Alb wk 12

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tame TIMES


two time winner of the annual Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media


Delivered every Tuesday

Volume 05, 18 March 2014, Week 12

Diesel diewe vasgetrek

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335

Stephanie Conradie

Slagting van die slaggate



BO: MISDAAD TONEEL: Die diesel-besmette toneel waar die vragmotors stilgehou het. REGS: Kolonel Arikum, Konstabel Riaan Venter en Sersant Moloi Op Maandag 10 Maart het die Brackendowns polisie ‘n oproep ontvang dat twee vragmotors van ‘n vervoermaatskappy van hul roete afgedwaal het, en in Alrode Suid stilgehou het. Polisie wat in die area patrolleer het, het na die perseel gejaag en vier verdagtes

betrap waar hulle besig was om diesel uit die vragmotors te tap. Al vier verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem op aanklagte van diefstal. Die perseel was vol diesel bestrooi en nodige stappe is ook deur die Departement van Omgewingsake geneem. Volgens Kolonel Arikum, van die

Brackendowns polisie, het hulle verdere ondersoek ingestel en ook ‘n vraghouer vol motorparte op die perseel gevind. Die verdagtes het op 13 Maart in die hof verskyn, maar die saak is uitgestel terwyl verdere ondersoek ingestel word. Die diewe is borgtog geweier en is terug in aanhouding.

Marais Viljoen seëvier



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Van die Redakteur Wat ‘n voorreg om deel van die tame TIMES span, en nou ook deel van die Alberton gemeenskap te wees. Ek sien baie uit daarna om die gemeenskapsnuus aan julle oor te dra en om verhoudings te bou. Ons moet almal saamwerk om die gemeenskap ‘n veilige omgewing te maak. Op bladsy 3 van hierdie uitgawe het ons ‘n paar wenke om kinders veilig oor die straat te help. Na al die reën van die afgelope weke is Alberton se paaie ook beskadig en moedig ons jou aan, op bladsy 4, om slaggate te rapporteer. Stuur gerus vir my ‘n e-pos met enige nuus wat jy dalk mag hê: Stephanie.

From the Editor What a great pleasure to be part of the tame TIMES team, and also part of the Alberton community. I am very excited to bring you news from the community and to build great relationships. We all need to work together to keep the community a safe environment for all. On page 3 of this issue, we have a few tips on

18 March 2014

tame TIMES

Stephanie Conradie how to keep our children safe when they cross the streets. And after all the rain over the last few weeks, Alberton’s roads are severely damaged, on page 4 we encourage you to report potholes. Please send your news to me at Stephanie.

Historic Sport Facilities: Newmarket Racecourse

The parade ring at the Newmarket Racecourse. The fortnightly meetings at this Alberton course attracts racegoers from all along the Witwatersrand. (Circa 1950) Newmarket Racecourse was established in 1938 in Alberton out of the race clubs, Rand Race Club and Newmarket Race Club. The first race course in South African History to win the Summer Handicap three times (1956, 1957 and 1958), was Java, associated with the small Alberton suburb Java Park. The introduction of night racing in the second half of the 1990s caused huge excitement with a turnout of more than 7 000 on the opening night on September 29, 1996. A record R8 million was wagered on the ninth race programme. On race day horses, jockeys, grooms, trainers and race horse owners converge to battle it out. But there is another head-to-head simmering behind the scenes – between racehorse owners and the company that runs their industry. In 1997 Gauteng signed a memorandum of understanding with the racing industry, including representatives of the three major Gauteng turf clubs, stipulating that racing and betting in the province would in future be managed by one corporation, Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Ltd. Phumelela states on its website that the “industry was in dire straits” when it took over, with most major courses failing to make a profit and public interest in decline. Until the start of corporatisation, horse racing had been the

only form of legal gambling in South Africa. The site states that other forms of gambling were going to be legalised, which posed a threat to the racing industry. A shift in assets also took place. On 1 April 1999 Phumelela took over the Turffontein, Gosforth Park and Newmarket Turf clubs and the assets of the former Transvaal Totalisator Agency Board and Highveld Racing Authority. According to Phumelela’s 2005 annual report, Newmarket was sold in 2005 for R22 million to a property developer. Phumelela reached a deal with the new owners that it would continue to lease Newmarket for R1 000 a month to stage a maximum of 36 race meetings a year until 31 May 2012. However, in 2006, the Newmarket owners paid Phumelela R40 million to terminate the lease agreement. In February 2007 racing ceased and Newmarket was demolished. (From An Alberton Album, Alberton Town Council, 1997; Mail&Gardian Centre For Investigative Journalism; Home is Where the Town Is, Supplement To Alberton Record, 2005) For any information on the Alberton Heritage Society, please call 011 869 9417 (BeverleyAnn Small). You can also contact the writers of these fortnightly articles at 083 380 4072 or by e-mail at

Kerrie-Fish Ox-Tounge Vetkoek Soup Malva Pudding

Bobotie Lamb Tripe Beef Roast Samp Choc Mousse


You cant get too much of a good thing. ALBERTON DROS - FOR BOOKINGS: 011 907 0842/1

Distribution: Alberton: 35 000 JHB South: 24 500 Bedfordview & Germiston South: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Ndu Ngwenya Sub-editor: Eddie Kok

Journalist: Amy-Mae Campbell Production Manager: Stephen Davey Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 Shane Stander 071 671 7264 Mike Muller: 083 463 9107

Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 18 March 2014 Deadline: Thursday 13 March 2014 at 14:00 FInd us on Twitter and Facebook

Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.

18 March 2014

tame TIMES

Page 3

Alberton DBV pret byeenkoms Road safety for our children Die Alberton DBV het op Sondag 9 Maart ‘n pret byeenkoms by Dukelinds Honde Park by Rietvlei gehou. Die DBV was baie dankbaar vir die ongewone droë weer die dag. Die pret byeenkoms is gehou met die doel om fondse vir die DBV in te samel, en was ‘n reuse sukses. ’n Totale bedrag van R7,200 is ingesamel vir die dag. Kompetisies het ook vir groot opwinding gesorg. Alberton DBV wil graag die volgende

rolspelers bedank vir hul bydraes tot die suksesvolle byeenkoms: Meat World, Apple Tree, Cosmic Bakery & Coffee Shop, Leeway Meat Centre en Dukelinds Honde Park. Cosmic Bakery & Coffee Shop het dit bekend gemaak dat hulle met elke koppie koffie wat by hulle gekoop word, 50sent aan die Alberton DBV sal skenk. Die koffie winkel is in die Trust Sentrum in Alberton, naby Binnelandse Sake.

A recent incident in Alberton showed that parents and schools must ensure that children are aware of the dangers when crossing the streets. Thato Mosena, spokesperson for the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), said: “Children need adult supervision at all times, there are children of certain ages that are not able to use the road alone.

Children use the road as pedestrians, therefore they need to be aware of the pedestrian facilities build into the road infrastructure. There are certain places where pedestrians can cross the road safely, for instance at a pedestrian crossing, at an overhead-bridge, at a pedestrian control traffic light or at a junction controlled by a stop sign”.

RTMC tips for pedestrian safety:

BRAAI ENTOESIAS: Mnr T. Hammerich het n braai-geskenkpak gewen met komplimente van Meat World en Apple Tree. Saam met hom op die foto is Vanja Ingold van Alberton DBV

1) Pedestrians are advised to walk facing oncoming traffic and to stay on the sidewalk, as far as possible from the road way. 2) Pedestrians should always wear visible clothes during the day and night. 3) Avoid any pedestrian distractions such as walking with earphones, whilst using a cellphone or ipod. 4) Before crossing the roads, pedestrians

should look right, left and right again. 5) Listen carefully for sound of traffic and when it is safe to do so they can cross whilst still looking and listening. 6) Children are advised not to play on the road or cross whilst running. 7) Pedestrians are advised not to stop in the middle of the road when crossing, wait until it is clear and then cross the road.

The perfect garage door for you JS Garage Doors has been in existence since 2007 under the leadership of Jacky Mongalo. They offer the perfect garage door for you with many ranges to choose from. JS Garage Doors manufactures aluminium windows, aluminium garage doors, and frameless glass garage doors. They also sell wooden and steel sectional garage doors, garage and gate motors. To view all their beautiful range of garage doors please visit www.garagedoors2u. Contact details: 011 732 3987, 083 694 5204. JS Garage Doors is situated 24 Geluksdal Road, Geluksdal. E-mail



Great demonstrations and special prices on selected BRANDS! Popcorn, Boerewors Rolls and coldrinks for sale! Come have your FREE cake AND eat it!!


Firearms, Ammunition, Bow hunting, Camping Equipment, Fishing Equipment, School wear, Outdoor wear, 4x4, Knives, Binoculars, Gas Accessories and much much more!

Indoor Firearm Shooting Range – Open 7 days a week! TEl: 011 907 1107 FAX: 086 503 2182 • EMAIl: 43 VAN RIEBEECK AVE, AlBERTON NORTH

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tame TIMES

18 March 2014

Slagting van die slaggate

Load shedding or not?

Die afgelope week se reën het Alberton se paaie goed verspoel en slaggate het om elke draai hul verskyning gemaak. Die hoek van Penzance -en Truro Straat is maar net een voorbeeld, dié slaggat het reeds gesorg vir menigte ongelukke en selfs vragmotors wat daarin vassit. Ekurhuleni Munisipaliteit woordvoerder, Lebogang Ramashala het gesê: “Ons moedig die gemeenskap aan om slaggate aan ons te rapporteer. Sodra die reën ons ʼn kans gee sal ons so spoedig moontlik die slaggate regmaak.” Om slaggate te rapporteer skakel 0860 543 000 of besoek hul webblad by www. Slaggate kan ook op hul twitter blad rapporteer word @EMM_Call_Centre

Chaos broke out last week when Eskom announced that loadshedding will once again be implemented. Fortunately the load shedding lasted only a week and Eskom made it clear that they will, from now on, only be doing load shedding as a last resort. A call to business as well as ordinary citizens has been made by the power utility to observe the following advice, so that power demand can be lowered, especially during peak hours. Switch off geysers, electric heaters and pool pumps from 17:00 to 21:00 every day Switch off unnecessary appliances and lighting

VEILIGHEID DEMPER: Die slaggat op die hoek van Penzance- en Truro Straat

New Ekurhuleni refuse removal calendar Residents in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan district must take note of the new calendar for dustbin collections and waste removal. The new calendar was implemented this month and the dates shown here are fixed for the rest of the year. The Ekurhuleni

municipality is currently posting the new calendar along with each resident’s municipal bills; it should arrive shortly. Alternatively, visit their website at or phone 011 999 2600 for your area’s refuse removal calendar.




