tame TIMES
two time winner of the annual Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media
A FRESH APPROACH TO LOCAL NEWS Volume 05, 6 May 2014, Week 19
Delivered every Tuesday
So word hulle onthou
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Koedoe Street problems piling up
Chanel Lombaard en Reynard Burger.
Stephanie Conradie stephanie.conradie@tametimes.co.za Op Sondag 27 April is twee lieflike tieners van Alberton in ‘n tragiese motorongeluk op die N17 snelweg oorlede, en nog twee ernstig beseer. Chanel Lombaard en Reynard Burger was saam met hul twee vriende, Lizahn Venter en Gustav Lewis, in ‘n motorongeluk nadat die voertuig waarin hulle gery het se band gebars het en hulle beheer oor die motor verloor het. Beide Chanel en Reynard het in 2013 aan die Hoërskool Marais Viljoen matrikuleer.
Die Ongelukstoneel is nou versier met blomme en mooi boodskappe van vriende en familie Reynard het die Saterdag, ‘n dag voor die ongeluk, sy 19de verjaarsdag gevier en het baie drome en ideale vir die toekoms gehad. Sy familie en vriende onthou hom as ‘n unieke mens wat baie mense se harte aangeraak het en ‘n blywende impak gelaat het. Hulle onthou hom ook as ‘n gelukkige, liefdevolle, nederige en lojale persoon en ook vir die goeie sportman wat hy was. “Ons wil graag almal wat ons die laaste ruk ondersteun, en bygestaan het, bedank. Ons gesin en familie waardeer dit opreg,” het Mnr. Louret Burger, Reynard se pa, gesê. Chanel het tydelik by die Alberview Laerskool se naskoolsentrum gewerk en het beplan om
haar Onderwysstudies deur Unisa te voltooi. Haar ouers, Ella en Abraham Lombaard, het gesê hulle koester die liefdevolle herinneringe van hul dogter, “Ons is net baie dankbaar vir die liefdevolle dinge wat sy op soveel mense se harte kon skryf,” het Ella gesê. Reynard en Chanel se begrafnisse, hierdie afgelope naweek, het as bewys gedien dat hulle baie mense se lewens aangeraak het. Gustav Lewis en Lizahn Venter het die ongeluk oorleef, en albei sterk nog aan in die hospitaal.
New EFC Welterweight
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What to do if you see a stray animal Supplied by the SPCA
You are driving in your car and see a stray dog wandering around, looking lost. What should you do? Below is advice from the SPCA:
Firstly you need to ensure your own safety. You cannot help the animal if you become injured or are in an unsafe situation. An animal that is lost frightened or possibly ill can behave unpredictively. A simple move like opening your car door can cause the dog to run away and possibly be hit by another vehicle. Do not chase the animal.
The animal may be a couple of meters away from his house and by chasing the animal will cause him to become lost. When you approach the animal, speak calmly and try enticing him/her using strong smelling food such as tuna. You can try lure the dog into your vehicle, but do so with caution as it isn’t a good idea to drive with a strange dog unrestrained in your car. It is very difficult, even for SPCA staff, to catch a dog that is running frantically in the road. To prevent the animal from being injured or causing an accident, we ask the caller to please get the animal into a confined area. Please contact the Alberton SPCA immediately and be as descriptive as possible such as what the nearest corner is, any landmarks, what direction the dog is moving in etc. You can call the SCPA during working hours or their duty inspector is available 24 hours a day for injured stray animals. Alberton SPCA Landline: 011 907 1568 After hour emergencies: 071 626 0721
Seën-komberse hou die koue uit Op 29 April het die Jogebed gebedsgroep, van die A.G.S Herlewingstad in Brackenhurst, die Silwerkroon Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes besoek as deel van hul jaarlikse ‘Blessing-Blanket’ uitreik. Die oggend is met skriflesing en gebed geopen, waarna ‘n heerlike ontbyt met koffie en tee bedien is. Pastoor Jeanette Ferreira en die Jogebed span het 68 Seën-komberse aan die bejaardes uitgedeel sodat hulle ook warm kan wees hierdie winter. “Hierdie is ons derde jaar wat ons die uitreik doen, maar dit is nie ons hande wat uitreik
nie, maar die Here se hand wat na die mense uitreik,” het Pastoor Jeanette gesê. Die kombers materiaal word deur donasies gekoop, elke kombers het ‘n boodskap of Bybelversie daarop en die name van die persone wat die kombers gemaak het. Mev. Alet van der Merwe het namens die Silwerkroon Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes die Jogebed span bedank vir hierdie wonderlike inisiatief.
TylaBelievethe miracle child
Tyla Thorne, a five-year old-girl has taken social media by storm due to her fighting spirit after having a brain tumour removed. Her parents Donovon and Michelle Thorne found out she had a 4.3cm x 7cm x 7 cm tumour after she lost her balance and fell hitting her face on the couch. Tyla was taken to the hospital on 22 March for a brain scan as the following day after she fell she started vomiting. Tyla is still on her road to recovery, after an operation on 26 March, however with her determination it looks positive. Various fundraisers have been organised for TylaBelieve, please take part and help TylaBelieve: Celebration fundraiser- 7 Mayheld at Thaba Ya Batswana at 12:00. R150 for adults- includes lunch and entertainment R50 for children under 12. Cash bar available. A portion of the proceeds will go to Cupcakes for children with cancer. Booking essential: 083 455 0415 5Km walk and picnic 1 June: this will be held at Rietvlei Zoo at 9:00. Dress Code: Pink and Grey. Adults R30 and Children R20, Walkers/Runners R10. Families can picnic. Contact Michelle Grant at 079 429 6617or kalm@absamail.co.za TYLABELIEVE FUND: ABSA Trusave 9293570421. Branch: 632005
6 May 2014
A Note from the
Yes, election week is finally here and we hope you are registered and ready to make your mark. This week we have two pages (page 14 and 15) filled with election news and statistics. We also look at South Africans voting abroad. I do hope that all South Africans will make an informed decision on which party to vote for. A big shock to Alberton this week, was the tragic passing of two beautiful young people after a car accident last weekend. We remember the loving people they were on page 1. And of course Mother’s Day is this Sunday, 11 May, and on page 14 we have great competitions for all mothers. May all mothers have a wonderful weekend filled with love and joy. Blessings
NEDERIGHEID: Agter: Tanya Ulgheri, Rita Coetzee, Eurika Plews en Pastoor Jeanette Ferreira saam met inwoners van die Silwerkroon Dienssentrum vir bejaardes.
Distribution: Alberton: 35 000 JHB South: 24 500 Bedfordview & Germiston South: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Stephanie Conradie Stephanie.Conradie@tametimes.co.za
Journalist: Amy-Mae Campbell amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za Mike Muller: 083 463 9107 mike@tametimes.co.za
Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 13 May 2014 Deadline: Thursday 8 May 2014 at 14:00
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6 May 2014
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Koedoe Street problems piling up It has been 9 weeks since a major water leak in Koedoe Street was reported to the Ekurhuleni Municipality Call Centre and various phone calls to the Roads- and Water Departments. During the removal of a large tree on the pavement the water pipe got damaged, major excavations followed resulting in road closure of Koedoe Street to try and detect a water leak. This excavation still prevails. The excavation also resulted in the damaging of the street light leaving this area completely dark at night with insufficient warning signs, as the red safety tape got blown away by the wind. On another corner in Koedoe there are more street lights out, leaving the area dark and attractive to criminals. Councillor Estelle Visser, Ward 38, said that she have reported and followed-up continuously and the Municipality delivers no feedback. “Our hands, as councillors, are tied. We can only report and follow-up, we can’t solve the problems,” she said. The Ekurhuleni Municipality couldn’t be reached for comment on this matter. The problems in Koedoe Street keeps on piling up.
