Awakenings Middle East issue 10 Mar-Apr 2015

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clean eating for beginners


For weight-control, diabetes reversal, hormonal balance, improved memory, happiness, and more...

cLEAN EATING FOR BEGINNERS For weight-control, diabetes reversal, hormonal balance and more...

Chinese Energetics

Child’s pose

Ancient energy healing in the UAE

Yoga for children in Dubai

Fertility with hypnotherapy

Can hypnotherapy offer a path out of infertility?

HEALTHY SNAck REcIpESffins to seed crackers, never be From quinoa mu snack attack again! beaten by a sugar monster

ORGANIc UAE All the organ ic farms in the UAE

Healing PCOS naturally How one woman cured herself of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome AED15

‘Why I had my mercury fillings removed’

Are they evil nuggets of mouth metal or safe cavity solutions?

Cures and causes of eczema Why you get it and what to do about it


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contents 14

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Editor’s letter





What’s happening?

Upcoming UAE events and news




“Why I had my mercury fillings removed”

Is it time to get the old-style amalgam fillings out of your head once and for all or is it safer to leave them where they are?

The holistic healing power of Chinese Energetics

An ancient energy healing technique, Chinese Energetics accesses the nervous system to clear energetic blocks to remove physical and emotional dis-ease.



“How I healed my PCOS naturally”

Alexandra Salkova cured herself of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome through a combination of body, mind and spirit techniques.


26 Fertility therapy with hypnotherapy


Failing to get pregnant can be devastating. For couples desperate to conceive, hypnotherapy can offer a path out of infertility.

Beginner’s guide to clean eating

For weight-control, disease reversal, hormonal balance, improved memory, happiness, and more, clean eating is a new approach to food and wellness that’s gaining fans around the world.

34 Child’s pose

A new initiative is seeing yoga for children introduced into Dubai’s schools.


Cures and causes of eczema

The itching can be unbearable and the rashes unsightly. A look at why eczema takes hold and what to do about it.


38 Why you should choose organic skincare

A look at why it really does matter if you regularly put chemicalbased products on your skin.



UAE organic farms

We list all the organic farms in the UAE.

44 Healthy snack recipes

From Quinoa Egg Muffins to Superseed Crackers, Avocado Hummous and gluten-free lentil muffins, these savoury snacks will keep you healthy and satisfied.


48 Ayurvedic retreat in Sri Lanka

Experience authentic Ayurvedic care and healing in a stunning Sri Lankan resort setting.

50 Retail Therapy

Organic snail gel to remove wrinkles and a special tea for detoxing and weight-loss, what else could it be called but ‘teatox’.

51 UAE Wellness Listings

The A to Z of local wellness services, products, healers, centres…

58 Neanderthal man goes new age

Diary of how life is changing for a 40-something caveman since he met the Tree Hugger. MARCH - APRIL 2015

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editor’s letter


Your guide to wellness and healthy living in the UAE Published by


friend of mine in Australia recently had her second baby at age 47 and she did it without a father (she bought the needful at the local sperm bank). So now she’s raising two small children alone, such was the fierce and all consuming desire burning inside her to have babies. Here in the UAE, I know five or six women who’ve turned to IVF treatment in an effort to get pregnant. It’s worked for some, others haven’t been so lucky yet. They all report back that it’s a very punishing road to go down. Not to mention expensive. Me, I‘m at the stage in my life now where everyone has pretty much given up on me ever having children (sorry Mum). If life is like a department store, I rode up the escalator like everyone else but missed getting off at the ‘having children’ floor. I probably spent too long in the shoe section. Although it’s not officially biologically too late (just), I think for me it is too late. Ten years ago, maybe, but I couldn’t be doing with all that now. Luckily, I’m not terribly bothered about not having children. I have no doubt they bring a huge amount of joy and happiness but having never had it, I don’t miss it. Yet even so, every now and then I get the tiniest twinge of something that lies between wishing and regret about the whole baby thing. So, we are all different, us women. Some of us yearn to be mothers, others not so much. Or perhaps you just don’t meet the right man at the right time. That’s what happened to me. Mr Mr Right turned up a little late for all that. Why am I going on about this? Because one of the stories in this issue is about hypnotherapy as a solution for couples who can’t get pregnant and don’t know why. It got me thinking about how painful it must be when your heart aches for a baby that doesn’t come. Happily though, here in the UAE we now have a huge community of every kind of healer - from the traditional to the alternative, to the downright wacky. Go on, try them all. The wacky ones are my favourites.

Managing Director TAMARA PITELEN Mob: +971 (0)50 843 3262 Art Director JUN RODRIGUEZ Tel: +971 (0)56 754 0837 Subscriptions Manager & Motoring Editor ADRIAN MAUL Mob: +971 (0)56 676 9483 Advertising TAMARA PITELEN Mob: +971 (0) 50 8433 262 Contributors ALEXANDRA SALKOVA ANU MARIAM NINAN BASMA SAIMUI HANNAH SWANSTON KAYA PETERS MARICA JOSEFINA ATTA NEHA JAMANI Registered at Fujairah Media Freezone Head Office, P.O. Box 4422 Fujairah, U.A.E. Tel: +971 (0)50 8433 262 Printed by TRAFFIC MEDIA Dubai, U.A.E.

PS We’re now bi-monthly so see you again in May!

© 2015 Awakenings Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form of advertising without the prior permission in writing from the Editor. Images from

Tamara Pitelen ‘Like’ our Facebook page Check out our website for stories, events and a UAE wellness directory Join the Meet-up group and come along to a coffee morning Approved by the Abu Dhabi National Media Council




Making scents

How to grow your own at home

Bentley all going green yep, they’re


Which fruit and vegetables have the highest toxic load?

Beyond the last goodbye

Our real-life ghost story

Interview with a water healer

Using the energy of water to heal

REcIpES fOR HEALTHY fESTIVE fOOD GIfTS Vegan, gluten and dairy-free treats


to chemotherapy and surgery

founder Dr. Eric Pearl


Chinese Energe

Ancient energy healing


in the UAE

Child’s pose

Fertility with hypnot

Can hypnotherapy

Yoga for children



offer a path out of



All the organic

‘Why I had my mercur y fillings remove d’

Cover 10 final.indd




ly How one woman cured herself of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Cures and causes Why you get it and


in Dubai


farms in the

Healing PCOS

From quinoa muffins to seed crackers, never be beaten by a sugar monster snack attack again!


Cover AM 9_13.indd 1 8/16/14 7:10 Cover final.indd 1


For weight-control, improved memory diabetes reversal, hormon al balance, , happiness, and more...

Are they evil nuggets of mouth metal or safe cavity solutions?

The Reconnection in the UAE


and more...


hormonal balance

The power of aromatherapy


diabetes reversal,

How to get maximum benefits

on insulin injections?

juicing. For some though, it’s preferable

ELECTRIC URY … LUx, BMW, Porsche, Cadillac


Eat fat to lose fat

Eating fats is essential for weight-loss

For weight-control,

Healing via the nervous system

disease without a lifetime’s dependence

regime featuring daily enemas and

Cranio-sacral Therapy

Yogi Bare

Confessions of an apprentice yoga



Breathing into altered consciousness

Can we turn back the tide on this devastating disease without a lifetime on insulin injections?

clean eatin g for beginner s


Holotropic Breathwork



How yoga makes back pain better... and worse

The healing power of meditation

Can we turn back the tide on this devastating

Gerson Therapy is an tough vegan

To subscribe, go to


Yoga for back pain

Meditation as medication




juicing. regime featuring daily enemas and Gerson Therapy is an tough vegan chemotherapy and surgery For some though, it’s preferable to


cancer & holistic healing

B’atude organic g Foam luxury Soothin Toner! Cleanser + See page 48

cancer & holistic healing

Awakenings Middle East magazine is also available through bookstores and supermarkets.








Thank you to our friends in business who stock the magazine: Holland & Barrett, Breath & Health Alternative Medical Centre, Chiron Clinic, Life ‘n One Wellness Centre, Yoga Ashram, Yapparel, She Moves, Illuminations Wellbeing Centre, Third Eye Centre, Inspire Yoga Pilates Fitness, Zoga Yoga.

of eczema

what to do about






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What’s happening in your town March is Birthday Month at Yoga Ashram

Yoga Ashram celebrates its first birthday with a month of activities. In the first week, the theme is “Know Your Breath with daily 30-minute pranayama sessions. In the second week, several experts in the field of Ayurveda, homeopathy and Naturopathy will give talks.Food and Nutrition will be the theme for the third week with daily interactive sessions with experts. The month culminates with the Yogathon Challenge. Location: 1504, Building X3, Cluster X, JLT

4, 11, 18 and 25 March, Honoring the Sacred Feminine workshops

With women for women, the first spiritual and empowering women’s circle in Dubai. How many of us struggle to find a life partner, or feel dissatisfied in our relationships. As women, we have the power to change all aspects of our life. Come along for this one of a kind series of workshops. 4 March: Honoring the Sacred Feminine intro 11 March: Women, Sexuality and Spirituality 18 March: Masculine domination, Abuse and Fear 25 March: The rising of the Sacred Feminine: Transformation through Love Timings: Wednesdays 7pm - 9.30pm Venue: Life ‘N One Wellness Centre, Jumeirah 1. Price: AED 80 per workshop or AED 300 for all four. To book, call Kaya Peters on + 971 56 212 5878 or email

6-8 March & 10-12 April, ThetaHealing Basic DNA2

Learn to access and heal from the Seventh Plane of Existence, increase your psychic senses, identify and remove negative beliefs and programs, remove negative energies, manifest your desires, and activate DNA with gene replacement therapy. Clear negative beliefs and instill positive beliefs granting communication with the Creator. Timing: 9am to 5pm Price: AED 1875 or Early Bird Discount AED 1750 Third Eye Center, Suite 1101, Saeed Tower II, next to Four Points Sheraton, Sheikh Zayed Road Tel: +9714 3266 539 or +971 55 809 8595

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6-7 March, Level 1: Basic Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hosted by Irina Khanna, the Hypnotherapy for Beginners course helps you deal with issues such as relationships, child hood, and more. This is also the stage 1 certification course towards obtaining a professional qualification in integrated clinical hypnotherapy. Price: AED 1200 Contact: Email or call 04 4487043.

9-11 & 13-15 March, ThetaHealing Advanced

This class completes the foundational levels of ThetaHealing and is the second of the two prerequisites required to take other ThetaHealing classes. Advanced DNA2 class comprises hundreds of downloads that enlighten and heal. People come away from this class with a deeper understanding of ThetaHealing, including the planes of existence, more clarity in their intuition and connection with Creator, and skills for doing deep belief work and healings. Timing: 9am to 5pm Price: AED 1875 or Early Bird Discount: AED 1750 Third Eye Center, Suite 1101, Saeed Tower II, next to Four Points Sheraton, Sheikh Zayed Road Tel: +9714 3266 539 or +971 55 809 8595

13-14 March, Reiki I with Muskan

Learn the technique of tapping into universal life force energy to improve one’s health and quality of life. Timing: 8:30am to 6:00pm Price: AED 700 (includes lunch and refreshments) Third Eye Center, Suite 1101, Saeed Tower II, next to Four Points Sheraton, Sheikh Zayed Road Tel: +9714 3266 539 or +971 55 809 8595

Free yoga weekends at Inspire!

Every Friday and Saturday, the people at Inspire Yoga + Pilates + Fitness offer free yoga classes at 9am to 10am for specific groups. In March it’s CrossFit fans and in April it’s Community Yoga. Head on down and maybe if you ask nicely, they’ll arrange something for your group or club. The studio is just up from Jones the Grocer on Sheikh Zayed Road, above Bystro. Email


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What’s happening in your town 2015 Yoga Retreats in Bali, Turkey and the UAE

If you’ve always wanted to treat yourself to a yoga retreat somewhere exotic, 2015 is your year. Yoga and Wellness Teacher Kaya Peters has designed several wellness retreats aiming to show women how yoga can bring them to the nextlevel of wellness and embracing things like whole nutrition, meditation, vibrant healing, and ecstatic movement. Only you’ll be doing it in exotic places like Bali and Turkey -- with delicious detoxing foods, cleansing juices, raw chocolates, dance, and relaxing body treatments. • Turkey Retreat, on Turkey’s Aegean coast, May 2–9. • Bali Retreat, June 19–26. • Bali Retreat, July 12–18. • Another Female Retreat in Bali will be held on September 19-26. • A final retreat is being planned for November in the UAE with dates TBD. Detailed itineraries and booking information are available online at For more information, call Kaya on + 971 56 212 5878 or email her at

12-14 March, ThetaHealing Game of Life This course was designed based on real-life success cases and gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and instill hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in business, career and in finding your life purpose. This is one of the most practical courses ever to be created in ThetaHealing. Timing: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Price: AED 2400 or Early Bird Discount AED 2000 Venue: Third Eye Center, Suite 1101, Saeed Tower II, next to Four Points Sheraton, Sheikh Zayed Road Tel: +9714 3266 539 or +971 55 809 8595

27-28 March, Fit Dubai 13-14 March, Magnified Healing

The Magnified Healing workshop 1st phase is a twoday course that includes the following: 1. A meditation for empowerment 2. Alignment of the Spiritual Centers and Clearing of the Light Channel. 3. An increase of healing energy in the hands 4. Instruction to heal others and oneself, sensitize, awaken, rewire and connect the nervous system, scan/heal and stimulate the calcium on the Spine; facilitate absent healing (individual or group); heal the Earth; heal all karma and expand the three-fold flame; prepare oneself and others for ascension. 5. An initiation by Lady Master Kwan Yin 6. Certification as a master/teacher of magnified healing of the God most high of the Universe. Timing: 10am to 6pm Prices AED 1500 Venue: Third Eye Center, Suite 1101, Saeed Tower II, next to Four Points Sheraton, Sheikh Zayed Road Tel: +9714 3266 539 or +971 55 809 8595

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The region’s only consumer event dedicated to nutrition, wellness, sports, and fitness, Fit Dubai takes place on 2728 March at the Emirates Golf Club in Dubai. Awakenings magazine has teamed up with Fit Dubai to offer speciall discounted packages that are only available through Awakenings magazine, including a stand for just AED 2500. For more information, call Tamara on 050 8433 262 or email

Be part of the Dubai! wellness arena at Fit for Discount packages D 2500 exhibitors start at AEenings! only through Awak l For details, emai tamara@awakenings


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What’s happening in your town Saturday mornings, Drum Circle for Children

A community drum circle for children (plus mums and dads if they want) takes place every Saturday morning at Urban Tribe studio in Al Quoz 4. Parents can stick around or leave the kids. Saturdays from 10am to 11am for children six and under, 11.20am to 12.20pm for ages seven to 11. Children aged 12 and above can join the Monday night drum classes in DUCTAC in Mall of the Emirates from 7.30-8:30pm. AED 60 per child and AED 25 for each parent that joins in. Email or call 056 7442129.

Awakenings Middle East Meet-ups

Did you know that we organise get-togethers for readers of Awakenings magazine every now and then? Usually in a café over a late breakfast with
a guest speaker along to talk about anything from Reiki to making your own fermented foods. Don’t miss the next one, join the group at

“What we term reality is usually referred to as that which is experienced by our five senses, but I think it’s wrong to assume that that’s all that there is. I like the analogy that describes that only experiencing the world through our senses is like dipping your finger in a glass of water, and that the ocean is unknown.”

Russell Brand


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14 March, Try Theta healing for free!

