tame TIMES
winner of the 2012 ekurhuleni awards: best print media
Delivered every Friday
Volume 01, 25 October 2013, Week 43
It starts with you
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Make a difference By Chantal Thurlby
Currently too many bad things are in the spotlight and almost all of the goodhearted and selfless deeds in our communities go unnoticed. Instead of complaining about all the things that have gone wrong in society, and are continuing to go wrong daily, why can’t we all find it within ourselves to stand up and make a change? We at tame TIMES take our hats off to those who make a difference, in particular to one man and his selfless actions this past month. Sunny Monday, 14 October turned out to be a good day to make a difference, as a resident of Impala Park, Mr Ehlers O’Connell proved. A colony of bees had made themselves a beehive in one of the municipal water meters on Schackleton Road. The many requests to the local municipality to sort out this problem had not been adhered to, so Mr O’Connell decided not to wait for something to be done about this dangerous situation and instead made a difference himself. Mr O’Connell has experience in the handling of bees, which gave him the courage and confidence to take care of the situation. Dressed in and armed with all the necessary equipment, Mr O’Connell destroyed this huge beehive and at the same time made the area safe for the residents. Mr Brian Miller, who was witness to this good deed, spread the word of this ‘Make a Difference’ deed via the CPF Community WhatsApp discussion group. This resulted in requests for Mr O’Connell to destroy various other dangerous beehives in the area. Just days before this good gesture, the BN CPF Sector 1 held their quarterly community meeting. Denise Curry, CPF Sector 1 chairperson had said, “The SAPS, CPF and community must work together as a team in the fight against crime and to make a difference.” She also challenged all residents to stop complaining and rather get involved and make a difference themselves. Well done Mr O’Connell. This is a good example of what can be achieved if we all decide to take up the challenge and try to make a difference.
To see more images go to www.cpfimpalapark.co.za
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Page 2
25 October 2013
tame TIMES
Boksburg, Commissioner Street, 1887.
Soos wat die geval is met baie dorpe en stede in die Witwatersrand, is Boksburg sy bestaan verskuldig aan die ontdekking van eers goud en later steenkool. Boksburg, die tweede oudste stad in die Witwatersrand (na Johannesburg), is in 1887 vernoem na die destydse Suid Afrikaanse Staatsekretaris, Dr Edward Bok. Die huidige munisipale area van Boksburg het voor 1860 grootliks deel gevorm van vier plase naamlik Leeuwpoort, Klippoortjie, Klipfontein en Driefontein. Na die ontdekking van goud in Elsburg het President Paul Kruger die bevel gegee dat Leeuwpoort, Driefontein en Klipfontein se grense terug geskuif moet word om plek te maak vir ‘n nuwe tentedorp, hierdie dorp het bekend gestaan as Boksburg en het uit 1000 tente bestaan. Een van Boksburg se bekendste landmerke, Boksburg Meer, is in 1889 deur Montague White beplan en gebou. Die meer het vir amper 2 jaar leeg gestaan en het bekend gestaan as “White’s Foley”, tot die groot reën van 1891 die meer, volgens gerugte, amper oornag vol gemaak het. Die meer is hierdie maand, 49 jaar gelede verewig in geskiedenis met die grusame moord van Catherine Burch verbind. Haar onthoofde liggaam is op 27 Oktober 1964 in ‘n tas ontdek. Dit het die polisie amper 4 jaar gevat om die identiteit van die slagoffer te bevestig. Na sy as Mev Catherine Burch geïdentifiseer is het die ondersoek na haar man, Ronald Burch, gelei. Toe polisielede op 27 November 1968 op Burch se skuilplek by 65 Berea Straat in Bertrams toeslaan, het hy sy eie lewe geneem deur hom self dood te skok. Tot vandag toe kon die polisie nie vasstel wat die presiese oorsaak van Mev Burch se dood was nie.
This Day in History
To start off this week’s note I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate a very special work colleague and friend on her recent happy news - she is pregnant! We are all really stoked for you Jo!
you have lost a dear friend, family member or almost did. Just know that with the broad research spectrum we have in this day and age we are able to save more lives, and that you are not alone.
Well, a lot has happened in the last two weeks since we last spoke and we would just like to clear up any confusion that our ‘missing’ newspaper might have caused. Unfortunately there was an issue at our printers and last Friday’s issue couldn’t be printed; but do not fret, we are back and even more fierce than before.
On a lighter note. We had our annual Dragon Boat race this past weekend. We got soaking wet and only placed 4th, but the day was sunny, the vibe was fantastic and we had yet another chance to bond as a team and to do something different. Thank you to the team at tame TIMES for making this weekend successful. As for the team that went to Jozi Marathon at 4:00 on Sunday morning: you guys are brilliant and congratulations on the water point win! Please see the full story on the back page.
