Here are the directions to playing two classic card games: War and Conquian
Before starting
Establish the value of those cards that do not hold a number, like aces, which can be worth whatever you decide, either 1 or 14. Shuffle well and deal out equally all cards among players, who will seat around in a circle.
The game
Without looking at their deck, each player will draw a card at the same time (not even you will know which card you’ll place in front of you.) The player who draws the higher value card takes everybody else’s cards. The aim of the game is to get the largest number of cards possible, in- cluding leaving other players without cards.
If two or more players draw cards with same high value, the first one to say a word or phra- se (such as “ME” or the number or name of the card) will take the others’ cards.
Before starting
Deal 8 cards to each player. The aim of Conquian is to form thirds or runs (of 3 or more cards). Choose the card that has the least value for your game a