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tame TIMES



Volume 02, 19 March 2014, Week 12

Delivered every Wednesday

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335

SA votes 2014

Hi-jackers nabbed NEWS

GOTCHA: The hijackers that were arrested for a hi-jacking that occured on the corner of Brown and Knights Streets, Witfield. Last Monday evening (10 March) an unfortunate man and his passenger were hi-jacked whilst driving their silver Hyundai Getz on the corner of Brown Street and Knights Street in Witfield. The victims were driving along Knights Street when they saw a silver Mercedes Benz and allegedly two males threatened the victims with firearms. They were told to get out and lay on the ground. Allegedly the suspects said to the victims that they do not want to shoot. The hijackers demanded their phones and jumped into the Hyundai Getz. The suspects drove

off with both the Getz and the Mercedes Benz. The perpetrators vehicle did not have any number plates on. The complainants opened a hi-jacking docket in Boksburg SAPS and it was transferred to Boksburg North SAPS. Captain Bongani Masimula, Warrant Officer Vusi Tlemo, Warrant Officer Robert Ngomane, Sergeant Kenny Molefe and Sergeant Evan Boesak investigated further and arrested three young males in connection with the incident. They continued to follow up leads, which lead them to a house in Windmill Park, Dawn Park area.

Lions reclaim victory


The purpose of the search was to find the firearms used in the hi-jacking. They searched the house and found one .38 Special revolver hidden in the washing machine and a shotgun was found in the half open ceiling. The weapons were confiscated. Upon even further investigation they found the getaway vehicle, the Mercedes Benz, in Voortrekker Street, Alberton. The investigation is still in process, and they are still looking for the hi-jacked vehicle.

Well done to all involved.



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Women: don’t settle for less

God wants us to have a lot but we settle for less. We need to see that there is more out there. There is a seed of greatness in each of us but we have to nurture it.

DYNAMIC WOMAN: Margaret Hirsch. The East Rand Business Women were delighted to have Margaret Hirsch as their guest speaker at their monthly meeting at Birchwood Hotel. Hirsch is the recipient of many awards including the Business Excellence Award from the Ekurhuleni Business Initiative and Captains of Industry Forum. At the 10th Annual Top Women Awards Evening in 2013: held to recognise outstanding leadership from organisations that have shaped women’s roles within the private and public sector in South Africa, Hirsch’s was the proud recipients of two of these awards: Best Women Empowered Community Programme and the Entrepreneur of 2013 Award which was won by Margaret. Hirsch is dynamic and inspirational and shared some of her story with the ladies: She realised at a young age that all you need

INSPIRED: Some of the women who were in attendance. are your hands and a brain. She bought her first pair of shoes at the age of 12 with the money she made from working at a hair salon. She really appreciated those shoes and wore them until she was 15. She believes that you need to talk about wealth and is not one of those people who can’t mention the word “money”. She has worked to empower people, especially women to be able to make more money. “God wants us to have a lot but we settle for less. We need to see that there is more out there. There is a seed of greatness in each of us but we have to nurture it,” Hirsch said. The business woman shared many of her stories of her climbing up the ladder of success. Nothing comes easy but she believes that if you can look up, you can get up and keep going. “We need to set goals and create vision boards to make those goals reality,” she said. Hirsch is passionate about giving back and works with many communities in many


I can live with the pothole By Nieto Hernandez

The recent heavy down pour has, according to weather services, broken a 14 year record, this is however no record to be excited about. The recent rain has been interfering in the daily routine of many Gauteng citizens. Many activities which we often take for granted have over the past three weeks become the subject of careful consideration. After two weeks of non-stop rain many parts of Gauteng have been flooded, with some residents already calling for help from disaster management. This has raised a number of questions in my

Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Journalist: Chantal Thurlby: Sub-editor: Rudi Geldenhuis

Funds were also donated to the Dignity programme Subzpads that Margaret Hirsch is passionate about. For more info on the East Rand Business Women Association please call: Colleen Qvist on 082 550 3568.

citizens; when are we going to give credit to the government where they have performed? In as much as we have experienced flooding in areas of the province, the flooding is not a trend. In most instances drainage systems have been able to cope with the heavy downpour and that, in my books, deserves at least a mention. Maybe our problem is not the pothole, but the inability to spot government efforts. Take it from a citizen who has not been directly affected by floods, I would rather live with a pothole.

the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining

- John F. Kennedy

mind, the leading being; “what is the status of Gauteng’s readiness to deal with any natural disaster?” It’s no secret I’m a lover of the of the John F. Kennedy quote:” the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”. In the situation we find ourselves in, Kennedy’s words are a little too late. I mean how much confidence do the state of the roads inspire? My answer is: none at all. I cannot trust that a government, unable to repair a pothole, could possibly be be adequately equipped to deal with the aftermath of a natural disaster. The second question I have is one for the


different ways. One of her major passions is empowering school girls with dignity packs to enable them to never miss school days due to the absence of sanitary ware for their monthly cycles. Hirsch concluded by saying that there is so much potential and wealth in South Africa and that we need to work to our full potential to let it all out. The East Rand Business Women donated stationery to the Birchwood Ukajede Project in thanks for the sponsorship they receive from Birchwood Hotel.

