tame TIMES
Bedfordview and Germiston
two time winner of the annual Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media
Delivered every Tuesday
Volume 02, 11 February 2014, Week 07
Real men don’t hit women
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Holy Rosary unites against women abuse
Krejcir accused NEWS
denied bail
UNITED: Holy Rosary High School pupils with members of the ‘Old Hogs’ motorbike group.
Amy-Mae Campbell @Amzymaeq twitter.com
Real men don’t hit women, this is the slogan for the Ride for a Purpose initiative that was launched by Holy Rosary School on Thursday 6 February. Party busses and hundreds of bikers are meeting at Holy Rosary, in Edenvale, on Sunday 30 March to ride to Hartebeespoort Dam - all for a cause. The person behind the initiative is 15-yearold Amy Driver, whose aunt was a victim of domestic violence. Four years ago she was killed by her own husband. Amy and her mother, with the support of Holy Rosary, have managed to rope in many sponsors to raise awareness about social responsibility
and domestic violence. Even though the school started this initiative, it stretches far beyond the school and they encourage other schools and communities to participate in this soon to become annual event. Driver wants to debunk the myth that domestic violence is limited to disadvantaged or poor communities, and replace it with the reality: that it can happen even in the wealthiest of homes. Holy Rosary has incorporated this initiative into their debutantes programme, and all the money raised will go towards this initiative. The Ride for a Purpose bike rally symbolises a unity against women abuse. All the funds raised during this rally
will go towards the Jess Foord foundation. Everyone is welcome. Date: 30 March 2014 Time: 09:00 Depart from: Holy Rosary’s Shanahan Park, Adjudant Road, Elma Park, Edenvale. Destination: Route 66 Saloon and Diner, Hartebeespoort Dam. Tickets: R250 per party bus passenger (includes Sunday Carvery) and under 12’s pay R100 (including bus ticket and Sunday Carvery). Booking is essential, the deadline is 20 March. For booking information contact Shareen at shareen@ reds-explo.co.za or on 073 1302 176.
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tame TIMES
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NG Kerk Alberton-Suid reik uit Amy-Mae Campbell @Amzymaeq twitter.com
Audrey Mothibe (mede-stigter van Dinokaneng), Corneil du Plessis (dominee by Alberton-Suid), Jacqui Lesito (mede-stigter van Dinokaneng), Theunis de Ridder (jeugwerker by Alberon-Suid), Kobie du Plessis (lidmaat van die Alberton-Suid gemeente) en Werner Schroeder (predikant by Alberton-Suid). Die NG Alberton-Suid gemeente het op 1 Februarie glimglagte op baie gesigte gesit toe hulle kospakkies voorsien het aan minderbevoorregte lede van die Suidheuwels-gemeenskap in Johannesburg-Suid. Laas jaar het die kerk ‘n golfdag gereël saam tame TIMES om fondse in te samel vir dié nuwejaarsuitreikgeleent-heid. Vanuit hierdie fondse, en danksy gemeenskapsondersteuning, kon die gemeente 600 kospakkies opmaak en aflewer by arm gesinne in die woonstelblokke rondom Montanus Laerskool, in Moffatview, by bejaardes in Karina Place en Northern Place, en by die Dinokaneng HIV-gemeenskapsorganisasie. Elke kospakkie het twee brode, blikkieskos en groente bevat met ‘n Bybelversie daarby. Alberton-Suid gemeentelede en vrywilligers het ook by elke deur vir die mense gebid nadat hulle die kospakkie oorhandig het. Die nuwejaarsuitreik het die gemeente
se jaarlikse Kersfeesuitreik in Desember verplaas, omdat die gemeente voel dat daar baie meer liefdadigheidsuitreike rondom Kerstyd plaasvind as in die nuwe jaar. “Nou wanneer almal platsak is wil ons ingryp en hulle help,” verduidelik dominee Cornelius du Plessis van die Alberton-Suid gemeente. Die uitreik was ook ‘n platform waarop die Alberton-Suid gemeente die NGKlipriviersberg gemeente kon help om hulself te bemark in die Suidheuwels-gemeenskap. Die Klipriviersberg-gemeente sukkel tans finansieel en volgens dominee Du Plessis is dit sy gemeente se plig om ook uit te reik na kerke in nood. Die kospakkies is by die Klipriviersberggemeente opgemaak en Alberton-Suid het ook gratis pamflette oor die Klipriviersberggemeente gedruk en uitgedeel in die gemeenskap. Deur die jare het Alberton-Suid meer betrokke geraak by die Suidheuwelsgemeenskap; hulle hou gereeld Bybelstudie
hier en stuur af en toe mans om die bejaardes te help met opknappingswerk in hulle huise. Volgens Jacqui Moshatane, stigter en direkteur van die Dinokaneng HIVorganisasie, is die gemeenskap baie dankbaar vir Alberton-Suid se deurlopende ondersteuning. “Ek dink ons het ‘n pragtige verhouding met NG Kerk Alberton-Suid. [Hulle] verstaan hoe ons werk en gee om vir die kwesbare lede van die gemeenskap. Die gesinne hier weet dat daar iemand is wat vir hulle omgee,” het Moshatane dankbaar gesê. Die Alberton-Suid gemeente spandeer jaarliks ongeveer 10% van hulle inkomste aan uitreike soos hierdie. Volgens dominee Du Plessis is hy baie tevrede met die uitreik en dankbaar vir almal se insette. “Ek is veral opgewonde oor die mense wat kom help het en hulle gees en gesindheid. Almal het hulle kant gebring,” het hy tevrede gesê.
