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That’s Amore! TALLAHASSEE’S ItAlian FestA

Eat Well to Feel Better &

February/March 2012

Jennifer STInson Seeing with Her





Look Fabulous

Top Paying Careers for Women

Love Your




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• F e b r u a r y / M a rc h 2012  1

I keep hand sanitizer in my purse. My foundation includes SPF 15 or more. I take a calcium supplement every day. And never text and drive. So, this year when it was time for my annual mammogram, I researched my options. That’s why I go to the Sharon Ewing Walker Breast Health Center. The staff is friendly, the rooms are cozy and the Mammopad makes the whole experience more comfortable. And if needed, they provide the most comprehensive breast health care in the Big Bend.

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• F e b r u a r y / M a rc h 2012  3

Contents Ta l l a h a s s e e W o m a n M a g a z i n e | F e b r u a r y / M a r c h 2 0 12



On the Cover

Jennifer Stinson—Seeing with the Heart Living out a love story that continues to change her life, Jennifer Stinson is on a courageous journey that requires a special gift to see into the heart.




Tallahassee Women’s History—A Reflection

Mart Hill becomes our guide as we look back at the last 100 years and her thoughts on how life has changed for women.



Our Thoughts


Girl Talk


Style & Grace


Healthy Living


Money Talks




Women We Admire


The Dish


Funny Girl

Short reads on topics that are of interest to women.


Beauty items to help turn back the hands of time.

The low-down on how certain foods can lead to heart disease and tips for a heart-healthy lifestyle at any age.

Get Fiscally Fit

About the Cover | Photography by Adam Cohen | Styling by Nancy Cohen | Clothes and jewelry provided by Cole Couture | Makeup by Sara of Randi Buchanan & Co. | Hair by Rachel Sebree of Fuel Salon

Women of the Italian Festa – A Taste of Italy in Tallahassee.

A Homelike Place at Tree House of Tallahassee Cuff Links and Pearls Pioneers Gala to Pay Tribute to Women in History

An Award-Winning Italian Recipe: La Salsa di Nonna

Hair I Go Again

I N E V E R Y I SS U E Capital City Gems 20 | Around Town 36 | Women to Watch 42 | Calendar 44

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Restore What Your Body Is Missing. “When I was introduced to xR two years ago, I said, ‘Finally, a truly scientific approach to using personalized bio-identical hormones, nutrition, vitamins and supplements to optimize the health of my patients!’ Through blood work and your personal health history, we will work together to restore what your body is missing, help reduce medications and improve your quality of life. My wife and I have personally experienced the same results and are on our own natural prescriptions. I look forward to helping you discover your natural prescription.”

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Tallahassee Family Medicine | 1525 Killearn Center Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32309 t a l l a h a s s e e wo m a n • F e b r u a r y / M a rc h 2012  5 Individual results will vary. These statements have not been reviewed or approved by the FDA.


The View From HERE

Living Well and Loving Life! February/March 2012 Volume 7 | Issue 1

Publisher Kim Rosier Editor Heather Thomas Advertising sales Director Lynn Solomon


id you know that we are all mountain climbers? I don’t mean the Mount Everest kind, although some days it can seem like we are attempting to do just that. I have a mentor who has shared a beautiful metaphor for how women impact each other’s lives in a profound way: to look at life as if we are all climbing a mountain, not necessarily at the same pace, or with the same skills, but we can “call back” to one another in order to reassure and encourage each other as we journey along. Kind of like a, “Hello down there! The view up here is terrific! Keep going and be sure to encourage the woman behind you who seems to be struggling to find her footing.” One way women can “call back” is to share their stories with one another. At Tallahassee Woman, we believe that every woman has a story and each story has tremendous value. You never know the small or large impact your experiences can have on others—sharing your story with someone can change a life. Our cover woman, Jennifer Stinson, has a love story that illustrates how seeing with the heart can change the way you live life and love others. With March being Women’s History Month, we wanted to explore the ways local women and events have impacted the way we live our lives today, with the help of Mart Hill and the Museum of Florida History. Learning about the history of women from generations ago to the ones of today is a reminder to take the time to reflect upon the contributions of those that have gone before us and those that are continuing to make a difference. This helps us to better appreciate the life that we have and to be a light of encouragement to others. I’m grateful and in awe of the view from here and I can’t wait to see what awaits us ahead.

GRAPHIC DESIGN Christy Jennings Miqueli INTERNS Ramona Connors Cayla McDonald Tamara Smith Contributing photographers Shana Beiro Adam Cohen Inga Finch Tallahassee Woman Magazine LLC Post Office Box 13401 Tallahassee, FL 32317-3401 Phone (850) 893-9624 Fax (850) 254­-7038 info@TalWoman.com Tallahassee Woman is published six times per year and is distributed on a complimentary basis throughout Tallahassee and the surrounding communities. Subscriptions are available for $15 for one year (six issues). The information in this publication is presented in good faith. The publisher does not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors or omissions.


For more information on advertising, call (850) 893-9624 or e-mail ads@TalWoman.com

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Heather Thomas Editor

• F e b r u a r y / M a rc h 2012

TalWoman.com Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter Copyright ©2012 by Tallahassee Woman Magazine LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in part or in whole, without express written consent of the Publisher is prohibited.



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Capital Area Chapter, American Red Cross Fashion Show

CATWALK FOR A CAUSE Hosted by The Clara Barton Society

February 25, 2012 11:30 a.m. Double Tree Hotel Tickets: $75 each


Tickets may be purchased at:

Capital Area Chapter 1115 Easterwood Drive

or Sweat Therapy Fitness Manor@Midtown, Thomasville Rd Limited seating. Get your tickets by February 22 For Sponsorship opportunities, tickets, or questions, please contact Christy Rojas-Kasten at 850-402-5613 or Christina.Rojas-Kasten@tallyredcross.org All funds raised support the local Chapter’s vital programs and services to the Big Bend Community.


M.R.Grate. M.D

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Foods That Improve Your Looks


f we are what we eat, then it may be a good idea to take inventory of the foods the average person consumes on a daily basis. Although some foods are sought after for their taste, there are many foods that can be enjoyed because they have a positive effect on a person’s appearance. In the simplest sense, eating a healthy diet can help maintain a good body weight, which is one way to improve individual appearance. But more specifically, there are certain foods that have particular benefits for the skin, hair and body. The key is knowing what to eat.

Soy Soy is rich in amino acids. This food, whether eaten as a soy bean or in the many foods made from soy, including tofu, can help the skin retain moisture and improve elasticity. Soy is also protein-rich, which can help a person feel full longer and avoid overeating. Blueberries and cherries These fruits are chock full of antioxidants, which studies show can reduce inflammation, a culprit of puffy, aging skin. Cherries are also a natural source of melatonin, which can help a person get a restful night’s sleep—another component of looking your best. Fresh herbs Seasoning food with flavorful herbs instead of salt is another way to improve looks. Salt is often a culprit of water retention, which can lead to bloating and puffiness. This is also advantageous to people who need to reduce salt intake thanks to high blood pressure or other ailments.

Lime, pear, apple, and strawberry These power fruits are high in vitamin C and other

nutrients, making them an important component of a healthy diet. Furthermore, some research has suggested that certain foods, including limes, pears and apples, can whiten teeth.

Egg products Eggs are high in vitamin A, which helps repair skin. Not getting enough vitamin A may contribute to wrinkles.

Milk products Consuming low- or nonfat dairy products helps promote strong bones and

teeth. Nothing says beautiful more than a big, bright smile. B vitamins in dairy also help with red blood cell growth, cells that are responsible for bringing oxygen to other cells. This can promote healthy, young-looking skin.