19 March 2014 Liewe land, die afgelope naweek was darem maar vol kaskenades! Ek en Gysie het avontuurlustig gevoel en besluit om ‘n lekker stappie af te lê by Rietvleiplaas. Dit voel soms vir my of die stadslewe my oorweldig en my siel hunker na ‘n meer eenvoudige lewe, wat ek vind in die natuur. Ons het ‘n baie lekker roete gestap en ek was veral beïndruk met hoe gehoorsaam ons stapgenote se hondjies was. Ons het saam met die oulikste paartjie gestap, wat deur hulle twee vet worshondjies op halsbandjies deur die roete gelei is. Ek was nog so besig om die hondjies te bewonder, toe trap ek skeef op ‘n klip in die voetpaadjie wat vir my gelê en wag het. Ek ploeg toe daar neer, in die stowwerige paadjie, en die drafklub agter ek en Gysie moes toe mooi trap om nie self ook oor hulle voete te val nie. Arme Gysie moes my toe stut tot by die eindstreep, maar hy is ook nie meer bloedjonk of perdfris nie, en ‘n man in ‘n golfkarretjie offer toe dat ons in die karretjie klim. Ek kon sien dat Gysie, met sy kropbors, die gawe offer van die hand wou wys, maar hy moes maar uiteindelik sy trots in sy sak steek en instem. Ons kom toe uiteindelik by ons motor, en na ‘n gesoek, want ons vergeet altyd waar ons parkeer het (ek blameer die ouderdom), en ek dog toe dat my vernedering en avonture nou verby is. Maar ek het te gou gepraat: Gysie het al hoe vinniger gery om my gou by ‘n dokter te kry en in sy haas, sien hy glad nie die swembad van ‘n slaggat wat in die pad is nie. Toe ek weer sien, sak ons motor omtrent ‘n verdieping af en ons twee hop tot teen die dak. Na heirdie storie moes Gysie eers die wiel omruil. Toe ons uiteindelik by ongevalle kom, toe is ek al so van die kneusplekke, mense het al begin wonder en vir Gysie kyke begin gee. ‘n Uur later stap ek met ‘n stewige nekstut daar uit soos ‘n robot. Om alles te kroon, het die salf wat die dokter voorgeskryf het vir my nek, ‘n allergiese reaksie veroorsaak en my vel het heel aand gekruwel van die jik. Nee kyk! Ek het net een woord vir die afgelope naweek: pandemonium! Tip: Leer om vir jouself te lag. Dit maak die stampe en stote van die lewe, letterlik en figuurlik, soveel ligter. Onthou ook: iets wat nou na chaos lyk sal miskien eendag, as mens terugkyk, jou laat skater van die lag.

Let’s chat, let us know what your experience has been with the weather. Also share some photos with us. email or tweet @NietoVoice

Chantal Thurlby

Today 24°/ 14°

Thursday 260 / 140

Production Manager: Divan Bekker Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 Shane Stander 071 671 7264 Samantha vd Bergh 078 129 4691


230 / 140

Saturday 220 / 140



230 / 150

200 / 130

Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Wednesday 26 March 2014 Deadline: Monday 24 March at 14:00 Find us on Twitter and Facebook

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tame TIMES Boksburg Journalist

19 March 2014

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Update: High Court for Jasmin’s alleged killer On Thursday Jasmin Pretorius’ uncle appeared in the Brakpan court briefly. The case has been moved to High Court. According to reports, Jasmin’s family are not holding a grudge against the accused and they are ready to move on. The man is being accused of raping and murdering his four year old niece. Little Jazzy Fizzle’s, as her family would call her, body was found underneath a bed in her father’s home in Brakpan at the end of last year. Jasmin’s mother Sasha-Lee Bam, who had been pregnant at the time of Jasmin’s death, gave birth to her son last week.

Eskom’s low-grade coal problem Chantal Thurlby Gauteng residents have felt the inconvenient impact of the recent load shedding that had to go underway due to Eskom’s reasoning that a poor batch of wet coal resulted in three of Kendal power stations units shutting down reducing energy supply. Two of the conveyor belts broke down due to the coal becoming wet and thickening up like cement. Engineers and technicians at the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) are still trying to restore the power to Impala Park and surrounding areas in Boksburg. The area had been without electricity since 18:00 last Tuesday evening(18 March) due to cable faults that occurred on the two-feeder line connected to the areas substation. “We are trying to locate the fault on the second feeder line, once it has been pinpointed it will take between four to six hours to repair,” explained Hannes Roos, director for Operations at the Metro’s Energy department. This line supplies power to the remaining 40% of the area. The Department of Public Enterprises said that the mining sector has two options when it comes to Eskom’s low grade coal problem: either take precautions to protect the quality of coal that is supplied or face regulation. For the first time in six years load shedding has had to be implemented again and is one of many problems affecting South Africa’s economic growth. The last load shedding in 2008 cost the economy billions. The Chamber of Mines and the Department of Energy have met with the Department of Public Enterprises and discussed the poor coal quality. The government’s argument that coal should be

declared a strategic resource has been dampened as there is strong industry opposition. It would enable the government to dictate selling prices which, the industry argues, will further damage the South African coal sectors investment prospects. The CEO of Eskom, Brian Dames, has requested a report on the quality of coal supplied from BHP Billiton, who supplies Kendal. “The country is paying the price for poor government decisions due to government’s decision to not generate capacity in 1998,” said Dames. Eskom has not ruled out that load shedding could be a part of the near future. The top three factors in Eskom’s chaotic load shedding schedule were: Not monitoring the situation, which they should be doing constantly as it would have given a better indication and a longer time frame to the public. The next factor seems to be that there are open cast coal mines and therefore leaves them vulnerable to weather. Lastly the transportation of the coal to the power stations exposed it to the rain. Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa reportedly said in a statement that the load shedding situation is disastrous for an economy that is already on a weak growth trajectory as now Eskom will most likely have to buy the power back. Apparently the wet coal story has been heard before and the real problem was that Eskom’s stock pile of coal had been allowed to run down to just a few days’ supply and the rain was the last straw. According to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry after 2007 and 2008’s blackouts Eskom built up its stockpile so that it had reserves to last more than a month (Enough to see it through any rainy season), but six years later we are not where Eskom said we would be.