Come along to get a free 30 minute Theta Healing session from Maya Badran and her students at this Free Theta Healing Pop Up Camp. Times: 4pm to 7pm Venue: The garden at Life ‘N One wellness centre, Jumeirah 1. For information or directions, call Life ‘n’ One on +971 4 343 6676

21-23 March, Family Constellations with renowned hypnotherapist, Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia. Venue: Illuminations Wellness Centre Times: 5pm to 9pm on the 21st and 9am to 6.30pm on the 23rd. Price: AED 699

27-28 March, Spiritual Tarot Workshop

Learn to access this ancient tool of self-discovery to gain insights and see what opportunities lay ahead. Timing: 9am to 6pm Price: AED 1550 (includes course materials, tarot cards & certification) Venue: Third Eye Center, Suite 1101, Saeed Tower II, next to Four Points Sheraton, same side as Fairmont Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road Tel: +9714 3266 539 or +971 55 809 8595

17-18 April, ThetaHealing Manifestation & Abundance

For people who want to learn how to manifest their goals and dreams into reality and clear their blocks to living in abundance. Includes the 14 Keys to Abundance, manifesting style belief work, clear the 15 blocks that stop your manifestations, remember the future, etc. Timing: 9am to 5pm Price: AED 1500 or Early Bird Discount AED 1200 Venue: Third Eye Center, Suite 1101, Saeed Tower II, next to Four Points Sheraton, Sheikh Zayed Road Tel: +9714 3266 539 or +971 55 809 8595

21 March, Meditation at Dubai Ladies Club

Use the new moon to manifest your dreams. Venue: Dubai Ladies Club) Time: 6pm - 7.15pm Price: Members AED 70 and non members AED 80

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29 March to 5 April, Private sessions with Isobel McArthur

A UK-based natural intuitive and alternative healer, Isobel McArthur is in Dubai for a short time to offer private healing and coaching sessions as well as group workshops. For more information, go to To book a private session, AED 550, call Life ‘n’ One wellness centre on (+971) 04 343 6676.

3 April, Limitless Life workshop with Isobel McArthur

Do you feel limited in some areas of your life? Do you feel frustrated that you’re not getting the results you want from the effort you put into your goals and dreams? Discover the formulas to create the life you were born to live and why you are not getting to where you want to be. Price: AED 1000 For more information, go to To book, call Life ‘n’ One wellness centre on (+971) 04 343 6676.

4 April, Protect Your Energies workshop with Isobel McArthur

Are you feeling exhausted, stressed and lethargic for no reason? Negative energy will make you feel listless, sad, lacking, tired, down, and generally flat. Learn what’s affecting your energy and protection techniques to reclaim your vitality. Price: AED 850 For more information, go to To book, call Life ‘n’ One wellness centre on (+971) 04 343 6676.

March is Ayurveda month at DHTC

The Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre are reducing their prices for Ayurveda memberships and treatments in March. Spend AED 2,000 and receive additional Ayurveda treatments worth AED 700 AED and a part massage worth AED 180 for free Spend AED 3,000 AED and receive additional Ayurveda treatments worth AED 1500 and get an Abyangam massage worth AED 280 for free. Ayurveda Abyangam Massage, AED 199 AED (save AED 81) Ayurveda Part Massage, AED 99 AED (save AED 81) Ayurveda Facial Treatments, AED 249 AED (save AED 51) Dubai Herbal & Treatment Centre, Za’abeel, Oud Metha Road. Tel +971 4 335 1200


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What’s happening in your town 20-21 and 27-28 March, Yoga Therapy & Wellness Entrepreneurship Workshop

Private yoga instructor Kaya Peters will be sharing her knowledge of Yoga Therapy and Energetic Healing, as well as offering a course on Yoga & Wellness Entrepreneurship in a 30-hour workshop. The first weekend comprises two days of full yoga practice, with an emphasis on therapeutic applications of yoga poses, pranayama, meditation and yoga philosophy. The second weekend covers Yoga & Wellness Entrepreneurship, it’s suitable for all who wish to discover their life’s purpose; start a successful business in the yoga and wellness industry and/or learn more about branding, web design and more. The course is suitable for yoga teachers, nutritionists, health coaches, energy healers, entrepreneurs, yoga beginners and those looking to improve their lives. Kaya has over 3000 hours of teaching experience, is a E-RYT 500 - RYT 200 with the international Yoga Alliance. She runs worldwide retreats. Venue: Life ’n’ One, Jumeira Beach Road, 27b Street, Jumeira 1 Price: AED 600 per workshop day or AED 1000 for the whole weekend. AED 300 for a morning or afternoon. For more information, go to dubai-workshop/ or email

Do you have a passion for yoga and love for kids? Then teach, empower and share the gifts of yoga with children. GroovyKids® Yoga, is an International Kids Yoga Teacher Training program designed to educate, inspire and enlighten teachers, parents and anyone else who wants to introduce children to the joys and benefits of yoga. Price: AED 2,200 for level 1 and AED 800 for level 2. Contacts: For registration and inquiries, email:


Get a on

27-28 March, GroovyKids Yoga Teacher Training (Level 1 + 2)



snacks just for being an Awakenings reader (we told you you were special). Defeat the sugary, fattening snack attacks, get your week's supply of healthy Munchbox snacks now, order online and put in the special Awakenings discount code, which is Awake2015.

Go to


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“Why I had my

mercury fillings


Is it time to get the old-style amalgam fillings out of your head once and for all or is it safer to leave them where they are? Tamara Pitelen looks at both sides of the argument while having her own mercury fillings removed... which she admits might be unnecessary.

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his afternoon my mercury fillings removed. Known as amalgam fillings, this material has been used in dentistry to fill cavities caused by tooth decay for more than 150 years. Hundreds of millions of people have these little metal nuggets nestled in their teeth. What’s the problem with that? It depends on who you ask but the main issue of contention is that, along with a combination of silver, tin, and copper, amalgam comprises 50 per cent mercury, which is a highly poisonous substance.

Amalgam is a primitive, polluting, 19th century product that began when physicians were sawing off legs. Medicine has since moved forward.


Whether or not amalgam fillings are bullets of toxic evilness or a harmless and effective method of fixing cavities is one of the hottest topics in dentistry today. The two sides of the argument are at loggerheads. The huge chasm between the viewpoints is nicely illustrated by these two quotes: “Amalgam is a primitive, polluting, 19th century product that began when physicians were sawing off legs. Medicine has since moved forward.” These are the words of Charlie Brown, President of the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry. The alternative viewpoint is encapsulated by the American Dental Association (ADA) in this quote: “Used by dentists for more than a century, dental amalgam is the most thoroughly researched and tested restorative material among all those in use. It is durable, easy to use, highly resistant to wear and relatively inexpensive in comparison to other materials.” Amalgam fillings are now no longer used because of the toxicity and the publicity around it. The new material is a composite resin – interestingly, it’s the very same material used to make Formula One cars. Resin is also toxic but it’s just not as toxic as mercury.


Amalgam fillings comprise 50 per cent mercury, a highly poisonous substance.

Anecdotally, mercury fillings have been blamed for everything from headaches to depression however, some dentists say there is no scientific evidence that amalgam fillings are detrimental to health and the resin substitutes have not been tested over time. They argue that we’ve had these amalgams in our mouths for more than 100 years but the resin fillings are an unknown quantity over the longer term. Amalgam is most dangerous in the first two hours after the filling is placed. That›s you must not eat for several hours after having an amalgam filling. After that, the metal is set, stable and inert and many dentists say that amalgam is far superior to the white resin composites; that the resin will never last as long as the amalgam.


So why am I bothering with all the pain and expense of having my four amalgam fillings removed? Especially when they›ve not given me a minute›s bother since being put in about 30 or so years ago. As far as I can tell they›ve

done their job admirably but I›m having them removed and replaced with resin composite fillings because a natural health therapist told me I was basically crazy to leave these lumps of toxic metal in my mouth for another minute. Derin Bepo, a London-based natural health consultant, is of the opinion that mercury fillings are responsible health challenges that include neurological issues, autoimmune diseases, chronic illnesses and mental disorders. “You’re crazy not to get those removed immediately!” he said. He and other amalgam critics say mercury is a potent neurotoxin that damages your brain, central nervous system and kidneys.


According to Charlie Brown of the Campaign for Mercury Free Dentistry: “Mercury fillings continue to emit toxic mercury vapour which invades our brains and kidneys.” Brown is a passionate advocator for mercury-free dentistry. At his website,, he manages to turn amalgam fillings into a race, class and environmental issue. While some of his accusations sound a bit hysterical, he also says amalgam pollutes water via dental clinic releases and human waste; air via cremation, dental clinic emissions, sludge incineration, and respiration; and land via landfills, burials, and fertiliser. Even the World Health Organization reports that mercury from amalgam and laboratory devices accounts for 53 per cent of total mercury emissions into our environment. cont. overleaf


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Today, no-one is getting new amalgam fillings but what about with the millions of amalgam fillings already sitting in the mouths of people across the planet? Is it more harmful to remove them than it is to leave them where they are? I decided I wanted to get a spiritual perspective on the whole subject so off I went to talk to Vanya Silverten, a UK-based Intuitive Healer. Silverten tunes into Creator, God, the Universe, the Field, the Source of All That Is… call this Higher Intelligence what you will but basically she receives information from it. So I asked her, what does the Intelligence of the Universe think about mercury fillings? “It’s interesting because Creator is quite neutral about the whole thing. He’s like, ‘it’s just part of human dentistry’. The mercury source isn’t great but it’s just a historical thing, that’s all they had available and now they’re moving into other products.” Yes but is having these fillings in your mouth detrimental to health? Is the anti-amalgam brigade right about the dangers of leeching mercury? “The thing is that some people’s leech and some people’s don’t so it’s very individual to each person. Some people do have mercury leeching, it could be because of the food they eat, the way they grind their teeth, the structure of their mouth, or drinking too many hot liquids. So yes, some people do get mercury poisoning from the mercury fillings but other people have no issues at all with them. It is very much on an individual basis so there’s no real for or against. “Creator would rather we stopped eating sugar or looked after our teeth better; mercury and tooth fillings are not a solution. They are a problem to solve a problem and Creator is more original solution-based. Don’t get the cavity in the first place, change our

Used by dentists for more than a century, dental amalgam is the most thoroughly researched and tested restorative material among all those in use. diets, change the way we brush, there’s a lot of things we have to look at in how we care for our bodies.” Which is good advice but the human race is now riddled with amalgam fillings, should we have them removed? That depends, says Silverten. “If they’re small and don’t touch the root then they’re not too bad. It’s the bigger ones that are a problem because what tends to happen is that gums recede, teeth erode, and that’s where you get more of the issues, so it really depends on the size of the mercury filling and how far it goes down. “But it’s also not good to have so much metal in the mouth. If you have one or two, it’s ok but if you have a whole mouthful of this stuff it creates problems. It will create more tension in the body because it gets in the way of the body’s energy circuits, that can create tension in the jaw, headaches, and that sort of thing because the amalgam is not a conductor so it can scramble the body’s own natural energy rhythms.” As far as worst-case scenario conditions caused by leeching mercury fillings, Silverten says these include depression, thyroid issues, lymphatic poisoning, mental illnesses and more. “And blocking the heart chakra. It can block the heart from opening up to love, that’s what heavy metals can do. They stop the body from receiving more love, but it’s not in all people, he’s more pointing to larger fillings and mouths full of fillings.”


So what is the actual procedure like? For me it was painless and over in minutes. My dentist, Jelena Pavesic

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of Dr Joy Dental Clinic in Dubai, did a great job. I was extremely anxious and almost changed my mind. I knew there would be needles involved. It’s been years since I had injections in my gums and everything about them sounds bad and painful. Then there was the digging out of the old fillings - surely that was going to hurt? Hand on heart, it did not hurt at all. Yes, it’s a bit uncomfortable having someone’s fingers and several metal tools in your mouth at once but that’s all it was; uncomfortable. I barely felt the injections and it was over very quickly. I went in at 5pm, I was on my way out at 5.25pm minus two of the four amalgam fillings. The other two are being done at a second appointment, the reason being that dentists don’t want to numb both the upper and lower jaw on the same side of the mouth in case of accidental cheek or tongue biting. The anesthetic from three injections into my lower jaw took about five hours to wear off. How do I feel now? No different to be honest. I’m not sure my mercury fillings were causing me any health problems but one thing that is a huge improvement is the aesthetics; now when I laugh or open my mouth, my teeth are all white instead of showing unsightly lumps of silver metal.

Tamara Pitelen had her amalgam fillings removed by Dr. Jelena Pavesic of Dr Joy Dental Clinic, Villa 1021, Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 2, Dubai. Tel. +971 (0)4 328 5332. Email:


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The holistic healing power of

Chinese Energetics An ancient energy healing technique known as Chinese Energetics views humans as bio-computers that can be healed by accessing the nervous system to clear energetic blocks. Words by Tamara Pitelen.

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hinese Energetics is an energy healing technique developed over thousands of years in the ancient Shaolin Temple in China. However, it’s only in the last 20 years that the Buddhist monks of Shaolin brought this knowledge to the rest of the world. Simply put, Chinese Energetics addresses energetic trauma, beliefs and emotions stored in the nervous system so that physical and mental pain is eliminated and life goals can be realised. It’s a technique for finding the root cause of any life issue and to remove the sabotages that hold us back in life, thus optimising all aspects of life. The premise of Chinese Energetics is that humans are multi-faceted beings with six levels of consciousness, namely physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic, and psychological. The technique works to bring all levels of consciousness into balance. It does this through a combination of anatomy, physiology, structural analysis, energetic technique, quantum physics and Qi and Shen Gong Training.


Yazan Rahman is a UAE-based Chinese Energetics practitioner. He says the modality works at the “foundation of where the spirit meets the human body”. “I’m a life transformation expert at an energetic level. My focus is on lifechanging shifts, changing deep rooted patterns, beliefs and transmuting them into a joyful, flowing, happy and fulfilled person.” “We’re not only working on human beings, we’re also working on situations, on relationships, on energies in the matrix relating to karma, ancestral limitations… basically I work to realign the energetic matrix. Suddenly things get resolved, in the end it’s all energy.” Chinese Energetics views human beings as bio computers. The human brain and the central nervous system


I’m a life transformation expert at an energetic level. My focus is on life-changing shifts, changing deep rooted patterns, beliefs and transmuting them into a joyful, flowing, happy and fulfilled person. work together like a computer system and the belief is that pain arises when accumulation of too many unneeded programs slows down our computer system and causes energy congestion. Pain is just a sign that something is wrong with the flow of energy in the body. “We have what we call the leading life supports,” Yazan says. “Almost everything will fall into one of six categories, namely health, finances, fitness, relationships, career and life purpose, and time/less ageing.” According to Yazan, all of these six leading life supports are affected on the physical, mental, emotional, psychic, psychological and spiritual levels. And they’re all interconnected into these levels. “So if you ask me, ‘what do you treat in 70 per cent of the cases that come to you?’ I’ll tell you it’s issues related to the psychic body, which some people call the etheric body or the energy field. “In Chinese Energetics they’ve identified this as a body or a sphere of consciousness and through our human history, the psychic body has been completely invaded through tribal norms, ancestral norms, societal norms and rules, family and church programming, and so on. The psychic body is very thin yet it’s extremely powerful. Through the generations, people have become unaware of its existence but it’s like the hole in the ozone layer, it affects everything else including our mental, emotional and physical states. Yet entire societies are set up without the psychic body being identified so with a client we

first have to bring awareness of their psychic body. Often the psychic body is completely permeable so we have to strengthen it, make it impermeable and treat the issue in it.”


As far as the kind of success stories Yazan has had with clients, he gives the example of a woman in Dubai who has her own fitness centre for women. “She’s brilliant and very creative, an entrepreneur but she was having a difficult time managing her all female team of staff. She thought it was because she was just being too nice to them but that was not the case. When I looked into it, I saw that she had been psychically invaded by her mother while growing up. “Yes, her mum was verbally abusive, that’s what we would say in psychology, but that’s just on the surface. So although she hasn’t spoken to her mother in years, she was walking around with that psychic imprint in her psychic body. That had to be cleansed. Once that’s cleansed, it’s healed for her and for her mum. It’s not only healed for the two of them because, remember, we’re multi-dimensional beings. You don’t know how many others in the soul family are involved, or if she goes on to have a daughter. So it’s a massive release and she felt an immediate shift in how her team related to her.”


When a new client comes to Yazan for help with a problem in their life, the first thing he does is ask them to write him an email bullet-pointing cont. overleaf


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the issues. From this, he analyses the language to find the areas of weakness. “The key is the language, it provides clues to the subconscious but even if someone doesn’t speak we can still work on them with intuition. “From there, the process is that, intuitively, I find out which are the three weakest out of the six leading life supports. I would keep that to myself initially because they might not be what the client thinks they are. For me, the leading weakness energetically might appear to career and life purpose but the client is coming to me because of emotional problems with her mum. Often the root of your problem is not what you think it is.