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A day out with lion cubs
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6 May 2014
Reaching for the Mr SA title
Laurelle Williams
Children from St Mary’s Children’s Home, which is situated in Rossettenville, were spoiled by Thaba Ya Batswana last week. The children got to spend the afternoon at the Eco Hotel playing in the outside area of Kraal Kombuis. They were treated to a delicious meal and the best of all they visited Lombardi Lions where they interacted with lion cubs. The children were placed in groups of 10 when visiting the lions. They heard a predator educational talk on lions before they had the once in ROARING SMILE: A child from St a lifetime experience of coming face to face with a lion cub. Mary’s Children Home holds Zuri, a Some of the children were scared at first however once one child held pure genetic white lion who is 6 to 7 a cub the rest quickly followed, not wanting to miss out on the fun. weeks old. “This day was just about spoiling the children,” Marguerite Erasmus, Thaba Ya Batswana’s marketing manager said. Lombardi Lions is situated at Thaba Ya Batswana and houses eight lion cubs. Retha Lombard, the marketing director of Lombardi Lions explained to tame TIMES that they have had a lion breeding farm in the North West for the past 16 years. The lion cubs will come from the farm to the facility in Johannesburg for a period between six to 12 weeks then go back to the farm. The lion cub can’t be younger than 4 weeks or older than six months. “We don’t just put the lions on show we also offer and education predator programme,” Lombard said. For more information on Lombardi Lions please contact Retha Lombard on 071 887 5656.St. Mary’s Children’s Home is situated at 42 Zinnia Street, PREDATOR EDUCATIONAL TALK: The children learn about lions. Rosettenville. Contact: 011 435 3820
MOTIVATION: Lesedi Mamabolo is motivated and enthusiastically reaching for his dream. Lesedi Mamabolo a 25 year old Transformation Agent from Mayberry Park in Alberton made it through to the Mr SA Top 50 finalists. Lesedi is also the founder of Pause, Think and Reflect (PTR) which is an entity established for the sole purpose of enhancing young people through education. He believes that education is still an effective vehicle that can break the South African poverty cycle. Furthermore he believes in helping people grow to become a better version of themselves. William Seyama (Founder of Enitiate Intergrated Solutions) once described Lesedi as “TALENT’, and Monwabisi Thethe (Editor Blaque Magazine) described him as “a man with a vision”. If you would like to vote for Lesedi, and help him reach his Mr SA dream, SMS ‘MRSA 120’ to 47439. You can also follow his journey on: Facebook: Lesedi Mamabolo; Lesedi Mamabolo page; Pause,Think and Reflect page Twitter: @lesedi26; @PausethinkR
6 May 2014
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Alberton Victim Support guiding you through trauma The Alberton SAPS Victim Support is based at the Alberton Police Station in Alberton North. The group started with just one caring counsellor in 2005 and has since grown to 22 dedicated, trained, registered counsellors. The trauma counsellors provide basic emotional support at the scene of the crime and counselling to anyone who has been a victim of crime, by helping to cope and deal with the effects and nature of their trauma. Being a victim of crime can have a terribly debilitating effect on one and if left unchecked may lead to long-term symptoms such as depression, mistrust, anger and low self-esteem. People often also struggle with feelings of hopelessness, loss of power and anxiety around their immediate safety. Timely intervention in the form of trauma counselling can make a huge difference when trying to
come to terms with what has happened and acquire the necessary coping mechanisms to pull through such an event. The types of incidents they provide trauma counselling for includes (but is not limited to), rape, hijacking, armed robbery and domestic violence. They will also assist, as much as possible, with referrals to the correct organisations to assist any individual should their need lie outside the scope of short-term trauma counselling. The Alberton SAPS Victim Support operates 24/7, counselling on an appointment basis. They urge everyone to share this information with those around you, to make them aware of this valuable service that is available to them following a traumatic situation. The Alberton Victim Support can be contacted on their dedicated trauma line on 083 923 1967/78.
Help us find:
Boitumelo Brightness Bhengu
Tumela Gomo
Boitumelo Brightness Bhengu (24) from Tokoza, was reported missing by her mother at Germiston police station on 17 April 2014. She alleges that she last saw her daughter during December 2013 and since that day has not heard from her. Her daughter used to work at a tavern in Germiston but left during November 2013.
She went missing on 25 August 2013 from the Germiston area. She is 36 years old and likes shopping, she frequents EC Qumbu rural area. Her clothing worn at the time is unknown. She is Xhosa speaking. If you have any information contact Sgt Buthelezi at Alberton SAPS on 078 623 2995 or 011 861 6800.
6 May 2014
Ignoring e-toll billsa criminal offence
The reality is that refusing to pay e-toll bills is a criminal offence for which one could be imprisoned. Many people who are against the e-toll system, use e-toll roads frequently without paying their accumulated e-toll bills. However, the reality is that refusing to pay e-toll bills is a criminal offence for which one could be imprisoned. According to Dino Montepara, attorney at Malherbe Rig & Ranwell Inc., there is a lot of speculation surrounding the legal implications of dodging e-toll bills, as no arrest for avoiding bills has been recorded as of yet. However, were SANRAL to decide that they want to arrest those who refuse to pay, one could face a six-month jail sentence. “SANRAL is empowered through legislation to create tolling facilities on roads and to collect levered tolls. The legislation puts a requirement on us to pay e-toll. If not, it is a
SAPS arrests
criminal offence,” explained Montepara. Apart from the taking legal action to recover the toll levies, SANRAL may also give civil fines, which are equivalent to the South African consumer right index; and increases in relation to this index. The current ratio of e-tag users versus those who do not have e-tags is approximately 500:100; which works out to five times the original amount for those without e-tags. Those without e-tags who pay within the seven day grace period can get an 82% discount, among others for certain time periods, but the reality remains that not only is it much more expensive to be a non-registered user without an e-tag, but avoiding to pay altogether could result in a jail sentence; should e-tolls become permanent.
numbers Fire station 011 907 9214 / 9215/ 9216
Persons with information can contact Lieutenant Colonel Andy Pieke at Germiston on 011 871- 5037. The National Missing Persons Bureau can also be contacted on 08600 10111.
Emergency services Central room 011 458 0911
Sam Lekgotla Modise He went missing on 5 April. He was on his way home from Alberton to Thina Sonke, he’s known as Malume or Oom, and was last seen at the BP Garage on Kliprivier Road Alrode South. Anyone who knows his whereabouts please contact Jugar Maketlo 072 266 0781 or Velary Maketlo 074 943 5879 / 074 509 2320.
In the last week of April, the Alberton SAPS managed to arrest 65 suspects for crimes committed around the Alberton area. The suspects were arrested for different crimes ranging from being an illegal immigrant, drunk in public, theft, common assault, possession of dagga, possession of drugs, intimidation, shoplifting, possession of stolen property, rape, and assault GBH, fraud, reckless and negligent driving, bribery, drunk driving, malicious damage to property, resisting arrest, attempted murder, possession of unlicensed firearm, attempted hijacking, common robbery and theft under false pretence. The Alberton SAPS officers are taking the business, of keeping Alberton area safe, very serious and we thank them for that.
