tame TIMES
Illegal miners rescued INSIDE Volume 02, 19 February 2014, Week 8
Delivered every Wednesday
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Full story on page 2
Spreading the love on Valentine’s Day
Page 4
CBC's Rising star
Page 12
TRAPPED:The crane that was used to lift a massive concrete slab that had collapsed and barricaded the illegal miners' exit.
RESCUED: One of the rescued illegal miners being led to medical assistance on Sunday.
* Formal Qualification * Part Time Classes Available * Interest Free Payment Plans *All Matrics Welcome * Starts Mid March
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Page 2
19 February 2014
tame TIMES
Illegal miners rescued Out in a massive grassy field, far away from any interference that could stem from the public, a score of illegal miners were stuck 15m underground after the mine they were working in collapsed on top of them on Saturday. The illegal miners were allegedly found on Sunday, when emergency services were conducting operations regarding illegal mining in general in the area. They apparently heard screaming from the abandoned mine and responded. Layers of rubble and a concrete slab was restricting the miners from exiting after it collapsed. There is still speculation surrounding the true events leading to the miners being found, as many officials said that there was a dazed man spotted in the field by a community member, who alerted the emergency officials of the illegal miners being trapped. Eleven illegal miners were rescued via a chain being lured down the shaft and lifting the trapped miners through the one square meter hole to the surface. It is believed that there are over 200 illegal miners down the shaft. Many of the miners attempted to approach the surface but turned around to head back down, allegedly because they were too afraid to face the police. Emergency officials did lower down some food and water, however it is believed that the miners’ supplies could be running scarce. Emergency officials stated that none of their staff would go down the shaft as it is too dangerous. None of the miners that emerged from the mine have had any reported injuries. The rescued miners had to assist the emergency officials in persuading the others to emerge, as the unstable mine could shift again causing them to be in even more danger. This however did not persuade the miners that stayed behind. Emergency officials eventually gave up the search and rescue late on Sunday, however the SAPS remained behind. ER24 medics on standby at the site since Monday morning said 13 uninjured men surfaced from the shaft. Upon exiting, the miners received medical attention and were handed over to police to be brought to book. “They will be appearing in the Benoni Magistrate’s Court (on Tuesday) on charges of illegal mining,” said Lieutenant Colonel Katlego Mogale.
Hallo al my lojale lesers! Ek sien elke week so uit om met julle te gesels oor allerhande sake wat na-aan my hart lê. Ek het verlede week ‘n Valentynsdag-damesfunksie bygewoon waar ‘n gasspreker gesels het oor hoe belangrik dit is om vrouwees te vier. Sy het, onder andere, verwys na die kwaliteite, wat sy glo, ‘n gesonde, suksesvolle en selfversekerde vrou oor behoort te beskik.
Chantal Thurlby
From page 1
CHAOS: Emergency officials and media attention was phenomenal.
ALL IN A DAY’S WORK: One of the emergency officials radioed in that another miner is on his way to the surface.
Visit for video feeds from the day.
EG: TAME MAKROSAFE ID ALBERTON SMS’s charged at R3 *Entries close in March 2014
Where do we leave the issue By Nieto Hernandez I would forgive anyone who didn’t know that the previous week’s scenes in Johannesburg were actually about a genuine problem for South Africa on all sides of the country’s political landscape; the unacceptably high statistic of unemployed South Africans, especially youth.
Sy het die volgende ses kwaliteite gelys: ● ‘n Volwaardige vrou aanvaar komplimente gretig en skiet dit nooit af nie. ● ‘n Volwaardige vrou weet hoe om vir mense te glimlag sodat hulle werklik belangrik en spesiaal voel. ● ‘n Volwaardige vrou is nooit spyt nie, maar fokus eerder op moontlike oplossings vir huidige probleme en op dit wat sy kan leer uit haar mislukkings. ● ‘n Volwaardige vrou is nooit jaloers op ‘n ander dame se sukses of op haar skoonheid nie, want jaloesie dui eintlik op ‘n onderliggende minderwaardigheidskompleks. ● ‘n Volwaardige vrou tree gemaklik en grasieus op in enige omgewing en situasie, al is sy doodmoeg of hoogs geïriteerd. ● ‘n Volwaardige vrou is passievol oor alles wat sy in haar lewe aanpak. Ek moet erken dat ek stadig maar seker swaarder en swaarder gesluk het soos wat sy verder af met die lysie gelees het, omdat ek eintlik maar skuldig is aan baie van die ‘moenies’ waarna sy verwys het. Ek sal gereeld as mense my komplimenteer op ‘n pragtige rok vinnig uitblaker dat ek dit eintlik vir spotgoedkoop by ‘n Pep-uitverkoping gekry het. Ek sal ook gereeld tob oor my mislukkings, in plaas daarvan om die lig aan die einde van die tonnel te probeer sien. En laastens sukkel ek ook soms om my woede of irritasie vir Gysie by ‘n funksie weg te steek en grasieus voor te kom. Ek is nie die perfekte dame nie, soms dink ek Kate Middleton se standaarde is nie behaalbaar nie en bloot selektiewe verslaglewering, maar dit was wel insiggewend en interessant om ‘n standaard gegee te word waarna ek kan streef om ‘n volwaardige en voorbeeldige dame te wees. Tip: Plak hierdie lysie op jou yskas en herinner jouself elke dag daaraan dat dit binne jou bereik is om ‘n dame te wees waarna ander vrouens kan opkyk.
