• Avocado’s health benefits
• Cheese: healthiest vs worst to eat
• Good and bad of 3 popular healthy
• Lionheart Farms Brings Sustainable Goodness to Hong Kong
• “Samurai knife” in the kitchen
• Turns out paper towels to be more useful
• Empowering financial independence
• Indian boy’s name in Guinness Book
• The Gujarat Samaj’s cultural fest
• Chinachem Group Celebrates French May
• Nritya Yogini held at the City Hall Theatre
• "Fen Qing Fun and Road" performance
• Louis Yan MY FAITH Magic Tour 2024 Macao
• Interview with Saurabh Shukla
• The world's largest private residential superyacht visits Hong Kong
• Timeout – Summer word searches
• Timeout – “This or That”
• Timeout – Word scramble
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Avocados, the darling of many healthy and weight-loss diets
Avocados have become the darling of many healthy and weight loss diets, as well as being a staple of the Paleo diet They are having their ‘moment’ in the spotlight for sure! And for good reason! We all know that they are very healthy for us, low glycemic/low carb and full of super nutrients like healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and serious phytochemicals, but wait there’s more!
Avocados have been gaining steadily in popularity over the last ten years. In fact, the rate of consumption of avocados has about doubled in the last ten years and demand keeps growing! Mexico and Latin America are some of the biggest suppliers along with California Did you know that there are actually over a thousand different types of avocados, but here in the United States, we mainly see the popular Hass avocado most of the time Although the demand has gone up for this buttery fruit, supplies this year are lower, so you may be paying a higher price for your avo but they are well worth it for your health and your body!
Here are a few reasons why:
1. Avocados Stabilize Blood Sugar and Fight Metabolic Syndrome: The healthy fats and other nutrition you get from avocados help your body to stabilize blood sugar and insulin, helping fight diabetes and metabolic syndrome, as well as contributing to fat loss and muscle building They are low glycemic; therefore no rise in blood sugar and no fatstoring insulin release The healthy fat content in avocados makes you feel full longer and cuts down on food cravings, so that makes it a perfect food if you are trying to burn fat and lose weight even though avocados are considered fairly calorically dense All in all, researchers discovered that avocado consumers were 50 percent less likely to develop metabolic syndrome than people who don’t normally eat them! The blood sugar stabilizing effect avocados have also helps reduce blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides
A study published in Nutrition Journal (January 2013), made up of 17,567 participants, also found that avocado-eaters generally eat a more balanced diet than non-avocado consumers, had significantly higher intakes of vegetables and fruit, and had higher intakes of vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants BMI and body weight were significantly LESS in people who eat avocados on a regular basis Speaking of high-fat foods that actually HELP you to get leaner, here are 7 fatty foods that fight aging and flatten your stomach (some will surprise you!)
2. Cancer Prevention: The Journal of Nutrition and Cancer recently published the results of a study, showing avocados as a major player in cancer-fighting and study results show phytochemicals as powerful as some chemotherapy! Other research suggests that phytochemicals extracted from avocados help induce cancer cell cycle death, inhibit growth, and induce apoptosis in precancerous and cancer cell lines Avocados abundance of monounsaturated fats also help fight cancer by being an effective anti-inflammatory agent Betasitosterol also protects the prostate gland in men, fighting cancer and improving immune functions And the powerful carotenoids fight skin cancer, as well as aging
3. Weight Loss: While avocados get a bad rap because they are calorically dense and high in fats, they are actually a great weight loss food Diets lower in carbohydrates actually actually have been shown to help in fat loss, and in reducing hunger because they keep blood sugar and fatstoring insulin in check Fats are super filling and increase satisfaction that help you eat less overall And they allow you to go longer between meals without getting hungry That healthy fat also helps your body absorb more fat-burning vitamins and minerals as well. A study conducted in 2005, examined the effects of avocados, a rich source of calories coming from monounsaturated fatty acids, as part of an energy-restricted diet on weight loss, serum lipids and vascular function in overweight and obese subjects. They found that consumption of 30 grams a day of fat from avocado within restricted calorie diet didn’t compromise weight loss at all when substituted for 30 grams a day of mixed dietary fats. The diet high in avocado resulted in significant weight loss in addition to other health improvements Measurements including body mass, body mass index and percentage of body fat decreased significantly in both groups during the study. Only the avocado test group experienced positive changes in fatty acid blood serum levels So, there are clearly avocado benefits for weight loss!
4. Avocados Contain Amazing Fats: Avocados contain oodles of oleic acid the same type of healthy fat that is in olive oil, which helps among other things lower bad cholesterol and fight cancers. Unlike saturated fats or highly processed vegetable oils, avocado oil regulates blood sugar, protects the heart as well as the brain Avocados contain plenty of oleic acid, the same monounsaturated fat in olive oil, that helps lower cholesterol and is helpful in preventing breast cancer and other cancers Avo’s help to block the development of arteriosclerosis (the gunk inside your blood vessels that blocks blood flow) partly because of their blood sugar-lowering effects. Other serious health-protecting ingredients include fiber, beta-sitosterol, magnesium, and potassium, which help to regulate blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol This study shows people eating avocados dropped total cholesterol by 17%, LDL’s decreased by 22%, triglycerides by 22%, and healthy HDL rose by 11%. That avo fat is GOOD for you!!