Alberton North: 082 407 5226 Brackendowns: 083 411 1144
Police station Alberton: 011 861 6800 /6821/6822/6823 Brackendowns: 011 617 5612/ 5613
The Alberton Victim Support
Dedicated trauma line on 083 923 1967/78
6 May 2014
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SSHCS Winter Collection drive The Southern Suburbs Hindu Cultural Society is once again embarking on their yearly winter collection drive. The collection will end on 31 May. The drive includes the collection of: blankets, old and new clothes, groceries, cash donations or any usable items. The beneficiaries will be The Love of Christ Ministries (TLC), Adishankara Ashram (Lenasia), The Salvation Army, Ramakrishna Centre, Johannesburg Children’s Home, Lenasia Old Age Home and other charity organisations Please contact the following person/s for drop off points or collections: Naresh Kuverjee (Alberton/Meyersdal) 083 287 4760 Rohit Desai (Glenvista/Bassonia) 072 373 2389 Rhada Makkan (Mulbarton/Bassonia) 072 228 1126 Navin Narotam (Robertsham/Mayfair) 083 375 3454 Rohit Patel (Winchester Hills/Gillview) 082 321 3909 Vinod Chiba (Winchester Hills) 082 445 8249 Yasvant Mistry (Alberton) 082 454 0050 Raju Patel (Robertsham/Mayfair) 082 418 5948
Tieghan’s charity drive Over the next week, Alberton Figures Modelling Agency Intern Tieghan Griffin – Coetzer, will be running a community based charity drive as her giving-back-to-the-community initiative. Tieghan would like to invite everyone to donate any form of animal food for the Alberton and Germiston SPCA’s, as well as blankets and books for an old age home in Raceview and the Family and Children’s Welfare in Alberton North. All donations can be dropped off at the Alberton Figures office at 110 Fuhri Street, Randhart. The donations will be handed over to the various charities on Friday 9 May.
No Pun In 10 Did event
tame TIMES Moedersdag Tee – 10 Mei Moedersdag is ‘n viering ter ere van moeders, moederskap, en die invloed van moeders in die samelewing. The Long Fight Against Cancer hou ’n Moedersdag Tee om fondse in te samel vir mammas wat teen kanker baklei. Datum:10 Mei 2014 Tyd: 10:00 – 13:00 Vermaak: Dawie Rotteveel en Metgesel Plek: NG Kerk Brackendal Kaartjies: R100.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting: Sonja Blignaut - 083 411 1754 ; Sonika Schlebusch - 073 884 4775; Mart Olckers - 083 704 2102 of Suryka Pretorius - 084 749 7802. Joshua na die Reën – 10 Mei Sangsensasie ‘Joshua na die Reën’ tree op 10 Mei by die NG-Kerk, Hennie Albertsstraat, Brackenhurst op. Kaartjies vir die geleentheid is R60 vir volwassenes en R45 vir kinders onder 12. Die konsert begin om 19:00 en daar word heerlike aandetes en pannekoeke te kope aangebied vanaf 18:00. Besprekings is noodsaaklik. Skakel die kerkkantoor by 011 867 3623 of Carlien by 082 257 1407. St Catherine’s Founders Day St Catherine’s Founders Day invitation to all past pupils and parents. Date : 16 May Time : 09:30 – 12:30 Place : 31 Piercy Ave, Parkhill Gardens, Germiston Contact: marketing@stcatherines.org.za or 011 827 4102 Brackendal Kunsmark – 17 Mei Stalletjies met handgemaakte items. Mooi goed, ougoed, speelgoed, huisgoed, lekkergoed, nuwe goed en geskenke vir oud en jonk. Kontak: Sonja Tel: 0834111754 Epos: sonblig@gmail.com Tyd: 9:00 – 12:00
It’s time to party it up like no one’s watching. Join everyone at Sundowners in Alberton for an 18th birthday celebration comprised of awesome music and everyone you can invite. The party is being brought to the South, for a night of fun and carefree festivities. Sundowners will play host to four alternative acts, namely Climate Control, Freedom for your Life, OneDaySky, and Bombs & Issues. A well-stocked cash bar will be available, and there will be band merchandise available for purchase on the night. Venue: Sundowners, Alberton Address: Kromvlei Road (off Kliprivier Drive), Alberton. Date: 10 May Time: 18:00 onwards Entrance: R30 Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/650580028349220/
Van die argumente wat sekerlik die naaste aan ons almal sny draai rondom die onderwerp van armoede
Met die nasionale verkiesing op hande is daar baie praatjies wat die rondes doen. Politici spreek mekaar op publieke forums aan en van die wasgoed word in die openbaar gewas. Van die argumente wat sekerlik die naaste aan ons almal sny draai rondom die onderwerp van armoede. Hoe dit ook al sy, ons almal ken iemand wat deur armoede geraak word. Dit bring die uitdaging en die vraag na wat staan ons as Suid-Afrika, of dalk meer pertinent, as gelowiges te doen? Die vroeë kerk moes hierdie uitdaging ook hanteer, en die wyse waarop die eerste gemeentes op die uitdagings van die tyd gereageer het was om saam te staan. Ek dink nie dat elkeen van ons soos die vroeë kerk al ons besittings moet verkoop nie. Ek dink wel dat in plaas daarvan dat ons laer slaan, ons met oop hande en kaste en harte moet leef. Prof. Robinson sê: “’n Mens is nie arm wanneer jy niks het nie: jy is eers arm wanneer jy niemand het nie.” Mag ons mekaar nooit in hierdie tipe armoede dompel nie.
Jak de Priester – 16 Mei Aanhangers, en nuuskieriges, van die kunstenaar Jak de Priester kan uitsien na ‘n uitstekende aand saam met hom, ten bate van ‘n goeie saak. Die gewilde kunstenaar gaan optree en opbrengste van die geleentheid sal aangewend word vir MES se projekte onder behoeftiges van Johannesburg en Doxa Deo se projekte in Alberton. Die City Lounge Koffiewinkel sal ook oop wees op die perseel. Datum: Vrydag 16 Mei Plek: Doxa Deo se Ouditorium. Kaartjies: R100per person Kontak: Elize: 011 867 5954 / elize.barnard@doxadeo.co.za. Free Tax workshops The South African Revenue Service (SARS) would like to invite all interested parties to a series of free tax education sessions to be held at the Alberton Branch Office: E@syfile / e-filing: 13 May 09:00 – 11:00 Employment Tax Incentive (ETI): 20 May 09:00 – 11:00 Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE): 27 May 09:00 – 11:00 Venue: 49 New Quary Road, New Redruth, Alberton. To reserve your seat and for more information e-mail EngagementAlberton@sars.gov.za or 011 861 5610 Klipwerf Orkes – 7 Junie Die Klipwerf Orkes kom kuier in die Alberton Burgersentrum. Kaartjies is R200 per persoon en sluit ‘n driegang maal in. Fondse gaan aan minder bevoorregte kinders. Kontak Vasthi – 082 379 8685 vir meer inligting en om jou kaartjies te bespreek. Tyd: 18:00
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6 May 2014
Consider private schooling Have you ever considered a private school for your child’s education? Well, then Impact Independent High School is the school of choice. Impact Independent High School achieved 100% pass rate in 2013, with 50% of the Matrics qualifying for university entrance and a Bachelors pass!