make it increasingly difficult for entrepreneurs to conduct business and, as a result, placing more pressure on itself as the population who does not qualify is now more reliant on social grants and crime. That having been said, I question the direction of the protest. In SA, although the line may be blurred, there is a separation of party and state. So when we vote we vote for the party we want to assume the role of government, the party is not however the government. So mistake number one (the opening of the can of worms), was marching to Luthuli instead of the Union Buildings. The second blunder on the cards was the day and time this march was scheduled for. Unemployment affects all South Africans, it would have served the cause much better if South Africans with and without jobs stood together to make the government realise the issue’s seriousness.
Opposition is not necessarily enmity; it is merely misused and made an occasion for enmity - Sigmund Freud Although the cause may have been legitimate and noble, a number of fundamental blunders by both DA and ANC could have ended in a Marikana sequel. People’s lives were (either deliberately, or as consequence of short-sightedness) placed in danger for the sole benefit of a political branding exercise. The DA must be applauded for speaking up against mediocrity. In the past all the government has succeeded in doing is to
On the ANC’s side of the fence, I fail to understand why they had to bus in armed people into Jozi to protect Luthuli House. What was the DA’s presence threatening? The second blunder of the ruling party, which brings up a question about standards, was the fact that only a few days before the strike they were condemning Malema’s EFF for promoting violence. What peace will be realised while we stand with bricks in hands and with clenched fists? All of these have robbed South Africa of an opportunity to find multiparty solutions to our very real problem.
Let’s chat. Let me know what your thoughts on this topic are via e-mail or drop me a tweet @NietoVoice.
Quote of the week: “Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible and it’s yours.” - Ayn Rand
weather Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Journalist: Chantal Thurlby Sub-editor: Eddie Kok
Chantal Thurlby
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Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Wednesday 26 February 2014 Deadline: Monday 24 February at 14:00 Find us on Twitter and Facebook
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tame TIMES Boksburg Journalist
19 February 2014
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tame TIMES
Father and son shot
I’m the next idol arnival City was buzzing with excited hopefuls from all over Johannesburg at the Big Top Arena, waiting for the Season 10 Idols auditions to commence. Idols is a musical talent show that allows for unnoticed and talented community members to try and impress the judges and make it to the top.
On Thursday two suspects were arrested for attempted murder and hi-jacking with the assistance of community members and the Ekurhuleni Metro. It is alleged that the suspects, driving a silver VW Polo, stopped behind the complainant’s vehicle, a silver grey Nissan Qashqai. One of the suspects, on the passenger side, jumped out and shot the complainant in the chest. The complainant’s son jumped out of the vehicle and went after the shooter to confront him. The suspect shot him in the right upper leg, but the son managed to keep the shooter in the park across from their residence. Some of the other residents, after hearing gunshots, came out to help. An Ekurhuleni Metro Police officer arrived on the scene and assisted in arresting the two suspects. Paramedics were called to the scene and the injured were taken to hospital for medical attention. One suspect was transported to hospital after he sustained slight injuries. A 9mm Norinco pistol, with the serial number filed off, was confiscated. The suspect’s vehicle, which had been stolen in Benoni last week, was recovered. The suspects have been arrested before.
One of the suspects is out on parole, for an armed robbery incident, whilst the other suspect is linked to a theft case. Both the suspects will appear in the Boksburg Magistrate’s Court on charges of attempted murder and hijacking.
WEAPON: The firearm that was used in the hijacking.
It’s in the bag Once again the refreshing realisation that there are still fantastic people out there reminds one that there is hope in our poverty stricken country. In South Africa around 3 million+ school desks and 4 million+ chairs are needed, which could account for the low percentage of South Africa’s youngsters obtaining a National Senior Certificate. tame TIMES met Madalain Roscher, a wonderful, selfless woman, and her team who are helping disadvantaged children one school at a time. Roscher came up with a solution to this saddening problem by creating something called a DeskBag. This bag is an all-in-one solution, as it is durable and has a portable desk solution. The DeskBag allows children to carry their books and stationery around with them and, with the flap of the bag reinforced with durable ABS plastic, when folded open becomes an instant desk support. DeskBags are made from recycled vinyl billboards, waterproof materials and reflective binding, so that the children can be easily
Johannesburg is just one of the many stops where judges Gareth Cliff, Randall Abrahams and Unathi Msengana will scout for talent in 2014. The auditions are being held at the following places around South Africa: Johannesburg, Carnival City on 15 February; Durban, Playhouse Theatre on 26 February; Cape Town, Grandwest Casino 9 March; and the Pretoria State Theatre on 22 March.