11 February 2014
A note from the editor Friday will mark the last day of my journey at tame TIMES. I wanted to take a moment in this last issue to share a few thoughts. I came to tame TIMES in February last year as a recent graduate, starting my first day as a junior journalist with little experience in the media industry. I was immediately taken under the wing of the incredible production team. Fast forward one year and I have seen my confidence as a journalist grow more than I could have ever imagined. Writing regularly for a public audience has improved my writing and people skills more than any class or professor. My experience at tame TIMES has been nothing short of spectacular. I am grateful that I was able to write for the well-established printed newspapers, but I also had the opportunity to write for the online sections, which I believe will continue to grow in leaps and bounds over the next year. But of course, the most rewarding part of working at the tame TIMES has been the people. I would like to thank my fellow editors, Laurelle Williams, Ndu Ngwenya, Chantal Thurlby and sub editor Eddie Kok. Thank you to our designers Stephanie Tepper and Stephen Davey who work tirelessly to make our creative vision a reality. I would like thank the tame COO Karin Blignaut for giving me the opportunity to not only grow on a personal level but also to grow with the tame team. Last but not least I would like to thank you, our readers. Without you my journey would not have been as incredible as it has been. Thank you and see you soon.
Spread the love by donating some blood Celebrate the month of love. With your unselfish act of donating blood and sharing the love for the human race, you can make a difference to the lives of patients you may never know. The SANBS encourages all eligible donors to share their liquid love this month and commit to donating blood a minimum of four times a year. It’s not too late to make this your resolution for 2014. As a gesture to say “thank you” they have a special gift for those who donate four units in a calendar year. “With schools, universities and organisations all back to usual operation we are able to maintain a good blood stock level, especially with the help of donors. However, we know that this can change on any given day if our daily collection of 3000 units is not met,” says Vanessa Raju, Communications Manager at the SANBS. All blood groups are very important. However Group O is the group that is often
in short supply. The demand for this is much higher as it can be used for patients of all other blood groups. If you belong to the blood groups A and AB, why not consider becoming a platelet donor. You can find out more from the staff at your local blood drive or donor centre. Donate Blood at the Germiston Donor Centre at the Lambton Court Shopping Centre, Cnr Beacon & Webber Rd, Lambton.Times: Mon: 13:00 – 16:30 Tues, Wed, Fri: 08:30 – 16:30 Thur: 08:30 – 19:00 Sat: 08:30 – 13:00 If you wish to find out more on where to donate and more on becoming a donor, please do not hesitate to call us on: 0800 11 90 31 or email: customerservice@ sanbs.org.za or visit us on: www.sanbs.org.za.
Distribution: Alberton: 35 000 JHB South: 24 500 Bedfordview & Germiston South: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Ilze Moore ilze@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Eddie Kok eddie@tametimes.co.za
Journalist: Amy-Mae Campbell amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za Patrick Monyobo Patrick@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za Mike Muller: 083 463 9107 mike@tametimes.co.za
Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 18 February 2014 Deadline: Thursday 13 February 2014
www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook
Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.
11 February 2014
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tame TIMES
Weekend tragedy
Mother stops Shoplifter caught daughters from in the act being raped
The morning of 2 February ended in tragedy in Lambton after the driver of a Toyota Hilux lost control, hit a tree and rolled his vehicle. The adult male was taken to Netcare Union Hospital by EMER-G-MED with a suspected broken arm, head injury and back injury. A mother arrived home from a trip to Pretoria and found her daughters naked with three males forcing themselves on them. The mother received a call from her security company prior to the incident and she immediately called the police. Upon arrival with the police, she heard her daughters screaming and rushed into the house with the officers. According to Bedfordview SAPS spokesperson Sgt Nthlabathi, the suspects were touching the girls and attempting to rape them. One suspect tried to escape but the police managed to apprehend him and all three were arrested. All the suspects have appeared in court and are remanded in custody. SAVING A LIFE: The driver being assisted VEHICLE OUTCOME: The Hilux after The date of the next appearance could not be by Emer-G-Med paramedics. hitting a tree and rolling. verified at the time of print.
Primrose police, with the help of security officers, arrested a male for shoplifting at Rose Mall. He allegedly took a bottle of whisky from a shelf and hid it under his jacket, unaware of the CCTV camera. He was apprehended and handed over to the police. The police would like to thank the security officers for dealing with the situation in the right manner and not assaulting the suspect and taking the law into their own hands. The suspect will appear in the Germiston court soon.
Drunk drivers arrested On 24 January the Metro Police arrested nine suspects for driving under the influence in Primrose. The suspects were aged between 26 and 44. The suspects will face individual charges related to drinking and driving in the area. Most of the suspects have paid bail and will appear in the Germiston court soon.
Man arrested for Dangerous vehicle drug possession in Primrose The Johannesburg K9 police arrested a male on 26 January for drug possession. The arrest took place at the corner of Rietfontein and Cemetery Roads. The 26-year-old male was stopped by Johannesburg K9 unit officers who were out on patrol in Primrose. They asked the suspect to exit the vehicle so that the dogs could search the car. A white substance in a zip-lock packet was found in his pocket. The suspect was arrested and detained at SAPS Primrose. The suspect will appear in court soon.