Hoërskool Alberton bied op 8 Mei ‘n inligtingsaand vir alle Graad 7 leerders aan. Allies bied aan jou: - 100% Integriteit - 100% TROTS AFRIKAANS - 100% Christelike karakter - Puik matriekuitslae jaar na jaar - Individuele aandag in kleiner klasse - Leeslaboratorium - Tegnologies gevorderd - Leiers op kultuur- en sportgebied - Unieke dekorbouspan en fotoklub - Busdiens beskikbaar - En nog vele meer!! Datum: Waar: Tyd:
8 Mei 2014 In die Seef le Roux Skoolsaal. H/v Susanna en Du Preez straat, Florentia 19:00
Registreer betyds. Aansoeke sluit reeds op 27 Mei 2014. Aansoekvorms beskikbaar by die skool se ontvangs.
It is a school where students can thrive. Each child is a special, unique and creative individual. They have created a culture where every student can develop to their full potential. They keep classes small to maximize learning, providing individual attention. Their passionate teachers have a deep affection for the development and education of the students. They strive for their students to do well in matric and to achieve university entrance. The Impact Independent Development Pillars are designed to develop students, more than just from an academic learning perspective. They encourage their learners to join their different Academies to develop specific skills. They also believe that a person’s life-purpose is to develop to their full potential. The school’s numbers are strictly limited because they want to maintain an environment where this unique potential can be fulfilled by the students. Their school is their home because their students are their kids. Join the family! Their staff shares a genuine interest in the growth and wellbeing of each child, and the students have responded with incredible maturity and confidence.
Visit their website www.impactindependent.co.za for our Open days. For more information contact: 011 868 1376 or info@impactindependent.co.za
6 May 2014
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6 May 2014
Dinamika presteer in sport Diere in nood
word gehelp
Stephanie Conradie
Gedurende die opbou na die paastyd het Hoërskool Dinamika die “Mini Easter Collection” van Santa Paws ondersteun. Dinamika het ‘n “Hondjieprojek” geloots waar hulle ‘n verskeidenheid items ingesamel het vir diere in nood. Die skool het van komberse, speelgoed en kos vir die diere ingesamel. As u meer inligting oor Santa Paws wil hê en hoe u hulle kan help besoek gerus hulle webblad by www.santapaws.co.za TROFEE WENNERS: Die trotse 0/16A rugbyspan met hul trofee.
SPANWERK: Dinamika se 0/14A netbalspan eindig eerste in hul ouderdomsgroep.
HONDJIEPROJEK: Leerders van Hoërskool Dinamika met al die items wat ingesamel is.
Making a difference
TOP SPAN: Die 0/16A netbalspan het vir die derde jaar die eerste plek in die reeks verower. Hoërskool Dinamika neem elke jaar deel aan die Super 12 sportreeks, en het hierdie jaar weereens goed presteer. Dinamika het algeheel vierde geëindig met hul Netbal wat vir die derde jaar die eerste plek in die reeks verower. Die 0/14A en 0/16A netbalspanne het eerste in hulle ouderdomsgroepe geëindig. Hoërskool Dinamika se
On 23 April Africa Community Thusa (ACT), together with Alberton High School, treated the children at Otondweni feeding scheme in Katlehong with a special Easter lunch of hamburgers, cold drinks and Easter eggs. The 20 welfare counsellors and 15 welfare committee members from Alberton High partnered with various charity organisations in the community. A special thank you to the Skinner and Breddy families for their generous donations and to Mrs Kroukamp for her ongoing support.
rugbyspanne het algeheel derde geëindig met die 0/16A span wat die trofee ingepalm het vir hul ouderdomsgroep. Ander rugbyspanne wat goed presteer het is die 0/14 en 0/15A spanne. Hoërskool Dinamika is baie trots op die hokkie–, netbal– en rugbyspanne van 2014 en sien uit na volgende jaar se Super Reeks.
Learners from Alberton High School with the donations.
Children enjoying the treats.
Team Harrison wins again
Team Harrison Tennis Academy hosted their April Tennis Tournament at the Bracken Tennis Club and delivered proud winners, once again.
TENNIS PRIDE: The winners with coach Paola Harrison.
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6 May 2014
Huigend hert daar is omtrent nie ‘n tydskrif of koerant wat jy oopmaak waar mens nie vertel word wat om te eet en wat om nie te eet nie. Daars druppels en pille, daars rome en inspuitings wat jou daardie perfekte 18 jarige lyf belowe. Hulle vergeet dat as gravitasie en hormone klaar is met ‘n vrou se lyf dan is die “Kry jou bikini-lyf in 2 weke” ‘n saak van onmoontlikheid. Gysie lees toe vir my in die oggendkoerant van Tim Noakes en sy wonder dieet. Hyself is al aan die verkeerde kant van 50 en tog het hy 25kg afgeskud – Niks se gekalorieë tel nie of weeg tot op die laaste desimale gram nie – niks duur poeiers en melkskommels wat soos Polifilla proe nie
(die storie oor hoe ek weet hoe Poliffilla proe is ‘n storie vir ‘n ander dag) – net gewone kos sonder al die koolhidrate en suiker verduidelik Gysie vir my nadat hy die boek deurgelees het. Oor die jare saam met ons gestoei met die skaal is dit die eerste keer wat hy so opgewonde raak. Wat dan nou van die lae vet en Lae GI dieet van die dieetkundiges – maar Gysie se oë blink want daar is die skaaptjoppies en biltong en room en lekker volroom melk op Tim Noakes se dieet– en ek wonder wat eet mens as jy nie mag brood of rys of aartappels eet nie? Waaraan kou jy as jy die blokkiesraaisel invul of die ou twee blokkies sjokolade na aandete? Maar Gysie is ‘n man met ‘n missie – Ons kry ‘n Paleo kookboek . Die koskaste word gestroop van alles wat ons nie mag eet nie. Ons gaan koop kruideniersware met ‘n lysie uit die kookboek en ek voel sommer weer senuweeagtig oor die nuwe kokery wat op my wag. Laat ons sien of alles so maklik en wonderlik is as wat die Dokter belowe – miskien sal ons wel Kersfees op Plett se strand onder die sambreel kan uitkruip in ons nuutgevonde lank verborge Bikini en Speedo (spaar my dit) lywe.
4281 consumer complaints In the first nine months since the appointment of the Consumer Goods and Services Ombudsman, Advocate Neville Melville, in June 2013, the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud (CGSO) dealt with 4281 cases against retailers and suppliers. Between 1 June 2013 and 31 March 2014, the office closed 71% or 3049 of these cases. “It is pleasing to note that since opening our doors we have been able to help thousands of consumers resolve disputes with suppliers across a range of sectors,” Melville said. “It shows the need for an independent mediator, outside of the expensive court system, to seek fair resolutions for all parties.” On average, it took the office 16 days to close a case, although more complicated cases took around 74 days. Melville added, “There is no doubt that consumers are becoming more aware of their rights and also more demanding, which leads to more time-consuming cases. The challenge is in striking the balance between the rights and responsibilities of both consumers and suppliers.” The furniture sector topped the list of complaints, with 600 complaints lodged during the period. Telecommunications companies followed with 444 complaints; motor vehicles (378); appliances (387); clothing (208) and financial services (166). The types of complaints received by the office were mostly around the delivery and quality of goods or defects in goods; food safety; incorrect pricing; availability of advertised specials; performance of services; lay-by; and contractual arrangements. Complaints which related to credit and motor vehicle industries were referred to the relevant ombud scheme. “It’s been three years since the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) was implemented and businesses have responded by improving their customer service, while consumers are more demanding when it comes to disputes,” he added. “There has definitely been a stepchange in the way that many companies treat their customers; however the response to the CPA differs from industry-to-industry and size of organisation.” He believes that many big suppliers have
come to grips with process of complaints and returns and, with the exception of cell phone companies, are not insisting on are pair instead of a replacement or refund. “There will always be leaders and it’s now about encouraging others to follow their good example.”