5. Healthy Babies—Before and After Birth: One medium avocado has about a quarter of your required daily amount of folate, or folic acid, a B vitamin that plays an essential role in making new cells by helping to produce healthy DNA and RNA Folate is required for pregnant women, and helps lower the risk birth defects in babies, as well as being important for heart health And avocados are the perfect baby food as well! They are firm enough to be picked up by tiny fingers, but easily mashable and edible even for someone with no teeth! What’s more, we now know they are chock full of healthy nutrition, healthy fats and massive phytochemicals And their mild taste is something babies love, making avo’s a great baby superfood!
6. Eye Health: Avocados have lots of carotenoids and lutein, antioxidants that are both valuable for healthy eyes. It also contains zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, plus significant quantities of vitamin E The oleic acid in avo’s helps the body absorb those precious carotenoids and convert to vitamin A, as well as being able to access the antioxidants in other foods as well Carotenoid benefits include lowering inflammation, promoting healthy growth and development, and boosting immunity, among others
7. Healthy Inside and Healthy Outside Skin and Hair: Avocados’ load of phtytochemicals and antioxidants fight damage from the sun and the environment by reducing inflammation and DNA damage. People who eat diets rich in antioxidants as well as healthy fats have healthier, less wrinkly skin than people who eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) In addition, the healthy carotenoids in colorful veggies, including avocados add a rich, healthy golden glow to your skin And, because of the rich oils and vitamins in avocados, you can mash one up and use it as moisturizing, calming facial mask as well!
Avocados massive supply of phytonutrients including their polyphenols and flavenoids also help fight osteoarthritis, and other inflammatory degenerative diseases. Avocados growing popularity has created a serious worldwide craving for this buttery orb, so countries like Mexico and many other South American countries have been gearing up their production However, avocados especially American Hass avocados use more water than the South American varieties, so California avocados may be in short supply this year Rising demand and avocado prices are actually fueling illegal deforestation in some parts of the world, and drug and mafia cartels are at work to control the supply of this popular food. High demand and lowered supply may mean your favorite avo prices could rise Careful handling, a watchful eye that they don’t get overripe and knowing how to store your leftover avocado will help to prevent wasting these lovelies What About That Pit?
A study by Pennsylvania State University revealed that avocado pits, or seeds, have been used medicinally for generations Avocado pits in South American have been used as a treatment for inflammation, diabetes and hypertension This mostly unused element of the fruit contains phenolic compounds, which are known to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and other degenerative illnesses But beware, some food experts warn against eating the pits thinking that it may cause intestinal discomfort or other health issues More research is needed at this point on the detriments or benefits of eating the seeds of avocados.
Ideas to Use:
There are zillions of great avocado recipes out there if you prefer the quick and easy ones. Then the most favorite breakfast is to spread some ripe avocado on gluten-free (sourdough) toast, add a slice of natural ham, and a free-range egg cooked in grass-fed butter Divine! Great lowcarb, high-nutrient breakfast to fuel your day! The smoke point is the temperature at which an oil starts to break down and form compounds that can be extremely damaging to your health When it comes to cooking, you want to choose an oil with a high smoke point Avocado oil has a high smoke point of 520oF, which supports a long and healthy life It’s a smooth, buttery dark green oil that’s naturally produced in Mexico This is one of the only cooking oils in the world that isn’t diluted with “cancer oil ”
Healthiest cheese vs Worst cheese to never eat
I don't know about you, but I LOVE cheese! Who doesn't love quality aged European cheese with a glass of wine, or some high-quality parmesan on a meal, or a delicious slice of grass-fed cheddar on a burger?!
Although dairy has gotten a bad rap in recent years by misinformed journalists and influencers, the truth is that many types of cheese have a LOT of health benefits as long as you don't have lactose intolerance or a true dairy allergy (most people don't)
For example, most raw grass-fed cheeses are very nutrient-dense with vitamins and minerals and contain important nutrients such as vitamin K2, which has been shown in studies to prevent (and can even reverse) arterial calcification, thereby lowering heart disease risk.
This is one reason why the French have such low rates of heart disease despite eating large amounts of butter and cheese. Gouda is a type of cheese that's particularly high in arterycleaning vitamin K2!
Most aged cheeses or hard cheeses are surprisingly easy to digest as well, despite false myths that float around the internet.
This is because the fermentation and aging process of cheese helps make the protein more digestible and the microbes also consume the lactose, making aged cheeses very low lactose, or nearly lactose-free
Also, good quality raw grass-fed cheeses, as well as aged or hard cheeses contain healthy fats, such as butyrate (a gut-healing fat), and another healthy fat called CLA which can help you burn fat and has anti-cancer properties
So don't fear the fat in quality pasture-raised cheeses!
However, with all of this said about the GOOD nutritional qualities and delicious taste of the cheeses I mentioned above, there's ONE type of cheese I would NEVER EAT...