Jozi the biggest tweeters in Africa

*How Africa Works On 12 March it was declared that Johannesburg was the most active Twitter city in Africa in the last three months, according to a new study called How Africa Tweets. Johannesburg had 344 215 geolocated tweets, followed by Ekurhuleni with 264 172 and the Egyptian capital of Cairo with 227 509, communications agency Portland said in a statement. Durban followed with 163 019 tweets and Alexandria, also in Egypt, was closely behind with 159 534 tweets. The study by Portland found that cities in South Africa and Egypt were the most active on Twitter. Twitter activity in Africa peaked on the day of the death of Nelson Mandela.

“The day of Nelson Mandela’s death, 5 December, saw the highest volume of geo-located tweets in Africa,” Portland said. The study found that English, French and Arabic were the most common languages on Twitter in Africa, accounting for 75.5% of the total tweets analysed. Tuesdays and Fridays were the most active tweeting days. “Twitter activity rises steadily through the afternoon and evening with peak volumes around 9pm,” Portland said. “This is opening up new opportunities and challenges for companies, campaigning organisations and governments across Africa.” Join tame TIMES on twitter: @tameTIMES

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Man gives boy R10 to rape sister On 24 February a man, believed to be in his twenties, raped a minor with the consent of her brother who was given R10 for the act. The alleged rapist has since been arrested, together with the brother of the victim, who is also a minor. It is alleged that the suspect had given the victim’s brother R10 to allow him to sleep with the girl. The suspect will be charged with statutory rape and the victim’s brother should be charged under the Sexual Offences Act. However, the minor’s charge will be decided when the two appear in the Benoni Magistrates Court.

19 March 2014

tame TIMES

Boy fakes kidnapping Last week a 15-year-old child went missing in Boksburg North. The mother came to Boksburg North police station after receiving a message on her cell phone that her child had been kidnapped. A case of kidnapping was opened, all the role-players were contacted and a search started. After a while a ransom amount of R2000 was demanded, also via SMS. The money was dropped at the Rondebult Bridge, Boksburg North and, to everyone’s surprise, the child came to fetch the money, alone, and was apprehended. The minor was charged with defeating the ends of justice, and reunited with his family. He appeared in Boksburg Magistrate Court on 10 March.

Double murder suspects caught In the beginning of March two suspects were arrested for a double murder that was committed in Valhalla, Pretoria. Boksburg North and Boksburg members arrested the two men, aged 30 and 35, and linked them to the murders. They recovered a vehicle KIA Picanto with a firearm, all linked to the murders. They were handed over to the Investigating officer from Wierdabrug, Pretoria. They appeared in Pretoria court.


DROP-OFF POINT:The bridge where the kidnapped boy planned the exchange.

Weekend collisions

14 March: Motorbike collision- Cnr 14th Ave 14 March: Serious motorbike collisionand O’Reilly Merry Street, Northmead. Rondebult Road, Boksburg.

CAUGHT: The alleged man who murdered his parents.

Rain, rain, go away Read the full story on Page 5. The relentless rain that maltreated parts of South Africa has taken its negative toll on us all. Lives have been lost, people are missing, people are injured and flash flooding has devastated people’s homes and ruthlessly thrown away any form of normality. This caused havoc on businesses as traffic lights went down and many deep and dangerous potholes developed in and around Boksburg.

The weather that was seen from Rondebult Road in Boksburg last week.

Various potholes in Boksburg

14 March:Motor vehicle collision- Cnr North Rand and Rondebult Roads, Boksburg.

16 March: Serious PVC-Bental Ave, Boksburg.

Comet boy Police numbers in recovery The boy that was allegedly shot by rubber bullets when police opened fire on angry protestors in Comet recently has reportedly recovered and is home. According to reports from certain parties that attended this protest, this boy was not hit by the defence, however by protestors throwing bricks. The boy and fellow protestors had said that police, without reason, opened fire at the angry crowd. No charges have been laid according to the SAPS.

Boksburg SAPS: 112 Commissioner Street, Boksburg 011 841 6800 Boksburg North SAPS: 28 Cason Road, Boksburg North 011 898 3000 Boksburg Metro Police Station: Tienie Jansen Building, Adderly Street, Boksburg 011 899 4114 Reiger Park SAPS: Cnr Arthur Hobbs Road & Goedehoop Ave, Reiger Park 011 916 7000

19 March 2014

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Ekurhuleni delivers first batch of houses Rain, rain, go away

Thursday marked a historic occasion when the City of Ekurhuleni unveiled “show houses” as the first batch of subsidised houses since the Gauteng Provincial Government granted municipality’s accreditation to build houses for their own communities. This will bring relief to Etwatwa Extension 35 (also known as Khom Bhiza) residents who are currently residing in an informal settlement.

*Continued from page 4. Many different suburbs reported their flooding issues: rivers breaking banks, normally reliable roads being partially or completely washed away. March’s rain has steadily fallen over Gauteng for nearly two weeks. Not only did community members have to deal with all the rain but an emergency nationwide load shedding by Eskom was thrown at the public on top of everything.

The Khom Bhiza residents are beneficiaries of this housing development, boasting an average yard size of 180m² and insulated ceilings, which keeps warm in winter and cool in summer. The houses further boast an 800mm concrete apron around the house to channel KEYS TO FREEDOM: Mayor Gungubele gives keys over to two different residents. rainwater , downpipes and rainwater with three different designs. According to 334 houses to be built, about 182 will be channels. the Member of the Mayoral Committee on completed during the 2013/2014 Financial A total of 334, 40m² houses will be built Human Settlement Cllr Queen Duba, of the Year.

A site for sore eyes Chantal Thurlby

The problem in Rondebult, Van Dyk and Star Road, all in Boksburg has escalated to an all-time high according to residents and councillors. This site, in particular, hassles residents because of the smell and the eye-sore it has become. A complainant said, “Some people have started utilising this as a lavatory and have been seen doing their business out in the open which is disgusting. How must I explain to my child what that man is doing?” According to the Agriculture and Rural Development Department a person convicted of illegal dumping is liable to a fine not exceeding R10 000 or to

Chantal Thurlby

imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years, or to both such fine and such imprisonment, in addition to any other penalty or award that may be imposed or made in terms of the National Environmental Management Act. Urinating in public is finable and can lead to an arrest.