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MARCH 2014






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* 1 January - New Years Day

JUNE 2014

MAY 2014 S




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7 14 21 28

Please retain: Enquiries: Alberton Waste Management Services Address: Alberton Municipal Complex Swartkoppies Road (off Michelle Road) Randhart, Alberton Tel: 011 999 - 2600 * Call centre: 0860 54 3000



With compliments of the Waste Management Services Department

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* 16 June - Youth Day

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* 21 March - Human Rights Day

JULY 2014 M

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SEPTEMBER 2014 M 1 8 15 22 29

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* 24 September - Heritage Day

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* 18 April - Good Friday * 20 April - Easter Sunday * 21 April - Easter Monday *27 April - Freedom Day * 28 April - Public Holiday

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* 1 May - Worker’s Day *


APRIL 2014

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* 9 August - National Women’s Day

DECEMBER 2014 M 1 8 15 22 29

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W 3 10 17 24 31

* 16 December - Day of Reconciliation * 25 December - Christmas Day * 26 December - Day of Goodwill


City of Ekurhuleni


* Public Holiday

- Sweetie Pie Babies 16 Bloutulp Street

Verwoerd Park


Karin 076 411 1784

Elizabeth 082 447 0900


Reborn Babies Soft to the touch Vinyl Dolls


Reborn Clinic

Let us restore your reborn doll Hair, Body and Limbs

Look at alternative heating solutions Responding to the Power Alerts and Power Bulletin updates broadcast on SABC. For the full loadshedding schedule, visit

Ekurhuleni munisipaliteit maak ‘n plan Die Ekurhuleni Metro Munisipaliteit het groot planne vir 2014: hulle beoog om al hulle inbelsentrums op te gradeer, met die doel om spoediger kliëntediens te verseker. Hierdie besluit volg nadat raadslede in Ekurhuleni tientalle klagtes ontvang het rakende die inbelsentrum se power dienslewering. Volgens Estelle Visser, ‘n stadswyk 38 raadslid, word gerapporteerde klagtes by Ekurhuleni Metro se raadsvergaderings met afsydigheid en uitsteltaktieke ontvang: “Drie maande voor die einde van die finansiële jaar is daar geen merkbare verbetering te sien in hierdie dienste nie. Ons ontvang talle klagtes omtrent die inbelsentrum se nommer wat nie geantwoord word nie, of wanneer dit geantwoord word, dat daar geen hulp verleen word nie. ‘n Begroting van R29 miljoen was toegeken aan die opgradering van die inbelsentrum en aanstel van meer personeel. Al wat ons wil weet is watter opgraderings beplan is, hoe daardie planne vorder en vir hoe lank raadslede nog oproepe moet neem wat bedoel is om deur die sentrum gehanteer te word,” sê Visser. Volgens Bruna Haipel, Ekurhuleni Metro raadslid van infrastruktuur, behoort die opgraderingsprojek bogenoemde klagtes aan te spreek. By die vorige raadslidvergadering het die munisipaliteit aangekondig dat hulle algehele verbetering van dienslewering beplan; en dit binnekort sal implimenteer. Al die raadslede het intussen ‘n kliëntedienshandves ontvang waarin die diensleweringstandaarde uiteengesit is. “Die handves stipuleer die minimum standaardvereistes wat deur julle, die eiendomsbelasting-betalers, as aanvaarbaar beskou word. Laat die gemeenskap bepaal of die munisipaliteit aan hierdie standaarde voldoen,” verduidelik Haipel. Die gemeenskap word versoek om terugvoer te gee en power diens te rapporteer by die naaste munisipale kantoor. Diensleweringstandaarde: Ons sal poog om 90% van ons oproepe teen die vyfde lui te antwoord. Ons sal reageer op klagtes en sorg dat ons terugvoer gee en rekord hou hiervan. Ons sal om verskoning vra vir ons foute. Ons sal poog om 90% van ons e-posse binne twee werksdae te antwoord. Ons sal sorg dat ons foon-operateurs ingelig en toeganlik is. Inbelsentrumnommers: 10177 (tolvry); of 0860 54 3000/ 011 458 0911.

18 March 2014

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tame TIMES

Brackenhurst, Mulbarton And Newmarket

O B N Y U S A D H T B I R ers to be found. h c u o v 1 Million lucky smart shoppers only.

Check your till slip.

Fresh Whole Chicken



Per KG








Bokomo Weetbix 900g


Riccoffy Tin 750g



PNP Chocolate Cake Each


9Iwisa 9


Maizemeal 5 kg

0Omo0 Auto Washing Powder 2kg







9Risi9Mari Biscuits 3x150g



Selati White Sugar 2.5kg

4 for


9Tastey 9 Treat Assorted Wafers

Chicken Curry & Rice Each


Econo Pears 1.5kg



Fattis & Monis Spaghetti 500g

Bulk Tenderised Steak Per kg


Smokehouse Assorted Mixed Loaves 500g


Royal Gala Apples 1.5g



Bulk Stewing Beef Per kg


Smokehouse Cheese Grillers 500g



Milk Tart Each



Ground Beef Mince Per kg



Bulk Lamb Forequarter Pack Per kg


Pork Roast Per kg







Sunlight Laundry Soap 500g

PRICES VALID 18 MARCH - 23 MARCH 2014 AT PICK N PAY STORE SPECIFIC ONLY BRACKENHURST (011 867 3800), MULBARTON (011 432 4141) AND NEWMARKET (011 907 0808) ONLY. Liquor not for sale on Sundays. Shop in store or online at Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products. Please check availability. We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.

Beans 410g

Bananas Loose Per kg




Extra Virgin Olive & Seed Blend 1l


Teabags 100’s

Best Customer Loyalty Programme 2013*

Page 6

tame TIMES

Ter nagedagtenis van Gertjie Fourie Susan Lourens skryf:

My ma en pa sou vanjaar 68 jaar getroud gewees het. My pa, Gertjie Fourie, is egter op 6 Februarie oorlede op die ouderdom van amper 93 jaar. My ouers het in Sonlandpark Vereeniging gebly tot en met 2005 en toe het hulle by my en my man, Neels kom bly.

My ma Miemie (86) het my pa tot op die laaste versorg. Hy is op 6 Februarie 2014 oorlede en is in die Kromvlei Begraafplaas begrawe. My pa het nog 3 broers en 2 susters wat lewe, Daniel, Jan en Pieter asook Annatjie Erasmus en Susan Malan.

I rest my case

Clr Izak Berg (National Chairperson of the Independent Ratepayers Association of SA) writes: I am proud being a one man show with a laptop with what I achieve in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. I have without fail tabled many recommendations during council meetings, which have been accepted by the full council, while your members in council can’t even get a motion worded correctly to be debated in council. This one man show has more recommendations approved in council than all the opposition parties together, which clearly indicates that I serve the community of Ekurhuleni while your members play politics. I don’t sit in a political party with members complaining about how hard they work in getting votes for the DA, while the top leadership is chasing voters away from the DA. The DA leadership in not even in touch with their party members, how can they be in touch with the voters? I know you don’t fill stadiums because you can’t do it. You only had 15 000 people at your manifesto rally, which I described as a disappointment for a party that is the official opposition. Where were you and the councillors of Ekurhuleni during the march, or was it a case of rent-a-crowd as claimed by the ANC? I am not a mouthpiece for any political party, as you stated, but a mouthpiece for all the residents in Ekurhuleni. I am in Council to do the right things, not the popular things. All the statements in my letter was correct, leaving you and all your party members with egg on your faces; namely, your party did do a turn around on BEE, your party did appoint a leader from another party to be your presidential candidate, your party did march in Johannesburg CBD resulting in businesses closing down for the day, and now your party is supporting the reopening of land claims. I rest my case.

WARNING: Con salesman Anonymous writes:

There was a man who came to Nandos in Meyersdal, he also went to the other shops around. He was claiming to promote products from Plascon. People ordered paint and tiles from him, he took their details and promised to deliver after an hour. He even took money from those people, including me. Unfortunately, we waited for the thief but he did not come. I would just like to alert other people about the thief. He claimed his name was Derrick. Please help trace this thief. Tame TIMES has the cellphone number that he is handing out.


THE tame TIMES MOBI SITE enter competitions, become a citizen journalist or just catch up on the latest news Breaking news in your hand!

Het jy al Psalm 32 gelees? Dawid skryf oor hoe hy met sy eie sonde geworstel het, en in die proses ontdek hy dan die karakter van God opnuut. Sonde is nie op die oomblik die geur van die maand nie. Ek is oortuig dat sonde nie die onderwerp van een van die beste verkopers by ons boekwinkel is nie, maar tog is die genade van God iets waarmee elke Christen gekonfronteer word in die lig van ons eie sonde.

