our own worst enemy because of the thoughts that go through our mind, but you learn those thoughts. You weren’t born fearing needles, so the good thing about that is, anything you can learn, you can unlearn.” Getting over needle phobia is definitely easier said that done, but the following tips can help. Talk about it. If you have a blood test scheduled, let medical professionals know upfront that you are afraid of needles, and ask if they can bring in someone who has experience with needle phobic patients. This can save you from being used as a pin cushion by someone who isn’t skilled at taking blood from patients. Ask for medication. When you schedule a medical procedure that involves needles, ask your doctor if you can be given topical treatments—like anesthetic creams or patches—that will numb the area where the needle will go. This can be especially helpful when you need to get an IV. Use relaxation techniques. Strategies like deep breathing, imagining a relaxing place—like your favorite vacation spot—or distracting yourself by listening to your favorite music or reading a funny book, can go a long way toward relaxing you while you have your procedure. And when you relax your mind, you also relax your body, which can make the process easier because it’s easier for medical professionals to insert a needle. Get therapy. If your fear of needles is so intense that your health may be put at risk, going to a licensed psychologist with experience in this phobia can help you get through your fear once and for all. v

Acupuncture and Needle-Phobes Have you considered getting acupuncture, but your fear of needles has scared you away? Licensed acupuncturist Tony Burris of Eagle Acupuncture says that he sees this all the time in his practice, and the needles rarely keep patients from coming back. One reason for this, says Burris, is because the needles used in acupuncture are a lot different from the ones you generally see in your doctor’s office. In fact, acupuncture needles are generally no thicker than a hair on your head. Also, in addition to the health benefits of acupuncture, patients tend to enjoy the actual experience. Acupuncturists strive to create a relaxing atmosphere—Burns gives his patients a lot of pillows to rest on and plays soft music during their sessions—that even needle-phobes can appreciate. “You’d be surprised; many of my patients fall asleep,” he said. “A lot of the people that are the most nervous are the ones that actually conk out the quickest because they have all this pent up energy anticipating a terrible event, and then once the treatment is being done, it’s usually very pleasant.”

April 2013 YOUR HEALTH



Is Dr. Google part of your medical plan? How to use the internet to help your health By Kathleen Back Brady


id you ever wake up in the middle of the night with a weird symptom and seek advice from your favorite medical adviser, Dr. Google? If so, you’re not alone. Dr. Google is always available – no crowded waiting rooms and no co-pays. Modern laypeople have morphed into medical researchers, entering symptoms into search engines at all hours of the day on their computers and smartphones. But when should you seek medical advice the old-fashioned way, by having a healthcare provider assess your symptoms and conditions? And what are some of the best sites for reliable medical information? First rule of thumb: the Internet is never a substitute for emergency care. If you are experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, severe headache or dizziness, weakness in your arms or legs or uncontrolled bleeding, these symptoms could be life-threatening. If you even think you might need immediate care, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Call 911 or head to the emergency room instead of wasting precious time surfing your symptoms online. When in doubt, check it out – with a medical professional. The Internet is a great resource on just about every medical condition. But patients should view the information gleaned from various health websites as a supplement to what a healthcare provider advises or diagnoses. Be cautious about diagnosing yourself based on your symptoms and what “hits” appear online after you type in a few keywords. Your search results will lack diagnostic reasoning, which only a true credentialed healthcare provider can provide. A medical professional will take a complete history, expertly assess your condition and usually follow up with proper testing. That’s where Dr. Google comes up short. 10

YOUR HEALTH April 2013

Patients are encouraged to ask healthcare providers for what they believe are decent websites for a more in-depth look at their specific illnesses, how to manage symptoms, treatments and medications, as well as lifestyle changes. The more general reliable websites are WebMD and the Mayo Clinic. The CDC, National Library of Medicine and Medline Plus also provide quality, research-based information. Websites that do not originate from an accredited medical facility or institution should be avoided since they are generally not backed by sound medical advice.

consultation with a healthcare provider. Each patient’s specific conditions, diseases and overall health risks are individual to that particular person.

There are also websites and online groups for uncommon medical conditions, and these sites offer great tools to feel connected to others undergoing the same issues. Ask your healthcare providers or specialists for suggested sites to visit or worthwhile groups to join.

It’s important to use common sense. Dr. Google may be available 24/7, but make an appointment with your own healthcare provider for treatment tailored specifically to your own needs. Have a list of questions available based on your research findings. Many healthcare providers now view a patient’s personal online investigating as beneficial since it can create a dialogue and serve as the basis for excellent communication between doctor and patient. Dr. Google can be helpful, but only a qualified healthcare provider can really help you stay healthy. v

The information provided on reputable sites can go a long way to helping patients learn how to prevent many illnesses or complications of diseases. But online information never replaces an office visit or

It’s also best to avoid chatting with anonymous medical personnel online since these people may not even be legitimate healthcare specialists. Various patient forums can provide support in undergoing treatments of diseases, but keep in mind that other patients cannot manage your illnesses. Don’t try any novel treatments that have worked for others without checking with your own healthcare provider.