Primrose police warns the community to be on the lookout for a Mercedes Benz E-class, which they suspect of being involved in a string of criminal activities. The registration number is NSV354GP. According to police, the suspects are heavily armed and they advise anyone who sees this vehicle to report it to the patrol vehicles or nearest police station. Police suspect that the vehicle has been involved in recent hijackings in the area. If you spot this vehicle, call 071Â 675 6864/5/6/7 or 011Â 842 0522/00.
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Krejcir accused denied bail Jan Mofokeng, from the organised crime unit in Germiston, is the sixth suspect arrested in the kidnapping case that has kept Krejcir behind bars since November.
Two accused, of the five arrested, in a plot to kill Krejcir investigating officers, Paul O’Sulivan and Colonel Nkosana ‘Killer’ Ximba, have been denied bail. Sergeant Nandi Nkosi and Zodumiso Biyela appeared in the Alexandra Magistrate’s Court on 6 February on Schedule 5 offence charges. Magistrate Deon Schnetler stated that due to the nature of the charges against Nkosi and Biyela, they needed to prove that it would be
in the interest of society to be granted bail. Schnetler denied the accused bail as they did not fulfil the requirements. The case was remanded to 18 February, when Nkosi and Biyela will join Siboniso Miya, Owen Serrero and Jacob Nare on charges of conspiracy, possession of an unlicensed firearm, possession of stolen vehicles and theft. Third Hawks officer appears in court The third Hawks officer arrested in connection
follow the entire Krejcir saga on tame times’ website
www.tametimes.co.za or our mobi site tametimes.mobi
with the attempted murder and kidnapping charges connected to Radovan Krejcir appeared in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court on 6 February for his official bail application. Jan Mofokeng, from the organised crime unit in Germiston, is the sixth suspect arrested in the kidnapping case that has kept Krejcir behind bars since November. The state advocate, Lethabo Mahiane argued that numerous witnesses in the kidnapping case have been threatened. Mashiane said some of the witnesses are in a protection program, but not all of them. Mashiane further argued that Mofokeng knew where the witnesses live and who their families are, therefore the court should oppose bail. The case refers to an incident in June where the six suspects allegedly kidnapped and assaulted a man whose brother, known only as ‘Doctor’, disappeared with a 25kg shipment of drugs he had been recruited to help smuggle through OR Tambo International Airport. They are accused of keeping the man at Krejcir’s Money Point business in Bedfordview, Johannesburg, for four days, and assaulting him.
11 February 2014
Kinderverkragter Community engagement is key in crime prevention verdeel familie Amy-Mae Campbell
‘n Man in Elsburg het op Maandagoggend 3 Februarie in die Germiston Streekshof verskyn op aangklagte van kinderverkragting en -molestering. Daar word vermoed dat die man sy twee sussies se kinders, almal tussen die ouderdom van 3 en 8-jaar, verkrag en gemolesteer het. Die beskuldigde het al twee keer om borgtog aansoek gedoen, maar dit is hom albei kere geweier. Sy regsverteenwoordiger het Maandagoggend laat opgedaag vir die hofsaak en die verhoor is toe uitgestel na 18 Februarie. Volgens Elmarie Pretorius, bestuurder en ondersoekbeampte by People Search and Rescue Unit, is die sussies se sake al in Desember 2012 aangemeld en sleep al van toe af. In Oktober 2013 is daar ook sake van kinderverwerping teen die twee sussies gemaak wat nog afgehandel word; die een sussie het borgtog gekry en die ander sussie word nog aangekla. Volgens Pretorius is almal in die gesin dwelmmisbruikers en sy glo dit is daarom dat die ma’s nie agtergekom het dat hulle kinders vermoedelik deur hulle oom gemolesteer word nie. Die sussies het gereeld hul broer gevra om na die vier kindertjies (twee dogtertjies van die een sussie en twee seuntjies van die ander sussie) te kyk en daar word vermoed dat, indien die broer skuldig is, dit reg onder hulle neuse gebeur het. Die een sussie is geskei van haar dogtertjies se biologiese pa en die ander ma het buite-egtelike seuntjies by twee verskillende pa’s. As gevolg hiervan het die kinders baie rondgekuier en dit was eers toe die twee dogtertjies eendag by die ouma kuier toe sy agterkom dat hulle gedrag vreemd is. Die twee seuntjies se ma het eers uitgevind dat hulle gemolesteer is nadat haar een seuntjie in die teater gedurende ‘n gesigsoperasie, van ‘n hondaanval, daaroor gepraat het. Die verkragter het blykbaar gedreig om die seuntjies se ore af te sny as hulle hieroor sou uitpraat. “Die publiek moet weet, dit gebeur onder jou neus. Daar is tekens om voor uit te kyk. Grootmense moet namens die kinders praat,” sê Pretorius, wat al sedert 2012 aan die saak werk en hoop dat hierdie geval ouers meer attent sal maak op hulle kinders se veiligheid. Die ma’s mag om veiligheidsredes nie meer kontak met hulle kinders hê nie. tame TIMES sal op 18 Februarie die volle saak dek en ‘n opvolgberig skryf.