18 March 2014

Liewe land, die afgelope naweek was darem maar vol kaskenades! Ek en Gysie het avontuurlustig gevoel en besluit om ‘n lekker stappie af te lê by Rietvleiplaas. Dit voel soms vir my of die stadslewe my oorweldig en my siel hunker na ‘n meer eenvoudige lewe, wat ek vind in die natuur. Ons het ‘n baie lekker roete gestap en ek was veral beïndruk met hoe gehoorsaam ons stapgenote se hondjies was. Ons het saam met die oulikste paartjie gestap, wat deur hulle twee vet worshondjies op halsbandjies deur die roete gelei is. Ek was nog so besig om die hondjies te bewonder, toe trap ek skeef op ‘n onewe klip in die voetpaadjie wat vir my gelê en wag het. Ek ploeg toe daar neer in die stowwerige paadjie, en die drafklub agter my en Gysie moes toe mooi trap om nie self ook oor hulle voete te val nie. Arme Gysie moes my toe stut tot by die eindstreep, maar hy is ook nie meer bloedjonk of perdfris nie, en ‘n man in ‘n golfkarretjie offer toe dat ons in die karretjie klim. Ek kon sien dat Gysie, met sy kropbors, die gawe offer van die hand wou wys, maar hy moes maar uiteindelik sy trots in sy sak steek en instem. Ons kom toe uiteindelik by ons motor en na ‘n gesoek, want ons vergeet altyd waar ons parkeer het (ek blameer die ouderdom), en ek dog toe dat my vernedering en avonture nou verby is. Maar ek het te gou gepraat: Gysie het al hoe vinniger gery om my gou by ‘n dokter te kry en in sy haas sien hy glad nie die swembad van ‘n slaggat wat in die pad is nie. Toe ek weer sien, sak ons motor omtrent ‘n verdieping af en ons twee hop tot teen die dak. Na heirdie storie moes Gysie eers die wiel omruil. Toe ons uiteindelik by ongevalle kom, toe is ek al so van die kneusplekke dat mense begin wonder het en vir Gysie kyke begin gee het. ‘n Uur later stap ek met ‘n stewige nekstut daar uit soos ‘n robot. Om alles te kroon het die salf wat die dokter vir my nek voorgeskryf het ‘n allergiese reaksie veroorsaak en my vel het heel aand gekruwel van die jeuk. Nee kyk! Ek het net een woord vir die afgelope naweek: pandemonium! Tip: Leer om vir jouself te lag. Dit maak die stampe en stote van die lewe, letterlik en figuurlik, soveel ligter. Onthou ook: iets wat nou na chaos lyk sal miskien eendag, as mens terugkyk, jou laat skater van die lag.

As Dawid in die psalm skryf oor sy eie lewe dan lees ons raak dat sonde vir hom nie net die oortreding van die wet van Moses was nie. Dit is ten diepste ‘n rebellie, ‘n kromheid in karakter, ‘n vorm van bedrog waarmee hy homself sowel as God en ander mense om die bos probeer lei het. Die psalm is duidelik daaroor dat daar nie goedkoop genade is nie, Dawid skryf oor hoe sy liggaam swak geword het toe hy God se vergifnis en genade hanteer het asof dit hom toekom. Die genade in my en jou gebrokenheid voor God is dat dit die karakter van God openbaar. Dit is wanneer ons voor Hom kniel dat Sy omarmde liefde sigbaar raak, dat Sy beskerming ‘n getuienis word.

18 March 2014

tame TIMES Open Air Movie Night 22 March The EPIC Foundation and Fiesta De La Vida invite you to join them for a night under the stars at Two Trees Bakery for a fundraising event. City Slickers and Yesman will be showing. R60 for adults, R40 for children (under 10). For more information please visit Pop Up Cinema - 28 March Outdoor Movie Entertainment presents The Lion King. Pop Up Cinema takes you back to when the movie was only part of the attraction. Bring your blankets and pillows, your family and friends (and a little nostalgia) and relive the magic of your drive-in days with a movie in a picture-perfect picnic park. Venue: Rietvlei Zoo Farm & Lifestyle Centre Time: Gates open at 17:30, movie starts at 19:30 Cost: R75-Adults, R40-children, under 3 years old free Buy tickets on line via EFT,Credit card or cash ticket: Cha telle Strydom 082 579 0873, LindyDe Jonge 082 8469265 Simpson’s little learner academy Broken Wings hosts car boot sale and flea market Date: 29th March 2014 Time: 09-00 to 14-00

tame TIMES Venue: Broken Wings Association for Adults with disabilities 15 Glen Albyn Street. Raceview Alberton Please make sure to book your stall or boot space. Contact Marietjie Stols 011 869 3415/083 749 9199 or Sheryl Swanepoel 072 998 7767

church then Cana Coffee Café is the place to be. We are the market-place church. The Gospel, after all, is supposed to be Good News, period. All the teachings are based upon the Bible as the only authority of God. Young ladies, moms and grannies all welcome. We have a teaching, we eat and chat together . When: First and third Wednesday every month Where: De Landauer Family Restaurant, Van Broken Wings hosts car boot sale Riebeeck Avenue, Alberton North – and flea market Time: 10:00 to 12:00. Date: 29th March 2014 Lunch served at R40 per head. (Free lunch for Time: 09-00 to 14-00 one lucky lady) Venue: Broken Wings Association For more information contact: 081 576 7680 for Adults with disabilities 15 Glen Albyn Street. Raceview Alberton Easter Egg Hunt & Night MarketPlease make sure to book your stall or boot 4 April space. Enjoy Cupcake Decorating Fun. Food stalls Contact Marietjie Stols 011 869 3415/083 17:00, Live Band, line dance floor open! 749 9199 or Sheryl Swanepoel E-mail: to get a free 072 998 7767 egg. For kids and MORE INFO! Enjoy Cupcake Decorating Fun!! Brandpunt Kameraklub Landline: 082 349 9924 / or sms 078 0049 Brandpunt Kameraklub bied aan ‘n inligting 131 Marita sessie vir all fotograwe in verband met Lightroom 5.3, algemene oorsig, werkvloei, Library Week: 15 – 22 March integrasie met Photoshop, en lewering The theme for the week is “Check in @ Your vir kameraklub, aangebied deur Reppies Library” Repsold. This is an opportunity to take books back to the Datum: Woensdag 19 Maart om 19:00 library without paying any fines. Venue: Verwoerdpark NG Kerk-saal, 23 Glen The library would like to encourage the Drive, Verwoerdpark community to bring back library books without Kontant donasie van R50 per persoon by any fear of paying even a cent. die deur (sluit aan by Brandpunt Kameraklud Venue: Alberton Library, Alwyn Taljaard en kry jou donasie as afslag op jou Avenue, New Redruth lidmaatskapgelde). Contact: Hildegard Tshweu on 011 999 2617 Bespreek teen 14 Maart per e-pos: Alberton junior hockey Junior boys & girls from age 4 – 16 wishing Cana Coffee Café to play club hockey for the 2014 season Bible Teaching (Bilingual) with a difference. If can contact Bev van Zyl on 082 443 8829 you love Jesus but can do without the status or for more quo, formalities and politics of the current information.

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Little Bambinos having fun Once a year, Little Bambinos nursery school has a fun-filled family sportsday. This year it took place on Saturday 15 March at the Alberton Rugby Club grounds. “This, we feel, is a day that helps not only the child’s development, but also assists in fostering good family relations.” said Elizabeth van Aswegen. The children, and their parents had great fun with the activities and this was, once again, a very successful day.

BOUNCING: Children had a lot of fun bouncing on the balls.

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Huisbraak onderbreek Op Dinsdag 11 Maart het Alberton SAPS ‘n klag ontvang dat daar ‘n huisbraak in Alberton aan die gang is. Met hul aankoms het hulle twee manlike verdagtes arresteer. Hulle het steeds die huisbraak gereedskap aan hulle gehad en ook items wat uit die huis gesteel is. Die verdagtes is gearresteer vir huisbraak en diefstal, sowel as die besit van huisbraak gereedskap.

VAS GETREK: Polisielede met die diewe wat hulle vasgetrek het.

PEP Store Alberton Being safe with Find U was robbed

On Wednesday 12 March at about 11:00am, PEP Store Alberton was robbed by six black males who took an undisclosed amount of cash. After holding the staff at gun point, the robbers also took cell phones from the shop. One of the suspects were not aware that the other robbers left the store and remained behind. The staff noticed that he was left alone and tried to overpower him but he managed to run away. Members of the community assisted in chasing the suspect, he was caught and brought back to the shop. Police arrived at the store and arrested the suspect, when asked about his accomplices he agreed to point them out. He assisted the Germiston flying squad officers and the remaining suspects were apprehended in Hillbrow. They were joined by the Johannesburg Metro Police Department and managed to arrest the five suspects one by one and brought them back to Alberton SAPS. All the suspects are from Zimbabwe. The police found one firearm with four rounds in a red Mazda B3000 Bakkie. An undisclosed amount of cash and empty cellphone boxes were recovered during the arrest.

ARRESTING OFFICERS: From left to right Const Chauke, MPO Mambana, MPO Tsungu(far back), MPO Ramodike, Sgt Ngubane, MPO Younus, SET Mahomed Hoosen, MPO Moagi ,MPO Tana, Sgt Mabitsela, MPO Moganedi and Const Khoza.

emergency numbers Police station Alberton: 011 861 6800 /6821/6822/6823 Brackendowns: 011 617 5612/ 5613

Trauma Alberton: 083 923 1967 Brackendowns: 082 967 7986

Emergency services Central room 011 458 0911

ADT Security South Africa’s recently launched “FindU” smartphone application is a personal safety and monitoring system that extends the private security provider’s service, for monitoring and responding, beyond the home or business premises to offer help whenever and wherever it is needed. To start the tracking process is as simple as turning on the application that refreshes and updates your location every 15 seconds. Tapping, shaking or swiping your handset sends an alert to the ADT Monitoring Centre that will contact you and dispatch the appropriate emergency services team to respond. Martin Ochien’g, ADT’s Marketing and Strategy Director, said there is currently no product on the South African market that offers a similar service or range of emergency responders as ADT FindU. He said the use of GPS technology means that the service is not limited to a geographical area because it will work wherever there is cell phone reception. However, active voice connection and sufficient data to is necessary to run the application. “ADT FindU enables the automatic upload of live video and audio to the ADT Monitoring Centre via a smartphone in the event of an emergency. This allows us to assess what is happening and respond accordingly, and not aggravate an already volatile situation,” said Ochien’g. “Once our dedicated Monitoring Centre receives an alert, we’ll immediately contact the client and dispatch to the relevant responder - which could include our Armed Response, the National Sea Rescue Institute, Emergency Medical Services and/or mountain and wilderness rescue groups - and the client’s emergency contact. Our staff will stay on the line with you until help arrives.” “For example, if your teenager’s car breaks down along the highway they can activate an alert and our Monitoring Centre will contact them, establish what the emergency is and contact the relevant responder. We will also dispatch an Armed Response Officer to wait with them until roadside-assist arrives and we will contact you to let you know what is happening.” In the event that you are running or driving away from an attacker, ADT will still be able to know your exact location in real-time as long as you are logged on. “ADT FindU also has a ‘Stealth’ mode which means that you can change the profile so that your phone does not sound an alarm or indicate on the display that it is being tracked. And if you find yourself in a situation in which you are forced to disable the alarm, there is the option to insert a duress code that will let us know that you are in serious danger.”Ochien’g said The application is available for free download at www.adtfindu. To subscribe, non-ADT Armed Response customers will pay R49 per month while discounted rates apply for existing clients.