Cyberchondria “Cyberchondria” (a form of hypochondria or excessive worry about having a serious illness), triggered by Internet research, seems to be a growing trend. With so much online information and misinformation, it is no wonder that many of us are overly-anxious about our health. When you have a fever from a common cold or flu but your search engines lead you to rare exotic diseases or terminal illnesses with similar symptoms, you’re setting yourself up for needless worry. Cyberchondriacs spend hours online, obsessing over symptoms, self-diagnosing -- and usually mis-diagnosing -- themselves and escalating their stress levels to unimaginable heights. Cyberchondria can even cause a patient to delay seeing a healthcare provider out of fear, with potentially dire consequences. It’s best to check with your own healthcare provider if you are concerned about any symptoms or conditions that you are experiencing. Let a medical practitioner allay your fears and help you sort out fact from fiction. Try to achieve a balance between being informed about health issues and being fixated with them. Always rely on your own experienced healthcare provider, who knows your medical history as well as your personal health risks, for an accurate diagnosis, to answer any questions and to alleviate your concerns.

April 2013 YOUR HEALTH



Wine not?

Cooking with wine By Tricia Dulaney

“I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.”


ight be time to take that joke seriously; even the Mayo Clinic reports that moderate alcohol consumption reduces risk of heart disease, stroke, gallstones and possibly diabetes. And with anti-oxidants all over the news, the reservatrol found in grape skins – and primarily in red wine – promises all sorts of assistance in everything from arterial maintenance to cancer protection. What’s the catch? Well, “moderate alcohol consumption” is now defined in the U.S. as one drink per day for women, two for men. Higher consumption can cause more health problems than it solves. Good news, though: heating wine evaporates most of the alcohol – and the calories. It punches up flavor without a lot of extra fat and salt. And cooking with wine sounds so delicious, so sophisticated, so…intimidating. 12

YOUR HEALTH April 2013

“Start slow,” advises Chef Jeremy Deese of A La Provence. He uses wines in braising, first searing meat at high heat, then adding wine and stock for slow, moist cooking. (Think of a pot roast, with a French accent.) “Go sparingly at first.” Chef Tony Charbonnet, head chef of Publix Aprons Cooking School, agrees. “Start with a chardonnay. It’s dish-friendly, approachable; a red will limit you a lot more. And don’t use cooking wines. They may be made from the same grape as drinking wine, but that’s all you can say for them.” A bottle of wine, once opened, has a 3-5 day shelf life, says an associate of Market Square Liquors. That life can be extended a bit, he says, by decanting it into smaller containers to reduce air and oxidation, but if you have some left over, you might as well cook with it. A vinaigrette, both chefs agree, makes good use of leftover wine. “Wine adds acidity and depth,” says Deese. Using wine to replace vinegar lends flavor but saves calories since it doesn’t require as much oil for balance, and the result tastes far superior to bottled dressing.

“You can throw leftover wine in with beef bones or chicken leg quarters to make a stock,” Charbonnet points out. “Incorporate it in something that doesn’t require that much of your attention. This extends shelf life because you can freeze it.” Deese, who has trained in kitchens all over the country, recommends using a bit of wine when sautéing vegetables, to add steam and flavor while cutting down on fat. “I did a lot of Asian in L.A.,” he says. “There I would use sake.” But be selective. “Don’t just dump wine in every dish, or your whole meal will taste of nothing but wine. I like to let the different natural flavors come through, as well.”

Wine Not? Still nervous? Help is available at Publix. The Killearn Publix on Thomasville Road boasts one of eight Aprons Cooking Schools in the country. Hands-on and demo classes are offered to everyone from novices to serious foodies, but you don’t have to sign up to take advantage of the expertise of a whole staff of trained chefs. “We are Publix associates first, chefs second,” says head chef Tony Charbonnet. “You’ll see us out on the floor. We might peek in your basket, ask what you’re making, offer advice.” Or call them with questions; you’ll learn that a butter-poached lobster cooks better with an oaked chardonnay, while shrimp calls for a crisper, unoaked variety. For those of us who don’t plan to poach a lobster in this lifetime, but might add a splash to spaghetti sauce, they’ll translate.

When choosing a wine to cook with, color matching is a good rule of thumb, Deese says. “Something light, like fish or chicken, calls for a light-colored wine. Darker foods, red meat or tomatoes, need a red wine.”

“In our classes, we pour four or five quality wines with the food we prepare. It gives you a chance to taste the wines before you buy, explore different combinations.” Unlike restaurants, Aprons offers a single seating, and the undivided attention of experts, while the ample tasting menu is prepared and served.

“If you’re unsure,” Charbonnet adds, “start with a dish you know contains wine, like Chicken Marsala.” v

Pick their brains. And head home to apply your new knowledge to your own tasty – and healthy – meals.

cover story

Marina Brown’s amazing journey

There’s a saying that for every door that closes, another door opens. 14

YOUR HEALTH April 2013

By Kati Schardl


he key lies in having the courage to step across the threshold.

Just ask local writer Marina Brown. Her life has been all about walking through that open door. “When you adapt to change, more choices and opportunities open up to you,” she says. “As a seven year old, a doctor suggested ballet lessons because my feet weren’t developing properly. That led to a love of dance and music and all their connected arts.” And ballet helped in other ways. “I wasn’t pretty or popular as a girl, but somehow the discipline of the classroom and the beauty of the movements let you become whatever you wanted to be…beautiful or powerful…and confident.” Brown left for New York City. Over the next years she became a soloist with Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo and a principal dancer with a European company before being accepted into the New York City Ballet. But even as her career was blossoming, she suffered a careerending injury – she snapped her Achilles tendon in rehearsal. A door had closed—abruptly. She went home to Indiana to figure out what to do. “By happenstance, there was a nursing program that was just opening up,” she says. “I took the GED (having left school at 15 to join the ballet company) and some entrance tests and was offered a scholarship.” Nursing provided Brown with the ability to travel and led her back to New York City and to Boston and Los Angeles. In each of those nursing jobs, operating room, psychiatry, hospice, Brown – a believer in making everything count and paying opportunities forward – started a program or wrote about the experience to share it with others. Her first marriage to a geology professor led her to Florida, where she and her husband settled in St. Petersburg and adopted three children. “We had a wonderful life there,” she says. Brown stayed home with the children, but she was anything but idle. She worked as a Realtor, brushed up on her French before tackling Italian and began to enter her artwork in juried shows, winning a number of

