Love your Street, Ama tu Calle - COMIC -

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In a neither too far away nor especially close planet…

There sat an old continent

That included a strange country

Where an unusual city pertained

A city with many streets; some of them with a lot…

Hi, I am Road Rabbit, and I will be your narrator through this story full of drama, tragedy, and redemption, while I drink a nice carrot juice.

This afternoon, as many like it, Axobaby saw life go by in front of his car.

This dude, agonizing over congested transit, is my friend. His name is Axobaby. I will give you the lowdown on what happened to him, as it is something that concerns us all. Even you!

He had done all he could think of to keep himself entertained. To boot, he couldn’t even remember how long he had been there for!

What do sheep do when they insomniac?get

Lost in thought, Axobaby was not aware that something was about to change it all…

A craving! A mortal craving!

Ush, I have a hankering for tacos…

What’s up, Axobaby; are you up for some tacos?

Of course, I’m game!

I know of a stand close to your home, only ten minutes by bicycle, where they make a killing salsa. Or where is a good place for you? in my car?

That is Luca, another friend, addicted to bikes and tacos.

Seriously, Axobaby, I’ve told you there is no point in going to work by car when on your bike you’d make ten minutes, same as you would to the taco stand…

May the force be with you, bro; I’m off to my tacos.

I didn’t even want tacos. I’m on a diet!

Two hours later (that felt like a thousand years), Axobaby was still trapped in traffic with a craving for tacos…

That afternoon Axobaby was not only left craving for tacos, but he also missed having more freedom. That night he called to tell me how his day had been spent inside the car in traffic.

I totally get you; it’s a beautiful city, but many things need to improve. Do you remember that city we visited a year ago?

Bro, this city has me wasted…

I swim up to work every day…

We all had a real good time in that trip, submerged in the river and the nature in that city!

We have to talk, babe…

Our relationship has become toxic, I need some time.

You and I, we will give us a second chance.

Axobaby appreciated his daily route in a different way.

This is not bad at all…


Did you know that…?

Temperature change in Mexico City since 1871

Have you thought about how the temperature in your city has changed and how that change is con- nected to urbanization?

Biodiversity loss in Latin America since 1970

How long has it been since you noticed the biodiversity in your city?

Biodiversity is important. Look up your city in::


Did you know that…?

Urban trees provide multiple benefits for cities and their inhabitants, so it is essential to care for and protect them.

They increase urban biodiversity

A tree can absorb up to 150 kg of polluting gases per year They are excellent filters for urban pollutants

A well-lined street can drop up to 12ºC It can improve physical and mental health They regulate the flow of water It can increase property value by up to 20%

Mushroom food supplements, cultivated mushrooms, workshops and mycotourism. @symbiosis_mx

And while Axobaby continued to enjoy the biodiversity he was discovering in the city…

lost again!

Causing the loss of control and a spectacular crash…

A driver in a public transportation vehicle was having a bad day; and, not very far away, the driver of an SUV was having a bad day too…

As their bad mood increased, so did the speed of their vehicles!

Shoot! Broncos
Clearly, Pepito was suspended at school for the fifth time!

Holy molly! The young man has been run over! Call an ambulance!

I need a moment to continue narrating what happened next; meanwhile you may turn the page and read the infographic…

World’s Deadliest Animals

Number of people killed by animals per year

Premature deaths due to poor air quality

Did you know that I am the most dangerous for children and young adults?

I don´t even know why I´m here...

Operating rooms

I’m truly sorry, Axobaby didn’t make it!

NOOOOO! He was my best friend!

We’ll see us in another life, Axobaby…

I didn’t particularly like him, but this is unfair!

My poor little one; we’re going to miss him!

Axobaby did not deserve this!

Why is life so cruel?

Your death will not be in vain, I promise you, friend.

Stop squealing, Axobaby and I will have a great time around here…

J.J Axobaby

A couple of days later…

I can’t believe that Axobaby is no longer with us.

Yesterday a car gave me a scare, and it reminded me of the time when Axobaby almost ran me over.

It’s happened to me too: a car has been parking on the sidewalk, on the very same place Axobaby used to block the entrance to my house.

And I have thought of the time when Axobaby went over the zebra crossing and hurt my leg.

We also recall that dreadful incident with Axobaby in traffic…

PU! What did youbro?eat, Ooops! And it’s a shart!

Not! Use yours…

Lend me your socks, I don’t want to ruin the seat.

Bro, I only wear topsiders without socks…

It’s true: our friend was not very considerate, to be sure.

