Delivered every Wednesday
Volume 02, 29 January 2014, Week 5
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Reiger Park in the lap of violence
Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another. – Nelson Mandela. …. But never is happening again, say Reiger Park residents.
By Chantal Thurlby Reiger Park has seen it all. It was one of the sites of violence during the anti-immigrant riots, with émigrés beaten and burned in streets described as "war zones". Since then many prayer services have been held, yet Reiger Park residents are still boiling over in frustration regarding the recent gang-related gunfighting and murders. Just last week an Oos-Rand Secondary School student found himself in hot water after he was found in possession of a dangerous weapon. The 18-year-old was arrested during a police search operation last Monday and was
charged with possession of a dangerous weapon. The learner appeared in court last Tuesday. Reiger Park Secondary School was also searched, however nothing was found. A group of community members threatened to burn down a shop owned by a foreigner in order to cover up for a recent robbery. The Reiger Park SAPS spokesperson, Sergeant Mashudu Phathela, reported that two unarmed men approached a shop owner, pinned him to the ground and stole a pack of nappies. Just as the robbers left, residents walked in and threatened the shop owner that if he reported the crime to the SAPS that they will come back and burn down his shop. One of the accused was arrested and charged with A drive-by shooting in March 2012, the third East Rand drive-by shooting in that week. ARMED AND DANGEROUS: Youths prepare themselves for battle in the Ramaphosa informal settlement.
business robbery and appeared in court last Tuesday. tame TIMES is investigating the most recent attacks in Reiger Park, this being a possible turf war and criminal gangs fighting for territory. We have not even reached the end of our first month of 2014 and already there have been six reported shootings. Reiger Park SAPS said that they have been dealing with several cases involving gun violence related to gang activities between New Year’s Eve and first weeks into January. Nine suspects had been arrested in connection with the recent shooting incidents. They were identified by police as gang members. All nine suspects were released after the
complainants withdrew the charges. A source within the SAPS said, “They are fighting over control of territory and drug markets in the township. This feud between the rival gangs has begun after a dispute over gang territory.” Another source from a different area said, “The police won’t even go into Reiger Park anymore, the Reiger Park CPF does not want to see a SAPS officer because they are so corrupt there. This is not safe for the good people in Reiger Park because they cannot even trust a police officer.” A peace and justice committee has been formed in Reiger Park to remember those affected by the crimes and to provide support. The aim is to bring peace amongst the rival gangs. This event, themed “Prayer for peace in the hood”, is ongoing. Residents say the ongoing violence have driven them to despair. They are now asking God to transform their society. There has been two meetings so far for the rival gangs. So far, it seems, the gangs have calmed down. If you want to get involed in the committee contact Francis Coetzee on 083 747 8336.
Police try to save a man who was set alight by a mob during clashes linked to anti-foreigner violence in Reiger Park in 2008
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29 January 2014
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Children witness brutal dog beating
As ek so kyk na die kinders van vandag dan verwonder ek my aan hoe my kinderjare verskil van hulle s’n. Ons het ‘n hele ander idee van vermaak gehad. Ek onthou nog duidelik hoe ek en my boeties skelmpies perskes gepluk het uit ons bure se perskebome, en sodra ons oom Sarel met die een houtbeen hoor aangeskoffel kom het en roep “julle klein klitse!” dan het ons ‘n vinnige lyn gesny oor die muur, so dat jy net stofbolle sien trek het. Die dogtertjies het weer vir ure buite met rek om die bene “England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales” gespeel en spookstories vertel in die nag. Ons kinders sou soms ook vir ure weg wees op ons fietse en toktokkie die buurt deur speel. Maar o wee, ek is bevrees dat my kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders uitmis op hierdie avonture, omdat hulle al hoe minder belangstel in verbeelding en meer staat maak op hulle selfone en rekenaarspeletjies vir vermaak. Dit is nou wel die elektroniese en tegnologiese era en ek sal nie ontken dat e-posse en selfone die lewe in baie opsigte ook geriefliker gemaak het nie. As ek met at all times in trying to eradicate all cruelty enigiemand moet kommunikeer dan kan ek binne in whatever form through confiscation, sekondes al my boodskap by hulle uitkry. Dit spaar education and through legal channels. We my beslis rookseine en posduiwe! Ek onthou hoe have the capability to take the offender ek in die verlede toe Gysie op die grens was vir to court. We will fight to take a stand maande geduldig moes wag om ‘n briefie of twee against animal abuse. We commend van hom af te ontvang in die pos. the community and general public for Nee kyk, dit was maar anderste tye daardie. Ons contacting our SPCA at 011 825 5033 or het werklik geweet hoe om ons verbeelding aan Emergency cell at 082 675 0072 or e-mail – te wend. Ek onthou nog hoe ek en my familie spcagermist@polka.co.za. Please provide opgewonde voor die ou draadloos gesit en luister as much detail as possible, and you may het na Niel Armstrong se aankoms op die maan, remain anonymous. It is only through waar ons geen visuele beelde gehad het nie en self the community and public’s intervention, moes dink hoe dit op die maan sou lyk. involvement and pro-activeness, like this Soos wat een generasie oud word, is dit seker tyd incident demonstrates, that we at SPCA om sekere tradisies af te skaf en nuwes aan te will continue to remain the protectors of all leer. Ek is redelik eng as dit by sekere dinge kom, soos om skottelgoed met die hand te was (ek glo animals,” Kingston added. “We experience almost daily some form nie in skottelgoedwassers nie) maar ek het darem of cruelty to animals; be it physical abuse, ‘n selfoon en ek kan met trots sê dat ek e-posse mental abuse, lack of care and love. From en sms’e kan stuur. My kleinkinders het my mooi no water or food for days and lack of shelter, touwys gemaak. to total abandonment of family pets, from Tip: Die wêreld gaan vandag so vinnig vooruit, adult dogs and cats to basket, cage or box maak seker dat jy jou kinders nog leer hoe om eenvoudig net kinders te wees, wat nog boom loads of puppies and kittens.” klim en maaltafels ken en hulle verbeelding kan gebruik. Anders, wat gaan die ouers maak as die beurtkrag inskop? Dalk sal ‘n spookstorietjie of twee tog handig kom.
Ilze Moore
to the SPCA at 011 825 5033 or emergency cell at 082 675 0072 or e-mail – spcagermist@ polka.co.za
ABUSED: Family pet abused by a Germiston resident A group of Germiston youths were left traumatised following an incident where a household dog was beaten with a metal pole, sustaining sever injuries. The Germiston/Bedfordview SPCA were notified that a case of animal abuse had taken place in Rondebult, Germiston. Inspector Hope Mokalapa visited the area only to find the dog gasping for air. He had a broken jaw and his eye was popping out of the socket. The badly injured dog was immediately taken to the North Rand Animal Hospital in Boksburg for treatment, but due
to the extreme trauma and nature of injuries to the dog the most humane thing to do was to have it euthanized. Following a few reports obtained from the children, it is alleged that the suspect is a man from the community who does not live far away from where the incident occurred. Lawrence Kingston, Chairperson of the Germiston/Bedfordview SPCA stated that a case of animal cruelty will be opened once all the relevant details and statements have been obtained and a report from the attending veterinarian was compiled. Kingston said, “SPCAs do their utmost best
I never understood violence, war and demolition, so to understand the daily goings-on in South Africa is something I battle with.
criminals, the negativity that surrounds everything that we do. We have accepted our fate, now there is nothing left to do except find joy in something and just live. Zombified. Emotionless.
Maybe gangs have legitimate reasons that I couldn’t possibly comprehend for killing one another, or for their constant turf wars that really don’t get either party any closer to whatever it is that they are striving for. Murder is not a game; someone’s life is not a plaything, a mere toy.
