2013 June Your Health

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June 2013

Grill up

Defeat the roadblocks that stall your fitness efforts

a healthier barbeque this summer Get out of that rut and get energized You’re doing what at your age?

Personality and drive Denise Manning wears many hats. She’s a life coach, a public speaker, a veteran, a deputy sheriff reserve and a self-proclaimed overachiever.

A Free ProgrAm For PArents Parenting perks, discounts, and tips. Be prepared for the arrival of your sweet pea by joining TMH’s exclusive Baby and Toddler Club

Women LIKe US A free program designed for women by women.

• A spotlight on successful women in the Big Bend region • Articles about pressing health topics for women, like healthy eating and work-life balance • Special events and classes specifically for women, including couponing and photography • Our favorite recipes, tips and ideas from Pinterest

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this Issue

June On the cover


Pushing forward After a lifetime of being told she wasn’t good enough, Denise Manning has overcome.



Break out the grill Trade out the hamburgers and hot dogs, for a healthier summer cookout.

Also inside...

Hair styling done by Ms. Artina of Styles by Artina. Makeup and attire provided by Kay Smith of I Am Kouture.

Photos by: Mike Ewen, Tallahassee Democrat

06 Mind | Body | Soul Test out the fitness classes at the Tallahassee Senior Center, even if you’re not a “senior.” 08 Mind Matters Nix that nagging feeling of ennui and kiss complacency goodbye. 10 Essential Nutrition How you’re feeling may dictate the foods you crave.

12 Alternative Health Chiropractic care isn’t quite as alternative as you may think.

24 Make Over Get sassy with the newest nail polish colors and trends.

20 Smart Fitness Getting motivated is always the toughest part about any exercise routine.

26 Your Time It’s time to head back to school and hit the books.

22 Best Body Find out everything you need to know about bunions.

In every issue 04 Editor’s letter 30 Around town

Tallahassee.com/Health June 2013 YOUR HEALTH


First word

The making of a magazine I

’ll admit that I have trouble deciding what to write to you fabulous readers every month. I wonder what you’d like to read from me. I even wonder how many readers simply flip past these letters. As I was sitting at my keyboard, staring at a blank Word document, waiting for my inspiration to magically appear, I occurred to me that many of you may not know how this magazine gets produced. As with many things in life, each Your Health issue starts with an idea. First I

277 N. Magnolia Drive Tallahassee, FL 32301 Call 850.599.2255 Fax 850.942.0185 President and Publisher

Julie Moreno 850.599.2126 jmoreno@tallahassee.com Editorial

Amanda Leighty 850.599.2256 aleighty@tallahassee.com

must decide upon a cover woman. I seek out women in the Tallahassee community


that are inspirational. Some have overcome health problems, some have overcome

Amber Barz Kathleen Back Brady Tricia Dulaney Avery Hurt Elizabeth M. Mack Kenya McCollum Ruth Nickens Elise Oberliesen Erin O’Donnell

personal struggles, some are community advocates and some are business leaders, but most are a combination. For example, our cover woman this month is Denise Manning – a life coach, a veteran, a survivor and a woman with a magnificently bubbly personality and one of the most gorgeous smiles I have ever seen. Once our cover woman is chosen, I have to decide what other stories I want to do this month. Often I’ll choose topics that are timely, like this issue’s story on grilling up healthier food at your summer backyard barbeques. Other stories relate to things I’m dealing with personally. Lately I’ve felt bored and a little melancholy because I’ve gotten stuck in my routines. You know the sort – wake up, get ready, go to work, do errands, come home, do chores, go to bed, repeat. The lack of variety in my own life inspired Kenya


Glenn Beil Mike Ewen Abby Reynolds Designer

April Miller

McCollum’s story on how we can all get out of the ruts we find ourselves in. Once I’ve chosen all of the stories, it’s time to assign them to our talented writers. It’s also time to book a photo shoot for our cover woman. Then it’s a matter of editing the stories, designing the magazine and editing once more – just in case. After I’m completely satisfied with it, the newest issue gets sent to the printers. A few days later, I get to hold another glossy Your Health magazine. Then it’s distributed to dear readers like you. Of course there are looming deadlines, stories that suddenly need to be replaced and a few hundred emails back and forth – I bet you think I’m joking – and all the stresses that come with publishing something beautiful. I’m quite proud of the magazine that we produce, and I enjoy the adventure it takes me on every month. I hope you enjoy reading it, and I’ll see you again in July.


Lisa Lazarus.Brown 850.599.2333 llazarus@tallahassee.com ONLINE

Find a digital copy of the magazine and all this month’s articles, along with stories from past issues, online at Tallahassee.com/health. Your Health Magazine is published 12 times a year by the Tallahassee Democrat at 277 N. Magnolia Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32301. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Your Health Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and artwork.



Mind | Body | Soul

A treasure trove of fitness for the reluctant “senior” By Ruth Nickens


f you drive past the old brick armory building and remember roller skating parties of years past or wonder what goes on behind those towering glass doors, or if you are in search of new and exciting opportunities, read on. And if you have somehow never driven past the North Monroe Street Senior Center, you especially need to keep reading! Now I know what you’re thinking – “Who me? I’m way too young to go to the Senior Center!” But the truth is that you’re not too young – the Senior Center is a community facility open to all adults, ages 18 and up. Once you pass through our front door, you’ll unearth a treasure trove overflowing with exciting offerings, including art, foreign languages, lifelong learning and fitness – all for adults and all yours for the taking.

ties offered. A barrage of telephone and email inquiries followed. The editor of Your Health magazine then asked to write a column for women in their late 40s and 50s who do not identify themselves as seniors (nor do they want to any time soon). It is clear that exercise is the only known “fountain of youth,” and the time to put your body in motion is now. TSC programs offer cognitive, social and physical benefits, but let me tell you specifically about our fitness programs.

Fountain of youth

While the center offers a variety of gentle classes, such as seated yoga and mindful movement, there are plenty of more challenging offerings to explore. However, I must note that, while the seated classes are certainly gentle, they still afford terrific benefit for the total mind and body regardless of age.