The weather brought with it the cold and now Johannesburg’s temperature has decreased dramatically. SOME WORSE OFF AFFECTED AREAS: Bryanston - on Coleraine Drive a sink hole measuring an estimated 20 metres wide was reported. Authorities warned the community against getting close to the sinkhole for fears that they could fall into and potentially fatally injure themselves. Also there were fears that it is still continuing to grow in size. Vaal - Seven sluice gates at the Vaal Dam were opened last Tuesday due to it being feared that the Vaal River could burst its banks.

MESSY: This can be seen along Rondebult Road on the left hand side.

UNPLEASANT ODOUR: The rubbish that can be seen from the road and where the man was seen urinating by a child.

New Ekurhuleni refuse removal calendar

Residents in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan district must take note of the new calendar for dustbin collections and waste removal. The new calendar was implemented this month and the dates shown here are fixed for the rest of the year. The Ekurhuleni municipality is currently posting the new calendar along with each resident’s municipal bills; it should arrive shortly. Alternatively, visit their website at or phone 011 999 0915 (Bedfordview) or 011 999 1267/8015 (Germiston) for more information regarding your refuse removal calendar.

Johannesburg - Numerous drowning’s and rescue operations were reported last Tuesday as persistent rain and flooding caused havoc in several parts of the country. Mpumalanga - 11 people drowned, of which three were children aged between 2 and 11, during the week and another 12 were rescued by the inland water police and diving service. Vehicles were also swept away in floods. Simon Skhosana, Mpumalanga Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, handed over relief supplies to those affected by flooding in the Nkomazi local municipality near Badplaas. This included food parcels and blankets. Limpopo - Seven people were almost washed away in a bakkie in Zebediela, Polokwane last Monday morning, ER24 spokesperson Luyanda Majija said. A group of men were rescued by helicopter from rising water caused by the overflowing Mogol River in Vaalwater, Limpopo, during the previous weekend. Bela-Bela - There was a 69 year old woman, who was swept away with her husband while swimming in an undercover swimming pool at Klein Kariba last weekend and at the time of print had still not been found by emergency officials. The woman’s 74 year old husband’s body was found last Saturday, a day after the Bela-Bela’s dam overflowed.

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Special votes for 2014 elections

SA votes 2014 As the country prepares to go to the polls in May, South Africa Votes 2014, an independently funded project that will run throughout the election campaign, intends to add real voices to the swirl of newsgathering, comment and opinion surrounding the election. Independent journalist and Managing Editor of SA Votes 2014, Khadija Patel (formerly a senior correspondent at the Daily Maverick) heads up a team comprising of journalists, writers, bloggers and social media specialists from all walks of life, ranging from citizen journalists and renowned international South African journalists working for Al Jazeera and The Mercury. Describing the project, Khadija Patel said the SA VOTES 2014 will make politics relevant to South Africans again, “Election season really is an extended silly season. But there is a greater story in this election than a barrage of ‘he said’, ‘she said’. We want to tell the story that goes beyond that, the story of the political

spectacle in South Africa as it’s translated into people’s opinions, their attitudes, and their experience of the country”. “People often get put off by politics, because people and their stories often get ignored by rhetoric and debate, SA Votes 2014 intends to be part of an alternate telling of the South African election story of real stories of real people,” said Patel. One of the features of SA Votes 2014 is to work with young journalists, who will be given the chance to contribute to the debate of South Africa’s future. “We hope to work with these young journalists from all areas of South African society. We will have them tramping around towns and cities, speaking to people and then telling us what they’ve been speaking about. It’s about the people they quote, the people whose story we want to tell SA Votes 2014 has already partnered with Centre for Fine Art and Animation and Design (CFAD) in Durban. Nanda Soobben, the head of CFAD said he chose to join SA VOTES 2014 because he wanted to become part of a bigger conversation. “I think people are going to waste their vote, and I just want to use my cartoons to show people how to make their votes count without being biased in anyway,” said Soobben SA Votes 2014, an independently funded project, free of any political interests will run throughout the election campaign will be updated daily.

EFF up for election The Economic Freedom Fighters sold berets, T-shirts and posters and gathered donations from members in order to pay the deposit fee to contest the general elections. Julius Malema, EFF Leader, said the biggest donation of R100 000 came from a member who lives in Pretoria. However, the EFF would have to pay the money back after the elections to members who donated, he said. The deposit for parties contesting the National Assembly is R200 000 and R45 000 per province that they contest. Last week, the EFF took President Jacob Zuma, Home Affairs Minister Naledi Pandor, and the IEC to court over the amount. The High Court in Pretoria dismissed the EFF’s application for an interdict relating to the payment of the deposit to the IEC. Not more than 50 EFF supporters gathered

19 March 2014

outside the IEC office where Malema, along with Dali Mpofu and Floyd Shivambu, handed over the party’s candidate lists. The three entered the building carrying three cardboard boxes containing the lists. On the lists, Malema said the EFF had submitted a National Assembly list, province to national list, and provincial legislature lists. The party would contest nationally and all nine provinces. “Our list is 99.9 percent gender balanced, it has generational mix and geographical mix,” he said. Malema would not say whether he was the EFF’s presidential candidate or give any indication of who was on the lists. Malema said he was confident his party would be in government after the elections on 7 May. Source: Sapa