Editor’s Note Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Chantal Thurlby chantal@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Eddie Kok eddie@tametimes.co.za
I look forward to meeting with you. For instance, page one is on Reiger Park’s Till next week, stay happy. ongoing violence and the residents’ ongoing fears keep coming back to haunt them. Just a mere five years ago a man was set alight in the area through Xenophobic actions. @chantalrosalie Page two shows how inhumane and sick people can be, maybe it was just to an animal, but in my mind animals are just as Search Tame TIMES human as humans are.
Yet, on a daily basis, we are living amongst it. We are so used to seeing the pain and feeling the pain that it doesn’t matter what happens with the world, with South Africa, with anything anymore because it looks like we have all caved in, given into the
On a positive note, have a look at the school page where the softball team at Oosterlig had brilliant results, and please send through all your information and stories through to me.
Chantal Thurlby
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Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Wednesday 5 February 2014 Deadline: Monday 3 February at 14:00
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tame TIMES Boksburg Editor chantal@tametimes.co.za
29 January 2014
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Preparation for the upcoming Elections 2014 – What’s it all about? elections: Register *Article supplied by Manny de Freitas MP.
I’m registered to vote...
In 2014, South Africa will not only celebrate 20 years of freedom from apartheid, it will also hold the country’s fifth national democratic elections. With the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) announcing a second and final round of voter registration on 8 and 9 February. WHEN WILL THE ELECTIONS BE HELD? The elections must take place some time in 2014, but the final date will only be known once the president has proclaimed it in the Government Gazette. WHO MAY VOTE? To be eligible to vote, you must: Be a South African citizen. Be at least 18 years old. Have a green bar-coded ID book, or an ID smartcard, or a temporary identity certificate. These are all issued by the Department of Home Affairs. Finally, you may only vote if you are registered on the voters’ roll. HOW DO I REGISTER TO VOTE? Any time before the president proclaims the date of the election, you can register at your local IEC municipal office – but you must first contact the office and make an appointment. The IEC has a list of municipal offices with all the contact details you need. On the weekend of 8 to 9 February, you can register from 08:00 to 17:00 at the voting station for your voting district. Find your voting station using the map on the IEC website, or phone 0800 11 8000 on Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. DO I HAVE TO REGISTER BEFORE EVERY ELECTION? Unless you have moved into a new voting district, you only have to register once. If you have moved, you have to register for your new district. If you remain on the voters’ roll for your old voting district, you will only be able to vote at your old voting station. You may have to register again if your voting district changes. HOW DO I CHECK IF I AM CORRECTLY REGISTERED TO VOTE? You can check if you are registered to vote, and for the right district, in a number of ways: Send an SMS with your ID number to 32810. Check your voter registration details online – this will also give you the address of your voting station. Phone the IEC’s call centre on 0800 11 8000 – this is toll-free if you phone from a landline. Check at your voting station during the registration weekend of 8 to 9 February. Check at your local municipal electoral office during office hours.
HOW OLD MUST I BE TO REGISTER? Even though you may only vote if you are 18 or older, you may register on the voters’ roll from the age of 16.
FIND OUT WHERE YOUR VOTING DISTRICT IS? Find your voting station using the map on the IEC website. Or, contact your local DA Councillor: * Benno Robinson ward 22 - 083 630 4872. * Andre du Plessis ward 23 - 083 655 8187. * Shauné le Roux ward 31 - 083 289 1019. * Johan Hendricks - 082 518 4393 . * Hilary Coke ward 33 - 083 362 9406. * Charlie Crawford ward 34 - 082 871 8135. * Pauline Moreke ward 42 - 083 769 0278 * Bruce Reid ward 43 - 072 820 3538 . * Graham Gersbach - 083 304 1317.