Yogurt Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that help with digestion. This can help cleanse out the system and prevent toxins from backing up in the body. Water Of course a person needs to stay hydrated, and water can flush the body of excess salt and toxins while also plumping the skin. WT115804

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G i r lta l k

Lefty Loosey, Righty up-tighty? A survey shows optimistic people sleep on the left side of the bed.


re you attached to a particular side of the bed? If you sleep on the left, it may be for a good reason. A survey conducted in the United Kingdom asked 3,000 hotel patrons about their sleeping habits, including their preferred side of the bed. When the results were analyzed, the survey found that those who sleep on the left side of the bed are often more optimistic.

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They are generally more cheerful, but they are also more positive and capable of tackling heavy workloads and a stressful day ahead. On the contrary those who sleep on the right-hand side are less likely to wake up in a good mood. Over a quarter of people who snooze on the left side of the bed feel they have a really positive outlook on life in general, compared to 18 percent of right-side sleepers.

Apparently, the left side is the “right” side. So, are all right-side sleepers constantly waking up on the “wrong side of the bed”? Not necessarily. More experiments and scientific studies would need to be done in order to make that assumption, and a lack of sleep could make either side of the bed a drag. For now, dream wonderful dreams, think positive thoughts, and choose which side is the best side for you. —Tamara Smith

It’s Time to Face Facts... As Women... We’re the ones Long Term Care affects the most.

Plan Today to Protect Your Tomorrow. Call me today for a free Consultation & Design Plan. No obligation... but a wealth of information. You owe it to yourself: Be Protected... Be Informed. Talk to an expert on Long Term Care Insurance! Carla Workman, LTCP 850.656.2433

Beat Daytime Drowsiness with Water


o you find yourself reaching for a can of soda or a cup of coffee during the day to

banish fatigue? Many do. But you may want to grab a bottle of water instead. Research indicates that lack of water is the No. 1 trigger of daytime fatigue. Therefore, not only can drinking adequate supplies of water keep you refreshed, it can also help to keep you more awake—even during a boring business meeting.


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G i r lta l k

Valentine’s Day by the Numbers 190 million

The number of greeting cards exchanged for the holiday. Valentine’s Day comes in second to Christmas for the most number of greeting cards sent.

It’s Not The Chocolate—It’s Your Chair We’ve all been there—standing in front of the mirror admiring our appearance when all of a sudden our eyes hit that one area and, oh my, is my derrière getting bigger? Truth is, if you’re like many women and spend your day sitting in a chair, you may not be crazy—and your chair could be the culprit. Recent research suggests that sitting for long periods of time can actually cause your bottom to grow larger. There’s good news, however, since there are plenty of easy activities you can do throughout the day to break up long periods of sitting: Short Bouts of Activity. While working in an office can confine you to a chair for long periods, that doesn’t mean you can’t take the time to get up and enjoy a short walk, even if it is just to the water cooler. Stop E-mailing Coworkers. Instead of e-mailing coworkers or calling them in order to let them know you have a message or a document for them, get up and deliver it to their office. Stand Up When on the Phone. You’ve been sitting in a chair, typing away at your computer for hours when you get a phone call—why not stand up to take it? You’re still working, but you’re doing something that allows you to get up and stretch. Take advantage of it. At Break Time, Take a Break. This may be the most important tip of all. Break time is a time to take a break from what you’ve been doing, which means taking a break from sitting. Get up, go outside, and take a short walk, even if it is only for the five minutes you have left after eating your lunch. You have the time to walk around, so — Ramona Connors enjoy it.

73 The percentage of men who give bouquet gifts.

119 The number of single men in their 20s per 100 single women of the same age.

6,000 The number of weddings that take place every day in the United States.

144 The number of years the chocolate box has been around. The first Valentine’s Day box of chocolates was created and introduced by Richard Cadbury in 1868.

1415 The year in which the first Valentine’s Day card was sent.

76 The percentage of Americans who celebrate Valentine’s Day.

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Some nests are more fabulous than others.

1,000 The approximate number

The Gallery at Market Street 894-1235 fsdfl.com F U R N I T URE






of letters mailed to Verona, Italy and addressed to Juliet every February 14.

3 The percentage of pet owners who will buy a gift for their pet.

1 The ranking given to teachers in terms of most Valentine’s Day cards received. Numbers 2 and 3 belong to children and mothers.


The percentage of workers who have dated someone at work.


The percentage of women who send themselves flowers on this day.

2.5 billion The dollar amount spent on jewelry for Valentine’s Day.

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G i r lta l k

15 Women to Follow on Twitter Sorting through the millions of inspirational women on Twitter is simply overwhelming, especially when it’s brimming with such wonderful bursts of womanly wisdom. We picked 12 women— including some from Tallahassee—with notable tweets. Here are the women and a tweet-sized description, including a hashtag summary. @Aaker. Jennifer Aaker, author of The Dragonfly Effect, tweets practical and interesting articles on money, volunteering, technology and more. #goodtoknow @RuthReichl. Former editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine and food critic for The New York Times, her food-centered tweets are simply scrumptious. #mouthwatering @BethBeck. Beth Beck works for NASA and tweets about all things NASA and space. Her tagline: “Turn off TV. Watch heavens unfold.” #outerspace

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@ByronKatie Byron Katie focuses on mind and body peace. You’d think her tweets are quotes from Oprah, but she simply speaks in inspiration. #peacefulquotes @JessWeiner. A self-proclaimed actionist on a mission to inspire confidence. #confidence @Mom101. Liz Gumbinner tweets straight-up mom humor. For example: “Rule of thumb: the flower on the baby’s hat should not be bigger than the actual baby.” #momhumor @ALevit. Alexandra Levit tweets about the workplace, entrepreneurship, success and finding a meaningful career. #success @KairaRouda. A “believer in all things positive and real,” she tweets about motherhood, inspiration and being true to yourself. #therealyou @ManishaThakor. Manisha Thakor tweets about the “quest to find financial piece of mind”—what she calls “MoneyZen”— with practical and unique financial advice. #moneyzen @DMims. As producer of Tallahassee Entrepreneurs Network and owner of MarketDone, Deanna Mims tweets about marketing, business and everyday inspiration. #tallahasseemarketing

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@KristenLedlow. Kristen Ledlow, sideline reporter, Miss Capital City USA and host of The Good News Show on ABC27, tweets a mix of femme and football. #femmefootball @CanFish16. Candi Fisher, wife of FSU head coach Jimbo Fisher, tweets about life, family, football and a cause dear to her heart— Fanconi anemia. #familyandfootball. — By Cayla McDona

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Top Earning Careers for Women


he Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that men are still earning about 20 percent more than women in a variety of different industries. But many women are closing the gap. There are certain jobs that are more lucrative for women than others. The U.S. Department of Labor says the job world favors women with a slim majority (51 percent) as holding high-paying management and professional jobs. Women can look to these careers to be top earners, according to Forbes: * Chief executive officers * Pharmacists * Lawyers * Physicians/Surgeons * Computer programmers * Occupational therapists WT115792

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• F e b r u a r y / M a rc h 2012  15

St yle&Gr ace

Rewind the Are you wondering which products may help promote a younger you? Breakthrough products can be found locally and offer solutions to problem areas and give your body a more youthful glow—from your head down to your toes.

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Ageless the Max

Day and Night serum fights the effects of aging skin, lines and wrinkles. $93.50 Available at Rejuva MediSpa (850) 224-6889 1408 Piedmont Way

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Power Drink Assortment

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• F e b r u a r y / M a rc h 2012  19

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Noteworthy events that you don’t want to miss.

The Italian Family Festa

February 18–19, 2012 | John Paul II High School (Southwood) Live entertainment, folk-dancing lessons, pizza dough tossing, grape and tomato stomping, wine tasting, great food, fireworks, Tomato Trot 5K and more. Mark your calendars for great food and a great time at the 2nd annual Italian Festival presented by the Capital Italian American Organization (CIAO!) For more information on the event and the 5K call (850) 201-8810, find them on Facebook or visit tallahasseeitalianfesta.com.