Clive Humphrey, Managing Director of ADT Central Region advises that all residents should get involved in their communities by getting to know their neighbourhoods and neighbours this year. “This is a vital defence mechanism in community security. Your neighbours are the closest in proximity to you when you are at home and are the most likely to be the first to identify a possible problem,” he said. Humphrey explained by knowing your neighbours’ daily routines, and those of the domestic staff as well as the surroundings of the neighbourhood, it is easier to notice suspicious people, vehicles and activity. “We have seen successful crime prevention in suburbs where residents get actively involved in their communities. This leads to combined security implementation, which has a greater impact on an area than individual efforts do.” If neighbours start sharing security tips and reporting suspicious individuals or vehicles spotted in their area, security providers and the SAPS can then get a better understanding of the activity in the area and implement effective crime prevention tactics. “You never know when you will need help or if anyone will be around when you do. Why not take the time to get to know at least two of your neighbours and get to know your neighbourhood better this year,” he said. Whether you’ve recently moved into a new area or have been living there for some time, meet with your neighbours and discuss ways to keep your families and homes safe. Humphrey suggests touching on the following points during your discussion: Start by exchanging cell phone numbers so that you are able to contact each other when necessary. Agree to keep an eye on one another’s properties and to contact the other about suspicious people or when something appears out of place. If either or both of you travel often or takes regular holidays, talk about doing small chores for each other while you are away. This includes removing mail from the post-box on a daily basis and switching on inside and outdoor lights so that your home does not appear unoccupied. “It is also very important to introduce your children to your neighbours,” Humphrey said. “Agree to keep an eye on each other’s children when they are playing in the garden. Also, teach your children that if they are ever home alone and feel unsafe, they can go over to one of these neighbours and wait there until you can be contacted and can come home.” He added that another idea is to write the contact details of at least one or two of your neighbours on your list of emergency services numbers kept near the telephone. In the event that something happens to you or a loved one in your home, a neighbour can assist you until emergency services arrive. “By working together as each other’s eyes and ears, you, your neighbours, the SAPS and security providers can make your suburb a no-go zone for criminals,” he concluded.
11 February 2014
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tame TIMES
Dis-Chem Half Marathon race director responds to letter
Horticultural society meetings 12 & 26 February 12 February at 19:30 - a talk by Heather Balcombe on Bio-diversity in Urban Gardens, at Roosevelt Recreation Centre, Preller Drive, Roosevelt Park. Phone 082 951 1432. 26 February 26 at 09:30 - a morning of gardening questions and solutions hosted by Andre Bimray from Efekto. The Floreum, Johannesburg Botanic Gardens, Olifants Road, Emmarentia. Phone 082 951 1432. KlipSA’s SUL talk - 13 February Sustainable Health in the 21st Century Jane Mackenzie will unravel modern healthcare and suggest how we can make more informed choices about the food that we eat, how to grow mineral and nutrient dense food, discuss super foods and super herbs for radiant health as well as provide answers to some of your nutritional questions. Time: 18:30 for 19:00 Venue: Entrance Precinct, Peggy Vera Road, Kibler Park Price: R30 (includes tea, coffee and light snacks) RSVP essential: sul@klipsa.org.za (only 50 seats available) Disability awareness event 21 February Believers Care Society is holding a disability awareness event from 10:00 until 14:00, at 118 High Street, BCS Centre. The event will see all NPOs, PBOs, and NGOs, taking part in creating the heightened awareness concerning disability. Believers Care Society is a non-profit organisation registered with the department of Social Development and SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation. The organisation has been involved in development of the community in the South of Johannesburg. St Catherine’s School Open Day Invitation to our Open Day, 1 March Time: 09:00 to 11:00 Special Invite to all Grades 000 – 10 for entrance to the school in 2015. We look forward to hosting all new pupils to our warm and secure school! They have successfully implemented programmes, ranging from training and development, information and referrals, SMME support and the food bank. Contact T Mayeza on 082 844 3225.
Grant Panter writes: As the organising club we would like to respond to your reader’s letter and enquiries as follows: The Dis-Chem Half Marathon & 5km Dash have been held under this title sponsor for the last 13 years at a similar time each year. Preparations for this race start at least 4 months before the race and are approved in terms of the Sports & Recreation Act (SASREA) 2013. We understand the frustration that certain road users may experience in trying to get to a destination on the morning of the event
and therefore, together with the services of the EMPD, we use approximately 130 marshals to manage traffic flow in the area on the morning of the race. All of our marshals are running club members or friends and no children under the age of 18 are used to manage any intersection. The Dis-Chem Half Marathon, proudly recognised as one of the best organised road running races in South Africa, and both we as a club and our title sponsor DisChem are cognisant of the need to ensure a safe environment for both the road users and runners. Over the years we have
implemented various initiatives to inform the public of the race to varying degrees of success. We continuously look for ways to improve our race and therefore will address your reader’s concerns when planning for our 2015 event. As a director of the sponsors, Stan Goetsch wishes to thank the residents of Bedfordview for their patience and understanding over the few hours on this one day in January every year and apologises personally to the reader for the inconvenience that she experienced on this morning.