18 March 2014

Dedication is key

Last Monday evening an unfortunate man and his passenger were hi-jacked whilst driving their silver Hyundai Getz on the corner of Brown Street and Knights Street in Witfield. The victims were driving along Knights Street when they saw a silver Mercedes Benz and allegedly two males threatened the victims with firearms. They were told to get out and lay on the ground. Allegedly the suspects said to the victims that they do not want to shoot. The hijackers demanded their phones and jumped into the Hyundai Getz. The suspects then drove off with both vehicles. The perpetrators’ car did not have any number plates on. The complainants opened a hi-jacking docket in Boksburg SAPS and it was transferred to Boksburg North SAPS on Tuesday. Captain Bongani Masimula, Warrant Officer Vusi Tlemo, Warrant Officer Robert Ngomane, Sergeant Kenny Molefe and Sergeant Evan Boesak investigated further and arrested three young coloured males in connection with the incident. They continued to follow up leads, which lead them to a house in Windmill Park, Dawn Park area. The purpose of the search was to find the firearms used in the hi-jacking. They searched the house and found one .38 Special revolver hidden in the washing machine and a shotgun was found in the half open ceiling. The weapons were confiscated. Upon even further investigation they found the getaway vehicle, Mercedes Benz, in Voortrekker Street, Alberton. The investigation is still in process, and they are still looking for the hi-jacked vehicle. Well done to all involved.

Meeting: CPF Verwoerd Park / Florentia: 20 March CPF Verwoerd Park / Florentia Sector 2B Venue: NG Church / Kerk, Glen Drive, Verwoerd Park (in the church hall) Time: 19h00 Everyone welcome Guest speaker: Bruna Haipel (Ward Councillor)

Brackendowns police open day: 5 April Brackendowns police would like to invite all members of the community to their open day. The goal of this open day is to educate children and the community about what the police’s responsibilities and functions are. Venue: Brackendowns Station - 88 Letaba Street, Brackendowns

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18 March 2014

Thaba Eco Hotel spoils their brides-to-be Amy-Mae Campbell @Amzymaeq

Thaba Eco Hotel hosted an exciting bridal breakfast and wedding exhibition on Saturday 8 March. The event served as an opportunity for engaged couples who are interested in getting married at their venue, to meet the Thaba team. Thaba Eco Hotel hosts various bridal functions throughout the year to get to know their clients and to allow them to learn more about the wedding packages they have to offer. It is also a fun way for the Thaba team and suppliers to showcase their venue and to become familiar with their guests. “We like to get to know you as a person. We want to build a trusting relationship with you,” said Marguerite Erasmus, who is part of the Thaba banqueting team. According to Erasmus, many of the brides who attended the event have confirmed that they will be having their special day at Thaba Eco Hotel. The banqueting team is very honoured to have been chosen to help the couples plan their big day. Apart from the breakfast, the guests had the opportunity to win generous prizes by participating in a dancing competition and a lucky draw. Everyone was a winner and almost every couple walked away with a gift. One of the lucky winners will soon enjoy a romantic weekend away and another won exciting wedding vouchers. Thaba staff ensured that every bride-to-be was properly spoilt, and left with a smile.

Poppe vir Afrika!

As daar ‘n kompetisie gehou word vir die grootste poppeliefhebber in Alberton, dan sal Hanna Murray die prys los-hande wen. Hanna besit 7 659 poppe, en sy het al in 1984 begin met haar versameling. Volgens Hanna het sy nie beplan om eendag te spog met die grootste poppeversameling in Alberton nie, maar sy het bloot net eendag ‘n nuwe stokperdjie gesoek en ‘n vriendin stel toe voor dat sy poppe begin versamel. Hanna het die meeste van haar poppe bekom deur mense in die publiek wat hulle ou poppe aan haar geskenk het. “Jy het die spasie nodig; en ek het ‘n poppehemel,” sê Hanna. Hanna se poppeversameling verteenwoordig meer as 30 verskillende soorte poppe uit verskillende tydperke. Een van haar oudste

poppe is in 1892 gemaak. Van Hanna se oorspronklike poppe verteenwoordig 200-jaar se koningingbruide van Engeland. Hanna se gunsteling poppe is babapoppe en die meerderheid van haar versameling bestaan hieruit. Celluloid, rubber, porselein, hout, stronk of draad; Hanna het iets van alles. Hanna nooi alle belangstellendes hartlik uit om haar poppeversameling te kom bewonder. Hanna glo dat ‘n mens nooit te veel poppe kan hê nie en daarom staan haar deur wawyd-oop vir nog poppeskenkings. Skakel Hanna gerus by 083 297 1787 om meer uit te vind oor haar poppehemel.

AT YOUR SERVICE: The Thaba Eco Hotel banqueting team.

Net die beste vir my kind

Mnr. J.M Bezuidenhout skryf: Daar word by meeste ouers ‘n diep universiteite lewer gradueerders met ‘n gesetelde verpligting “gebore” wanneer slaag persentasie van so laag as 15% ‘n kind gebore word – die begeerte om (Universiteit van die Vrystaat). alles binne hulle vermoë te doen ten einde ‘n betekenisvolle lewe vir ons dierbare Roodt se waarnemings word kinders te verseker. onderstreep deur Elsabe Pepler Maar wat beteken dit eintlik? En meer in haar artikel “Swak skole lei spesifiek, wat beteken dit in die kritiese tot vrot universiteitstudente” gebied van onderrig? (Beeld, January 2014): ‘n Debat het onlangs ontstaan oor die • Meer as 60% van studente voltooi voordele van onderrig by onafhanklike nie hulle kursusse nie (“privaat”) skole in vergelyking met die • Slegs 5% van student kan as ‘bedrewe’ of onderrig by Staatskole. vaardig beskryf word en benodig nie Sommige ouers is van mening dat dit meer ekstra ondersteuning op universiteit nie voordelig is vir hulle kinders om die Staat • “Studente voel sterk dat die skoolstelsel se Gr 12 eksamens af te lê in teenstelling nie eens begin om die met die Onafhanklike Eksamenraad (“IEB”) lewensvaardighede wat universiteit eksamens. Skynbaar meen hulle dat dit gaan eis, te onderrig nie”. makliker sal wees om beter resultate te Hierdie syfers is sekerlik genoeg om kommer behaal ten einde deur universiteite aanvaar te wek by alle ouers. MAAR daar is ‘n ander te word. sy van die saak wat meetbare en betroubare hoop meebring. Dit is nodig om die volgende te bevraagteken: Volgens ‘n studie in 2008 deur die • Is dit goed genoeg dat ons jeug net “goeie Universiteit van Kaapstad: punte” behaal, al beteken dit dat hierdie • Die gemiddelde matriek slaagsyfer punte nie ‘n maatstaf is vir kwaliteit nie, van IEB skole is tussen 97% en 98%. of dat dit ‘n ware weerspieëling is van hulle • IEB universiteit toelatingsyfers (vir graad vermoë nie? OF doeleindes) is tussen 78% en 80%. • Wil ons ons jeug toerus met relevante MAAR DIE UITERS BELANGRIKSTE: en waardevolle akademiese vaardighede • 25% van eerste graad gegradueerdes waarby hulle baat sal vind nie net as by die Universiteit van Kaapstad kom studente nie, maar ook gedurende vanuit IEB skole. hulle leeftyd? Ekonomis Dawie Roodt het in sy artikel in die • Gemiddeld en oor ‘n 3 jaar tyderk, is die slaag persentasie syfers van leerders Beeld uitgawe van 17 Junie 2013 uitgewys vanuit IEB skole, 98%. dat ons Suid-Afrikaanse onderwys sisteem (huidiglik een van die swakste ter wereld) (IEB Assessment Matters derduisende van ons skoliere faal deur hulle Information Leaflet) nie voldoende voor te berei vir die vereistes van tersiëre opleiding nie. Hierdie statistieke noop ‘n baie ernstige In dieselfde artikel en volgens vraag: is dit eenvoudig goed genoeg om 2011 statistieke, doem die ons kinders by universiteite IN TE KRY volgende ontnugterende feite wetend van die feite oor die Staatskool studente se slaag persentasie, OF moet op: ons eerder fokus daarop om ons kinders • Die gemiddelde slaag persentasie te bewapen met die nodige konsepte, (die werklike graduering koers van vaardighede, waardes en werk etiek om ingeskrewe matriekulante as eerstejaar hulle vakke te slaag en om wesentlik te studente wat nie druip of opskop nie) is gradueer? 15%. ‘n Blote 15%. Ons, by ons spesifieke IEB skool, glo in • Tukkies (Universiteit van Pretoria) se die laasgenoemde. Heelhartig! ongegradueerde slaag persentasie is 21%; Pukkie (Universiteit van J.M Bezuidenhout Potchefstroom) en Rhodes se ongegradueerde slaag persentasie Uitvoerende Hoof LEEUWENHOF AKADEMIE is 25%; en sommige