awards for her watercolors. She also decided to learn to play the cello. “It was a steep learning curve, because I didn’t even know how to read music,” she laughs. Brown eventually joined the Tampa Bay Symphony. When her first husband died, she found love with a man sitting across the orchestra in the violin section. They married and she embarked on fresh adventures. “He was a sailor and I learned to sail,” she says. “We lived aboard our boat, sailing through the islands to Venezuela and back for three years, and because of those travels, I started turning in travel pieces to the (then) St. Petersburg Times. The editors liked them and wanted more, so that evolved into writing feature articles and ballet and music reviews.” Everything built on everything that came before. When her second marriage ended amicably, Brown moved to Tallahassee and found fresh opportunities to enrich her life. “I write for nationally-distributed design and décor magazines and the Democrat,” she says. “I wrote a novel (‘Land Without Mirrors’) that was inspired by a mysterious abandoned leper colony I visited in Trinidad.” “Tallahassee has been very good to me. There is a huge arts community. I dance with a wonderful flamenco group – Flamenco Fuego. I’m involved in Alliance Francaise of Tallahassee, the Tallahassee Watercolor Society, the Tallahassee Writers Association and Big Bend Community Orchestra.”

A kind of truth What has kept Brown moving forward through door after door? A secure sense of self, empathy for others, the desire to develop her talents and a knack for nurturing the creative urge, she says. “When I was 7 or 8, I remember walking with my mother and asking her, ‘Why are we here? What’s the point?’ She didn’t actually have an answer, but it occurred to me that if you are given some talents, it’s your responsibility to develop them. That’s why we’re here….to make the best use of what we’ve got,” she says. April 2013 YOUR HEALTH


“Because I traveled widely and lived in all these different places early in life, I began to rely on my own internal self. You are your home, and you should always try to go back and touch base with who you really are.” “The girl or boy you were at 16 – that’s the nucleus, the bedrock. No matter what is happening, go back to your center…the original you will be waiting there…with a smile!” Brown draws her inspiration from many sources. “It depends,” she says. “With ballet, it was the beauty of the movement and feeling you can make your body

move in this wonderful way to music. In general, I am inspired by talking to other people – just regular people. If you can talk through what you know about them to the person inside, there’s a kind of truth. The humanity you share is immediate.” Above all, the creative urge has powered Brown’s life and kept her outlook positive. “Just dare to do something you haven’t done,” Brown says. “Go someplace where you’re going to be stretched a bit. For instance, I’m going to Nepal in May.”

“To do something creative – to explore something you haven’t tried before – is like a positive, personal pat on the back. Action is usually better than inaction, and being actively creative is a way of showing yourself that you can change or add a little bit to the world.” One of Marina’s many talents is painting. Her subject matter portrays her travels around the world.


YOUR HEALTH April 2013

Marina’s stunning portrait as a ballerina.

“Be open to talking to people. Take the focus off yourself and look out into the world. Though I sometimes might feel sad, there’s so much happening to focus on that’s not depressing – projecting yourself out there is much more emotionally healthy. “I was an only child and my parents were older, so I had a certain existential awareness of time passing. You have to try and fill that time with as much wonderment as you can. v

For Marina Brown, inertia is simply not an option. Her dance card is full in the coming weeks. Brown will sign copies of her novel “Land Without Mirrors,” which is set off the coast of Trinidad on the island of Chacachacare, a now-abandoned leper colony, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 27 and 28 at Books-A-Million. An exhibition of her paintings will open with a reception from 7 to 9 p.m. April 4 at the gallery at Radiology & Associates on Riggins Road. Brown will perform on cello with the Big Bend Community Orchestra at the season-ending concert at 3:30 p.m. April 20 at TCC’s Turner Auditorium. And she’ll dance with the Tallahassee Tango Society at Big Bend Hospice’s Spring Fling … Under a South American Moon benefit at 7 p.m. May 16 at Tallahassee Nurseries. Somewhere in there, she will find time to pack – Brown leaves for Nepal four days after the hospice benefit.

April 2013 YOUR HEALTH



How to help a loved one living with diabetes Y

ou may have heard that diabetes runs in families. But diabetes doesn’t have to run a family’s life, as long as the person with the disease is surrounded by knowledgeable friends and family members ready to assist their loved one in managing the disease. Too often, diabetes is thought of as a senior’s disease. In reality, only 10.9 million of the nearly 26 million Americans whom the American Diabetes Association (ADA) says have diabetes are older than 65; 14.9 million develop type 1 or type 2 diabetes before their 60th birthdays. The ADA also estimates that 79 million more people are “pre-diabetic,” so being informed about what you can do to help, in an emergency or as someone dear to you struggles to manage the chronic disease, is increasingly important. 18

YOUR HEALTH April 2013

Diabetes comes in two forms: type 2, which is slow onset, and type 1, which usually develops in childhood or adolescence and is most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 18. “Type 1 and type 2 diabetes pose some basic similarities in terms of pathophysiology and treatment; however, they are basically viewed as different diseases by clinicians,” says John Burns, III, program director for South University’s physician assistant program. “But with either diagnosis, support from family and friends is critical in helping the patient adjust to the prescribed treatment, and knowledgeable family members and friends could mean the difference between life and death.”