The window to apply for special votes opens on 7 April and closes at 17h00 on 17 April. These applications must be made at the office of the Municipal Electoral Officer, and between the hours of 09h00 and 17h00. By law, you can apply for a special vote if you can’t travel to your voting station because you are physically infirm, disabled or pregnant; or can’t vote at your voting station on Election Day. Please note that applications must be hand-delivered to the IEC offices, but can be delivered by a proxy on behalf of the individual applying. Special voting will take place over two days: Monday 5 May and Tuesday 6 May. The draft calendar indicates that special votes will take place both at the voting station and for home visits on both days. This is a departure from previous years where the Monday was dedicated to home visits and the voting station did not open for voting. This has a massive impact on election operations, party agents should be identified to be present at the voting station on both days ahead of Election Day itself, and also

mobile agents to follow the IEC teams for home visits. There are 22 265 voting stations around South Africa. Voter Queries: • If a voter expects to be overseas on 30 April and not in the country by 7 May, the time for application closed on the 12 March already and he/she will not be able to cast a vote. • If a voter will be in the country on 5 or 6 May, but not on 7 May then he/she must apply for a special vote between 7 and 17 April and vote on one of the special voting days. • If a voter will not be overseas and able to go to an embassy, consulate or mission on 30 April but will also not be in South Africa between 5 and 7 May, then they simply do not fall into any window where we or the IEC can assist. For more information contact: Estelle Visser DA Counselor Ekurhuleni metro Tel: 011 869 6654 / 082 572 1462 Email:

South Africa deserves a better government COPE’s election manifesto at a glance The Congress of the People (COPE) launched their election manifesto on Sunday 9 March. The five year old party’s manifesto reiterates many of the calls which made up the first manifesto which was launched shortly after the party’s establishment in 2009. “In our 2009 manifesto we said that South Africa who are honest servants of the people, with leaders who are honest servants of the people, with repect for growing economy, ensuring sustainable development, educating and training our people for development, improving the quality of healthcare, fighting crime, fighting crime and ensuring safety for all citizens and advancing the African agenda and creating a better world.” – M Lekota (COPE President) Some key points extracted from the manifesto • Direct election of leaders. Presidents to be elected by all South Africans. Premiers to be elected by voters in provinces. Mayors to be elected by voters in municipality • Downsizing government so recourses can be directed towards investment in the economy

• Attract skilled and professional personnel for government service irrespective of their political affiliation • Benchmark service delivery to ensure all communities receive equal and quality ser vice offerings • Restructure the national budget to favour local government so that service delivery can be enhanced • Ensure the protection of the independence of Chapter 9 institutions •Suppport, safeguard and reward citizen activism and investigative journalism to in crease accountability •Require all citizens pay for basic services unless officially classified as indigent •Prioritize empowerment of rural women •Increase the minimum pass rate •24 hour government clinics in all communities •Have specialised police units focussing on sexual offences, organized crime, drug trafficking and fraud •Maximum sentences for poaching and drug trafficking offences. Share your views on what COPE as a party offers the South African voter. Email

DA appeals e-tolls judgement The Democratic Alliance appealed the judgement handed down by the Western Cape High Court on 13 March in the party’s case against the unconstitutional passing of the E-Tolling Act. The DA has argued that the people of Gauteng were denied a voice against e-tolling because the law was not debated in the provincial legislature. While the application was dismissed it is significant that both parties will pay their own costs. “We are studying the judgement and will

issue further comment at a later stage. The fight against e-tolling must continue not just in the courts, but also at the ballot box on 7 May. Gauteng deserves a government that is prepared to fight against the unjust system of e-tolling. We are committed to calling a referendum when elected, so that the people of Gauteng can have a voice by voting directly against e-tolls. The fight is still within the people of Gauteng. We must demonstrate our mass opposition to e-tolling on election day,” Mmusi Maimane DA Gauteng Premier Candidate said.

19 March 2014

On 21 March we celebrate Human Rights Day in South Africa. Even though this day is spent being grateful for our rights, it still resonates the serious events that took place at Sharpeville on this same day, 54 years ago. On 21 March 1960 South Africa was under the apartheid regime, which was introduced in 1948, after the Nationalist Party came into power. The segregation of black and white people under this regime was enforced by laws that governed and limited the rights of particularly non-white citizens in South Africa. One such law that restricted the freedom of the non-white citizens was the Pass Law, and the Sharpeville massacre was a direct uprising against this law. The pass law stated that non-white citizens were not allowed to travel around or work in urban areas without a pass book. This meant that legally, nonwhite persons could not leave the rural areas without a permit from local authorities. The pass book, which was similar to an ID book, granted persons older than 16 permission to be in urban areas. It was a criminal offence to be unable to present your pass book when required to do so by the police and many people were arrested and thrown in jail for it. On 21 March 1960 the official anti-pass protest took place. The Pan Africanist Congress (a spin-off party of the ANC) planned an anti-pass campaign and the Sharpeville uprising marked the start of the campaign. On 21 March 1960, hundreds of black citizens arranged to gather at the Sharpeville police station without their pass books; to present themselves for arrest. The mob grew unstable and police battled to keep them under control, after which police fire with sharp-point ammunition on the crowd, which included men, women and children. At the end of the day, 69 people were killed and 180 were wounded. In hindsight, this uprising was indirectly an attack on the apartheid regime

The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. - John F. Kennedy and united action of oppressed citizens who proclaimed and demanded equal human rights. This date therefore became iconic in South Africa to represent equality and human rights for all. 21 March was declared a public holiday after the 1994 democratic elections in South Africa, which took place on 27 April 1994. The ANC government, with newly

and democratically-elected president, Nelson Mandela, launched South Africa’s new Constitution on 8 May 1996 and Sharpeville was the chosen venue where the new Constitution was signed (www. Since then, a number of laws have been enacted to protect basic individual human rights in South Africa.

What are human rights? According to the website, human rights are rights that everyone should have as humans. In 1948 the United Nations defined human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It founds basic universal human rights on three pillars: freedom, justice and peace. South Africa supports this declaration of human rights and it forms the foundation of our own Bill of Rights.