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18 March 2014

Mighty Men Conference Joburg a success The Mighty Men Conference Joburg was authorised by Angus Buchan on 8 July 2013 to be the official Mighty Men Conference for the Johannesburg region. The original Mighty Men Conferences took place seven times on Angus Buchan’s Farm Shalom in Greytown, Kwazulu Natal. The final two, held in 2009 and 2010, each attracted between 200 000 and 300 000 conference goers. With all the rain over the past few weeks, the organisers could not prepare the farm where the event would have taken place. At 4:30pm on Wednesday, just over a day away from the start of the event, Dawie Liebenberg, one of the MMC committee members, took the committee to an equestrian centre not far from their waterlogged campsite. The centre has an indoor arena that can seat 1 500

people. “We spoke to the owners and they said we could use it with pleasure. Everything just started working out and things started falling into place,” he said. The Mighty Men Conference Joburg took place from 7 – 9 March. Despite the rain, men from all over Johannesburg attended the gathering and although only 224 guys attended on the Friday, they experienced God’s presence all the time. On Saturday around 260 men attended and on Sunday families joined in the worship and more than 400 people were present to experience God’s grace. Victor Lemmer, host of MMC Joburg, said the experienced team from the Karoo Mighty Men Conference supported him and his team “from the word go” and only left late on the

Sunday afternoon. He was also blessed by the support, prayers and encouragement of the convenors of the Karoo MMC and Bushveld MMC, Jannie Moolman and Francois Brits, respectively. Praise and Worship session. “To Angus Buchan, Ronel, Bruce and Jilly of guys!” from MMC Headoffice, for your input, support Mighty Men Joburg would like to thank and prayers – thank you. We could not have every person for the services and financial done this without you guys. contributions. Lemmer also confirmed that The support was just amazing and everybody there will be another MMC next year. But just pulled their weight. The MMC Joburg the name of the event will change to MMC Committee was just great and with very little Gauteng. sleep we pulled through. What a great bunch

Dros values giving back It is time to say thank you!

Members of General Alberts’ rugby team with Juan Venter (far right blue shirt) before their fund-raising evening

Ndu Ngwenya Dros in Alberton opened their doors to pupils from Laerskool General Alberts on Friday 28 February, allowing the learners to make use of the family oriented restaurant’s premises for a fund-raiser. General Alberts’ senior rugby team has plans to leave of Cape Town on 28 Match to participate in a rugby tour. The fundraising effort saw members of the General Alberts rugby team together with friends and families using the selling raffle tickets to Dros’ patrons. An effort which the school’s coach and supervising teacher admits was a great success.

Management at Dros took things a step further by donating 20% of the evening’s bill to the team. “We were very excited to be part of the fundraiser,” said Dros’ Juan Venter. “As a community focused and family orientated business, it’s important for us to give back to the community which we form part of,” Juan Added. General Alberts’ tour to Cape Town will see them competing in a seventeen team tournament, against teams from all over the country. With their minds off the finances which are involved with such tours, the team can concentrate on putting in their best performance and hopefully return home as victors.

In our daily lives it is so easy to see just the negativity around us. On a daily basis CMR Alberton staff deals with poverty, domestic violence, abandoned and abused children, destitute people and so much more. It is very easy for us to get negative and feel that it is impossible to make a difference in the lives of people when the need is so big. There is a story about a boy walking on the beach putting beach starfish back into the ocean. A man came along and asked him what he was doing. The boy answered that he is saving the starfish. But, the man said, “look there is thousands of starfish on the beach” how will the boy make a difference if there are so many starfish to save. The boy kept on throwing starfish back into the ocean and said to the man “for that starfish it made a difference” The little boy understood his goal in life; to make a difference! One starfish at a time. That is what is happening at CMR Alberton. We cannot make a difference in each and every one’s life that comes to our office, but we do our best to help make a difference according to our ability and the client’s needs. Some times it is just an ear to listen, a warm

smile, some advice, counselling, statutory intervention, just by giving a person a dry blanket or clothes in this wet and rainy weather or a warm plate of food. Some of the big differences we have made this month: A mentally challenged person, by getting him into a Mental Health home where he will receive the right care and nurturing that he needs and where they will also apply for a disability grant for him. We also made a big difference in a 6 year old child’s life by arranging for this small child to go to grade R and for an 8 year old child to go to grade 1. These children were so excited to go to school. One by one, we do make a difference in the community in Alberton. If we keep on doing this through the help of the community, a little can make a lot. To those who are already involved, in which ever way, we say “Thank You, for your positive willingness to make a difference. May God bless you.” If you would like to take part in any of our activities or would like to make a donation, even donations of food, warm clothing, blankets, etc. please contact Ankia at 011 907 2922

18 March 2014

On 21 March we celebrate Human Rights Day in South Africa. Even though this day is spent being grateful for our rights, it still resonates the serious events that took place at Sharpeville on this same day, 54 years ago. On 21 March 1960 South Africa was under the apartheid regime, which was introduced in 1948, after the Nationalist Party came into power. The segregation of black and white people under this regime was enforced by laws that governed and limited the rights of particularly non-white citizens in South Africa. One such law that restricted the freedom of the non-white citizens was the Pass Law, and the Sharpeville massacre was a direct uprising against this law. The pass law stated that non-white citizens were not allowed to travel around or work in urban areas without a pass book. This meant that legally, nonwhite persons could not leave the rural areas without a permit from local authorities. The pass book, which was similar to an ID book, granted persons older than 16 permission to be in urban areas. It was a criminal offence to be unable to present your pass book when required to do so by the police and many people were arrested and thrown in jail for it. On 21 March 1960 the official anti-pass protest took place. The Pan Africanist Congress (a spin-off party of the ANC) planned an anti-pass campaign and the Sharpeville uprising marked the start of the campaign. On 21 March 1960, hundreds of black citizens arranged to gather at the Sharpeville police station without their pass books; to present themselves for arrest. The mob grew unstable and police battled to keep them under control, after which police fire with sharp-point ammunition on the crowd, which included men, women and children. At the end of the day, 69 people were killed and 180 were wounded. In hindsight, this uprising was indirectly an attack on the apartheid regime

The rights of every man are diminished when the - John F. Kennedy rights of one man are threatened. and united action of oppressed citizens who proclaimed and demanded equal human rights. This date therefore became iconic in South Africa to represent equality and human rights for all. 21 March was declared a public holiday after the 1994 democratic elections in South Africa, which took place on 27 April 1994. The ANC government, with newly

What are human rights?

According to the website, human rights are rights that everyone should have as humans. In 1948 the United Nations defined human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It founds basic universal human rights on three pillars: freedom, justice and peace. South Africa supports this declaration of human rights and it forms the foundation of our own Bill of Rights.

All persons have a right to citizenship and security. Personsandgroupsareentitledtofreedomofassembly,association,beliefandopinion,andexpression.They havetherighttodemonstrate,picketandpetition;everyonehastherighttobefreeofforcedlabor,servitudeand slavery. Peoplehaverightswhen Allpersonshavearighttoprivacyandtoexercisepoliticalrights. arrested,detainedand accused, and right to access to information and

just administration action








In terms of the Bill of Rights everyone has a right to life, equality and human dignity.

In the workplace everyone has a right to engage in trade unions and labor movements. The Bill of Rights also specifies the rights of persons belonging to cultural, religious or linguistic communities.

21 March has become iconic in South Africa to represent equality and human rights for all

and democratically-elected president, Nelson Mandela, launched South Africa’s new Constitution on 8 May 1996 and Sharpeville was the chosen venue where the new Constitution was signed (www. Since then, a number of laws have been enacted to protect basic individual human rights in South Africa.



dignity Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected.


(a) freedom of the press and other media; (b) freedom to receive or impart information or ideas; (c) freedom of artistic creativity; and (d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.

Everyone has the right to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION,

which includes:

THE RIGHT DOES NOT EXTEND TO (a) propaganda for war; (b) incitement of imminent violence; or (c) advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm.


For a full list of your human rights, visit

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18 March 2014

Special votes for 2014 elections

SA votes 2014 As the country prepares to go to the polls in May, South Africa Votes 2014 (an independently funded project that will run throughout the election campaign) intends to add real voices to the swirl of newsgathering, comment, and opinion surrounding the election. Independent journalist and Managing Editor of SA Votes 2014, Khadija Patel (formerly a senior correspondent at the Daily Maverick) heads up a team comprising of journalists, writers, bloggers and social media specialists from all walks of life, ranging from citizen journalists to renowned international South African journalists working for Al Jazeera and The Mercury. Describing the project, Khadija Patel said the SA VOTES 2014 will make politics relevant to South Africans again, “Election season really is an extended silly season. But there is a greater story in this election than a barrage of ‘he said’, ‘she said’. We want to tell the story that goes beyond that, the story of the political

spectacle in South Africa as it’s translated into people’s opinions, their attitudes, and their experience of the country”. “People often get put off by politics, because people and their stories often get ignored by rhetoric and debate, SA Votes 2014 intends to be part of an alternate telling of the South African election story of real stories of real people,” said Patel. One of the features of SA Votes 2014 is to work with young journalists, who will be given the chance to contribute to the debate of South Africa’s future. “We hope to work with these young journalists from all levels of South African society. We will have them tramping around towns and cities, speaking to people and then telling us what they’ve been speaking about. It’s about the people they quote, the people whose story we want to tell. SA Votes 2014 has already partnered with Centre for Fine Art and Animation and Design (CFAD) in Durban. Nanda Soobben, the head of CFAD said he chose to join SA VOTES 2014 because he wanted to become part of a bigger conversation. “I think people are going to waste their vote, and I just want to use my cartoons to show people how to make their votes count without being biased in anyway,” said Soobben SA Votes 2014, an independently funded project, free of any political interests will run throughout the election campaign will be updated daily.