With children and adolescents, parents are initially very involved in managing the disease, which may include daily injections of insulin or an insulin pump, home glucose monitoring, and changes in family dietary patterns. The challenge for the parents and children is that they also must facilitate transition of care at some point in time, so the patient becomes an adult who has the skills to manage this lifelong disease. “Finding a medical provider that uses a team-oriented approach is important,� says Burns. “This should include doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners trained in endocrinology, dieticians, diabetes nurse specialists and mental health professionals.� When an adult is diagnosed with diabetes the challenges are most often concerned with changing long-established habits around eating and exercising, and developing new habits for testing and managing blood sugar levels. These new habits affect daily life, and the support of family members and friends is significant in making these changes successful for the long term.

Signs of too much sugar and not enough insulin (hyperglycemia) include: • Hunger • Excessive thirst • Visual blurring • Fruity breath odor • Heavy and fast breathing • Flushed skin • Drowsiness Signs someone is experiencing too little sugar and too much insulin (hypoglycemia) include: • Fast breathing • Fast pulse • Dizziness • Weakness • Sweating • Headache • Numbness in limbs • Confusion/difficulty concentrating

“Managing diabetes in an adult is more complicated than simply eating less sugar and exercising more,” says Burns. “Adults have preferences and habits that over the years have become closely tied to their self image and their social network. For example, national holidays and family celebrations almost always include traditional meals and snacks. Facing those events without enjoying the same traditions can cause angst and, if not addressed, could lead to frustration.” What can you do? Instead of focusing on what the patient should no longer eat (or eat significantly less of), be sure to include a wide variety of food choices and think about adding new traditions with new recipes.

What about emergencies? Knowing what to do in an emergency situation is critical for family and friends of a diabetic person. Too much insulin in the body could result in insulin shock and too much sugar in the body could result in diabetic coma. A diabetic emergency can be the result of too much or too little sugar in the blood. 20

YOUR HEALTH April 2013

If a friend or family member experiences a diabetic emergency, you should take the following three steps: 1. Ask: “Have you eaten today?” 2. Ask: “Have you taken your medication today?” If the patient has eaten but not taken prescribed medication, he or she may be hyperglycemic and in danger of diabetic coma. • If he or she has not eaten but did take prescribed medication, he or she may be having an insulin reaction. • If you suspect an insulin reaction and he or she is conscious, give the person sugar, such as juice or a piece of hard candy. • If you suspect hyperglycemia ask, “Where is your medication?”

3. Call 911 for help if the person is not responding to any of your questions. v --ARA Content

Life is not over because you have diabetes. Make the most of what you have, be grateful. ....Dale Evans Read more at keywords/diabetes.html#Y0Po7TsqKXmDqbHe.99

smart fitness

Melt the midline Just 15 minutes of daily exercise blasts belly fat for good By Leigh Farr


ver wonder if it’s really possible to zap belly fat and keep it off for good?

Experts say sporting a flat tummy is not only possible, it’s easier than you think. With a little persistence and the right know-how, you can K.O. excess fat in as little as 15 minutes per day. “The key to losing belly fat is a good balance of both diet and exercise,” says fitness trainer Kelley O’Connor of Impact Health and Fitness in Tallahassee. “The more muscles you have, the more calories your body is able to burn which will definitely help you shrink and strengthen your waist.”

Look Better, Feel Better Of course, losing that belly bulge is not just for looks; it also benefits your health. “The mid-section is the most dangerous place for holding body fat because it increases your health risk factors,” says Kim Jones, fitness director and personal trainer at Gold’s Gym in Tallahassee. There are two kinds of belly fat. The type that shows up as a donut around your waist is called subcutaneous fat. While this type of fat may keep you from wedging into your favorite no-stretch denims, it may not have a big an impact on your health. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is located deep within the abdomen and is linked with heart disease and diabetes. 22

YOUR HEALTH April 2013

The simplest way to check for abdominal fat is to measure your waist. To get an accurate measurement, simply wrap a tape measure around your waist at the level of your belly button. Breathe out and then measure your mid-section. According to the National Institutes of Health, in women with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 25–34.9, a waist circumference over 35 inches is considered high risk.

Vaporize Fat Cells Fortunately, regular ab-sculpting exercises will whittle away your middle. You’ll not only like the way you look, you’ll also feel better. “I would recommend doing three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions for each of the following exercises three to five days a week which is about 15 minutes a day,” says O’Connor. “That will definitely build muscle and tighten your core muscles.”