The key is the language, it provides clues to the subconscious but even if someone doesn’t speak we can still work on them with intuition. “The weakest words energetically are what we begin working on and as we do we make energetic corrections in the brain, subconscious and the spine. I do that with my intention. For this, I merge Chinese Energetics, Angelic Healing, and Shamanism. I work with three powerful angels who I bring into the healing. I also use vibrational frequency to dissolve heavy energy. That is all guided; I don’t decide what to do.” To book an appointment with Yazan, call: (+971) 056 224 7700
or email: For more information, go to his website at

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CHINESE ENERGETICS TRIED AND TESTED Tamara Pitelen goes guinea pig when she sits down with Yazan for a Chinese Energetics healing session. “I told Yazan that I wanted to work on making my business more profitable and bring my financial struggles to an end. In addition, I wanted to stop struggling to lose weight (there’s that word again – ‘struggle’) and I wanted some clarity on certain health issues, eg, why I have such an abnormally low blood pressure and metabolic rate. Yazan immediately picked up the word ‘struggle’. This is what he said: “So ‘struggling’ is the weakest word from everything you’ve said. This is coming from your family, your father’s ancestors. This is from your ancestors’ karma of making others struggle and slog, so business owners and landowners, indentured servitude, slavery... so we’re going to resolve that for you, for your ancestors, and all the people on the receiving end. “Let’s strengthen you to delete all experiences of struggling in this life, past lives, all lives and all the effects its had on you… lets resolve the karma between you and your dad and his karma with you and his family, with him and his mum. Let’s release the excess mental energy and control, his wanting to control the outcome and the money, having enough money, not having enough money, all the beliefs you’ve inherited from your family, from your father. He’s coming in very strongly around the issue of money so let’s resolve his karma with money, all the people he owes money, and the psychic energy that may have seeped to you, your siblings, your mother and your family, around what is owed, debts, karmic debts, not necessarily money. Let’s resolve that, let’s ask Archangel Michael to unplug you and uncord you from your dad, first in the mind area, that’s an unhooking, let’s resolve this for the whole family, give a command to release and let go, forgive and forget…” That was just the start of it. I was impressed that Yazan immediately intuited that my issues stemmed from a father figure – it turned out to be my stepfather, not my birth father, with whom the problems lay. No surprise to me. That was revealed later on in the session that all up took about an hour. The session also included some sound healing and I felt like I was being held in a bubble of something lovely. The other thing was that at one point, Yazan asked that people, information, situations flow into my life that could help me find answers to my questions. A few weeks later, I was at a conference where I happened to meet a doctor who specialises in thyroid conditions. He took one look at me and said, ‘Sit down, I’m going to tell you what’s wrong with you…’ To cut a long story short, he told me I had mild hypothyroidism the result of being born with a defective thyroid gene. Subsequent tests proved him right and so at last I have some answers as to why I’ve been dogged by certain health and mental issues for most of my life that nothing seemed to fix. Coincidence? I don’t know. As for my business cash flow, I can’t say the money is tumbling in yet but it’s improved slightly. Watch this space.

Yazan Rahman offers Chinese Energetics healing in the UAE.


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“How I healed my PCOS naturally”

Alexandra Salkova McKenzie went on a self-healing mission when she was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

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Last year, Alexandra Salkova Mckenzie was told she had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). She set about healing herself through a combination of body, mind and spirit techniques and today she is completely clear of it.


n May 2014, during a random check up by my doctor, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). It came as a big shock because I didn’t even know I had any symptoms. I thought my healthy lifestyle was keeping me in top shape and I never dreamt I could get a condition that goes hand in hand with blood sugar problems, insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances. Worse news, countless medical reports tell us it’s the leading cause of infertility amongst women and the long-term health risks are endometrial cancer and type 2 diabetes1. The big question was; what would I do about it?


So what is PCOS? The term stands for Polycystic Ovarian (or Ovary) Syndrome and it happens when a woman’s body has an imbalance in her levels of the sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. This leads to the growth of many small cysts on the ovaries (about twice as many as in normal ovaries)2. So far so simple but PCOS quickly gets very complicated. For a start, there’s no official explanation for what causes it and the medical profession will tell you there’s no cure although measures including weight-loss can reverse it. In addition, the symptoms are so wideranging that they could indicate any number of other conditions including hypothyroidism and diabetes. The usual symptoms associated with PCOS include: Hormone imbalance; hormonal pattern acne; excess hair on the face/back/chest;


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thinning hair on head; weight gain; carb and sugar cravings; diabetes-like symptoms; insulin resistance, and missed or abnormal periods.


In medical circles, PCOS is being called a ‘global epidemic’ as rates of the condition are soaring amongst young women. Interestingly, they are rising in line with obesity and diabetes rates, which for some people puts PCOS in the ‘lifestyle disease’ category. Others in the medical profession say the condition is genetic. Which is all very interesting in theory but how was I going to tackle this condition in my life? The usual solution for treating PCOS is medication and lifestyle changes2 but I wanted a more holistic approach. Traditional allopathic medicine does not consider the idea that the physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological aspects of a person are irrevocably intertwined but as a therapist, intuitive healer and supporter of alternative ways, I believe illness is part of our inner guidance system. Looking deeper into the wisdom of our bodies, the ovaries are part of feminine intelligence, something often forgotten in women’s health. Through millennia, women have been conditioned to believe that

they must control and change many aspects of their bodies. Women have been knocked unconscious by the conflicting demands of our cultures, media and society. This results in the belief that the female body is flawed. However, we all have choices as well as inner guidance and spiritual help that directs us towards optimal health and fulfillment. Our bodies never lie and through their symptoms they get our attention pretty quickly. For me, a holistic approach saw PCOS vanish from my body and never return. A fact that is verified by my doctor. Here is a guide to how I did it:


Being in tune with your body is the number one tool in your PCOS recovery kit. Pay attention to food and exercise. Honour your body. Don’t fill it with junk. Eat low-glycemic-index food and reduce excess body fat – this is especially important. As UK Nutritional Therapist Patrick Holford explains in his book Balance Your Hormones, reducing body fat increases insulin sensitivity and balances insulin secretion, which results in normalisation of blood sugar and reduction in excess androgens. (Consult with your doctor or nutritionist about your specific condition.) cont. overleaf

PCOS is being called a ‘global epidemic’ as rates of the condition are soaring amongst young women. Interestingly, they are rising in line with obesity and diabetes rates.

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Suspecting that my hormones could be out of whack because of sugar, I decided to detox my body of sugar once and for all with the help of a gentle seven-day fast. Following my intuition and knowledge gathered from relevant books, I ate to keep my blood sugar levels stable. Still today, I do not eat sugar and I eat few carbs. If I do, it’s organic and complex carbs such as quinoa, buckwheat, wild rice, sweet potatoes, amaranth, millet, and oats. I indulge only on special occasions with food like pasta, bread, biscuits and cake. I also realised I need to exercise more so I bought a bicycle. Although I live in Dubai, while all this was happening, I was visiting family in Europe so I connected to the Earth’s healing electromagnetic field by spending a lot of time outdoors. Every day I walked in a nearby forest, which helped restore my body’s natural balance. I was also using breathing techniques to breath deeply and consciously because this rids the body of toxins.


Best-selling spiritual authors Esther Hicks and Abraham state that, “a physical condition is just an indicator of a chronic thought.” They state that when we feel sad, our organs, which are filled with receptor sites, receive messages from the brain and so also feel sad. And when we feel happy, our organs respond in kind. We store emotions and stresses in our organs. Over time, our thoughts become embodied. For me, PCOS turned up just after I got married and I’d been adjusting to my new role as wife and potential mother. I was faced with my learned/ inherited beliefs about what a wife and mother ‘should be’. I realised I was carrying old patterns about femininity and the obligations of a woman/wife/ mother. I believe part of my healing was releasing these oppressive and limiting definitions.

Cultural inheritance has a major effect on how our femininity is perceived. As Christiane Northrup says in her book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, our memories are stored in our bodies. “We carry our personal history in the tissues that our consciousness co-creates. On some level, we carry everyone and everything – the collective – all there within and around our cells.” Additionally, mitochondrial DNA is inherited solely from our mother; therefore we carry our mother and grandmother’s emotions in our cells too. Clear old beliefs that no longer serve you with the help of a skillful therapist or through your own dedicated self-care. With this in mind, take time out to reflect on your feelings and beliefs about your femininity. Northrup offers this technique in her book, find a quiet place, relax and ask yourself: 1) Where do I feel my femininity is powerless? 2) If a family member walks into the kitchen saying, “I am hungry” or “there is nothing to eat” – what do I feel? 3) What are my emotional needs? Are they being met? 4) What would I like to see happen in my job or my life that would nourish me fully? 5) Do I believe that I have the power to change the conditions of my life?


The dominator system tells us ‘no pain, no gain’ but often just the opposite is

Sources: 1. Verity, the UK Charity for women with PCOS. 2. The PCOS Foundation website, All questions for the connection exercises were taken or adapted from the book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

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true. When you connect to your heart and soul, you just want to be happy and at peace. If what you are doing gives you no joy, no pleasure, no sense of purpose, no sense of fulfillment, it is not worth doing. The soul responds to inner dreams and to pleasure. Your state of health is the barometer of this. Northrup says: “Commit to living your dreams – one day at a time. This is the process that is required to create vibrant health in our families, our communities, and our planet.” To connect to your wisdom, find a quiet place and ask yourself: 1) What would it be like if I reclaimed the wisdom of my body and learned how to trust its messages? 2) What would it be like to stop criticizing my body? 3) How would my life be different if my body was my friend and ally? 4) What would it be like to know, in the deepest part of me, that every part of my anatomy and each process in my female body contain wisdom and power? Polycystic ovaries don’t have to be a lifelong, chronic condition. During my healing time I had absolutely no doubt in the process and not long after my initial diagnosis I went back to have another check up. I was told the PCOS was gone. Many scans since then have confirmed I am clear of it. To become healthy and whole, we need to get in touch with the wisdom of our female body and to follow the desires of our heart.

About the author: Alexandra Salkova McKenzie BSc is the founder of Inner Self Consultancy. Having worked with healing energies and power of the mind for nearly 20 years, she offers private hypnotherapy, coaching and alternative healing sessions as well as workshops and group meditations. Contact


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Fertility Therapy with Hypnotherapy The desire to have a baby can be so strong that a woman feels it like a physical pain but when there’s no obvious reason for infertility, what can be done? Marica Josefina Atta believes hypnotherapy can provide solutions.


ailure to conceive when a baby is wanted so badly can leave many women devastated, wondering what’s wrong with them. For some women getting pregnant becomes an obsession, something that preys on her mind 24/7. For other women it’s a constant sadness and the sight of a baby or a pregnant woman can feel like a punch in the stomach. Irrespective of how we react, failure to conceive rarely leaves us untouched and I believe it affects women at the very deepest level of their being. Unfortunately, fertility issues are on the rise and for modern women, it has become one of the major health and wellbeing issues of today.

and mindset of ancestors, parents, childhood and lifestyle etc. We are largely a result of our past and what we choose to think, feel and do today will form who we become.

Every suggestion, thought or emotion that we entertain, has a corresponding physiological and chemical response within the body. Emotions gets transformed


Sometimes there’s a physical reason with either the father or the mother that is behind an inability to conceive but in 25 per cent of all cases there’s no obvious explanation. However, whether there is a clear reason or not, what we do know is that our bodies always follow the mind. Every couple is unique; each person carries a history that has formed who they are today, this includes the life

Inability to conceive can cause tremendous stress and anxiety. cont. overleaf


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in the brain into biochemical and electrical messages, that are continuously released directly to the bloodstream and then transmitted to the hypothalamic/pituitary/ gonodal axis – which are responsible for reproduction. It makes sense therefore to pay attention to our thoughts and emotions when we’re planning to conceive.


With HypnoBirthing Fertility Therapy, we’re focused on fertility, not infertility, since our view is that no woman or man is flawed, even in cases where a physical reason for no conception is detected. Just think of the word ‘fertility’ and see how it makes you feel, then repeat the word ‘infertility’ and see how that makes you feel. We are all created to be fertile but since our bodies are a result of our mind and lifestyle, we can unconsciously block conception. As a therapist, I begin by looking at the mental and emotional level, where the root cause can be found through hypnosis tools to identify blocks or hindrances for a successful conception.

HypnoBirthing Fertility Therapy, we’re focused on fertility, not infertility, since our view is that no woman or man is flawed, even in cases where a physical reason for no conception is detected. Entering a hypnotic state is just like daydreaming, it’s a super-relaxed, altered state of awareness that allows us to access our subconscious mind in order to unblock and release emotions and old patterns as well as to connect with and influence certain parts of our bodies. In the fertility work, we also look at lifestyle and the physical health of the couple. We use a holistic approach so that the whole being becomes balanced allowing an overall improvement in life and wellbeing.


One example of how magically a hypnosis session can work is a client who came to see me to get help with anxiety. She and her husband had tried to conceive for more than a year

without success. They had tried some medically assisted technology for conception but with no luck. During the two sessions I worked with her, we didn’t focus on fertility instead we focused on releasing tensions from her mind and body. She could hardly breathe when she first came to me, with a very stiff stomach, which means she didn’t even receive her own breath. The more we started to unblock the deeper emotions she could breath deeply again and her body relaxed. Six months later, she rang me to tell me she was six months pregnant and that she knew it was thanks to our sessions. Of course every case is individual but sometimes our bodies respond quickly with just a few changes.

HypnoBirthing Fertility Therapy FAQ 1. What is Hypnotherapy? Entering a hypnotic state is just like daydreaming, it’s a super-relaxed, altered state of awareness that allows us to access our subconscious mind in order to unblock and release unhelpful emotions and old patterns as well as to connect with and influence certain parts of our bodies. 2. How does HypnoBirthing Fertility Therapy work? It typically takes four to six sessions but this can vary. It can be an effective aid and support for conception by itself or it can be used alongside In Vitro Fertilization and other Assisted Reproduction Technologies for a greater chance of success. The sessions are a combination of working with deep relaxation techniques, hypnotherapy, health care advising, breathing practice and conscious counseling.

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a man’s partner was going through In Vitro Fertilization, which is a difficult and anxiety-producing procedure. Another study published in the Journal of Reproduction and Infant Psychology found that couples were less likely to achieve pregnancy if the man was depressed and had low self-esteem.


In 25 per cent of infertility cases there is no obvious explanation.

In the fertility work, we also look at lifestyle and the physical health of the couple. STRESS BOMB

It’s my job to detect what to unblock in couples experiencing infertility so that their bodies will allow conception. Thereby, there’s no ‘one-size fits-all’ solution when working with fertility but we do know that stress in all its forms, has a significant impact on fertility and this is a common element in the lives of modern women. Too much stress plays havoc with our hormones, as well as our sleep, wellbeing, relationships, libido, immune system and digestion – all playing a crucial role in conception. We see a general state of inflammation in the bodies of people who are under constant stress for a long period of time. Stress manifests differently for everyone, so the individual seeking help should always be met with a customized approach. Stress doesn’t only mean a hectic


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lifestyle, it can also be the result of emotional turbulence; a neverending striving to perform, or never experiencing peace of mind. Sandra Berga, MD, chair of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Emory University in Atlanta has reported several studies with findings that seemingly healthy women with fertility trouble tend to have high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood. Emotional stress also reduces sperm counts in men. A study of 500 men published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that sperm count dropped when

Another issue for women that I see every day in my job as a hypnotherapist and Theta healer is the suppression of naturally feminine traits. Every human being is born with a mix of feminine and masculine energy. Feminine would be described as the nurturing, open, sensitive, receiving part of us. Masculine is the directed, action-orientated, giving part of us. Everyone’s combination of these energies is individual but in the business/success orientated society that we have today, typically female traits are often considered weaknesses while masculine traits are strengths. Daily, women come to me for therapy who are subconsciously suppressing their feminine in order to fit into society, compete in the workplace, please family, etc. How is this related to conception? Conception is about receiving, which is a feminine trait. To receive a man, to receive love, to receive a life in your womb, to receive a baby into your life. Many of us are so accustomed to performing, giving and achieving that receiving make us feel guilty or uneasy. Suppression is always perceived as stress for our mind, whatever it is that we’re suppressing. Since conception happens between two people, the state of the man, ‘the giver’ in the case of conception, needs to be considered as well.

