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VOLCANO: After the eruption the top of the volcano was like a cone. This cone broke the previous crater for ¾ of its circumference. The forest and vegetation that covered the side of Vesuvio were destroyed. The contrast between the amazing aspect of the mountain before the catastrophe and the desolation after this unhappy event is extraordinary. Nowadays the volcano it’s active and the experts said that it could erupt again and the habitants are always in risk!

GEOGRAPHY Pompei is in south Italy in the region called Campania. It’s near the Tyrrhenian sea and it’s 30m a.s.l.

In summer 79 d.C. there was a rain of cinder, which exited from the volcano Vesuvio. It covered all the city with 3 meters ash. In the solidified ash cavity were found the casts of victims of the eruption, like marbles: they can still be seen in the archeological site. There were houses which were being restored apparently

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