All persons have a right to citizenship and security. Personsandgroupsareentitledtofreedomofassembly,association,beliefandopinion,andexpression.They havetherighttodemonstrate,picketandpetition;everyonehastherighttobefreeofforcedlabor,servitudeand slavery. Peoplehaverightswhen Allpersonshavearighttoprivacyandtoexercisepoliticalrights. arrested,detainedand accused, and right to access to information and

just administration action








In terms of the Bill of Rights everyone has a right to life, equality and human dignity.

In the workplace everyone has a right to engage in trade unions and labor movements. The Bill of Rights also specifies the rights of persons belonging to cultural, religious or linguistic communities.

21 March has become iconic in South Africa to represent equality and human rights for all

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dignity Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected.


(a) freedom of the press and other media; (b) freedom to receive or impart information or ideas; (c) freedom of artistic creativity; and (d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.

Everyone has the right to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION,

which includes:

THE RIGHT DOES NOT EXTEND TO (a) propaganda for war; (b) incitement of imminent violence; or (c) advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm.


For a full list of your human rights, visit

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19 March 2014

Big Brother is watching Sunwardpark High Chantal Thurlby Sunwardpark High School was lucky enough to have Africa’s voted number one hottest man and Big Brother Africa star, Angelo Collins, grace them with his presence on Friday. The school children were buzzing with uncontrollable excitement and singing an hour before Collins had arrived at the school. Upon arrival a deafening scream was heard and the children were jumping and taking videos. Collins hails from Cape Town. He rapped and entertained the learners and then was taken back to the airport straight after the show to return back to Cape Town. HAPPY POSE: Nirvana Skeepers (Sunwardpark), Angelo Collins and Vanessa Myburg

EXCITEMENT:The Sunwardpark High students ready for the show.

HPV vaccinations launched CBC wins again in SA schools Amy-Mae Campbell

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is one of the leading causes of cervical cancer among women in South Africa. There is still no real cure for cancer, but one can be vaccinated against the HPV and lower one’s risk of cervical cancer. The South African government has decided to take action against this escalating disease and launched an HPV vaccination campaign across South Africa on Wednesday 12 March. Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and the Deputy Minister of Basic Education Mr Enver Surty led the official launch at a national event that was held in the Free State last week. The campaign aims to give government primary school girls across South Africa access to the HPV vaccination, in order to lower their risk of developing cervical cancer later in life. According to Dr Ivan Campbell, General Practitioner at the Netcare Clinton Hospital, the HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. The virus forms warts and has many different strands, which makes it difficult to control. When a female is infected with the disease, it can form warts on the mouth of the womb (known as the cervix), where it stays and grows; eventually causing cervical cancer. Anti-viral medicine cannot kill the HPV and one will physically have to have the warts removed with laser treatments. Dr Campbell emphasises that with this virus, prevention is better than cure and he therefore urges parents to consider this vaccination. The vaccine is more effective when one is not yet sexually active, but women in their twenties who are sexually active can ask for the vaccine, just to be safe. Regular pap smears can also help to identify mutating cervical cells caused by the HPV. The HPV vaccination campaign targets girls in grade 4 and there will be two occasions during the year when the Department of Health will give the vaccinations: the first injection will take place between March and April, and the second one will be given in September/October. Schools in each area are currently sending forms home for parents to give consent for the injections. Specific dates for Gauteng schools have not yet been confirmed. Unfortunately the Department is not yet able to offer this vaccine to all the schools and the campaign currently only targets secondary schools. However, parents whose children attend private schools can see their local doctor to get a prescription for *Stock Image the vaccine.

CBC ( Christian Brothers College) in Boksburg partook in the Inter High gala and won the A section, B section, the JHB Schools cricket league with their 1st team, 2nd team and U15A team. Well done to them.

President for a day: public speaking competition Sunward Park High participated in the Step Up and Speak Out President for a Day public speaking finals held on 15 March at the Constitutional Court in Hillbrow. The event was part of The Peermont School Support Programme Human Rights and Public Speaking Campaign which was launched in 2010. It is aimed at introducing dialogues at a school level about Human Rights , the Bill of Rights and South African Constitution.

Notice: Library Week

Libraries will be celebrating “Library Week” from the 15-22 March 2014 and the theme for the week will be “Check in at your Library”. What is of importance about this week is that no matter how long a person has taken out books from libraries, they won’t pay any fine. This is to encourage the community to bring back library books without any fear of paying fines.

Sunwardpark High school learners with their certificates.

19 March 2014

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Boksburg Athletic Club TRIAL) RESULTS – WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 2014 2km 1. Lanae Marais (Jnr) (BOKS) 09:56; 2 Eugene Els (NC) 10:52; 3 J.J. Schoeman (MAD) 12:20; 4 Sharon Arbuckle (NC) 13:34; 5 Madelein Oberholzer (NC) 16:45. 4km 1. Darren Arbuckle (NC) 15:57; 2 Tiaan Marais (Jnr) (BOKS) (P.B.) 16:42; 3 Michelle Meyer (BOKS) 16:53; 4 Kevin Graaff (BFC) 16:55; 5 Austin Kelsey (Striders) 18:33; 6 Bronwyn Strydom (BOKS) 19:06; 7 Andrew van der Walt (BOKS) 19:22; 8 Alta van der Walt (BOKS) 19:22; 9 Ockie Schoeman (MAD) 19:33; 10 Adam Meyer (Jnr) (BOKS) 19:36 8km 1. Donald Mashamatie (MAD) 26:46; 2 Samuel Mmbengeni (MAD) 28:09; 3 Luke Meyer (Jnr) (BOKS) 29:09; 4 Theunis Holl (BOKS) 29:20; 5 Ryan Gibson (BOKS) 29:20; 6 Armand Bosman (NC) 29:20; 7 Tshepo Mahlatsi (MAD) 29:37; 8 Rudolf Oberholzer (BOKS) 32:36; 9 Wynand Strydom (BOKS) 32:36; 10 Wayne McBowles (BOKS) 33:49 NC = No Club. BFC = Boksburg Football Club. BHS = Boksburg High School. BOKS = Boksburg Athletic Club. MAD = MAD Multisport