We decided to dedicate an entire page to our most important generation: our children. So please see page 8 for Stuff for Kids. As we are still in October (breast cancer month) there is another educational feature on page 10 to help others understand this unfortunate disease. I am sure many of you have been affected by cancer, whether
WEATHER Delivery on Friday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Chantal Thurlby chantal@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Eddie Kok eddie@tametimes.co.za
Then: Second American President John Adams marries Abigail Smith (marriage lasts 54 years) Now: Paula Abdul weds sportswear designer Brad Beckerman at Beverley Hills Four Seasons Hotel. Famous Deaths: Then: 1920 - Alexander, King of Greece (1917-1920) dies after ape bite at 27. Now: 2012 - John Connelly, English Footballer, dies from cancer at 74.
We hope you guys have a magnificent week and be safe this weekend. Till next week, cheerio!
Editor’s Note
25 October 2013 Historical Event: Then: 1952 - 1st Dutch edition of youth magazine “Donald Duck” Now: 2012 - Hurricane Sandy makes landfall in Cuba & Haiti killing 65 people and causing over $80billion in damage. Famous Birthdays: Then: 1881 - Pablo Picasso Now: 1984 - Katy Perry Famous Weddings:
Chantal Thurlby
28°/ 18°
270 / 170
Journalist: Ndu Ngwenya ndu@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Divan Bekker divan@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za
Sunday 300 / 200
Monday 260 / 180
Tuesday 270 / 180
Wednesday 270 / 210
Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Dewald van Deventer 011 862 8500 Next issue: Friday 1 November 2013 Deadline: Wednesday 30 October 2013 at 14:00
www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook
Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.
tame TIMES Boksburg Editor chantal@tametimes.co.za
Page 2
25 October 2013
tame TIMES
Boksburg, Commissioner Street, 1887.
Soos wat die geval is met baie dorpe en stede in die Witwatersrand, is Boksburg sy bestaan verskuldig aan die ontdekking van eers goud en later steenkool. Boksburg, die tweede oudste stad in die Witwatersrand (na Johannesburg), is in 1887 vernoem na die destydse Suid Afrikaanse Staatsekretaris, Dr Edward Bok. Die huidige munisipale area van Boksburg het voor 1860 grootliks deel gevorm van vier plase naamlik Leeuwpoort, Klippoortjie, Klipfontein en Driefontein. Na die ontdekking van goud in Elsburg het President Paul Kruger die bevel gegee dat Leeuwpoort, Driefontein en Klipfontein se grense terug geskuif moet word om plek te maak vir ‘n nuwe tentedorp, hierdie dorp het bekend gestaan as Boksburg en het uit 1000 tente bestaan. Een van Boksburg se bekendste landmerke, Boksburg Meer, is in 1889 deur Montague White beplan en gebou. Die meer het vir amper 2 jaar leeg gestaan en het bekend gestaan as “White’s Foley”, tot die groot reën van 1891 die meer, volgens gerugte, amper oornag vol gemaak het. Die meer is hierdie maand, 49 jaar gelede verewig in geskiedenis met die grusame moord van Catherine Burch verbind. Haar onthoofde liggaam is op 27 Oktober 1964 in ‘n tas ontdek. Dit het die polisie amper 4 jaar gevat om die identiteit van die slagoffer te bevestig. Na sy as Mev Catherine Burch geïdentifiseer is het die ondersoek na haar man, Ronald Burch, gelei. Toe polisielede op 27 November 1968 op Burch se skuilplek by 65 Berea Straat in Bertrams toeslaan, het hy sy eie lewe geneem deur hom self dood te skok. Tot vandag toe kon die polisie nie vasstel wat die presiese oorsaak van Mev Burch se dood was nie.
This Day in History
To start off this week’s note I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate a very special work colleague and friend on her recent happy news - she is pregnant! We are all really stoked for you Jo!
you have lost a dear friend, family member or almost did. Just know that with the broad research spectrum we have in this day and age we are able to save more lives, and that you are not alone.
Well, a lot has happened in the last two weeks since we last spoke and we would just like to clear up any confusion that our ‘missing’ newspaper might have caused. Unfortunately there was an issue at our printers and last Friday’s issue couldn’t be printed; but do not fret, we are back and even more fierce than before.
On a lighter note. We had our annual Dragon Boat race this past weekend. We got soaking wet and only placed 4th, but the day was sunny, the vibe was fantastic and we had yet another chance to bond as a team and to do something different. Thank you to the team at tame TIMES for making this weekend successful. As for the team that went to Jozi Marathon at 4:00 on Sunday morning: you guys are brilliant and congratulations on the water point win! Please see the full story on the back page.