Try these two crunches to flatten your abs: Floor Crunch: To work your front abs, lie face up on a mat with your hands level with your temples, elbows pointed out. Support your feet on a medicine ball or a wooden bench to avoid placing pressure on your lumbar spine during the exercise. Tighten your abs and then lift your shoulders slightly off the ground. “The key to the floor crunch is to make sure that the abdominal contraction happens before the shoulders come off the ground,” says O’Connor. Transverse Abdominal Crunch: To work your deepest abdominal muscles which are known to curb belly bulge, try this exercise. Lie on your back with your knees bent and arms straight out to the side. Inhale deeply with your stomach protruding. Exhale through your mouth until you feel like your belly button is pressing against your back. For beginners, says O’Connor, crunches take about 15 to 25 workouts before you’ll notice significant change. “Just remember that fitness is a lifestyle,” she says. “You have to eat properly and exercise for best results. It may take a little while but once you get bit by the fitness bug, you won’t know how you managed to live any other way.” v

Work It to Lose It The hardest thing about starting a fitness regime is staying with it. That’s why joining a gym may be your best answer to trimming abdominal fat—and keeping it off. “The biggest step for anybody to get into an exercise program is to take the first step,” says Kim Jones, fitness director and personal trainer at Gold’s Gym in Tallahassee. “You’re going to be working out in an environment where other people are trying to achieve the same thing you are. It’s motivating.” Jones recommends a combination of weight training and cardio to lose belly fat. She also advises working all your muscle groups to achieve a tighter waistline, rather than working on any single area. a“The more muscle tissue you have throughout your entire body, the more it’s going to help eat up those problem areas such as the mid-section where you have abdominal body fat,” she says. To find the technique that works best for you, Jones suggests teaming up with a personal trainer who can hone in on problem areas and tailor your fitness regime to your needs. “Any time you hire a fitness professional to help you reach your goals, there’s someone who has been trained to know exactly how to sculpt and tone the body and what it takes so that would be the number one way to go.”

April 2013 YOUR HEALTH


Best Body

Pretty feet are happy feet Get your feet ready for sandal season By Avery Hurt

Treats for the Feets

Sound lovely?

pedicure is a wonderful indulgence. It’s good for


That’s just the basics. Extras include such delights

your looks, your mood and your self-esteem. It’s

as foot massages, paraffin treatments and foot spas

also good for your feet. In addition to making your feet

with hot stones and essential oils. The options are

pretty, the professionals at a nail salon know how to

endless, says Chelsea Collins, certified nail technician at

keep them healthy. They can safely trim nails, remove

Tallahassee’s Better Living Day Spa.

calluses and massage your feet. Your nail technician may

Part of the joy of a pedicure is getting to sit back and let

be the one to alert you to problems that you may want

the pros do the work. However, there are a few things

to bring to the attention of your doctor.

you can do at home before and in-between pedicures

During a typical pedicure, your nail tech will remove old polish, clip and file your toenails, push back your cuticles, remove any calluses, exfoliate and moisturize your feet and apply fresh polish.

to make the process easier and to make your treatment


YOUR HEALTH April 2013

last longer. It is important to moisturize your feet, says Collins. She recommends using a moisturizer made specially for feet, because these moisturizers tend to be thicker. Or even better, raid the pantry for olive oil. If you have some shea butter around, try that. After applying the moisturizer, Collins says to put on a pair of

socks to keep the moisture in. You can also keep calluses under control with a pumice stone and make a home version of an exfoliant scrub with sugar and lime or lemon juice, she says.

Safe Feet Depending on how much time or money you want to spend, you can pop into a salon or you can schedule an afternoon of utter indulgence at a day spa. If you are the do-it-yourself type, you might want to give yourself a pedicure. If you choose the DIY option, follow these tips to make sure you do the job properly and safely. • Always clip nails straight across to reduce the risk of ingrown toenails. • Take care not to clip your nails too short. If you are doing your own toes, “filing is safer than clipping,” says Collins. • Never cut your cuticles, just gently push them back with a rubber cuticle pusher, the American Podiatric Medical Association recommends. When it comes to the final decorative touch, Collins says you should always start with a base coat before applying the two coats of polish. That way you won’t stain your toenails with the polish. v

Summertime and the living is hard on the feet Summer is time to set those piggies free and show off your pretty feet, but the warmer months can be hard on the feet as well. The American Podiatric Medical Association ( offers these tips for protecting your feet from summer hazards. • Walking barefoot can make you feel young and free. It can also expose your feet to sunburn, infections and injury. Wear beach shoes or flip flops instead. • It’s easy to get dehydrated in the summer sun. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Dehydration can cause dry, cracked feet as well as cause your feet to swell. • Always wear flip-flops or beach shoes in locker rooms or around swimming pools to avoid bacterial and fungal infections. Athlete’s foot can lurk in even upscale hotels and locker rooms. • Don’t forget to put sunscreen on your feet, especially the tops and fronts of the ankles.

April 2013 YOUR HEALTH


Make over


in a lunch hour BY KATHY RADFORD


ave you ever sat at your desk contemplating the lunch hour that is crammed into the middle of the workday and wished it could be better somehow? If you spend your lunch break running around town doing errands and getting all stressed out in noonday traffic and then downing fast food at your desk, you may want to reconsider. Similarly, if your typical lunchtime consists of meeting various coworkers at Applebee’s and complaining about work, you probably end up going back to the office feeling less refreshed than when you left, instead of showing up renewed and ready for a fullcharged afternoon of meetings and tasks.

skin or a fountain of youth facial for firm and hydrated skin. The SPA at Southeastern has lots of other choices in facials, too.

In addition to spa-like facials, you might also decide on microdermabrasion or a facial peel instead of hitting up the drive-through. Microdermabrasion exfoliates and helps with those fine lines. Peels such as the VI Peel, D-Tox Peel, or Timeless Peel can help with any number of “problem areas” such as dark spots, blemishes and scars. Peels remove the damaged outer layers and help smooth the skin. You may even decide to head on over to Tallahassee Plastic Surgery to try out one of their specific BioMedic “Lunch Time Peels.”

