4 minute read
Insights of TPY 22


^^^ Though there no one is not interacting with the ropes but we can feel the EMOTIONS/VIBES giving out by the residences. Such as ;
- Curious of why is there something in the middle of the walkway - Anger (faster footpath residence) that we have block the way - Irritated by the flow of their regulaar journey back home EG. of a residence interacting with the experiement
> We did an experiment where we took string to block people’s paths under the shelter
The result was that people are walking around the strings and not interacting with it. This shows the conventional life and how we just get from destination to destination without really thinking about the journey.
What do we want our audience to experience? We want to tap into their subconscious mind and create harmony in an estate that seem to be losing their unity. We want to invite them to step out of their comfort zone, by disrupting the areas they have always felt comfortable in. Conversation starter Make their lift experience enjoyable Encouraging the sense of play? We want to be create an environment of play and education by disrupting the areas where people take for granted in their everyday lives. We don’t appreciate the time where we are waiting for the lift to come up and down, or when we are inside the lift, so by encouraging play. we make people more aware of their surroundings in which they don’t really notice throughout their commute. Since the elevator is what we use all the time, change it up to make the lift experience enjoyable. Possibly a conversational starter, teaching simple sentences in dialect/ language to say hello to the neighbour.
The way we live...is about the life of an individual ... to feel like we have a life we need to interact and feel...
Disrupting by tapping on ppl emotions and personal space
Is going to be hard to design something that interrupts the way they live in TPY. Due to the lack of interactions of the residences in TPY base on what we observe and experiment.
However, we find out the best way to disrupt the way people live is tapping onto the reaction and the emotions part of the human.
By tapping on the emotions that allows them to realize what the living conditions that they are in and make/ wanting to make a different by themselves.
By tapping on the reactions allowing us to experience what is like being a human being. Every person on this planet is different and has different thoughts, feelings, etc.
As many said “the most honest reaction is the first impression you see the person.” we hope to tape in the first reactions of the disruption that is happing.

Design Interventions

To create a space where all residents in the block can feel comfortable and at ease in a common area - reinforcing and encouraging harmony in the neighbourhood.
Nostalgic furniture, to give a sense of homeliness and not further reinforce the sense of alienation within the lift.
Lenticular imagery is suggested for the animation which on the window, hopefully to capture the attention of people staring at the window of the lift hoping to get to their level as soon as possible.
Design Interventions

Another way for people to be part of the engagement process would be through actions, as “actions speak louder than words”. A simple gesture makes a big difference on how people start their day. An introduction to the game of chinese chess ( a common game ) is used to bridge and encourage people to interact and play along, allowing them to step out their comfort zone. People who are not in the game are able to understand the movements and gestures of it. It allows the residents to understand that a simple gesture goes a long way.
Design Interventions