That type is processed American cheese or any processed cheese spread American cheese and other processed cheeses often contain inflammatory vegetable oils like canola oil, etc., and lots of other questionable ingredients that are not in real cheese I'd also avoid other fake cheeses such as Cheese Whiz-type spreads
If you want the health benefits of cheese, stick to quality grass-fed raw cheeses when you can find them, or aged European cheeses, which tend to be high quality
And don't forget to enjoy your cheese with a nice glass of red wine!
Good and Bad of 3 popular healthy foods –Peanut Butter, Spinach, and Almonds
If you been led to believe that peanut butter, almonds and spinach are good for you, today's email might shock you and is important to read, because these 3 healthy foods could be contributing to health problems in your body. Let's take a quick look at why...
1. Peanut butter
While peanut butter does contain a small amount of protein and vitamins/minerals, the cons outweigh the pros on this food. First of all, peanuts contain one of the highest concentrations of aflatoxin, which is a mold toxin that is created in peanuts due to storage in moist conditions.
Peanut butter is also very high in inflammatory omega-6 fats and due to the processing of peanut butter, those omega 6 fats are in a harmful oxidized state Most people already get too much omega 6 fats from vegetable oils (soy, corn, canola, etc), and this contributes to insulin resistance, heart disease, brain inflammation, cancer, and lots more health problems, since most people are currently eating 5-10x more omega-6 fats than we should be eating in a healthy diet
Lastly, peanut butter also contains medium amounts of oxalates, which are plant-based antinutrients that when consumed in excess can contribute to kidney stones, thyroid and gut problems, joint problems and more. We'll talk more about oxalates in the next food
2. Spinach
Spinach is promoted as a healthy green, but contains far more downsides than good sides. Spinach is one of the highest oxalate foods that's commonly eaten by modern humans (in addition to beet greens, beets, almonds, and other veggies and nuts)
The amount of oxalates in a serving of spinach is extremely high, up to 600 mg in a normal sized bowl The "safe" amount of oxalates in a daily diet according to world renowned oxalate expert Sally Norton should be between 100-200 mg per day total to avoid a lot of the health problems caused by high oxalate plants. So you can see how concerning spinach is with the extremely high oxalate levels
As mentioned above, eating too much oxalates too frequently can cause serious issues such as kidney stones, thyroid problems, gut damage, skin issues, and joint pain In fact, some people have even gotten "oxalate poisoning" by eating green smoothies too often and had to go to the ER for kidney failure.
3. Almonds
Although almonds and almond milk are marketed as healthy, they also contain many downsides, including all of the negatives mentioned above about too much omega 6 fats and too much oxalates. They're probably ok in your diet occasionally, but I personally avoid eating almonds too often because of these issues with excess oxalates and omega 6 fats.
Lionheart Farms Brings Sustainable Goodness to Hong Kong
What if you could shop your 100% vegan product directly from the farm where it is harvested and processed?
Well, you can…. Lionheart Farms’ products are now available in Hong Kong. Harvested and processed in Palawan and shipped directly to you.
Calling all health-conscious foodies in Hong Kong! Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and nourish your body with the delicious, sustainable, and naturally healthy products from Lionheart Farms. Their brand, CÓCOES, isn't just another line of condiments and beverages – it's a revolution in flavor and sustainability, directly from their farms in the Philippines to your table
Lionheart Farms is passionate about bringing you food and beverage that offers good taste, good health, good price, and good for the planet They prioritize eco-friendly farming practices, ensuring their ingredients are bursting with natural goodness Imagine indulging in a refreshing coconut flower sap-based beverage or adding a touch of zesty flavor to your dishes, all while knowing you're contributing to a healthier planet!
But the goodness doesn't stop there Lionheart Farms believes in the power of transparency and traceability They use meticulous tracing systems throughout their supply chain, so you can be confident about the journey your food takes from farm to table. No mystery ingredients here –just pure, delicious honesty in every product
Finally, Lionheart Farms doesn't want anyone to miss out on the CÓCOES experience They're working hard to make their products accessible to everyone in Hong Kong Through clever partnerships and online platforms, they're bringing a taste of the Philippine island paradise straight to your doorstep Order now here: www cocoes com and expect your sustainable goodness at your table in 2 days So, ditch the sugary drinks and processed sauces Lionheart Farms offers a world of flavor and well-being, all wrapped up in sustainable practices and complete transparency Give CÓCOES a try and discover a new way to elevate your everyday meals – it's the perfect blend of deliciousness and responsibility, all the way from the world’s best island: Palawan, Philippines.
Where can I buy CÓCOES products in Hong Kong?
You can buy directly from the farm on the website: www cocoes com
The APAC warehouse is located in Hong Kong, so delivery anywhere in Hong Kong will only take 2-3 days Also, HK’s favorite organic shopping destinations will carry the products Look for CÓCOES at SpiceBox, both online and offline:
137 Caine Road, Golden Valley Mansion
Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2559 9887
39-45 Hau Wo Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2191 0886
Shop G10, Capri Place - O'South Coast Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3485 8393
“Samurai knife” is faster, easier, and safer in the kitchen
Cooking should be a fun and relaxing experience and one that you enjoy! Finding the best tools for cooking changes everything, and can take you from someone who dreads cooking, to becoming an excellent cook who cannot wait to create fabulous, savory meals to share. You will enjoy creating, and your family and friends will most certainly enjoy the results
Preparing food should be just as much fun as it is to eat it And a knife is one of the most important tools in your kitchen ‘workshop’ There’s nothing better than picking up a perfectly balanced knife that fits ‘just right’ in your hand, and easily and safely slicing through fruit, vegetables, and meat
Did you realize that a sharp knife is actually safer than using a dull knife?