EFF up for election The Economic Freedom Fighters sold berets, T-shirts and posters and gathered donations from members in order to pay the deposit fee to contest the general elections. Julius Malema, EFF Leader, said the biggest donation of R100 000 came from a member who lives in Pretoria. However, the EFF would have to pay the money back after the elections to members who donated, he said. The deposit for parties contesting the National Assembly is R200 000 and R45 000 per province that they contest. Last week, the EFF took President Jacob Zuma, Home Affairs Minister Naledi Pandor, and the IEC to court over the amount. The High Court in Pretoria dismissed the EFF’s application for an interdict relating to the payment of the deposit to the IEC. Not more than 50 EFF supporters gathered

outside the IEC office where Malema, along with Dali Mpofu and Floyd Shivambu, handed over the party’s candidate lists. The three entered the building carrying three cardboard boxes containing the lists. On the lists, Malema said the EFF had submitted a National Assembly list, province to national list, and provincial legislature lists. The party would contest nationally and all nine provinces. “Our list is 99.9 percent gender balanced, it has generational mix and geographical mix,” he said. Malema would not say whether he was the EFF’s presidential candidate or give any indication of who was on the lists. Malema said he was confident his party would be in government after the elections on 7 May. *Source: Sapa

The window to apply for special votes opens on 7 April and closes at 17:00 on 17 April. These applications must be made at the office of the Municipal Electoral Officer, and between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00. By law, you can apply for a special vote if you can’t travel to your voting station because you are physically infirm, disabled or pregnant; or can’t vote at your voting station on Election Day. Please note that applications must be hand-delivered to the IEC offices, but can be delivered by a proxy on behalf of the individual applying. Special voting will take place over two days: Monday 5 May and Tuesday 6 May. The draft calendar indicates that special votes will take place both at the voting station and for home visits on both days. This is a departure from previous years where the Monday was dedicated to home visits and the voting station did not open for voting. This has a massive impact on election operations, party agents should be identified to be present at the voting station on both

days ahead of Election Day itself, and also mobile agents to follow the IEC teams for home visits. There are 22 265 voting stations around South Africa. Voter Queries: • If a voter expects to be overseas on 30 April and not in the country by 7 May, the time for application closed on the 12 March already and he/she will not be able to cast a vote. • If a voter will be in the country on 5 or 6 May, but not on 7 May then he/she must apply for a special vote between 7 and 17 April and vote on one of the special voting days. • If a voter will not be overseas and able to go to an embassy, consulate or mission on 30 April but will also not be in South Africa between 5 and 7 May, then they simply do not fall into any window where we or the IEC can assist. Estelle Visser DA Counselor Ekurhuleni metro Tel: 011 869 6654 / 082 572 1462 Email:

South Africa deserves a better government COPE’s election manifesto at a glance The Congress of the People (COPE) launched their election manifesto on Sunday 9 March. The five year old party’s manifesto reiterates many of the calls which made up the first manifesto which was launched shortly after the party’s establishment in 2009. “In our 2009 manifesto we said that South Africa who are honest servants of the people, with leaders who are honest servants of the people, with respect for growing economy, ensuring sustainable development, educating and training our people for development, improving the quality of healthcare, fighting crime and ensuring safety for all citizens and advancing the African agenda and creating a better world.” – M Lekota (COPE President) Some key points extracted from the manifesto • Direct election of leaders. Presidents to be elected by all South Africans. Premiers to be elected by voters in provinces. Mayors to be elected by voters in municipality • Downsizing government so resources can be directed towards investment in the economy

• Attract skilled and professional personnel for government service irrespective of their political affiliation • Benchmark service delivery to ensure all communities receive equal and quality ser vice offerings • Restructure the national budget to favour local government so that service delivery can be enhanced • Ensure the protection of the independence of Chapter 9 institutions •Support, safeguard and reward citizen activism and investigative journalism to in crease accountability •Require all citizens pay for basic services unless officially classified as indigent •Prioritize empowerment of rural women •Increase the minimum pass rate •24 hour government clinics in all communities •Have specialised police units focussing on sexual offences, organized crime, drug trafficking and fraud •Maximum sentences for poaching and drug trafficking offences. Share your views on what COPE as a party offers the South African voter. E-mail

DA appeals e-tolls judgement The Democratic Alliance appealed the judgement handed down by the Western Cape High Court on 13 March in the party’s case against the unconstitutional passing of the E-Tolling Act. The DA has argued that the people of Gauteng were denied a voice against e-tolling because the law was not debated in the provincial legislature. While the application was dismissed it is significant that both parties will pay their own costs. “We are studying the judgement and will

issue further comment at a later stage. The fight against e-tolling must continue not just in the courts, but also at the ballot box on 7 May. Gauteng deserves a government that is prepared to fight against the unjust system of e-tolling. We are committed to calling a referendum when elected, so that the people of Gauteng can have a voice by voting directly against e-tolls. The fight is still within the people of Gauteng. We must demonstrate our mass opposition to e-tolling on election day,” Mmusi Maimane DA Gauteng Premier Candidate said.

14 May 2013 18 March 2014

Laerskool Randhart neem deel by S.A. Kampioenskappe

tame TIMES TIMES tame

BESA gives new clothes Upcoming

tennis star

Laerskool Randhart is aangewys as die beste atletiekskool tydens die distrikkampioenskappe wat verteenwoordig word deur Alberton, Germiston en Boksburg. Tydens die Distrik-kampioenskappe het 44 atlete deel geneem en het besonders goed gevaar. ‘n Totaal van 16 atlete het deur gegaan na die Gauteng-kampioenskappe. Daar het dit net so goed gegaan en ‘n totaal van vyf atlete nl. Dian Mulder, Amoné Nel, FC Kotzé, Mia Stols en Chané Wilson is deur na die S.A. Kampioenskappe. Hulle neem deel aan die S.A. Kampioenskappe in die Paarl vanaf 20 - 22 Maart.

SA ATLETIEK: Voor: Dian Mulder, Chané Wilson, FC Kotzé. Agter: Amoné Nel, Mia Stols

Page 13

Tshepang Mofokeng from Team Harrison Tennis Academy won the tennis tournament at her school Glenanda Primary.

BESA Leadership Academy recently collected 176 items of brand new clothing for the 63 children at Amazing Grace Children’s Home. The children hardly ever receive clothing that has never been worn before,

and the excitement they expressed was truly heart warming. “The children at Amazing Grace have really taught me how we all take so many thing for granted.” Savannah Rogers said.

Marais spog met hul water-kampioene Marais Viljoen se swemspan gaan van krag tot krag en het hulself hierdie jaar in ‘n hoër liga ingeswem nadat hulle die Interhoër gala, B-liga gewen het. Die Interhoër is op 3 Maart gehou en die swemspan skuif nou op na die tweede divisie van die A-liga. Die volgende leerders het in hul individuele items presteer en gaan nou deur na die Prestige-byeenkoms: Hanna Rathbone (o/14 meisies) – Wen 200m individuele wisselslag, 50m vlinderslag en 50m vryslag. Dylan Wiid (junior seuns) – Wen 200m individuele wisselslag. Chayenne Barros (o/16 meisies) – Wen 50m vlinderslag en is tweede in meisies ope

200m vryslag. André Laubscher (o/17 seuns) – Wen 200m individuele wisselslag, 50m rugslag en 50m vlinderslag. Nathan Smook (o/17 seuns) – Wen 200m vryslag en ope seuns 50m vlinderslag en 50m vryslag. Nicole Frey (o/17 meisies) – Wen senior meisies individuele wisselslag en 50m vlinderslag.

BIG SMILES: Tshepang Mofokeng standing with her proud coach Paola Harrison.

Kenton Primary’s biggest asset Mrs Virginia Molutsoane was announced Kenton Primary School’s General Assistant of the month. Mrs Molutsoane has been at Kenton Primary since October 2002 and assists with the feeding programme to ensure all the empty tummies are full before the children start the school day.

DISTRIK-KAMPIOENSKAPPE: Mia Stols ontvang die prys nadat Laerskool Randhart aangewys is as die beste atletiek skool tydens die distrik-kampioenskappe wat verteenwoordig word deur Alberton, Germiston en Boksburg.

Making their school proud Four Marais Viljoen athletes were included in the Gauteng Athletics Team. The SA Secondary Schools and LSEN National Track and Field Championships will take place on 26 - 29 March 2014 at the Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane.

Divhan Snyman, Henk Blankestijn, Nathan Smook, Brendan de la Rey (kaptein), Jacques de Necker, Enrico Caldeira; Dylan Wiid, Cheyenne Barros, Nicole Frey, Kristen Merry, Jessica Cornelius; Erard Leonard, Jade Samwell, Hannah Rathbone, Talia Coetzee, Carla Venter; Mario Glaros, Kristen Palm, Jurgens van Wyk, Michelle de Necker; (afwesig: André Laubscher).

PROUD: Mrs Virginia Molutsoane is always willing to help the Kenton Primary children.

Tee drink saam met die dames Hoërskool Alberton het op Saterdag 8 Maart hulle eerste moeder-en-dogter-teefunksie gehou. Die dames het almal hierdie spoggeleentheid baie geniet.

Simphiwe Tefo (Boys u/19 1500m);); Kucho Fallert (Boys u/19 Long jump); Armoure le Roux (Girls u/17 400m and 400m hurdles); Nonhlanhla Dhlamini (Girls u/19 1500m and 3000m.

Dames wat die funksie bygewoon het saam met die gasspreker vir die dag: Amoré Becker van RSG.

