tame TIMES
two time winner of the annual Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media
Delivered every Tuesday
Volume 05, 8 April 2014, Week 15
Braaimeester van die kontrei Stephanie Conradie
tame TIMES’ birthday celebration
Borries met sy 2 trofeë en natuurlik ‘n braaivleis vuur. Suid Afrikaners is sinoniem met braaivleis, soveel so dat ons selfs ‘n nasionale braaidag en ‘n nasionale braaispan het. Cornè Bornman (meer bekend as Borries) van Brackenhurst het reeds bekendheid verwerf toe hy die tweede reeks van die kykNET program Bring en Braai in 2012 gewen het. Nou het hy weereens sy braai talent bewys toe hy onlangs die vierde reeks, Bring en Braai – Sterre Braai, gewen het. In hierdie reeks het die wenners van reeks 1, 2 en 3 teen mekaar kompeteer vir die gesogte titel van ‘Kampioen van Kampioene’.
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Die beoordelaars was bekende kok Sarel van Sabie, sanger en aanbieder Thys die Bosveldklong, en Gareth Daniell, meer bekend as Braaiboy. In 2013 is Borries, saam met Braaiboy, as deel van die Chesa Nyama Braai-BQue Nasionale span na Amerika om aan die Jack Daniel’s World BBQ Invitational in Lynchburg Tennessee en die World Food Championships in Las Vegas deel te neem. In Lynchburg het hulle die ‘Happiest Home in the Hollow’ prys gewen en in Las Vegas het hulle 34ste uit al die wêreldspanne geëindig.
Saam met die beoordelaars en sy medefinalis Dirk Liebenberg van Limpopo. In 2014 beplan Braaiboy om by die World Food Championships in Las Vegas ‘n onderwater braai te hou, en so vir die wêreld te wys dat Suid Afrikaners wel die beste braaiers is. Met die deure wat Bring en Braai in 2012 vir Borries oop gemaak het, beplan hulle ook nou ‘n ‘Smoke School’ waar hulle mense oplei om vleis, en ander kossoorte, op die regte manier gaar te rook, en om die beste kombinasies bymekaar te voeg. Die opleiding sal by Borries se gastehuis, Borisimo’s, in Alberton plaasvind.
Aspiring Mr SA
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A Note from the
tame TIMES April is ‘n maand waar die seisoene verander, die son later opkom en koue nader begin kruip. Ek wil die Alberton gemeenskap graag aanmoedig om warm klere en komberse, wat nie meer ‘n plekkie in die huis het nie, aan die minderbevoorregtes te skenk. Meer inligting en kontak besonderhede op bladsy 6. Ons het hierdie week behoorlik fees gevier in die tame TIMES kantoor. Op bladsy 3 kan julle die foto’s van ons verjaarsdagvieringe besigtig. Die Brackendowns Polisie het die afgelope Saterdag hul ope dag gehou, waar die publiek meer kon leer oor wat die polisie se rol en funksies in die gemeenskap is, meer inligting en foto’s sal op bladsy 8 gevind word. Geniet die week, en hierdie uitgawe.
New man in charge Kingstone Siziba has recently been appointed as the new SPCA Alberton Manager. Even though Siziba was only appointed manager this year, he has been working at Alberton SPCA since 2010, and his passion for animals stretches even further back. Siziba joined the SPCA organization in 1998 because of his compassion for animals: “For me it’s not a job. I sometimes forget I’m employed, because of my passion,” Siziba says. Siziba has worked at the National Council Head Office, where he qualified as a senior inspector; from there he moved around between Roodepoort and Booysens SPCA. He later heard that Alberton SPCA was in dire need of a qualified inspector, and he decided that he had a purpose to serve there. One of Siziba’s biggest goals is to raise funds to expand and upgrade the kennels at the SPCA to accommodate more animals. With the help of the community, Siziba says that he is up to any challenge: “I’m prepared, and hoping to take the SPCA further afield,” Siziba says excitedly. Kingstone Siziba
8 April 2014
The Alberton Heritage Society/ Erfenisvereniging
From left to right: Annel Meyer, Yvonne Grobler, Beverley-Ann Small (Chair-person), Susara Eastes, Nick van Zyl, Jan Otte, Alice de Kock, Sue Burt, Miemie Sutherland, Daan Grobler Absent: Sophie van Wyk, Peggy Geddes The Alberton Heritage Society was founded in 2009 and registered as a NonProfit Organisation in 2010. They have grown in members and proudly boast a Constitution to which we abide. As a Society they have established various alliances with other Heritage Societies/ Associations and have had numerous requests where their attention was required to identify and preserve certain Heritage properties in the area and beyond. Their mission Their mission is to identify, preserve, assist and raise awareness that anything 60+ years is protected under the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (No 25 of 1999). Media releases They regularly update the community with articles which are published in local newspapers as well as other well-known newspapers, to inform the community of Alberton as well as surrounding areas of what is happening. There is a variety of information and stories from residents which they share with the Society, and it is much appreciated, enjoyed and always interesting. Contact and share For any information on the Alberton Heritage Society, please contact Alberton Heritage Society on 011 869 9417 (Beverley-Ann Small). You can also contact the writers of the fortnightly articles in tame TIMES on 083 380 4072 or send an email to dgrobler@ mweb.co.za. Contact Daan and Yvonne Grobler on the above cell number to scan documents and photos. Rest assured that photos or other material will be handled with the utmost of
care. You can also email or upload stories and photos on their Facebook page. They need every citizen of Alberton, especially the elderly, to “tell their story” of Alberton. They will gladly pay you a visit and write down what you can remember of “old” Alberton. Their website Very important for everyone but especially for Grade 4 learners and their parents: You can find some information for your Social Sciences school project on their website: albertonheritage.co.za or albertonerfenis. co.za. If you are not a learner or a parent, just enjoy the interesting information and photos. Toere en uitstappies ’n Paar keer ’n jaar besoek die lede interessante plekke of plekke van geskiedkundige belang, of kuier sommer net lekker op dorpe wat ryk is aan geskiedenis. Hulle het al baie plekke besoek, waaronder die Willem Prinsloo-landboumuseum, die Jan Smuts-huis by Irene, die Parktownerfenisroete, die Sammy Marks-museum en baie ander. Hulle probeer ook om van tyd tot tyd toere te organiseer na al die plekke in Alberton wat van geskiedkundige belang is. Sluit aan Die Alberton Erfenisvereniging wil graag soveel moontlik Alberton-inwoners met dieselfde belangstelling, naamlik om mense van ons erfenis bewus te maak en dit vir die nageslag te bewaar, by die organisasie betrek. Hulle vergader een keer per maand op ’n Saterdagmiddag. Kontak hulle gerus vir meer inligting aangaande die vergaderings.