It’s time to upgrade your kitchen and I don’t mean granite countertops and new appliances. Many people do not realize the simple pleasures of cooking and preparing food for themselves because they are using dull knifes, scratched up nonstick pans, and cheap utensils Cooking like that is drudgery No wonder so many people do not like cooking!
The world’s best chefs have a well-kept secret:
The method to produce high-quality dishes is all about the ‘tools’ used in the cooking process that transforms cooking into an easy, enjoyable, delicious activity I really cannot explain the ease and satisfaction of creating mouth-watering meals, when I use top-quality, sharp knives that slice like butter through any cut of meat, and every type of vegetable. And, using heavy-duty stainlesssteel pans that cook food evenly without burning or sticking, and having the perfect utensils that do all the work for you. Drudgery turns into pleasure
If you're looking for a sharp knife you can rely on, I recommend you check this out...
The official name is the Shinzo Chef Knife
But I call it a “Samurai knife” for the kitchen
It’s made with the same techniques ancient Japanese blacksmiths used to create samurai swords 1000 years ago. The samurai were the Japanese version of knights, and their blades were the sharpest the world has ever seen
If you’re frustrated with your kitchen knives getting dull, rusty, or nicked…
Or you have to saw your way through onions and you squish all your tomatoes
Then it’s time to replace your kitchen knives because
Sharper = Faster The Shinzo Chef Knife is 2x sharper than almost every Western knife out there – which means they cut twice as fast You can finish your food prep in 50% less time
Sharper = Easier If you’ve ever tried to cut an onion with a dull knife, you know it’s HARD
Shinzo Chef Knives cut through the toughest vegetables like they’re whipped cream
Sharper = Safer 95% of kitchen accidents are the result of dull knives You have to press down hard with dull knives – which means it’s likely you’re going to slip and cut yourself
Sharper saves you Money Shinzo Chef Knives are made of Damascus-style steel, so they keep their sharp edge for 50 years guaranteed Unlike other knives, your Shinzo Chef Knife won’t get dull, rusty, or nicked – so you’ll never have to buy a new knife again.
Sharper saves you even more Money – because we’re offering a special discount of 75% off to our VIP members.
The one problem? We only have 500 Shinzo Chef Knives
And when we sell out, they’re gone I don’t want you to miss out, so
Go check if we still have your Shinzo Chef “Samurai knife”
And get 75% off the normal price while we still have them.
out paper towels can be used for more than just cleaning spills
We’re used to reaching for these handy helpers to sop up spills But there are more surprising uses for paper towels than you might think! Whether it’s patting chicken dry to get super crispy skin or seasoning a cast iron skillet with oil, paper towels come to the rescue in many different ways And we have a new brilliant use you may not have considered
As it turns out, paper towels can help you keep vegetables fresh! So as our home gardens grow, and as fresh produce becomes bountiful at our local markets, paper towels can help keep all the leafy greens and plump zucchini from going bad. No more limp spinach or rotten cucumbers for your salad!
How do I use paper towels to keep produce fresh?
Sometimes our produce goes bad faster than we can eat it, and it’s safe to say that no one likes throwing food away
It’s pretty simple all you have to do is line your crisper drawer with paper towels before you tuck your produce in there Then, replace the paper towels every time you add a new batch of produce This ensures that your vegetables stay fresher longer If you have a bag of lettuce or spinach that you’re trying to keep fresh, it can help to add a paper towel directly into the bag. It keeps the crisper drawer clean, too
How does this work?
Most fruits and vegetables, including kale and zucchini, release water over time This moisture has nowhere to go and gets trapped in the crisper drawer, leading to sad, brown produce Paper towels absorb the moisture, slowing the process of veggies falling limp. Now, you’ll have plenty of fresh veggies on hand to make all kinds of summer salads
It’s important to remember to change out the paper towels frequently; otherwise, they’ll get soggy from the absorbed moisture and not do their job of protecting your produce The short version is that the drier your produce is, the longer it will last
Strain grease from broth
Use a paper towel to absorb the fat that surfaces on the top of broths and soups. Here’s how: Place another pot in the sink Put a colander (or a sieve) in the new pot and put a paper towel in the colander. Now pour the broth through the towel into the waiting pot. You’ll find that the fat stays in the towel, while the cleaner broth streams through.
Clean silk from fresh corn
If you hate picking the silk off freshly husked ears of corn, then you’ll love this paper towel trick Dampen one and run it across the ear. The towel picks up the silk, and the corn is ready for the boiling pot or the grill
Empowering Lives through Financial Independence
In a world where uncertainties loom and financial landscapes shift so quickly, the concept of financial independence has become far more important than it used to be Being wise with our financial choices is not just a goal; it's a fundamental necessity to lead a fulfilling life
At its core, financial independence is the key to unlocking doors of opportunity and autonomy. It's about more than just accumulating wealth; it's the ability to make choices that align with our values, aspirations, and well-being
Why Financial Independence Matters
Financial independence isn't just for a reserved few; it's a universal aspiration. It's the stepping stone towards freedom to live life on our terms, unburdened by financial worries Whether you dream of starting a business, traveling the world, or simply enjoying a worry-free retirement, financial independence is the catalyst for bringing those dreams to reality.