In March, I wrote a blog for the Tallahassee Democrat, “An Object in Motion,” which focused on the importance of movement and the myriad of fitness opportuni-

To accommodate working adults, we offer several evening fitness options. Pam Hunter teaches an Iyengar Yoga class that embraces beginners, yet challenges even



the most seasoned yoga devotees. Jacqueline Parra teaches an authentic, exhilarating Zumba Gold class, designed to build strength and endurance while improving motion and posture. One regular participant in her class reported that Zumba helped him lose 40 pounds and get off his blood pressure medication. Another wildly popular fitness opportunity that appeals to the “slightly younger” set is pickleball, an indoor sport similar to tennis but played with a whiffle ball and a racquet (but not, alas, a pickle). Pickleball is offered on Wednesday afternoons at TSC and on Fridays at a different location.

“Senior” Games If you haven’t already heard, Tallahassee’s Capital City Senior Games are held annually in the spring and are qualifiers for state and national games. Senior Games promote healthy and active lifestyles for “athletes” age 50 and over. Participants can choose from more than a dozen sports, including archery, bowling, running and weightlifting.

The senior games are a perfect showcase for your athletic prowess, or simply a venue to dabble in a new endeavor or compete among friends. You do not have to be a super-athlete to compete; you just need a desire to set your body in motion. The number of participants in the Senior Games grows every year, particularly among the 50s set, who step up and embrace (or at least tolerate) the word “senior.” This year we witnessed a Senior Games novice sweep the medals in track and field sprint events. She said she only recently started running. So whether you are a 40-something or a 90-something, now is the perfect time to start training for next year’s games. Whatever your age, consider the affordable, friendly and fun fitness options at the Tallahassee Senior Center. In addition to the 1400 North Monroe St. center, we also offer programs at 15 neighborhood satellite sites. Set yourself in motion today! For a more complete listing of the Tallahassee Senior Center’s fitness offerings, as well as other class offerings, go to http://www.talgov.com/seniors/SeniorsHome.aspx or call me at 891-4000. June 2013 YOUR HEALTH


Mind matters

Get Unstuck By Kenya McCullum

brain. This exercise is a good way to tap into your subconscious mind and creativity, which can unlock the answers that you’re looking for.

Switch it up


s doing the same old same old getting you down? Are you feeling lethargic and drained? Have you lost your motivation? If you’re stuck in a rut, it can feel like you’re trying to run through quicksand — although you’re moving, you’re just not getting anywhere. And in some cases, people get so wrapped up in these feelings of ennui that they’re too paralyzed to move at all. But you don’t have to stay stuck. There are several ways you can get out of a rut and energize yourself again.

Identify the problem Sometimes when people feel stuck, they may not even realize why — or they may be in denial about it. One way to identify why you’re stuck is to do a writing exercise where you jot down as many sentences as you can that begin with the words “I want.” Don’t analyze your answers; just write for two full minutes and see what comes up for you. Then do the same thing with your nondominant hand, which will help to light up the other side of your 8


We are creatures of habit, but these habits can often contribute to feeling stuck in a rut. By switching things up, even just a little bit, we open our minds up to new possibilities and can start to feel better. “You can do something as small as using your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth or driving a different route home from work,” said life coach Jackie Gartman. “It may not seem like it on a cerebral level, but it really does get things moving in the right direction.”

Lose track of time Is there anything you do that makes you completely lose track of time? Although we don’t always have enough time to do the activities we love, these are exactly the things we need to do to get out of a rut.

Take baby steps Sometimes having goals can actually make us feel stuck because they seem so insurmountable that we don’t know how to tackle them. But if we take baby steps, we can move one inch closer to the things we want, and feel a sense of accomplishment while we’re doing it. “Since being stuck in a rut is so often connected to feeling overwhelmed, it’s better to break down whatever you want to do into tiny little steps,” said Tina B. Tessina,

author of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting about the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage. “Don’t think ‘I need a college degree;’ think ‘I need to call the college to find out about registration.’ That’s a doable step. If you think about the entire thing, you’ll never get there — it’s too overwhelming. So you have to just break it down one step at a time and just do it.”

Do positive affirmations Is your mind flooded with negative self-talk? Do you think about the things you want and your brain automatically goes to “I can’t do that!”? This kind of negative selftalk can hold you back and cause you to get stuck in a rut, but by making a conscious decision to think positive thoughts, you can release yourself from any feelings of restriction that are holding you back. “If you tell your mind positive things over time, your mind starts to believe them because you’re challenging your own mind, but still validating how it feels,” said Lisa Bahar, a licensed clinical counselor.

Remember that this too shall pass Chances are, you’ve been in a rut before and gotten through it. Although it may not feel like it at the time, these feelings are temporary — and it’s important to remind yourself of that. “Psychologically it can feel like it’s never going to change and it’s hopeless, but that’s really not true,” said marriage and family therapist Rachel Thomasian. “Just remember the last time it happened and recognize that you’ve come out of it before.” v

Why do we get stuck? Some of the common reasons that we get stuck in ruts include: Attachment to social roles

“Oftentimes, we get so overly identified with what I call our social self, which is created in response to our cultural, religious, parental or societal influences,” Gartman said. “For example, I heard from my parents that I needed to just meet a nice young man, get married and have kids. That’s what I did and I got very identified with that role, so I lost who I was outside of that. As my kids got older, I was generally feeling stuck because they didn’t need me as much and I didn’t know what I was supposed to be, do and have.” Fear of failure

In some cases, we feel like it’s easier to stay stuck where we are. A deep fear of failure can separate us from the things we want because we can’t handle the idea of not achieving those things.


“Even though people might be stuck in a rut, it may be so familiar that they are comfortable feeling like a victim to their circumstances,” said Bahar. “They become so invested that actually doing something about it would invalidate them in a certain way.”