Distribution: Alberton: 35 000 JHB South: 24 500 Bedfordview & Germiston South: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Stephanie Conradie Stephanie.Conradie@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Rudi Geldenhuis rudi@tametimes.co.za
Journalist: Amy-Mae Campbell amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za Mike Muller: 083 463 9107 mike@tametimes.co.za
Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 18 March 2014 Deadline: Thursday 13 March 2014 at 14:00
www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook
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8 April 2014
tame TIMES
tame TIMES’ birthday celebration
Neel Naiker and Craig Moodley from Paarlcoldset (printing partner) with tame TIMES COO Karin Blignaut
Chantal Thurlby chantal@tametimes.co.za tame TIMES celebrated their fifth birthday on Tuesday, 1 April. We had, in our previous edition, invited the public to take the opportunity and come view our offices and newsroom, with the day ending in celebrations. Champagne, yummy foods and stunning décor added that extra touch of class to the already fabulous event. People, from all our distribution areas, were at our offices enjoying the evening, networking and congratulating around every corner. The beautiful cake was made by South Africa’s very own cake-boss, Paul Vieira, who had brought a camera crew with him to document the cake handover and to meet the team. To order your stunning, creative cake today see below for details. After much anticipation, Karin Blignaut, COO of tame TIMES, announced what our community project was: for the next five months tame TIMES will be paying for five children’s school fees who are from five of our distribution areas and who share their birthday with tame TIMES on 1 April. The children had to be in grade five. Each child received a Waltons back to school hamper, a goodie bag, a certificate and a recycled DeskBag compliments of PRWorx. Congratulations to: Sihle Malamule: Intokozo Primary School, Katlehong Samuel Motombo: Khayelihle Primary School, Vosloorus Atlile Otsheleng: Van Dyk Park Primary School, Boksburg Alexander Wright: Kenton Primary School, Alberton A child is currently being sought from JHB South and tame TIMES will announce his/her name and school as soon as we find one. ” We decided to give back to the community by investing in the education of five children by supplying them with learning materials as well as sponsoring them with school fees for five months. These children are our readers and advertisers of tomorrow.”said Karin. “The tame TIMES fifth birthday bash was a huge success which is further proof that we have become an essential part of the communities we serve.” Tame TIMES would like to thank the following people for their sponsorship and commitment: Waltons: Gillian Audier for the Stationary Packs, SAB Miller: Kerry Hoffman, PR Worx: for the Desk bags- Madelein and Ashley, Stitch Studio: Cheryl for the beautiful Décor, Cake Extreme: Paul for the beautiful cake, Chianti: Charmaine for the delicious food, Sovereign: Wilma for the Catering Supplies, Meridian Wine Merchants: Marinda and the community that shared our birthday with us.
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VISIONARIES: Riaan Jonker (tT Director), Karin Blignaut (tT COO), Brian Blignaut (tT Director) and Ishmet Davidson (Media 24) with three of the children Atlile Otsheleng, Sihle Malamule and Alexander Wright.
Mrs. Cheryl Young from Kenton Primary with Alexander Wright, his mother Mrs. Susan Wright and Alberton editor Stephanie Conradie.
Stephanie Conradie, Samantha van den Bergh and Stephanie Tepper
tame TIMES editorial team with Karin Augusta and Gerhard Schaap from East Rand Stereo
LEFT: tame TIMES Director Riaan Jonker and Izak Berg, National Chairperson of IRASA. Paul Vieira from Cake Extreme is taking South Africa by storm with his cakes. His contact details are: 011 894 4760. Alternatively you can visit them on North Rand Road and Atlas in Beyers Park to view their French style bakery, Cake Extreme.
five years on & still going strong
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8 April 2014
tame TIMES
Aspiring Mr SA Dros entertaining kids From January until March, Dros in Alberton ran a colouring competition for all kids under the age of 12. Kayla van Breda (11) from Randhart was the lucky winner and took home her very own bike. For the next two months, Dros will be running another colouring competition for kids, and the prize up for grabs is camping gear for kids.