CAN I REGISTER IF I’M CURRENTLY LIVING OUTSIDE SOUTH AFRICA? Yes, all South Africans with a valid South African ID (see above) and a valid South African passport is allowed to register. Overseas registrations close on 7 February 2014. Find out more on the IEC website. HOW DO I REGISTER FROM OVERSEAS? Go to your nearest South African embassy, high commission or diplomatic mission with your valid ID and passport. Note that you can’t register with only your passport – you must have your ID document as well. Both documents must be valid. CAN I VOTE BEFORE I LEAVE SOUTH AFRICA? If you will be overseas on Election Day and would like to vote in South Africa a few days beforehand, you can apply for a special vote at your municipal electoral office. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I REGISTER? Go to your voting station, municipal electoral office or, if voting overseas, your diplomatic mission. Fill in the Application for Registration as a Voter form. Your ID book will be scanned. A bar-coded sticker will be pasted in your ID book. Note that completing the form and receiving a bar-coded sticker doesn’t mean that you’re registered; it only means that you’ve applied for registration. Your application must still be processed, which may take up to seven working days.
In Gauteng alone over 242 000 new registrations were recorded on the registration weekend. South Africa has come out of a voter registration weekend when citizens could register at their nearest voting station. This is in anticipation of the National and Provincial Elections, which is scheduled to take place in April or May next year. But what is this all about? Didn’t we just have elections only two years ago? And why was there another voter registration weekend this month? Every five years elections are held when all registered voters can vote for the party of their choice that sends their representatives to Parliament. This election is known as the National Elections. On the same day, another election is also held, elections for the Provincial Legislatures. Here too, registered voters are able to vote for the party of their choice that also sends their representatives to Provincial Legislatures. Provincial Legislatures are the Province’s Parliament. This is why voters receive two ballots when they arrive at their voting station to vote. The more votes a party gets the more seats, or Members of Parliament or Members of the Legislature, the party will be allocated proportionally. Only South African citizens who are registered to vote get onto the voters roll and are thus eligible to vote. You only register once off as a voter and are not required to register every time there is another election. However, if you have previously registered and have since moved to a different address you are required to go to the nearest voting station nearest to your new address to advise the IEC (Electoral Commission) of your move and therefore the new voting station that you are allocated to. This will ensure that you are on the voters roll for that particular voting station. Once you are registered as a voter you are permitted to vote in any subsequent election. On average about two years after the General and Provincial Elections, Local Government Elections (LGE) are held. This explains why 2011 elections were LGE. LGE are a little different, as instead of receiving only one ballot as you do for Parliament and the Provincial Legislatures, in LGE a voter is given two ballots. One ballot provides the voter the opportunity to vote for the party of their choice. Here too, just like the National and Provincial Election, parties send their representatives off a list proportionally. However, this accounts for only half of the councillors elected. The other 50% of councillors are directly elected off the second ballot. These elected councillors serve as your councillor in a demarcated area called a ward. A ward is usually a collection of adjoining areas and suburbs. The IEC works hard at encouraging more and more people to register so that the number of voters is as large as possible. The November voter registration weekend appears to have been a success. IEC statistics indicate that there was a good turn up of people to register. In Gauteng alone over 242 000 new registrations were recorded on the registration weekend. This is good news all round as this solidifies our democracy and ensures that more people make direct decisions about the people that will be representing them in the various legislatures. The IEC has not yet supplied the detail of how many people registered in the South but from the DA’s records we can confirm that over 15000 new registrations took place in the South alone. The next step is up to each one of us: to vote next year on Election Day for the party that you believe will make South Africa better.
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What the numbers say
The IEC held the first voter registration weekend for the 2014 elections last year during the month if November. This election registration drive took place safely at most of the approximately 22 300 voting stations, which will be used for the 2014 elections.IEC information reveals the following statistics regarding registrations (correct as of the November 2013): Total Gauteng activity the during the November registration weekend: 572 395 Total number of new registrations: 242 894 Total (National) of youth aged 18 – 19 registered: 275 487 Total (National) males aged 18 – 19 registered: 148 705 Total (National) females aged 18 – 19 registered: 126 782 A general trend of more females registering was observed over the weekend country wide KZN led the country in the youth category (16-29) recording 242 131. Gauteng was second with 185 057 registrations. Both male and female registration numbers spiked between 16:00 and 17:00 on both days of the November registration weekend.