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Your cravings are calling By Erin Perry O’Donnell


t’s mid-afternoon and the day is dragging. Suddenly, you’re struck by an overwhelming urge for something salty and crunchy. And it’s off to the vending machine. The feeling can be so strong, so urgent, that you feel it must really be your body telling you something is missing. But is it? Contrary to popular myth, dieticians say food cravings rarely point to a physical deficiency. They and other weight-loss experts say emotional needs are more likely at work – or, in the case of pregnancy cravings, the power of suggestion. Food is the low-hanging fruit, so to speak, of comfort. “Some people think it’s biological and I think that’s not true,” said Freddy Kaye, a licensed dietician in Tallahassee and author of The Expert’s Diet: The Secret to Permanent Weight Loss. Kaye says cravings are a product of habit. He cites The Power of Habit author Charles Duhigg, who breaks habit into three parts: cue, trigger and reward. At first, your cues are more obvious – say, a whiff of a burger on a grill. That triggers the second part: desire. And you finish it off with the reward: eating the burger. When the cycle repeats, a craving is born, Kaye said. “The cue, trigger and reward become intertwined until you have this powerful sense of anticipation of what you want.” One of Kaye’s weight-loss clients recently went to the store for diet soda. Once inside, he spotted a bag of peanut butter cups, and suddenly 10


it was all he could think about. But he stopped himself in the moment and walked away. “When habit emerges, the brain stops participating in any decisionmaking of any kind,” Kaye said. “In order to solve this problem, we have to find a new routine.” Author Sophie Skover addresses the same point in her blog and book, both titled The Continuous Appetite, but adds that cravings for particular foods can offer clues to your emotional state. “Our cravings are like a doorbell, trying to get our attention to deliver a message,” Skover said in an online video promoting her book. Once you get the true message, Skover said, you can find healthier ways to satisfy your needs. Here are some of her theories: Chocolate and sweets: This craving could mean you’re tired and need an energy boost, or that you’re feeling insecure. Solution: Do something physically comforting, meditate or take an actual nap. Crunchy or salty: A craving for nuts, pretzels or potato chips could

result from frustration or anxiety. Crushing them with your teeth provides only momentary relief. Solution: Find some crunchy veggies, do something you enjoy or pamper yourself. Carbs: If you’ve declared them offlimits, you’ve created a forbidden fruit and a craving. A desire for creamy, high-carb foods like mac and cheese can mask a need to be soothed, Skover said, because they help release serotonin, a hormone that produces a sense of pleasure and well-being. Solution: Eat all things in moderation, and try a bubble bath or massage. Caffeine: So many of us turn to coffee and soda for a midday pickme-up. But craving them can signal feelings of dissatisfaction, according to Skover. Ironically, you may turn to caffeine when you’re dehydrated, even though it will dehydrate you more. Solution: You could just need more water. Don’t we all? Skover also said gummy, sticky food cravings might mean you’re feeling apprehensive or insecure. Want spicy foods? That could be boredom talking.

Every rule has an exception, and here’s one for cravings: Low blood sugar can trigger a craving for sugar to regain its balance. Dr. Kaye said starches are the best remedy in that case, but it’s better not to wait too long between meals. New research also shows that lack of sleep causes a spike in cortisol, the stress hormone. A 2011 study at the University of Chile found that sleep deprivation drives cravings for highfat foods and distorts your brain’s perception of whether you’re full. Sticking to a routine is the best defense against cravings, Kaye said. “To me, the secret of permanent weight loss is routine. If you eat the same amount of food at the same time every day, your body is more efficient. Stay routine with your meals and you’ll control your appetite, your hunger and your emotions.” v

Other ways to combat cravings How can you fight a craving that’s already taken hold? Here are some tips:

• Take a whiff of jasmine to block food smells from your brain’s aroma receptors. • Exercise: Get up and walk, do a few jumping jacks • Distract yourself: Get busy with something else for 30 minutes, and don’t eat anything. Chances are the craving will lift on its own. • Drink water. Have you had your eight glasses today? • Chew sugarless gum. And if you decide to give in to a nighttime craving, Dr. Kaye has this suggestion: Get a small portion of what you want, and eat it in bed. Then brush your teeth or swish some mouthwash to kill the flavor immediately. You’ll be less likely to go back for more, and you’ll also be farther from the kitchen.




A little manipulation can be a good thing The benefits of chiropractic care

By Avery Hurt


ven if you’ve never tried chiropractic medicine yourself, you probably know someone who has had “an adjustment.” But if you’re like most people, chiropractic care is something of a mystery. There’s no reason it should be, though. The basics are really quite simple, and the results can be life-changing.

shouldn’t have lifted that box of books all by yourself! — or repetitive stress, such as sitting all day in a poorly designed desk chair, the result can be inflammation, pain and decreased range of motion. One of the aims of chiropractic adjustment is to restore mobility and ease this pain and inflammation.

Chiropractic medicine is a holistic form of health care that takes into account the intricate relationship between health, lifestyle and environment. According to the American Chiropractic Association, chiropractic treatment is “a drug free, hands-on approach to health care.” Though doctors of chiropractic medicine can diagnose a wide variety of illnesses and counsel patients about nutritional and other lifestyle changes as well as refer patients, when necessary, to other caregivers, the primary therapeutic method of chiropractic is something known as spinal manipulation or spinal adjustment. When tissues are damaged, because of an injury — you really

Not That Far Out



Though chiropractic treatment typically involves manipulation the spine, the goals of chiropractic care go beyond freeing restricted joints. Because the spinal column encloses the spinal cord and the spinal cord is the means by which the brain communicates with the rest of the body, when the spinal column is out of adjustment, nerves can become blocked or otherwise impeded, causing a variety of symptoms, including headaches, muscle pain and muscle weakness. Manipulating the spine can do a great deal more than simply ease a sore back. Back injuries, however, are the most common complaint that

chiropractors treat. “We see a lot of herniated discs,” said Joseph Miller, D.C., of the Tallahassee Spine Center. “We try to repair those and prevent the need for surgery or medication. We also treat whiplash symptoms, mid-back pain and hip pain,” he explained. Though considered an alternative medical modality, chiropractic medicine is not all that far out of the medical mainstream. According to Miller, chiropractic care is the largest alternative medical specialty in the United States. Many complaints that are often successfully treated with chiropractic care are ailments that leave practitioners of conventional medicine scratching their heads: lower back pain, headaches, neck pain and joint conditions. “We treat a lot of failed back surgeries,” said Miller.