Why was CGSO set up? The CGSO was set up in 2013 to reduce the burden of consumer complaints on the National Consumer Commission. Amongst its main work, the CGSO seeks to ensure that suppliers uphold the Code of Conduct for the Consumer Goods and Services Industry, which sets minimum standards of conduct for industry when dealing with consumers. Meville believes that consumers are more aware of their rights when it comes to complaining, but said they still tend to cling to the myth that they have a cooling off period in terms of every transaction. “There is still a need to educate consumers about this in particular and of their responsibilities in general,” Melville explained. “We’re working towards a situation where suppliers appreciate the value of independent third party dispute resolution as an extension of the customer value chain and where customers feel they are getting a fair and equitable deal in the process.” He emphasises that the growth of social media as a channel for customer engagement– both positive and negative - has spurred many bigger businesses to improve their customer relations. “Ina connected world, it’s much easier and quicker for negative publicity about the way they handle their customers to impact their reputation and bottom line,” Melville said. “Most sales agreements are now in line with the legislation and most companies have set up the necessary processes and procedures for dealing with consumer complaints.” But smaller suppliers remain hostile to CPA. “They seem to be denial or angry when their customers complain.” CGSO share call helpline (0860 000272)
Minister urges public to collect smart ID
Neil Diamond (ANC Task Team Head), Minister Naledi Pandor (Minister of Home Affairs) and Moses Makwakwa (ANC Regional Chair) Minister of Home Affairs, Naledi Pandor visited suburban communities in Ekurhuleni as part of the ANC Suburban Task Team program. The Minister has made an appeal to members of the public who have applied for temporary ID documents as well as Smart ID cards to collect their uncollected cards at the designated Home Affairs offices across the metro. Mr Moses Makwakwa, Regional Chairman of the ANC advised people, that have lost their ID documents, that they will not be able to vote on 7 May. For this reason, and to support voters, Home Affairs have increased their office hours and also prioritized issuance of first time ID’s. Since the roll-out of the Smart ID cards in February 2014 a total of 100 000 smart ID
card applications have been received and processed. Of the 100 000 smart ID cards processed only 58 715 have been collected with 41 285 uncollected smart ID’s in Home Affairs offices around the country. Minister Pandor said “We encourage those who have not collected their IDs to do so as a priority. Similarly we advise all citizens who have applied for the new Smart ID cards to visit offices of application to collect them.” Neil Diamond of the ANC Suburban Task Team thanked the Minister for visiting Ekurhuleni and informed the community that it only takes 10 days to process an ID with the new application and delivery system. “We can give support to ensure all registered voters have valid ID documents on 7 May 2014,” Diamond concluded.
6 May 2014
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Grand Designs Live
Spider-Man amazes at
Truly one of the most anticipated movies of 2014. We were last introduced to SpiderMan in 2012 with the reboot The Amazing Spider Man. We now have The Amazing Spider-Man 2: The Rise of Electro. Starring Andrew Garfield who plays nerdy sarcastic Peter Parker and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy the original love interest of Spider-Man. The story continues with Peter Parker as he juggles his personal life along with his super hero life. We are introduced to a number of new characters such as Electro played by surprisingly by Jamie Foxx, as well as Paul Giamati as Rhino. We were introduced to
Grand Designs Live brought to you by DionWired, the most extensive, inspirational and downright fabulous home and garden show, returns to the Coca-Cola Dome from 23 to 25 May. Now in its fifth year, it’s become an annual pilgrimage where home lovers can browse through the absolute best innovations on offer in the home and garden worlds. Grand Designs Live Home & Garden Show has developed into an all-encompassing experience where visitors can enjoy the delights of many different areas and specialist stands. This year sees the return of some of the most popular of these, as well as some very special additions.
Harry Osbourne played by James Franco in Sam Raimi’s SpiderMan; we now have Dane De Haan previously seen in Chronicle. With a number of great actors and special effects that is a feast for the eyes The Amazing Spider-Man 2: The Rise of Electro delivers much more than its predecessor. Also if you read the comics you will be ok, but for those who haven’t, surprise at the end! Oh and if you are a Marvel Fan, be sure to stay tuned through to the credits. Make sure you see this one at your nearest Ster-Kinekor.
Where words fail music speaks The Alter Fan Cam is a new brand that Darryl Putter and ZukhumNan Emmanuel launched that brings life to live music events. The duo aims to show people what the music has with visuals. Alter Fan Cam visits music events by choice or by request and video record songs , take pictures and enjoy the show as any fan would. The equipment used is minimal, one good camera and lens. They record the songs in
one take, moving between the crowd and stage. “We get up close and personal, the camera is hand-held which only adds to the authenticity. The idea is to give the fans perspective on a gig, for two reasons, the fan watching can relive the moments and the band can show its fans the experience they’re in for. We even dance with the camera or get knocked around by the moshers. We try to re-frame the shot as quickly as the eye see’s new or interesting things. The result is a rather
Time: 10:00 – 18:00 on Friday 23May 09:00 – 18:00 on Saturday 24May 09:00 – 17:00 on Sunday 25 May Price: R85 (Pensioners and Students: R60, children under 12 are free) Contact: 011 835 1565 Visit www.granddesignslive.co.za
simply made, yet effective video,” Putter said. The Alter Fan Cam is accessible to anyoneevent organisers, fans, advertisers but the bands get first choice. Previews are posted which features clips from each band after which bands can request full recordings and photos included. Their most recent work is compilation pieces of events such as LCNVL and Break the Silence 3. Other good examples are videos for Ultra Fest South Africa, Haezer, WEAREONE,
Among the Clouds and Bought By Blood. Alter Fan Cam also offers full set recordings, live music videos, music videos, lyric videos, interview videos, announcement videos, documentaries, band photography and editing services. You can view the Alter Fan Cam on www.youtube.com/user/AlterConcepts For more information Darryl Putter Photography on 074 062 7383 or photoputter@gmail.com.