Comment regarding brutalised dog Cathy Haberland writes: A while back there was a quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi that said “you can tell the kind of people who inhabit a country by the way they treat their animals.” I’m only sad that I couldn’t get this to you in time for a large caption beside your picture of what looked like a seriously beaten Staffie. What happened to the monster who did that to the dog? He was known to the community. Did anyone care enough to go after him and press charges, or does beating up an animal count for nothing in this country? The government doesn’t give money to the SPCA so there is no money for the “outreaches”, which go to townships and shows people how to treat their animals and innoculate them. Simple things like showing people how to pick up a dog without breaking its legs. I gather you have won a few awards. Well done. Keep it up.
tame TIMES response: Thank you so much for sending us
your comment regarding the brutalised dog. tame TIMES has received a lot of feedback regarding the story. There are investigations underway at the moment in the SPCA’s effort to build a case against the perpetrator. According to the investigating officer there are children who witnessed the incident and they are gathering statements from them. Poor communities rely on the SPCA and other private organisations for animal education, protection and neutering, none of which get any funding to assist them with the fantastic work that they are doing. This is a problem that needs to be addressed. I agree that this behaviour towards animals is unacceptable. We hope that justice will prevail.
Henna Fourie writes: I am so angry right now I am finding it extremely difficult not to use every second word as a swear word. People like this should be whipped with a sjambok!
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11 February 2014
tame TIMES
Gauteng Premier Candidate promises DA will deliver
Ndu Ngwenya @nduzo
Attendees appreciated the opportunity to interact with the DA’s provincial leader. BELIEVE: DA’s Gauteng Premier Candidate, Mmusi Maimane believes in the province’s potential. DA’s Premier Candidate, Mmusi Maimane and a group of volunteers stopped over in Brackenhurst, Alberton on Thursday 6 February. The visit formed parts the DA’s election campaign, which carries the hopes of the party winning the Gauteng Province after this year’s election. Maimane greeted the intimate gathering of residents in Afrikaans. The charismatic DA leader admitted that his Afrikaans is under construction and would be hopefully be ready by the time the DA takes the province. He then proceeded to address the residents in English beginning his address by explaining that the ANC is not the enemy and that when they organise marches it is not against the
ANC but it is against failure. “The first time I voted, I made acmark next to the ANC’s logo, but that was the progressive ANC of Nelson Mandela and Mbeki. We cannot though be naïve, the ANC today has failed” said Maimane. “I visited Vosloorus earlier today and to my surprise there are people who don’t have a toilet; that is unacceptable. When the DA takes the province we will work to make this right, even if we become known as the government which delivered toilets, at least we would have delivered something.” Maimane went on to address, among other talking points; BEE, the economy, jobs, education and the infamous e-toll system.
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“BEE is a necessary program, we cannot ignore historical imbalances, but the program was never meant to penalize business. BEE will propel change if given to the right government,” Maimane said. Quotas do not put the proper person in the office and that actually works against the aims of balancing the scale, he added. During the question and answer session of the meeting, Maimane stated that he doesn’t own an e-tag and was not prepared to pay; this was received by applause from the approving residents. Speaking to tame TIMES, one of the residents stated that he appreciates the visit but believes that if the DA is to win the province they need to take the messages to those communities who are not already voting blue.
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Election date announced
The fifth national general elections will be held on 7 May. President Jacob Zuma announced the date on Friday 7 February. 2014 marks the 20th year of a democratic South Africa, where all of the country’s nationals are free to participate in the choosing of a ruling party and the president. Zuma said this election will mark the 20th anniversary of freedom from apartheid bondage. According to Zuma the IEC’s preparations were satisfactory and that South Africans locally and abroad will be headed to the poles on the 7th of May. tame TIMES would like to know how your registration experience was. Share your photos with us and also let us know what you think about the forthcoming elections. Share with on our Facebook page or at www.tametimes.co.za.
Share with us on to us on our facebook page of at www.tametimes.co.za
Ekurhuleni expects payments The delayed delivery of printed municipal account statements is not reason enough for customers not to pay their accounts or to pay them late, says Ekurhuleni municipality. The on-going interruption of postal services has seen a number of frustrated customers not receiving their statements on time and they have either skipped payment or paid late, thus incurring arrears on their accounts. “We are aware of the strike by post office workers. However, it was in view of circumstances like these, amongst others, that the municipality introduced numerous options that only serve to make accessibility of statements and payments easy. The nonreceipt of a statement does not exempt any person from the liability to pay such an account,” metro’s spokesperson Themba Gadebe said. Residents are encouraged to pay similar amounts to the previous month’s statements should they not have received their current statements “Due dates for payments are fixed and don’t change from month to month. When in doubt, customers may phone the numbers at the back of their previous statement,” Gadebe added, “alternatively they can e-mail their account numbers, including contact details, to accontenquiries@ekurhuleni.gov.za.”
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11 February 2014
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11 February 2014
11 February 2014
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11 February 2014
11 February 2014
Success at rowing regatta Awards for academic achievers Holy Rosary took home eight medals in total (3 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze) when competing in last weekend’s Assumption and Bishop Bavin Schools Rowing Regatta. Especially well done to Bronagh Buchholtz and Shaan Forster for winning gold in the Senior Women’s Doubles race; Kathryn Bennett, Hannah Kempe, Tyla Symonds, Ivana Drogojevix and cox Jamie Kench for winning gold in the Junior u/19B Quads race; and Kallen Carrick and Courtney Kan for winning gold in the u/16A Doubles race.
Holy Rosary High School recently held their Honours Evening, which aimed at acknowledging their pupils’ academic and service accomplishments in 2013. Seen here are the girls that were awarded and re-awarded Full Colours.
WINNERS: Tyla Symonds and Jayde Proudfoot after their doubles race.
Holy Rosary’s top achievers Holy Rosary High School recently held their Honours Evening, which was held to acknowledge their pupils’ academic and service accomplishments in 2013.