Johann Herbst from Brackenhurst might bring the title to Alberton. The search for the new Mr South Africa 2014 officially kicked off on 15 March. Johann Herbst from Brackenhurst is one of the finalists and he is hoping to walk away with the prestigious title later this year. Johann is a vibrant 26 year old audit clerk at Ernest & Young. He is a motivated go-getter and he is currently working on his Masters Degree in Commerce. ‘I set high goals for myself but at the same time I’m a firm believer in a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I also believe that it’s important to stay grounded and my relationship with God is one of the most important aspects of my life.’ he says. Johann has been part of the modelling community for a few years and helped out with judging at Figures Models Alberton since the age of 21. He views Mr SA as an opportunity, and platform, to positively influence a great number of people. Johann is also involved with The J9 Foundation and he also stands up for nature conservation. On 4 April Johann hosted a fundraising event called “Johann Herbst & Friends” and all proceeds will be going to the Mr SA pageant and the J9 Foundation. If any company or individual would like to contribute sponsorships or donations, contact Johann on 0713560220. To vote for Johann during the Mr SA competition, SMS: MRSA 110 to 47439. (VAS rates apply, R3 per sms)
Kayla van Breda had the best picture and took home the big brize.
The top 10 candidates with their pictures.
Pick n Pay’s “Working for Madiba” Day raises R5m for good causes Pick n Pay hosted a meeting to thank customers, staff and franchisees for their tremendous response on 15 December 2013 – the day of former President; Nelson Mandela’s funeral – when the company decided to open its stores and donate all profits to charities which honoured Madiba’s legacy. As a result of its “Working for Madiba” Day, Pick n Pay’s regional teams donated R500,000 to help provide equipment to children’s homes, orphanages and care facilities around the country, Pick n Pay will in addition hand the new Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital in Gauteng a cheque for R4.5 million to build and equip a specialist unit. Pick n Pay’s CEO Richard Brasher said, “By opening our stores on Sunday 15 December, we gave our staff and customers an opportunity
to contribute in a very tangible way to Mr Mandela’s legacy. We pledged that all profits from sales that day would go to worthy causes. I was truly humbled by the amazing response from our staff and our customers. “I am delighted that, as a result, Pick n Pay is giving R4.5m to the building of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital in Gauteng. This includes a generous contribution from our franchisees. In addition, our regional teams will donate R0.5m to help provide equipment for children’s homes, orphanages and care facilities in their areas. The total sum of R5m donated to good causes significantly exceeded our day’s profits. “I want to thank everyone involved – in particular our staff, our franchisees and our customers – for this great tribute to Nelson Mandela.”
An external audit by KPMG confirmed that the calculation of profits was conducted on an appropriate basis, and that the amount donated to good causes exceeded the day’s profits. Ms Sibongile Mkhabela , CEO of the Nelson Mandela’s Children’s Hospital said “We are grateful to Pick n Pay for this very generous donation. Pick n Pay wanted to ensure that the proceeds of their excellent “Working for Madiba” initiative went to a cause which, as stated by Mrs Machel, was Mr Mandela’s last wish - you are enabling this wish and honouring his legacy” Pick n Pay’s Transformation Director Suzanne Ackerman-Berman added, “December 15, 2013 was a day many of us will never forget. Around the country we opened our stores, served our customers, spent time mourning together, knowing that all our efforts would go to help those in need”.
15 charities which fall within Pick n Pay’s inland region were each presented with cheques of R20 000.00 to use for their daily requirements. Eleos: Pretoria El Shammah Home for Abandoned Babies: Boksburg Lakeside Orphanage: Bedworth Park Pretoria Rebaone Community Care: Wonderpark Pretoria Salvation Army -Firlands Children’s Home: Little Eden - Greenstone East Rand Norwood Sparrow Ministries: Steeldale Jhb South Little Eden: Greenstone East Rand Mug and Tree Soup Kitchen: Princess Crossing West Rand Matjele Community Centre: Maponya Mall Soweto New Jerusalem Children’s Home: Centurion Pretoria Pick n Pay staff with the cheques (R20 000) presented to the 15 Hospice –Wits: charities Joburg Central Berea - Hillbrow Home of Hope: Joburg Central Strathyre Girls Home: and become a citizen Journalist. Kensington Johannesburg or visit tametimes.mobi on your mobile device Matjele Community Centre Soweto
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8 April 2014
tame TIMES
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tame TIMES
Rio-Carb hosts open day for future engineers
Boys and Girls from Jeppe High School getting a behind-the-scenes look into the world of engineering. Engineers of the future were given a glimpse of a ‘real-life’ factory environment when RioCarb, in Alrode, hosted an open day on Thursday 27 March. A group of 36 pupils from Jeppe Boys and Girls High attended Rio-Carb’s open day in order to gain greater insight into the workings behind mining equipment technology.
Jeppe civil technology teacher, Robert Faltermeier, noted that the visit was an overwhelming success. “Feedback from the pupils were exceptionally positive, as they were keen to gain exposure to a factory environment. Experts from Rio-Carb were very accommodating, and provided the group with valuable exposure, especially from a practical
and hands-on perspective,” he explained. Rio-Carb directors Martin and Colin Maine, former Jeppe High School pupils themselves, added: “Aspiring young engineers also had a taste of the requirements and standards they could expect when they eventually graduate to a first-world working environment.”
The best in the country Fishaways and Debonairs in Brackencity both finished first in the Gauteng region, and Debonairs also won restaurant of the year and is now the best in South Africa. “We worked really hard last year, and it really paid off.
It is a great honour for us to say we are number one in South Africa. Hopefully we will win again in the next year” said Louis Achadinha, Debonairs and Fishaways Franchisee.
Feel the chill in the air The time of the year has arrived and we can see the leaves turning yellow, it is still dark outside when we get up for work and, most important, we can feel the chill in the air. This is the time when we need to prepare ourselves for the coming cold months and hot soup or stew in the evenings. But also to change your wardrobe from summer to winter and get out the warmer blankets. While doing all of this, please think of the people living on the streets or families living in shacks. They are not protected from the winter chill.