The winners receive a recording contract and other prizes. Idols is aired every Sunday at 17:30 on M-net an Mzansi Magic. Visit for more information. tame TIMES will be at Carnival City for the second round of the idols auditions on Thursday. See our website for live feeds on the day.
Behind the scenes at the Idols Auditions.
Chantal Thurlby
spotted in the rain or in darkness. Sunward Park based PR Worx has their own in-house manufacturing facility and only employs previously disadvantaged or disabled men and women to aid in job creation. The women are then trained as pattern cutters or seamstresses and the men are contracted monthly to wash the billboards before they are cut. “We believe DeskBags is the tool through which we can impact the lives of underprivileged children on their educational journey most, and help them to become positive contributing members of society,” Rosher said. You can get involved through sponsorship, which then allows the children to receive bags free of charge. PR Worx will assist your company with actual handover assistance, media and photography. Contact Madalain Roscher on 011 896 1818 or e-mail: For more information visit Contestants outside waiting in the queue to go in.
ATTEMPTED HIJACKING: The two cars that were involved in Thursday’s incident. The VW Golf was the getaway vehicle and the Nissan Qashqai is the vehicle that was almost hijacked.
Chantal Thurlby
PORTABLE DESK: Victor Buthelezi and Nelisiwe Nhlapo demonstrating the DeskBags.
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19 February 2014
tame TIMES
Spreading the love on Valentine’s Day Chantal Thurlby
alentine’s Day turned out to be an emotional yet happy day at the Witfield Retirement Village, as tame TIMES and Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell spent time with the frail care women and men by entertaining, feeding and spoiling them. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell also had a Rak-Neknomination to complete and director Jeff Matthee and his team decided that this was the perfect opportunity to do so. A Neknomination is a social media drinking game that has gone viral on Facebook, but has. It is believed to have originated in Australia, involves posting a video of yourself downing a drink and then nominating others to do the same within the given time (24 hours). However, a South African gentleman, Brent Lindeque, turned the game into an act of good deeds when nominated. Malherbe Rigg & Ranwell named this a ‘Rak-Neknomination’. Taryn Johnson, a member of the company, and her co-workers videoed the entire event from beginning to end, documenting everything they did for the elderly on the day.
The frail care members enjoyed every moment of entertainment, which included Taryn singing solo and with her team. One gentleman in particular, Gus, was more than excited to approach the pretty ladies for a dance and get free hugs from them and appeared to be in his element. Gus and Jeff even had their very own Neknomination, where they downed a glass of apple juice. The ladies of the village enjoyed getting their hands massaged and nails painted, as well as receiving cupcakes and roses. tame TIMES gave the staff and elderly a Valentine’s Day gift, which were jars of sweets and chocolates, roses and some buttons. When all the ladies and gentleman started to vacate the room and said their farewells, Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell and tame TIMES got a tour around the premises. tame TIMES would like to thank Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell, Witfield Retirement Village’s staff and senior citizens for allowing us to be a part of something beautiful on Valentine’s Day. Spread the love each and every day, not just on an allocated holiday. Stay strong, stay happy and keep on keeping on. Did your company do a Neknomination and would like your story featured? Or have you been
tame TIMES’ Lisa Katzke with a member of Witfield Retirement Village.
nominated and would like us to accompany you there? Contact us on 011 862 8500 or e-mail chantal@
Witfield Retirement Village member Gus and Rigg & Ranwell’s Jeff Matthee completing their Neknomination.
tame TIMES’ Lisa Katze and Boksburg sales person Samantha van den Bergh ready for Witfield Retirement Village
“Valentine’s Day is, for many people, the most romantic day of the year, a time when couples from all over the world celebrate the wonder of love by collectively spending millions on valentine’s gifts. “ - European online magazine’s description for Valentine’s Day.
Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell’s team and Chantal Thurlby, from the tame TIMES, along with Gus from Witfield Retirement Village.
New online fashion mag Chantal Thurlby tame TIMES met up with Sunward Park based PR Worx representative Chantal Riley and Madalain Roscher, their new magazine’s Chief Editor to hear more about the magazine, Models & Pageantry SA, and the motivation behind the idea. According to Chantal, the magazine came about when Madalain attended a few pageants and had asked the parents and contestants where they get their tips and guidelines from. The more she spoke to people the more she heard about how there aren’t any ‘go-to guides’ available. Madalain decided to start the online magazine, with the hopes of helping contestants and moms in finding wanted
information and staying up to date with the pageantry industry. The magazine launched for the first time on 1 December 2013. The aim was to deliver a high quality product to the racially diverse modelling, pageantry, beauty, fashion and lifestyle industries, the general public as well as every young girl that has dreams of becoming Miss South Africa or Miss Universe. Its target audience varies from the tween that is ready to show Honey Boo Boo what pageantry is all about and teens aspiring to break into the modelling industry, to 2040 year olds who know what sparks their interest in terms of fashion and beauty. The magazine is available online at www. Reeva Steenkamp is February’s face.
