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5 things we’re talking about now
2 Daviess County to Add 2nd Family Court Judge With the passage of House Bill 214, Daviess County will be among the Kentucky counties to add a muchneeded Family Court judge in 2023. The need was identified in a statewide
judicial efficiency study in 2017, and filling the need will
Photo by
go a long way to balance the immense workload previously
Vintage Stripes Barber Academy
shouldered by a single
Downtown Owensboro is now home to Kentucky’s newest barber college, Vintage
Lawmakers hope that
Stripes Barber Academy. With the barber college in Bowling Green closing,
adding a second judge
Vintage Stripes is one of the few options for barbers training in the western part
to Family Court will
of the state. Part-owner Corey Bennett is also incorporating technology into his
decrease wait times for
teaching practices, which he said many other institutions do not do.
hearings and decisions.
Owensboro Living M AY / / J U N E 2 0 2 2
Family Court judge.