Safety First According to The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), reports of complications from chiropractic therapy are rare. NIH-funded research has shown chiropractic medicine to be useful for low-back pain, migraine, headaches that originate in the neck, upper and lower extremity joint conditions and possibly for fibromyalgia, mid-back pain, sciatica and temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ). A little friendly manipulation might be just what you need. v

Getting ready for your adjustment The most important thing to keep in mind when you are getting ready for your visit to a Doctor of Chiropractic is that like any physician, he or she will need to know your medical history and an exact description of the problem that brought you to the doctor. You’ll also need to bring a complete list of any medications you are taking. Even though chiropractic medicine seeks to avoid pharmaceutical and surgical interventions when possible, your doctor will need to know what you are already taking and any surgeries you’ve had. Your first visit may or may not include an adjustment, but you will very likely be X-rayed, and it is possible that your doctor will order additional diagnostic tests, such as an MRI. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and be sure that you are well hydrated. In addition, be sure to allow plenty of time for your visit. The actual manipulation doesn’t take long, but your doctor will probably spend some time learning about you and your health issues and advising you on how to care for your body and keep it in tip-top condition.



cover story

Spirit By Elizabeth M. Mack


f you were to meet Denise Manning today, you would never guess that at any time in her life she found it hard to smile.

The 35-year-old life coach now wears a smile that can brighten anyone’s day — having continually overcome trials and tribulations in her life to be where she is today. And to think, she still has much more planned for the future. Growing up, the Oakland, California, native admits she never really lived at home. Her father was a drug dealer, her mother was emotionally absent and she was molested. She didn’t have anyone to look up to and was frequently put down by people around her.

“Failure is not an option; success is the best revenge.” 14


“That was my life,” Manning said. “So I would just imagine where I wanted to be and who I wanted to be. Am I where I want to be yet? No, but I know I’ll get there.”

Order of the Eastern Star and Iota Phi Lamda.

She says that’s what drives her to continue on.

“People tell me I should take time for myself and do something just for me, but I feel like with the work that I’m doing, it fulfills me,” she added. “And that’s enough for me. It makes me very happy.”

On top of being a certified life coach, Manning is public speaker, Iraq War veteran, forensic fingerprint expert, juvenile justice professional, activist and deputy sheriff reserve for the Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office. She served on the Commission on the Status of Women and Girls for Leon County and the Human Relations Council for the City of Tallahassee. She currently chairs the Community Justice Panel at the Palmer Munroe Teen Center. She has bachelor’s and master’s degree in criminal justice, as well as a doctorate in theology. She’s also a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.,

“I’m always busy,” she said. “But I like to stay busy.”

But there’s more she wants to achieve. “I want to be known around the nation,” Manning said. “I wouldn’t mind doing a talk show or being on talk shows.” “I think my spirit is bigger than just one city,” she added. “I think I have something in me that should be given to the world. I think I want to be the Iyanla Vanzant of our generation.”

But even with all that, in the end, Manning said she ultimately wants to open a funeral home and be a mortician. She actually spent several years during her youth working in a funeral home and was the supervisor over the mortuary while in the Army. “It’s just one more thing that I want to do, but I really like,” she said. “I have this disease called overachiever, but that’s what happens when you are told you aren’t ever going to be anything.” And on the rare occasion that she’s not busy working, she does have hobbies — reading self help and motivational books, as well as enjoying the great outdoors. “I love the trails,” she said. “Tallahassee has some of the most beautiful trails and parks. Dorothy B. Oven is my favorite. And I love the St. Marks Trail.” v

So what is a life coach? Whatever it is you want in life, Denise Manning wants to help get you there.

As Manning explains it you can have a coach for everything — cheerleading coaches, beauty coaches, wellness coaches — you name it. It only makes sense to have someone steer you through life, as well. “What a coach is, is someone who holds you accountable and makes sure you are doing what you said you would do,” she said. “And they are there to not only listen, but to be a cheerleader for you as you go along.” Right now Manning works full-time as a life coach at Florida A&M University with Student Activities and Student Health Services, under the official title of Coordinator for Community Services and Leadership. “We just talk about life issues — relationships, finances, classes, friendships — anything you can think of,” she said. “I’ve dealt with young adults becoming homeless while in school and helping them to find resources. It’s literally been everything.” She’s been at FAMU for a year, but her decision to become a life coach was made while she was serving overseas in Iraq. “I was the supervisor over the mortuary and I really didn’t think I was going to come back,” she said. “I’ve always been a life coach for myself. So I said, ‘if and when I go back, I’m going to live no matter what anybody says. I’m going to live because I know I’m so close to death here.’” Upon her return from the Iraq War in Jan. 2010, she set out to become a life coach, getting her certification from the Spencer Institute.



Manning says the work is very rewarding. As she tells her clients, achieving your dreams in life requires focus and drive — and that’s what she’s here to do. “You have to challenge your mind — erasing negative thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts,” she said. “And you can’t give up on yourself. You have to keep going. You have to make the best of what you have and be happy with it.”


Grilling season – bring it on with a healthy twist By Elise Oberliesen


ev up your grills and your taste buds, because grilling season is officially here. But instead of singing the same ol’ song, “How will you have your burger dear?” find new grilling options that wake up a tired meal and give your taste buds something to sing about. Watch out ma’am, there’s a new burger in town.

Carolyn Cadenhead, executive sous chef with My Secret Chef, a company that provides personal chef services, said many of her clients have dietary restrictions. But that doesn’t stop her from cooking up tasty, healthy meals. “We have to go in and cook creatively for them,” she said. And that’s not always easy when she has to omit favorite standbys like salt. But Cadenhead has a secret weapon that helps her punch up flavors naturally. “Add mushrooms – it naturally brings out the other flavors in other ingredients and it won’t taste bland,” even without the salt, she said. If you’re a fan of hearty Portobello mushrooms, than you already know about their yummy flavor. But maybe you’ve never grilled up these burger-sized mushrooms pads and need a few tips. 18


The secret with Portobellos – marinate with caps facing down, said Mike Vrobel, from his blog, DadsCookDinner.com. That way they collect all the yummy juices soon to swirl around on your taste buds. Chefs advise grilling with the caps facing down for five minutes over a medium heat. And instead of flipping them like a burger, Vrobel simply rotates them 90 degrees for just a few more minutes ( less than 5) or until they’re wilted or bubbly. Thickly sliced grilled red onions pair nicely with Portobellos, as do red peppers and Poblano peppers. Just brush peppers with olive oil or marinade and place on the grill until soft. Vrobel suggests topping off Portobellos with melted goat cheese, or potassium-rich avocado.