Cuff Links and Pearls pioneerS Gala February 24, 2012 | Goodwood Museum and Gardens

The John G. Riley Center and Museum presents an event paying tribute to trailblazers in the community. The gala begins at 8:00 p.m. and all proceeds and ticket sales benefit the John G. Riley Intern Scholarship Fund. For more information or to purchase tickets, call (850) 681-7881 or visit rileymuseum.org.

Catwalk for a Cause

February 25, 2012 | Doubletree Hotel The Clara Barton Society of the Capital Area Chapter of the American Red Cross will host the first Catwalk for a Cause Fashion Show and Champagne Brunch. Featuring spring fashions from Carlisle, W by Worth, and Doncaster, the fashion show will be held February 25, at 11:30 a.m. at the Doubletree Hotel. All proceeds raised help the local Red Cross Chapter respond to emergencies and provide relief to victims of disaster. Tickets are $75 and may be purchased at the Capital Area Chapter, 1115 Easterwood Drive at Sweat Therapy in Midtown, or by contacting Christy Rojas-Kasten at (850) 402-5613 or Christina.Rojas-Kasten@tallyredcross.org.

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North Florida Travel Expo February 25, 2012 | University Center Club, FSU

Great music, food, and unique shopping including giveaways and chances to win vacations and prizes. The event will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information on the event, call (850) 590-2277 or visit online at northfloridatravelexpo.com.

Tallahassee Jewish Food and Cultural Festival March 11, 2012 | Temple Israel

The Tallahassee Jewish Food and Cultural Festival features an outside stage for live music and dancing, a children’s area with booths and activities, and a kosher wine shop. Enjoy a variety of classic Jewish dishes, including some favorites from the famous Carnegie Deli in New York City. For more information about the event, call (850) 877-3517 or visit the website tallahasseejewishfoodfestival.com.

Masked Benefit Ball March 17, 2012 Tallahassee Automobile Museum


We handle all the details.

Veil your mysteriousness in a fun Mardi Gras mask at the 10th annual Masked Benefit Ball. Get ready to tap your feet to Crooked Shooz and enjoy a real New Orleans-style buffet. The event will also host a Charity Casino with prizes, a silent auction and a Parade of Masks with prizes for the best masks. The Mardi Grasthemed charity event will benefit the Capital Area Community Action Agency, which helps residents living at or below the federal poverty guideline. The Ball will be held from 7 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $50 for individual tickets and $450 for a table of 10. For more information, call (850) 222-2043 or visit cacaainc.org.

Springtime Tallahassee Grand Parade and Jubilee March 31, 2012 | Downtown Tallahassee

Spring in Tallahassee means beautiful weather, and it’s time for Springtime Tallahassee! From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., visit the Jubilee in the Park, a huge arts and crafts festival featuring great artists and beautiful finds. The Grand Parade begins at 10:30 a.m. along Monroe Street. Enjoy live entertainment at the main stage and the Seafood Festival at Kleman Plaza. For more information about the event, call (850) 224-5012 or visit online at springtimetallahassee.com. t a l l a h a s s e e wo m a n

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Adam Cohen Photography


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Seeing with the Heart By Heather Thomas

Stories of true love often have fairy tale beginnings and picture perfect endings that can elusively inspire or can sometimes leave us skeptical, questioning the genuineness of it once those love affairs meet the real deal of life. When the hardships come, as they inevitably do, will the relationship crumble or be made stronger in the process? Jennifer Stinson’s love story possesses a remarkable authenticity since it began with a raw realness that only a rare few have the vision or the courage for.

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years of marriage, Jennifer’s marriage ended; she was devastated. Kenny, a quadriplegic from a car accident in 1983, also had a similar marital experience two years prior. He reached out to her in consolation since they had been members of the same church for many years.

Photo by Shana Beiro


ven though courage is not often a word used when it comes to loving someone, most relationships and marriages usually require quite a bit of it. For Jennifer Stinson, loving boldly looks different than for most since Kenny, her husband of five years, is quadriplegic. The remarkable aspect is that she dated and married him after his injury, knowing full well that their marriage would be a unique and challenging one and that along with becoming Kenny’s wife, she would accept the role of being his caregiver also. Day by day, she continues to learn that real, courageous love transcends even the most difficult of handicaps. Her innate capacity to see with her heart has brought her a marriage that requires tremendous sacrifice, but it is a love that she feels that she has been born for. Even as a 7-year-old child, Jennifer had a caregiver’s heart as she spent time with lonely, elderly neighbors in her hometown in Minnesota. Jennifer says, “I feel like God prepared me for all of this even when I was young. When I went ‘missing,’ my mom always knew where to find me since I was always visiting my ‘older’ friends.” Following her parent’s divorce and a move to Tallahassee, Jennifer married her first husband after graduating high school. She had two children, Carrie and Robbie, and later became a preschool teacher. After 11

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At first, Jennifer admits that she judged him by his wheelchair, but over time she became incredibly drawn to his humor and his passion for life and people. “He became my best friend, and I saw beyond his chair and into his heart.” Their relationship grew to the point that they became engaged: however, for many reasons they did not marry, and two years later Jennifer and the children moved to be with her family in Minnesota. “Even though it was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made, I gave the ring back to Kenny and surrendered to God’s calling to move away.” However, while visiting Tallahassee two years later, Jennifer went to Kenny’s house to say hello, and she says, “It was like I never left, and we just picked up right where we left off.” He proposed to her the day after Christmas with the same ring, and they were married in February of

2007. Now with Kenny and his daughter, Kaylan, they became a family of five, and settled in to family life together. Whereas some relationships take years to get up close and personal, Jennifer’s started early on when she became Kenny’s wife. Jennifer is responsible for all of Kenny’s care and personal needs, and they live a very regimented life, with expensive medical costs. Jennifer is literally Kenny’s hands and feet. They are extremely limited as to where they can go and what they can do. Everything from riding in a vehicle, to shopping, dining out, going to a movie or staying in a hotel is a challenge with Kenny’s wheelchair, equipment and lack of accessibility in most public places. Jennifer’s biggest lament is not being able to travel on an airplane to Minnesota with Kenny due to most airlines’ inability to accommodate quadriplegics. “I see the world through Kenny’s eyes now and I wish others were more aware of this type of life. In most cases, just simple fixes, like a locking mechanism on an airline for Kenny’s chair, would help to accommodate those with physical handicaps.” Besides the 24/7 care involved and the limited lifestyle, one of Jennifer’s biggest

“He became my best friend, and I saw beyond his chair and into his heart.”

challenges is maintaining her own sense of self, which is important for every woman, particularly those who are caregivers. Between being a mother to three children from both of their marriages, with two that are grown and one still at home, Jennifer also works part-time as a Marketing Assistant at Chick-Fil-A. Needless to say, she finds herself stretched thin. “I have many days when I am overwhelmed and seriously challenged. I rely heavily on our close friends and my faith.” One of the major lessons that she is learning is the importance of honesty. “Kenny and I try to be vocal about our needs and our fears and we struggle with it at times, just like any marriage. We are committed to learning about each other as we grow together.” Even though they are vastly different in their physical capabilities, they share a deeper bond that overcomes any limitations and challenges. They are connected by their heightened appreciation for life, and most significantly by their faith in God and each other. “Because of Kenny, I see the world in a new way and I value life more. I’ve also learned how to express love in different and profound ways. We believe that in a marriage, God creates us uniquely to be each other’s caregiver, each other’s helpmate. Kenny and I are a team. Even as he is dependent upon me, I depend upon his love, humor and wisdom. Kenny is more than my husband—he is the love of my life.” Refreshingly humble and brave, Jennifer has an inspiring confidence that her love story with Kenny is just beginning. “Yes, it’s challenging, but I want people to know that life can go on after this type of injury and after tragedy. Not only can it go on, but it can also be deeper and richer.” Learning from Jennifer, true love is a gift, no matter what form it takes, if only we have the heart to see it and the courage to live it. For more information about caregiving and local and national resources, visit local caregiver Joan Taylor’s blog and website: www.caregiverencouragement.com.