Top of Grade winners: Theané Dietrich, Kirsty Warnes, Karin Lee and Samantha Thurgood.
Back: Lauren Barger. Second back row: Ruth Farrer, Cailin Theobald and Olivia Moz. Second front row: Christey Harris, Samantha Yen, Kirsty Warnes, Olivia Visentin and Simone Soares. Front row: Courtney Knowles, Megan Patterson, Kirsten McCormack and Michela Agostinetto.
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Mastering the black and red
Tsogo Sun once again has a new thrilling tournament running at thirteen casinos Roulette Masters. Media and celebrities got to experience the highs and lows of the game recently in a decadent night of red and black extravagance at Back o’ the Moon at Gold Reef City Casino. It was Edith Venter who came out tops in the mini Roulette Master Tournament, either she knows how to play the game, or the glamorous life is just second nature to her. What is Roulette Masters all about? It is a first for the Tsogo group and is designed to inspire thrill-seekers to try their luck for the top prize of R1,7 million. The tournament started on 13 January and runs until 14 March, so you still have time to see if luck is on your side. The grand finals takes place on 29 March at Gold Reef City, where a minimum of R1.7 million in prize money and a guaranteed first prize of R1 million will be won. Every weekend for nine weeks, roulette heats will be held at the 13 Tsogo Sun casinos – where patrons will be able to buy-in to the tournament for R100 per entry. Qualifying rounds in the Roulette Masters will be played at each casino, with between one to five players constituting a heat. After buying in, each player receives chips and must play every spin. Players will be given three spins of 90 seconds each and at the end of three spins, the chips remaining will be totalled and scores will be entered onto the leader board. Players can enter as often as they like, especially if they don’t make the leader board or feel their present score is too close to the qualification cut off
level. At the end of the nine-week qualifying period, the player with the highest chip winnings from a single buy-in will automatically qualify for a seat in the casino finals and the next 20 players will play off for the remaining six seats in the casino finals. Once the finals have been held in the
respective casinos, the grand finals will be held where 36 grand finalists from the various casinos will draw table and playing positions. A semi-final round will determine the seven top earning players who will play off in the finals, which constitutes seven spins. The overall winner is the player with the highest total value in chips at the end of the
Laurelle Williams @laurellewilliam twitter.com
eleb BLE: C
11 February 2014
a win.
seven spins. As it was explained to guests, either go big or go home. However tame TIMES JHB South Editor went big in the three spin heat and unfortunately didn’t win, but still enjoyed Gold Reef City Lionel Chetty’s support and advice while playing nonetheless.
Ster-Kinekor ‘Folks’ it up Miguel Abrahams @migzo twitter.com
doelgerigte leerders!
Leier Simposium: 10 Maart,18:00 100%-mat riekslaagsyf er met 98,5%-un iversiteitst oelating
• Die skool waar jy op jou naam geken en gegroet word. • Die skool wat nie ‘n plafon op jou ontwikkeling plaas nie. • Die skool waar jy binne ‘n gesonde dissiplinestelsel jou potensiaal kan najaag. • Die skool wat jou ‘n mengelmoes van kultuur-en sportgeleenthede bied. • Die skool wat jou kleuter-wees, kind-wees en tiener-wees ‘n hupstoot gee. • Die skool wat jou Christenskap as waardesisteem erken en help uitleef.
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Die skool waar die eendersheid van onderwys met 'n absolute andersheid aangepak word!
Folk music has become commercial over the past year with a number of folk singers becoming part of pop culture. It was only a matter of time before folk music reached film, and Ster-Kinekor being a trend setter gave us the opportunity to experience the folk world first hand last Wednesday night, at a special screening of Inside Llewyn Davis at Rosebank Mall’s Cinema Nouveau. What better way to celebrate folk music than with our home-grown folk singer Matthew Mole, who performed an intimate set with a number of his famous hits such as Autumn. He also performed one of the prominent songs in the film called Hang Me, Oh Hang Me. Inside Llewyn Davis, a film written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, known collectively as The Coen Brothers, centres around Llewyn Davis, a struggling Folk singer who just lost his singing partner and how he tries to get a proper recording deal in the 1960s while battling life’s hardships at the same time.
The film is loosely based on true events. Stars Oscar Isaac and Carey Mulligan give us a real look at the life of a struggling artist in a not so popular genre of music and, whether you like folk music or not, you can’t help but respect the genre in its entirety. The film has already been nominated for two Academy awards, making it a must see. And if you’re a fan, Justin Timberlake has a cameo in the film.
11 14 February May 20132014
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Ster-Kinekor’s “Girlfriends’ Getaway� presents pre-screening of the fantasy love story Winter’s Tale
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11 February 2014
Hypno comedy takes to Gold Reef History: The Mighty Men Conferences Ilze Moore ilze@tametimes.co.za As most attending, walking into Parkers Comedy Club at Gold Reef City, I too was sceptic when it came to hypnosis. Hypnotist Alain D Woolf entertains the crowd by hypnotising volunteers who go up on stage and takes them beyond their accepted behaviour. Alains hypno comedy saw people forgetting their names, swimming through a pool in midair and fighting over their ‘boyfriend’ Alain, all because he told them to, leaving the audience
Conference for the Johannesburg region. In a meeting held at Shalom Ministries in Greytown, ‘Oom Angus’ spoke to us and handed the baton over to Victor Lemmer, founder of Summit of God Ministries, to host the Mighty Men Conference in Johannesburg. This will be an annual event and the first will take place in March. “Being on Oom Angus’ farm in July 2013 was such an honor, but the hard work starts now. We are blessed and honored to host this event with God as our focus point,” said Victor Lemmer.
in stiches. The thing that makes the show so entertaining is the fact that it is not scripted and every show is unique, so you can go see it as many times as you like. He is also very professional in handling the volunteers in that he won’t let things go too far. As an additional bonus, every evening after the show he gives private one on one sessions after the show. True to its catchphrase, the show kept me captivated, fascinated and totally spellbound. Alains Hypno comedy will take place every Wednesday evening, so go be entranced.