19 February 2014
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tame TIMES
Date: Saturday 1 March 2014 Time: 20h00 Venue: Carnival City Big Top Arena Tickets: From R110 to R160 via Computicket Included in this year’s stellar line-up are your favourite cousin Barry Hilton, Lizz Meiring from Molly en Wors, the master of stand-up Mark Banks, everybody’s favourite blonde Dowwe Dolla, Proesstraat’s Melt Sieberhagen, Christo Davids of 7de Laan fame, Jody Abrahams who has done too many TV series to list here, Hannes Brummer the Dominee in Binneland and Piet Potgieter, known for his part in Vodacom Funnies.
SMS’s Charged at R3
Dr. Victor & The Rasta Rebels FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. LIVE AT THE MARKET THEATRE. SATURDAY, 15 MARCH 2014 AT 20H00 For more information call. The Market Theatre on (011)832 1641
Win 1 double ticket and a DVD of Dr. Victor & the Rasta Rebels live in concert. SMS: TAME space VICTOR space ID space SUBURB to 35075. Eg. TAME VICTOR ID ALBERTON to 35075. SMS’s charged at R3
Bold, bright and original ideas The 2014 Gauteng Homemakers Expo is presenting bold, bright and original ideas and products covering all the latest trends on the home front. The line-up of show features and points of interest include the Décor and Furniture Avenue, where visitors will find unique items for their décor and furniture needs; and the Builders DIY Theatre, with renowned experts giving visitors DIY ideas and solutions when it comes to renovating and decorating their gardens and homes. Young Designers Come to Light, brought to you by students of the Design School of Southern Africa (DSSA), are presenting an innovative display of lighting designs. University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture students are showcasing their repurposed recycling feature, an incredible new take on repurposing and up-cycled items. The show welcomes the Gauteng Barista
Regionals and SCASA to the 2014 Coffee Lovers theatre, where Gauteng’s best coffee makers will battle it out under the discerning eyes of national and international judges. Be part of Barista competition history, as you view the intricacies and passion of the men and women who make great coffee happen in this city. Support the community project A Brick in the Wall and donate a “brick” for R20. The project will support 140 beneficiaries of the Meals on Wheels branch in Orange Farm. 27 February – 2 March |The Coca-Cola Dome, Northriding Thursday and Friday 10:00 – 19:00 | Saturday and Sunday 09:00 – 18:00 R80 Adults, R50 Pensioners, Children under 12 free For more information visit or phone 086 111 HOME/4663.
Win a romantic exclusivehorse-backridefortwo with Klipriviersberg Horse Trails followed by a bottle of bubbles, crackers and cheese to the value of R500. The ride takes you through the beautiful valleys of the Klipriviersberg Nature Area where you can see buck, zebra and wildebeest and learn some of the rich history and unique biodiversity of the Klipriviersberg area.
All you need to do is
For more information please see our facebook page: www. or contact Samantha on 071-068-2793. Bookings subject to availability
“Tellushowyoumetyourpartner” Submit your story as a Citizen Journalist at
Win with tame TIMES and The Laser Beautique Win 1 of 2 R1000 vouchers for any laser treatment of your choice at The Laser Beautique Sms: Tame (space) Beautique (space) ID Number (space) Suburb to 35075 eg.Tame Beautique ID Number Glenvista to 35075 Bedford Centre Shop U11A, Entrance 3 Cnr Smith & Bradford Roads T: 011 615 3358 E:
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tame TIMES
19 February 2014
Pregnancy awareness week
EAGER TO EDUCATE: Nurse Carin Hanekom and dietician Candice Lawrence. Monday 10 February marked the start of National Pregnancy Awareness Week. The purpose of this week is for moms-tobe to have the opportunity to find out more about a healthy pregnancy at their local hospitals. The Netcare Clinton Hospital held an information session in the maternity ward where interested pregnant women could come for advice on how to manage their changing bodies, what diet to follow to ensure that the baby is healthy and what to expect during and just after labour. All the ladies also received pregnancy magazines and little goodies, like dummies, to store for the big day. Nurse Carin Hanekom, who works in the lactation ward, and dietician Candice Lawrence eagerly answered every lady’s question to ensure that they left the hospital well-informed. “It is very important to eat healthy during pregnancy. You can develop pregnancy-related diabetes if you do not eat correctly,” warned Lawrence, who did a presentation on a healthy diet during pregnancy. Hanekom explained how to breast feed correctly and she emphasised the importance of including the father in the pregnancy experience, so that the mom has support and to allow the baby to bond with both parents. Nutrients neEded: Pregnancy nutrition; important nutrients to consume during pregnancy: - Folic Acid - for healthy brain and spine development - Essential fatty acids (such as Omega-3) builds healthy brain cells - Calcium - for bone and teeth development - Iron - ensures a healthy placenta and helps the baby to build his/her own store to prevent anaemia during the first six months - Water - necessary for growing cells and for breast mild production - Calories - for the baby’s brain to grow healthily - Also remember that it is natural and healthy to gain weight during pregnancy; an average weight gain of approximately 13.6 kg is recommended.