Security In Uncertain Times
It is important to make informed decisions that align with our long-term goals, vision and aspirations Your financial journey should not only consider numbers required to achieve those goals but it should be a holistic approach considering the emotional and psychological aspects of your relationship with money. Your financial independence should act as a sturdy umbrella in the midst of storms From unexpected medical expenses to job losses, having a solid financial foundation provides the resilience needed at such times
Building Blocks of Financial Independence
1. Saving and Investing: Saving and investing wisely are the basic foundations of financial independence. Cultivating disciplined saving habits and making informed investment decisions build towards those financial goals
2. Continuous Learning: The financial landscape is ever-changing, and staying informed is key Continuously educating yourself about personal finance, investment options, and economic trends will lead you toward informed decisions
3. Mindful Spending: Mindful spending involves aligning expenses with personal values and life priorities. It's about distinguishing between needs and wants, just make sure your expenses are welltuned to your financial vision Mindful budgeting would help you towards this alignment.
In a world where financial landscapes can be unpredictable, cultivating financial independence becomes a powerful act of self-determination Being wise and achieving financial independence can be a journey, a lifelong commitment. By embracing this, you not only secure your future but also contribute to a world where everyone has an opportunity to thrive, flourish, and support each other. In today’s world, financial literacy is the currency of empowerment
For help towards attaining this financial empowerment and becoming more financially literate, you can reach out to me at:
Parshva Shrutej Shah, a young Indian boy put his name in the Guinness Book of World Records
Naari magazine is very pleased to carry the interview of the young Indian boy, Parshva Shrutej Shah whose name is put in the Guinness Book of World Records. Read on for an interesting conversation that has answers to many queries
Introduction of Parshva Shrutej Shah:
Parshva, a 12-year-old Indian boy residing in Hong Kong, and studying at the French International School (Bluepool) is a bright student who thinks out-of-the-box. With a natural inclination for self-learning and selfmotivation, Parshva stands out as an exceptional individual aiming to attempt for Guinness Book of World Records for the fastest identifying of all 197 country flags in just 2.07 minutes. His deep love for animals has earned him the endearing title of "Encyclopedia for animals" from his teachers and friends. Parshva's affinity for nature and spirituality is evident in his profound connection to the world around him. Possessing a sharp memory, he finds joy in both watching and playing cricket and soccer. Parshva's adventurous and fearless spirit fuels his desire for new experiences and challenges His unique blend of intellectual curiosity, passion for animals, love for nature, athletic prowess, adventurous nature, and strong family bonds make him a grounded, humble and outstanding individual.
Q1. The subject Geography is a wide subject engancing many countries seperately how did you develope a strong relatable passion with the subject and at what age was that?
I developed a strong passion for Geography at the age of 10. It all began when I started to watch georaphy videos online and discovered that it was a subject that resonated with me and found myself deeply intrigued by the diversity of countries and cultures around the world The more I learned, the more fascinated I became, and this passion continued to grow over time.
Q2. Knowing so many flags of so many countries is definitely a sheer talent that you have skilled, please tell us how did this passion started and gave you the inspiration to aim for the Guinness book of world records.
As I started exploring about different nations and their unique identities, flags became an integral part of understanding and so I dedicated myself watching and learning it online from youtube and reading books and exploring the globe and mapping the countries on globe was fun for me. Through consistent practice, I honed my skills and amazed my parents and aimed high to making a record one day. My parents were speechless when I told them.
Q3 Which sports are you interested in? Do you play or like to watch it online?
I really like watching and playing cricket and football and occasionally like playing table tennis I rigorously follow the IPL.
Q4. What kind of tuition/advise can you give in Geography to other students who are not following Geography like you do to make them get good marks?
I would advise students to try to practice learning the countries from a sheet or online and dedicate practicing at least 2 times a week to reinforce the knowledge as many country flags look very similar and are very confusing, so practice is the key Additionally, I would recommend playing online quiz to make the learning process more engaging and fun.
Q5. Tell us your inspiration in life And what is it you want to follow in future?
My inspiration in life is to lead a healthy life, excel in academics and uphold my religious beliefs. I strive to find balance between personal achievements and having fun In the future, I aspire to continue expanding my knowledge in Geography and travel loads and have fun with my family and friends.
Cultural Fest 2024 – Golden Jubilee Celebration
The Gujarat Samaj’s and J.K. Gems vibrant Showcase of Talent: Community Children's Dance, Art Exhibition, and Stand-Up Show
The entire community recently came alive on 5th May 2024 after a long wait due to the pandemic with an extraordinary celebration of creativity, as a delightful ensemble of young dancers, talented artists, and hilarious stand-up comedians took centre stage. Honourable Consul Ms. Satwant Khanalia and Mrs Ranu Wasan graced the event This event, which combined a community children's dance performance, an art exhibition, and a side-splitting stand-up show, captivated audiences of all ages Let us delve into the highlights of this memorable gathering of artistic brilliance.
