Laerskool ak 2

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LEEUWENHOF AKADEMIE NUUSBRIEF NR. 22 VAN 2014 7 JULIE 2014 UIT DIE HOOF SE KANTOOR Geagte ouers en personeel Ons as ouers en opvoeders het ‘n baie belangrike taak wanneer ons kinders teleurstelling ervaar. Dit is nooit lekker om teleurstelling te ervaar nie en duik daar wonderlike geleenthede vir ons as ouers en opvoeders op om hierdie lewenslesse saam met ons kinders te ervaar en te deel. Teleurstellings kom op alle tereine van die lewe voor en is dit ons as ouers en opvoeders se verantwoordelikheid om ons kinders daardeur te begelei sodat hul voorberei kan word vir die volwasse wêreld. Ek lees die volgende op die internet oor die verwerking van teleurstelling: Soms struikel en val ons oor versperrings in ons pad. Soms wil ons iets so bitter graag hê, maar kan dit nie kry nie. Soms verloor ons iets kosbaar of word dit sommer van ons weggevat. Onvoorsiene goed gebeur daagliks. Die lewe klap ons soms hard, laat ons plat op ons maag val en swaar en pynlik snak na asem. Dis in sulke tye wat ons gryp na strooihalms. Na die versekering dat ons weer sal kan opstaan en aangaan. Dat ons ‘n sterker en beter mens anderkant sal uitkom. Versoekings is volop, en ons is nie altyd versigtig genoeg om die gevaartekens betyds raak te sien nie. Dan kan ons onsself so maklik agterna verwyt oor ons agterlosigheid. Maar in al hierdie dinge, ongelukkige situasies, verliese, pyne en skete, teleurstellings en mislukkings, is daar lesse te leer, en weet ons dat God ons nooit in die steek sal laat nie. “Geen versoeking wat meer is as wat ‘n mens kan weerstaan, het julle oorval nie. God is getrou. Hy sal nie toelaat dat julle bo julle kragte versoek word nie; as die versoeking kom, sal Hy ook die uitkoms gee, sodat julle dit kan weerstaan.” 1 Korintiërs 10:13 Bou dus jou vertroue slegs op die Here. Hy sal jou die krag en wil gee om elke teleurstelling te oorkom. Jou lei na vrede en rus, na opstaan en oorwinning. Leer uit jou foute en wandel met vertroue. God gee moed vir die moedelose. Hy vertroos die gebrokenes van hart en Hy herstel die innerlike skade van teleurstelling. 1

AKADEMIE Assessering Personeel handel in die volgende twee weke assessering vir die tweede termyn af. Klaswerk, huiswerk ens. wat tot aan die einde van die termyn gedoen word, kan gebruik word vir assessering in die derde termyn. Leesprojek  Lees tot 11 Hierdie funksie vind op 25 Julie plaas en beloof om ‘n heerlike geleentheid vir al ons leerders te wees waar gelees en gespeel gaan word. Ouers moet asseblief daarop let dat hierdie funksie om 18:00 begin en om 23:00 klaarmaak. Verdere reëlings sal later aan ouers deurgegee word. Die verwagting is dat alle leerders sal deelneem aan hierdie geleentheid.  Leesjag Die Leesjagkompetisie sluit die 18 de Julie Die klas in die skool wat die meeste voltooide vorms inhandig word deur my bederf met ‘n heerlike melkskommel vir elke leerder.  Opvoerings Personeel en leerders oefen al hard aan die opvoerings. Tot die einde van die termyn gaan daar aan die leerders meer tyd gegee word om te oefen vir die konserte. So min as moontlik akademiese tyd gaan gebruik word vir hierdie oefeninge. SAALED (South African Association for learning & educational differences)nuusbrief Aangeheg aan hierdie nuusbrief is die SAALED nuusbrief met oulik artikels vir personeel en ouers.