Why munch on mushrooms? In a clinical trial of obese adults who traded one cup of white button mushrooms daily for the usual meat portion, researchers found the fungi as an effective food replacement helping people shed pounds. After one year, researchers from the Weight Management Center at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, led by Lawrence Cheskin, M.D., F.A.C.P., reported

mushroom eaters lost 7 pounds, and decreased waist circumference by 2.6 inches compared to the control group who ate a regular diet. Conclusion: Eating more low density energy foods, like mushrooms, helps people feel fuller with fewer calories. Need a reason to dust off the smoker? Cadenhead suggests tossing a turkey breast on the smoker. Who knows, you just might start celebrating Thanksgiving every June. “Just don’t put the turkey over the direct heat because turkey takes longer to cook,” said Cadenhead.

Veggie-licious Private Chef Jill Welch, owner of The Kitchen Goddess, teaches people how to give their foods some pizzazz without excess fat or calories. Welch likes to cut up a variety of vegetables for the grill because they make a nice accompaniment to any dish. “On the BBQ, throw some sweet potatoes with some big fat pieces of eggplant, zucchini and squash,” she says. To avoid using foil or grill baskets, Welch slices veggies on the chunky side. For something quick, just brush veggies with olive oil and salt. Grill until tender, about 5-8 minutes on medium heat, depending on your grill. Want more flavor? Just add a splash of balsamic or red wine vinegar to your veggies before grilling them, she says. When Welch is rooting around for a touch of sweetness in marinades, she adds a few drops of Stevia, a natural sweetener that won’t raise blood sugar. If you haven’t gotten your hands on it already, you might want to run up to New Leaf ask for “Herb de Provence.” Welch is a big fan of the herb blend for grilled veggies and meats. v

Add some flavor to your grilling with these recipes Want to add some kick to your corn on the cob? Try Carolyn’s Spicy Corn Butter. Spicy Corn butter Ingredients 1 stick salted butter 1 Tablespoon chili powder 1 green onion 1 teaspoon cumin 1/2 teaspoon chipotle pepper in adobo Place all ingredients in a food processor to combine. Transfer to a bowl and melt before serving. Spoon over corn and enjoy.

Portobello Mushroom Marinade Provided by Mike Vrobel, DadCooksDinner.com blog Ingredients 8 large Portobello mushroom caps 2 teaspoons kosher salt 8 red onion slices, 1/4” thick Place mushrooms (caps facing down) and onions in glass dish and sprinkle with salt

Balsamic Vinaigrette Marinade Ingredients 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar pinch of salt 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper 1 clove of minced garlic 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil Combine marinade ingredients and stir. Pour mixture over onions and mushrooms. Preheat the grill and then place mushrooms and onions on grill at medium heat, lid down for 5 minutes. Instead of flipping mushrooms, rotate 90 degrees for another 3-5 minutes. Serve with buns or rolls.



smart fitness

Leaping mental roadblocks in a single bound By Tricia Dulaney


adies and gentlemen, in this corner of the ring, the crowd favorite: Exercise, an up-and-comer with all the right moves — and looking great in that leotard! This one’s a winner, folks — health, energy and all kinds of terrific benefits all rolled into one. Facing off in the opposite corner, the heavyweight tag-team defends the title: we’ve got Inertia, Lack of Time, and Discouragement once again fighting under the Team Excuse banner. Brace yourselves, folks — this promises to be the biggest fight since…yesterday. If this bout has never played out in your head, well, you probably have secret superpowers and a cape in your closet. The rest of us need ammunition for this battle.

Keep it positive. “Goals made with a negative mindset are a set-up for failure,” said Laurel Blackburn, owner of Tallahassee Kettlebells and the only certified female Russian Kettlebell team leader in the world. “Starting with a ‘no’ sets off feelings of rebellion and deprivation. Reverse engineer your goals.” Instead of “I won’t skip my workout,” she suggests putting a positive twist on the goal: “Working out feels great, and I deserve that feeling,” makes it an affirmation rather than the kind of rule we immediately want to break. (Ask any dieter. “I’ll never eat cheesecake again” makes cheesecake an obsession.) “And put it in writing! That makes it official,” Blackburn added.

Dodge discouragement; keep goals small and attainable. Sure, eventually you plan to run a marathon, but that goal is so huge that daily progress gets lost. Set your sights on a 5K — or even just the end of the block — and reward yourself for making it. You’ve been wanting to see that movie or get that manicure, right? 20


Too much of a good thing can be another roadblock. “Most people feel they have to beat up their bodies,” said Kim Bibeau, owner of Sweat Therapy Fitness. She tells her clients that working out shouldn’t leave you limping the next day. “It’s about finding what you enjoy doing, what challenges you — but doesn’t defeat you.” Helping clients find that balance is Bibeau’s goal; Sweat Therapy’s small classes and intimate, almost familial atmosphere make it possible. Client Christie Williams agrees. “I ran by myself, walked by myself, but I realized I wasn’t working my core, wasn’t working to my potential. Kim knows how to

push you, but it’s more individual, more of a holistic approach. Working out with her is like meeting a friend for coffee. You wouldn’t want to not meet your friend.”

Size matters. Classes, individual sessions with a trainer and solitary workouts are all effective, so find what works for you. That might not be a workout partner, however. “Don’t wait on someone else,” cautioned Bibeau. “Do it for yourself, then let them join you if they want.” “You have to make it a priority,” added April Hambrecht of Sweat Therapy. “You make time for what’s important. You have time to make dinner, to go shopping. You can make time to work out, too.” v

Battling boredom

unique exercise equipment she uses to engage her clients.

Boredom beats motivation all too often, but don’t tap out. Keep it interesting.