Considerate or not, he didn’t have to be run over. We should all be able to feel safe on our street. Let’s get organized to improve it.

It’s horrible and very sad to lose a friend in an accident that shouldn’t have happened. That afternoon, on the street, we came to a decision…

What can we do to ensure that this never happens again?

First off, let’s see what it is we are missing to make things better…

I think that the bikeway network must be extended. Cyclists must be safe.

Actually, all of us. Everyone using the street must have a safe space.

Yeah! And apparently streets were made only for cars.

As if all of us had one! One may ride a bicycle, or a bike… or walk or even crawl through life.

And many among us use public transportation, which should also have its place.

The design of the city has to take into account all its users.

We also need more vegetation to keep us cooler. Some fruit trees would be wonderful!

Great idea! But I wonder if all we are thinking is possible.

Tsss… for starters, here we need a pedestrian zebra…


Done, I’m here.

I didn’t know you had a twin, bro…

I don’t even have brothers, bro.

But you are a rabbit! What’s up with that dude then?

So, who are you?

Oh, I’ll be a good looking one when I grow up.

I am the future Road Rabbit.

You will achieve everything that you want for your street; and your success will help others in other areas to accomplish as much. Thus, little by little, the city will enjoy more complete and safer streets for everyone.


Hey, thanks for telling us this, I was actually having doubts.

Do not give up before starting. Its is super important that you start negotiations now.

Tactical Urbanism

URBANISM It is the planning and organization of cities.

TACTICAL es el sistema que se desarrolla para obtener un objetivo.

Did you know that…?

They are small actions that can achieve a long-term impact in cities.


The really fun way to understand what you must do to improve your street and make it a complete street is to get your kit.


Gather your neighbors and begin playing and improving! And do not forget this: in the city, the strategy is you.

Y no lo olvides, en la ciudad, la estrategia eres tú.

Road Rabbit from the future told us about a planet called Earth, where some cities have regenerated their streets…

In Seoul, South Korea, a stream that had been covered as well by a highway, was also recovered. This has increased the number of businesses and employment opportunities in the area, as well as mobility and air quality.

In Utrecht (Netherlands), after having been replaced in 1969 by a huge highway, this canal has recuperated its original condition, improving everything around it: public spaces, biodiversity, quality of life.

When everybody gets involved in solving the problems of our environment, it’s easier to get results. On that occasion we asked Professor Pericles to help us with procedures with authorities.


Howdy, professor, we need your help.

Almost all cities went through an original urbanization that took care of what was necessary at the time. However, the most important component in a city are its inhabitants; therefore, the design has to adapt to the people, the ecosystem, to life.

. Professor Pericles, with his experience (and good contacts), presented the risks entailed in the state of our streets and our needs.

There are a lot of things that need solving in our streets, and I will not leave until I get answers.

Town Hall

A complete street dignifies and respects all forms of mobility, contributes to a gentler climate for its inhabitants, and creates a safer and healthier environment. Achieving it is possible!


Jalapa 234, Roma Sur, CDMX

In a close-by planet...

with extremely advanced technology…

there is a modern and exclusive hospital, offering the best treatments and doctors..

Colleague, tell me about the patient’s progress.

So, he should be with us quite soon.

He’s not yet conscious, but it will only take days for him to wake up. As of today, he has recuperated more than 80% of his tissues.

To be continued…

Registration in process

All rights reserved

Love Your Street is an original project created by Taller 13. The contents of this comic are the property of its authors and are protected by international copyright laws. However, its characters and fragments can be used, as long as the names of the project and its authors are cited. Any unauthorized use of said contents constitutes a violation of copyright, and also, would not be a very civilized action.

The writing, drawing, editing and printing of Love Your Street were completed in Mexico City, at the beginning of the warm Spring of 2024, at Soluciones Gráficas MC S. A. de C. V., on Calle 31 de Julio de 1859, Mz. 102 Lot 1090, Col. Leyes de Reforma, Iztapalapa, C.P. 09310. The print run consists of a thousand copies and surplus. If you are reading this it’s because one of these comics fell upon your lap and we greatly value your reading.

Workin on this comic included:

Idea: Elías Cattan and Mariel de los Santos

Screenplay: Mariel de los Santos and Rogelio Flores

Illustrations: Mariel de los Santos

3D Backgrounds: Rubén Coxca

Editorial direction: Elías Cattan and Luis Ramaggio

Production: Sharon Salamanca, Liliana Álvarez and Mauricio Soto

We are grateful to Fritjof Capra and Stephan Harding for their mentorship and inspiration.

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