Styling hair according to your hair-type Hairstylists are always warning their clients to use products that are ideal for your specific hair type. However, what are the main hair types and how must one treat and style each one? tame TIMES spoke to local hairstylists and got a few tips: Main hair types and how to style each: Curly: after shampooing and conditioning the hair, use a good curling cream to lock the curls in. Scrunchdry the hair with a towel and off you go! Curly hair is ideal for a wash-andwear style. Tip: Do not touch or brush the curls once they are dry, because it will get fluffy and frizzy. If you frequently straighten your hair to get rid of curls, use a proper heat-protective spray or lotion that protects the hair against flat irons as hot as 230 to 260°C. Straight: the biggest challenge with straight hair is its inability to hold a style. Use a styling aid, such as hair
spray, a strong mousse and a curlingtong to add body and bounce to flatstraight hair. Tip: hair sprays have different levels of strength, but we usually categorise them into two categories: hard hold and soft hold hair spray. Use hard hold when you want your hair style to last very long. Hard hold is ideal for matric farewell dances or fancy functions and if your hair is in a style that it does not naturally take. Use soft hold hair spray on a normal day to support your hair style and to keep a natural look. This is also ideal for ladies who frequently touch their hair. Hard hold tends to make the hair look hard. Course: this hair type is naturally very dry and frizzy; it is therefore important to use products that moisturise the hair to make it look silkier. Tip: use hair treatments or masks when your hair feels as if it has been compromised by too much dye.
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Fine: this hair type is usually very limp and in desperate need of body and volume. To style, use the same advice given under straight hair, but remember that fine hair can break more easily. If your hair is fine and you dye it frequently, the chemicals can compromise the protein in the hair. Elastic bands that are too tight can also break fine hair easily. Tip: the more damaged and dull your hair feels and looks, the more you need to cut it. Overall, make sure to cut your hair every time your style grows out.
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19 February 2014
tame TIMES
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tame TIMES
Child protection All children have the right to be protected against any form of physical, emotional or sexual abuse
*Supplied by PSARU and Alberton Child Welfare
When are you considered a child? The Children’s Act 38 of 2005 stipulates that any person aged 0-18 years is a child. Adults are aged 19 and older. What are children’s rights? All children have the right to be protected against any form of physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Parents who neglect their children or severely assault them are also overstepping their boundaries. We have a moral responsibility according to the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 to report suspected cases of child abuse to police, social workers or any designated child protection organisation in the area. If you are aware of child abuse and you turn a blind eye, you can also be prosecuted when it is eventually reported. By law, parents are not allowed to physically hit or belt a child at all. However, many parents believe in a proper hiding. When parents discipline a child, however, it must not be traumatic, as the child can report the adult for physical abuse in severe cases. Why should we protect our children and why is it important to look after them? Child protection is not merely a right, but it is important for their development. Any child needs to grow in all aspects of their lives: physically, emotionally, economically, spiritually, culturally and mentally. Parents and/or guardians and even the larger community are responsible for proper development of our children. Important definitions: Physical abuse is any act that results in inflicted injury or death to a child. Assault is a severe form of physical abuse inflicted through belting, for example. Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities. It is abuse whether the child has consented or not. Neglect is deliberately not providing for a child’s physical needs (such as food, warmth, shelter or protection from danger). Failure to seek or follow through with medical care and failure to make provision for the child’s education is also seen as neglect. Emotional and psychological abuse: a pattern that harms or limits a child’s emotional development or sense of self-worth. It can take the form of criticism, threats or rejection,
ignoring, isolating, taking advantage, corrupting, swearing at a child and lying to a child. Child exploitation is exposure of a child to the following situations: Child Labour Slavery Sexual exploitation Child-pornography Child trafficking How do you know whether a child is being abused? Check for warning signs, such as frequent bruising or injuries that cannot be explained, and a change in the child’s usual behaviour. Other signs also include obsessions, inappropriate sexual behaviour, inappropriate anger, bed-wetting and difficultly sleeping or nightmares. Important to know: In South Africa, there has been a significant increase in child abuse, especially with boys. According to national stats, approximately one in five children are abused. It has been proven that approximately 80% of the sexual abuse offenders are well known by the family and/or the children. The stereotype that only men are sexual perpetrators is a myth; women are equally dangerous. The abuser often abuses. It is a vicious cycle of perpetration. The child stores the traumatic memory and once the child is an adult with children of his or her own, abuse is an automatic reaction that is triggered. Adults who were abused as children need to speak about their experience in order to divert from this cycle. Do not try to do your own investigation of the abuse. If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, report it to the police, the Department of Social Development or your nearest designated protection organisation. You can approach the Department of Social Development; phone the police helpline on 10111; contact the Alberton Child Welfare organisation on 011 907 3004/5 or 083 367 5843, or phone Elmarie Pretorius from PSARU on 0860 287 223 or e-mail her at to report a case or to find out more about trauma counselling.
