Student Angel Sign Up

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S i gnupt obeaS t udentAngel Reci pi ent ,andwe wi l l mat chyouwi t has pons or .Al l youhavet odoi s f i l l outaonepagef or mf r om t heOf f i ceofF ami l y Engagement ,andr et ur ni tbyNovember13t h

T heS t udentAngel Pr ogr am i sl i mi t edt o25 s t udent s . Dr opof fyourf or m att heOf f i ceofF ami l yEngagement oremai l i tt of ami l y@t amus a. edu. Gi f t swi l l beavai l abl ef orpi ckuponMonday, December7t hf r om 12pm t o6pm. ( r emi nder swi l l bes entout ) Mus tbeas t udentofT ex asA&M Uni ver s i t y–S anAnt oni o ( opent opar t t i me,f ul l t i me,under gr aduat es , andgr aduat epr ogr am s t udent s ) . Yourper s onal i nf or mat i onwi l l bekeptconf i dent i al . I fyouhaveanyques t i ons ,pl eas ecal l ort ex tJ aci nt aF l or es , F ami l yAs s oci at i onS ecr et ar yat2102647811.

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