Community Children's Dance
The festivities commenced with an enchanting community children's dance performance that overflowed with youthful exuberance The stage was transformed into a magical realm as the young dancers flawlessly executed their choreography, highlighting their discipline, and remarkable talent. The audience was treated to a diverse range of dance styles, including Bollywood thumkas, yoga moves, contemporary, a meaningful skit, and India’s traditional folk dances from various cultures
The vibrant costumes, synchronized movements, and infectious energy of the young performers created a mesmerizing visual spectacle From graceful leaps and group formations, every moment was showed the immense effort put in by the dancers and their passionate coordinators and choreographers The applause and cheers that echoed throughout the venue were a testament to the awe-inspiring performances that left a lasting impression on all those fortunate enough to witness them.
Art Exhibition
Adjacent to the dance performance, the art exhibition displayed a rich tapestry of creativity, featuring an impressive collection of artworks contributed by talented Samaj’s young artists The exhibit encompassed paintings and sketches
Members and guest immersed themselves in the diverse narratives depicted within each artwork Vibrant landscapes, thought-provoking abstract pieces, and intricate portraits adorned the walls, offering glimpses into the artists' unique perspectives and creative journeys. The exhibition fostered an atmosphere of appreciation and dialogue, with attendees engaging in lively discussions about the artworks' themes and techniques
Stand-Up Show
As the sun began to set, the event culminated in uproarious laughter with a stellar stand-up comedy show. Two renowned comedians from India took turns on stage, delivering a series of side-splitting performances that had the audience in stitches.
The comedians skillfully crafted their routines, weaving together observational humour and witty anecdotes. From uproarious tales of everyday life to sharp satirical jabs at societal norms, each act offered a unique comedic perspective The seamless delivery and impeccable timing of the performers ensured a continuous stream of laughter resonating throughout the venue.
The community children's dance performance, art exhibition, and stand-up show served as a testament to the thriving creativity within the local community as The Gujarat Samaj proudly celebrates its 50th year This vibrant showcase left a lasting impression, celebrating the power of art, expression, and laughter
An article by Mrs. Sonali Vora
Chinachem Group Celebrates French May
Dancing its way into the community with French-Asian dance performances and workshops at Chinachem’s Central Market, Nina Mall, Nina Park and D·Park.
Chinachem Group (Chinachem) announced that it is partnering with French May Arts Festival for the fourth consecutive year From now until 10 June, Chinachem is promoting French culture at its Central Market and NINA MALL, and for the first time ever, holding a variety of programmes for the Festival at D·PARK and Nina Park These programmes include sustainability-related contemporary dance performances and workshops, as well as French GourMay Markets showcasing French delicacies and fine wines, infusing the city with an air of French lifestyle, culture and arts
An opening ceremony for this year’s “Chinachem Group Celebrates French May” collaboration was held at Central Market yesterday evening, performed by Chinachem’s Executive Director and CEO Donald Choi; Consul-General of France in Hong Kong and Macau Christile Drulhe; and Co-Chairman of the Board of French May Arts Festival Mignonne Cheng.
“I am excited that programmes will be held in D·PARK and Nina Park for the first time, in addition to programmes in Central Market and Nina Mall,” says Executive Director and CEO of Chinachem, Donald Choi “Chinachem Group and French May share a common vision: to enrich our community through the promotion of arts and culture. This collaboration is a testament to the Group’s unwavering commitment to our ‘Triple Bottom Line’ approach, which equally prioritises People, Prosperity and Planet (3Ps) in every aspect of our business operations
Our goal is to build a more liveable community, bring prosperity to our society, and ultimately create a sustainable environment ”
Christile Drulhe, Consul-General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, remarks, "This year's French GourMay market exemplifies the powerful partnership between French May, French GourMay, and Chinachem Group. While the exceptional gastronomy market will serve as a vibrant celebration of our shared culinary heritage and cultural exchange, the contemporary dance performances and interactive workshops presented by the acclaimed French dance company, KHAM, will deeply immerse visitors in France's vibrant and iconic artistic legacy."
Mrs Mignonne Cheng, Co-chairman of the Board of French May Arts Festival, says, “For the fourth consecutive year, we are delighted to partner with Chinachem Group to co-present an exciting programme of gastronomy and art in Central and Tsuen Wan, allowing us to share the delights of French Arts Festival with a much wider audience ”
Co-presented with French GourMay, the ever-popular French GourMay Markets at Central Market and NINA MALL will feature an array of delicacies from the Occitanie region of southern France and fun happenings. French GourMay menus will also be available at selected restaurants of Nina Hospitality, enabling foodies to dazzle their palates with a taste of the South of France
In addition, French contemporary dance company KHAM will showcase their globally-toured creation, Intrusion Chorégraphique, at Central Market, D·PARK, NINA MALL and Nina Park to engage the local communities through interactive performances and dance workshops. Based in southern France, KHAM was created in 2011 at the initiative of the Lao-French choreographer Olé Khamchanla The company’s artistic works have been developed through contemporary choreographic creations combining hip-hop and traditional dances from Southeast Asia. Dancers of KHAM will make use of the surrounding environment in this site-specific contemporary dance while echoing the theme of sustainability To further immerse the community in creative experiences, several dance workshops will be held by KHAM at Chinachem’s Central Market, D·PARK and Nina Park Interested parties can sign up for these workshops on the dedicated Festival webpage at
A series of dance workshops will also be organised for schools and community groups, with children invited from French International School and Caritas Tsuen Wan Our Common Home to experience the fun of contemporary dance with the guidance of KHAM. After the workshops, the children will be led by the KHAM dancers to stage a community dance performance at NINA MALL, further connecting with the community while creating positive energy for society.