SPORT Netbal Ons 0/10A, 0/12A en 1 ste netbalspanne het voor die reses aan die ISASA netbalfinale by St. Stithians deelgeneem. Baie geluk aan die 0/10- spannetjie wat derde geeïndig het. Die 1 ste span het ‘n vierde plek behaal Perdry Ouers wat hul kinders wil inskryf vir die CORE LEAGUE moet op die volgende webwerf gaan registreer Krieket Die krieketproewe begin hierdie week vir 0/9 tot 0/13 seuns. Die krieket begin eers vanaf 14:15 in die middae na skool sodat seuns ook aan die Landloop kan deelneem. Landloop Die Landloop begin ook hierdie week vir 0/9 tot 0/13 seuns en dogters. Oefeninge begin reeds om 13:45 daarom moet landlopers reeds tydens tweede pouses gaan aantrek Fikse voete Die 0/7 en 0/8 seuns en dogters word hierdie jaar weer die geleentheid gegun om hul fiksheid te verbeter. Hierdie groep leerders sal op Dinsdae en Donderdae vanaf 13:45 tot 14:15 oefen


Gholfdag Daar is ‘n kompetisie onder die klasse in die Laerskool wie die meeste pryse insamel vir die Gholfdag. Wêreldbeker rugbykompetisie Ons maak baie staat op ons ouers se samewerking in hierdie verband. Ouers moet asb. hierdie aangehegte advertensie uitstuur aan mense op u epos se adresslyste asb.

KULTUUR Snuitersimfoniekonsert Sommige leerders het sonder verskoning nie opgedaag vir die kooroptredes tydens hierdie funksie nie. Dit is belangrik dat ons leerders die verantwoordelikheid geleer moet word dat hulle deel is van ‘n span en dat die span elke lid nodig het. Dit is ons as ouers se plig om hierdie beginsel vir ons kinders aan te leer. Dit is nie die Leeuwenhofkultuur om net weg te bly van ‘n byeenkoms of funksie nie. Ouers wie se kinders sonder verskoning weggebly het sal hierdie week ‘n skrywe ontvang rondom die aangeleentheid. Marimbas Ons Marimba afrigter, Dene Potgieter, het bedank. Ons is op soek na ‘n nuwe afrigter. Indien u weet van iemand wat sou belangstel, kontak gerus vir mnr. Kobie Pretorius by of 011 622 1806.

SPOGHOEKIE Hanlie Kriel Hanlie is die Afdelingshoof by ons pragtige Voorskool. Hanlie het in 2005 by Leeuwenhof Akademie begin as graad 2 onderwyseres. Sy het haarself gou onderskei as iemand wat ‘n groot liefde vir kinders het en ‘n fantastiese klasonderwyseres is. In 2010 word sy aangestel by ons Voorskool as gr. 00 en in 2011 as gr. 0 onderwyseres. In 2014 word sy aangestel as Afdelingshoof. Hanlie is verantwoordelik vir onder andere die volgende by die Voorskool  Akademiese en -Buitemuursewerksverdeling  Die jaar, tema en daaglikse beplanning by die Voorskool  Sy het onlangs ‘n baie suksesvolle Markdag by die Voorskool aangebied  Hanlie is ook die IQAA Voorskool Spanbestuurder Ons skool is baie bevoorreg om iemand soos Hanlie as deel van die Leeuwenhoffamilie te hê. Ons wens haar ook alle sëen en sukses toe in haar nuwe rol by ons Voorskool. 0/11 Rugbyspan se uitreikaksie Die 0/11 rugbyspan en hul ouers het hul harte oopgemaak vir ‘n uitreikaksie na kinders wat in plakkerskampe bly en by Pirates Rugbyklub rugby speel. Hierdie kinders word by die klub gehelp met etes maar hulle oefen met hul skoolklere wat baie gehawend is. Onder leiding van Jaden van der Merwe, een van die spelers in ons 0/11 - rugbyspan, en sy mamma, Chanel, is daar net eenkeer ‘n boodskap aan ons span se ouers gestuur en die skenkings het ingestroom. Hierdie skenkings is 3

