Owensboro Living - May/June 2022

Page 125

Flavor F A R M - F R E S H

Experience the Benefits of Farm-Fresh Food


ere in Daviess County, we’re

long-distance shipping, no gassing

dominates food production in the

fortunate to have access to an

to simulate the ripening process,

U.S. Small family farms have a

abundance of locally-produced

no sitting for weeks in storage. This

hard time competing in the food

food – thanks to our amazing farm

food is as real as it gets—fresh from


families. From Trunnell’s Farm

the farm.

from farmers gives them a better

Market and Reid’s Orchard, to



return for their produce and gives

Hillview Farms Meats, the Cottage

2. Enjoy the Season

them a fighting chance in today’s

Farm Stand, Cecil Farms, and the

The food you buy from farmers and

globalized economy.



at the farmers market is seasonal.



It is fresh and delicious and reflects

4. Protect the Environment

there is no shortage of options for

the truest flavors. Shopping and

Food in the U.S. travels an average of

delicious, fresh, local eats. And in

cooking from local farms helps

1,500 miles to get to your plate. All

addition to fueling your body and

you to reconnect with the cycles of

this shipping uses large amounts of

shopping local, there are countless

nature in our region. As you look

natural resources (especially fossil

benefits to purchasing from local

forward to asparagus in spring,

fuels), contributes to pollution, and


savor sweet corn in summer, or bake

creates trash with extra packaging.

pumpkins in autumn, you reconnect


1. Taste Real Flavors

with the earth, the weather, and the

uses many more resources than

The fruits and vegetables you buy at

turning of the year.

sustainable agriculture and pollutes




the farmers market are the freshest



water, land, and air with toxic

and tastiest available. Fruits are

3. Support Family Farmers

agricultural by-products. Food from

allowed to ripen fully in the field

Family farmers need your support,

local farmers is transported shorter

and are brought directly to you—no


distances and is generally grown




M AY / / J U N E 2 0 2 2 Owensboro Living


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