If you have any warm clothes or blankets that you are not going to use this winter please bring it to the CMR Alberton. The homeless and families in need are starting to ask for warmer clothes and blankets, and with your donations it will be possible to help these people. The CMR Alberton also need donations of food items. It can be anything from tinned food, mieliemeel to bread, a hungry tummy is not fussy. Please contact Ankia at CMR Alberton at 011 907 2922.
8 April 2014 Ek en Gysie was hierdie naweek vrot van die griep! Loperige neus, seer keel en ‘n onophoudelike hoes wat soos ‘n besie in die keel krap. Die winter het nog nie eers behoorlik aan die deur geklop nie en ons twee is al klaar siek. Nee kyk, my immuniteit is nie meer wat dit eens op ‘n tyd was nie. Toe ek nog ‘n jong dame was, het ek altyd gespog met my gesondheid. Ek het nooit rede gehad om die dokter te spreek nie en ek was slegs in ‘n hospitaal wanneer ek ander besoek het. Gysie, aan die anderkant, is gedurig siek. ‘n Siek mens kyk net lank genoeg vir hom, dan is hy ook siek. As Gysie eers siek word, dan word hy behoorlik siek. Dit is asof hy ‘n magneet is vir al die skaarse siektes daar buite. Nou is dit weer net ‘n kwessie van tyd voordat ons mediese fonds uitgeput is! Toe ek die eerste nies hoor, toe weet ek sommer Gysie gaan nou weer vir die volgende twee weke bedlêend wees. O en hy geniet dit tog so as ek hom vertroetel en alles agter hom aan dra: “Ag Trixie my liefling, sal jy nie asseblief vir my die hoesstroop voer nie? En bring asseblief die afstandsbeheerapparaat terwyl jy op is,” vra hy so ewe tussendeur sy gesteun en gekreun. Ek besluit toe om voorkoming te tref en koop toe ‘n masker om om my mond en neus te dra, soos die shirurge. My kleinkinders rol natuurlik net hulle oë as hulle kom kuier en hulle ouma so sien. “Ouma is so paranoïes,” sê hulle vir my. Na al die moeite het ek nogsteeds by Gysie aangesteek en nou sit ek weer in die bed met ‘n boks vol tissues en boererate. Nou is dit weer Gysie se beurt om my te versorg. Tip: Probeer om siektes te voorkom waar moontlik. Veral nou met wintertyd om die draai; behandeling is altyd duur. Vitamines en higiëne, soos hande was, is ‘n goeie wegspringplek.
‘n Boodskap van Tannie Trixie
Aan al my lojale lesers, dankie vir die e-posse. Ek nooi almal uit om aan my gesprekke deel te neem en julle oogpunte ook te gee. Julle insette word waardeer. As daar enige ander onderwerpe is wat op die hart lê, stel dit voor dan praat ons in die volgende kolom daaroor. E-pos na amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za dan sal sy dit aanstuur na my.
send us your stories, or become
a citizen journalist
tameTIMES.co.za tameTIMES.mobi
8 April 2014
tame TIMES Solidariteit Helpende Hand Alberton Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Alberton-tak hou binnekort weer hul maandelikse byeenkoms. Alle belangstellendes en afgetredes is hartlik welkom. Die tak vergader elke tweede Saterdag van die maand. Tyd: 09:00 Plek: Sha-Mani Lodge, 28 Doncasterstraat, New Market Datum: Saterdag 12 April Vir enige navrae kontak Judi by 083 454 7326 Neon dance party – 11 April Alberton methodist church is hosting an under 13 youth dance on Friday 11 April. They strive to provide a safe and controlled enviroment for kids to let loose a bit. All music is strictly listened to before the party. It will be great fun. Everyone welcome. Date: 11 April Time: 19:00 until 21:30 Venue: Alberton Methodist Church, 17 Heidelberg Rd, Newmarket Contact: James on 083 590 5271 or email lillostrobot@gmail.com R20 per ticket, tickets available at the door Walkerville Agricultural Show12&13 April There is a great line up for the 2014 Walkerville
tame TIMES show, a new permanent playground has been installed at the showground’s. There will be jumping castles, a sky-rocket launcher and a paint ball tunnel. The popular conservancy stand will also focus on children’s activities. The Rabbit Society invites all youngsters to bring their pet bunnies along on 13 April at 12:00 to be judged in a fun pet category. Two book launches will take place: Tim Hartwright’s “Gauteng Hikes and Trails” features Perdeberg Mountain and Warren Schmidt’s posters and book on reptiles and amphibians is a must for all nature lovers. The outdoor stage will be packed with karate demonstrations, Ronald McDonald’s puppet show, snake show, Junior Miss and Mr Walkerville as well as live singers, fashion shows, fun auctions, Miss and Mr Walkerville, bag-pipe and marimba bands. DJ’s and an evening of Karaoke will end off the Saturday entertainment. There will be ox wagons, livestock exhibits and lots of stalls showing agricultural and “green” products. The popular rabbit and poultry displays will be back The Conservation stand has great new skulls and skeletons to show, snakes to curl around you and spiders to crawl all over you. There will be dog shows and horse events, vintage cars, nearly 100 stands, and exhibits in the hall. Vaal Radio 90.6 and the Remax Hot Air Balloon will be present. If you are exhibiting your handcrafts, artwork or home produce please bring them to the hall on 10 April between 9:00 and 19:00. Judging will take place on Friday morning before the show opens. Open Saturday 9am till late and Sunday 9am till 4pm. Only R30 per car.If you have any queries please e-mail info@walkervillesa.