verlede Woensdagaand aan die Rugbyklub oorhandig in ‘n boks wat oortrek is met Leeuwenhof foto’s. Chanel sê dat sy so trots op die Leeuwenhospelers en en ouers is en baie dankbaar is om deel van Leeuwenhof Akademie te wees. Ons wil van die skool se kant af vir Chanel en Jaden baie dankie sê vir hierdie inisiatief wat geneem is om uit te reik na die spelertjies van Pirates se rugbyklub. Kompliment aan leerders van skool Hieronder is ‘n boodskap van een van ons ouers: Hi!! Ons was vandag by n Ekhurleni Skaaktoernooi...wou net noem 2 afsonderlike ouerpare het na Dian toe gekom en wou by hom weet of hy nie die Leeuwenhofoutjie is wat verlede naweek by Concordia gespeel het nie...hulle het vir hom gese dat hulle baie beindruk was met die Leeuwenhof kinders se dissipline en netheid...ons lyk glo pragtig in ons skoolklere en baadjies...Dian het breë bors dankie gesê....trots Leeuwenhof!!! Dankie vir julle insette...julle werk in ons kinders gaan nie ongesiens verby nie!! Elize Smit. (Dian Smit se mamma) WARM WINTERKOMBERSIES Die winterkoue het uiteindelik aangebreek, en die weervoorspelling lyk nie goed nie. Daar lê vir ons nog meer bittere koue voor! Om jou te pantser teen hierdie koue is daar lieflike, warm geweefde Leeuwenhofkomberse te koop direk vanaf die Bemarkingskantoor teen R200 ‘n kombers! Kom plaas jou bestelling saam met jou geld, om teleurstelling te voorkom! Om meer uit te vind hieroor, kontak gerus vir Marsha Wagner by KLEREDRAG Baie dankie aan ons ouers sorg dat hul kinders elke dag so netjies geklee skooltoe kom. Ons het groot waardering vir die moeite wat ouers doen om te sorg dat ons leerders so pragtig lyk vir skool. Hier en daar is daar leerders wat nie reg geklee is volgens die skoolrëels nie. Aan die begin van die jaar is die skoolrëels saam met die kleredragbeleid aan gr. 1 tot 3 -ouers gestuur. Indien u nie een ontvang het nie, kontak gerus die skool sodat ons dit so gou moontlik vir u kan stuur. Die skoolrëels en kleredragbeleid is in die Huiswerkdagboek wat elke gr. 4 tot 7 leerder aan die begin van die jaar ontvang het. OPVOEDKUNDIGE TOERE Ons toere vir gr. 4 tot 7 vind in die laaste week van die termyn plaas. Rëelings vir die toere sal vroegtydig aan ouers gestuur word. Ouers moet asb. kennis dra dat geen leerder op toer mag gaan indien die skoolfonds nie op datum betaal is nie.

BUITESKOOL PRESTASIES Naam van leerder Tristan Minnaar

Graad 1

Aktiwiteit Tennis

Elindri de Korte



Prestasie Het Saterdag 14 Junie die Junior “Round Robin” tennis kampioenskap by die Modderfontein tennisklub sy afdeling gewen. Eisteddfod SuikerbosrandEnglish Poetry A++ (sertifikaat) 4

Burger Geldenhuys



Theodore Smith




10 Julie

11 Julie 12 Julie 15 Julie

17 Julie 18 Julie

JKA karate –Yellow one gradering 2 silwer medaljes

Skool begin om 08:00 Geen akademiese ondersteuning agv Personeelsimposium Krieket en – landloopproewe begin SAKESTUDIES TERMYNTOETS: Alleenlik vir gr. 7 leerders Sport en -kultuurprysuitdeling Immergroenouerskap Immergroenouerskap Akademiese ondersteuning om 07:30 Gr. 7 Sakestudies uitstappie Landloopproewe – 13:45 tot 14:15 Krieketproewe vanaf 14:15 tot 15:45 WIJ MANDELADAG gekombineer met Leeutjiedag

Leeuwenhof - groete

_____________________ MNR W UYS LAERSKOOL HOOF (Waarnemend)




Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) By Leigh M. Dunn 01 Mathematics Matters for Primary Schools 03 Annual General Meeting 03 Children with General Anxiety Disorder 04 Ten Steps Before Ritalin By Prof Venter UOFS 05 Room to Breathe 06 Save The Date: Dr Loretta Giorcelli’s Roadshow 06

FOETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME DISORDER (FASD) Presentation by Leigh M. Dunn for SAALED (Southern African Association for Learning and Educational Differences)

What is FASD? How do we identify the symptoms? The politically correct term is FASD or Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder • I teach many FASD learners • We diagnose these learners by using the SIAS document (which stands for Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support) • And by screening the medical background reports of these learners, we discover that they suffer from: • Growth deficits (a small and underdeveloped brain); • Dysmorphology (the one learner in my class has deformed hands, muscle problems, and it’s too late to start doing physio or occupational therapy at that late stage of development); • Cognitive impairments (various areas in the brain is affected, so the child learns slower); • Attention problems: ADHD • Memory problems: Learning disabilities

SAALED Southern African Association for Learning & Educational Differences

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Language problems: They often have speech disorders Sensory problems: They often lack problem-solving and abstract thinking abilities Motor coordination problems: And finally, the one in which you are very interested as educators: Behavioural difficulties (And children only have behavioural difficulties because their needs are not met on their level) FASD is a lifelong impairment due to neurodevelopmental damage.