Mafikizolo clean up at SAMA 20 Mafikizolo sealed their comeback in triumphant style at the 20th Annual South African Music Awards – winning five awards at the main ceremony on Monday (28 April 2014) to add to their three trophies at the industry awards earlier on the same day. This brought the popular Afro-pop duo’s total haul to an incredible eight awards at SAMA 20. They scooped an armful of trophies for Album of the Year, Duo or Group of the Year, Best Pop Album, Best Collaboration, Best Selling Ring-back Tone, Best Selling Fulltrack Download and Best Selling Mobile Music Download of the Year and in the most
Best Selling Album Zahara Phendula
hotly contested category of the night - the Kia Record of the Year, The star-studded event at the Sun City Superbowl marked 20 years of the SAMAs – held, fittingly, on the Freedom Day public holiday commemorating the country’s 20th anniversary of democracy – and saw the beautiful and talented people of Mzansi coming out to play in their glad rags, to celebrate SA music’s finest. Zahara bagged a brace of awards, the songstress was crowned Female Artist of the Year for Phendula, which was also named the Best Selling Album of last year. It was an exceptional night on which South
Lifetime Achievement Awards Ladysmith Black Mambazo Phuzekhemisi
African music was the big winner, and the countdown has already begun to SAMA 21 – when the awards truly come of age. Some of the other awards collected on the night:
Best Alternative Album Nakhane Touré Brave Confusion
Best Live DVD Zonke Give and Take Live
Remix of the Year Oskido Tsa Ma Ndebele
Highest Airplay of the Year 2013 DJ Kent ft. The Arrows Spin My World Around.
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6 May 2014
Where do I vote
National Orders for Stalwarts
Ruth First was one of the Stalwarts who were bestowed with the Order of Luthuli for their contribution to democracy, peace and human rights. On the 20 anniversary of a democratic South Africa, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation congratulates the 54 individuals who have received National Orders from the Presidency. The fact that today, South Africa can celebrate the successes of people for their contribution to society, and not on the basis of race, should in itself be celebrated. The Foundation particularly recognises the accolades bestowed
on struggle veterans for their contribution to a democratic, nonracist and non-sexist state. Former Robben Island prisoner, Ahmed Kathrada, who serves on the Advisory Council on National Orders, was especially happy that the list of recipients in the political component cut across a wide spectrum of people, with diversity in ideology, gender and race. Kathrada, who has always been of the opinion that the unsung heroines
and heroes of the struggle should be recognised, believes that today’s event has contributed towards that. “It is our hope that the sacrifices of these individuals is not only recognised through the National Orders, but that their life stories can be captured in more detail, and retold to young people,” Kathrada said. “We hope that youth from across the country, take the stalwarts who were honoured today as role models. If it were not for these and other individuals, South Africa may not have been marking its 20th anniversary of freedom,” he added. Some of the recipients included: Order of Mendi: Shirish Nanabhai, Reggie Vandeyar and Indres Naidoo Order of Luthuli: Abdulhay Jassat, Ruth First, Wolfie Kodesh, Popo Molefe and Zephania Mothopeng Order of Mapungubwe: Ismail Mohamed Order of the Companions of OR Tambo: Alfre Woodard and Gwendolen Carter.
Please remember that you must be a registered voter in South Africa in order to vote. To confirm that your name is on the voters’ roll and to find out which voting station you’re registered at, please check your voter registration status online or SMS your ID number to 32810. You need to vote at the voting station where you’re registered to vote. However, if you’re outside your voting district on Election Day you may vote at another voting station in South Africa. If you’re outside the province where you’re registered, you’ll only be able to vote in the national election and not the provincial election, and you’ll be asked to complete a form (VEC 4) at the voting station.
Shembe calls on churches co-operation Inkosi Phakama Shembe calls on Gauteng Shembe members to vote ACDP On Saturday, at Fundisizwe Hall in Johannesburg, Bishop Phakama Shembe of the Nazareth Baptist Church in Gauteng announced that Shembe Church members wanted a permanent cooperation with the ACDP. He called on all members to vote for the ACDP on 7 May, so that they could – with ACDP MPs as trustworthy representatives of their needs – have a say in Parliament. Together with the ACDP, he said. Christian voters, he said, need a political party they can trust to act in their best interests. They do not deserve to be misled by politicians who “arrive only when it is voting time and then change the rules of the Most High.” The Bishop also called on Nazareth Baptist Church members in other provinces, as well as the Zionists, the Apostolics and followers of Tata Modise to vote ACDP on 7 May.
Bishop Phakama Shembe told his congregation that the Church wanted to deal with pressing social problems such as unemployment and poverty.
fact box
Registered parties 2014 The total number of registered parties participating in the 2014 elections is 200 parties The number of Parties which are registered nationally is 152 while the remaining 48 are registered provincially – Gauteng is represented by 7 provincially registered political parties.
6 May 2014
Should ex-pats be allowed to vote? There was a lot of activity on social media last Wednesday with South Africans who live in South Africa viewing their opinions on whether ex-pats should be allowed to vote in the elections. Some SA Citizens feel if they have run away they shouldn’t be allowed to vote but if they are on holiday they should. Another said they most ex-pats who are negative about South African wouldn’t care to vote and most probably didn’t. Ex- pats also had their say saying they have family in SA and vote in hopes to make it a better country for their family to stay in while others vote in hopes to come back to South Africa. Other interesting point that was brought up was if convicts should be allowed to vote. Share your thoughts with laurelle@tametime.co.za
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Voting is a birth right tame TIMES spoke to ex-pats living abroad and asked them about their voting experience and why they think they should be able to vote. Andrew Preston has been in the United Kingdom for almost 12 years. Voting experience My wife and I arrived shortly after 7:00. There was a tube strike on so we walked part of the way. A number of our friends chose to cycle in. We joined the queue in Trafalgar Square. The majority of people seemed happy to wait to be able to vote. The officials were friendly and were in good spirits. I did find it a bit odd that so many checks were done before I could actually vote. I found it a lot easier voting in the UK and EU elections. The whole process took about 2 and half hours. I had reports of friends taking up to 3 and half hours. Overall I was very happy to have the opportunity to vote and have my say in how SA is governed - I feel a part of process. Why do you think as an ex-pat you should be able to vote? I consider voting a birth right that all South African citizens should have. Any talk of limiting voting rights to those that only live in SA is rather short sighted. There are numerous examples of people that still contribute to SA even though they don’t live there. I worked for a start-up company in SA while I was based in London. The company now employs over 100 people. Should I not have some say? On a related note around voting abroad, I read some reports that in the UK over 250K people were eligible to vote but only around 10K registered to do so online. This is rather disappointing. Why can’t there be postal votes or electronic voting to encourage
The queue Andrew Preston stood in at Trafalgar Square to cast his vote. higher rates of voting participation. Would you come back to South Africa? My wife and I are considering coming back to SA for family reasons this year. The level of crime and opportunities for work still concern us. We hope that the new government does more to stop crime and crack down on corruption.
Ex-pats make their mark
Proud to cast my vote Ashleigh Jackman has been living in London for 11 years I set off early to vote and make my mark at 7:00. The doors had just opened and I was surprised to see a cue of hundreds of eager South Africans already there. In typical SA style we took the 2 and half hours in the queue to catch up with friends and make new ones. Once inside the South Africa house the process was pretty slick and quick. The officials being mostly friendly and helpful. South Africa will always be home. I visit family a couple of times a year and often spend most of my holidays in South Africa. I was so proud to cast my vote and play my part in South Africa’s future.
PROUDLY SOUTH AFRICAN: The colours of the SA flag being worn proudly.