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e e s s a h a l l a T men’s History WoReflection A men History: Wo llahassee Ta By Heather Thomas

Inga Finch Photography

With family roots as deep as Tallahassee’s treasured oak trees, Mart Hill, a Tallahassee treasure in her own right, has a local legacy that stretches back 90 years and counting. Within that time period, she has experienced many changes to Tallahassee and life for women. In recognition of March being Women’s History Month, a multi-generational group made up of Mart; Calynne Hill, Mart’s daughter-in-law; Lynn Solomon, TW’s Marketing Director; and myself came together to discuss the events and lifestyles of the past 100 years and how life was shaped for local women from Mart’s perspective. Also included are biographies of four Tallahassee women history makers, provided by Lisa Dunbar, curator at the Museum of Florida History. 26  t a l l a h a s s e e

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n the early part of the twentieth century, Thomasville Road was just a long stretch of red dirt and Tallahassee was evolving from an agricultural community to one of government and education. Mart Hill was born in 1920 in Greenwood, South Carolina, but has spent her entire life here. She grew up in a house on Thomasville Road that was situated directly across from what is now Chez Pierre. The Great Depression in the early 1930s made itself known in Tallahassee by instilling in Mart and other women at the time the value of a life without excess, and the effects were permanent. Mart says, “That’s one of the major differences between now and then. Now there’s so much of everything that the simple things have lost their value. We learned to make use of everything and lived a very economical life, although we didn’t realize it at the time. We didn’t know of any other way to live.”

In the late 1930s Mart went to Leon High School and then went on to Florida State College for Women, graduating from there in 1942. At that time, only 15,000 people lived in Tallahassee and 1,800 women attended the college. Mart says, “The whole town wanted to have a safe city for the women who went to the college. The prevailing thought at the time was to keep Leon County dry in order to not have alcohol in a town where we had all of these lovely young girls.” Day students at the college were referred to as “townies,” but a large number of the women worked on or off campus to help pay for their tuition. All of the women who attended the college were held to strict standards. They were not allowed to wear shorts or pants but found creative ways around it. “We would go to breakfast sometimes with a rain coat over our pajamas and roll up the legs of the pants.” Curfew for students who lived on campus was 10 o’clock. “I was 10 minutes late from a date once and because of that I was “campused” for two weeks, meaning I could not leave the college.” Because datable young men were in scarce supply, especially for oncampus dances, Mart says, “Some girls would bring boys that were seniors at Leon High School, but the boys’ school down the road (what is now known as the University of Florida) is where most of our dates and boyfriends came from.” For local girls, dancing was the most popular social activity, and young women and men would gather at popular “Jook Joints,” buy 5-cent Coca Colas and dance to a nickelodeon. Best of all was to be invited to a dance at Quincy, t a l l a h a s s e e wo m a n

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Mart Pierson Hill is a born storyteller with a resonating Southern voice and an engaging charm that matches her Tallahassee heritage. Her husband, Louis Hill, was a prominent Tallahassee leader who served as President of the Chamber of Commerce and FSU Booster President and was a Leon County School Board member for many years. Mart is a mother of 2 children, Dr. H. Louis Hill, Jr., and Almena Hill Pettit; 7 grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren. She enjoys attending plays and concerts at FSU and has been a Trustee of FSU’s Foundation Board for over 50 years and is a recipient of an Honorary Doctorate from FSU.

Florida’s Sawano Club, where you could dance to music from a live orchestra. Blue Heaven (later to become Mutt and Jeff’s Drive-In) was a popular meeting place. Up until the 1940s, it was unusual for a woman to have a career outside of the home. However, everything changed drastically during World War II, when men volunteered for or were drafted into the armed forces. Women then entered the workforce in droves in order to feed their families, some holding down jobs that were typically thought only suitable for men. “The period during World War II stands out to me as the most pivotal time for local women and for women everywhere,” says Mart. In 1947, Florida State College for Women became Florida State University, a coed school, as men coming back from the war needed more accessibility to a college education to use their G.I. Bill education benefits. Also during this time, Mart says, “Local women became prominently involved in community affairs—women like Blanche Covington, one of the founders of the 28  t a l l a h a s s e e

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Tallahassee Garden Club; Carrie Elliot, who led the charge to save Tallahassee’s oak trees; and Louise Edwards and Hazel Beazley, who spearheaded the founding of the local Junior League. Beth Moore became the unofficial hostess of Tallahassee. She gathered a lot of us to participate with decorating the Governor’s mansion and to help make the legislators and their families feel at home. During these activities we met a lot of the legislators’ wives. Meeting citizens from all over the state broadened our horizons and we formed a lot of special friendships during that time.” Mart herself became one of the Junior League’s early presidents and has been actively involved in many community projects most of her life. According to the Museum of Florida History, during the late 1950s and 1960s, the civil rights movement altered the landscape for women even more, especially for African-American women. During the 1960s and 1970s, Florida State University and Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University became centers of student activism, especially in the areas

of racial integration and women’s rights. For the next thirty years and onward, this independent attitude of local women helped to shape the course of everything from job development, leadership roles, educational opportunities, business ownership, athletics, and fashion. Women sought to be professionals in every field and have been leaders in most positions of state and local government, including the role of mayor, county commissioners, and currently the city manager. Overall, women have made tremendous strides in all areas of Tallahassee life. The experience of hearing Mart’s eyewitness account of the last century is a poignant reminder for all women to share their history with one another. There is a tremendous sense of awe and appreciation that comes from it. Mart and countless others have climbed life’s mountain ahead of us, and their stories call back to encourage women to make life even better for those that follow. Their history is a part of our own, uniting us all as Tallahassee women, and together we are helping to shape the future of our city.

Notable Women in Tallahassee History (Information provided courtesy of the Museum of Florida History)

Patricia Stephens Due, civil rights activist

Patricia Stephens Due graduated from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU). While at FAMU, Patricia and her sister, Priscilla, helped found a Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapter. CORE was a biracial organization dedicated to peaceful protest and demonstration. She also led a voter registration drive for African Americans in north Florida. As a result of the drive, thousands signed up to become new voters. Patricia remained active in the civil rights movement after college and currently resides in Quincy, Florida.


Mary Call Darby Collins, preservationist

Mary Call Collins (1911–2009) attended Leon High School and Florida State College for Women, and married future Florida Governor LeRoy Collins. The Collins family spent years restoring The Grove, (which was built by her greatgrandfather, Richard Keith Call). Mary Collins helped to raise funds to save and restore the Union Bank building in Tallahassee. Completed in 1841, the Union Bank is the oldest surviving bank building in the state. Every year, the Florida Secretary of State’s Office presents the Mary Call Darby Collins Award to the volunteer who has made a lasting difference to historic preservation in the state.

Ruby Diamond, philanthropist

Ruby Diamond (1886–1982) lived her entire life in Tallahassee. She graduated from Florida State College for Women in 1905 with a degree in chemistry. Diamond inherited a large fortune from her family and donated to many local, charitable causes throughout her lifetime. She contributed a large amount of money and property to FSU. Ruby Diamond Auditorium at FSU is named for her.

Luella Pugh Knott, social reformer

Luella Pugh Knott (1871–1965) was a prohibition leader in Tallahassee, making speeches to other women and planning a temperance parade in 1904. That same year, Leon County voted to ban alcohol, and Florida went “dry” in 1918, with the nation following suit soon after. Leon County did not completely drop its ban until 1967. The Knott House museum on Park Avenue is her former residence. Information provided by Lisa Dunbar, curator for the Museum of Florida History. For more information on women’s history pertaining to Tallahassee and the state of Florida, visit museumoffloridahistory.com.