Second-hand goods and liquor meetings to be held: Boksburg North On 26 February Warrant Officer Rudie Bezuidenhout will be conducting meetings: Second Hand Goods Meeting: Venue: NG Church, corner of Fourteenth Avenue and Tenth Street, Boksburg North Date: 26 February Time: 10:00 - 12:00 Sale of liquor meeting will take place on the same date at the same venue but from 12:00 - 14:00. All manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers must attend these meetings.
19 February 2014
Unspoken propriety rights Leila Bailie writes: Were you aware that a select few, living in our South African suburbs, have rights that the rest of us can only marvel at? I am speaking about those residents who have successfully cleaned their gardens and, living opposite an empty piece of land, feel they have the right to dump their garden refuse on it. These enthusiastic gardeners, who keep their gardens and pavements beautifully neat and tidy, drive out of their driveways daily, perhaps even walk their suburbs, and do not even see the pile of refuse they have created right opposite their homes. Does this refuse suddenly become invisible to them? Ah, but wait, they are waiting for the municipality to clean up this mess. Should we tell them that this would have been done had the refuse been bagged and put out with their normal household refuse on collection days, or would we be infringing upon their unspoken propriety rights? A private citizen recently adopted, from the municipality, a strip of land in Beyers Park which, with time and sufficient funds, will be turned into a park with trees and gardens, all
paid for out of this individual’s own pocket. The first step however was to cut the grass. After a couple of false starts with a garden service, a bi-monthly cutting service has been agreed upon. However, the problem lies with these select few citizens who have the unspoken propriety rights to use this proposed park to bump their garden refuse on, and of late a few have used it to dump their building materials on while doing their renovations. Perhaps the solution lies in erecting “No Dumping” signs on the park directly opposite their driveways so that they may familiarise themselves with the concept? Or a regular note in their post boxes bringing their attention to the unsightly mess they are creating for the whole neighbourhood? On the other side of the scale, or should we say park, there are some wonderfully caring residents who have taken it upon themselves to run a cable across the road and cut a portion of the park’s grass right opposite their homes. These are the residents that a suburb needs and the park adoptee is most grateful to them. They have obviously scorned their unspoken property rights and should be applauded for their community spirit.
Copper thieves caught Recently Warrant Officer Rudie Bezuidenhout and Sergeant Jacques Nienaber did their routine visits to all the second hand dealers in their area. At a scrap metal dealer in Mainreef Road, Boksburg North, the officers found that the gates were closed. After investigations the officers saw that the owner was loading clean copper cables. They arrested the owner and confiscated 95 meters of copper cable. The copper cables were identified as power cables, but it is unknown from which department. The value
of the copper cables is about R7000. A case was opened at Boksburg North SAPS and five males were arrested. Shortly after this incident Warrant Officer Rudie Bezuidenhout found more stolen copper. While visiting another second hand dealer in Mainreef Road, cables were identified as Ekurhuleni cables and are 15 meters long with connectors. One of the workers, a male, was arrested for possession of the stolen cables. The value is unknown.
Home safety measures *Supplied by Impala Park CPF
• Ensure that there is a set of keys in your door at night for quick exit, in case of fire. • When out of your home and with little children, always keep your children in your full view and under your control to prevent them from getting lost or kidnapped. • Ensure that the plug in your alarm system is properly plugged in when going on holiday to prevent battery failure in your absence. • Test your alarm system to ensure that your security company is receiving a signal when your alarm is activated. • Arrange with your security company to patrol your property if you are going away on holiday. • Obtain the number of your sector policing vehicle for quick response in the case of an emergency. • Alert your sector police and neighbours if you notice any strange vehicles or activities in the neighbourhood streets. Try to gain a registration number and circulate to neighbours to keep a vigilant eye. • Ensure that your property has sufficient security measures in place to dely the commission of a crime on your property, enough time to allow your security company to respond • Keep vehicle windows closed when approaching a robot and be vigilant at all times
19 February 2014
tame TIMES
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Oosterlig neem deel aan die Alberton Prestige-atletiekbyeenkoms Hoërskool Dinamika het op Woendag 12 Februarie die negende Alberton Prestigeatletiekbyeenkoms by die Germiston Stadion gehou. Hierdie atletiekbyeenkoms is ‘n vriendskaplike een waar die skole kan voorberei vir die Groter Alberton-byeenkoms wat more (op 20 Februarie) plaasvind. Oosterlig se atlete het goed gevaar en die Junior- en Senior Victor Ludorum trofees gewen. Die deelnemende skole by die byeenkoms was Hoërskool Oosterlig, Hoërskool Dinamika, Hoërskool Alberton en Alberton High School.