The original Mighty Men Conferences took place seven times on Angus Buchan’s farm Shalom in Greytown, KwaZulu-Natal. The final two, held in 2009 and 2010, each attracted between 200 000 and 300 000 conference goers. Most of those who attended the conference called it a life-changing experience. According to Lesley Ashwell, who has been attending the conference ever since it started, “It was absolutely awesome and humbling seeing grown men cry.” “Angus said it is the last one held by Shalom. From now on there will be Men’s Conferences all over, but they will not be organised by Shalom,” said Shalom Ministries’ spokeswoman, Bianca Ortmann (From Times Live). The Mighty Men Conference Joburg was authorised by Angus Buchan on 8 July 2013, and is the official Mighty Men
Further details on the conference, hosted from 7 – 8 March: Tickets are now available on iTicket – Direct link http://www.itickets.co.za/ events/320409.html Cost is R250 per person for the whole weekend. You can camp on the farm or you can drive in every day (This price includes registration, camping facilities, entrance to all 4 sessions). You can bring your own food, but we will have braai packs as well as cooked meals and soft drinks on sale (no alcohol will be allowed). Food tickets are also be available @ R150 per person on www.iTicket.co.za. This will include Friday evening dinner (7 March) and Saturday Brunch and dinner (8 March) The MMC Joburg 2014 T-Shirts (conference T-Shirt) costs R150 and will be available on an order bases. If ordered before 7 February 2014 you will receive it for the MMC Joburg 2014 event. If ordered after this date we will try to get it ready before the MMC, but cannot guarantee it. To place an order for the T-shirt, sms MMC T-shirt to 071 912 2554.
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11 February 2014
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tame TIMES
Footballers SA conquers French at Valentines gather here Serengeti parkrun Ndu Ngwenya @nduzo
Ballers Indoor Arena held their official launch with a tournament day on 1 February in Elspark. Determined players took to the courts ready for steep competition in their efforts to claim the top spot and win the grand prize of R10 000. Not only was the event filled with exciting matches played by all footballers, but it also presented spectators and player alike with the opportunity to party with celebrity guests and some of SA’s finest DJs on decks, supplying you with the finest beats that had everybody grooving all day and night. Spectators enjoyed the festive bar and Pizzeria Café entertainment area that overlooks the soccer pitches, boasting big screen TVs, pool tables, a foozeball table, Play Stations and more. Owned by Mamelodi Sundowns player Lebohang Mokoena, Basil Hunter and Nicholas Farinha, Ballers is a stunning upmarket professional sporting arena, one of the best arenas in the East Rand. Ballers offers a Professional Academy for the young ones, where they’re taught the skills they need to better themselves. On the day scouts will be there too.
The South African juniors defeated the French in a two-day Test at Serengeti Golf and Wildlife Estate. Hennie du Plessis (Limpopo), team manager Eden Thompson, Kyle McClatchie (Ekurhuleni), Thriston Lawrence (Mpumalanga) and Jovan Rebula (Southern Cape). *Credit Dale Boyce. South Africa’s top four ranked juniors rallied to a five point victory against the French in the final round of a twoday Test at the Serengeti Golf & Wildlife Estate on Saturday. The South Africans dominated the first round 4.5 – 1.5, but the local heroes came under a little pressure when the visitors claimed one of the foursome’s matches and halved the other early in the final round. The livened-up chase by the French only seemed to fire up the South Africans. The country’s number one Kyle McClatchie employed his local course knowledge to lead a spirited comeback, handing Chantilly’s Victor Veyret a 7 and 5 drubbing that put the Proteas back in control, while Southern Cape’s Jovan Rebula defeated Thomas Le Berre from Chantilly 4 and 3, and Limpopo’s Hennie du Plessis survived a hard-fought scuffle against Alexandre Daydou from
Cannes Mougins to triumph 1-up. “The team spirit of this side was pretty obvious when Kyle, Jovan and Hennie, having already secured the victory, all went to support Thriston (Lawrence), who was entangled in a tough battle against Paul Elissalde,” said team manager, Eden Thompson. The battle between the reigning Sanlam SA Amateur champion and the top ranked French junior from Bairritz le Phare lasted the distance, with the match ending in a draw and Lawrence securing half a point to give the South Africans an 8.5 – 3.5 victory. “It was a great battle against Paul,” the Mpumalanga teenager said. “None of us wanted to sacrifice a single point and I am thrilled that I was able to get a half point for the team.” Thompson said the spirit in the camp was truly inspirational.