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19 March 2014

Become a movie reviewer with Ster-Kinekor and tame TIMES

MOVIE REVIEW:the nut job

By Lance Van Wyk I believe, that there is no greater pleasure than watching a great movie. Even more so if that great movie is on “The big screen” with breath taking 3D scenes and rumbling surround sound. One such a movie that I know of currently on the circuit: The nut job.This animated movie will keep the whole family entertained and will have tears running; either from laughter or from living yourself into the strife of Surly squirrel and his friends. Who knows we all might learn a few lessons from this fable, self worth, sharing, respecting your friends and selfless sacrifice for a greater purpose. You may just recognize the voices of Liam Neeson, Brendan Fraser and Will Arnett. So join the park animals on there adventure as they venture into the city to gather food for the winter, make new friends, stand up to oppression, foil some criminal’s plot and share in their peril and laughter, beware of the sudden twist that you might not expect. I give this movie a 7 out of 10. Thank you very much to Ster Kinekor Eastgate staff for making my movie even better and making my day.

Would you like to review movies and give your opinion on the latest and greatest releases in the cinema world? Send us your CV and a motivation letter on why you should review a movie at Ster- Kinekor Eastgate. Only the best will be chosen and your review will be published in tame TIMES. Send information to Miguel@ with the subject Movie Review. Terms & Conditions apply.



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19 March 2014

Luck of the Irish

With authentic Irish Food, river dancing, best dressed competitions, Guinness and Green Beer on Tap and Blarney Brothers. Crowds were captivated and amped to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with joyous friends and making new ones on 14,15 and 16 March at Emperors Palace.

DRESSED UP WITH ONE PLACE TO GO: Two merry participants on the day.

WE LIKE TO PARTY: This crowd had gone all out for St. Patty’s day and was one group that GOING GREEN: Some merchandise that stood out from the rest. was available to purchase on the day.

SA never missed the dance

Bebe Winans dazzled fans with a mixture of old favourites and some new unrecorded songs at Carnival City’s Big Top Arena

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Jaziel Brothers

Bebe Winans was met by thousands of adoring fans on his return to South Africa for the live recording of his CD and DVD. Winans entertained fans with a mixture of some old favourites and some unfamiliar songs during his two performances at the Big Top Arena, Carnival City. The performances took place on 15 and 16 March, courtesy of Massive events. The six time Grammy winner, who is no stranger to the Big Top Arena having performed there in 2011, had the support of the local favourite duo; The Jaziel Brothers. The brothers warmed up the full house with their afro soul and gospel tunes. The Brothers’ repertoire also included songs

by Lundi Tyamara, who momentarily joined them on stage much to the audience’s approval. Bebe Wwinans’ show took fans through a 2 hour musical journey which allowed the audience the opportunity not only to hear the music, but also understand the meaning of the songs as narrated by Winans. After the shows each evening, lucky audience members got the opportunity to meet with Bebe and the other artists who participated in the performances. Judging by the reception Bebe got in Ekurhuleni, the coming DVD will be a fast seller in South Africa.


Ndu Ngwenya @nduzo

nominations INDUSTRY DARLING: Mi casa’s front man; J-Something announced some of the nominees Twenty years of musicianship celebrated A number of new kids on the music block dominate the major categories for the landmark 20th Annual South African Music Awards – with some familiar favourites also creeping into the running for SA’s most prestigious music competition. The nominees for SAMA 20 were announced amid great excitement and anticipation at Sun International’s Carnival City in Ekurhuleni on Thursday 13 March. The nominees were announced by a panel of artists including, Yvonne Chaka-Chaka, Jabu Hlongwane, Mi Casa’s J-Something and Khaya Mthetwa among others. Newcomers; Gangs of Ballet, Naima Kay and Nakhane Touré, are set to rock the SAMA’s with 11 nominations between them. Mi Casa, who are becoming an industry favorite, together with come-back kids; Mafikizolo walked away with four nominations each, both including a nomination for the sought after album of the year award. Also bagging four SAMA nominations are Mafikizolo, whose comeback release Reunited has been crowned with nods for Best Pop Album, Best Collaboration, Duo or Group of the Year and Album of the Year. David du Plessis, the Chief Operating Officer of the Recording Industry of SA (RISA), said this year’s event will be special in more ways than one: “Not only are we celebrating 20 years of South Africa’s premier music awards, we are also commemorating the country’s 20th anniversary of democracy.”

AWARD’S FAVORATE: Nakhane Touré’s debut album – Brave Confusion, secured four nominations for the industry newcomer.

Du Plessis said that as a symbolic tribute to the first democratic elections, which were held on 27 and 28 April 1994, the SAMA 20 awards ceremony will take place exactly 20 years later, on 28 April 2014, at the Sun City Superbowl. As always, all eyes will be on the Record of the Year category, which is determined by a public vote. The nominees for this award will be announced shortly, after which fans will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite song and artist of 2013. To see a full list of SAMA 20 nominees visit or see www. Follow SAMA 20 on Twitter @ OfficialSAMAs with the Hashtag: #SAMA20

Nominees for the 20th Annual South African Music Awards: Album of the Year DJ Kent TheWeekent Mafikizolo Reunited Mi Casa Su Casa Naima Kay Umsebenzi NakhaneTouré Brave Confusion Duo or Group of the Year Gangs of Ballet Yes/No/Grey GoodLuck Creatures of the Night Mafikizolo Reunited Mi Casa Su Casa The Parlotones Stand Like Giants