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Registration: 10h30 Entrance fee: R400.00 per player Autism awareness day For further information or enquiries, Join the Ernie Els Centre for Autism for a 3km please contact Sarvesh on 082 876 6075. fun walk and family picnic at Rietvlei Zoo Farm Jackson’s Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday 12 April. The purpose of the event is to raise funds 12 April to support the centre and to raise Autism Crossroads Church is hosting a fun filled awareness. Bring picnic baskets, chairs and Easter Egg Hunt for the whole family. Prizes, jumping castles and food. Stand gazebos and have some fun! a chance to win an iPad mini, iPod and Time: 10:00 to 16:00 more. Entrance fees: R30; R20 for children under Venue: Jackson’s Dam, Jackson Street, 12-years; R10 for pensioners. An extra cost of Brackenhurst. R10 to participate in the fun walk. All proceeds Time: 09:00 – 12:00 will be donated to the charity. Contact: Crossroads Church on Extra activities include: a train, ponies, tractor 011 908 2928 – and cart rides, putt-putt and a farmyard. Food Klipwerf Orkes – 7 Junie and market stalls will be available. Entrance can be paid on the day. Groups must Die Klipwerf Orkes kom kuier in die Alberton Burgersentrum. Kaartjies is R200 preferably book in advance. Contact Claire on 011 484 7254 or e-mail her per persoon en sluit ‘n driegang maal in. at claire.youngman@ernieels.com for more Fondse gaan aan minder bevoorregte kinders. information, or to book. Kontak Vasthi – 082 379 8685 vir meer Brackendal Kunsmark – 17 Mei inligting en om jou kaartjies te bespreek. Stalletjies met handgemaakte items. Tyd: 18:00 Mooi goed, ougoed, speelgoed, huisgoed, lekkergoed, nuwe goed en geskenke vir oud Get connected en jonk. Kontak: Sonja Phone 011 862 8500 Tel: 0834111754 Epos: sonblig@gmail.com Twitter Tyd: 9:00 – 12:00 @tameTIMES co.za or show@walkervillesa.co.za
Palmridge Senior Citizen’s Club Golf Day – 6 April Palmridge Senior Citizen’s Club invites you to their debut golf day, prize giving and dinner. Date: Sunday 6th April Venue: Reading Country Club, Fore Street, Alberton Time: 11h00 onwards
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Website www.tametimes.co.za CONTACT THE EDITOR ON stephanie.conradie@tametimes.co.za
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8 April 2014
tame TIMES
SAPS welcomes the community Con CPF members Stephanie Conradie
Members of the public are being stopped, searched and then robbed in the Brackendowns area. The Brackendowns SAPS would like to warn the public to be on the lookout for a silver Chevrolet with 4 white males, and a black Golf with 2 black males. They are posing as CPF members and are taking advantage of vulnerable residents.
Notes to remember: - Members of the CPF are not allowed to stop and search vehicles. - They are not allowed to work without the supervision of a police officer. - When a SAPS police officer pulls you over, they must be in uniform, they must drive a marked police vehicle and must be able to reveal their Police Appointment Certificate.
CANINE PARTNERS: The Metro Dog Unit doing a demonstration.
If you feel targeted, drive to your nearest police station and let them search your vehicle there. An example of what the Police Appointment Certificate looks like.
Cst. Molopi, Jeff Steyn (CPF Brackendowns), Captain Motale and Cst. Mampane On Saturday 5 April, the Brackendowns SAPS hosted their first open day where the community could visit the police station and learn more about the role of the SAPS in their area. This day was a big highlight for the children of Brackendowns and the surrounding communities. Fun activities such as quad bike
Crime prevention tips: Business Premises
Mrs South Africa finalist Desiree Oliphant is also from this area, here with Sgt. Lindi Moloi
rides; jumping castles and rides in police vehicles formed part of the excitement. Educational activities included a demonstration by the Metro Dog Unit, they showed the public what the responsibilities of the Dog Units are. “We hosted this open day to all members of the public, so they could
see and learn more about what the responsibilities of the SAPS are. Often the community ask for feedback from the police, so we invited all the head Commanders to explain procedures and our responsibilities to the community” said Sgt. Lindi Moloi from Brackendowns SAPS Communications Department.
The credit amnesty The Department of Trade and Industry, on 27 February, published the Removal of Adverse Consumer Information and Information Relating to Paid Up Judgments Regulations, 2014 (‘the credit amnesty’) which came into effect on 1 April. This removal is applicable to all consumers as defined by the National Credit Act (NCA). How does amnesty affect credit bureau data? There are two parts to the credit amnesty information removal process, one relates to a Once-off removal and the other relates to On-going removal of information. The credit amnesty means that all consumers who are listed on the credit bureaus with the following negative information as at 1 April, will have this information removed from the records of the credit bureaus by the 1 June in accordance with Regulation 2 (b).
‘default’, ‘delinquent’ or ‘slow paying’; 1.2 Negative classification of enforcement action, including classifications such as ‘legal action’ or ‘write-off’; 1.3 Negative status codes as reflected on consumer payment profiles. 1.4 You are still responsible to pay your unsettled debt (including interest and costs) even if your adverse credit information has been removed from your credit bureau record. 2. Removal of paid-up civil court judgements where the consumer has settled the capital amount: 2.1 For Judgments, the consumer does not have to approach the courts or pay a lawyer to have his/her name removed. 2.2 Once he/she has paid the capital amount and provided a proof of payment it will be removed.