If this sounds like you and the post-lunch-hour blues have set up shop in your cubicle, why not banish those blues with a lunch break treatment that will send you back to your office glowing and looking your best? No one wants to give time restraints to a surgeon and rush going “under the knife,” but there are plenty of quick, noninvasive, nonsurgical cosmetic procedures available nowadays.

It is not just facials and peels that can replace your blueplate special, however; are you tired of looking at that crevice between your eyebrows? Perhaps a nooy Botox injection is in your future. It is getting closer to minimal makeup and sleeveless weather, so if you have unwanted hair (who doesn’t?), midday may be the best time to fit in a laser hair removal appointment. You can even get doe-like eyelashes and show off those amazing peepers by spending several lunch hours with Latisse.

Rebekah Mayfield, Cosmetic Patient Coordinator at Southeastern Plastic Surgery, recommends any one of the spa services that is right for you. If you really want to put your best face forward in that afternoon meeting or at that job interview, there are a multitude of facial procedures that can have you looking younger, more refreshed, less tired, or just plain better. You might consider an oxygenating facial for invigorating your

The options are almost unending; check out the websites of Southeastern Plastic Surgery or Tallahassee Plastic Surgery of North Florida and South Georgia and be sure to contact the professionals to see exactly what is best suited for you and your needs. Whatever you decide, it might be best to keep your lunchtime treat a secret and keep your officemates guessing about what exactly gave you that special youthful glow. v


YOUR HEALTH April 2013

Change Your Life Today

Lunch Time Procedures

Weight Loss Therapy

Plastic surgery offices are not just for major operations anymore. Several cosmetic surgeons recognize the desire for many to improve their appearance without necessarily having invasive procedures to achieve a more youthful appearance or take care of those crow’s feet. With that in mind, many plastic surgery specialists open cosmetic procedure centers that focus on more than just traditional surgery. Such centers are available right here in Tallahassee.

• Gluten Free Diet Plan • FDA Approved Appetite Suppressants • Vitamin & Lipotonix Shots

Other Services • • • • • •

See Our Video on You Tube

The SPA at Southeastern Plastic Surgery ( is a prime example of cosmetic surgeons working in tandem with other professionals to provide you with the best possible options for your cosmetic needs. Dr. Ben Kirbo and Dr. Laurence Rosenberg are joined by a physicians’ assistant, a licensed skin care professional, and licensed aestheticians to offer noninvasive cosmetic procedures when surgery isn’t the most appropriate option for you.

ent Appointm Botox by

A Walk-in Family Practice

David L. Browne, MSN, ARNP Member of American Society of Bariatric Physicians


Physicians’ Skin Care at the Tallahassee Plastic Surgery Clinic (, too, exists to provide you with the best options for your particular cosmetic needs. Dr. Alfredo Paredes Jr., Dr. Larry Harper, and Dr. Jeffrey Rawlings are available for consultation, as are the aestheticians at the skin care clinic. Both local facilities offer a wide variety of techniques and services to help keep you looking and feeling your best. Why not ditch the drive-through and enjoy a true lunchtime refresher?

April 2013 YOUR HEALTH


Female Hormone Treatment Male Hormone Treatment Botox Treatment Available Family Practice Immigration Health School & Work Physicals

1324 N. Magnolia Dr. (850) 671-3800

Your Time

Your body on stress Use stress to your benefit By Elise Oberliesen


aybe you bounce back from stress in ways that make your friends jealous. Or perhaps your run-ins with stress feel torturous—like someone dragged you through a tar pit in August under the scorching Florida sun. What if we could use stress in productive ways? Experts weigh in on the positives of stress so we can make it work for, not against us. Dr. Paul J. Rosch, MD FACP, chairman of the board for the American Institute of Stress, says that when we experience positive stress, known as eustress, it feels good, “like winning a race.” According to research, when we experience eustress, the body releases dopamine, and sometimes oxytocin, two hormones that enhance our sense of well-being. Even with good stress, it’s unpredictable. Think of it like jack rabbits. When chased, they scatter in a multitude of random directions at rapid speeds. Rosch, a clinical professor of medicine and psychiatry at New York Medical College, says it’s very difficult to generalize about why some individuals tolerate stress better than others. “Stress increases productivity up to a point, and that point is different for each of us. Once you exceed it you go rapidly downhill,” says Rosch. But the word is confusing. “Many people use stress to refer to things in our lives that we do not have


YOUR HEALTH April 2013

control over,” says Bruce McEwen, PhD, professor and head of the Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology at Rockefeller University, in New York City. Yet he points out how we use the same word, stress, to describe driving motivations that help us tackle difficult or uncomfortable tasks, like public speaking or test taking. “You’re taking a risk, but when you have a successful outcome, you get aroused and you’re ready to do the job,” says McEwen. While chronic stress and high levels of cortisol can damage the hippocampus, British researchers have found that the right balance of eustress boosts learning and memory. McEwen says it’s the adrenaline and cortisol we can thank for the memory and learning boost, adding that this same cocktail helps improve immune function.