Best Alternative Album Chris Letcher Hyperbalist Dear Reader Rivonia Death by Misadventure dumb dumb Die See II NakhaneTouré Brave Confusion Best Dance Album DJ Kent TheWeekent Lulo Café Soul Africa Mi Casa Su Casa Uhuru Our Father ZakesBantwini The Fake Book & Real Book: My Music Bible

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19 March 2014



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Lions reclaim victory Amy-Mae Campbell

After a disappointing encounter with the Sharks last week, the Lions have fought back fiercely against the Blues to claim a second victory. On Saturday, 15 March, the Lions beat the Blues 39-36 at Ellis Park and settled in fourth place on the Super Rugby log. The Blues currently rank eleventh. Both teams remained scoreless deep into the first half. The Lions only started their onslaught 30 minutes into the game when Blues player Charlie Faumuina received a yellow card. Faf de Klerk was the first player to score a try in the first half and after Marnitz Boshoff’s conversion; the home team was soon leading 7-0. Boshoff continued his lucky streak and kicked over a drop goal shortly after the first try. After a quick tap, wing Courtnall Skosan ran with the ball and scored the second try. Boshoff once again converted the try and at half time the Lions were comfortably leading 17-0. The Lions continued strong into the second half, with Boshoff sending another drop goal over the goalposts; and the team scored three tries in total. The Blues slowly gained momentum in the second half when Chris Noakes made a penalty conversion, after which Charles Piutau and Bryn Hall scored two tries within two minutes. Three more tries and a penalty kick followed. Benji Marshall broke past the defence in the final minute and Simon Hickey converted the try. The Blues fought back hard, but the Lions managed to hold onto their win.

DOMINANCE:Corne Fourie holds onto the ball, giving the Blues a hard time stealing the ball.Photo:


From R59 99

ICC World T20

The time has come again for the big hitters and the clever miserly bowlers to showcase their talents in the shortest version of the game. The Indian IPL equivalent, but for your country adds a whole new flavour. My By Craig Norris feeling is that the likes of Chris Gayle, David Warner, Virat Kohli and AB De Villiers will certainly feature as the top batsmen, including bowlers Lasith Malinga, Mitchell Johnson ( if fit), Saeed Ajmal and Sunil Narine. The host’s Bangladesh, as expected easily overcame Afghanistan in the tournament opener on Sunday chasing a paltry 73 runs and winning by nine wickets. The tournament is very open and any one of eight teams can win. The toss of the coin does not really matter here, as the wicket and change in conditions during a game will not really play a role in the outcome of any result. It will be down to the strategy of the team management and the on field players as to who stands up to the situation of each game in going forward to the last stages of the tournament. You would assume that Australia, South Africa, Pakistan and Sri Lanka will be the semi finalist’s, but who knows. Don’t count out the West Indies as they have surprised many a top nation in this format. T20 Cricket is such a funny game, where a certain amount of luck is involved in favoring the brave and in the past, a freak result has caused the downfall of one of the bigger nations. Australia are hoping that star studded bowler Mitchell Johnson recovers fully from his toe injury in time, so that the Aussies can advance to the final in a tournament that they have never won. The Proteas will have their work cut out as they have never really mastered this format. Coach Domingo and his management staff will definitely need to rethink their game plans if this past week vs the Aussies is anything to go by. You can’t possibly have AB De Villiers and David Miller being starved of batting time. I would have Miller open the innings; and bat De Villers at number three. This is a must if we are going to make an impact; and with a bit of luck, the Proteas can overcome their battle to win a major tournament.

Emperors Palace Classic offers a taste of Europe High-speed criterium circuit racing returns to Johannesburg this autumn with the seventh edition of the Emperors Palace Classic. The annual cycling spectacular, which is presented by ASG, starts with the popular mountain bike component on 12 April, and continues with the road and criterium races the following day.

Entries are open for the Emperors Palace Classic, which takes place in Johannesburg on April 12 and 13. The annual cycling weekend attracts over 6 000 riders across the road and mountain bike events.

Traditionally held in jam-packed February, the bumper weekend was successfully moved to a less congested time slot last year, attracting more than 6 000 riders across all events. Race director Wynand de Villiers said organisers were once again expecting a capacity turnout for the Gauteng event. “This event fills an important niche on the racing calendar and gives riders in all disciplines something to train for before the winter chill sets in.” De Villiers said mountain bikers in the 20km and 40km races would once again experience a little jet propulsion, as the routes crossed the grounds of the OR Tambo International Airport. “They ride parallel to, but at a safe distance from, the runways. The thrill of hearing those powerful aircraft engines is one of the major attractions of this event.” On the road side, he said the 102km feature route would remain unchanged for the fifth consecutive year. “We’ve had lots of positive feedback from riders, so we decided not to mess with a winning

formula.” Last year, David Maree claimed the victory for Team Abantu (formerly Tasol-GT) in a nail-biting three-man sprint to the line. De Villiers described the route as “fast, flat and exciting but very manageable”. With more than 100 metro police officers and 200 marshals on duty, he said it would also be one of the safest in the province. For those not up to tackling the full distance, De Villiers said there would be a 50km short course option. The feature races would be followed by the ever-popular Kids Classic for children between the ages of two and eight years. The racing action culminates with the Circuit Spectacular – a 30-minute criterium that sees South Africa’s top roadies burning rubber as they do laps around the top level of the Emperors Palace parking lot. “This is something that any real cycling enthusiast can’t afford to miss. It’s a rare opportunity to see a real European-style kermesse.” Registration takes place at Cycle Lab Fourways on the Thursday (10:00 to 16:00) and at the venue – 64@ The Palace – on the Friday (10:00 to 16:00) and Saturday (9:00 to 15:00). Late entries will only be accepted at registration and not on race day. For more information, contact ASG Events on 076 621 1807 or e-mail

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