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Advertising Social And Print
Seedible is a sesame-based butter rather than competing brands’ peanut or almond-based products making it both healthy and allergy-friendly. In addition to this, the brand values using natural and sustainably-sourced ingredients so consumers know they are buying ethical and sustainable products from the company. As an added bonus, the brand has trendy aesthetics to its packaging utilizing a colourful and earthy palette which makes it extremely eye-catching on the shelf.
For this project, I utilized and reimagined the brand elements in order to create eye-catching advertisements that speak to the consumer demographic. In addition, I wanted to highlight that this line of butter is nut-free, as this is a significant selling point for the company. Finally, I wanted to continue the brands’ voice within the copy of the advertisements and use puns and witty humor to entice consumers to buy into the brand itself.
STRATEGY: Research & Concept Development
IDENTITY: Visual Design
DELIVERABLES: Instagram Posts & Printed Advertisements
This advertisement series was created for a class project, with no affiliation to Seedible. Seedible does not sponsor or endorse any of the work shown. I declare no affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnerships with any copyright or trademark holders. All royalty-free photography sourced from Unsplash and Envato Elements.