Marica JOSEFINA Atta is a certified Clinical HypnoTherapist, Theta Healer, HypnoBirthing pratictioner and Fertility Consultant. Email or visit

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The beginner’s guide to

clean eating A new approach to healthy eating and wellness, clean eating is about keeping things as natural and chemical-free as possible – food that hasn’t been made in a factory. The benefits? Weightloss, disease reversal, hormonal balance, improved memory, happiness… and more. Hannah Swanston explains.

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he term ‘clean eating’ is fairly ambiguous but the concept is focused around eating foods in their most natural state whilst avoiding anything processed or laden with chemicals, as well as refined grains and refined sugars. You could also call it a ‘low HI diet’ or ‘low human involvement diet’ because the best food for your body is as close as possible to its natural, whole form with as little human interference as possible. Eating clean means eating mainly fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, meat, poultry and seafood – organic is best to ensure you’re not filling yourself with pesticides and growth hormones. The new approach is about making conscious decisions about what you’re putting into your body and taking responsibility for your long-term health. It isn’t a diet; it’s a lifestyle.


Many strict weight-loss diets will drop a few kilos before a big occasion but the reason millions of people are always

looking for the next best solution is because each diet has one thing in common; they’re quick-fixes with strict and unsustainable guidelines that rarely consider your health so invariably the excess weight returns. The exciting prospect of clean eating is that once you decide to make health your number one priority, you won’t ever need to worry about the risks to your wellbeing, let alone the need to diet ever again. In short, there is no diet that exists today that will do what healthy eating does. Skip the diet. Choose health, and have a balanced life instead.


Want to try Clean Eating? Here are the basics: The key theme at the heart of the clean eating concept is ‘good health’ so before you eat, simply ask yourself: “Is this food going to nourish my body? Getting clean might just mean tweaking what you’re doing now, or it may inspire you to turn over a whole new leaf. In either case, here are a few points to keep in mind when considering your new, healthier lifestyle: • Eat foods in their most natural state, or made with natural ingredients, • Avoid processed foods high in chemical additives, salts, trans fats and refined sugars, • Avoid artificial ingredients and preservatives including sweeteners,


• Keep your alcohol and caffeine intake low and avoid sodas and fruit juices, • Eat plenty of vegetables. If you’re watching your weight, get most of your carbohydrates from vegetables, • Avoid refined flour; white pastas and white bread, • Enjoy fruit but moderate your intake due to high sugar content, • Eat healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, nuts. • Drink two to three litres of water a day. Research shows that eating fresh fruit and vegetables can aid in the prevention and control of weight gain. Studies also suggest a diet rich in these healthy food groups can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and diabetes. Additionally, cutting down on the added salt and sugar is also integral to clean eating. Research shows a reduction of dietary salt intake can help delay or prevent hypertension and decrease the chances of cardiovascularrelated health issues and death.


To begin with, you may think that clean eating seems too much of a drastic change. But it’s not about transforming your life (and cupboards) overnight; it’s about going at the pace that’s right for you. Make small changes; try new things; see what you like, and what you don’t. Remember, it’s not a set plan; it’s a cont. overleaf


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healthier lifestyle, and the key to successful clean eating is making healthy decisions most of the time, but giving yourself some flexibility. This isn’t about being perfect. Give yourself an 80/20 balance. The 20 per cent gives you leeway to be human so if you really want a cupcake then have one.

Cleaning up your eating act An example day in the life of a clean eater… Breakfast: Omelette with spinach and tomatoes, or oats with grated apple. A glass of coconut water. Home-made fruit smoothie with Spirulina powder Mid-morning Snack: Handful of almonds or carrot and pepper sticks dipped in hummus. Lunch: Tuna salad in a wholemeal wrap, half chopped apple. Mid-afternoon Snack: Bowl of berries with Greek yoghurt or an orange. Dinner: Stir-fry with chicken breast and shrimp, cooked in coconut oil, with a range of your favourite vegetables, for example, sugar snap peas, chopped peppers chillies, mange-tout and onion. Sweet-tooth tip: If you crave something sweet after dinner, make a herbal tea, drink some water, and if it remains, either have Greek yoghurt with fruit, or a couple squares of organic dark chocolate - 70 per cent cacao.


Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body. So where possible choose organic and avoid processed foods, sugars, starchy carbohydrates, trans fats, chemicals, and where possible, have a healthy balance of caffeine and alcohol. When cooking try to bake, steam, grill or eat raw. If you get stuck in the supermarket, use your common sense or read the label: ‘Was this created in a laboratory or in nature? Will this food help to nourish my body?’ • Fruit and vegetables: All seasonal, but eat more green veggies and lower sugared fruit. (Eating seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day reduces your risk of death at any point in time by 42 per cent compared to eating less than one portion, reports a new UCL study.) • Protein: Free-range eggs, salmon, chicken, shrimp, white fish, tuna, turkey, tofu. • Healthy fats and oils: Avocado, virgin olive oil, flax and chia seed, all natural, (palm-oil free) peanut or almond butter (no sugar or salt) • Nuts: Raw almonds and sunflower seeds • Grains and complex ‘good’ carbs: Rye or spelt bread, quinoa, millet, brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potato, legumes. • Dairy: Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, almond milk • Coconut products: water, milk and oil.


Luckily, the less you eat sugary foods, the less you’ll crave them. Sugar works

like a drug so stop taking it to break the addiction. To take its power away, reach for healthier alternatives. Keep a variety of delicious, healthy snacks in your bag, or at your desk to stop you reaching for naughty treats. For example: • Nuts, seeds, prunes and plain popcorn • Raspberries, blueberries and chopped apple • Bell pepper (capsicum) and cucumber sticks But if one of those all-consuming sugar cravings does hit you, don’t panic, just try one of my favourite healthy quick-fixes: 1. Eat two to three pieces of organic dark chocolate (over 70 per cent cacao) 2. Fill a bowl with Greek yoghurt, blueberries and raspberries 3. Eat a tub of organic frozen yoghurt with prunes and bananas. For more tips on preventing sugar cravings in the first place, here’s how to change your diet to give yourself the best chance of quelling those cravings: Eat foods high in chromium: Broccoli, whole grains, sweet potatoes, apples, and pastured eggs.

Hannah Swanston is a full-time writer who divides her time between London and Dubai. Her first book is about life in Dubai and is coming soon.

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Chromium regulates cholesterol levels and blood sugar. Eat foods high in zinc: Whole grains, pastured eggs, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts and oysters. Zinc from animal sources is absorbed better because it does not contain phytates. Zinc is used for glucose and insulin utilisation. Eat foods high in magnesium: Dark leafy greens, raw cacao, nuts and seeds, brown rice, quinoa, and avocado. Extra-virgin coconut oil: Add coconut oil to soups, dishes, smoothies and stir-fries to help boost metabolism and reduce cravings. Eat healthy fats with your meals: Nuts and seeds, avocados, coconut, extra-virgin olive oil, extra-virgin coconut oil, and natural fats from animal products such as wild salmon and pastured eggs. To provide satiety and keep your blood sugar stable. Sleep for 8 hours per night: More if you need it. You can never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Furthermore, when tired, we have the tendency to crave sugar, and slip back to old habits.


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“How I got clean and changed my life” The author of this clean-eating guide, Hannah Swanston, knows first-hand how going all natural can transform health. “I moved to Dubai in 2008. I was a carefree 20-something, thinking my fresh-faced glow and fast metabolism would forever be on my side. Partying non-stop with McDonald’s on speed dial, I was also ‘that’ girl who ordered a diet Coke with a burger meal, blindly swapping calories for chemicals. No stranger to the infamous ‘Dubai Stone’ I’ve tried every diet under the desert sun, which, while we’re on the subject, I’d lie under for hours on end; oiled up in the knowledge that my sun-drenched skin could be fixed with a quick shot of Botox. This was the 21st Century after all, in the fastest-growing city on Earth; there was always a solution. Nothing could beat me, or so I thought. “But my yo-yo-dieting-week-long-partying choices were damaging my health and within a few years, I was suffering from a long list of health issues, the least of my worries was the Dubai Stone (or two), I also had anxiety issues, skin pigmentation, and insomnia but worst of all was the aspartame poisoning from artificially-sweetened drinks. This resulted in me being rushed to hospital with Optic Neuritis, which left me blind for three months in my left eye. The party was officially over. Doctors said that if my lifestyle didn’t change, I would lose my sight forever. “After researching natural ways to cure myself, I discovered the clean eating craze that was taking the world by storm. Not only did I heal my sight in three weeks but I unintentionally dropped about six kilos, and experienced a series of further mini-miracles, from curing my insomnia and anxiety, to transforming my hair, skin and nails. “Today, I leap out of bed and no longer need multiple layers of make-up, Botox, or an intravenous drip of caffeine to get me through the day. I exercise for two hours a day and hardly touch alcohol or food that doesn’t have a natural source. “For the first month, I went cold turkey, giving up meat, caffeine, alcohol, chemicals, processed foods, and anything that wasn’t completely natural, whilst choosing


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organic where possible. Even pharmaceutical products were banned. No chemicals whatsoever were allowed near me. I also stopped having cosmetic treatments, including Botox. “As the days, weeks and months progressed, I felt like a snake shedding layers of skin; as a lighter, happier, and more energetic version of myself appeared each morning; standing in front of the mirror a little more radiant each day. Within a very short amount of time, my skin was tighter, firmer, and brighter; and my clothes got looser. “Once I felt I’d flushed all the chemicals out, I began to re-introduce lean meats and a small amount of caffeine if I fancied it but I made a concerted effort to swap all items for healthier alternatives. Apart from processed foods and chemicals, which are still banned because of my health; I’m more flexible. “I’m not perfect and I’m never going to be. Sometimes, we just need that doughnut, glass of wine, or chocolate bar. The trick for me is to get right back on the healthy vibe the next day, and not to beat myself up about it. This isn’t about being perfect, it’s about good health, and finding a balance - whilst giving ourselves the flexibility to be human, and enjoy the finer things, guilt-free!”

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Child’s Pose:

Kids yoga in Dubai schools What better way to raise healthy, balanced adults than by teaching them mindfulness, focus and compassion as children. Basma Saimua reports on a new yoga programme for children being introduced into Dubai’s schools.


magine teaching children skills that will help build their self esteem and self-love. How about teaching them compassion and empathy for others or encouraging them to understand their feelings and to learn how deal with them in a healthy way. This is what yoga does, through mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, and postures. For many years now, adults have been turning to yoga to help them find balance in their lives and some peace in a world that is constantly on the go. The modern world of constant distractions and hectic lifestyles also affects young people. For children, stresses result from wanting to fit in, peer pressure, exams, competitive sport, and being bombarded with information from social media, television, and the internet. In these times, practicing yoga can also help children find more balance.

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Mahatma Gandhi once said: “If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with children.” What better way to raise compassionate and emotionally stable adults than to reach them when they are children? Through mindfulness practices children learn how to stay in the present moment, helping them learn how to be aware of their emotions in the moment, whether good or bad, and how to deal with these emotions. Through breathing (pranayama) they learn the skill of relaxing their minds and bodies, which brings more peace into their lives. Through postures (asana) they become strong and flexible. As well, it teaches them to remain focused, which is required to stay balanced and develop in their poses. All of these practices are integrated into their every day lives shaping their experiences and relationships. The best way to get children into yoga is to introduce it to schools and make it part of the educational system. That is the motivation of the Dubai-based founders of an after-school yoga programme for children in Dubai schools. Called Posetivity, the programme is the brainchild of Katherine Cebrowski and Natalia Hassaniyeh. “Our goal is to provide a place and opportunity for every student to realise his or her limitless potential,” Cebrowski says.

THE POSETIVITY PROGRAMMES There are three main Posetivity programmes, aimed at children of different ages. The Mini Vibes programme is for three to five year olds; the Good Vibes programme is for six to 11 year olds, and the Elevate programme is for 12 to 18 year olds. All the programmes comprise three elements; yoga postures, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence. So far, 10 Dubai schools have taught the Good Vibes and Elevate programmes while some nurseries around the city are offering the Mini Vibes programme for pre-schoolers. A new programme called Yoga for the Special Child is slated to launch in Dubai soon and all the programmes will also be available in various Dubai yoga studios. For more information, go to

“Children are constantly challenged and placed in competitive and multisensory environments; whether it’s at school, sports team or even at home. This creates constant internal stress for the child. Posetivity provides a noncompetitive playground where children are equal and are given the opportunity to explore their own potential.”


The women say that their motivation for launching Posetivity came from children themselves. “They are our future and the ones who can create change. As adults, we recognise and appreciate the benefits of yoga, meditation and self-awareness so why not start teaching these vital tools to our children earlier in life?

Our programmes equip children with life skills that will encourage them to face challenges with positivity, open mindedness and confidence. “We have customized a Posetivity curriculum that tackles many physical, mental, and emotional challenges that exist in youth. Whether it is our fun yoga sequencing, or engaging mindfulness exercises, we strive to teach techniques and tips that the students learn in the classroom and practice in the real world.”

BASMA SAIMUA is a certified Holistic Health Coach and yoga teacher. She offers private nutrition, weight-control and lifestyle coaching to women. For an initial free health consultation, email her at


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Causes and cures for


The itching, the rashes, the redness, the scratching. Everyone who’s had eczema knows those symptoms all too well. The cycle can be stressful and upsetting for sufferers – as well as for the parents of a child plagued with ezcema but there is a way out, writes Delphinia Tam-Lower of Four Cow Farm.


few years ago in Queensland, Australia, there was a grandmother who wanted to make skin creams and balms for her grandchildren, one of whom had eczema. Also a midwife, she wanted to use time-tested and traditional recipes. From these small beginnings grew a business called Four Cow Farm. That ingenious grandmother is my motherin-law and now our whole family is involved with producing a range of handcrafted, 100 per cent natural and organic skincare. Along the way, we’ve become experts in the causes and cures of eczema and we’ve devised this three-step guide to understanding and living with eczema whether you’re age 0 or 90.

Step 1: Understand what’s happening under the skin of someone with eczema.

The word ‘eczema’ actually covers a very wide range of symptoms and conditions and many types of eczema exist. So, the best first step to take is to try and identify the type of eczema you or your child has. There are two broad groups of eczema - eczema that is triggered by direct skin contact with an irritant; and eczema that is caused by an increased sensitivity in the way a person’s immune system reacts with their environment. The latter is known as atopic eczema and is the fastest growing type of eczema. A genetic twist of fate means that those with atopic eczema have skin that is unable to retain its own moisture (making

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it particularly prone to extreme dryness and itch) as well as particularly over-active immune systems that react to a variety of external influences (including the bacteria and yeast that live on all our skins).

Step 2: Discover the key triggers (not as easy as you might think!)

The next step is to begin whittling down the potential triggers of the symptoms - and there may be a few! An easy place to start is with the 3 ‘E’s of eczema: (a) Edible – the most common trigger foods are cow’s milk, eggs, soya, wheat, fish and nuts. (b) Environmental – the most common culprits are clothing, harsh soaps and detergents, perfumes and preservatives in skincare products, fabric softeners,


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extreme temperatures, humidity, dust mites, pollen and pets. (c) Emotional – strong emotions such as stress and anger may trigger a worsening of the symptoms, as well as illness. One of the best ways of identifying triggers is to remove them, one at a time, to see if the eczema improves. Four to six weeks per trigger is best for certainty so patience, patience, patience... Another approach is allergy testing which can be helpful if a specific allergy is suspected, though those with atopic eczema may test positive for none or many of the allergens tested. And all this will do is merely confirm that the form of eczema is atopic eczema (which, as described above, has its basis in the immune system), and not other forms of eczema whose main triggers are external. Where the primary cause of eczema is an external irritant, identifying the culprit or culprits will see an immediate and marked improvement in one’s skin, or the disappearance of the eczema entirely. With atopic eczema, removing those key triggers will reduce the number of ‘flare-ups’ which take place, but the dryness and itchiness is likely to continue for a while, and helping one’s skin to cope with both on an ongoing basis will be absolutely crucial (we’ll tackle this in the next section).


There are two broad groups of eczema eczema that is triggered by direct skin contact with an irritant; and eczema that is caused by an increased sensitivity in the way a person’s immune system reacts with their environment. Step 3: Put in place a very disciplined skincare regime (and we mean really disciplined!)