As much as we’ve been conditioned to hate this cortisol, learning how to adapt to stress requires a healthy dose of it, says McEwen. “If you don’t put out enough cortisol when you need it, then your body isn’t going to have the benefits of it,” says McEwen. That’s assuming the body knows when to dial down the cortisol and return to “a low basal level,” the body’s normal state. “It’s the chronic elevation of cortisol that can cause problems,” he says. Striking that delicate balance of manageable stress and feeling in control bears the ultimate challenge. “It’s like the tension on the violin string. If you don’t have enough there’s a dull raspy sound, or too much causes a shrill sound or the string to break,” says Rosch. “But with the right amount of stress or tension you can create beautiful music.” Consider overwhelming “toxic stress,” (the kind that usually sends me running for an entire package of chocolate anything). It hinges on a perception of control and whether we have enough. But when you’re about to go off the deep end because fluffy threw up on your new designer handbag or your cell phone died seconds before your phone interview, just stop for a minute. Realize it’s not what it seems. Shift your thinking. “Recognize it’s not external events that are stressful, it’s how you perceive them,” says Rosch. “And you have the power to change that.” The question is: How do we gain control of ourselves and the unbearable situation that leaves us feeling all tangled up inside? Consider the power of relaxation. A study from the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology showed a link between decreased stress levels among healthcare workers who practiced meditation over an 8-week timeframe. If all else fails, remember the positive nature of stress. It keeps us alive and feeds our brain while stoking the fire in our belly. v

April 2013 YOUR HEALTH



April 20, 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Wakulla Wildlife Festival Wakulla Springs State Park will be the hub for activities designed to edu cate, inspire and empower positive change by connecting individuals with their environment and heritage. Fine art, music, living history demonstrations, informative presenters and exhibitors, dynamic educational shows and guided tours will seek to connect participants with the natural and cultural heritage of the region. A $6.00 per vehicle donation to the Friends of Wakulla Springs will be welcomed at the entrance station. Guided tours and tickets for the dinner and dance featuring the Tallahassee Swing Band are available at an additional cost. Advance registration is highly recommended since tours often fill to capacity well in advance of the festival. 465 Wakulla Park Drive, Wakulla Springs. For more information please contact Jeff Hugo at 850-561-7286 or visit our website April 7, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

The Big Bend Pottery Guild

will hold its annual fund raiser for ECHO on Sunday April 7 at Morelia’s Mexican Restaurant at 1355 Market Street. Local potters have donated hundreds of bowls to this event, and attendees can select a hand-made bowl to be filled with a choice of soup furnished by Morelia’s. Adult admission of $15 and includes a bowl and soup while children ages 10 to 17 are $5 for the soup only (children under 10 are free). Don’t miss this enjoyable event with entertainment furnished by Hot Tamale.

April 13, 12:00-4:00 p.m.

Florida State University Brain Fair 2013

The Neuroscience Program at Florida State University is excited to announce the second annual Brain Fair. This year, the theme for the FSU Brain Fair is ‘Magic and Illusion’. An exciting range of lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on activities are planned to illustrate how the brain helps us perceive the world around us! The 2013 Brain Fair offers interactive demonstrations and hands-on activities that will open your eyes to the wonders of the brain. Additionally, leading scientists from the FSU Neuroscience Program will present some of their latest research. The Brain Fair will have something interesting for all ages. Come learn how to make your own neuron, experience illusions and understand how your senses work, see real brains, and much more! This is a free event. Florida State University Department of Psychology Building, 1107 W. Call St. For more information, please email

April 13 &14

3rd Annual Italian Family Festa!

The 3rd Annual Italian Family Festa! will be held April 13 and 14 (Sat. 10:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. and Sun. 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.) at Tallahassee Auto Museum outdoor grounds.


YOUR HEALTH April 2013

This two-day regional, cultural and ethnic Italian Festival will feature authentic Italian food, beer and wine, craft vendors, Italian novelties, bocce tournament, Italian car & bike show, Venetian opera, Madonnari sidewalk chalk contest, grape stomping, human marionettes, performers, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin live tributes, booth, children’s activities, fireworks and a 5K Run/Walk “Tomato Trot”! Admission is $5 for adults and kids 12 & under are free! Tallahassee Automobile Museum, 6800 Mahan Drive. Visit www. for more details.

April 21, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

28th Annual Chefs’ Sampler

Join us for the 28th Annual Chefs’ Sampler benefitting Children’s Home Society of Florida, a culinary extravaganza with more than 40 restaurants and caterers serving up samples of their tasty specialties. General admission tickets are $50 and sponsorships are available. You will not want to miss this Tallahassee Tradition. The event is at Tallahassee Mall. Contact Rebecca Amnott at 850-219-4206 for more information or visit

April 27, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m

March for Babies

For 75 years, the March of Dimes has focused on the health of babies. The mission of the March of Dimes is to prevent prematurity, birth defects, and infant mortality. The organization accomplishes this mission through programs of research, education and advocacy. On Saturday, April 27th, experience a day in celebration and in memory of babies! Join more than 3,000 participants for the 1-mile and 3-mile walks at Tom Brown Park in Tallahassee. This family-fun filled morning includes live entertainment, free food and food trucks, kids’ activities, team photos and more.

For more information, visit www. or call 850-422-3152. Sign up your team today at MarchForBabies. org. Tom Brown Park, 1125 Easterwood Drive.

April 27, 7:30 p.m.

TSO’s 5th Annual POPS in the Park

Become a part of a springtime tradition! Join us for the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra’s 5th Annual POPS in the Park at Southwood. The TSO Pops in the Park is a magical evening of outdoor music overlooking Central Park Lake. Held in the spring of each year, Pops in the Park is a fun-filled, casual occasion that is matched only by Tallahassee’s stunning natural beauty. Thousands of concert-goers of all ages bring picnics, blankets and smiles to this wonderful community event. Gates open at 6:00 p.m. with the concert beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10; children 12 and under are free. Call 850224-0461 for more information or visit www.