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H e a l th y LIv i ng

Little-Known Dietary Contributors to

Heart Disease

Red meats, hydrogenized oils—these are the foods we associate with heart disease and high cholesterol. But a few other things many people eat rather frequently could be contributing to future heart problems.

individuals who consumed the most sugary products had the lowest HDL, or good cholesterol and the highest blood triglyceride levels. Eating large amounts of sugar can then be a major risk factor for high cholesterol and heart disease.

White pasta and breads Researchers have found that eating a diet high in refined grains, including those in most store-bought pastas and white breads, can double the risk of heart disease. These foods that have a high glycemic index, or GI. Foods with a high GI quickly release sugar into the bloodstream. Doctors have found a correlation between high GI and heart disease, mainly in women, according to research at the University of Milan. The study questioned 32,578 women and 15,171 men. Those who consumed the largest concentration of high GI foods were 2.24 times more likely to develop heart disease than those with the lowest.

In its 2010 guidelines, the American Heart Association recommended limiting added sugar in the diet to no more than 100 calories a day for most women and 150 calories for most men. That’s 6 teaspoons for women and 9 for men. To put those guidelines in perspective, consider that a 12-ounce can of soda has between 8 and 10 teaspoons.

Nutritionists advise that when choosing grain products, it is important to select those made from whole grains. Not only do these products provide the nutritional benefits of whole grains, including fiber, they also help reduce cholesterol and the risk for heart disease. Sugary items While many people associate sugary snacks, beverages and sugar itself with dental decay or unnecessary calories, these items also impact cholesterol levels. The average American eats the equivalent of 21 teaspoons of added sugar a day, which is two to three times the amount they should, according to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers found that

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In addition, many processed foods contain sugar even if sugar’s inclusion seems foolish. Some restaurants and food manufacturers have admitted to adding sugar to foods—especially those geared to children—to make them taste better and be more appealing. Therefore, sauces, ready-made dinners and other items may have sugar, and the consumer may not know it without reading the nutrition label. Also, it’s important to note that beverages are the leading supplier of added sugar for many people. Simply reducing the amount of juices, sports drinks and sodas in your diet can greatly reduce sugar consumption. It is never to soon (or too late) to start living a heart‑healthy lifestyle.

Ideal Cardiovascular Health for Women (From the American Heart Association)

A healthy lifestyle with all of the following: Blood pressure less than 120/80 mm Hg and not on medicine for blood pressure. Total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dL and not on medicine for cholesterol. Fasting blood glucose less than 100 mg/ dL and not on medicine for blood sugar. Body mass index less than 25 kg/m2. Never smoked or quit over one year ago. Performs 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week. Eats a diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and high-fiber foods. Eats fish, especially oily fish twice a week or more. Pregnant women avoid fish with high mercury levels. Limits saturated fat, cholesterol, alcohol, sodium and sugar and avoids trans-fatty acids.

For more information, visit




My Life Check Assessment The American Heart Association offers My Life Check Assessment, an online tool that takes just a few minutes to complete and helps you learn the state of your heart health and steps you can take to live a healthier lifestyle. mylifecheck.heart.org


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• F e b r u a r y / M a rc h 2012  31



Fiscally FIT

New Year, New woman: Get fiscally fit with resolutions that stick


hen holiday excesses leave everyone feeling overstuffed and overextended, we say we’ll start fresh in the new year—we’ll exercise more, we’ll eat healthier, we’ll get more sleep. But it’s not too late to make a resolution that’s just as beneficial and may be a little easier to stick to—getting your finances in shape and being more fiscally fit. Getting your finances in shape is especially vital for women—with longer life spans and a higher probability of taking time out from work to care for children or family, many women may have less time and resources to save for retirement. Studies show that the average working woman garners 60 percent of the retirement savings of the average male. There’s no time like now to maximize the opportunities you have to create a financially secure future. “Women have more options to take control of their financial destinies than ever before,” says

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www.tlfcu.org Linda Verba, TD Bank executive vice president of retail operations and service programs and chair of the bank’s Women in Leadership committee. “Financial success comes from working toward measurable objectives, so the sooner you start on a path toward defining and attaining your financial goals, the better off you will be.” How can women work toward being financially secure and making smarter choices? If you don’t already have one, take a manageable amount of money—say, $1,000—and start your emergency fund. Keep your emergency fund separate from your regular checking and savings accounts. Set up an automatic transfer from your regular checking account to occur on paydays—even $25 a paycheck will help your emergency fund grow.


Studies show that women see being debt-free and able to pay their bills on time as signs of financial success. Work toward being debt-free by writing down any debt you may have—such as credit cards, student loans and car payments— with the amounts owed, from least to greatest. Knocking out a couple of the lower balances first can give you a sense of achievement and provide the motivation to continue paying down debt. Curb your impulses. There’s hardly a woman alive who hasn’t seen a pair of shoes she must have now or been tired after a long day at work and gotten takeout food for dinner. Finance guru Dave Ramsey suggests finding a money mentor—someone a little older and wiser who can offer you advice and who you can authorize to hold you accountable to your budget and check with before making large purchases. Like the old saying goes, knowledge is power. According to a recent poll, women are often less aware of the financial tools that may be available to them than their male counterparts. Get on the path to understanding your options by starting with your bank. Many financial institutions have programs to provide financial education to their customers and offer various seminars and workshops.

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Commun i t y

A Homelike Place at Tree House

Charity Celebrates 25 Years of Providing a Caring Environment for Thousands of Abused and Neglected Children In and Around Tallahassee


n 1983, Tallahassee’s June Strauss was approached with the idea of opening a 24-hour emergency shelter for abused and neglected children in Tallahassee. Recognizing a need for state funding, Strauss, a passionate children’s advocate and community volunteer, registered as a lobbyist and championed a quest for financial support. In 1986, Tree House officially opened its doors. Since then, thousands of children ages 2 through 11 in Tallahassee and the surrounding seven counties have found shelter, comfort and a sense of normalcy thanks to the organization. As it celebrated 25 years of quiet support, both the benefits it provides to area children and its current needs for support from the community are highly pronounced. “Our goal is to put broken families back together,” said Kristi Ledger, Tree House of Tallahassee board president. “We do our best to help rehabilitate both the children and their parents, and though it’s not always possible, we work to reunite families.” Though many children brought to Tree House are victims of domestic abuse, children whose parents have lost their jobs and are financially unable to support them are increasingly finding shelter until a more stable environment is available. In all cases, the individuals and families involved receive counseling while children live in a nurturing environment and continue their daily routines. Each child is paired with a staff member who serves as a “parent,” taking the child to and from school or daycare and other normal activities. Children stay in Tree House homes anywhere from a few days to several months, and every attempt is made to protect and comfort the children without making them feel as if they are in a shelter. 34  t a l l a h a s s e e

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“Children are usually removed from their homes somewhat unexpectedly, so they come to us separated from not only their family and friends but also without the basic items they need to live and feel safe,” says Dixie Casford, director of the Children’s Home Society of Florida, North Central Division. Basic items such as toiletries, clothing, shoes and food, as well as toys, gifts for holidays, activities and school supplies, are all provided. When a child leaves a Tree House home, they are allowed to keep everything they receive there. “Having ownership of these things not only helps the children adjust to staying at Tree House but also seems to inspire confidence when they prepare to return to their homes,” said Holly Webb, board member, Tree House of Tallahassee. Though many operational costs of Tree House are sustained by partnerships with Children’s Home Society of Florida and the Department of Children and Families, private donations and fundraisers are necessary to keep the charity functioning. Tree House’s annual fundraiser, “Fast Cars and Mason Jars” is scheduled for February 25 and features dinner, drinks and live entertainment. Tree House also relies on monetary and item donations from the community to sustain its mission of creating a homelike place for children who have nowhere to go. If you are interested in helping create a secure, caring environment for area children who desperately need it, learn more about fundraisers and volunteer opportunities and view a complete list of donation needs at www.treehouseflorida.org.

