Design Portfolio
Tamanna Tiku Urban Design + Architecture January 2022 September 2018
Mustin District
A waterfront-led mixed use development Philadelphia Navy Yard
Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman Client: Gilbane Development Company
A response to PIDC’s RFP at the Navy Yard, focused on bringing life sciences R&D, corporate headquarters and mixed-use residential buildings, to the Navy Yard’s Historic Core and Mustin District. The vision brought together a focus on green and blue infrastructure, the historic relevance of the site and Philadelphia’s traditional building typologies, to achieve a lively public realm.
Rendering by Shanghai Maggie Rendering
Places Diagram
Historic Philadelphia Townhomes District Wharf, Washington, DC
Commonwealth Avenue, Boston Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman
District Wharf, Washington, DC
General Gordon Square, Woolwich, UK
Rendering by Shanghai Maggie Rendering
View of downtown Philadelphia along the proposed Mustin Canal
Water diagram
Rendering by Shanghai Maggie Rendering
Rendering by Shanghai Maggie Rendering
Improvements to the existing Historic Core District
Adaptive Reuse of Existing Buildings
Rendering by Shanghai Maggie Rendering
Public realm improvements and new buildings along existing streets Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman
District uses Rendering by Shanghai Maggie Rendering
Green Leaf Community
A phased approach to urban development and affordable housing Southwest Washington, DC
The proposal is a seven-phase, 15-year, development plan in which the 493 units of public housing are demolished, redeveloped and incorporated into a 1,933-unit mixed-use development project, that includes an additional 193 affordable units, as well as market rate multifamily apartments and townhomes. Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman Client: The National Housing Partnership Foundation
Rendering by Dariush Watercolors
Residential mews
Ground Floor Uses
Typical Floor Uses
Height Zones
Types of Open Spaces
Bicycle Facilities
Rendering by Dariush Watercolors
‘Greenleaf Plaza’ Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman
Rendering by Dariush Watercolors
‘Delaware Place’
American University Campus Plan 2021 Washington, District of Columbia A 10 year road-map that supports American University’s educational and research missions through a thoughtful and measured approach to campus growth. The plan identifies opportunity sites for new academic facilities and additional student housing to encourage students to remain on campus during their time at AU. The public realm improvements are proposed to enhance access to the famous and historic arboretum and gardens on campus.
Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman Client: American University
Existing conditions and campus extents
Proposed massing at opportunity sites
Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman
Existing Conditions
Proposed Development Sites
Campus Uses
Special and Heritage Trees
Parking and Loading
Hangar District An atypical mercantile vision Downsview, Toronto The Hangar District will kick-start a framework plan that re-imagines 350 acres of the Downsview Airport lands in northern Toronto. The existing Hangar buildings have an enormous footprint on site and offer a unique diversity of workplaces for the future. They lend an industrial visual grammar to the site, that the new residential and office development shall continue to embody. With a focus on reforesting the existing taxiway and connecting to the nearby Downsview Park through a pedestrian bridge, the Hangar District envisions a special confluence of natural and mercantile forces.
Existing Taxiway and Hangars
Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman Client: Northcrest Developments
75 m
150 m
Existing hangars
Precedent: Urban Outfitters, Philadelphia Navy Yard
Precedent: Cherry Blossom Ave, Bonn
District Uses
Public Streets
Types of Roadways
Traffic Movement
Transit Plan
Bike Plan
Proposed mid-rise built form and existing buildings
Existing Hangars
New and Old: Existing Hangars and possible development
Precedent: Mercantile building typology
The existing buildings and proposed development along Hangar Street Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman
Neighborhood Park across from The Hub
The Hub
Hangar Street
The Taxiway as a visual and physical connector to the Framework Plan Taxiway Section by DTAH
Cherry Blossom Avenue, Bonn
District Wharf, Washington, DC Urban Design Staff, Perkins Eastman
Diversity of workplaces Key ‘Places’ within the district
Burden to asset burden A leaf for the region Brisbane, California The Bay Area is facing serious threats of climate change and sea level rise. It is also highly prone to social inequity and a massive housing crisis. In such a dire scenario, the lack of interest in the development of 950 acres along the Bay is a massive burden on the region.
Graduate Student, UC Berkeley
Wind Energy Generation along revamped highway 101
A floodable Lake along Bayshore Blvd
Big regional amenities:
Graduate Student, UC Berkeley
200 m
104 m
retail garden residential parking area
152 m spring rays winter rays 60 m
63 m
57 m
85 m
65 m
spring rays winter rays
For an entirely new development that was addressing the Bay Area’s housing areas, attracting diverse users was essential. This was carried out through integrated block-types and building types.
office retail garden residential parking area
200.00 0
Reciprocal Resilience reciprocal resilience Addressing London’s Industrial and Housing Crises Old Oak Common, London London is going through a housing shortage as well as a rapid displacement of local industry. This project brings the solutions the twoinstead crises together instead of two crisesto together of addressing them addressing separately. Thecommunity vision is to build community around separately. them The vision is to build around local industry andlocal retailindustry and to and retail andlocal to celebrate local micro-industry through street bazaars. celebrate micro-industry through street bazaars.
The High Speed Rail is coming to London
Graduate Student, UC Berkeley
The neighboring Park Royale is considered the kitchen of London
The existing ecology of the Grand Union canal must be preserved
Block Type 1 A residential block for economically and socially diverse users
Block Type 2 A mixed-use block with street-facing ground floor PDR and interior residential buildings - amply served by alleys for loading and docking
Block Type 3 A block with all ground floors dedicated to PDR and residential units ranging from apartments to micro-units
Graduate Student, UC Berkeley
Block Type 1 Residential courtyards, activated by a central park and criss-crossing alleys to slow down the vehicles and accentuate the pedestrian experience.
Block Type 3
Activated inner-block courtyards with maker-spaces, exhibition areas and alleys shared by vehicles as well as pedestrians
Block Type 2 An activated street with customized ground floor uses
+42.00 +32.00
Train Station
+ 42.00 +36.00
+32.00 +20.00
+ 42.00 +36.00
Canal Park
Graduate Student, UC Berkeley
Areas between the restored Rolls Royce building and the Canal Park, activated by street bazaars
The curvilinear street by the Grand Union Canal, activated by boat bazaars, ground floor retail, and bridges across the canal.
31 540-200-5546 540-200-5546