SEEFF Jhb South invites you to join Rietvlei parkrun on Saturday 15 February to celebrate Valentines. Parkrun is a 5km walk or run, every Saturday, at 8:00 at Rietvlei Zoo Farm – it’s fun and it’s free. Dress in Red for Valentines! Parkruns are open to everyone, children, adults, family and friends. Parkrun aims to have an event in every community that wants one. Parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed events at 8:00 around the world. Whether you walk or run, bring your family and friends, young or old. Dogs on leads also welcome (Earn 500 Vitality points every time you participate in a parkrun). To find out more or to attend Rietvlei parkrun at Rietlvei Zoo Farm, kindly view and register on the website www.parkrun. co.za and download your barcode.
SEND YOUR STORIES TO ilze@tametimes.co.za
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tame TIMES
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11 February 2014 MIASLF-07
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Lions take a beating at Ellis Park Ilze Moore
The full strength Sharks team annihilated the tame Lions in their final warm up match on Friday night at Ellis Park, winning 57-14. The Lions knew there was a slim chance of making a comeback against the fierce Sharks team, who had a huge lead (31-0) as the whistle blew at half time.
In the first 90 seconds Springbok player Odwa Ndungane was the first over the try line, after an initial break by fly-half Patrick Lambie. Lambie continued creating opportunities for his team through solid tackle kicking and dangerous attacking runs. Ndungane scored another try in the 14th
minute, after which another try followed four minutes later by Pieter-Steph du Toit, taking the Sharks to a 19-0 lead after Lambie’s conversion. They continued their relentless attack with tries from Francios Steyn and Stephan Lewies. Ackerman stated before the clash against the Sharks that it was imperative to avoid injuries and rested some of their key players, as the players were preparing for Super rugby. The young Lions team found it very difficult to make their way back into the game against the Sharks, as the team filled with Springbok players continued with their relentless attack after half time. The Lions finally got onto the scoreboard when Stephan Vermeulen added the first try to the score sheet, but this was short lived as the Sharks scored shortly after in the 65th minute. Their efforts were futile following Coenie van Wyk’s try, which was converted to take the score to 50-14. S’bura Sithole added the final points of the game, ending the score at 57-14.
Klaasen aces it Nedbank runners tops Pick n Pay in Austraila
marathon podium
Ilze Moore ilze@tametimes.co.za
Raven Klaasen, the South African doubles ace, received a welcome bonus cheque from his sponsor Koolcon after returning to South Africa for Davis Cup duty after reaching the finals of the Australian Open doubles. Presenting Raven Klaasen (far left) with his bonus cheque are (middle) Johan Koolen (Group Managing Director: Koolcon) and (far right) Kevin Wright (Group marketing Manager: Koolcon). The presentation was made at Irene Country Club. *Picture credit: Reg Caldecott
Nedbank Running club dominated the Pick n Pay marathon and topped the men’s and women’s podiums on Sunday for both the 21km and 42km races. Thousands of athletes gathered at Saheti School on the bright summer morning to claim top spots in the 42km and 21km races. The athletes ran significantly slower times this year, with Nedbank’s Elias Mabane snatching the number one spot in the 42km race in a time of 2:30:29, with Samuel Mashishi trailing close behind finishing in a time of 2:30:58. Mthetho Mntungwa came in at number three. The men’s 21km was also closely contested between Leswene Africa Mailola and Sipho Ncube. Mailola, however accepted, his victory with open arms finishing in 1:09:26. An exciting 42km was run by the ladies where Gillian Seiling, Julanie Basson and Funeka Zaula battled it out on the road to emerge as the 2014 Pick n Pay marathon winner. A very close finish between Seiling and Basson had crowds cheering loudly as Seiling came in first, three seconds earlier than Basson. Seiling ran a good race finishing in 3:02:27. Zaula took third. Alemthshehay Hail Kakissa won the 21km in 1:19:50, with Judy Bird finishing in 1:29:34, and Salome Brits taking third position finishing in 1:33:02. The rest of the athletes enjoyed a lovely race in the warm summer’s weather, many of which are in preparation for the Comrades marathon.
Where have all the crowds gone? We all know that it is the avid cricket spectator paying at the gates that contribute to the coffers of all the Cricket Governing Bodies around the world. In one way or another, around the world, we have By Craig Norris seen spectator numbers dwindle up and down in all formats of the game. I ask myself why the stadiums in general are half full, or even a quarter full, especially for Test Match Cricket and some of the ODI games across the globe. Can it be the cost of paying for a ticket to get through the turnstile and enjoy what is on offer, or is it that we are spoiled with live television recordings? We stop and think, why bother going to the stadium when I can stay at home and watch the game? I am spoiled and can save on traveling costs, I can also check on what is currently happening with all the other live games around the world from the comfort of lazyboy with my remote. The ICC needs to rethink their marketing of Test Match cricket if they want to move forward in the right direction, and get a bump in filled seats in all the Test Arenas. Australia seems to have the right formula as their stadiums are always brimming to the rafters. The KFC Big Bash is an example. Yes, granted that the Aussies have given the English a whipping in all formats of the game in the last few weeks, but you and I know one swallow does not make a summer. The organisers of the next Cricket ODI World Cup have promised that they will make the game more affordable for the everyday man and will ensure that the stadiums are full. However, it was great to see that our National T20 final on Sunday, a great contest with the Dolphins beating the locals by 2 runs, had a packed Newlands Stadium in Cape Town. Good luck to the Proteas , who will hopefully experience a full-house crowd at Centurion Park with the first Test Match vs the Aussies.