Even HIV AIDS can be cured medically, but FASD can never be cured medically and will affect their children too. Sadly parents don’t seem to want to acknowledge that, neither does our government, because they invest millions into HIV AIDS related research, but nothing into FASD, which is one of the main causes of mental retardation.

VOLUME 34 | NO 01


Preventing disruptive behavior by FASD learners •

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There is almost no research done on the best educational strategies when dealing with FASD and I have discovered that the learning profile of the FASD child does not fit general theories of learning development The learning profile of the FASD child must therefore include the following important info: Their short-term memory is poor, yet they can “parrot back” They have an inability to understand consequences for their actions (because of their poor short-term memory) They struggle with numeracy They struggle with the generalization of learning abstract concepts like digital numbers, alphabet letters or words. According to Piaget’s Developmental Stages of Learning, any child first learns through concrete (showing the object), then semi-concrete (drawing the object), and finally through abstract learning (words and letters and numbers). But yet in Grade R on day one, the poor child already gets bombarded with the abstract (a worksheet). This tells me that the FASD child cannot change, to fit into the needs of CAPS Instead, CAPS needs to be adapted, to fit into the individual needs of the FASD child Therefore, in my class we present the curriculum in a fun way. We make use of the Multi-disciplinary approach to learning Thereby we believe that every child is good at something, and we use that specific ability and strength in order to enhance his / her learning experience: Linguistic (language ability);Visual (visual / pictoral awareness);Kinesthetic (bodily awareness / awareness of touch);Spatial (awareness of position);Musical (awareness of sound);Logical (Mathematical awareness);Inter-personal (communication skills);Naturalistic (physical awareness); or Intra-personal (group work). We teach Maths and Language through Art, we do Music therapy, Educational iPad apps, and lots of playing. Because even to a dyslexic child, a print-rich classroom can be very intimidating

SAALED Southern African Association for Learning & Educational Differences

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Therefore we have more pictograms in our class than words on the walls Research has proven that most of the disruptive behaviour of the FASD child includes: Hyperactivity Inattention Inability to understand cause and effect (if I don’t do this, I will be punished) Impulsivity Excessive quantity of meaningless speech (specially asking questions)

Presenting the curriculum in a way that even FASD children can access it optimally • • •

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Provide consistency (Treat everyone and every misbehavior the same) Provide structure (Children need routine, and often there is no supportive structure at home) Provide repetition (That’s why we have a daily program. Everyday we learn about the day, the weather, the date, the season, etc) Provide a concrete hands-on approach to learning Build upon positive personality traits, strengths and talents (Make them feel worthy) To build on those positive things, we need to remember the strengths of the FASD child, namely: Strong visual memory Good verbal fluency High energy levels Fun loving Caring and affectionate

The good news is that FAS is 100% preventable; the bad news is that it’s 100% irreversible The Foundation for Alcohol Related Research (FARR) has reported a steady increase in the prevalence of FAS in school-entry children in the Wellington area of the Western Cape. Prevalence rates in 1997 of 4,8%, increased to 7,6% in 1999 and most recent reports from 2001, indicate an alarming prevalence of FAS at 8,8%, in this population. Other studies in Gauteng have reported a prevalence of 2.2% in Soweto, 1.2% in Lenasia and 3.7% in Westbury. Recent research by FARR in De Aar in the Northern Cape revealed a prevalence of 10.2% in this area. Ref.

VOLUME 34 | NO 01



Date: Saturday 20th September Place: Bellavista School, Birdhaven Time: 8:30 - 12:30 Costs: R200 SAALED Members R250 Non-members

SACE Accreditation: 5 points


Marianne Lachenicht

Foundations of Mathemat

Penny Clayton


Mathematics in the Interm ediate & Senior Phase

Esvee Prinsloo

Using the I-pad to consol idate Mathematics concepts


Please take note of SAALED’s AGM to take place on

Saturday, 26 July 2014 from 10:00 to 12:00 We will keep you informed on who the guest speaker will be.