The individual anchors real democracy
By Nieto Hernandez
Imagine it really didn’t matter if you voted or not. Imagine votes really didn’t count, or worse, imagine scores of South Africans did not wakeup on 27 April 1994. Now stop imagining because the truth is that every vote counts and the only better tomorrow will be influenced by those who follow the guidelines; register to vote, then vote. Even though I set out to discuss the importance of voting, I quickly realised we vote every day. For what more is voting if it isn’t choosing the direction in which you want your life’s ship to sail? What more is voting if it isn’t deciding what you like over what you dislike? The real question about voting should actually be a question which addresses choices, and that is where, in my opinion, many in our beloved South Africa miss the point. Choosing should always be premised on the individual’s ability to process information as an individual. Many of my countrymen find themselves devoted to old teachings; or for the religiously inclined, faithful to old commandments. Being stuck in old ways fails the progress of the entire nation, but that is hardly the worst consequence, the worst is that the growth of the individual is severely compromised. The most disturbing reality I’ve observed in our generation is the lack of interest in the options available to voters. How does one make an intelligent decision without scrutinizing the offerings? As almost all the colours which represent our political landscape have recently been delivering their manifestos and holding rallies, I question the number of ‘new’ faces at these gatherings. Are there any who attend with an open mind ready to be swayed, or have the minds been made up? In short, I just want to know what informs the vote. Do I vote green because I don’t like orange, or do I vote green because I’ve actually considered what both are offering and have as an individual decided that green represents my ideals? I’ve asked many questions, even to myself, but the only answer I’ve managed to knit together expresses that real democracy values the individual. I strongly believe that once the individual has chosen to vote (which I encourage), the individual should do so as a free thinker, uninfluenced by anything other than the knowledge of the choices. Folks remember 8 and 9 February represent the last chance for those of you who haven’t registered to vote, so register and then get to know what choices are available before making the mark on the ballot. Let’s chat. Send me your comments at voice@ tametimes.co.za or tweet me @nietovoice.
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29 January 2014
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Provinsiale Skole Sagtebaltoernooi Tydens die Oostelike Provinsie Proewe vir Sagtebal word die volgende Oosterlig seuns gekies om die Ekurhuleni o/15 en o/17 “Easterns”-span te verteenwoordig tydens die Provinsiale Skole Sagtebaltoernooi, vanaf 4 – 7 Desember 2013 in Pretoria: o/15 o/17 Heinrich Visser Charles Parsons Leander Bennett Tristan Lensvelt Nico Smit Damian Pieterse Armand Pienaar Zandro Bennett Tiaan Roos Dit was voorwaar ʼn week propvol aksie en baie sterk kompetisie vanaf die Northerns,
KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, Wes-Kaap en Limpopo. Baie geluk aan Nico Smit wat gekies is vir die o/15-SA-Allstar-span na afloop van die toernooi.
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29 January 2014
Taking a stand against e-tolls On Saturday 25 January hundreds of bikers and vehicles in Johannesburg South protested against the e-toll system. The protestors gathered at the Portuguese Hall, situated on the corner of Wemmer Pan and Victoria Road, and made their way onto the highway from the Comaro on-ramp. Many bikers covered or even removed their number plates in protest against the e-toll system. Other protestors had their vehicle hazard lights on and displayed “proudly e-tag
free” stickers in their windows. The protestors continued north towards Pretoria, passing through all the gantries. The SAPS and Metro Police also followed the strike and led the protestors from the beginning to the end of the route. Various online invitations advertising the strike appeared on social media, such as Facebook, and internet sites a few days before and up until the strike. “Take a stand against this corrupt and unjust system,” and The sticker many cars displayed in their windows “proudly e-tag free” “highway robbery” were among the verbal protests posted on many of these pages.
Alleged murderers arrested in Boksburg North
Early last Saturday morning, at about 02:38, an African male was murdered. The man was attacked along the pavement of First Street, Boksburg North. Witnesses saw how an African woman and male hit the suspect with rocks and the female stabbed the suspect with a knife.