April 28, 4:00 p.m.

Mozart: Great Mass in C Minor

The Tallahassee Community Chorus will cap off our 25th anniversary Silver Season celebration with Mozart’s ‘Great Mass in c minor.’ This masterwork stands with the composer’s famous ‘Requiem’ as two of the crowning achievements in the choral repertoire. Although performed less frequently than the iconic Requiem, the Great Mass is widely regarded as Mozart’s most ambitious and elaborate choral masterpiece. This engaging performance will feature the Chorus, a full orchestra, and four soloists. Tickets can be purchased in advance at www. or at Beethoven & Company (850-894-8700). Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door or from a Chorus member. Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors (62+), and $5 for students with a valid student ID. Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, Westcott Building, FSU Campus, www.

~ Physician Profiles MICHELLE HOGGATT, MD

Gynecology and Gynecologic Surgery Dr. Hoggatt received her undergraduate degree in genetics from the Univ. of California at Berkeley and she received her Doctor of Medicine from the Medical Univ. of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. After completing her obstetrics and gynecology residency at Tulane Univ. Medical Center, Dr. Hoggatt began practicing obstetrics and gynecological medicine in Sacramento, CA. She relocated to Tallahassee and has been in a group practice specializing in gynecology and gynecological surgery. Dr. Hoggatt is a member of the AMA, Capital Medical Society and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Hoggatt uses her specialized skills in gynecological medicine to help educate her patients about the importance of managing the challenges of women’s health issues. Contact: 2009 Miccosukee Road., Tallahassee, 850.656.2128


Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Kirbo is a board certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing in the N. Florida and S. Georgia area for more than 15 years. Dr. Kirbo completed his medical degree at the University of Miami. Dr. Kirbo completed general surgery residency at the University of Kentucky and plastic surgery residency at Vanderbilt University. His particular interests are cosmetic, breast, post-bariatric weight loss surgery, correcting undesirable plastic surgery results and body contouring. He was recently recognized as a recipient of The Tally Awards top surgeon in Tallahassee. Contact: Southeastern Plastic Surgery, 2030 Fleischmann Rd., Tallahassee, 850.219.2000,


General and Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Ronald G. Willis Graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Willis specializes in Cosmetic Dentistry, TMJ/TMD Neuromuscular Dentistry, Neuromuscular Orthodontics, and Veneers. Dr. Willis has treated missing and discolored teeth. Many treatment options exist for his patients as well as finishing the frame around the teeth and face with Botox and Derma Fillers. Dr. Willis received an award for Best Dentist in 2003 & 2005 and Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies Clinical Instructor of the year. Contact: Centre Point Dental Group, 2470 Care Dr., Tallahassee, 850.877.5151 or

Jana Bures-ForsthoeFel, MD

Gynecology and Obstetrics Dr. Jana Bures-Forsthoefel has been practicing in our community for 25+ years and is now delivering the next generation. Dr. Bures -Forsthoefel received her doctorate in from the University Of Louisville School Of Medicine and did her residency at Emory University Grady Hospital in Atlanta Georgia. She is Board Certified in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Contact: Gynecology & Obstetrics Associates, PA Professional Office Building, 1405 Centerville Rd. Suite 4200, 850.877.3549,


Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Rosenberg attended Emory University for college and medical school. He is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and Plastic Surgery. He has written articles on facelifts, breast reduction and reconstruction, abdominoplasty, melanoma and non-melanoma reconstruction. He has a many specializations; eyelid surgery, breast reconstruction, augmentation and reduction, abdominoplasty, hand surgery, treatments of skin disorders and body contouring for massive weight loss patients. Dr. Rosenberg is the only board certified physician in N. Florida and S. Georgia to perform a hair restoration procedure of transplanting individual follicular units. Contact: Southeastern Plastic Surgery, 2030 Fleischmann Rd., Tallahassee, 850.219.2000,


Family Medicine Dr. Robert Frable is a board certified family practice physician established in Wakulla County for 24 years. Originally from Pennsylvania, he attended undergraduate school at Northeast Missouri State University and graduated from Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. Family Pratice Residency was completed at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Hospital in Kirksville, Missouri. Contact: Capital Regional Medical Group, 2832 Crawfordville Hwy., Crawfordville, 850.926.6363


Cadiology/Internal Medicine Dr. Sangosanya has joined Capital Regional Cardiology Associates. He earned his medical degree from New York University School of Medicine and completed his cardiovascular disease training at the University of MiamiJackson Memorial Medical Center. Dr. Sangosanya is board certified in cardiovascular diseases and internal medicine. He is also board eligible in clinical cardiac electrophysiology. Dr. Sangosanya is committed to providing accessible care to the Big Bend and provides same day appointments to patients. Contact: Capital Regional Cardiology Associates, 2770 Capital Medical Blvd, Ste 109, Tallahassee, 850.877.0216,


Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Dr. Shawn Ramsey specializes in minimally invasive surgery, female pelvic reconstructive surgery, and aesthetic procedures. He is certified in the da Vinci Robotic Surgical System. Dr. Ramsey received his Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, Pennsylvania and he did his residency at the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan. Contact: Gynecology & Obstetrics Associates, PA Professional Office Building, 1405 Centerville Rd. Suite 4200, 850.877.3549,

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