We decided to dedicate an entire page to our most important generation: our children. So please see page 8 for Stuff for Kids. As we are still in October (breast cancer month) there is another educational feature on page 10 to help others understand this unfortunate disease. I am sure many of you have been affected by cancer, whether
weather Delivery on Friday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Chantal Thurlby chantal@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Eddie Kok eddie@tametimes.co.za
Then: Second American President John Adams marries Abigail Smith (marriage lasts 54 years) Now: Paula Abdul weds sportswear designer Brad Beckerman at Beverley Hills Four Seasons Hotel. Famous Deaths: Then: 1920 - Alexander, King of Greece (1917-1920) dies after ape bite at 27. Now: 2012 - John Connelly, English Footballer, dies from cancer at 74.
We hope you guys have a magnificent week and be safe this weekend. Till next week, cheerio!
25 October 2013 Historical Event: Then: 1952 - 1st Dutch edition of youth magazine “Donald Duck” Now: 2012 - Hurricane Sandy makes landfall in Cuba & Haiti killing 65 people and causing over $80billion in damage. Famous Birthdays: Then: 1881 - Pablo Picasso Now: 1984 - Katy Perry Famous Weddings:
Chantal Thurlby
28°/ 18°
270 / 170
Journalist: Ndu Ngwenya ndu@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Divan Bekker divan@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za
Sunday 300 / 200
Monday 260 / 180
Tuesday 270 / 180
Wednesday 270 / 210
Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Dewald van Deventer 011 862 8500 Next issue: Friday 1 November 2013 Deadline: Wednesday 30 October 2013 at 14:00
www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook
Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.
tame TIMES Boksburg Editor chantal@tametimes.co.za
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25 October 2013
25 October 2013
tame TIMES
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tame TIMES
Crime Prevention Tip of the Week Know all emergency numbers by heart. It is not a bad idea to duplicate the numbers in a little notebook in your handbag, in case your cell phone is stolen or not available. Trust your instinct. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave, especially at ATMs. Watch out for people milling around you. This could be a sign that you are about to be robbed. Always carry your handbag in such a way that it will not be easy for someone to snatch it. Don’t wear shoes or clothing that restrict your movement. Never leave your handbag or wallet or purse on a counter and then move away. A few seconds is all the time criminals need to grab it. Reduce time spent at an ATM by having your card out and ready to use. If you leave your desk at work unattended for long periods, get into the habit of asking a colleague to keep an eye on your desk. Before going to bed, pre-set the police station telephone number on your cell or landline. All you have to do in an emergency is to push the redial button.
Hi-Flyerz Craft Beer Festival. 26 October. 11am- 8pm.Tickets R120.00 @Webtickets. co.za. Live Entertainment. Home Brew competition, up to 70 craft beer. Food and good vibes. Yard of Ale Challenge. Kids under 18 free. Jumping Castle. www.hiflyerzbeerfest.co.za
25 October 2013
Ekurhuleni on Water Issues REPORT WATER AND SEWER INTERRUPTIONS Reporting water and service interruptions can be a challenge for customers.To assist in getting interruptions reported, dedicated complaint lines in the different areas across Ekurhuleni have been set up in an effort to streamline and expedite service delivery. When calling to report any water and sewer interruptions, please have your address, contact details and account number on hand and insist on a reference number. This will enable the tracking of your complaint. Water & Sanitation Complaints (Office Hours: 07:00-15:30) Services Call Centre (All Hours) 086 054 3000 Alberton,Thokoza & Katlehong
011 861 2332/2333, 011 999 2647
011 999 7940/7970/7968
Benoni, Daveyton & Etwatwa
011 999 6901/7312/1351
Kempton Park
011 999 3901/4158
011 999 5625/5487
011 999 0499/5974/0648/5585
011 999 8442
011 999 3781/3778
Mighty Women Conference 15 – 17 November 2013 R395 per person, including accommodation, all meals (16 and 17 November) and registration. Venue: Beula Park Conference Center Mount Zion Prayer Mountain Meadowdale Germiston Bookings and registrations can be done on www. summitofgod.org.za or through iTicket on www.iticket.co.za. We have an information line 071 912 2554 for any queries on the Mighty Women Conference. Our speakers are Hettie Brittz, Antoinet Viviers and Erika Richards. Our vision is to reach women that are broken (Through
divorce, destructive or abusive relationships, death of loved once, financial burdens and general workplace pressure). We believe that our speakers will touch each person’s heart through the working of the Holy Spirit and we invite all women to join us for this very special weekend. Girls from the age of 12 are welcome. This is the first Mighty Women Conference to be held in Johannesburg and we plan to make this an annual event. Victor, the founder of Summit of God Ministries and the visionary leader of the Mighty Men Conference in Johannesburg, received a lot of queries on the possibility of a Mighty Women Conference and this was the reason for the calling of this conference. Note that Victor stands under the covenant and guidance of Shalom Ministries, Angus Buchan and Mighty Men Conference South Africa.