When Warrant Officer Nene and Constable Mahlangu arrived on the scene the victim was declared dead. After police investigations commenced, the officers found the suspects. The culprits were arrested the same morning. The case is under investigation and the motive will be determined.
Student accommodation service needed in Daveyton Hundreds of bikers protesting against e-tolls
Ekurhuleni on a drive to fix leaks South Africa is a water scarce country and the preservation of water is important for local authorities such as the City of Ekurhuleni. In this regard, the municipality has launched a programme to repair water leaks to curb water wastage in several areas. According to the Water Demand Management Analysis about 43 000 residential areas in Tsakane, Langaville and Geluksdal have high volumes of water wastage. The municipality‘s water Conservation Leak Repair Project is currently underway in these areas and the project is expected to run until January 2016. The repair work involves conducting leak free tests in each property, fixing or replacing leaking plumbing items such as toilet cisterns and associated pipework. “This includes refurbishment of underground pipes and yard connections, fixing sink taps, baths, showers, outdoor taps, condition rating
of underground pipes, and installation of meters on properties,” metro’s spokesperson Themba Gadebe said. About 27 schools in Tsakane, Langaville and Geluksdal will also have their leaks repaired. Of great importance is that the project is community based and labour intensive in line with the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) principles, which means locals will receive employment opportunities. The project will result in the creation of 377 jobs in the fields of plumbing, general work, Community Liaison Officers, Community Facilitator Supervisors, Community Facilitators and Quality Controllers. Residents must be at ease as the workers will be clearly identifiable by their EPWP orange working suits and some will be wearing reflecting vests bearing the Ekurhuleni logo. The leak repair project is happening in partnership with Water Affairs, Public Works and Rand Water.
City of Ekurhuleni to educate youth on democracy and civic education The Youth Unit of the City of Ekurhuleni will run a series of workshops aimed at educating the youth about democracy and civic responsibility. The democracy and civic education workshops will focus on promoting knowledge on social cohesion among young people, the Constitution, national symbols and fostering national pride and patriotism. The purpose of the workshop is to empower the young people of Ekurhuleni with enough information so that they realise the importance of registering and voting in the coming elections. The workshops have been planned as a build-
up to the IEC’s voter registration weekend on 8 and 9 February, so that young eligible voters who have not yet registered may see the importance to do so. The workshops started on 23 January and will run till 30 January. The final one will be at the Reiger Park Civic Centre tomorrow. The workshop will run from 10:00 to 15:00 each day. Buses have been organised to ferry young people to the venues free of charge. For more information on the transport issue contact 011 999 1569.
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in partnership with Vaal University of Technology (VUT) invites Ekurhuleni residents who have accommodation in Daveyton and surroundings to submit proposals for providing accommodation services to VUT students. This follows VUT’s relocation from their satellite campus in Kempton Park to the old
Vista campus in Daveyton. “All accommodation service providers within the periphery of the campus are requested to submit their detailed proposals to Juliet Hector at the Vaal University of Technology Management Building, Cnr R51 and Brazil Street Daveyton 1507. Deadline for submission is 31 January 2014,” Metro’s spokesperson Themba Gadebe said.
10111 language complaint investigated: Mutual assistance offered At a meeting between the Gauteng Head of the 10111 emergency call centre of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and AfriForum, the civil rights organisation was assured by the SAPS that the complaint regarding the refusal of service in Afrikaans by a 10111 operator was taken seriously. This meeting follows an incident two weeks ago when an emergency call from AfriForum was disconnected after Afrikaans service was requested. According to Alana Bailey, Deputy CEO at AfriForum responsible for language matters, AfriForum was assured that disciplinary steps have already been instigated against the operator who was unwilling to assist in Afrikaans. AfriForum was also assured that multilingual service will be made available on all shifts, as far as possible. If an operator cannot speak the caller’s language of choice, everything possible will be done to refer the call to someone who can assist. Following the abovementioned incident, AfriForum has launched a complaints line to inquire from the public whether they’ve encountered similar problems, and several complaints from across South Africa were received. Those complaints were also brought to the attention of the SAPS. The SAPS requested that members of the public who are dissatisfied with the service of 10111 call centres, should report their problems to their complaints line at 0860 13 0860. This is necessary to ensure that problems are identified and solved.