With atopic eczema, the skin is unable to hold onto its own moisture. This consistent dryness is a primary trigger of itching, which can often lead to flareups, so helping the skin retain its own moisture is absolutely key. Bath-time is a key time at which to protect the skin from loss of moisture. So be extremely careful and selective with shampoos, soaps and washes. Avoid products containing harsh synthetic detergents such as sodium lauryl/laureth sulphate or cocamidopropyl betaine and harsh preservatives such as phenoxyethanol or benzyl alcohol. Replenishing the skin’s moisture is key. And dermatologists all agree that regular, repeated moisturising is crucial

to managing eczema. By helping the skin maintain its moisture, we help maintain the health of the skin, and its ability to defend itself against external triggers and allergens. So if there’s one mantra everyone needs to repeat when dealing with eczema, it’s ‘moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!’ For parents and carers of children with ezcema, help your child moisturise at regular intervals during the day. As you’ll be applying your chosen moisturiser very, very often, make sure it’s made from the very best natural ingredients. Skin with eczema is often thinner and more likely to absorb and react to the substances placed on it, so avoid anything containing synthetic nasties, artificial chemicals, added fragrances or petroleum derivatives (see the Four Cow Farm Guide on Baby Skincare for selecting safe skincare under ‘Learn More’ on the FCF website).

For more information, visit or email

Four Cow Farm in the UAE The Four Cow Farm range of handcrafted, 100 per cent natural and organic skincare products are available in Holland and Barrett stores throughout the UAE. The range includes Baby Lotion (125ml AED 53), Baby Wash (125ml AED 49), Calendula Remedy (50g AED 70), Tea Tree Remedy (50g AED 62), and more. Not just for babies! The Four Cow Farm range of organic, natural skincare products is also great for adults.


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Why you should choose

organic skincare

What’s so wrong with chemical-based skin products? Anu Mariam Ninan of B’atude organic skincare explains.


hat we choose apply on our skins affects on our overall health. Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies and it’s extremely permeable. It eliminates body waste and is our largest immune defense barrier, when we put toxic ingredients on our body, up to 60 per cent is absorbed into our blood stream. This is particularly important for leave-on cosmetic products like hair dyes, facial creams and make-up. Even using a small amount of a toxic chemical everyday over the longer term will accumulate in the tissues and organs of our body. This chemical pollution is called Body Burden and recent scientific studies show that these chemicals are toxic even at very low doses. Some of these chemicals may be the culprits of rapidly rising rates of infertility. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you’re exposing your baby to these chemicals, which can detrimentally affect their development.

This is why choosing organic products with ingredients derived from living matter such as plants, vegetables and fruit is safer for you and the planet. Organic products use ingredients grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, chemicals, or carcinogens. They are cruelty free, do not contain artificial dyes, fragrances, or synthetic preservatives and GMO-free.

Anu Mariam NINAN is co-partner in a company that distributes German organic skincare brand B’atude in this region. Anu is passionate about organic skincare after years of her own health issues caused by chemicals in cosmetic products.


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Naming and shaming the nasties Some of the most harmful ingredients commonly found in skin products and their possible side effects are as follows… 1. Parabens: Petroleum product. Triggers skin irritations and may play a role in falling sperm counts and rising breast cancer rates. 2. Paraffin: Derived from petroleum, comedogenic that blocks pores. 3. Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): Forms carcinogenic nitrogen compounds when combined with specific ingredients. 4. Propylene Glycol: Increases the amount of acid in the body resulting in metabolic problems. 5. Aluminium: May contribute to Alzheimer’s Disease. Blocks pores so sweat cannot be released by the body. 6. Benzoates: Used a preservative in cosmetics and fizzy drinks. Causes gastric irritation, numbing of the mouth and aggravates asthma. 7. DEA, MEA, TEA: Causes allergic reactions, irritating to eyes and dries out hair and skin.

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The UAE’s

Organic Farms

Did you know there are more than 30 organic farms in the UAE? Here’s the list of all the places you can get safe, organic food that’s better for you and better for the environment.


ou’ve probably heard that you should be eating more organic grains, fruit and vegetables whenever possible but you might not be so sure about why, especially when it can be so much more expensive than non-organic – we’re here to address the why and where of buying organic in the UAE. Let’s start with why organic is better. One of the main reasons is the tonnes of pesticides being dumped all over non-organic crops around the world. The effects are proving devastating. These pesticides are ending up in our food and waterways and being stored in our bodies as toxins. The human health risks of this toxic pesticide build-up is everything from skin, eye and lung irritation to hormone disruption, brain and nervous system toxicity, cancers, and birth defects. Pesticides are also destroying the natural world by poisoning the land and waters and killing off crucial parts of the ecosystem. For example, the liberal use of pesticides is behind the decimation of vast numbers of the world’s bee population. As well as the tragedy of losing the bees, we are faced with failed crops from a lack of pollination. It is ever more crucial that we start supporting the organic industry so which are the farms growing organic produce in the UAE? Here’s the list:

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The Modern Organic Farm

Contact: Abdulla Abdelrahman Alowais Location: Al Dhaid, Sharjah Tel: 050 500 3005 Email: Instagram: modernorganicfarm Welcomes visitors: Yes Delivery: Only for distributors in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman. Individual customers will be guided to the nearest distribution in their location. Location: Sharjah, Althaid

Hamad and Omran Alowais

Contact: Abdulla Abdelrahman Alowais Location: Azubair, Sharjah Tel: 050 500 3005 Welcomes visitors: No

Integrated Green Resources (IGR)

certifiers and we proudly allow customers to visit us and see the actual produce going through the process of seed to fruit. We sell our own produce - farmed and harvested by us in accordance with international standards. Our methods have been acknowledged as authentic by the international certifying agencies, EU and USDA certifications from BCS Garantie GmbH, Nuremberg – Germany show our commitment and dedication to producing healthy and eco-friendly organic vegetables and fruit. Tel: 050 148 5820 or 052 743 7103 Email: or orders@ Location: Al Khawaneej, Dubai Welcomes visitors: Yes



Tel: 055 395 5558 Email: Location: Al Dhaid, Sharjah Welcomes visitors: Yes

Al Shuwib Organic Farms

Location: Al Ain Email: Tel: 050 812 2420 or 050 672 9363 Welcomes visitors: Yes

Bufjair Trading Co. (BTC)

Saif Al Shamsi *0503007133 Email: Location: Al Khawaneej, Dubai Welcomes visitors: Yes cont. overleaf

Tel: +971 04 2954006 Email: Location: Al Khawaneej 1, Dubai Welcomes visitors: Yes

Greenheart Organic Farm Store

Location: Greenheart Organic Farm Store, The Light Building, Ground Floor, Shop 8, Arjan, Al Barsha 2 Tel: 04 361 7010 Mob: 056 640 7060 
 Welcomes visitors: Yes. To register for a farm visit, email Offers home delivery: Yes

Tariq Al Jalaf

Location: Al Dhaid, Sharjah and Al Ain Tel: 050 360 6777 Email: Welcomes visitors: No

The Organic Oasis

Organic Oasis Agriculture LLC is a local organic farm specialised in producing organic vegetables, fruit and poultry. The Organic Oasis consists of three farms that cover 85,000 sq ft, which are owned and maintained by an Emirati family. “Our authentic organic methods result in organic produce to be proud of. We got our process accredited by the international


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cont. from pg41

Excalibur Investment LLC

Tel: 050 491 2225 Email: Location: Al Bahya, Abu Dhabi Welcomes visitors: Yes

Khalid Abdulla Mohammed Location: Al Ain Tel: 0567744001 Email: Welcomes visitors: No

Abdullah Salim Obaid Al Turifi Tel: 050 776 779 Location: Al Faw, Sharjah Welcomes visitors: No

Ahmad Bin Ghulaitah

Location: Al Dhaid, Sharjah Tel: 055 838 8878 Welcomes visitors: Yes

Rashed Salyem Al Katby Location: Nahel, Al Ain Tel: 050 633 6619 Welcomes visitors: Yes

Amna Al Marar

Location: Liwa, Abu Dhabi Tel: 050 615 3330 Welcomes visitors: Yes

Saleh Al Mansorri

Location: Ghayathi, Abu Dhabi Tel: 055 244 4410 Welcomes visitors: Yes

Essa Abdulla Mohammad Al Hemeiri

Ali Al Shamsi

Location: Umm Al Quwain Tel: 055 848 4144 Welcomes visitors: Yes

Location: Al Khawaneej, Dubai Tel: 050 300 7133 Welcomes visitors: No

Al Dahra

Zayed Agricultural Centre for Rehabilitation & Development

Amna Essa Thani

Salim Ali Binmaden Alktebi

Khalid Mohammed Abdulla Al Kaz

Nasra Ahmad Obaid Al Mehairi

Sun Blast

Ahmad Hamad Al Mehairi

Location: Al Ain, Abu Dhabi Tel. 050 994 5345 Welcomes visitors: No Location: Weshah, Sharjah Tel: 050 528 1111 Welcomes visitors: No Location: Al Khawaneej 2, Dubai Tel: 050 656 4222 Welcomes visitors: No Location: Techno Park, Dubai Tel: 050 645 7799 Welcomes visitors: No

Location: Banylyas North 1, Abu Dhabi Tel: 055 448 5222 Welcomes visitors: Yes Location: Sharjah (Qata) Tel: 050 690 3800 Welcomes visitors: No

Location: Nahil, Abu Dhabi Tel: 050 653 0889 Welcomes visitors: No

Location: Abu Dhabi (GHMD) Tel: 050 653 0889 Welcomes visitors: No

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Abdullah Ali Al Qaydi

Location: Ras Al Khaimah Tel: 050 489 3661 Email: Welcomes visitors: Yes

Maryam Naqeeb Sanqoor Location: Ras Al Khaimah Tel: 050 651 3090 Welcomes visitors: No

Fujairah Centre for Rehabilitation of Disabled Location: Fujairah Tel: 050 789 7935 Welcomes visitors: Yes

Khalifa Algari

Location: Al Dhaid, Sharjah Tel: 050 655 9116 Welcomes visitors: No

Al Foah

Location: Al Ain Tel: 050 445 7313 Email: Welcomes visitors: No With thanks to the Agricultural Development, Plant Health and Development Department for supplying most of this information.


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snack recipes

These savoury treats are easy to make and easy to carry around. Keep them on hand so you have a healthy, nutrient-packed weapon to fend off the sugary snack attacks that usually launch their offensive mid morning and mid afternoon.

Recipes shot on location at Life’n’One wellness centre, Jumeriah 1. Photography and Styling Assistance: Leon Zaayman.

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Curried Lentil Muffins These gluten-free and sugar-free savoury muffins make a great healthy snack or lunchbox filler.


1 cup red lentils ½ cup water ½ teaspoon cumin ½ teaspoon turmeric powder ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 clove garlic ¼ cup sundried tomatoes, chopped ¼ cup coriander, finely chopped 1 Tablespoon coconut oil

Super Seed Crackers

These vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free crispy crackers are made entirely out of seeds so they’re rich in Omega 3s, minerals and fibre. The seasonings can be varied as per your preference.


½ cup sunflower seeds ½ cup pumpkin seeds ¼ cup sesame seeds ¼ cup chia seeds ¼ cup flax seeds 1 teaspoon Italian herb seasoning ½ teaspoon sea salt ¾ cup water


Soak lentils in a large bowl of water for 4-6 hours. Soaking helps release anti-nutrients such as phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors making them more digestible and reducing the cooking time. Wash and rinse the soaked lentils and transfer them to a food processor. Add the cumin, turmeric, salt, pepper, garlic and half cup of water to the lentils and pulse for 30 seconds. The processed lentils should start to look like a thick cake batter. Add in the baking powder. If the batter is too thick add an additional spoon or two of water, and blitz for another 30 seconds. Stir in the sundried tomatoes and chopped coriander to the lentils. Grease a muffin pan with coconut oil, pour the batter about three quarters full in each cup. Bake in a 175 C degree preheated oven for 25-28 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 175C degrees and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. In a large bowl, mix all the seeds together, then stir in the seasoning and salt. Slowly pour the water to the seed mixture, stir and let it stand for 15 minutes. The chia and flax seeds will start to gel-up and this helps to bind the crackers together. Spread the batter onto a baking tray lined with parchment using the back of a spoon. The spread should be less than quarter inch thick. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and slice into crackers using a knife or pizza wheel. Carefully turn the crackers on to the other side before transferring back to the oven for an additional 25-30 minutes. Allow to cool completely in the pan before eating. The crackers must be stored in an air-tight container and it will keep for up to a week.

Yield: 8 medium muffins

Yield: 20 large crackers



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Mini Quinoa Vegetable Frittatas

A frittata made into a mini version, feel free to change up the vegetables and use your favourite. The quinoa adds in another dimension of texture and extra protein. The frittatas can be made in advance and are best served warm or at room temperature.


2 tablespoons coconut oil 1 cup broccoli, chopped ¾ cup red bell pepper, diced 1 cup cooked quinoa 5 large eggs, beaten ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon mixed herbs ¼ teaspoon pepper


Preheat oven to 175C degrees. Grease a muffin tin with one tablespoon coconut oil and set aside. In a skillet, heat the one tablespoon coconut oil over medium heat. Add the broccoli and peppers, sauté for 2 minutes until the vegetables are cooked but still crunchy. Season with salt, pepper and mixed herbs and remove from heat. Transfer vegetables to a bowl mix in the cooked quinoa. Taste and adjust the seasonings to your liking. Add the beaten eggs to the quinoa and vegetable mixture, stir gently to incorporate. Spoon the mixture until three quarters full in the prepared muffin tin and bake for about 22-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the muffins comes out clean. Allow the muffins to cool for a few minutes in the pan. The muffins can be served warm or at room temperature. Store extras in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Yield: 8 medium or 12 small muffins

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Avocado Hummus

A twist on the usual hummus or guacamole, avocados are rich in healthy fats, potassium and has anti-inflammatory benefits. The hummus is great with crudités, crackers or as a sandwich spread.


2 medium sized ripe avocados, peeled and chopped 1 (14-ounce) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons tahini (sesame paste) 1 clove garlic 1/2 teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon pepper


In a food processor, puree the avocados with the chickpeas, lemon juice, tahini and garlic. Pulse until smooth, about two minutes. Add olive oil salt and pepper and process for another 30 seconds. Transfer the dip to a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and serve with crudités, bread or crackers. Yield: 2 ½ cups

Neha Jamani A therapeutic and holistic chef, Neha is founder of Dubai-based The Sacred Kitchen. A graduate of Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts in California, Neha aims to raise awareness about the importance of food choices and reconnect people with their bodies and the food they eat.


2/23/15 9:55 PM

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2/16/15 9:24 PM



Experience authentic Ayurveda in Sri Lanka

Kaya Peters travels to a famous Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Wellness resort to experience the power of one of world’s most ancient holistic healing practices.

A woman has a shirodara treatment at Barberyn Ayurvedic Resort in Sri Lanka.

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lthough the system of Ayurveda originated in India some 5000 years ago, Sri Lanka is well known for its Ayurvedic wellness holidays and for the past 30 years, Baberyn Ayurveda Resorts have offered authentic Ayurvedic treatments to people from all over the world.


With its first resort opened in 1984, the family-owned Barberyn Resorts pioneered Ayurvedic tourism in Sri Lanka. Today, the two resorts are Barberyn Beach Resort and Barberyn Reef Resort. Together, they employ eight doctors and 52 therapists, comprising Ayurvedic physicians, therapists, dieticians and pharmacists, who treat patients with health issues of every kind including blood-related problems, arthritis, rheumatism, obesity and mental stress. But you don’t need to have something wrong you to take time out at Baberyn, guests with no specific complaints also benefit from detoxing, destressing, and strengthening the immune system to improve general wellbeing.