Nritya Yogini held at the City Hall Theatre
Sri Shakti Academy, Hong Kong celebrated 20 years of its existence, last month. Nritya Yogini held at the City Hall Theatre on the 28th of April, was a celebration of many events blended into one While it was a celebration of the 20 years of the academy, it also marked the transformations of the lives of its founders. The two hours program showcased how years of dedicated practice have transformed their arts into their spirituality This transformation was prominently felt throughout the program Nritya Yogini began with the Devi Stuti by the Gurus In pristine white costumes against the black background with snow white spotlights, this performance was a devotional invocation of the Devi An Odissi composition by Guru Raka Maitra, thereafter, demonstrated the masculine and feminine co-dwelling in the body of a dancer. The layered spectrum of expressions known as Rasa, in the Indian Natya Shastra, was flawlessly showcased by Guru Priyadarshini Shome through her Mohiniattam composition Thereafter, Guru Neesha Jhaveri offered her soulful renditions of Shiv Tandav Stotra and Shakti Tandav Stotra with jugalbandi through Tabla Tarang in between, to highlight their fusion into oneness A symbolic Tarana in the end hinted at the passing of legacy from a Guru to her Shishyas This composition was performed by some of the senior Kathak students of the academy along with the Gurus.
Two decades ago, its founding members- Neesha Jhaveri, Ranjini Menon, Nilima Bhat and Priyadarshini Ghosh Shome started this dance company with the sole objective of dancing. They have moved to Hong Kong with their years of experience in Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Yoga and Mohiniattam respectively The dance company provided them with a platform to showcase their experiences to the larger audience in Hong Kong while at the same time, attracting students, young and old for training It was in April, 2003 that its first production, Panchbhoota went on stage at the same venue- City Hall Theatre As an ode to their first production, they were joined once again after 20 years, by Odissi dancer, Raka Maitra and vocalist Jayaram. In this celebration- Nritya Yogini, the connoisseurs of art in Hong Kong, many of whom were present for their first performance, witnessed their transition from nartakis to yoginis, from the physical to the metaphysical.
Sri Shakti Academy in the initial years of its existence, offered classes for different Indian classical dance forms. But in alignment with the nature of its location in Hong Kong, the academy also witnessed departure of most of its founding members as well as students, to their life’s callings The responsibility to keep the academy running fell into the shoulders of its Kathak exponent, Guru Neesha Jhaveri
With passing time, and with the departure of the other founders, the Academy became synonymous with its Kathak wing Guru Neesha Jhaveri has been on a relentless mission to spread the grace and beauty of a lesser traded Janki Prasad Gharana of Banaras which is treasured for its unique characteristics such as Natawari dance syllables that cannot be played on the table, the use of heels, and abhinaya- both Saatvika and Angika, which were started by the exponents of the Gharana
Running this academy has not been without its challenges Though Hong Kong has a significant number of Indian populations, the opportunities for Indian classical dances have been scant The difficulties in finding venues for performances, finding sponsorship for the programs and organizing shows while dancing at the same time has not been easy for one person alone But Guru Neesha ji says that the students and their families have worked as a team which has helped the Academy perform in many local and international events over the years.
Looking back at twenty years of its existence, the Academy trains ,pre than 75 students at present In 2023, it started its Indian folk wing which has strengthened the growth of the academy further Thus, despite the struggles that the academy has faced, it continues to grow, with the growth of its students and with the increased curiosity and appreciation of Indian classical dance, in Hong Kong Besides Indian population, many other residents of Hong Kong flock to the shows organized by the Academy in the current years Not only are they among the audience, but the academy also has many non-Indian students who have embraced kathak with devotion and curiosity
With its future prospects of original productions and collaboration with other institutions including dance companies, Sri Shakti Academy has resolved to undertake this lifelong journey to dance and to help others dance and discover the bliss of uniting body, mind and soul as an everyday phenomenon.
"Fen Qing Fun and Road" teenagers perform the road of youth together to inherit the "Fen Qing" spirit in the play and cultivate positive growth through musicals
Musicals have always been a popular performance form If Hong Kong's musicals want to flourish, of course, new blood must be cultivated to pass on the culture. In this case, why not let a group of teenagers' star in an original musical and let them experience the joy of music firsthand?