John G. Riley Museum

To Pay Tribute to Women in History The Cuff Links and Pearls Pioneers Gala

JuST in Time foR The holidayS

Ruby Kate’s Scrumptious Tea CaKe PaRTy


he John G. Riley Museum’s Annual Cuff Links and Pearls Pioneers Gala will pay tribute, posthumously, to the legacy of seven late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century midwives who were essential to guiding the first breath of life for many of today’s notable African Americans. Because of the social times and separation of the races due to legal segregation, these midwives were unknown to many in the broader society. Despite conditions that caused the midwives to carry out their duties under very challenging and sometimes dangerous conditions, they maintained a commitment to the best possible care for both mother and baby. To this day, their names and influence remain in obscurity to many people, which is why the Riley Museum is dedicated to honoring their momentous contribution. The event will be held on Friday, February 24, 2012, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., at the Goodwood Museum and Gardens Carriage House in Tallahassee. All proceeds from the event are used in support of the Riley Museum Internship & Scholarship Programs. This evening will feature Leon Anderson and the Florida State University Jazz Band, plus Tallahassee’s own Carl McBride, with his musical rendition of “A Walk Down Memory Lane.”

available in museums, book stores, and gift shops.

The third book in the series i Wish you icecream and Cake is now available for the holidays! Ruby Kate, a beautiful Florida black bear, has a delicious tea party to thank her caring friends. A special tea cake recipe by Tasty Pastry Bakery is included in the book. New price of $15.95 for all I WISH YOU ICECREAM AND CAKE series books by Carol Hair Moore, and illustrated by Michael Harrell.


You Can Make a Difference in the Lives of Domestic Violence Victims

The community, businesses and families have supported the gala each year by purchasing tables or individual tickets: $1,000 for a full table (seats 8), $500 for half a table (seats 4), $150 for couples and single tickets at $100 each. For information and to purchase tickets, call (850) 681-7881 or send an e-mail to info@rileymuseum.org.

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AROUNDTOWN Special Events • Speakers • Benefits • Activities


Chelsea House, a Christian ministry for homeless women and children, held their annual fundraising Christmas Banquet on December 6 at the University Center Club where over 400 people attended. (Photography by Scott Holstein) 1. Glenn Burns, Beth Burns, Rafael Calderon, Walter A. McNeil, Bryan Rosenthal


2. Kristen Ledlow and Heather Thomas


The Beau Turner Youth Conservation Center

The Beau Turner Youth Conservation Center recently held a fundraiser in order to help continue its mission to provide kids access to numerous outdoor activities by building youth conservation centers in urban areas, giving every child the opportunity to discover the wonders of the natural world.

1. 3.

4. 2.

1. Ted Turner and Beau Turner 2. Terra Palmer, The Ungers, Gannon Hunt 3. William & Margaret Lamb 4. Jenn & Steve Shaffer

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Brogan Fashion Show

The Mary Brogan Museum hosted the The Nino Lattieri Fashion Show, which exhibited the latest haute couture fashion from the world reknowned Italian designer and helped to raise funding for programs at the museum. (Photography by Kallen M. Lunt)

5. 3.

1. Jay Long, Michael Lindsay


2. First Lady Ann Scott, Carrie O’Rourke, Tara Raeber, Matthew Vail 3. Brittney Clerico, Latoya Chambliss, Raquel Ross, Alexandra Larios, Samantha Strickland, Amanda Broadfoot 4. Ebony Coleman, Alexis Weekley


5. Michelle Del Rosal Torregrosa, Carlos Torregrosa 6. Allie Fleming, John Fleming, Juli Puckett, Travis Yelverton

2. 6.

Campfires and Cocktails

The Campfires and Cocktails event in January at the Hotel Duval helped to raise awareness and support of Kids Across America, or KAA. KAA is a Christian organization that brings together college athletes from around the country to provide leadership and discipleship opportunities for inner-city youth in a campground environment. Photography by Anthony Balberchak)

1. 4. 3.

1. Marsha Doll and Dean Faulkenberry 2. Pete Boulware and Roger Ledlow 3. Chris and Kellie Kraft


4. Ricky Jimmerson, Denise Spratley, Greg Bettis, Kristen Ledlow, Steve Adams, Dana Thomas, Johnny Musso t a l l a h a s s e e wo m a n

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w om e n w e a d m i r e

The Women of the Italian Festa

Shana Beiro Photography

By Michelle Nickens

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“Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life.” —Anna Akhmatova


o you love Italian food and the allure of Italy’s beauty? Well, a taste of Italy is just around the corner. Often the best ideas emerge by chance and a common desire to make a difference. Destiny brought two Tallahassee women together to do just that. While realtor Shelley Duke was showing houses to Elizabeth Ricci, a local attorney, they discovered they had more in common than house hunting. Both are Italian, have young daughters, share a frustration with negative Italian stereotypes, and possess a desire to celebrate the beauty and history of their heritage. So, they decided to do something about it. In July 2010, Elizabeth and Shelley began their own Italian club, which meets about once a month. Shelley said, “We quickly discovered that many people in Tallahassee and beyond wanted to be involved.” They agreed that a festival was needed and began organizing the event. “There was nothing like that in our area,” Elizabeth explained. “Both of us being of Italian descent, with no local outlet to connect to other Italian Americans, we started the Italian Family

Festa to showcase Italian culture and promote Italy and Italian Americans for their positive contributions to society.” Shelley explained that the festival is the only one in the panhandle, with visitors from Alabama, Georgia and throughout north Florida. The first festival was a success, with thousands attending. During the event, a woman approached Elizabeth in tears, saying that the festival reminded her of her grandparents. “Watching people at the festival,” Elizabeth explained, “seeing their joy, laughter and tears, you think, this is the moment.” The event is not just for Italians—it’s for everyone. The event provides opportunities to learn and experience the Italian culture. “It’s an honor,” Elizabeth said, “to be a part of something special, to help fill an unmet need in our community, and to bring a positive message to my children.” The club organizes a number of gatherings throughout the year, but the festival is the largest, with professional performers, local and regional vendors, authentic food, Italian novelties, a bocce tournament, and a silent auction. This year, the Madonnari

sidewalk chalk event and the Enrico Fermi physics booth will be available for children, and an interactive ancestory.com station will be available for all to research their family’s history. Both women share a true joy—watching their daughters learn about their heritage. “She associates it with seeing family,” Shelley explained, “aunts and uncles, the food, and especially the gelato. We have met so many people, who have become good friends.” Italy—known for its history, art, culture, food, loyal and friendly people, beauty, and camaraderie—these are the things you will find at this year’s Italian Family Festa. Fino ad allora, auguri e arrivederci! The Italian Festa is February 18-19 and will be held in Southwood on the grounds of John Paul II High School. The festival will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, ending with a fireworks display at 9 p.m. On Sunday, the event starts with a 5K run at 11 a.m., followed by activities until 5 p.m. The cost is $5.00 per person; children 12 and under are free. For more information, visit online at italianfesta.org.

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T h e D i sh

La Salsa di Nonna: La famiglia di Padovano Contributed by the women of the Italian Festa, Shelley Duke and Elizabeth Ricci.

The following is Grandma Spinosa’s award winning spaghetti sauce recipe. Phil, Eileen and Kathy Padovano made this sauce in preparation for the CIAO! “Sauce Off” Competition in Tallahassee. It won first place in the top two categories: Most Authentic and The People’s Choice. It is a long process, but well worth the effort; it is truly delicious! We hope that you will enjoy making this special Italian sauce for your families as much as we have!