Oe, die ydelheid van die mens darem! Daardie monster is net so gevaarlik soos die jaloesie outjie. Wanneer die ydelheid-monster haar kop uitsteek (ek het besluit dit is ‘n vroutjie-monster), raak dinge lelik. ‘n Mens se persepsie kan tot so ‘n mate verander word as gevolg van jou eie ydelheid, dat jy soms vergeet waaroor dinge gaan. Ek sien hierdie elke dag, van sport tot welsynswerk, ydelheid kan die saak waarvoor jy staan heeltemal vernietig. Ek glo egter dat daar niks fout mee is om jouself te versorg en op jou beste te wil lyk nie. As ek nie daardie tyd seker gemaak het ek oefen vir ‘n fiets-lyfie (sien ek is ook ydel) en skoon hare en grimering nie, sou ou Gysie my wraggies nooit raakgesien het nie. Maar sy hart was op die regte plek. Al het hy self ure voor die spieël deurgebring, en selfs soms met my baklei om eerste die spieël te gebruik, weet ek hy het met my getrou omdat hy aanvaar het dat als eendag nie meer gaan sit waar dit moet nie – en steeds saam met my in die publiek verskyn. Sy ‘ego’ het nog nooit in die pad gestaan van die eintlike doel van ons huwelik nie – hy het dus nie van die persepsie dat hy vir my lief is gedwaal nie. Al moet ek langer tyd spandeer om myself reg te maak vir ‘n foto, gee hy nie om nie, hy weet waaroor ‘ons’ gaan. Tip: Moenie dat die ydelheid-monster jou van die groter prentjie laat vergeet nie.
Sien julle volgende week
25 October 2013
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tame TIMES
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality: Department of Disaster and Emergency Management Services As part of Service Delivery Improvement and Poverty Alleviation Initiatives, the Department concerned intends expanding its Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programme in terms of the Disaster Management Volunteer Regulations to informal settlements where such programme is not yet implemented. In this regard, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM): Disaster & Emergency Management Emergency Services Department seeks to enrol further unemployed informal settlement residents of the City of Ekurhuleni to serve as CERT members in the informal settlements where such residents reside. Conditions and Eligibility: • Enrolment as a CERT member does not create an employment relationship with EMM • Individuals involved in similar programmes sponsored by EMM or any other sphere of Government are not eligible for enrolment • Residents residing in the following informal settlements are not eligible for enrolment as a result of the CERT programme already being implemented in such areas: Zamani, Lindelani, Emlotheni, Daggafontein, Gugulethu/ Everest, Skoonplaas, Blue Gum, Chief Albert Luthuli, Daveyton, Freedom Square, Delpoort, Bapsfontein, Plot 305, Kaalfontein, Winnie Mandela, L & J Lurrie, Makausi, Basotho, Hostel, Nguni Hostel, Nkanini, Zonkizizwe, Villa Liza, Ramaphosa, Empilisweni, Dukathole, Magagula. Minimum requirements: • Grade 10 • Only unemployed informal settlement residents of the City of Ekurhuleni may be enrolled • Individuals seeking enrolment must be RSA citizens and must be at least 18 years of age. Compensation CERT members will receive a stipend based on verified monthly activities, which stipend amount will be determined by EMM from time to time depending on availability of funds to sponsor the programme. Application Process A completed application form, obtainable from any of the Fire Stations within EMM, accompanied by certified copies of the following must be submitted: • Proof of residence (affidavit acceptable) • Identity Document • Grade 10 Certificate (school results statement acceptable). NB: All of the above, especially proof of residence, will be subject to strict verification by EMM. Complete applications must be hand delivered to the Fire Station serving the informal settlement within which applicants reside on or before the specified closing date. Closing date: 25 October 2013 at 12:00
a partnership that works www.humanjobs.co.za
Human Communications 103257
Manageress and owner Jorge.