For my stay, I chose the Barberyn Reef Resort, located right on Beruwala Beach. I spent my week in a simple room with private terrace facing the ocean. On arrival, I was in need of rest and recovery. My first day began with an in-depth consultation with one of the resident Ayurvedic doctors and from this my dietary and treatment programme is set. I was asked questions like, “What is your favorite season?” “How is your digestion?” and “Do you get angry easily?” The answers gave my doctor a clear picture of my dominating ‘dosha’. The concept of Ayurvedic medicine is that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily energies or ‘doshas’ called vata, pitta and kapha. In Ayurveda, food is complementary medicine and for me, no coffee, no wheat, no dairy and no meat are prescribed. I’m also advised not to eat much cold food, and am served plenty of


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papaya juice and a tasty green soup with my meals. I indulge in all the delicious curry foods, red rice dishes and salads, and don’t feel hungry or deprived for a moment. Life is good at Barberyn.


My treatment programme includes a daily Ayurvedic massage and herbal body packs to eliminate cellulite and some small skin allergies. I also take herbal medicine twice daily. Everything is prepared for me with great care. The highlight of my week is the shirodara treatment where medicated oil is poured over my third eye for 40 minutes. It is a deeply relaxing treatment that balances the hormonal system and cures issues like insomnia and tinnitus. I go into a dream state and wake up feeling wonderful. It is no surprise that over 80 per cent of Barberyn’s guests are returning customers.


Barberyn resort is not a typical luxury resort but offers a tailor-made healing programme for body and mind. Other facilities include a swimming pool, dining room and relaxing areas. The resort has a peaceful and family oriented atmosphere. Your programme is complemented by optional activities such as yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, lectures on Ayurveda, cooking demonstrations, traditional live music at dinner, boat tours, a library with literature on culture and spirituality, as well as inspirational movies and videos. On top of that, you get short sightseeing trips to nearby Buddhist temples, nature reserves, a three-wheel ride to the market, and places of interest such as the old Dutch Fort in Galle. For more information on Barberyn Ayurvedic Resorts in Sri Lanka, go to For information on healing and wellbeing retreats hosted by yoga teacher and wellness coach Kaya Peters, go to:

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therapy Bootea – Do a teatox!

Forget detoxing – the new rage is teatoxing. From a UK based, 100 per cent natural health supplements company, the Bootea teatox and eating plan gets you back on track with healthy eating and an active lifestyle. For centuries, the ingredients in the teas have been used for health and wellbeing but only now have all these powerful ingredients been put into one perfect product. Teatox is a fancy word for describing the removal of unwanted ‘toxins’ and built-up waste matter from your body via the lungs, kidneys, bowels and skin. Check out the free Eating Plan on the website,, which works to optimise your teatox. Buy it: AED 129 from Holland & Barrett stores throughout the UAE.

Organic Snail Gel Face & Body cream

A moisturising, soothing, anti-aging gel which harnesses the remarkable cosmetic benefits of Helix Aspersia Muller, Snail Gel is a unique substance the snail produces to quickly regenerate its own shell and skin when damaged. Snail Gel softens wrinkles, smooths skin, has antioxidant protection and improves hydration. Specifically designed to hydrate, soothe and moisturise the skin, helping to develop a natural youthful glow. Buy it: AED 150 from Holland & Barrett stores throughout the UAE.

Revitafirm Organic Mask

Give your skin a well-deserved indulgence with this special organic mask. Cleanse your face and neck then cover with a thick layer of this lush mask, avoiding the eye area. Let your skin absorb its goodness for 15 minutes and rinse it with clear water. Suitable for all skin types. Using German technolody, B’atude organic skincare products use widely-tested, natural, organic ingredients like green tea and potent moisturisers to nourish your way to beautiful skin. Buy it: Prices for B’atude products range from AED 100 to 200. Available at Holland & Barrett stores.

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Timez5 physiological prayer mat

This high-tech prayer mat is said to relieve pain, improve posture and boost energy. The mat’s creators say it has already helped thousands of people suffering with conditions such as arthritis, sports injuries, chronic knee pain and acute physiological issues. Buy it: AED 300 at the company website MARCH - APRIL 2015

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The Chiron Clinic Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments, including acupuncture, Chinese herbals and cupping. Dr. Wang Ping specializes in fertility, hormonal & pregnancy complaints, musculoskeletal injuries, and stress. The Chiron Clinic also offers treatments for weight loss, detoxification, allergy screens & desensitization, anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal complaints, skin problems, using natural & complementary medicine. 160 2D St. Al Bada’a/Jumeirah 1 (Behind Life Pharmacy), Dubai Tel. 04 349 7444 Email: Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic Comprehensive family medicine and physiotherapy. 1st Floor, Town Centre Jumeirah, Jumeirah Beach Road. T: 04 349 6333 Synergy Integrated Medical Centre A clinical acupuncturist, Martine (Dip. AC clin. Ac (China) Certificate in Paediatric Acupuncture) specialises in fertility, pregnancy and post-natal treatments. She uses a combination of traditional Chinese therapies including acupuncture, massage, cupping and moxibustion.
 E: T: 04 348 5452




Alternative, complementary and holistic products and services available in the UAE. transform their lives through improving their health and well-being. Your health issues are treated using a whole host of traditional and modern therapies along with professional advice and support. Whether you want to rest, relax, recover or rejuvenate B&H is your premier wellness destination. Villa 1080, Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 2. E:
 T: 04 348 9940 The Chiron Clinic A complementary and alternative medical clinic, the Chiron Clinic treats the ‘whole’ individual. Services on offer include anthropsophical medicine, homeopathy, clinical nutrition, herbal medicines, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (see below), spinal alignment, counseling/coaching, hydrotherapy, detoxification, and infrared-sauna therapy, to treat a wide array of family health concerns including; eczema and other skin complaints, autism/ADHD, anxiety/depression, digestive complaints, hormonal issues, migraine/tension headaches, insomnia, allergies, low immunity, ear infections, asthma, and joint & back pain. We also offer allergy screening, and a wide array of functional testing. Dr. Lanalle & Dr. Amel are NorthAmerican Board Certified Naturopathic Doctors. Open Saturday-Thursday 8:30-8:30. 160 2D St. Al Bada’a/Jumeirah 1 (Behind Life Pharmacy) Tel. 04 349 7444 Email:

DNA Health - Center for Integrative Medicine & Wellness A state-of-the-art center of excellence for health and wellness, providing the highest level of US healthcare and integrative medicine protocols for healthy aging, lifestyle management and the treatment of chronic disease. Offers functional and lifestyle medicine, energy therapy, detox, bioaesthetics, stress management, and more. The Collection, St Regis Resort, Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi T: +971 2 610 9000 E.

Dubai Herbal & Treatment Centre Conventional (allopathic), complementary and alternative medicine plus wellness treatments. Ayurveda, Beauty, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Psychology, Traditional Chinese Medicine. Za’abeel, Oud Metha Rd.
 E: T: 04 335 1200

Aura Alternative Medicine Centre Three kinds of treatment Ayurvedic medicines, diet and lifestyle management and Panchakarma for detox, rejuvenating and relaxing. Office 201, Al Faisal 1, CBI Bank Building, King Faisal Road, Sharjah. E: T: 06 575 7001

Holistic Healing Medical Centre Eastern and western medicines. Ayurveda, acupuncture, colon hydrotherapy and Homeopathy. Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 3.
 T: 04 348 7172 OUR K!

Breath & Health Alternative Medical Centre Dubai´s leading Alternative Medical Centre is fully licensed by Dubai Health Authority (DHA). B&H help people

Intelligent Health Using the latest medical technolody and research, doctors specialise in reversing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, auto-immune, brain disease and any cardio or metabolic condition.


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Dubai Mall Medical Centre Complementary and alternative medicine with Naturopathic Medicine Practioner Dr Heather Eade. 7th Floor, Dubai Mall. T: 04 449 5111


International thyroid and bio-hormone therapy expert Dr. Daryl Turner is a visiting practitioner. T.+971 04 321 5223 Lotus Holistic Center A holistic medicine center located in Khalifa City A, Abu Dhabi. Acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, massage therapy, exercise therapy, yoga, Hijama (cupping), nutrition, dental. T.+971 2 557 9801 Dr Parviz Rashvand, Synergy Integrated Medical Centre Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Dr Parviz combines natural modalities and specialises in cancer, MS, autism and other severe auto-immune and degenerative conditions.
 T: 04 348 5452 Wellbeing Medical Centre Complementary conventional and alternative health care, cosmetic surgery and laser treatments. Jumeirah 3. T: +971 4 348 4406 E:


Crystal’s Energy Carola Becker is an Angel Life Coach certified by Isabelle von Falloise. She offers Angel Readings, Emotional Balance with Angels, and more. Tel. +971 50 613 0911 Email: Facbook: Crystal’s Energy Angel Messages by Stella Angel therapy, intuitive guidance and more. T: +971 50 8703639 E: Angels of Light Founders Terri and Buddy are certified Angel Therapy Practitioners from the Diana Cooper School of Angels, and Angel Crystal Healers.
 E: T: 050 655 4814

ANIMAL ASSISTED THERAPY Sense Hope, health and healing using animals

and nature for human wellness - children, adults and the elderly. Trained therapy animals work with qualified therapists to help with a range of issues including development and speech delays to autism, anxiety, dementia, cancers, etc. E:
 T: 055 748 3178


Spadunya Club Award-winning holistic and wellness spa for women using the 100 per cent organic, French colour therapy spa range called Altearah Bio in holistic vibrational and energetic treatments. Hammam, hydrotherapy, beauty room and steam, sauna and showers. [See also Colour Therapy, Beauty, and Yoga & Fitness] Shams 1, The Walk at JBR, Plaza Level. E: T: +971 4 439 3669 Organic Glow Beauty Lounge Eco-friendly, organic salon. Organic hair treatments, ammonia-free colour, aromatherapy massage, formaldehydefree mani-pedis, fresh fruit facials, homemade scrubs and more. Stocks Simply Organic products for purchase. E: T: 04 380 4666


Aura Alternative Medicine Centre Three kinds of treatment Ayurvedic medicines, diet and lifestyle management and Panchakarma for detox, rejuvenating and relaxing. Office 201, Al Faisal 1, CBI Bank Building,
King Faisal Road, Sharjah
 E: T: 06 575 7001 Balance Wellness Centre, Ayurvedic Dr Chandy George Ayurvedic assessments and wide range of wellness services, organic and ayurvedic therapies, energy healing. Third floor, Oasis Centre
 T: 04 5151 4051 www.balance-wellness-centre Breath & Health Alternative Medical Centre Dubai´s leading Alternative Medical Centre is fully licensed by Dubai Health Authority (DHA). B&H help people transform their lives through improving

To get your business listed here as well as online at the UAE Wellness Directory at, email the details to For the full UAE Wellness Directory, go to

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their health and well-being. Your health issues are treated using a whole host of traditional and modern therapies along with professional advice and support. Whether you want to rest, relax, recover or rejuvenate B&H is your premier wellness destination. Villa 1080, Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 2. E:
 T: 04 348 9940 Dubai Herbal & Treatment Centre Conventional (allopathic), complementary and alternative medicine plus wellness treatments. Ayurveda, Beauty, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Psychology, Traditional Chinese Medicine. Za’abeel, Oud Metha Rd. E: T: 04 335 1200

BEAUTY & ORGANIC COSMETICS Katrina Valente Holistics A facial therapist and holistic aesthetician/healer with more than 20 years experience in the beauty industry
 T: 050 565 7679 Shirley Conlon Organics Dubai-based organic skincare and cosmetics. Available to purchase from shirleyconlonorganics; Ripe Organic Market every Friday 9am-2pm; Arte - Time’s Square, 2nd Friday of every month 12pm-7pm (upstairs). E: Tel: 050 289 6499 Aromera - Martina Hakim Organic skin care and Happiness Coach, Systemic/Family Constellations (Bert Hellinger) T: 050 141 8790 E:


Green Car Rental A range of hybrid to 100 per cent electric vehicles to hire. From the Nissan Leaf to the BMW X6 Hybrid and Tesla Roadster. T: 04 321 7478 E:


Clinical Aromatherapy & Clinical Reflexology, The Holistic Institute IFPA and ITEC accredited for diplomas in Clinical Aromatherapy and Reflexology. E:
 T: 04 450 3535 Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy, Illuminations Well-Being Centre

Certified by the Universal School of Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy Middle East. Five stages. For more information, go to or call Illuminations on 04 448 7043


Dubai Herbal & Treatment Centre. See Alt. Medical Centres for details. E: T: 04 335 1200 Breath & Health Alt. Medical Centre See Alt. Medical Centres for details. 1080, Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 2. E:
 T: 04 348 9940


Spadunya Club Award-winning holistic and wellness spa for women using the 100 per cent organic, French colour therapy spa range called Altearah in holistic vibrational and energetic treatments. Hammam, hydrotherapy, beauty room and steam, sauna and showers. Shams 1, The Walk at JBR, Plaza Level. T: +971 4 439 3669 E: Abeer Ayash, Art Healer Abeer creates Soul Paintings for clients using colour for its therapeutic value. E: T: 04 326 6539

CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE (see Acupuncture) COUNSELLING (see also Life Coaching) Helen Williams, Life Works Counselling and development. Helen is a Gestalt Therapist. Personal development, counselling, meditation & mindfulness, workshops, grief, stress, anxiety, etc. 996 Al Wasl Rd, Umm Suqeim 1 E: E. T: 04 3942464 Pamella Pierrepont, Starlight Pathways - Thinking into the Future Therapies and Learning Solutions for Kids, PIDDS, The Listening Programme, The Learning Breakthrough.T: 0558097445 or email Andrea Tosatto, Clinical Psychologist, Synergy Medical Centre Specialising in teens and children, Dr Tosatto uses Cognitive Psychotherapy with Jungian analysis as well as yoga and music therapy as needed.

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T: 04 348 5452 Tarnia Chapman, Spiritual Counsellor A graduate of the UK School of Metaphysics for the Expansion of Consciousness, Tarnia offers private sessions available to know yourself, be yourself and express yourself. E: T: 050 2754 571


Pranic Healing Centre Encorporates pranic with crystal healing.


Life ‘nOne (See ‘Wellness Centres’ for contacts) Sweatshop Studios Hot yoga, Pilates, BootyBarre, Pole Dancing, Zumba classes. Concorde Tower, Cluster H, JLT. T. +971 (0)50 435 5474 E.

DORN METHOD (Spinal therapy) Karima Nanji at SpaDunya Club See ‘Colour Therapy’ for contacts. Manchester Clinic PIDDDS treatments are available at the Manchester Clinic in Dubai. T. 04-3497008.


Art of Detox, Malcolm Slyper A free online service dedicated to preventing disease through natural cleansing and detox and raw food. Detox retreats hosted. T: +12024079737 E: Generation Nourished Holistic Health Coaching Programs for women and teenagers looking to lose weight, gain energy, have blood sugar imbalance, or want to overhaul their diet & lifestyle. T: 055 106 7511 Detox Delight Dubai Detox juices delivered to your door and bespoke detox programmes. E T: 055 5568 318 Essentially Door-to-door delivery of cold-pressed, natural, raw and organic juices and nut milks. Nourishing cleanse programs with different levels of intensity and juice packs to enjoy daily, alongside your regular diet. E: T: 04/8895753

The Sacred Kitchen Higher consciousness cooking under the premise of food as medicine, services include personal chef, therapeutic cooking classes, private dining events, retreat chef, pantry makeover, menu consultation. Specialises in vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, raw and paleo cooking as well as diets for illness or special conditions. E. T. +97155-7771019

EAR CONING AND CANDLING Breath and Health Alternative Medical Centre Villa 1080, Al Wasl Road, Umm Suquim 2 E:
 T: 04 348 9940


Atlantean Healing Natasha Tome Atlantean Healing is a high vibrating energy used in the healing temples of Atlantis. Sessions are designed to balance the energy field as Atlanteans believed disease was a manifestation of the imbalance in the energy field. Jumeirah 1. T. (055) 9288477 E. Life ‘n One Variety of energy healing modalities, see ‘Wellnes Centres’ for contacts. Institute of Thought for Human Excellence Develop your personality with NLP; Karma Breakthrough and Wealth Mastery Seminars. Training Institute for 1. Karma Healing for Debt, Love, Procrastination, Health, Anger, Conflicts, Trauma issues. 2. Business Skills on Sales, Confidence, public speaking, Presentation etc 3. Equity Investment and Trading for Wealth Creation 4. Body Mind Soul Healing involving Past life Regression, Hypnotherapy, NLP, THetaHealing, 5. Law of Magnetism, Law of Attraction 6. Scientific Palmistry 7. Mentorship Courses on Business, Relationship, Spirituality etc Location: Suit # 2104, Jumeirah Bay X2 tower, JLT, Dubai. T. 055 268 7878 E: or www. Golden Energy Healings Zarine Dadachanji incorporates various modalities including Access Bars Consciousness, SRT, Theta Healing, Magnified Healing, Kinesiology, Chakra Clearings, Crystal Healing, and Sound Healing using gongs and bowls. E: T: 050 650 9954. Hands in Hope Meditation Centre Barbara Jackle is a hands-on energy


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healer. Office 214, Jumeirah Terrace Building, Jumeirah 1 T: 04 351 7901 E: Noora Deen Reconnective Healing Noora does one-on-one healing sessions working with universal energy frequencies to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit. She also facilitates The Reconnection. For information on Reconnective Healing, go to T: +971 (0)50 400 5545 E:


Third Eye Centre Clinical Hypnotherapist Monisha specialises in EFT and Hypnotherapy. Offers workshops such as Taking Charge, Self Hypnosis, Karma and Forgiveness. Contact Monisha at The Third Eye Centre. E:
 T: 04 326 6539


Cris Falconi Feng Shui Residential and corporate feng shui, interior design and consultancy. T: 055 362 9027 E: Brenda Margaret, B&C Wellness Ctr Offer Home Alignment, an energetic method to make your home a sacred space. T: +971 55 9743607 E: Cosmic Healing Centre (see Wellness Centres)


Point Zero Floatation Center, Abu Dhabi Floatation Therapy, Ayurveda and Body Works. Khalifa City A, Abu Dhabi opposite Al Forsan Sports resort and next to Berlitz Language Center. Street #12, Villa 3. T: +971 (2) 445 5775, E:


Aspen Aman, The Gong House Private and group sessions for healing mind and body through sound meditation as well as gonging classes. Special classes also held for children. Lawrence Enderle Gong Bath Meditations and Sound and Vibration sessions and workshops at various locations in Dubai.