Distract yourself

Switch it up

“We keep your muscles surprised,” said Bibeau. “You never know what you’ll be doing when you come in.” Rowing machines that move real water, Kangoo boots, ViPR bars and TRX suspension training are among the

“I listen to audio books,” says Susan Reid, PE coach at Hawks Rise Elementary. “The only problem is when I finish the book halfway through.” Change the scenery

On Sweat Therapy’s Reel Ryde Sundays, clients pedal their way through a feature-length film shown on giant screens. The RealRyde exercise bikes lean and tilt like actual bicycles, work-

ing the core as well as the legs, but the movie (recently, Jurassic Park) directs bikers’ attention away from the fact that they’re burning calories, not occupying couch space. Pump up the volume

Technology is a wonderful thing, as anyone who worked out prior to the era of personal music can attest. The right soundtrack makes it almost impossible to stay still, and a solid rhythm keeps you on track. Just don’t crank it up too loud, and consider using only one headphone when outside. June 2013 YOUR HEALTH


Best Body

Kick bunions to the curb By Kathleen Back Brady


uch! Those sexy, highheeled shoes looked great in the store, but are they pinching your bunions all day long? If so, reevaluate your shoe selections and learn more about bunions and how to deal with them. Bunions look like a bump that juts out near your big toe on the inside of your foot. Some bunions appear as a mild protrusion, but some progress to an extreme deformity. Wearing the wrong shoes irritates bunions and is a major pain in the foot. Russell W. Rowan, D.P.M., M.S. of Tallahassee Podiatry, explains exactly what bunions are and what aggravates them. “A bunion is an enlargement at the base of the big toe in which the big toe bends toward the smaller toes and the metatarsal joint becomes more prominent,” he said. Since the 22


joint is out of normal alignment, it no longer functions properly so it swells and can be painful. Bunions are hereditary and more common in women. Some foot types are more prone to develop bunions, and they can appear in adolescence or show up many years later. You can have a bunion on just one foot, but they often occur on both feet. What conservative measures can be taken to deal with painful bunions before resorting to surgery? Dr. Rowan advises patients to wear shoes that fit properly, avoiding narrow and pointy-toe shoes. Tight shoes rub up against the joint, causing irritation. Purchase shoes with a wider toe box and avoid heels higher than two inches. Wedge shoes may be more comfortable than heels and

distribute the weight on the foot a little better, but flip-flops — although very popular — offer very little support. Dr. Rowan advises wearing shoes that have a good structure; leave the flip-flops for use at the beach or around the pool. Dr. Rowan suggests using ice or placing non-medicated padding, such as moleskin, along the bunion when pain flares. Antiinflammatory medication can alleviate some of the discomfort. Orthotics — professionally made shoe inserts — can be worn to keep the foot in better alignment. When is it time to surgically repair the bunion? Have your bunion evaluated for surgery, said Dr. Rowan, when the pain is not relieved by conservative methods. And if you can no longer engage in your daily activities or an enjoyable activity (tennis, for

example) without chronic pain, think about a surgical correction. Dr. Rowan stresses that surgery for cosmetic reasons alone is not recommended. Since there are risks with any surgery, he prefers to treat bunions surgically for functional reasons only. There are a few surgical methods from which a physician can choose based on the patient’s age, activity level, range of motion in the joint and underlying medical conditions. Prior to surgery, X-rays are evaluated to assess the foot bones, take measurements and to note

the position of the joint. After a careful work-up, the physician will determine which procedure will best meet the patient’s needs. Patients generally do well after bunion surgery with favorable outcomes. Immediately post-op, patients stay off their feet, apply ice and elevate the foot to control swelling. Patients are given pain and antiinflammatory medication to help with surgical pain. Bone healing requires approximately six weeks. Patients

are first given special surgical shoes to wear and then progress to tennis shoes as they slowly increase their activities. Full recovery, however, takes several months to get back to normal. Listen to your feet! Try conservative methods first. Avoid tight-fitting shoes or switch from high- to low-impact exercises to ease the pain of bunions. If surgery is required to correct the deformity, follow your physician’s orders while you recover and say ‘bye-bye’ to your bunions. v

Bunionettes While the name “bunion” conjures up a painful, ugly protrusion near the big toe, a “bunionette” sounds almost adorable. A bunionette – or mini bunion – is a bony bump that pokes out of the outside of your foot by your little toe. A bunionette may be referred to as a “tailor’s bunion.” Many years ago tailors did their work in such a position that was assumed to cause inflammation to the little toe. A bunionette, cute as it sounds, may be small but can still cause a lot of pain. Conservative treatments include wearing wider shoes and avoiding any footwear that causes pressure to the area. Try on shoes at the end of the day when your feet are the largest, and don’t be afraid to buy a bigger size shoe than you think you need. Every shoe varies in fit, and size is just a number. Narrow shoes can often be stretched to widen them a bit or you can buy shoes in extra wide. Make sure your shoes fit well — anything tight aggravates bunionettes. Think roomy and comfy when it comes to buying shoes that won’t bother your bunionette. Padding may be placed over the little protrusion to help reduce friction and pain. Anti-inflammatory medications and ice packs may help to alleviate pain. Surgery can help when other measures fail to address the bunionette by fixing the misplaced alignment. Some patients can develop a bunion and bunionette — quite a dynamic duo in causing foot pain! Luckily, surgery can be performed to address both bunion and bunionette at the same time. Consult your doctor to determine a treatment plan best suited for your bunionette.



Make over

Polished: Sensational summer manicures By Amber Barz


amper yourself and perfect your look with a dangerously chic manicure. Whether you’re 20, 40 or 60, these hot new looks will help you sail into summer with the perfect pop of color and sparkle. A little self-indulgence is good for the soul and perfectly polished fingernails are good for the ego. Whether you are the DIY type or a salon aficionado, plan to paint your nails in one — or more — of today’s hottest new shades.

Brilliantly Bold Bright and playful describes this season’s hottest nail trend. Cobalt 24


blues, grass greens and deep purples lend a light-hearted look to your ensemble, whether you’re headed to the beach or the office. “Bright bold colors are what our customers are asking for this season,” said Paige Lindstrom, a full specialist at Tallahassee’s Chelsea Salon and Spa.

Perfectly Pale Translucent shimmery shades and pale opaque polishes create a clean and simple appearance that is worthy of everything from a formal wedding to a tedious workout. “This season’s most popular pastel shades include lavender, aqua, coral and peach,” Lindstrom said. “Nude

shades are also quite popular for summer.”