Once-off removal 1. Removal of all adverse information (irrespective if paid or unpaid) which includes: 1.1 Negative classifications of consumer behaviour such as
On-going removal requirements Going forward removal of all paid up judgements on an on-going basis as per the regulations in the credit amnesty; and paid up adverse information listings as per
the National Credit Amendment Bill which is still to be promulgated. The credit amnesty does not mean that consumer’s credit obligations no longer exist, but rather that certain negative records regarding the manner in which they have previously managed their obligations will no longer be held on the records of the credit bureaus. Regulation 2 (h) provides an ambiguity which may mean that credit bureaus may not be able to return negative information held on the records of the credit bureau with effect from 1st April 2014. We will revert to you in this regard once we have clarified the position with the DTI. Regulation 2 (i) provides for the removal of paid up judgments within 7 days of proof of payment. No process or verification is stipulated in the credit amnesty and we thus urge credit providers to work with credit bureaus in order to verify the accuracy of this information within the 7 days in order to minimize the risk of fraud. Should you have any queries in the above regard please contact Brian Jean Blignaut brianjean@ nudebt.co.za
Alberton SAPS arrests:
Illegal immigrants: Drunk and driving: Possesion of stolen property: Fraud: Drunk in public:
7 5 1 4 4
Dealing with liquor withour licence Business breaking and theft: Reckless and negligent driving: Malicious damage to property: Common assault:
4 1 4 3 3
House breaking and theft: Theft: Intimidation : Possesion of dagga : Shoplifting :
The Alberton SAPS shared their views on preventing a robbery at any business premises: Employ surveillance cameras strategically and implement some form of entrance and exit control. Make sure persons can be clearly identified by the cameras as the video footage assists the SAPS with their investigation. Keep the premises well-illuminated, both inside and out. Take special precautionary measures at opening and closing times. Ensure that 2 or more staff members are present when the premises is being locked or unlocked. Place static panic buttons in strategic areas of your store, e.g. in the cash office or storage room.
Please note: With reference to the article Feel secure, with IP security cameras published on 1 April. The correct e-mail address to contact them on is imports@uchoose.co.za.
emergency numbers Police station
Alberton: 011 861 6800 /6821/6822/6823 Brackendowns: 011 617 5612/ 5613
Alberton North: 082 407 5226 Brackendowns: 083 411 1144
Emergency services Central room
Alberton: 083 923 1967 Brackendowns: 082 967 7986 1 5 1 2 3
011 458 0911
Fire station
011 907 9214 / 9215/ 9216
8 April 2014
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tame TIMES
8 April 2014
Taking green care of your community Cotlands and SOJO partnered up and hosted a 5km green walk on 29 March. This walk not only did the participant’s bodies well, but also did the Forest Hill, Turffontein and Bellavista communities good as all litter was picked up along the route. Cotlands benefitted as all the entry fees (R20 each) went to the non-profit organisation. The route started at Hoërskool Die Fakkel in Gantner Road, into Koll, Forest, Eloff, Church, Bellavista, Stanton (where Cotlands is situated), Bishop and then back into Forest, Koll and Gantner. Pickitup supplied all participants with two refuse bags, one for paper, and the other for plastic, as well as gloves. Other parties involved were City of Joburg, Pick n’ Pay,
Numatic International and Upcycle. JMPD and SOS security where on hand to make sure everyone was safe on the road. tame TIMES supported the walk by entering staff members as well as supplying recycled goodie bags made out of newspapers. Each participant received a goodie bag for their green efforts. Celebrity Shashi Naidoo even brought along her dog for the walk. Sadly these areas are not in an acceptable state. On many corners old mattresses, dirty nappies and various items of rubbish are seen, not in a bag but just dumped to rot away on the sidewalk. The aim was to create a safe clean place for children to play and hopefully to inspire the residents who stay in the area to start caring for the area they live in.
Alberton Dam raising concern
Lois Moodley (Cotlands) and Shashi Naidoo with her dog.
LEFT: Miguel Abrahams attempts to pick up an old mattress.
Staan op vir die jeug In 2011 is die ‘First Nation Liberation Alliance’ (FINLA) politieke party in Gauteng gestig in affiliasie met die KKAAP party. Vir die afgelope paar jaar het FINLA die tyd en hulpbronne gebruik om hul strategieë in plek te kry en in 2014 is hul dan uiteindelik verkiesbaar in die nasionale verkiesing. Jerome Moss from Alberton is the youth coordinator for FINLA. “I have a passion for
POLLUTION: The state of Alberton Dam The state of Alberton Dam has raised concerns in the community for a number of months, and the area is no longer known as a place where you can go to unwind or enjoy an afternoon picnic. Councillor Chris Swanepoel of Ward 36, which includes the Alberton Dam, have approached a number of council departments to have the dam water cleaned. At the end of January this year, a meeting was held at the office of the Alberton Customer Care Centre Manager, where council officials and departments had discussions on what was to be done to clean the water and the area around the Alberton Dam. According to Metro Parks, the biggest cause of pollution into the Alberton Dam is due to
stormwater. The stormwater washes all the rubbish into the dam, and the Department of Roads and Stormwater is still in the process of repairing and cleaning the filter system at the top of the dam so that plastic bags and other materials can be caught up before being deposited into the dam. Metro Parks also confirmed that the picnic areas around the dam are being cleaned by general workers on a daily basis, and in the next month a new contractor will take over to keep the grass trimmed and to keep the paths clean. tame TIMES will follow-up with Ekurhuleni Municipality in the coming month to confirm if these objectives are being met.
ABOVE: tame TIMES staff Lize Geldenhuis, Lisa Katzke and Bonita Kok.
the youth of South Africa, they are our future.” he said, “but all South Africans shouls stand together to ensure the future of our youth”. FINLA is a political party for the minority groups of South Africa, and is working towards Coloured solutions for Coloured problems. For more information visit www.finla.org.za, or contact 082 302 9001.