By Chantal Thurlby In the year 1488, Barto lomeu Dias discovered the great, dark continent of Africa. Upon landin g, on a beautiful sunny day, he declared a feast to celebrate the great dis covery. The crew of the ship Sao Cristovao were treated to a special me al, prepared by Bartolomeu’s own ha nds, with a unique blend of spices that he had brought with him from the island wh ere he was born, the magnificent Algarv e. According to a ship mate’s diary tha t was discovered on a shipwreck, Bartolom eu was famous for standing up and shou ting “Papa Boa!” (Enjoy your meal!), rig ht before the crew were to indulge in his fabulous meals. These meals would be come as legendary as the explorer himse lf and were enjoyed
by all and sundry ov er the decades. those same legendary The secret blend of spi meals in honor of ces originated with Ba rtolomeu Dias. Bartolomeu’s great-gre at-grandmother and The menu consists of were written down and a grand variety, from buried in a secret scr ambled eggs to Espetad place by him for fear of as, toasted never returning to sandwiches, delectab his beloved Algarve. Ma le Portuguese ny years later the sausages served on a recipes were found an bed of flaming d returned to his alc ohol, salads, seafood, family in their home tow fish and grills. n, where a young Papa Boa has a Kiddie boy named Jorge would s menu and later be intrigued unbelievable desserts by the stories of his gre to at ancestors and tan talise your taste buds. dream of preparing tho se meals for his friends and family. They would one day be tame TIMES and Papa passed onto him and Boa guarantee relive their legendary yo u will enjoy your me journey to Africa. al with the same satisfaction as In his 45th year, Jorge the age old Sao followed in the Cr istovao’s crew did all footsteps of his great those years ago ancestors and made when first setting foo the long journey to Afr t on the shores of ica - with the secret Africa. family recipes tucked safely in his pocket. He has now opened a restaurant where Good job Jorge! he can serve his friend s, family and others
Wednesday Nights Monday Nights Tuesday Nights MONDAY MADNESS FULL CARVERY BUFFET R69.95 FULL CARVERY BUFFET R69.95 R49.95 including: Roast Beef, per head Full Pizza and Pasta including: Roast Beef, per head per head
including Salads and Lasagna. Eat as much as you like. FREE SANGRIA! Buy one get one free (Monday nights only)
Thursday Nights
Pork, Lamb and Chicken, Fresh Vegetables and Salad. Stir-fry, Chicken Livers Peri-peri, Curry of the day, Rice and Roast potatoes. Eat as much as you like
Pork, Chicken and Ribs! Fresh Vegetables and Salad. Stir-fry, Chicken Livers Peri-peri, Curry of the day, Rice and Roast Potatoes. Eat as much as you like
Fridays & Saturdays
Sunday Lunch Buffet
FULL CARVERY BUFFET including: Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb and Chicken, fresh Vegetables and Salad. Stir-fry, Chicken Livers Peri-peri, Curry of the day, Rice and Roast Potatoes. Eat as much as you like
per head
FULL CARVERY BUFFET including: Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb Chicken and Pizza! Fresh Vegetables and Salad, Stir-fry, Chicken Livers Peri-peri, Curry of the day, Rice and Roast Potatoes.
per head
FULL CARVERY BUFFET including: Breads and Cottage Pie, Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb Chicken and Pizza! Fresh Vegetables and Salad, Stir-fry, Chicken Livers Peri-peri, Curry, Rice and Roast Potatoes.
per head
All specials (except Sundays) include a Free Dessert. Conditions apply. No Takeaways. No Sharing. No Doggy Bags. Subject to availability
For bookings or enquiries, contact Gary or Kevin (011) 823-4378 / 826-5317 E&OE Prices subject tp change without notice
email: littleneros@gmail.com
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tame TIMES
25 October 2013
07 25 August October2012 2013
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s n o i t a l u d a r g n c’s i n Co i m o D t S
s l r i g
Brittany Madden - Hospitality; Tiffany Craythorn - Charity/ Ethos; Victoria Rogers Sport; Nolunga Ngcakane - Culture; Monica Araujo - Pre-Grade.
On Friday, 27 September, St Dominic’s School celebrated Cupcake Day in a big way. One year ago, St Dominic’s faced the monumental task of raising R1.6million to be able to send one of their babies, Tiani van Baalen, to America for a life-saving treatment involving a brain tumour. This challenge opened St Dominic’s eyes to the devastation of childhood cancer and their community rallied. Today, Tiani is a healthy, happy threeyear-old.
Cupcakes of Hope was one of the many organisations that provided funds for Tiani’s treatment, and when the request was made for St Dominic’s to support their annual “Cupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer” fundraiser, the school replied with gusto and an amount of R17 940 was raised. The generosity from St Dominic’s school family was so great that, in addition to their internal fundraiser, they were still able to send over 2 500 gorgeous cupcakes to Carnival Mall to be sold during National Cupcake Day on Saturday, 28 September. Fifty-five of their grade 10 learners descended upon Carnival Mall and under the guidance of facilitators, Elize Albertyn and Maria Da Silva, St Dominic’s Cupcake angels distributed information leaflets, raised awareness and asked for donations towards this valuable cause. Nationwide, an amount of R1 121 352,80 was raised towards assisting children afflicted with cancer. St Dominic’s School would like to thank each and every person who donated money, who baked, donated, transported, bought or sold a cupcake. A special mention must be made of Paul Vieira from Cake Extreme, who donated 500 cupcakes. “When we needed Cupcakes of Hope they were there for us. This was, to use one of their slogans, ‘the sweetest way’ for us to give back to them,” said Paula.
Head Girl: Isabel Dos Santos (middle left), Deputy Committees: Tayla Kassel (middle right), Deputy Head of House: Samantha Di Domenico (right), Deputy SRC: Melinda Dahwa (left).