Ingredients: Sauce 4 fatty, thick pork chops or other fatty pork piece Garlic (several cloves) Good olive oil 1 small can of tomato paste 1-2 diced onions 2-3 diced carrots 4 cans (28 oz.) of good Italian crushed tomatoes (we use Cento brand from Publix) 2 cans of good Italian whole tomatoes (Cento brand)—optional 28 oz. of water Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, bay leaves (2-3)

Meatballs 2 lbs. of ground chuck (don’t buy the leanest meat) Garlic (run through a press)—at least 4-6 cloves Salt, pepper White bread softened with milk 2 eggs Parmesan cheese Parsley—minced (use fresh if you have it)

Directions: Sauce • Cover the bottom of a large frying pan with good olive oil. Add several cloves of sliced garlic, but remove them before they burn. 40  t a l l a h a s s e e

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Brown pork chops on each side; remove from pan. Add one can of tomato paste and one can of water to the oil/ pork chop drippings. Cook on low heat and stir thoroughly until the mixture is smooth and has reduced to a nice consistency. Set aside. • Sauté the onion and the carrots (make sure these pieces are diced) until soft and tender. Add minced garlic last; do not let it turn brown—will take less than a minute. Then, add the crushed tomatoes, the paste mixture, and the whole tomatoes (optional). If you use the whole tomatoes, be sure to put them through a strainer before they go in the sauce so that the seeds don’t go in. Add one 28 oz. can of water. The sauce should be almost up to the top of a large stock pot at this point. Then, add spices (Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, bay leaves). • Add the pork chops and the meatballs (see next page) to the sauce. Simmer on very low heat for at least four hours, stirring frequently. (Do not burn.) • Remove the pork (discard the bones) and meatballs; put in a serving bowl. Note: You can also use Italian sausage in this recipe instead of or in addition to the other meats. Partially fry or bake the sausage before you add it to the sauce to simmer.

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Meatballs Mix together 2 lbs. of ground chuck, salt, pepper, 2 beaten eggs, Parmesan cheese (about ½ to 1 cup), parsley, minced garlic (put through a garlic press) and 3-4 pieces of white bread that have soaked in milk (don’t use the crusts). Squeeze out the extra milk and add bread pieces to the mixture. After it is thoroughly mixed, shape into balls and either bake in a 350-degree oven for about 8-10 minutes or so—just until brown OR fry in hot oil. The meatballs do not have to be thoroughly cooked as they are going to be simmering in the hot sauce for several hours. You don’t want them to be tough, so don’t overcook at this point.

Buon Appetito! May your kitchens always be filled with the love of family and friends!

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w om e n to w a t c h

Women to Watch

is a listing of women with new jobs or promotions, business openings and changes, awards and installations or women who are reaching out and making a difference in our community. E-mail information for Women to Watch to listings@TalWoman.com.

Angela Y. Hodge recently published her first book, Daybreak: Gaining Strength Through Our Pain, Angela Y. Hodge

Laurie Hendry Graybar

which is a collection of day-to-day encouraging poems, letters, and scriptures derived from trials and tests she experienced. Angela’s short story “The Amazing Journey of Healing” is featured in the anthology, Word From My Kings and Queens.

Laurie Hendry Graybar recently released her book Off the Dock, a suspense/fictional novel, that is a captivating blend of hidden family secrets, loyalty and sinister plots threaded perfectly with Southernstyle humor. Jennifer Brittenham recently returned to Tallahassee to join management consulting and IT firm ISF

Jennifer Brittenham

Lauren Kemper

as a proposal writer. She has a background in government and in private nonprofits.

Lauren Kemper, a recent UCF graduate, has joined management consulting and IT firm ISF in the role of Business Development Assistant/Technical Writer. Christy Crump of Crump & Associates recently celebrated four years in business. Christy’s business provides training and professional development designed to help staff improve performance and increase efficiency and effectiveness.

Christy Crump

Jordan Jacobs

Jordan Jacobs has joined Moore Consulting Group as a director. With nearly a decade of

communications experience, Jordan brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the agency, which is one of the top 60 public relations agencies in nation.

Cyndy Loomis has been promoted to Chief Executive Officer of management consulting and IT firm

ISF. Loomis has been with ISF since 1989, most recently in the role of Chief Operating Officer. Though based out of Tallahassee, in the coming year she will split her time between the firm’s Tallahassee office and its corporate headquarters in Jacksonville.

Christi Gray

Cyndy Loomis

Christi Gray has joined the McCall Moody Law Firm as a shareholder, and the firm will now be known as the McCall Moody & Gray Law Firm. Her practice focuses on family law, including providing services as a family law mediator and parenting coordinator.

Michelle Wilson, director of sales and marketing at Hampton Inn & Suites has been elected president of the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association (FRLA) Tallahassee Chapter. Michelle is the first female president in the Northwest Florida Region of FRLA.

Michelle Wilson

Barbara Joe Williams

Barbara Joe Williams recently released her latest book A Man of My Own, her eighth book released. In addition to being an author, Barbara Joe is owner of Amani Publishing, LLC and the cofounder of the Tallahassee Authors Network.

Amanda Drake recently opened her own real estate company and is Broker/Owner of Drake Real Estate, Inc. Her company specializes in helping buyers and sellers with residential homes, land and investment properties in Leon and surrounding counties.

Amanda Drake

Kimberly Reams

Kimberly Reams has been selected as the “Component Outstanding Member” for the Capital Area Dental Hygiene Association. As a Registered Dental Hygienist, Kimberly has given many hours of her time to educate all ages of people in Leon and Gadsden Counties about the importance of oral health and how it affects total body health, providing oral health services especially to many who have limited access to oral healthcare. Debbie Gerber-Mahan and Sarah Kosturko of PrimeSouth Properties were recently awarded the prestigious SRES (Seniors Real Estate Specialist) designation. To earn the SRES designation, they demonstrated an expert understanding when dealing with people 50 and older in regards to buying and selling real estate.

Debbie GerberMahan 42  t a l l a h a s s e e

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Sarah Kosturko • F e b r u a r y / M a rc h 2012

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Calendar of Events

ART February 10–March 25 Exhibition—Turkomen Jewelry from the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FSU Museum of Fine Arts Exhibition open when museum is open. Free (850) 644-6836 or mofa.fsu.edu March 24 Trouvaille: Art Auction 2012 Benefits the Foster Tanner Fine Arts Gallery program and fine art scholarships for FAMU students. Tallahassee Garden Center 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., $20, limited tickets available (850) 599-8755 or famuart.com


February 14 Serenades for your Sweetheart Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra Thomasville Cultural Center 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. (850) 224-0461 or tallahasseesymphony.org March 9 Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s “Beethoven’s Last Night” Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (850) 222-0400 or tlccc.org March 11 Enhake Award-winning quartet dedicated to performing music from the 21st century. Opperman Music Hall, FSU 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (850) 224-9934 or theartistseries.org

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March 17 Honor and Homage Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, FSU 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (850) 224-0461 or tallahasseesymphony.org

THEATRE & DANCE February 16 The Suzanne Farrell Ballet Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, FSU 8 p.m. (850) 644-6500 or sevendaysfestival.org February 17-26 “The Full Monty” Presented by the FSU School of Theatre. The Fallon Theatre, FSU 8 p.m. (850) 644-7520 or tickets.fsu.edu February 18 Golden Dragon Acrobats Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, FSU 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. (850) 644-6500 or sevendaysfestival.org February 23–March 11 12 Angry Men Tallahassee Little Theatre (850) 224-8474 or tallahasseelittletheatre.org March 1 The Moscow Ballet Lee Hall Auditorium, FAMU 7:30 p.m. (850) 599-3413 or famu.edu/lyceum