8 April 2014
SA Kampioene Helpmekaar Kollege is baie trots op die puik prestasies wat hulle by die onlangse SA Kampioenskappe behaal het. Hulle het 8 SA-skole kampioene en 17 goue medaljes in totaal ingesamel.
Laerskool Orion Triomfeer Laerskool Orion het weereens in die eerste kwartaal van die jaar gewys dat hulle uitblink in sport. Nie net het hul eerste rugbyspan die Spurreeks gewen nie, maar atlete het ook by die SA Kampioenskappe baie goed gevaar. Luke
Kearns, 0/10 naelloopatleet, het by die SA Kampioenskappe 4de geëindig in die 80m en 3de in die 100m. Die 0/10 aflosspan het ook ‘n gouemedalje gewen. Riana Swart het by die SA Kampioenskappe 2de geëindig in die 0/10 1200m.
SPANWERK: Orion se eerste rugbyspan het die Spur-reeks gewen.
Agter: Pierre Vermaak 10 000m stap, Jason van Rooyen gewigstoot, Roelof van der Walt hoogspring. Middel: Meghan Phillips 100m, Katelyn-Fay Rothballer hoogspring, Taylor Underhay 200m. Voor: Thea Penberthy 200m en Maggie le Roux spiesgooi.
UITBLINKERS: Luke Kearns en Riana Swart by die SA Kampioenskappe.
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8 April 2014
Popping success Sizzling soul sista Laurelle Williams
Laurelle Williams
@laurellewilliam twitter.com
@laurellewilliam twitter.com
Pop Up Cinema’s first event was popping with success, around 520 people attended the event. Families and friends all huddled on their blankets in front of the 7x4 meter big screen enjoying the smell and taste of the delicious food sold at the event, munching away while watching Disney’s The Lion King. Pop Up Cinema aims to take you back to when the movie was only part of the main attraction and bring back nostalgia reliving the drive-in days with a movie in a pictureperfect environment. Popcorn, slushes and yummy food were only sale from the beginning to the end while movie goers were enjoying and enegaged in the animated movie. Pop Up Cinema will be doing other cinema events, looking at August, September, October and November. They also have some events booked for other clients that they will keep you posted on their website and facebook page.Clients can book them out for their own events
churches, corporate functions and schools or any event. Pop Up will promote your event on their site and facebook page.There was a wonderful, warm family atmosphere in the air and the sound was as clear as daylight. The picture was bright and vivid making you feel like you are actually in the movie with Simba and his family. For more information or for upcoming events visit www.popupcinema.co.za.
FAMILY TIME: Families watch The Lion King at Pop Up Cinema at Rietvlei Zoo Farm.
The Big Top Arena at Carnival City was sizzling on 2 April and the good vibration was all due to the 1.78 meter blonde English soul singer Jocelyn Eve Stoker better known as Joss Stone. Stone characteristically wowed her South African audience dancing bare foot and singing her heart out baring her soul with her Total World Tour. The voice and power that comes out this elegant free-spirit is mesmerising. Her dancing and stage presence is so real and reflects “what you see is what you get
with Joss Stone”. There are no airs or graces- just a talented musician who is sharing her passion and stories with her fans. Stone described soul music as ‘having to be meant and felt and if you don’t know how to do that then you just get loud’ and Stone did all three. She meant what she was singing, she felt what she was singing and she got loud while singing. The eclectic soul group The Muffinz opened for Stone and got the diverse crowd (young and old) into the mood. Stone set the tone for the night when she told everyone to get out their chairs and dance and this was five minutes into the show. A lucky female fan is now the proud owner of Stone’s bracelet that was driving her mad as she couldn’t lift up her arm to dance with it on -so she gave it away. One of the many highlights of the show was when she performed Loliwe with our very own Zahara as well as performing with Bongiwe from The Muffinz. Her love and appreciation for music was seen as she genuinely thanked them after performing the song. Songs like Power to the people, Right to be wrong, You had me, I want to give you some good loving and many more could be heard. Joss Stone undoubtedly sang her soul into South African souls.