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Go to Zarine Dadachanji Zarine facilitates private, group and corporate meditation sessions incorporating guided visualisations, gonging, singing bowls and chanting. E: T: 050 650 9954.

Inner Self Consultancy Alexandra Salkova offers hypnotherapy, NLP coaching, Theta healing, EFT, Reiki, De-stress programme. E: T: 050 698 4612.


HOLISTIC CENTRES (See ‘Wellness Centres’)

Osteopathic Health Centre Malcolm Gregory and Nargis Raza give self-help and support to people suffering from pain. Umm Suqueim and Mirdiff
 E: T: 04 348 73 66



GYMS (see Yoga, Gyms & Fitness)

The Wellness Brothers Sean and Ryan Penny offer personal training, DNA testing for health, diet and fitness; the ABC of fat-loss; 10 or 15 day detox plans, and more to individuals, groups, and companies. E:

HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Green Facilities Management (Green FM)
 Environmentally-friendly home maintenance and repair, from water tank cleaning to pest control, renovations, air con service and repair, 24/7 emergency call outs and more. T: 04 440 8929
or 050 5520 150 E:


Awakened Soul, Rachel Beavan Energy healer and psychotherapist E: Elite Mind Solutions Anna Yates is a psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, licensed NLP practitioner, gastric mind band therapist, pause button therapist, and smoking cessation specialist. T: +971 (0)50 6512145 Rachel Foy Clinical and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist, EFT, NLP, homeopath and nutritional therapist. Offers inner repatterning, hypno-birthing, gastric mind banding. Rachel offers a free 20 min session for new clients. Call Breath and Health Alternative Medical Centre on 04 348 9940. Sabine Poncelet Healer and hypnotherapist. Private sessions at KUUR Physiotherapy Center. Hypnotherapy for: anger, stress, anxiety management. Self confidence,self esteem, past life regression and more. T: 050 81 44 529

Inner Self Consultancy Alexandra Salkova offers hypnotherapy, NLP coaching, Theta healing, EFT, Reiki, De-stress programme. E: T: 050 698 4612. Crystal’s Energy Carola Becker is an Angel Life Coach certified by Isabelle von Falloise. She offers Angel Readings, Emotional Balance with Angels, and more. Tel. +971 50 613 0911 Email: Facbook: Crystal’s Energy Mind Body Dynamix MBD founder Amal Loring has counseled many UAE families on issues ranging from social, relationship and economic matters. The Citadel, Business Bay E: T: +971 50 655 0438 Soul mapping, Stephanie Hamilton Get help understanding your life’s purpose. T: 050 870 1927 E: Livia Anzaldo, Liv 2 Lead Individual lifestyle coaching plus corporate coaching, wellness and adventure travel retreats, yoga classes. E:
 T: 050 1819 527 LifeWorks Personal development, counselling, meditation & mindfulness, workshops,


grief, stress, anxiety, etc. 996 Al Wasl Road, Umm Sequeim 1, Dubai T. 04 3942464 E. Sushma, Third Eye Certified Life Coach, Sushma conducts coaching workshops and sessions E: T: 04 326 6539


Feet First Reflexology and massage centre. Services include deep tissue massage, de-stress massage, shiatsu massage, acupressure facial, slimming massage E: T: 04 366 9956 Heaven on Earth Med Spa Holistic Massage, Organic Essential Oil Aromatherapy and Hammam, Naturopathic & Natural Wellness Consultations, Organic Living Foods Weight Loss & Reversing Diabetes programs. Concord Tower, Media City, Dubai T: +97144542806


Eco Maid ME The region’s first and only toxin and carcinogen-free, eco-friendly cleaning service using primarily citrus and mineralbased cleaners imported from Europe and New Zealand. T: 050 158 2192 or 04 388 1292


Kcal Extra Healthy calorie-controlled monthly meal plans delivered daily to your door. T: 04 3395 316 or sign up at the website HealthTrendz Healthy food to go. E: Lively UAE Tailored meals delivered to your doorstep and continuous follow ups and body assessment. Branches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. E: for Dubai or for Abu Dhabi.

To get your business listed here as well as online at the UAE Wellness Directory at, email the details to For the full UAE Wellness Directory, go to

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Right Bite Healthy calorie-controlled monthly meal plans delivered daily to your door. T: 04 338 8763 E:


Cosmic Healing Centre - See ‘Wellness Centres’ for contacts. Illuminations Well-Being Centre Various regular weekly meditations. See ‘Wellness Centres’ for contacts. The Third Eye Centre - See ‘Wellness Centres’ for contacts. Discover Nirvana - See ‘Wellness Centres’ for contacts. Sahaja Yoga Meditation A method of meditation based on achieving ‘thoughtless awareness’. Free weekly sessions at different UAE locations, T: 050 295 3571 E: Vipassana Meditation Offering courses in Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka. Ten day silent meditation retreats held in RAK.



Andrea Balazs, Holistic Health Coach & Yoga Teacher Pre and postnatal nutrition, women’s health, and weight management. Hatha and pre/postnatal private and group yoga classes across Dubai. T: 050 584 2934. E: Dubai Doula Carol Unterhorst is a Dubai-based doula with a degree in Psychological Counselling and skills in acupressure. Contact her through http://ca-doula. Placenta Passion For placenta encapsulation, Elizabeth Bain is a midwife, public health nurse, certified birth doula, hypnobirthing practitioner and an independent Placenta Encapsulation Specialist. E: T:. 050 4215180/ 050 456 1333


Institute of Thought for Human Excellence

Why your animal needs energy healing Sabine Poncelet Alternative Therapies From cats to dogs, horses and fish, animals respond intuitively to Reiki’s power. It helps to support the healing of emotional and physical illness. Reiki also provides comfort and relieves pain, anxiety and, fear for terminally ill animals. Reiki energy is being used on competitive racing animals as well as on animals that have gone through emotional trauma. An excellent complementary treatment, many veterinarians use Reiki energy healing as a support in addition to conventional medicine. What can energy healing do for your animal? • Increase performance and overcome competition stress • Behavioural issues, anxiety, fear, aggression, depression • Physical injuries, post surgical recovery • Trauma, abuse, neglect, trust issues And much more... Sabine Poncelet specialises in energy healing for animals. A session includes ThetaHealing, Reiki and animal communication. Rates: Consultation and home service available for Dubai, Ajman, Sharjah, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah. See the website for pricing information. To make an appointment, call Sabine on +971 (0)50 8144 529 or email:

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Develop your personality with NLP; Karma Breakthrough and Wealth Mastery Seminars. Training Institute for: 1. Karma Healing for Debt, Love, Procrastination, Health, Anger, Conflicts, Trauma issues.2. Business Skills on Sales, Confidence, public speaking, Presentation etc. 3. Equity Investment and Trading for Wealth Creation 4. Body Mind Soul Healing involving Past life Regression, Hypnotherapy, NLP, THetaHealing, 5. Law of Magnetism, Law of Attraction 6. Scientific Palmistry 7. Mentorship Courses on Business, Relationship, Spirituality etc Location: Suit # 2104, Jumeirah Bay X2 tower, JLT, Dubai. T. 055 268 7878 E: Transformations Institute Using NLP, the Transformations team help clients increase their productivity, work and learn smarter, improve memory and concentration, resolve problems creatively, and enjoy greater confidence and self-esteem. T: +971 4 344 0115 E:


Dr Parviz Rashvand, Synergy Integrated Medical Centre Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Dr Parviz combines natural modalities and specialises in cancer, MS, autism and other severe auto-immune and degenerative conditions.
 T: 04 348 5452


Focal Upright Ergonomic office equipment that’s better for the body, the upright office introduces a new working posture that’s halfway between sitting and standing. T: 050 283 2020


Holland & Barrett An extensive range of food and supplements, health foods and herbal remedies that is constantly expanding to respond to the challenge of creating new and innovative products to enhance well-being. Dubai stores in Mirdif City Centre, Dubai Festival City, The Dubai Mall, Jumeirah High Street, Madinat Jumeirah, City Walk, and Oasis Centre. Also in Fujairah City Centre and Ras Al Khaimah’s Al Hamra Mall. Agriculture Box Grow your own fruit, vegetables and herbs. Agriculture Box provides soil, seeds, irrigation/drainage, composting system, organic fertiliser solution, installation and delivery. T: +971 52 875 1318 E: Be Super Natural A UAE online shop for raw, vegan, organic, fairtrade, ethical foodstuffs and groceries. Le Petit Marché Specialty health organic food store in Jumeirah, has launched its online offering through an exclusive tie-up with, a new entrant to the online daily grocery space. Le Petit Marche Dept. Store, Jumeirah Beach Road, Magrudy Mall, Jumeirah 1. Tel: + 971 (04) 344 2044 Email: Blue Planet Green People Organic and eco-home, body-care and health foods, along with fruit and veggie produce from local producers at this JLT store plus a farmer’s market on Fridays from 11am to 3pm. Where: BS4, Al Seef 2, Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai


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T: +971 4369 5209 E: Greenheart Organic Farms Freshly harvested organic produce from UAE farms sold to Dubai residents, via designated collection points or through home delivery (minimum order Dh100). Order online or pop in to the shop in Arjan, Al Barsha 2, close to the Arabian Ranches roundabout. Organic Supermarket and Café Fresh organic and biodynamic food, supplements, skincare, cosmetics, baby items and household products. Stores in Greens, Jumeirah and Shk Zayed Road just past Oasis Centre. T: 04 4340577 Ripe Middle East Supplies local organic produce in Dubai. Farm fresh fruit and vegetables delivered to your door or for purchase at the farmers markets. Warehouse 11, 6A Street, Al Quoz behind Times Square Ctr. E:
 T: 04 380 7602


Real Pilates Private and Semi-Private Sessions also available, including Rehab Pilates. Two locations:
Palm Strip Mall, 1st Floor, Jumeirah. JLT JBC2, Tower, Cluster V The Hundred Pilates Studio Dubai Healthcare City, District 1 Al Razi Building #64, Block B, Suite 3020, Dubai T: 04 429 8433


well as healing sessions to remove blocks from meridians and energy channels. E: T: 04 326 6539


Feet First Reflexology and massage centre. Services include deep tissue massage, de-stress massage, shiatsu massage, acupressure facial, slimming massage. E: T: 04 366 9956


Awakened Soul, Rachel Beavan Healing, guidance and psychotherapy. E: Institute of Thought for Human Excellence Develop your personality with NLP; Karma Breakthrough and Wealth Mastery Seminars. Training Institute for: 1. Karma Healing for Debt, Love, Procrastination, Health, Anger, Conflicts, Trauma issues. 2. Business Skills on Sales, Confidence, public speaking, Presentation etc 3. Equity Investment and Trading for Wealth Creation 4. Body Mind Soul Healing involving Past life Regression, Hypnotherapy, NLP, THetaHealing, 5. Law of Magnetism, Law of Attraction 6. Scientific Palmistry 7. Mentorship Courses on Business, Relationship, Spirituality etc Location: Suit # 2104, Jumeirah Bay X2 tower, JLT, Dubai. T. 055 268 7878 E: or

Soul Photography with Nektar Lifestyle Stephanie Hamilton specialises in photography projects that heal and celebrate your life. T: 050 870 1927 E:

Mimi Harding Discover your past life connections to places, people and your inner self. Member of of the Past Life Therapists Association. Adv PLR & LBL Specialist. To enquire or book, email Mimi.Harding@ or call 056 991 8852.



The GMCKS Pranic Energy Healing Center Pranic healing courses of all levels and group meditations. Encorporates pranic with Arhatic Yoga, KriyaShakti, crystal healing and Feng Shui.
 T: 04 3688067/ 3688104 M: 050-6566547


Meihua Li Tai Chi Group or private lessons available weekly. See website for times. T: Anmarie 050 4698589 E: The Third Eye Qigong Instructor Ania gives personal classes and group workshops in Qigong as


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Awakened Soul, Rachel Beavan Healer and psychotherapist Rachel offers healings as well as classes in Reiki. E: Seda Goksel Healing Reiki Master and Theta healer. Private healing sessions and Reiki classes. T: 050 600 6968 E:


Animal Reiki in Dubai Sabine Poncelet helps heal your animal and yourself with energetic care. T: 050 814 4529 E:



One Cafe, Jumeirah 1 Located at Life’nOne wellness center, relax in the garden with a fresh juice, protein shake, green smoothie, Turkish coffee, etc. One of our favourites is the High Vibe smoothie - banana, cacao, anana, lucuma, Peruvian maca root, almond milk. Location: Jumeirah 1, behind Magrudy’s Book Store. T: 04 343 6676 E: Bestro – Live and Raw Dubai’s first raw food restaurant, Bestro’s menu is all vegan apart from the raw Yemeni honey that’s used in selected items. Galeries Lafayette, Dubai. T: +971 (0)4 441 6407 Baker & Spice Salads, handmade wild bread, cakes, breakfasts and mains, all made from locally sourced ingredients where possible.
Location: Souk al Bahar and Dukkan al Manzil, Downtown Dubai. Marina Promenade. Maps on website. T: 04 425 2240, 04 427 9856 and 04 362 4686 Comptoir 102 Organic cafe and boutique store. 102 Beach Rd, Jumeirah T. 04 3854555 E. Elken Cafe Community Healthy, organic and gluten-free options alongside tasty indulgences like carrot-cake-in-a-jar. Location: Marina Promenade next to Pearl Marina Hotel Apts opp. Choitrams. Home delivery. T. 04 432 5720 The Farm, Al Barari Promises local and organic ingredients, where possible.
Location: Al Barari, off Emirates Road - driving directions on website T: 04 392 5660 Nathalie’s Cafe, Abu Dhabi Fresh, low-fat meals in Abu Dhabi media zone, Twofour54 in Khalifa Park. T: 02 441 1330



Green Bags UAE Eco-friendly bags in UAE & leading provider of jute ,cotton and juco bags. These ethically-produced reusable bags are a replacement for plastic. T: 04 370 5277 E: Noviplus Noviplus offers members discounts on health and fitness services, tips and advice, news, fitness tools and more. T: 050 585 6948 E: Sparklefairy New age and wellness online boutique. The Little Fair Trade Shop Products and foodstuffs made by artisans and farmers in developing or disadvantaged countries. E: T: Sabeena on 050 105 2813 The Change Initiative, Barsha Sustainable products, from household to fashion and appliances. E: T: 800 824