The first votes in the 2014 national elections were cast on 30 April as voters abroad voted at South African missions around the world. Some 406 South Africans who successfully registered to vote at the South African High Commission in Auckland, New Zealand were the first to vote when polling opens at 7:00 on 30 April which is 21:00 in South African time. They were followed by more than 26 000 voters who applied successfully to cast their ballots at 116 missions around the world over the next 33 hours. The final votes were cast in Los Angeles where polls closed at 6:00 South African time on 1 May. All voting stations in 123 cities were reported ready for voting in the national elections having received all materials and training. Once completed, the ballots from each voting station were collected in secure, sealed bags and transported to Pretoria where they will be counted for inclusion in the national results. The city with the largest number of voters is London where 9 863 voters applied to cast their votes. The city
with the smallest number is Bissau, Guinea Bissau where just a single voter applied. Responding to concerns that South Africans abroad had not been adequately informed of the process to apply for overseas votes, Chief Electoral Officer Mosotho Moepya said the Electoral Commission had worked closely with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) in promoting overseas voting among eligible voters.“Electoral prescripts provide that all registered voters who are registered in voting districts in the Republic as well as those registered against the international segment of the voters’ roll must notify the Chief Electoral Officer of their intention to vote at the mission at which they intend voting within 15 days of the proclamation of the election. This period ended on the 12 March 2014,” Mr Moepya explained. The Electoral Commission had in conjunction with DIRCO run a dedicated communication campaign aimed at registered citizens who are ordinarily resident outside of the Republic.
The top 10 largest overseas voting stations are: • London • Dubai • Canberra • Kinshasa • The Hague • New York • Doha • Dublin • Khartoum
(9 863) (1 539) (1 243) (773) (667) (604) (557) (466) (458)
See next week for tame times’ election day result coverage
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Gardening & Rubble removal
6 May 2014
ACT CARPET CLEANERS Carpets, lounge suites, spot removal, FREE deo Owner supervision Tinus 082 765 8392 BR CLEANING SERVICES Once-off Spring / Full Cleaning, Windows / Carpets, All in oneHomes, Flats and Offices. 011 973 1466 / 082 935 9653
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3005 FLATS ALBERTON 2 FLATS TO LET 2 bed - first floor R4 300 pm + deposit 3 bed - first floor R4 800 pm + deposit Available immediately 083 395 0420
3012 TIMESHARE To advertise call 011 862 8500 or visit us at
All re-upholstry l/suit, d/room, car seats, and Riempies, etc, Bullnose pelmets & headboards 084 318 8029
BEST DEBT FINANCE LOANS SAME DAY PAYOUT Apply via fax or email Tel: 011Â 869 5553 or bestdebtalberton@ gmail.com
1005 Aerial/DSTV
To advertise call 011 862 8500 or visit us at
CLEARVIEW DSTV Installations, PVR, Andy 072 652 0827
MGA RUBBLE Garden refuse and rubble removal - 1 ton load Andy 072 652 0827
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tame TIMES
7009 GENERAL Die NG Kerk in Brackendal is tans op soek na die dienste van ‘n orrelis en musiekbegeleier vi ons oggend en aanddienste. Iemand om die musiekleiding te neem binne die gemeente. Die persoon moet ‘n klein sanggroep kan afrig vir optredes tydens erediense
VACANCY 7008 SALES Annique Rooibos Produkte Anna-Marie 082 440 1790 www. rooibosproducts. co.za
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7016 DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT WANTEd Sylvia Sleep in /out Full time 076- 940- 1031
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LEGALS 8000 LEGALS HERSTEL VAN ‘N GESLOTE KORPORASIE Neem asseblief kennis dat Maplankeni travern (Pty) Ltd Voorneme om aansoek te doen aan die Kommissaris van CIPC Vir die herinstelling van Maplankeni travern 2014 / 011451 /07 Registrasie nommer 2014 / 011451 / 07 Neem verder kennis dat enige beswaar tot die aansoek binne een en twintig ( 21 ) dae, vanaf die datum van publikasie, aan die Kommissaris van CIPC ingedien moet word. Die CIPC P. O. Box 429 Pretoria, 0001
RESTORATION OF CLOSE CORPORATION Be please to take notice that Maplankeni tarven (pty) Ltd intend making application to the Commissioner of CIPC, for the re-instatement of Maplankeni tarven (pty) Ltd Registration Number: 2014 / 011451 / 07 Be please to take notice further that any objection to the application must be lodged with the Commissioner of CIPC within twenty one (21) days of the date of publication. The CIPC P. O. Box 429 Pretoria, 0001
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6 May 2014
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South Africans score big in the USA
EFCfighting Ashleigh Simon. * Photo by: Dale Boyce. South Africans Ashleigh Simon and Paula Reto enjoyed a fortuitous fortnight in the United States, as both players cashed in at the last two events on the LPGA Tour. LPGA rookie Reto claimed her first cheque with a tie for 22nd at the LPGA Lotte Championship in Hawaii last week, while Simon wrapped up a top 15 finish at the inaugural Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic on Sunday 27 April. Simon had a short week in Hawaii, and was on the reserve list in in San Francisco. However, the three-time Sunshine Ladies Tour winner got the call and barely had
the time to find a replacement for regular caddie, David Buhai, before she had to tee it up at Lake Merced Golf Club. Simon made excellent use of the opportunity, though. “It’s just crazy how things happen in life,” said an elated Simon from San Francisco after adding a welcomed $24,595 to her bank account. “I had an absolutely awesome week in San Francisco. I went from being second reserve on Thursday morning to getting into the tournament, had 20 minutes to find a caddie and to tee it up and ended up having my best finish so for on the LPGA Tour.
Juniors primed for All-Africa Junior defence
The SA U-19 team depart for the All-Africa Junior Golf Championship in Lusaka, Zambia. From left to right - Southern Cape’s Jovan Rebula, Ekurhuleni’s Kyle McClatchie, Hennie du Plessis from Limpopo and Altin van der Merwe from the Western Province. Photo by: Desiree Stone. The young quartet tasked with keeping South Africa’s winning record alive at the All-Africa Junior Golf Championship at Chainama Hills Golf Club in Lusaka departed in high spirits for Zambia on Saturday (26 April 2014).The 19th edition of the prestigious junior team championship tees off on Monday and will showcase the talent of Southern Africa’s finest junior golfers from countries such as Zambia, South Africa, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Swaziland, Uganda, Namibia and Mauritius. The country’s under-19 side includes Hennie du Plessis from Limpopo, Southern Cape’s Jovan Rebula, Altin van der Merwe from the Western Province and Ekurhuleni’s Kyle McClatchie. “The team is determined to emulate the side that claimed a 58 shot victory over Zimbabwe at Le Touessrok in Mauritius
last year,” said team manager, Kevin Stone. “One thing is for certain; the boys have done the work and they are ready for the challenge ahead. All four players have proven their individual prowess and team playing abilities this season.” Stone added. Stone and his family have a long history with junior golf in South Africa and the professional was pleased to be asked to guide the team to the country’s 16th consecutive victory. “Our family has been involved with junior golf in this country for more than 40 years, my dad went with Ernie Els to the World Junior in San Diego in 1985 and now, 30 years later, I am going to Zambia with Ernie’s nephew, Jovan. It’s a real privilege and honour for me to accompany this team,” said Stone
HE said:
She said:
As a male sport is one of those things I’m expected to understand and be obsessed with so naturally I have dedicated most of my adult life to thoroughly understanding those things. When the opportunity presented itself for me to experience EFC, which I must admit was a first experience, I took it. Perhaps the competition element (having to tell my experience Vs that Laurelle) had something to my eagerness to take up the challenge. Arriving at EFC29 I realized that this was a far different sport to what I have become comfortable with. I’m a soccer lover, yet I do not own a pair of soccer boots, but walking into Carnival City I had to tell my colleague that perhaps watching the spectators would also be entertaining. Confessions are good; so here is mine, I expected a lot of violence and blood and a squeamish female colleague who would before the end of the first bout beg that we leave. However what I did receive was nothing to that tune. I have a lot of respect for the sportsmanship of these athletes as a result. Let’s be honest guys, sport and emotion is synonymous; if the game doesn’t evoke emotion, it’s not for me. So the fights began and there was none of that Fight Club violence, instead the fighters displayed discipline and a diligent adherence to technique. I mean if someone were to kick me in the face, there would be a lot of rage involved in my retaliation; so just forget that there would be a hand shake from me at the end of the round. Anger I realised was not welcomed in as it would inevitably cloud judgment and lead to a dirty loss - So on that I respect these athletes. I enjoyed the fighters who anchored their approach on boxing and its fundamentals and I will be watching EFC30, I now have a favourite fighter- Wade Groth, all I have to say about this guy is what talent and skill. I’m a newbie to the sport but I know talent – Groth is talent and the EFC girls are talent.