Colorfully Tipped “There are a few new twists on the traditional French manicure,” said Samantha Tran, a manicurist at Tallahassee’s Royal Nail and Spa. In classic French style, the main part of the nail bed is painted a soft pink, and the tip, white. Tran says there is always a high demand for this classic look. “We’re also seeing some trendy variations of a French manicure, such as a pastel tip or a pastel base topped with a contrasting pastel tip.”

Varying the shape of the tip into a ‘V’ or a ‘Y’ or even an ‘I’ is another option. If you choose a French manicure or variation, be prepared to pay the price — quite literally. “Two toned nails cost more than a standard manicure or pedicure because they take the nail technician more time,” explained Tran.

Strikingly Different Go bold, and then go one step farther. Painting one nail, typically the thumb or ring finger, a contrasting color is another popular trend,” said Lindstrum. “We are

seeing customers using two shades of blue, or blue and green, or even adding glitter to just one nail,” Lindstrum added.

Extra Shine Shimmery polishes and glittery topcoats are an easy way to up the glamour factor this season. You can add sparkle to just one nail, as Lindstrum mentioned, on all ten, or only on the tips. “If it makes you happy, then we’ve accomplished our goal,” said Tran.

Lasting Color To extend the life of your manicure consider choosing a UV gel polish.

“Gel polishes provide an extremely durable, protective finish,” explained Lindstrom. Gel polishes dry to a hard finish under UV light in just one minute, so there is no worry of accidentally smudging your new look. Gel polishes also last longer than traditional polishes — up to three weeks. But the added durability also means it’s tougher to take off. Typical removal requires a ten-minute soak in acetone. “It’s best not to use gel polishes for multiple manicures in a row, because frequent use can cause your nails to thin over time,” Lindstrum added. v

Selecting a salon Cleanliness is the single most important factor you need to consider when choosing a salon. The best salons not only look neat and clean, they sanitize each station after each customer, and either use disposable tools or provide you with your own set of tools on your first visit. Make sure the salon is licensed. Licenses must be on display, complete with a photo ID. If you don’t know where to start, ask a friend where she gets her nails done and which nail technician she prefers, and then call ahead for an appointment.

Kiss and tell Introduced in the early 1950s as a sign of sophistication, neatly manicured red nails and matching red lips were all the rage. This matching look made a comeback last season and it has now expanded to additional summer shades including corals, pinks and nudes.

Be square Squared nails, or squared nails with a rounded edge, are the most popular in greater Tallahassee this year. Oval nails, like French manicures, will never go out of style. A round nail tip looks great on short nails. The more pointed and edgier almond shape has a tendency to break, so it is no longer a “must-have.”



Your Time

You’re doing what at your age?!

By Marina Brown


oting the number of people

up for interpretation. So it stands

around age 50 who toss that

to reason that any healthy 40, 50,

little uninvited AARP card in the

60 or even 70 or 80-year-old who

trash, the word “senior” itself is

wants to can blur the demarcation



lines of age as easily as eliminating crow’s feet with Botox. It’s all in your attitude and how you spend your time. And one of

Change Your Life Today

the most effective methods of staying young is to learn something. Stretch your brain and your horizons — maybe go back to school. More than 16 percent of seniors are doing just that.

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New studies of the cerebral cortex and other brain structures show that people who are learning languages, math and other somewhat mentally-taxing subjects are also fine-tuning processes such as critical thinking and memory function. Seniors who study dance or do aerobic exercising at least three hours a week have better recall and are more alert than those who don’t.

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So it’s no wonder that adult classes are filling up. And though Tallahassee’s demographic is more youthful than many Florida cities, there are a plethora of opportunities for baby boomers.



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“I’ve always wanted to do it, but never had time,” is the most common reason that Jennifer Infinger, educational coordinator for the LeMoyne Center for Visual Arts, hears when seniors sign up for classes. “We have everything from ceramics to stained glass to drawing and painting in many, many mediums,” she added. While after-school programs and evening classes for adults are available, it’s the boomers

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and above who are taking advantage of easy-to-get-to daytime classes. And don’t forget those treasured ‘senior discounts.’ Seniors get a reduction in membership fees. If a senior joins, for just a few dollars more, they can invite children and grandchildren to come along and paint on a Senior Family Plan. And it’s not always just about hobbies. Hank Fleck is a painter (and killer ping pong player) at the Tallahassee Senior Center on Monroe St. Hank has shown and sold works he creates at home and at the painting sessions held at the Center. Other artists are throwing

One in six adults is going back to school for some kind of instructional learning. And there are several advantages to doing it as an adult — even if you weren’t a stellar student when you were young. 28


pots and firing ceramics at the sophisticated art studio the facility maintains.

not to mention the arguably more

At FSU’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, where the average age is 65, a small membership fee and only $50 for 6-week courses allows seniors to take classes from FSU professors, graduate students and professionals in their field. Tobias Mostel, son of Zero Mostel, is teaching Three Musicals of the Broadway Stage. Other stimulating topics include Politics of the United Nations, Archeology and Great Ideas, where students mull over what Socrates and Camus had to say —

and scholarships available for

fun course called Wine Exploration. There are also hundreds of grants seniors. At most Florida universities, those over 65 have the unique spaceavailable ability to audit a college course for free. And don’t forget the online courses from Harvard, MIT, Stanford and Yale. It’ll cost you nothing to learn what the 20-somethings will be paying for until they’re your age — with an AARP card in their pocket! v

More Experience

your coed crush is up to. All of

Kids have to guess at a lot of history, memorize facts and form vague ideas. The adult learner has often “been there” — they already know the history.

your mental energy will go toward absorbing knowledge. Better financial cushion

It’s likely you won’t be skipping

More Focus

class to make it to your second

As an adult, you won’t be worrying about what the girl next to you wrote on Facebook or what

reduction of stress can actually

or third job to pay tuition. That help with learning.


June 22, 6:30 to 10 p.m.