February 10 Furr Ever Valentine Dinner A night of dancing and fine dining to benefit the Animal Shelter Foundation. Bradley’s Retreat, 6 p.m .$65 per person or $120 per couple (850) 894-6PET or animalshelterfoundation.org February 14 Romantic Readings Poetry, a classical harpist and delicious treats. Knott House Museum 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Free but space is limited. (850) 922-2459 February 14 Fashionable Well Fashion Show and Luncheon. Supporting the Joanna Francis Living Well Foundation. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Goodwood Museum and Gardens. Tickets available at Cotton, Etc. For information visit joannafrancislivingwell.org February 18 Top Dog vs. City Kitty Day Food, drinks, entertainment, door prizes, pet-related vendors, adoptions and “Pet Walk.” Benefits Be The Solution. Former Goody’s at Tallahassee Mall 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (850) 570-7147 or tallytopdog.com February 18 16th Variety Extravaganza Mardi Gras Ball: Stubbs Educational Foundation Fundraiser. Dinner, live entertainment, and silent auction. Proceeds provide music and academic scholarships to youth. Tickets $50 per person. Event will be at the Tallahassee Antique Car Museum, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. (850) 228-5889 or stubbsfoundation

February 18 and 19 Italian Family Festa Food, wine, live entertainment, sidewalk chalk contest, bocce tournament, cooking demos, pizza dough toss, Ferrari/Ducati car and bike show and more. John Paul II School, 5100 Terrebone Drive Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday noon to 5 p.m. $5, 12 and under free (850) 201-8810 or tallahasseeitalianfesta.com

March 31 Springtime Tallahassee The 44th annual Springtime Tallahassee festival and parade will feature an “Up, Up and Away” theme. Downtown Tallahassee. Parade begins at10:30 a.m. and runs along North Monroe Street. Other events run all day. For information call (850) 224-5012 or springtimetallahassee.com

February 24 Cuff Links and Pearls Pioneers Gala Benefit for the John G. Riley Center/Museum Goodwood Museum and Gardens Carriage House 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. For tickets and additional informaiton call (850) 681-7881 or visit RileyMuseum.org

February 6 Technomania 2012 “Seniors, Caregivers and Technology” 10 a.m. to noon and information station booths open 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tallahassee Senior Center Suggested donation of $2 for 55 plus, $3 for others. (850) 891-4003 or talgov.com/seniors

February 24-26 Thomasville Antiques Show Thomasville Fairgrounds 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. $15 (229) 225-9354 or thomasvilleantiquesshow.com February 25 Catwalk for a Cause Fashion Show Benefit for Capital Area Chapter of the American Red Cross, hosted by the Clara Barton Society. Event will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel. Tickets $75. For more information call (850) 402-5613 or e-mail Christina.Rojas-Kasten@tallyredcross.org. February 25 North Florida Travel Expo University Center Club 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. (850) 590-2277 or northfloridatravelexpo.com February 25 Fast Cars and Mason Jars Benefit for Tree House of Tallahassee. Dinner, drinks, and live entertainments. For more information visit treehouseflorida.org February 25 Stomping Out Type 2 Diabetes Event includes 5K run, 1-mile family walk, bike rides, celebrity athlete activity challenge, wellness screenings and free healthy lunch and smoothies. Tom Brown Park 8 a.m. to noon (850) 487-7881 or foundationforlcs.com March 11 Tallahassee Jewish Food and Cultural Festival Temple Israel 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (850) 877-3517 or tallahasseejewishfoodfestival.com March 17 10th Annual Masked Benefit Ball Mardi Gras-themed, proceeds benefit Capital Area Community Action Agency. Tallahassee Automobile Museum 7 p.m. to midnight. $50 per person, $450 for a table of 10 (850) 222-2043 or cacaainc.org


February 15 Joan Rivers Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, FSU 8 p.m. (850) 644-6500 or sevendaysfestival.org February 18 Family Night Out Families enjoy a night together learning about Florida’s nocturnal animals. Tallahassee Museum 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., $20 for a family of 4 for members, $25 for a family of 4 nonmembers (850) 575-8684 or tallahasseemuseum.org Each Saturday in March Downtown MarketPlace Monroe Street at Park Avenue Downtown Tallahassee MarketPlace features fresh homegrown produce, fresh cut flowers and native plants. Musicians, authors and regional artists show their arts and fine crafts. Special activities for children. For information call (850) 224-3252 or visit tallahasseedowntown.com

Coming up in the next issue of Tallahassee Woman Fresh Spring Looks Home Decorating All About Mothers Find us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.

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F unn y G i r l

Hair I Go Again by Karen M. Morris

After two weeks of being mistaken for the Olympic torch, I decided to go with a more natural look by frosting my hair. Another bad idea. I ripped a giant hole in the cap, and all of the bleach leaked inside, turning my hair completely white. With one slash, I’d gone from a Flamingo to a Spotted Owl. But that wasn’t the worst idea I’ve had. No, that honor goes to the time I tried to duplicate Olivia Newton John’s hairstyle by cropping the sides of my hair short and then perming the rest. This shrewd fashion move resulted in my ears sticking out like Yoda’s and a row of curls on the top of my head that resembled somebody’s hedge. I looked like a Chia pet and spent the summer hiding my crowning glory under a wool cap. Over the years, I’ve plowed through one bad idea after another, ignoring all the danger signals, desperately believing that I knew what I was doing. But who was I kidding? I didn’t know the difference between pinking shears and thinning shears. I needed professional help.


n the arena of bad ideas, here are two valuable lessons. Never try to take a bath with your cat. And never, as a time-saving measure, take a laxative with a sleeping pill. I know these sound like good ideas, but trust me, they’re not. This is the problem with bad ideas; they masquerade as a stroke of genius. And nobody knows that better than me, especially when it comes to hair care. I have frizzy, curly hair. Not curly enough for an Afro and not smooth enough for a straight cut. It’s more of an Irish Wolfhound look—which is a look that, oddly enough, has never caught on with the public. A woman’s hair is her crowning glory, but mine is a bird’s nest. So, every few months I come up with a brilliant idea on how to make my hair appear as though I’d just stepped out of a shampoo commercial instead of a wind tunnel. I usually like to act on these impulses in the middle of the night, so in the event that I need help, none would be available. (This is always a sign of a bad idea.) Over the years, I have chopped and lopped, dyed and fried, and sprayed and prayed over my hair, and it still resembles a bird’s nest. I’ve even asked my sister to help me fix my hair. She has absolutely no training, so naturally this seemed like a good idea. It wasn’t. She cut one side several inches shorter than the other, and when I walked, I leaned to the left. Now for really important events, I always step it up a notch. For a cousin’s wedding, I tried to enhance my hair’s appearance with a new color called Flamingo and it worked. At the reception, I matched the drapes and glowed under black light. 46  t a l l a h a s s e e

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So, I made an appointment with Gerdy, and we immediately bonded. She didn’t scream when she saw my hair, and we both loved to laugh. It was a special time. And I could tell she was committed to hair when she refrained from smoking while she shampooed me. When she finished cutting my hair, it wasn’t exactly what I had expected. I’d seen this style before, but not since 1969. I blamed myself for not bringing a picture; she said it would grow out, and then we both laughed. On the next visit, I brought several snapshots. She cut, we laughed, and then she handed me the mirror. I had the same haircut as MacGyver. My friends began urging me to see someone else, but I couldn’t cheat on Gerdy. I mean, after two appointments, it’s a relationship. Six weeks later, Gerdy gave me bangs. My pain was unspoken, and yet we both knew the truth. The room filled with an awkward silence but the silence spoke volumes. This wasn’t working. I’d become the poster girl for why you should never do your own hair and was resigned to the fact that I’d be wearing wool caps for the rest of my life. But then I met Monica, hair designer extraordinaire. She had sassy shoes and smelled like vanilla. And she did what I could never do; she made my hair worthy of a shampoo commercial. Which brings me to a third valuable lesson: when you find the right stylist, never leave her, tip her well, and if she moves away, be prepared to pack up and go with her. Trust me on this one.

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