25 October 2013
tame TIMES
Page 10
New mobile unit addresses
cervical cancer
PinkDrive unveiled the design for its new Mobile Women’s Health Unit on 11 October at The Pink Tie Dinner held at Emperors Palace. It has been a long time goal of the organisation to provide a full women’s health service and this unit is the first step in that direction. Deputy Minister of Health, Dr Gwen Ramokgopa is fully behind public benefit organisation (PBO) Cause Marketing Fundraisers’ PinkDrive initiative, saying that she commends PinkDrive for committing unwaveringly to providing services in communities in SA. “Their health services are sustainable and patient-friendly. It is good to see how PinkDrive works with governmental health departments and institutions to provide these
much needed services to our patients. The Minister of Health has delegated the issues of non-communicable diseases to me and we are prioritising reproductive health issues such as breast cancer, cervical cancer and prostate cancer, as these are the cancers that have the highest lifetime risk rates in South Africa. This unit will help the government to provide services to help detect these cancers in areas that have little access to proper medical healthcare,” Deputy Minister Ramokgopa said. The Unit will now house a gynaecology area for pap smears and examinations, a reception area for administration and a radiology area that is similar to the Mobile Mammography Unit. The unit is being assembled by MSTSV or Mobile Satellite Technologies Specialised Vehicles, a Cape Town-based mobile office construction organisation. The PinkDrive initiative has been running since 2009 with the first Mobile Breast Check Units. In only four short years, they have raised the much needed additional funds and
Breast Assured Marina Schultz is a Hemodynamic Specialist, who currently works with critically ill patients in ICU and theatre. She has been in the medical industry for the last 17 years. Working with patients, having lost her mom at a young age, and having a growth removed herself (nonmalignant) gave her the idea of opening a mastectomy accessories place in Randhart. Marina is a CRM with the Cancer Association of South Africa, and a certain percentage of products sold at Breast Assured will be given to CANSA. Krystle Matias has a passion and a soft spot for working with cancer patients. She has worked in ICU as well as in neonatal ICU as an EEG technician. Krystle is young and bubbly and has been involved in many different charities over the years. Marina and Krystle believe dedication and empathy are your number one, so they will be working closely with Dr Peter Viljoen and his staff from Alberton Orthopaedic in lymphatic drainage, which will be opening in the new year. “Changes to one’s body image is hard and difficult for most women. Our team at Breast Assured are here to help you through this process, where you can find the products you need to restore your body image with respect, privacy and the support of a fully trained staff. Products include comfortable chemo caps, turbans, recovery bras, mastectomy camisoles, breast cancer underarm pillows,
light breast forms and lots more custom made products.” Through Breast Assured, Marina and Krystle will also be working with Silvia from Alberton CANSA. They will also be involved with Reach for Recovery Alberton, which was launched a week ago. Breast Assured already donated underarm pillows for this project. They are based at 99 Michelle Avenue, Randhart (docs at work centre). Telephone: 011 869 0026 or 079 873 4577.
Mastectomy clothes and mastectomy gifts custom-made for you and your loved one. Our Products
• Recovery Bras • Mastectomy Camisoles • Breast Cancer Comfort Gift Packs • Breast Cancer Underarm Pillows • Light Breast Forms • Mastectomy Nightshirts • Cancer Headwear 99 Michelle Avenue Randhart 1449 PO Box 1366 Glenvista 2058 Tel: 011 869 0026 | Cell: 079 873 4577 E-mail: marina@breastassuredsa.co.za
The top view of the new mobile unit. Please note: Images of the designs are an artist’s impression and may change.
sponsorship for the commissioning of the over R5million unit. In closing Kotschan said, “This new addition will be another first in SA as we will now be able to address cervical cancer. It is our dream to add to this truck by including services that address HIV and Aids, diabetes and hypertension, blood pressure, tuberculosis, and general health. With this in mind, we would like to call on other organisations that may be involved in these areas of medicine to join us to create a full women’s health service offering. We are excited to begin this new endeavour and get out into communities.” For more information about PinkDrive visit www.pinkdrive.co.za or e-mail: Noelene@pinkdrive.co.za.