Mizan at Rocco Forte Hotel Abu Dhabi Traditional massages, Hammam rituals and tailor-made treatments using the worldrenowned brands Maroc and Natura Bisse Namm Spa, Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi Massages, scrubs, facials, body treatments, water treatments and more. To book your well-being experience, call +971 (2) 698 8300. Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi, Muroor Road, Abu Dhabi Al Asalla Spa, Dubai Ladies Club Ladies only. Moroccan Hammam and traditional Arabic Rasul, Detoxifying, Firming and Hydrating Body Wraps, therapeutic massages, Facials as well as a variety of grooming services. Tel: +971 4 3499922 Ext: 400 or Ext: 410

To get your business listed here as well as online at the UAE Wellness Directory at, email the details to For the full UAE Wellness Directory, go to

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Dir: +971 4 3449445 Email: Cryo Health Cryotherapy is a curative health treatment involving extremely low temperatures (-120 to -160 degrees Celsius). Health benefits include antiaging skin rejuvenation by stimulating collagen production and weight loss management by using the sub-zero temperature to speed up blood circulation and surge the metabolism. Locations: The Boulevard, Jumeirah Emirates Towers and Dubai Ladies Club, Jumeirah 2. T. +971 4 351 8300 T. +971 4 351 8300 E. Spadunya Club, JBR Various holistic techniques from an international team of therapists and healers. Treatment suites, hammam, hydrotherapy, beauty room and steam, sauna and showers. Shams 1, The Walk at JBR, Plaza Level. T: 04 439 3669 eSSensuals Aromatherapy Centre Holistic women’s spa. Treatments include massages, Facials, body treatments, reflexology, Aroma Manicure, Pedicure and more. First floor, Jumeirah Centre, Jumeirah Beach Road (next to Spinneys and Magrudys). E: E: 04-3448776 Powwer Lounge Ladies Fitness Weight-loss and wellness spa offfering personalised weight-loss, yoga, sculpting, meditation, hypnotherapy, ThetaHealing, Gong meditation, Tarot and Angel card readings, etc. T: 055 840 7679 E: Talise Wellness Spa, Madinat Jumeirah Blends integrative medicine and diagnostics with holistic therapies. Kalm Holistic Beauty, Palm Jumeirah A One Stop holistic shop offering women facials, manicures, pedicures, eyelash extensions, massages, waxing, threading, hair treatments, haircut and blow drying. Palm Island Jumeira, Riva Beach Club, between Shoreline Apartments 7 and 8. T: +9714 451 9988. Supreme Chi Energy Spa, JLT Energised water therapy spa for problems like asthma, angina, hypertension, migraines, headaches, back pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, high cholesterol, morning sickness, etc. Swiss Towers, Y3, opposite Carrefour & Damas, Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai T: 04 3605806 / 055 8742129 E:

Sisters Beauty Lounge, Dubai & Abu Dhabi A high-end chain of salons for women that offer organic facials and brands including Cowshed, Eminence and Shiffa. Various locations around Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Go to the website for details. ShuiQi Spa and Fitness, Atlantis The Palm Luxury spa for treatments, bathing options, traditional and water therapies. His and her separate areas. Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Tel. 04 4261020 Email:


Lukas Putz An SRT practitioner and teacher, Lukas works out of Illuminations Well- Being Centre (see Holistic Centres).
 For SRT information, B&C Wellness Brenda Margaret and Charu Mathur are SRT practitioners. T: +971 55 9743607 or +971 55 5662219 E:


Well Woman Clinic, Melanie Schlatter E: T: 04 332 7117 Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Comprehensive family medicine and physiotherapy. 1st Floor, Town Centre Jumeirah, Jumeirah Beach Road. T: 04 349 6333

UNANI (CUPPING/HIJAMA) Dr. Amr Farouk, Ajman Clinic at GMC Hospital. Call during business hours on +971 (0)6 746 3333

Al Hijama Alternative Medical Centre Drs. Fatima Shaheen and Syed Asaduddin Ahmed are Unani and Hijama specialists in Sharjah, 306 DeltaTower, Corniche Street, Sharjah. T: 050 804 9107 or 06 556 0500. E:


Meihua Li Tai Chi Group or private lessons available weekly. See website for times. T: Anmarie 050 4698589 E:

TRAVEL (see ‘Wellness Retreats) THETA HEALING

Institute of Thought for Human Excellence Develop your personality with NLP; Karma Breakthrough and Wealth Mastery

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Seminars. Training Institute for 1. Karma Healing for Debt, Love, Procrastination, Health, Anger, Conflicts, Trauma issues. 2. Business Skills on Sales, Confidence, public speaking, Presentation etc 3. Equity Investment and Trading for Wealth Creation 4. Body Mind Soul Healing involving Past life Regression, Hypnotherapy, NLP, THetaHealing, 5. Law of Magnetism, Law of Attraction 6. Scientific Palmistry 7. Mentorship Courses on Business, Relationship, Spirituality etc Location: Suit # 2104, Jumeirah Bay X2 tower, JLT, Dubai. T. 055 268 7878 E: or www. ThetaHealing Sessions Evelin Novikova, Certified ThetaHealer offers one-on-one ThetaHealing sessions. Sessions are also available over Skype. T: + 971 55 947 3697 E: Awakening Conferences & Seminars Organizing ThetaHealing helps you remove your subconscious blocks allowing you to create instantaneous physical, mental, emotional & spiritual healing. Book a ThetaHealing one-on-one session or attend a seminar with Masters and Certificates of Science Maya Badran and Tony Shoushani. T: +971 50 8491237 E: Sabine Poncelet Alternative Therapy Theta Healing, Reiki, Magnetism & Mediumship, Animal Communication. M: 050 81 44 529 Theta Healing Universe Part of Third Eye Centre, offers Theta Healing courses and sessions. T: 04 326 6539


Om Life High-end wellness, fitness and physiotherapy equipment for spas, clinics, gyms and private clients. T: +971 4 368 0994. E:

WELLNESS CENTRES Life ‘N’ One Life’N’ One is a life center; a place to revitalize mind and body. Services include meditation, flow yoga, Pilates, Reiki, energy healing, cord cutting, Barre, Pole dancing, dance, nutrition coaching, life coaching, ThetaHealing, Angelic healing, Qijong, hypnotherapy and past life regression. Also has a healthy cafe and beautiful garden for relaxing with a

protein shake, green smoothie, Turkish coffee, etc. Location: Jumeirah 1, behind Magrudy’s Book Store. T: 04 343 6676 E: The Alignment Institute Aura alignment, Feng Shui, guided meditation, Tarot, NLP. P.O. Box 114350, Abu Dhabi T: 050 6811728 E: Discover Nirvana Self-discovery workshops, yoga for kids, space clearing and feng shui for the home, Ayurvedic cooking, wellness for pets, crystal healing, Reiki, Theta healing and online shopping.
 E: The Miracles Center Icon Tower, office 306, next to Byblos Hotel, Tecom T: +971 (0)4 363 9307 E: Cosmic Healing Centre Services, treatments, events and training in various healing modalities, self-empowerment workshops and meditations, plus alternative and complementary therapies. Pranic, Theta, Reiki, Vastu and Feng Shui, Crystal, KriyaShakti, EFT, Hypnotherapy.Office No: 402; Montana Building, Home Options Building, GPO, Karama, Dubai. E: T: 04 357 6676 Institute of Thought for Human Excellence Develop your personality with NLP; Karma Breakthrough and Wealth Mastery Seminars. Training Institute for 1. Karma Healing for Debt, Love, Procrastination, Health, Anger, Conflicts, Trauma issues. 2. Business Skills on Sales, Confidence, public speaking, Presentation etc 3. Equity Investment and Trading for Wealth Creation 4. Body Mind Soul Healing involving Past life Regression, Hypnotherapy, NLP, THetaHealing, 5. Law of Magnetism, Law of Attraction 6. Scientific Palmistry 7. Mentorship Courses on Business, Relationship, Spirituality etc Location: Suit # 2104, Jumeirah Bay X2 tower, JLT, Dubai. T. 055 268 7878 E: or www. Illuminations Well-Being Centre 409, Fortune Executive Towers, Cluster T, Plot T1, JLT (next to Dubai Marina Metro). E:


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T: 04 448 7043 The Third Eye Centre 1101 Saeed Tower II, On top of Nandos/ KFC, next to Four Points Sheraton, Sheikh Zayed Road. Financial Centre Metro. E:
 T: 04 326 6539 Balance Wellness Centre Ayurvedic treatments, diet, counselling, meditation, therapeutic massage, herbal therapies, yoga and Pilates. Third floor, Oasis Centre, Sheikh Zayed Road E: T: 04 384 7010


B-Wellness Retreats Three-day retreats designed to help women jumpstart into healthy living. E: Yoga Retreats Groups taken on yoga and personal growth retreats in the UAE and abroad. T: 050 1819527 E:


Dubai Ladies Club Octagym is the new functional training playground of eight rides at Dubai Ladies Club in Jumeirah. Ladies only. T. 04 349 9922 Eco Yoga Sanctuary Eco-friendly ladies-only studio providing different styles of yoga for adults and children, meditation and pranayama. Location: The Village Mall, 1st Floor, Jumeirah Beach Road, Dubai. Tel: +971 4 385 6633 Email: Exhale Fitness, JBR, Dubai Ladies-only studios providing Yoga, Pilates, Body Toning and Dance Fitness. Murjan 1, Plaza level, The Walk at JBR. Tel; +971 4 4243777 E: Gems of Yoga, Dubai A team of yoga instructors from different parts of India impart yoga education in different styles. Suite 1701, White Crown Building, Shk Zayed Rd T: 04 3315161, 055 6532750 E: www.facebook. com/gemsofyoga

(see also ‘Pilates’, ‘Tai chi’, ‘Qigong’) Bodytree Studio, Abu Dhabi Yoga, Pilates and dance classes. T: +971 2 443 4448 E: Aura Alternative Medicine Centre, Sharjah Ayurvedic medicines, diet and lifestyle management and Panchakarma for detox, rejuvenating and relaxing. Office 201, Al Faisal 1, CBI Bank Building, King Faisal Road, Sharjah. E: T: 06 575 7001 Engine Health & Fitness, Dubai Yoga to Zumba, Body Pump, Combat and Attack, personal training and more. Beach Road, Jumeirah 1. T: +971-4-3819999 E: Balance Wellness Centre Yoga and Pilates classes including Hatha, Yoga Therapy, Vinyasa Flow, Dynamic, Pre and Post Natal, Pranayama and Meditation. Third floor, Oasis Centre, Sheikh Zayed Road. E: T: 04 384 7010. Bay Yoga Center Bikram, hot yoga and general yoga classes. Grosvenor Business Tower, Al Abraj St, Unit 905, Business Bay, Dubai Tel. 971 50 554 5520 or 971 04 425 5960 E


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Seminars & individual sessions with Masters & Certificates of Science Maya Badran & Tony Shoushani

Ignite Fitness and Wellness Fitness and wellness solutions, including military bootcamps, personal training, group exercise, corporate wellness, life coaching, g and nutritional advice. Tel. (+9714) 4562482 or email MMA Fitness Centre, Hot Yoga Hot yoga is held at this multi-discipline fitness centre. Location, Pacific Bldg. 2nd Level, TECOM, Dubai, UAE T: 04 367 5077 E: Total EllipticTraining and Weight Management Centre Indoor walking machines make this training and weight management centre unique to the GCC. Location: Floor 8, Yassat Gloria Hotel, Tecom. Sunday – Thursday 0800-1300 and 1700-2100. Tel. 04 381 8931 Sweatshop Studios Hot yoga, Pilates, BootyBarre, Pole Dancing, Zumba classes. Concorde Tower, Cluster H, JLT. T. +971 (0)50 435 5474 E.

Your ad here for just AED 800! Plus online and print listings thrown in free of charge.

T. +971 50 8491237 E.


Talise Spa Yoga, Madinat Jumeirah Hatha, Astanga, Advanced Yoga, Fitness Yoga, Vinyasa Fit Yoga, Meditative Yoga. Also monthly full moon yoga sessions. E: T: +971 4 366 6818 Rawr Bikram Yoga, Media City, Dubai Al Sufouh Rd, 713 Concord Tower, Dubai Media City (same building as Lime Tree cafe and Mini Cooper showroom) E: T: 04 4232 808 Yoga Room, JLT, Dubai Ashtanga yoga studio. Swiss Tower, Cluster Y, JLT. T: 050 518 9966 E: Yoga Square All levels of Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and Pilates. Location: SIT tower -1408, Silicon Oasis, Dubai. T: 04 379 3314 or email

Carola Becker Crystal's Energy

Abu Dhabi-based Carola is an ANGEL LIFE COACH® who offers the following services: • Angel Balance sessions • Adv. Angel Card Reader • Crystal bed healing (from 05/2015) • Colour therapy (from 05/2015) • Aura sprays of gemstones, essences • Organic herbal candles • Gemstone waterbars made of Fair trade gemstones, lamps, jewelry and more.


or call

050 8433 262

T: 050 613 0911 E:

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neanderthal man goes new age

Neanderthal Man goes to a party

Neanderthal Man is a 40-something, ex-British soldier who collects exotic knives and can strip down a semi-automatic rifle blind-folded. Until recently, he thought ‘chakras’ was a Latina pop star whose hips don’t lie. But things changed for the cardcarrying caveman when he met the Tree Hugger… this issue, he goes to a party...


he other week the Tree Hugger told me we’d be spending the coming Friday night at her friend’s house party in Emirates Hills. I could barely contain my excitement. This house was amazing. More like a Hollywood mansion, it had a huge swimming pool and Jacuzzi, its own cinema, a barbeque with NASA technology for literally space-age sausages… images swum through my mind of midnight swimming and endless drinks with umbrellas in them, eating my body weight in burnt meat drowned in tomato sauce, uninhibited dancing to cheesy music and loud singing of what I thought were the

lyrics. I could not wait. A chance to really let my hair down when someone else was paying was long overdue. The next few days crept slowly. I passed the time with singing practise, “Wahhhh AHHHH! Livin’ on a prayehh, take my hand, we’ll make it I swear-ehh…” Finally the evening arrived and that’s when Tree Hugger said something deeply worrying: “I’ll drive tonight if you want Babe…” ‘Drive?’ What’s this ‘drive’ nonsense? Why on earth would we take the car? Surely we’ll only have to abandon it and then collect it the next day with a banging head. Far more sensible to take a taxi, I said. Then she said, “You are going to behave yourself tonight, aren’t you?” Again, a deeply worrying comment that I didn’t feel I could truthfully answer until the word ‘behave’ was clearly defined. Alarm bells were going off in my head like a fleet of fire trucks at an arsonists’ convention. ‘Drive?’ ‘Behave?’ What kind of party was this? As we drove up, I could’ve seen the house from a mile away. It was emblazoned with lights and music was blaring. My heart fell. This was not Bon Jovi screeching about living on a prayer. This was new agey, plinky plonky music that really was a prayer.

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The blood drained from my face as the full horror of my situation crystallised. I was spending my precious Friday night with Tree Hugger’s wacky chakra-cleansing, moon-howling, almond-milk-with-organic-coffee drinking mates. As we walked through the front door, I was accosted by a smiling blonde man called Colin. He dabbed a red dot between my eyebrows, put a string of flowers around my neck, and handed me a tambourine. Then he pressed his hands together in prayer, bowed his head and said, ‘namaste’. Oh noooo… I wailed. Not ‘namaste’, please Lord, no, not a ‘namaste’ party. “Tree Hugger!” I snarled quietly, “What on earth is this about?” She blinked those big doe-like eyes at me. “I told you Babe, we’re celebrating the equinox and using it to manifest abundance with meditation and mantras. Come on, let’s grab a chai tea and a gluten-free samosa before the chanting begins, you’re going to love this…” Her words cut into my heart like an icy knife. No umbrella drinks, no sausages cooked on the NASA barbeque, no falling into the swimming pool with all my clothes on… as always when faced with difficult life decisions, I asked myself, ‘what would Jon Bon Jovi do?’ I had to face the truth. These days, Jon would probably pour a chai tea, text his mate Sting to come on over, sit crosslegged and settle in for a four hour chanting marathon. I turned to Tree Hugger as tears ran down my cheeks. “Aw Babe, I told you you’d love it,” she whispered.


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