Elke skool se atlete het ook talle skoolleerders daar gehad wat hulle ondersteun het en geesvang gedoen het langs die baan. Hoërskool Oosterlig het behoorlik uitgestaan langs die veld met ‘n groot skoolvlag wat die ondersteuners vasgehou het en kleurvolle trompopppies wat gedans het. Aan die einde van die byeenkoms het die hoof van Dinamika, Mnr Vollaard, trofees oorhandig aan al die top baan- en verldatlete vir die dag. In totaal is daar 17 rekords by die byeenkoms gebreek: Dinamika (6); Alberton Hoërskool (4) en Alberton High School (2).
‘n Oosterlig-atleet besig met hoogspring.
Die toppresteerders vir die Alberton Prestige-byeenkoms is:
Die o/17 dogtersatlete van Hoërskool Alberton, Hoërskool Dinamika, Hoërskool Oosterlig en Alberton High School besig met die 200-meter wedloop.
Oosterlig se kleurvolle trompoppies.
Oosterlig skoolleerders wat hulle atlete ondersteun.
Upcoming Attractions: Comedy Central Presents Sex | 21 & 22 February How deep is your love?
Naina - For Your Eyes Only | 23 February Presented by the Jankaar Indian Contemporary Dance School.
Young Ballet Stars of the World | 25 & 26 February Ballet like we like it.
Basket Mouth | 28 February The Nigerian world-wide sell-out comedy act.
Nik Rabinowitz in Stand Up | 1 March It’s so funny, it’s almost criminal!
Crossing Over with John Edward | 14 March See him connect with the other side on his fourth visit to South Africa.
Rules with complete offer available at | 011 248 5000
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Classifieds tame TIMES
19 February 2014
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Valentines @tame
tame TIMES staff all dressed up in red or pink to celebrate Valentine’s Day last Friday. The tame TIMES team hopes that all their readers had a special day with their loved ones.
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19 February 2014
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tame TIMES
No more sleeping for the Lions Jéan de Witt 011 862 8500 Marnitz Boshoff was able to overcome massive pressure to put a drop goal between the posts, giving his team a one point lead to end the game with a score of 21-20 It was a proud day for faithful Lions supporters this past Saturday, when their team made a triumphant return to Super Rugby by beating the Cheetahs on their home ground. The well-deserved man of the match recipient, Marnitz Boshoff drew first blood in the opening minutes of the game, through a converted penalty kick. The Cheetahs followed suit shortly after, while adding the opening try for the competition, scored by winger Raymond Rhule. Despite this setback, the Lions kept their cool and patiently crept their way back to a half time score of 10-9 to the Cheetahs home side. Less than ten minutes into the second half, the Cheetahs managed to cross the try line once again. Boshoff, despite suffering a dangerous tackle that resulted in a yellow card against the Cheetahs, continued his stalwart performance by converting two more penalties. The home side converted a penalty of their own, putting the Lions at a two point deficit nearing the close of the match. A penalty against the Lions right in front of the posts seemed like it might be the final blow to put victory beyond the Johannesburg team’s reach. The Cheetahs’ Elgar Watts rushed the kick and ultimately missed, leaving a very slim sliver of hope for the Lions team. With but a minute remaining, Marnitz Boshoff was able to overcome massive pressure to put a drop goal between the posts, giving his team a one point lead to end the game with a score of 21-20, ensuring that everyone knows - the Lions are back!
FIRST GAME WIN: Marnitz Boshoff was selected the man of the match.
New sports betting platform by Sun International Sun International launched its new sports betting platform. The company identified online sports betting as a fast-growing sector within the gaming industry. After researching alternative gaming opportunities, it acquired Powerbet Gaming (Pty) Ltd, which owned and operated Voltbet. com. The company has now rebranded and re-launched the site and it will be widely marketing this new form of entertainment to sports-loving South Africans. Sports betting is extremely popular in many parts of the world, but in South Africa it is only horse racing that has, until now, received significant volumes and interest. Michael Farr, Group General Manager, Corporate Brand and Communications for Sun International said, “We believe that there are good synergy opportunities between this form of gaming, our existing business and the possibility of online gaming in the future. Sunbet provides the group with
the ideal platform to allow us exposure to the online environment and accelerate our entry into the online gaming market.” “The sports betting industry in South Africa is in its infancy and offers high growth potential. It seems likely that in time, online gaming will be legalised in South Africa and we believe that this business will position us well for when this happens, both in terms of track record and also in understanding our guests’ online preferences.” Sun International acquired Powerbet for R30-million. Signing up to Sunbet is easy: 1. Go to 2. Hit sign up 3. Fill in the required information 4. Make a deposit to receive your bonus 5. Start betting on your favourite team No one under the age of 18 can bet, and Sun International supports the Responsible Gambling Programme - 0860 006 008.
Bregman ties for third
FEMALE PRO GOLFER: Stacy-Lee Bregman tied for third at the Volvik RACV Ladies Masters in Australia. * Photo by SMP Images.