’ nose r e A dog ‘ c
Cancer affects everyone, not just humans. Dogs and cats can also suffer from cancer. If your pet has any of the following symptoms, it is important to visit the vet if you have any concerns. While no one sign indicates cancer, if two or more are present the animal should be taken to a vet to be properly diagnosed and treated. Signs to watch for include: lumps and bumps, abnormal odours, abnormal discharges, non–healing wounds, weight loss, change in appetite, coughing or difficulty breathing, lethargy and depression, changes in bathroom habits, evidence of pain. Humans too should also take note of the list as early detection saves lives. A big breakthrough in recent years is the fact animals can detect cancer in humans. There have been numerous incidents: Nancy Best noticed her dog kept sniffing and licking her right breast – doctors discovered breast cancer. Wendy
Humphreys’ cat kept jumping up and sitting on her right breast whenever she lay down. Wendy said although the breast hurt she thought it was bruised due to Fidge, the cat, jumping up. Her doctor discovered she had breast cancer. In 1989 in London there was a case of a woman who went to the doctor regarding a mole on her leg. It was a small, slightly raised blemish on the skin and she was told it was benign and not to worry. However her dog, half Border Collie and half Doberman Pinscher, would not stop sniffing at the leg. She kept telling the dog to go away but to no avail. A few weeks later, the woman was wearing shorts while working in her garden and the mole was exposed. The dog pounced on her and nipped at the mole trying to bite it off. As the dog had never attacked her before she was concerned, but then realised the dog had ignored all the other moles she had. After seeing a specialist dermatologist the mole was removed and found to be malignant. The doctors said had it been left any longer it would have spread rapidly and killed her. Research has shown that malignant tissue releases chemicals that are different from normal tissue. A human has about 5 million scent glands whereas a dog, depending on the breed, has anywhere from 125 to 300 million. It’s therefore no wonder they can detect certain odours. While these are only a selection of incidents, numerous studies have shown dogs, and to a lesser extent cats, are amazingly accurate at detecting certain cancers by smelling breath or urine samples. The breed of dog doesn’t matter and nor the stage of cancer. While your canine or feline friend won’t be sent to work anytime soon, more research is being done into detecting the scent of cancer. In the next article we’ll concentrate on how pets aid healing.
25 October 2013
tame TIMES
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tame TIMES
25 October 2013
25 October 2013
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25 October 2013
tame TIMES
Harley Davidson’s Octoberfest By Chantal Thurlby North Rand Road was rocking with the roaring of motorbike engines filling up the sunny Saturday event. Ice cold beer was served all day, with children running around squirting toy water guns at one another and fantastic bands taking turns to nourish the crowds with fantastic South African talent. The likes of Zoey’z Fallacy, 2nd Life and Son’s of Ink appeared at the new and improved Gold Rand Harley Davidson. The day consisted of a beer tent, MY14 Bikes, tattoos, demo truck,
Pink Stones
traditional food, phantom graphix and prizes were given away throughout the day. Every person that attended felt welcomed and joined in the celebrations. tame TIMES was privileged enough to have been a part of the Harley Davidson Octoberfest and were impressed by all the gorgeous bikes and giveaways. The event was held in conjunction with the official relaunch of the dealership, with Round Table, SPCA, Fairleads Retirement Village and CANSA also present to raise money for their various charity projects. “A BIG thx to all our clients and visitors who made the re-launch one BIG success. Team Harley Gold Rand” (Facebook)
Tonight Van Coke Kartel Bloed, Sweet & Trane Album Launch Tour WILL BE AT PinkStones Boksburg
gets festive
Cappellos houses Lady Lea for the evening
Cappellos had an extraordinary evening filled with catchy beats from Lady Lea. The restaurant/café housed quite a few eager people from all over Boksburg and Johannesburg. They encouraged each and every person to let go of their intense week and just enjoy stunning vibes and even better music. Call 011 440 0864 or 0860 CAPPELLO(22773556) for bookings, to find out more about events or to view the stunning menu. You can also go to www. cappellos.co.za. Find out more on Capellos in next week’s issue.
Pink Stones had their grand opening last weekend, attracting the most beautiful crowds to their doorstep. The club has a number of pool tables with a separate dance floor and an exquisite bar. Showcasing stunning interior design and gorgeous lighting, tame TIMES is sure Pink Stones has started a trend and will be hosting many more events in the future. They also cater for any party and have excellent rates. Call 011 826 0183 or 072 014 4807 for bookings or to find out more. Go and ‘like’ Pink Stones on Facebook to get the latest news.
Lady Lea Djing.
Zoey’z Fallacy performing live.
SMS’S charged at R3
25 October 2013
Over 2500 pledges
a game than live instadium, and any attempt to make that experience the best it can possibly be should be commended.” Vaseline brand manager Ryan Gosling reiterated the success of the campaign saying, “Though the Springboks weren’t able to beat their ageold rivals New Zealand at the final, the fact that the fans were able to enjoy themselves despite that shows that they have taken one of the central messages of the Fan of the Match campaign (namely that there is always a next year) to heart and that’s hugely positive.” “This is just the beginning for the Fan of the Match campaign though, after the phenomenal results we have seen this year and the great
By Chantal Thurlby
at Benoni Lake
The launch phase of the campaign took place both online and through live in-stadium activations at all three of the home games that were played over the course of the Castle Lager Rugby Championship. In Soccer City, Newlands and Ellis Park stadium, the Vaseline “Fan Stand” was set up where supporters were encouraged to take a quick survey to determine what type of fans they were. A total of 1 577 fans took part in the survey and pledged to uphold the principles of the Fan Of The Match campaign at the Fan Stand, with a further 1 124 pledging online to bring the total number of pledges to 2 701. This resulted in a decline in incidences of unsportsmanlike
behaviour being reported at the games. “We were operating at almost full capacity for the big final at Ellis Park, with roughly 61 000 Springbok and All Blacks fans in attendance,” said Tarryn Steenekamp, media and PR manager of the Golden Lions Rugby Union. “At games of this nature, when tensions are running high, it is not uncommon to hear of incidences that break out between passionate fans. This Saturday however, I’m happy to say that minimal incidences were reported despite the tense game that played out on-field,” said Steenekamp. As part of the Fan of the Match campaign, two lucky winners and their partners were chosen for the grand prize of attending the final in style. The winners were wined and dined on the Castle Stimela tour on the Rovos Rail, which took them to and from the final. “It really was an incredible experience and a great way to watch the final,” said prize winner Jason Scott. “Also, as an ardent rugby supporter myself, it’s nice to see a brand encouraging positive fan behaviour at games because there really is no better way to watch
The number of signups have been confirmed for the launch phase of the Vaseline “Fan Of The Match” campaign, the key objective of which was to celebrate and reward SA rugby fans who have respect for the game, and the opposition, and who show good sportsmanship instadium.