18 March 2014


KC SCHOOL TRANSPORT School transport available from 1 May 2014. All areas in Alberton. Contact Charmaine


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18 March 2014



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18 March 2014

Become a movie reviewer with Ster-Kinekor and tame TIMES

MOVIE REVIEW:the nut job

By Lance Van Wyk I believe, that there is no greater pleasure than watching a great movie. Even more so if that great movie is on “The big screen” with breath taking 3D scenes and rumbling surround sound. One such a movie that I know of currently on the circuit: The nut job.This animated movie will keep the whole family entertained and will have tears running; either from laughter or from living yourself into the strife of Surly squirrel and his friends. Who knows we all might learn a few lessons from this fable, self worth, sharing, respecting your friends and selfless sacrifice for a greater purpose. You may just recognize the voices of Liam Neeson, Brendan Fraser and Will Arnett. So join the park animals on there adventure as they venture into the city to gather food for the winter, make new friends, stand up to oppression, foil some criminal’s plot and share in their peril and laughter, beware of the sudden twist that you might not expect. I give this movie a 7 out of 10. Thank you very much to Ster Kinekor Eastgate staff for making my movie even better and making my day.

Would you like to review movies and give your opinion on the latest and greatest releases in the cinema world? Send us your CV and a motivation letter on why you should review a movie at Ster- Kinekor Eastgate. Only the best will be chosen and your review will be published in tame TIMES. Send information to Miguel@ with the subject Movie Review. Terms & Conditions apply.



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Page 14 2014 13 2012 18November March

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No free ticket to complain This past Saturday (15 March) was World Consumer Rights Day. World Consumer Rights Day was established on 15 March 1983 to promote consumer rights around the world. Consumer Goods and Services Ombudsman, Advocate Neville Meville said the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) may be there to protect you when you’re buying goods and services, but it’s not a free ticket to complain. He says consumers need to understand they also have responsibilities before laying a complaint against a retailer, manufacturer or distributor. Below is advice from Advocate Meville to consider when shopping: Understand marketing material and contracts Under the CPA, suppliers are obliged to ensure that every notice, document or visual representation of the product must be in plain language. If you don’t understand something, you’re entitled to ask for an explanation before signing, especially if it is a big ticket item such as a house, car or furniture. Always read the fine print before purchasing to save yourself hassle and unnecessary costs, if the contract is in plain language, and you sign, you will be held liable. Prices must be accurate It may happen that the price displayed on the item or shelf does not match the price you’re charged at the till. By law, the supplier is bound by the lowest price displayed, unless it is an obvious error or it has been tampered with. It’s the consumer’s responsibility to first check with a shelf packer if you are unsure of the price and to check the till slip to ensure you’ve not been overcharged. You are within your rights to ask for the lower price. Watch out for exclusions Before signing a contract, be on the alert for warning clauses and read them to find out which risks you will not be covered for before you enter into the agreement. This is because suppliers must bring any risk of injury or death, adverse term or exclusion of liability to the attention of the consumer before they enter into the transaction. Especially look out for highlighted terms in contracts and make sure you understand what’s not covered. Follow instructions While a supplier is responsible for any harm caused as a result of inadequate instructions or warnings about hazards associated with the use of a product, you may have no claim for damages if you haven’t read the instructions or warnings. Always read all the packaging and information booklets before

Consumers need to understand they also have responsibilities before laying a complaint against a retailer, using a new product – whether it’s a washing machine or toy. Beware of on rolling over contracts It’s easy to simply forget about renewing your television subscription, security services or cell phone contract, but it’s important to read all correspondence sent from a supplier and give notice in time if you do not want the contract to continue. Suppliers must inform you that a fixed term agreement is about to end and will roll over onto a month-by-month basis with or without new terms. Make sure you aren’t being charged extra for services or additions you don’t really need. Beware of grey goods You may be willing to pay less for reconditioned or “grey” goods (imported without the authority of the manufacturer), but then need to accept the increased risk of defects and that there’s no manufacturer’s warranty cover. Read the rules of competitions It’s a real win if you bag a prize in a promotional competition, but you could be disappointed if you haven’t read the rules beforehand and you end up not qualifying. Request the rules from the organiser to ensure that you are eligible to enter the contest and that you are happy with the conditions, such as collecting a prize in a distant location, having to listen to a two hour promotional talk on your weekend away win or having your face appearing in the company’s media campaign.

Check the sales record or till slip details Under the CPA, suppliers must provide a sales record or till slip containing a comprehensive list of details. Check the correctness of these details and keep it in a safe place. The sales record is your copy of the agreement and proof of purchase. You will also need it if you wish to return goods, get a refund or ask for defective goods to be repaired. Make sure goods are fit for purpose Consumers are entitled to receive goods that are fit for the purpose for which they are generally intended. If, however, a consumer requires something for a particular purpose. They should ask the sales person if the item is suitable for that purpose and record the answer. The consumer has the right to expect that the goods will be suitable for the specific purpose that the consumer mentioned. Ask for identification All marketing, delivery, repairs or installation employees must wear a badge or provide identification under the CPA, so don’t get duped into buying something from a conman. Be cautious and insist callers or people coming to your premises show you their official badge or identification card. It’s also a good idea to take note of the person’s name for record keeping purposes and if you need to lay a complaint or compliment later on.

Page 17

Najaarsrose onthaal Dienssentrum-inwoners Die Najaarsrose van die Hervormde Kerk in Tweede Laan het die voorreg gehad om op Dinsdag 11 Maart die inwoners van die Alberton-dienssentrum vir Bejaardes te onthaal. Die uitnodiging aan die Dienssentrum is deel van die Gemeente se uitreikaksie om mense en instansies by te staan en te wys dat hy vir ander mense in die gemeenskap omgee. Dié aksie het in Maart 2013 afgeskop toe gemeentelede in groepe, 16 verskillende instansies besoek het en ook self ingespring het om ontspanningsterreine in die dorp op te ruim en vir almal ’n meer aangename omgewing te skep. Aan die einde van die projek het die Gemeente drie instansies geïdentifiseer om deurlopend by te staan, waaronder die Alberton-dienssentrum vir Bejaardes. Sedert die omgeeaksie begin het, is dit die vierde keer dat die Dienssentrum òf deur lidmate van die Gemeente besoek is òf genooi is om ’n geleentheid by die kerkkompleks by te woon. Die inwoners van die Dienssentrum wat die geleentheid op 11 Maart kon bywoon, is met groot liefde en deernis ontvang en onthaal. Afgesien van ’n heerlike ete het elkeen onder meer ’n boekmerk ontvang. Almal is getrakteer op sang deur ’n ou bekende in Alberton, Yoti die Griekse Boertjie. Hy het spesiaal van die gaste melding gemaak en by sommige van sy liedjies hulle deel van sy vertoning gemaak. Die Hervormde Gemeente Alberton en die Najaarsrose hoop om in die toekoms die vriendskap met die Dienssentrum verder te versterk en deel van sy omgee-in-aksie te maak.

Inwoners van die Alberton-dienssentrum vir Bejaardes.

Go to

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Ndu Ngwenya @nduzo

nominations country’s 20th anniversary of democracy.” Du Plessis said that as a symbolic tribute to the first democratic elections, which were held on 27 and 28 April 1994, the SAMA 20 awards ceremony will take place exactly 20 years later, on 28 April 2014, at the Sun City Superbowl. As always, all eyes will be on the Record of the Year category, which is determined by a public vote. The nominees for this award will be announced shortly, after which fans will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite song and artist of 2013.

Twenty years of musicianship celebrated a number of new kids on the music block dominating the major categories for the landmark 20th Annual South African Music Awards – with some familiar favourites creeping into the running for SA’s most prestigious music competition. The nominees for SAMA 20 were announced amid great excitement and anticipation at Sun International’s Carnival City on Thursday 13 March. The nominees were announced by a panel of artists including, Yvonne Chaka-Chaka, Jabu Hlongwane, Mi Casa’s J-Something and Khaya Mthetwa among others. Newcomers; Gangs of Ballet, Naima Kay and Nakhane Touré, are set to rock the SAMA’s with 11 nominations between them. Mi Casa, who are becoming an industry favorite, together with come-back kids; Mafikizolo walked away with four nominations each, both including a nomination for the sought after album of the year award. Also bagging four SAMA nominations are Mafikizolo, whose comeback release Reunited has been crowned with nods for Best Pop Album, Best Collaboration, Duo or Group of the Year and Album of the Year. David du Plessis, the Chief Operating Officer of the Recording Industry of SA (RISA), said this year’s event will be special in more ways than one: “Not only are we celebrating 20 years of South Africa’s premier music awards, we are also commemorating the

18 March 2014

Fairytale Carnival South Africa’s first and original colour festival, the WE ARE ONE Colour Festival, in association with the world’s leading youth entertainment brand, MTV (DStv Channel 130), is bringing the ultimate in colourful festivities in on 22 March. The WE ARE ONE Colour Festival takes place at the beautiful Emmarentia Dam. This year Penthouse, Michael Lesar, Matt Suttner, Mix n Blend, Maoriginal will join the godfather of South African house music, Oskido, on stage to round off a top-notch local lineup. The day will be closed off by another amazing and colourful set by the legendary Felix Da Housecat. What sets the WE ARE ONE Colour Festivals apart from all other colour festivals across the world, is that this year is themed

for all fans to let their imaginations run wild. “Fairytale Carnival” was the winning theme chosen by the WE ARE ONE Facebook community, so get your white outfits ready with a fairytale twist to stand out from the rest as you are showered with coloured powder from all directions. Think about what your favourite fairytale character would wear to the Mardi Gras carnival with all the beaded necklaces, extravagant hats and outrageous outfits that go along with it. Tickets are available at, so get yours now and be part of the brightest and most colourful phenomenon of the year. Ticket prices: Entrance ticket: R190 (no powder) SOLD OUT Entrance ticket: (with 5 bags of colour powder): R290

Alberton Damesklub verjaar

To see a full list of SAMA 20 nominees visit or see www. Follow SAMA 20 on Twitter @ OfficialSAMAs with the Hashtag: #SAMA20

VERMAAK: Die Bel Canto Ensemble saam met Dini Jansen en Trix van der Walt.

VROUE VERENIG: Rosarie Saaiman (Constantia Damesklub), Susan Noppe (Benoni Damesklub), Trix van der Walt (Alberton Voorsitter), Dini Jansen (Oud Voorsitter), Hantie Dreyer (Oud Voorsitter), Martie Marnewick (Stigterslid), Maxie Hall (Stigterslid) AWARD’S FAVORATE: Nakhane Touré’s debut album – Brave Confusion, secured four nominations for the industry newcomer.