15th Annual Artopia Over the past fifteen years, Artopia has become Big Bend Cares’ largest fundraiser and one of the most highly anticipated art events in the Tallahassee area. Artopia features both local and world-renowned artists that donate their work. Attendees bid on the art through silent and live auctions. Proceeds provide education and comprehensive support for people infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS. Tickets are $30. Artopia will take place at the Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center, 505 W. Pensacola St. For more information, visit www.bigbendcares.org, email MHayse@bigbendcares.org or call 656-2437. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Downtown MarketPlace Open every Saturday, March through November from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., the Downtown MarketPlace features fresh homegrown produce and organic items. Look for fresh-cut flowers and native plants. Local farmers offer Mother Nature’s best. In this tranquil setting, local musicians play their music on-stage, authors and poets present readings of their latest works and regional artists show fine crafts. The Downtown MarketPlace takes place at the Park Avenue Chain of Parks. For more information, email Allen Thompson, Downtown Events coordinator, at thompsal@earthlink.net. “A Full Summer” Community Event June 1, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. A community event where volunteers will gather to package rice, vegetables and other non-perishables to be donated to the Second Harvest of the Big Bend. These meals will be distributed to needy children in the Big Bend community throughout the summer. When school is out, many children in our community do not have a reliable source of food. A Full Summer will ensure that these children have nutritious meals available. There will be two shifts to volunteer, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. at



Alfriend Hall at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 211 N. Monroe St. For more information, contact Laurye Messer at 893-0602.

June 1, 8 p.m.

Saturdays in the Park Every first Saturday of the month, The Downtown Tallahassee Business Association and the Tallahassee Downtown Improvement Authority host a live performance in Ponce de Leon Park, located on W. Park Ave. Saturday’s performance will feature The Lindsey Sarjeant Group. The event is free to the public. Bring your picnic baskets, blankets and get ready for a fun-filled evening under the stars.

June 6-8

Annual African Dance Festival Hosted by the African Caribbean Dance Theatre, the African Dance Festival features three days of events, workshops and classes for all ages, health screenings and forums and a performance concert. The concert features the African Caribbean Dance Theatre, Balafon West African Dance Ensemble, N’Kafu Traditional African Dance Company, Wona Womalan West African Drum and Dance Ensemble and more. Classes and workshops take place at the TCC Lifetime Sports Complex, 444 Appleyard Drive. The concert takes place

June 8 at 8:15 p.m. at Lee Hall Auditorium, FAMU, 1601 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. For more information and to see the complete schedule of classes and workshops, go to www.fadf.org or call 539-4087.

June 7-9

Tallahassee Latin Dance Festival Enjoy two days of dance workshops, three dance-filled evening parties, dance contests, a performance showcase, Salsa Bootcamp for Beginners and a Bachata Immersion Performance program. This is the first of what is expected to become an annual showcase. You can purchase tickets for the whole weekend of events or individually. The festival takes place at the Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center, 505 W. Pensacola St. For more information, call 339-8463.

June 29, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

What Women Want 2013 Mark your calendar for the fourth annual What Women Want Expo. The first 100 women to show up to the event receive tote bags with a number of goodies! There will be dining, dancing, massages, manicures, palm reading, fashion, travel and jewelry all in one fun-filled location. The event will take place at The Antique Car Museum, 6800 Mahan Drive. For more information, visit www.MyStar98.com.

~ Physician Profiles RONALD G. WILLIS, DMD

General and Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Ronald G. Willis Graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Willis specializes in Cosmetic Dentistry, TMJ/TMD Neuromuscular Dentistry, Neuromuscular Orthodontics, and Veneers. Dr. Willis has treated missing and discolored teeth. Many treatment options exist for his patients as well as finishing the frame around the teeth and face with Botox and Derma Fillers. Dr. Willis received an award for Best Dentist in 2003 & 2005 and Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies Clinical Instructor of the year. Contact: Centre Point Dental Group, 2470 Care Dr., Tallahassee, 850.877.5151 or rwillisdmd@yahoo.com


Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Kirbo is a board certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing in the N. Florida and S. Georgia area for more than 15 years. Dr. Kirbo completed his medical degree at the University of Miami. Dr. Kirbo completed general surgery residency at the University of Kentucky and plastic surgery residency at Vanderbilt University. His particular interests are cosmetic, breast, post-bariatric weight loss surgery, correcting undesirable plastic surgery results and body contouring. He was recently recognized as a recipient of The Tally Awards top surgeon in Tallahassee. Contact: Southeastern Plastic Surgery, 2030 Fleischmann Rd., Tallahassee, 850.219.2000, se-plasticsurgery.com

Jana Bures-ForsthoeFel, MD

Gynecology and Obstetrics Dr. Jana Bures-Forsthoefel has been practicing in our community for 25+ years and is now delivering the next generation. Dr. Bures -Forsthoefel received her doctorate in from the University Of Louisville School Of Medicine and did her residency at Emory University Grady Hospital in Atlanta Georgia. She is Board Certified in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Contact: Gynecology & Obstetrics Associates, PA Professional Office Building, 1405 Centerville Rd. Suite 4200, 850.877.3549, obgyntallahassee.com


Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Rosenberg attended Emory University for college and medical school. He is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and Plastic Surgery. He has written articles on facelifts, breast reduction and reconstruction, abdominoplasty, melanoma and non-melanoma reconstruction. He has a many specializations; eyelid surgery, breast reconstruction, augmentation and reduction, abdominoplasty, hand surgery, treatments of skin disorders and body contouring for massive weight loss patients. Dr. Rosenberg is the only board certified physician in N. Florida and S. Georgia to perform a hair restoration procedure of transplanting individual follicular units. Contact: Southeastern Plastic Surgery, 2030 Fleischmann Rd., Tallahassee, 850.219.2000, se-plasticsurgery.com


Family Medicine Dr. Robert Frable is a board certified family practice physician established in Wakulla County for 24 years. Originally from Pennsylvania, he attended undergraduate school at Northeast Missouri State University and graduated from Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. Family Pratice Residency was completed at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Hospital in Kirksville, Missouri. Contact: Capital Regional Medical Group, 2832 Crawfordville Hwy., Crawfordville, 850.926.6363


Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Dr. Shawn Ramsey specializes in minimally invasive surgery, female pelvic reconstructive surgery, and aesthetic procedures. He is certified in the da Vinci Robotic Surgical System. Dr. Ramsey received his Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, Pennsylvania and he did his residency at the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan. Contact: Gynecology & Obstetrics Associates, PA Professional Office Building, 1405 Centerville Rd. Suite 4200, 850.877.3549, obgyntallahassee.com

Would you like to have a profile on this page? Please contact Donna Lever, dlever@tallahassee.com or 850.599.2221

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