I am from the south yet EFC29 was my first ever viewing of this sport. I decided to go and see what all the hype is about. While there it brought back memories when I was a child and my parents took me along to watch boxing matches -only there we could afford front row seats, where we would experience boxers’ sweat splat on our faces when they got punched. Pricing for the Hexagon side seats range from R2 900 to R4 900. Who pays that amount? I really expected there to be a much more rapturous atmosphere however the arena filled up closer to the main bout however in my mind I thought it was always a sold out event. I did find some of the matches boring especially when the two opponents are wrestling on the floor, in some of the most compromising positions, however I believe this is part of the skill. It is much more exciting when there is a hard hit and someone falls to the ground, which makes me question myself why I enjoy such violence. Nonetheless I found myself applauding and jumping ecstatically for some of the victories. However my stomach turned when I saw one fighter had been taking out on a stretcher. It must be so hard for the EFC fighter’s partners to watch, knowing there is great potential for their loved one to get badly hurt. Another thing that caught my attention is that nearly every EFC fighter is covered in tattoos- now I have tattoos myself but just want to know is it criteria or uniqueness- it is not that individual if every ‘Pit-bull’ has one. The second thing is song choice when the fighters come out, now many had awesome songs that got the crowd going and I am sure got them psyched up but Katy Perry- Roar- seriously?? Ndu, Dineo (his girlfriend) and I all agreed it was a bit soft. I do think song choice is imperative and it sets the tone of what type of fighter you are. All in all; I enjoyed it and understand what all the hype is about and will go watch it again.
Young boxing champions On 26 April Boxers from the Champions Boxing Club participated in a boxing tournament in Brits. Peter Sam (12) was the winner in his weight division and Christopher Magoai (11) was the runner up. CHAMPIONS: Peter Sam and Christopher Magoai with coaches Lebo Mngomezulu, Pieter Strydom and Gert de Klerk.
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6 May 2014
New EFC Welterweight champ Laurelle Williams
laurelle@tametimes.co.za Extreme Fighting Championship (EFC) 29 smashed Carnival City last Thursday with the eleven bouts on the fight card however it was the much anticipated clash between Welterweight Champion Dino Bagattin and contender Henry Fadipe that had the crowd roaring. The short lived fight ended when the 22-year-old Nigerian born Fadipe, who fights out of Ireland, knocked out Bagattin in the first round, winning both countries (Ireland and Nigeria) their first ever EFC AFRICA championship belt. Fadipe made his way to the title shot in less than a year. At only 21-years-old, he crossed the continent to face the might of Tumelo Maphuta. He delivered a split draw after knocking Maphuta down repeatedly. He went on to demolish Martin ‘The Punisher’ van Staden with punches and an ankle lock in the first round. After that he laid Michiel Opperman out cold with two elbows clubbed straight to the jaw. Bagattin got a taste of Fadipe’s punch when he was dropped by Fadipe’s straight right. Morne Prinsloo was taken out on a stretcher after Mark Hulme pounded him however Hulme was disqualified due to illegal strikes and Prinsloo was announced the winner. The Ricky Misholas vs Dewald Botes bout as well as the Wade Groth vs. Alexandra Cheboub bout proved to be entertaining. The heavyweight Misholas won by a technical knock-out (TKO) and so did lightweight Gross. The Smith vs Opperman bout was highly contested with both being champions and it showed in the fight. Smith bled through most of the fight with a cut on his eye and was the clear crowd favourite however it was Opperman who won in the end by points in
a split decision. Brendon Katz was pinned under Barend Nienaber most of his fight and was clearly disappointed when Nienaber won. Nienaber went on to say that was his game plan to keep Katz on the floor as he knew he was a striker. Henry Fadipe won the knock out of the night award for his stone cold KO of the former champion, Dino Bagattin, and Michiel Opperman and Jeremy Smith won the fight of the night award for their sensational three round bouts. In addition Wade Groth and Alexander Cheboub won performance bonuses for their supreme back and forth clash. EFC AFRICA 29 full results: Tyson Chelin defeated Mbulelo Swekile via unanimous decision. Saxon Delafield defeated Pietie Coxen via submission (armbar) 0:31 into round 1. Gordon Roodman defeated Pupanga Tresor via submission (armbar) 2:29 into round 2. Ricky Misholas defeated Dewald Botes via TKO 4:28 into round 2. Morne Prinsloo defeated Mark Hulme via DQ (illegal strikes) 1:49 into round 1. Francois Groenewald defeated Leo Gloss via TKO 3:32 into round 1. Gareth Buirski defeated Peter Nyide via TKO 4:36 into round 1. Wade Groth defeated Alexander Cheboub via TKO 4:06 into round 2. Michiel Opperman defeated Jeremy Smith via split decision. Barend Nienaber defeated Brendon Katz via unanimous decision. Henry Fadipe defeated Dino Bagattin via KO 3:09 into round 1
HERCULEEZ: Henry Fadipe roars after his win. *Photo taken by EFCAFRICA.
PERFORMANCE BONUSES: Wade Groth and Alexander Cheboub were awarded for their supreme back and forth clash.
Bonus points for angling club ladies The Visarend Angling Club hosted their April competition at Morgenson, Vaal Dam, and ended with great results. Three of the Angling Club ladies earned bonus points; Adri du Toit with a Barber of 11.6kg; Jenny Lennox with a Barber of 6,8kg and Stella with a Grass Carp of 4,4kg. Jan du Preez also earned bonus points with a Barber of 8,2kg.
The winners include:
Seniors winner: Warren Cheek Ladies winner: Karen Nel Veterans’ winner: Walter Dellerba Minnie winner: Jordan Do o Faustino Miggie winner: Megan Viljoen Special prize: Jurrie Nel Pool-pot: Warren Cheek Jack pot: Duncan van Riel
Front: Dunay van Eck (visitor – winner), Megan Viljoen (Miggie winner), Jaydine Bezuidenhout (Minnie – second place) Hennie Bezuidenhout (Miggie second place), Jordan Do O Faustino (Minnie winner).Back: Madelein Cordier (doubles winner), Jurrie Their May competition will be held at Jackie Nel (Special prize), Karen Nel (Ladies winner) Rowan Coetzer, Leonard on 10 and 11 May. For more info Warren Cheek (Senior Winner), Duncan van Riel (Jackpot) , Walter contact Jurrie Nel on 076 712 5662, all visitors Dellebra (Veterans winner). are welcome.