South Africa’s Stacy Lee Bregman tied for third with Sweden’s Camilla Lennarth at the Volvik RACV Ladies Masters, where American Cheyenne Woods captured her first pro title with a two shot victory at RACV Royal Pines Resort in Queensland. Bregman dropped two shots on her outward nine, but eliminated the damage with gains at the 14th, 16th and 18th holes to close with a 72. Lennarth, meanwhile, came home in three under 69 to join Bregman on 12-underpar 280. The pair finished four shots behind Woods, who held off a spirited charge from Australian amateur Minjee Lee and claimed the glory
with a final round 69. Bregman had a solid 2013 and the joint third finish following closely on a top 15 placing at the season-opening in New Zealand. The fast start has shot Bregman to second in the rankings and bodes well for the Johannesburg pro, who is chasing a first win in her eighth season on the Ladies European Tour. Fellow South African Ashleigh Simon was at the lower end of the leaderboard after an opening 74, but showed that she is shaking the rest of the festive period off with a final round 70 to tie for 39th with former LET number one Lee-Anne Pace, among others. Pace closed with a 72.
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tame TIMES
19 February 2014
CBC’s rising star Christian Brothers College’s (CBC) past pupil Douglas Erasmus, who is also a Herbalife ambassador and student in Pretoria, reunited with his school on Saturday and met with tame TIMES following his success in swimming after matriculating. Doug had broken every single school record CBC had in his schooling career, according to the school’s sport director Mr Stoop. Douglas, who prefers to be called Doug, has completed the World Student Games, which was held in Russia last year. Doug will be participating in the Commonwealth Games trials that are happening in April as well as next year’s World Champs and short course world champs, which leading up to the trials for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. “With all the training, recovery becomes an absolute must, and with Herbalife I can recover at the pace that I need to. I currently use the H24 Rebuild Strength and Rebuild Endurance just to get my electrolytes replaced, as well as the H3O-Pro and some multivitamins just to keep on the healthy side,” said Doug. Doug started swimming at CBC Boksburg at, what he likes to call, ‘pretend level’. At school Doug was only training four times a week,
three kilometres a day. Now Doug trains 11 times a week, five kilometres a session. “It was quite a big jump and it took time to get into it, but with Herbalife it was a great pleasure as they helped me get through that process,” said Doug. When Doug was swimming at school he was the best ranked in Eastern Province, but he said that when he went to his first National swimming level competition he realised that being best at the Eastern Provinces meant nothing. He had to step up his game and started training harder to work toward his goals. Mr Stoop, who came onto the sporting board when Doug was in grade 9, added that Doug was also very talented in rugby and squash. “Doug understood and understands how to train hard, he trained like a machine, even at school level. I remember Doug being a very determined guy, very focused, and it is great to see a student prosper that way and go further in life. To see where he is now is quite remarkable,” said Stoop. Mr Stoop added that a lot of guys fall off the wagon in matric and at first year varsity because they feel it is too hard, but not Doug. “That is testament to him and to how we and his parents have pushed him through those
Amila Blitz (Time Trial) Results AMILA BLITZ (TIME TRIAL) RESULTS 2km 1. Michael De Beer (Benoni High) 07:52; 2. Sarah Arbuckle (NC) 11:03; 3. Sharon Arbuckle (NC) 14:11; 4. Madelein Oberholzer (NC) (P.B.) 16:58.
4km 1.Donald Mashamade (MAD) 13:25; 2. Bryce Hennesy (MAD) 16:02; 3. Michael Sithole (BOKS) 16:12; 4. Darren Arbuckle (NC) 16:44; 5. Jan van der Linde (BOKS) 17:39; 6. Adam Meyer (Jnr) (BOKS) 17:56; 7. Michelle Meyer (BOKS) 18:12; 8. Greg Pienaar (BOKS) 18:30; 9. Thabo Moloi (BOKS) 19:23; 10. Gregg Peebles (BOKS) 19:36 8km 1. Theunis Holl (BOKS) 28:10; 2. Luke Meyer
BENONI: 43 HOWARD AVE TEL: 011 422 2995
From R99 00
Chantal Thurlby
ranks. It is very nice to see him go through to these games and that was a good eye opener for us as well. I hope to see him in 2016 on TV, competing against big names,” Mr Stoop said. tame TIMES wishes Doug all the best for his future endeavours and we too hope to see him in 2016 at the Rio Olympic games.
To see the full interview please visit our website and follow us on Facebook. Herbalife a global nutrition company that sells weight-management, nutrition, and personal care products intended to support a healthy lifestyle. www.herbalife.
(Jnr)(BOKS)(P.B.) 29:21; 3. Ryan Gibson (BOKS) 28:30; 4. Armand Bosman (NC) 28:31; 5. Tshepo Mahlatsi (MAD) 30:10; 6. Samuel Mmbengeni (MAD) 30:28; 7. Thabo Modise (BOKS) 30:33; 8. Zola Pieterse (Newton) 31:00; 9. Eugene van der Westhuizen (Compressor Sport) 32:53; 10. Herman Steyn (BOKS) 33:10.
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