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About Toa Payoah 01


When you talk about Toa Payoh(TPY), people know that it is a place where old people live, but upon visiting the site, we realized that toa payoh is always bustling with activities and is ever-changing due to the various events and exterior changes especially in the central part of TPY where condominium and mall are found. However as a group we look into the subzone of peichun (outside the central area of TPY).Where surrounding is self sufficient of it own due to the amenities around. What type of living in the non buzzling place would be?
Chosen Site Area
Located at the East side of Toa poayoh.Focusing the area of around block 14 due to many amentities are within out reach.
Planning Region: Central Region

Planning Area: Toa Payoh
Planning subzone: PEI CHUN

Why we choose this area of TPY ?
We decide to observe Toa Payoh Lorong 8. Despite being located in an advantageous spot, near a hawker centre, polyclinic, preschools and playgrounds, we realised that there is a lack of activity around the area.
Amenities around the area :

Sri Vairavimada Kaliamman

NHGP Toa Payoh Polyclinic

Toa Payoh Lor 7 Market

^ Splash of white are paint pn the exterior of the building. Reminded us the emptyness of the place we are staying within the HDB.

^ paint are starting to peel off , allowing us to sneak into the pass colours of the building.

^ We also see a lot of unfinished work and the want to change the area such as the repainting of walls. We felt that toa payoh is trying to move the old estate forward.
< The cleaniness and the orderly of placement of elements.Show that the place is strictly control and obsereve.

We relieze that many of the HDB surfaces are clean and plain looking. Making the enviroment a lack of impression, everywhere you go it look the same. We wonder if people have the chance to vandalise or do whatever we want .... what will happen?

Site Observations
Textures in TPY

A commom texture that can be found in the neighbourhood.
From the tiles on the floor and wall , raw concrete flooring, number plate from mail box to the texture of the tree and many more....
By doing this allow to notice the little details of what is around. Though it may seem unfamilar to us but it have a sense of resemblance.

^ Routinely occupied by the elderly in the day till the evening. They usually play cards and gather among themselves to talk about their daily lives. Mostly quiet during the afternoon
Site Observations
The signs of life in space

^ Playgrounds are design in a way that it can be seen by all area
We relieze that the HDB activities space are similar to each neighbourhood. Making the enviroment an impression of the space is for certain age group. if adult play the playground they are too childish.If the kid plays at the residence corner looks like the kid do not know how to have fun and disturbing those who wanna rest and chill. If the public space is not mend for everyone isit still call a public space?
< Playgrounds are occupied by children when school has ended. Other than that, they are mostly vacant.
Site Observations
Shelter walkaytowards the wet market

^ Sneak peak of the people using the shelter
The sheler is heavily use by the residences at lorong 7 due to the key pathway to the nearest market

The aim of this observations is to see what are the daily rountine of the neighbourhghood.

we can see that the neighbourhood uses this walk way as a key part to many of their destination to the wet maker,hawker,clinic. The make use of their resources nearby.
Through the observations that TPY residence will greet each other when they see familiar faces. ^ Types of people uses the shelter in the MORNING
In the morning we can see that the area is more lively with the age group from the working class to the elderly ( 40- 60 and above). Most are carrying grocericeries ,guessing that are gonna prepare lunch or dnner on the later part of the day.

^ Types of people uses the shelter in the AFTERNOON
In theafternoon we can see that the area is more lively with the age group from the parents with kids or maids with family (8-30 and above). Most are empty handed with their hands and more chatty along the way to their destination.
Site Observations
human egonomics