A huge problem for the SAPS is people abusing the emergency line with triviality and prank calls. During one weekend alone, the SAPS emergency call centre in Gauteng received 40 000 calls of which only 3 500 were serious. This puts staff under immense pressure, it results in calls from people in lifethreatening circumstances going unanswered, and it wastes resources funded by taxpayers. AfriForum has undertaken to assist the SAPS in creating awareness among the public of the fact that 10111 is a service solely for the reporting of emergency situations, which necessitates immediate response or where lives are threatened. “AfriForum appreciates the urgency with which the SAPS has dealt with our complaints and will gladly assist them in ensuring that the 10111 emergency number is not abused. We will inform our members on a continuous basis to memorise emergency numbers like the fire brigade and emergency medical services and to refrain from calling 10111 when these services are needed,” Bailey said. “People should remember that a triviality like a noisy dog in their suburb is not a reason to call 10111, even if the barking is annoying. Parents also need to teach their children that a prank call to 10111 can cost someone’s life and that it’s unacceptable under all circumstances. The abuse of an emergency number is a punishable offence.” The SAPS and AfriForum will stay in contact to jointly address any further language or other problems with regard to the emergency service number.
29 January 2014
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Baring Bryan Adams Bryan Adams walks on the stage dressed in all black with a top hat and takes his place with his acoustic guitar. This is what fans experienced this past weekend at the Big Top Arena at Carnival City. No fancy band or no show-stopping stage design, just Bryan Adams baring his musical soul and outstanding talent, occasionally accompanied by gifted pianist Gary Breit. And by all means this was more than enough, actually exceeding expectation. This Bare Bones Tour shows the Grammy Award winning musician is all natural talent. This unplugged tour provides a rare opportunity for fans to enjoy Adams’ last three decades of music history with hits like Cuts Like a Knife, Summer of `69, Kids Wanna Rock, Can`t Stop This Thing We`ve Started, (Everything I Do) I Do It for You, Open Road and Thought I`d Seen Everything. Adams even sang a Kristofferson song, Help Me Make It through the Night, whom will also be playing at Big Top Arena on 22 March and interestingly enough both of them have sung a duet with Barbara Streisand. Adams shared this with the audience, telling them how
Laurelle Williams laurelle@tametimes.co.za
he was sent the song ‘I Finally Found Someone’ by a producer and changed it as it ‘didn’t work for him’. A few weeks later Streisand phoned him and asked him why he changed her song. He replied, “Well are you going to put down the phone?”; Streisand said, “No, I like it.” This interaction with the audience gave fans a glimpse of the real Bryan Adams, reflecting his humorous personality. Adams’ status as one of the great songwriters of our time has been solidified with a Grammy Award, 18 Juno Awards and an American Music Award. He has also been nominated for three Academy Awards and five Golden Globes. This show was something amazing. Adams has to be one the best love songs writers and singers. His songs are every woman’s dream and his voice just adds to the already amazing song. Every song he sang was known to the audience, showing his huge success and popularity. Adams told Carnival City patrons, “Music is the closest thing to magic we will ever come across”; and that is HATS OFF:To Bryan Adams on his Bare Bones Tour. true, his Bare Bones Tour was exactly that - magic.
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tame TIMES
29 January 2014
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@ Cool Prices
Scrumming on the next level Former players must be involved in the sport, that way their experience can be transferred. The result of this will be a gradual improvement in the standard.