Die Alberton Damesklub het op 13 Maart hul 46ste bestaansjaar gevier, en wat ‘n elegante geleentheid was dit nie. Die groep, Bel Canto Ensemble, het vir vermaak gesorg en elke hartsnaar is geroer.

Damesklubs vanuit Gauteng het ook hul gelukwense kom deel. Trix van der Walt, voorsitter van die Alberton Damesklub, hoop dat hierdie sosiale klub vir nog 46 jaar sal voortbestaan.

Girls night out with Ster Kinekor

On Wednesday 12 March Ster Kinekor at Eastgate held their second Girlfriends Getaway event for the ladies. Ster Kinekor launched this new initiative in February this year as a way to make the movie experience at their cinemas more unique and exciting. Once a month a movie is selected for the ladies and all the girls who come to watch the movie are then spoilt with vouchers and prizes. All the ladies got lucky packets that were filled with magazines, beauty vouchers and sweets from various sponsors. This month the film of choice was The Single Moms Club, which was very popular among the ladies. All the ladies who watched the movie were entered into a lucky draw as well and the lucky winners received extra goody bags and vouchers A few of the ladies at the Girlfriends Getaway event this month, The Laser Beautique representatives, who sponsored this month’s before the movie. showing off their lucky packets. vouchers, and the Ster Kinekor staff and event organisers.

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Top toernooie word in International paddlers to tackle Orange River Suid Afrika gehou

Jasper Mocke in action in the 2013 Green Kalahari Canoe Marathon. PICTURE CREDIT: Jacques Marais

Suid-Afrikaanse rolstoel tennisspelers is besig om naam vir hulself te maak, en nou word twee groot rolstoel tennis toernooie volgende maand in Suid Afrika gehou. Die VSA Ope speler Lucas Sithole, nommer twee op die wêreld ranglys, en vrouespeler Kgothatso Montjane (KG), nommer sewe in die wêreld is maar net twee voorbeelde van die grootheid van ons rolstoel atlete. Dit is te danke aan die prestasies van hierdie en ander Suid-Afrikaanse spelers, asook die uitstekende administrasie van Rolstoel Tennis Suid Afrika, dat daar twee groot toernooie deur die Internasionale Tennis Federasie (ITF) toegeken is. Die ‘Airports Company South Africa Gauteng

Open’ sal vanaf 23-27 April by die OosGautengse Tennis Sentrum in Benoni gespeel word. Hierdie toernooi verwag om top internasionale spelers te betrek, wat die toernooi sal gebruik as opwarming vir die SA Ope by Ellis Park vanaf 29 April – 3 Mei. “Dit is ‘n groot voorreg vir ons on hierdie toernooi aan te bied” het Karen Losch van Rolstoel Tennis Suid Afrika gesê. “Dit is duidelik dat Suid Afrika erken word as een van die top lande wanneer dit kom by rolstoel tennis. Ons verwag top spelers van regoor die wêreld om na Suid Afrika te kom vir hierdie toernooie, en ons hoop dat Gauteng in hul massas sal opdaag om spelers te ondersteun.”

For the first time since its inception three years ago, the Green Kalahari Canoe Marathon will feature international paddlers. Top paddlers from Germany and the Czech Republic will join the highly competitive field of South African competitors to tackle the majestic Orange River from 20 – 22 March. 2010 World Cup silver medallist and 2011 European champion Achim Overbeck will team up with fellow German Tobias Bong, who took the gold in the single men’s race at the 2012 World Championships in France. It is expected that this dynamic duo will definitely add some excitement to this year’s K2 battle in the company of current world champions Hank McGregor, Thulani Mbanjwa and Sean Rice as well as Jasper Mocke, Lance King, Ivan Kruger and Louw Van Riet. Jakub Adam and his sister Anna Adamova from the Czech Republic will make their debut on South Africa’s largest river. Jakub will again pair up with former world champion Cam Schoeman with whom he achieved a podium finish at the recent Dusi marathon. Anna will join forces with former

EFC Africa hits cinemas EFC Africa 28 will be screened, for the first time, in larger than life highdefinition (HD) at select Ster-Kinekor cinemas around the country on Thursday, 27 March. The partnership comes as a result of months of development, EFC Africa and Ster-Kinekor announced the partnership on Wednesday 12 March. The agreement will offer fight fans throughout South Africa an opportunity to watch all 13 bouts from every upcoming EFC Africa event, live. The partnership is launched on the back of Ster-Kinekor having completed the digital conversion in each of its cinemas. Substantial investment in the highest quality, live satellite broadcast equipment. The new format promises fans a world-class live cinema experience. “We’re excited to be offering fight fans the chance to see our events in such an awesome, larger than life setting,” said EFC Africa president Cairo Howarth. Doug Place, Marketing Executive of SterKinekor Theatres, is equally delighted with the announcement of this new partnership. “Cinema is an evolving sector and we are in an exciting place right now, doors are

opening for us to consider more alternative partnerships such as this one with EFC Africa.” “The digital conversion also means that the EFC fights on the big screen will be an awesome viewing experience for the fans. Watching all the live action in larger-than-life high definition is better than it has ever been seen before, and makes for a fantastic night out at the cinema.” The live Ster-Kinekor EFC Africa experience will be available at cinemas in stages; Fans in Gauteng can enjoy the EFC Africa 28 HD, big screen experience at the following Ster-Kinekor cinemas: · Ster-Kinekor Fourways · Ster-Kinekor East Rand Mall These cinemas will be added for the screening of EFC Africa 29 on 1 May: · Ster-Kinekor Brooklyn · Ster-Kinekor The Zone · Ster-Kinekor Cradlestone · Ster-Kinekor Maponya · Ster-Kinekor Greenstone Bookings for EFC Africa 28 at select Ster-Kinekor cinemas opened on Friday,

Green Kalahari champion Abbie Adie and this partnership will definitely turn up the heat in the women’s K2 division. Event organiser Gawie Nieuwoudt is delighted by the entry of this international contingent. “This is extremely exciting news and will definitely raise the profile of the race not only in South Africa, but internationally. We already have a strong field of paddlers that is peppered with current world champions in various canoeing disciplines and we’re confident that the international additions will add a competitive edge. This is also a perfect way to promote the race to international paddlers and to secure global competitors for future events,” Nieuwoudt said. The 99km three-day stage race starts in Upington on, 20 March, and will traverse down the Orange River to the finish line at Khamkirri near Augrabies on 23 March. The race carries a total prize purse of R400 000, one of the biggest prizes for a paddling event in South Africa. For more information, visit www. or www.

14 March. Tickets cost R120. Avoid the queues by booking online, by calling Ticketline on 082 16789 or you can book at the box office. To find out more, visit

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tame TIMES

18 March 2014



BENONI: 43 HOWARD AVE TEL: 011 422 2995

From R59 99

Marais Viljoen seëvier Stephanie Conradie Hoërskool Marais Viljoen het op Saterdag 15 Maart hul eerste Tuks Skolereeks byeenkoms teen Hoërskool Florida gehou. Die opwinding het geheers toe die son helder skyn en netbal, hokkie en rugby spanne het voorberei vir ‘n groot sportdag op die Marais Viljoen sportgronde. Die eerste netbalspan het hard terugbaklei, en ondersteuners het probeer aanmoedig, maar uiteindelik het Hoërskool Florida die netbalwedstryd met 32 teen 22 doele gewen. Die Marais Viljoen eerste hokkiespan het die eerste helfte van hul wedstryd domineer, maar diep in die tweede helfte het Hoërskool Florida die bal in die hok geslaan en die wedstryd 1 – 0 gewen. Nadat die leerders van Marais Viljoen hul skoollied uit volle bors gesing het, het die eerste rugbyspan op die veld gedraf, en was hulle dan ook die hoogtepunt van die dag. Marais Viljoen was 15 – 0 voor op die 26ste minuut van die wedstryd, toe Florida inhaal en die eerste helfte met 19 – 15 in die guns van Hoërskool Florida afsluit. Die tweede helfte was wel in Marais Viljoen se guns en het hulle uiteindelik die wedstryd met 27 – 26 gewen.

Marais Viljoen Tuks skolereeks teen Florida

Football Academy making On dreams come true The Agape International Football Academy (AIFA) in Brackenhurst have partnered with Glenbreck High School and is helping boys with under privileged backgrounds to reach their football dream. This Academy is a non-profit organisation where the boys have access to education, accommodation, food and transportation. The aim of the academy is also to help young men who are addicted to drugs or alcohol by rehabilitating them and guide them in their football career. The academy is not only for under privileged boys, all boys aged 12 – 19 can join the academy to further their football talents. The AIFA will be participating at the MIC Tournament in Spain this April, Manchester United and Barcelona are amongst the teams that will be participating at this tournament. For more information contact Marketing Manager and coach, Buti Mofokeng on 0785087808 or email

way to Netball World Cup

Kylie Jardine and Kendra Szeles have been chosen to represent South Africa in the upcoming Netball World Cup 2014, taking place from 24 – 30 May in Fourways. Both sportswomen are from the Meyersdal Arena in Alberton and have been chosen for the U21 national team. Kylie, now a first year student at the University of Johannesburg

(UJ), started her netball career at a very young age and also played for the first netball team at Marais Viljoen High School. She is now coaching the girls under 7 team at Marian College. Kendra, is a student at Marian College and also vice-head girl for the school. Her sport talents not only include netball, but she also plays for the first water polo team, as well as

ON THEIR WAY TO THE TOP: Kendra Szeles and Kylie Jardine

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STUDENTS: One of the AIFA football teams

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the first basketball team.Both Kylie and Kendra represented Southern Gauteng at the Inter Provincial Tournament held at the Meyersdal Action Sports Arena from 4 - 8 March, where their team won the Gold. These girls are looking for part or full sponsorships, contact Jackie Jardine on 083 650 3278 or

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