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tame TIMES
Chantel Schmidt is a 27-year-old PGA Teaching Professional who on 18 August managed to hit a hole-in-one at Benoni Lake Club on the 16th hole. “I was so happy and in shock. A hole in one is a once in a lifetime thing,” said Chantel. Chantel matriculated from Marais Viljoen in 2004 and started playing golf when she was 19. Chantel took a PGA course in 2008-2011 and now coaches at Reading Golf Academy for various schools, including Bedfordview and Glenanda.
response we’ve had from people who have engaged with the fan stands at the games, there is no doubt that it will return bigger and better next year,” concluded Gosling. Fans can take the Fan of the Match pledge online at www.fanofthematch.com
Chantel coaches from Pre-Primary to any age and is available any day of the week, except Sundays, for lessons. Chantel received a trophy for her magnificent achievement. Reading Golf Club is situated in Alberton, and grants boys and girls of all skill levels the opportunity to learn and develop their golf games. To become a pro golfer with Reading Golf Club and with the remarkable Chantel Schmidt, visit www.readinggolfacademy. co.za or call Chantel on 072 311 0043 or e-mail: chantelintro@yahoo.com
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tame TIMES
25 October 2013
BENONI: 43 hOWarD aVE TEl: 011 422 2995
Jozi South Half
@ r189900 Laurelle Williams laurelle@tametimes.co.za
Marathon: Rain and high spirits
LET THE RACE BEGIN: The start of the Jozi South Half Marathon was filled with excitement.*Photo by Ilze Moore. Sunday morning was wet and cold with many people opting to stay in bed, however that was not the case for the participants of the Jozi South Half Marathon, hosted by Brotherhood Athletics Club, Gold Reef City and tame TIMES. They were all up at the crack of dawn, each prepared for what the weather had in store for them with a smile on their face.
The Kalmer sisters made their mark, running the Jozi South Half Marathon for the first time and both winning. Older sister René won the 21km and Christine the 10km race, both in the senior ladies category. René Kalmer told tame TIMES that she really enjoyed running the streets of Soweto, as it brought back sweet memories of when she won the Soweto Marathon. “It is really a pity about the weather. Luckily while running it cools you down, it was really a nice race.” She applauded all the volunteers, marshals and everyone who assisted in the rain. Lucky Mohale won the 21km in the senior men category with a time of 1h6m3s. David Manja came in second and Sibusiso Nzima third. In the 10km race Derocious Makhobolo took first place, Precious Mashele second and Samuel Matabutha third. Geshashia Gamanda took second place in the 21km senior ladies category, with Lebo Phalula coming in third. Both Phalula sisters
6 Turf road Off Main reef road anderbolt, Boksburg P.O. BOX 5272 Boksburg north 1461 Tel: (011) 892 4606 reg.no.:2005/026151/07 Tel: (011) 892 2936 fax: (011) 892 2508 all BOarDS CuT TO SIzE, EDGED, DrIllED anD DElIVErED TO faCIlITIES
had a victory as Lebogang also took third place in the 10km senior ladies. Tiny Mpho Mabuza took second place. Many people chose the fun 4km run in Gold Reef City Theme Park as all the entry fees for this race went towards CANSA. Ten rand of each 21km and 10km entry will also be donated to CANSA. Hannelie Briel of CANSA said the donation will go toward research, education and support for all people affected by cancer. Due to the Jozi South Half Marathon supporting this worthy cause, there were several Peace Starts ambassadors who took part in the race. This became a challenge on its own with Olympic rowing medallist Lawrence Ndlovu, from Team Seize, challenging Cito, frontman of Wonderboom, from Team Showbiz. Obviously the sportsman won the challenge, but Cito accepted the loss in good spirit. For more results please visit www.entreronline.co.za
WINNER:René Kalmer won the 21km Jozi South Half Marathon race. *Photo by Ndu Ngwenya.