Jano Vermaak and Lawrence Sephaka in the Golden Lions
A GIANT LEAP: The Blitzbokke’s successful defence of their Vegas title sees them on top of the log, ahead of the New Zealand leg of the HSBC Sevens World Series. (photo by Wessel Oosthuizen)
As part of a major overhaul plan of the A Square Forklift Alberton Rugby Club, formerly known as Alberton Rugby Club, Lawrence Sephaka and a few other prominent figures in South African sports have joined the club. Lawrence forms part of a team of administrators who have been recruited in order to realise the vision introduced by Manie Reyneke, who is no stranger to the local club. Sephaka met the game of Rugby purely by chance back in the mid-1990’s as a youngster at Reigerpark High School. His introduction to the game was thanks to a coach at the school and some brutal honesty on his behalf. Sephaka explains that he was in love with soccer before his introduction to rugby, his size though prompted a coach at the East Rand-based school to approach him and suggest that he join the rugby team, which was in dire need of players. The now former Springbok player at that moment made the best decision he could have made, he took up the invitation and joined the team. “I made the best decision,” an obviously amused Sephaka told tame TIMES, “I look back now and I realise soccer was not my thing.” Sephaka explains that he realised that this game was life-changing at age 17, when in 1997 he found himself sharing camp with the 1995 World Cup winning Springbok team. “At school level I found that my game was improving every year. When I started playing things were pretty interesting as I found my way around the rules of this new game. Once I was acquainted with it there was no turning back,” Lawrance said. At age 16 Lawrence was already exposed to first team rugby while at Springs Technical, and although his rugby career was already being molded he maintained focus of his grades in the classroom. The love for the game prompted him to push himself even more and this dedication paid off as he was soon inducted into the junior structures at the Lions Rugby, where he later met Manie who describes Sephaka as a down to earth individual. Lawrence brings a wealth of experience to A Square
Forklift Alberton Rugby Club, both to the players (forwards) who he will be taking through the paces of scrums and lineouts, and the rest of the coaching staff who will learn the responsibility their positions come with. Reyneke’s vision is cantered around the absorption of professional sportsmen into the administration of the various recognised sporting codes in South Africa. “Former players must be involved in the sport, that way their experience can be transferred. The result of this will be a gradual improvement in the standard,” said Reyneke, “and that is why Sephaka was brought in, so that we can take the club to the next level.” The very same club that had fostered the likes of Derrik Minnie, Ruan Nel, Jaco Kriel and Andre Pretorius is back in the business of creating local heroes. tame TIMES is fully behind A Square Forklift Alberton Rugby Club and encourages the Alberton community to do the same. Over the next few weeks we will continue to profile some of the other new faces at the club.
HERE TO TAKE THE CLUB TO THE NEXT LEVEL: Lawrence Sephaka forms part of a dedicated team at A Square Forklift Alberton Rugby Club
Springbok Sevens takes third Las Vegas title Ndu Ngwenya
ndu@tametimes.co.za The Springbok Sevens side successfully defended their Las Vegas title over the weekend. The Blitzbokke’s successful campaign earned the South African side their third Las Vegas title in four years. Going into the fourth round of the HSBC Sevens World Series, which was hosted at the San Boyd Stadium in Nevada (USA), South Africa (56 points) was second on the log, just behind New Zealand who were sitting on 58 points. The Blitzbokke began their successful defence strongly as they made light of all their competition during the preliminary stages of the Vegas tournament. South Africa won all their pool A fixtures, which were matches against Wales, Canada and Kenya. South Africa then progressed through the quarterfinals after convincingly beating Argentina 36 – 0. At this point the Springboks
had already exceeded the expectations of their captain, Kyle Brown, who stated that a finish in the top four would help the Blitzbokke keep up to the World Series leaders. Samoa was the next side to fall at the hands of the South Africans when they lost 14 – 0 in the semi-final fixture, which took place in the early hours of Sunday morning (local time). Later on Sunday, South Africa met up with New Zealand in the final game on the USA leg of the World Series. The Springboks won the game 14 – 7 and by that not only successfully defended their title, but also managed to top the log having a one point advantage over New Zealand. The next stage of the HSBC Sevens World Series will take place on 7 – 8 February and will be hosted at the Westpac Stadium in New Zealand.