SAALED Southern African Association for Learning & Educational Differences

VOLUME 34 | NO 01


CHILDREN WITH GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDER The Oscar Pistorius trial has definitely focussed the light on anxiety as a reality in the lives of South Africans. Parents might be wondering to what extent their child/ ren are anxious taking into account the high crime rate in South Africa, the stories they hear from fellow learners on the bad things that happens in their family, a mother being diagnosed with breast cancer, one or both parents out of work, etc.

eavesdropping on adult conversations because they need to know what might be happening. They will often be looking over your shoulder when you are writing a check or opening the mail. While this may seem to be a game at times, where children with GAD try hard to find out the very details that you are trying to hide from them, in truth the game is no fun. They feel they need to know this information for fear the family is in dire straits.

Children with GAD can worry about anything and everything. Always considering the “what if?,” they go through a multitude questions to try to predict every possible scenario. They need to know details about all situations, may be unable to stop themselves from


t most symptoms are presen Many of the following with nth period and interfere of the time over a 6 mo normal of or participation in a child’s enjoyment activities:

day fears about day-toExcessive, unrealistic into ncerns that span far activities. “What if” co the future

kes, fear of making mista Perfectionism, great rable unrealistic unfavou fear of criticism; ades, abilities assessment of their gr s are feels that tragedie Over-responsibility, ens , and if disaster happ preventable by worry that it’s their fault

ns, about multiple situatio Uncontrollable worry ancial academic, health, fin performance, social,

s to of news that happen Any negative piece is en to them; everything others, fears will happ r ca s, tion: divorce, illnes contagious by associa ning accidents, food poiso

headaches, stomach Physical symptoms: wind aches, inability to un

hurt make sure that didn’t Reviewing events to do anything wrong anyone’s feelings or

at’s g, always thinking wh Difficulty concentratin next

ility, fatigue Sleep difficulties, irritab

and ed for reassurance Low risk-taking; Ne ps approval for small ste

SAALED Southern African Association for Learning & Educational Differences

scents ong children and adole GAD is common am ians. the guidance of clinic and is treatable with Reference: www.wo

VOLUME 34 | NO 01



Start the day with room temperature filtered water – chlorine removed, activated charcoal (reverse Osmosis needs minerals to be supplemented) This is the process of “switching on” receptors in the brain to function optimally. Supplement B group vitamins – B1, B2, B6, B12 This is to provide optimal energy to the cells of the body and brain. Low Glycemic index, no white sugar. Provided by Carbohydrates mostly. Essential fatty acids: Omega 3 supplements. Most important is EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) not DHA (Docosapentaenoic Acid). These are essential for healthy brain cells and work as anti-inflammatories in the brain. Multivitamins in the morning • Omega 3 twice a day • Antioxidants – fresh vegetables and fruit • Calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D

Avoid food triggers (e.g. dairy, wheat). Treat environmental allergies.

Avoid conflict situations. Create a peaceful home environment.

Fixed bedtimes, minimal sugar before bed, Magnesium before bed.

Supplements with multistrain Probiotic preparation (e.g. Probiflora, Lactovita), sufficient roughage, vegetables and fruit.

When needed – Occupational, speech and remedial.

SAALED Southern African Association for Learning & Educational Differences

VOLUME 34 | NO 01


ROOM TO BREATHE A movie worthwhile watching

hour n a e v a h u o y e Next tim movie e h t h c t a w , e im free t and ” e h t a e r B o t m o “Ro ers. n r a e l r u o y h it share it w

Room To Breathe is a surprising story of transformation as struggling kids in a San Francisco public middle school are introduced to the practice of mindfulness meditation. Topping the district in disciplinary suspensions, and with overcrowded classrooms creating a nearly impossible learning environment, overwhelmed administrators are left with stark choices: repeating the cycle of trying to force tuned-out children to listen, or to experiment with timeless inner practices that may provide them with the

SAALED Southern African Association for Learning & Educational Differences

reathe”. , “Room to B e vi o m e th A clip from

social, emotional, and attentional skills that they need to succeed. The first question is whether it’s already too late. Confronted by defiance, contempt for authority figures, poor discipline, and more interest in “social” than learning, can a young mindfulness teacher from Berkeley succeed in opening their minds and hearts? Reference:

VOLUME 34 | NO 01



SAALED National Office: 011 – 351 2406


E (Estelle van Schoor) (Adelaide Muzenda)

It Write IN OUR NEXT EDITION: Get The Mechanics of Handwriting - Louise Stofberg

SAALED Southern African Association for Learning & Educational Differences

VOLUME 34 | NO 01


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