814April May2014 2013
tame TIMES TIMES tame
CLEARVIEW DSTV Installations, PVR, alignment and CCTV Andy 072 652 0827
0013 LIFTS
Page 13
3007 TOWNhouse /cluster
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To advertise call 011 862 8500 or visit us at
1005 Aerial/DSTV
Pooltech Repairs Timers,pumps,filters. Sand changes Wynand 082 391 7518
1008 CLEANING BR CLEANING SERVICES Once-off Spring / Full Cleaning, Windows / Carpets, All in oneHomes, Flats and Offices. 011 973 1466 / 082 935 9653
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To advertise call 011 862 8500 or visit us at
AD PLUMBERS Bathrooms Renovations & all other requirements 072 525 2253
5002 LOANS BEST DEBT FINANCE LOANS SAME DAY PAYOUT Apply via fax or email Tel: 011Â 869 5553 or bestdebtalberton@ gmail.com
8 April 2014
PRE PRIMARY BEDFORDVIEW Requires lady, qualified OR experienced in day care. Full day position 082 490 2707
7016 DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT WANTEd Cynthia, Sleep out Part time 078- 729-7754
To advertise call 011 862 8500 or visit us at
Belinda, Sleep in Full time 084- 411 7917
Ennie, Sleep in/ out Full time/ part time 082- 667- 2534
7008 SALES Expanding Company 25 Reps / Man. Needed to start Imm. Own Car Ess, No Exp, Full training, App Set by Co. R12000 to Start / Comm / Inc / Med / Petrol inc. Call: 011 609 2119 OR Sms Name, Area, Age 076 806 4140
7009 GENERAL Die NG Kerk in Brackendal is tans opsoek na die dienste van ‘n voltydse orrelis en musiek begeleier vir ons oggend - men aanddienste, iemand om die musiek leiding te neem binne die gemeente. Die persoon moet ‘n klein sang groaep kan afrig vir optredes tydens eredienste en Sondagaande die jeug bystaan met hulle orkes begeleiding, asook enige ad-hoc versoeke. Tel: 011 900 3556 Fax: 086 600 6137
Emily, sleep out Part time 079- 973- 7631 Cindy, Sleep out Full time 071- 379- 8673 Babalwa, Sleep out full time/part time 078- 637- 4406 Eunice, Sleep out Part time 078- 025- 1870 Elizabeth, Sleep out Full time/Part time 071- 910- 7917 Cathrine, Sleep out/in Part time 076- 505- 5959 Selina, Sleep out Full time 079- 211- 6484
8 April 2014
tame TIMES
Ford sales up 21.5% over March 2013
Sales records continue to be set at Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa during March as the brand continues its steady growth in South Africa’s new vehicle market. Ford sales grew 13.9% over February and 21.5% versus March last year, continuing to drive Ford’s performance well beyond the market’s. The National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (Naamsa) recorded a 0.2% decline in new vehicle sales year-on-year. “While the overall market appears to have flattened in place of the declines experienced in January and February, Ford sales growth continues,” said FMCSA’s General Manager, Rob Crouse. “While year-to-date new vehicle sales are down 3.4% compared to the first quarter of 2013, Ford sales are up 29.1%.”
Ford’s locally assembled Ranger set yet another all-time sales record during March, selling 2 162 units. “Good consumer demand through the dealer network and good supply increased Ranger sales 11.4% over our previous all-time record,” said Crouse. Another all-time record came from Transit, which enjoyed its biggest sales month since launch. Consistent demand across the entire Ford range continued to drive sales. “Strong consumer demand for Figo continues to reinforce the market demand for affordable mobility, while the economic pressures currently being experienced by consumers - including record fuel prices - continues to make smart technologies like Ford’s economical EcoBoost powertrains found in Fiesta, Focus, EcoSport and Kuga more appealing than ever,” said Crouse. Figo delivered 1 203 new sales during March, 10.1% ahead of February, while Kuga sales were 3% up on February as the innovative SUV continues to gain more popularity. The South African new vehicle market ended March on 55 363 units. Passenger cars were 2.2% down, while Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) were up 3.7%. “The decision to contain interest rates will put some consumer confidence back into the market,” said Crouse. “As will the smallerthan-expected fuel price increase this week and recovering exchange rates, which, while not giving motorist’s ultimate reprieve, should boost market sentiment to some extent.” tT Motoring Advertorial
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tame TIMES
8 April 2014
Leeus bly vasberade Stephanie Conradie stephanie.conradie@tametimes.co.za Die Leeus verdediging teen die Crusaders se Israel Dagg wys hulle vasberadenheid.
43 HOWARD AVE TEL: 011 422 2995
se verdedigingslyn gesny en die ys om weer aan Super Rugby te kon deelneem en gaan die geleentheid vir die tweede helfte gebreek. Die Leeus het uiteraard dadelik nie verby laat gaan nie. terug baklei toe Lionel Mapoe die Volgende week speel die Leeus teen bal uiteindelik oor die doellyn dra en die Haaie op Ellispark en dit beloof in die hoek gaan druk, en Marnitz om ‘n opwindende geveg te wees. Boshoff dit met ‘n goeie skop opgevolg het. BATTERY Met die telling nou 13-7, wou FACTORY SHOP dit voorkom of die Leeus nog Cnr Hennie Alberts & ‘n kans staan om die wedstryd Bosworth Street Alrode South - 011 868 5015 te wen, maar die Crusaders het elke geleentheid benut en nog twee drieë gedruk voor die eindfluitjie geblaas is. FOR ALL YOUR BATTERY NEEDS Cars, Trucks, Forklifts, Motor Bikes, Solar Die Leeus bly steeds ferm Systems, Generators, Gate Motors, Lawn Mowers and Garage Doors. agter hul entoesiasme en is Battery Orbit Battery Orbit Battery Orbit vasberade om weer ‘n wen in Alrode Midrand Elandsfontein (Battery Factory Shop) 011 466 9411 (Willard Staff Shop) te span. Hulle het hard gewerk 011 868 5015 011 872 8733
R1399 99
Champs Boxing Club wins in Pretoria On Saturday 29 March two boxers from the Champs Boxing Club in Alberton participated in a boxing tournament at Transwerke in Pretoria. Christopher Magoai (11) won gold and Samantha Pierdica (31) was the runner up in her weight division. CHAMPS: Christopher Magoai and Samantha Pierdica with coaches Pieter Strydom and Lebo Mngomezulu.
Die Leeus het hard geveg om hul plek in die Super Rugby reeks terug te wen, en hulle het hul entoesiasme vir die reeks al vroeg in die seisoen bewys. Hulle het op Saterdag 5 April teen die Crusaders te staan gekom, maar onnodige foute van die Leeus se kant af het die wedstryd in ‘n 28 – 7 nederlaag laat eindig. Die Crusaders het teen halftyd 6-0 voorgeloop en, soos die telling openbaar, was die eerste helfte nie ‘n voorspelling van hoe die wedstryd sou eindig nie. Dit het wel vroeg in die tweede helfte verander toe die Crusaders nie skroom om hul eerste drie te druk nie. Ryan Crotty het deur die Leeus