Rehearsals for the 2024 new version of the local original musical "Feng Qing Le and Lu", which swept six major drama awards, have officially begun! This year’s performance is hosted and produced by the School of Continuing Arts and Performing Arts of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and sponsored by the Lee Hysan Foundation After a round of actor and backstage recruitment and selection, a total of about 70 young people from different schools will participate in both front and backstage performances of the musical. Local musicals breathe new life and creativity!
A journey towards positive education and art, diversified growth brings spiritual transformation "Fun Youth Music and Road" not only requires participating students to have musical theatrerelated abilities, but also requires students to be true to their word Once they sign up for a musical, they must devote themselves to it and never give up. They also need to take into account their studies Musical theatre is known as a triple threat for actors because actors must be able to act, dance, and sing at the same time In addition to strengthening their artistic attainments, students in this training also develop good habits such as self-discipline, responsibility, and punctuality, and develop good character After participating in the program, some students understand time management and learn how to relieve stress correctly, which can play a role in their entire study and life.
Yan Cuifang, General Manager of the Academy of Performing Arts and Producer of the 2024 musical "The Musical", believes that musicals can help students grow: "The most special thing about "The Music" is that although the participants are local school students, they come from all over the world. We have visually impaired students, ethnic minorities, new immigrants, etc They all have a passion for musical theatre performances and productions I saw that they have been fully engaged in the rehearsals during the Easter holiday, and their consciousness has improved, and they are not afraid of making mistakes , and also know how to help each other within the team to maximize the performance.”
The top creative team in the theatre world: The iron triangle team of "Fen Qing Le and Road" is composer Gao Shizhang, lyricist Shum Weizhong, and playwright Zhuang Meiyan
"Fen Qing Le and the Road" is composed by the famous Hong Kong musical and film composer Ko Sai-cheung, Hong Kong lyricist Shum Wai-chung wrote the lyrics, and Hong Kong playwright Chong Mui-yan wrote the screenplay This play won six major awards at the 27th Hong Kong Drama Awards: "Best Production", "Best Director", and "Best Original Lyrics". It was widely praised by the audience and became a favorite! Of course, the students' abilities also need to reach a certain level Gao Shizhang said that he regards the students as professional actors: "I don't deliberately compose simple songs or lower the requirements because they are middle school students or newcomers I want them to do their best "
Co-director & musical choreographer: Zhang Yueying | Co- director Zhang Kaiting
This year's musical has a new breakthrough. It is co-directed by Zhang Kaiting and Zhang Yueying Although Zhang Kaiting is a new director in the theatre, she has an early connection with "Fen Qing Music and Road":
"I once watched the first "Fen Qing Music" as an audience member "Music and Road" performance, I was studying drama directing at the Academy of Performing Arts. At that time, I saw such a high-level production and hoped to have the opportunity to participate in such a musical production after graduation
Unexpectedly, my dream can come true now I am very lucky to have this opportunity to collaborate this time I hope that this time I will direct "Fen Qing Le and Lu" to bring out more of the "endurance" feeling in the play and make it fresh for the audience."
Inherited one generation at a time
In addition to the main creative team, the musical "Fen Qing Le and Lu" also has a group of outstanding mentors to guide it This year's tutor team includes some professionals who have mentoring relationships with previous tutors. There are even students who were once the first musical students who have become this year's mentors "The spirit of "The Musical" will be passed down, the deeper meaning of the musical will be continued, and the performance experience and inspiration will be shared with the new generation of students.
Yang Enhua, a student of Xingguang Blind Hospital and School who participated in the first musical, is now a student of the School of Music of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. This year, he has transformed into a senior brother to assist this year's students: "Participated in musicals for 17 years At that time, my eyesight was deteriorating Fortunately, I had a group of companions who helped me get through the low point in my life. Therefore, I want to continue to pass on this spirit of mutual support to the students participating in the musical this year ”
Countless training to strive for perfection
Preparations for this year's musical have already begun, with selection activities taking place from mid-January to early February this year, followed by more than 300 hours of professional training from March to August In addition, in order to improve actors' performance skills and experience the behind-the-scenes production process, intensive training day camps, and backstage experience workshops have been held during the Easter holidays. Likewise, intensive rehearsals for actors and backstage will also take place from July to August Finally, the musical will be performed publicly at the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Center from August 23 to 25 to showcase the results of everyone’s joint efforts.
Extend the development of musical theatre
The Academy of Performing Arts has established musical theatre training courses since 2002 and produces large-scale summer musicals for young people every year. Through professional stage performance, dance, and singing training, it has trained thousands of young people to participate in musical performances over the years This year, we will lead secondary school students from Ho Man Tin Carmel Secondary School, Lutheran Ximen Yingcai Secondary School, Canadian Assemblies of God Jiachi Secondary School, Xinguang Blind Home and School, and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Applied Learning Courses to embark on a journey full of art and character education. journey. Tickets for the premiere and revival of the musical "The Musical" were all sold out, with over 10,000 spectators showing up to support the show, making it a hit All ticket proceeds from this year's "Fun Youth Music and Road" will be used to promote the development of youth musicals, extend the inheritance of art, and the journey of growth
Wynn presents “Louis Yan MY FAITH Magic Tour 2024 Macao”
Wynn will present "Louis Yan MY FAITH Magic Tour 2024 Macao" at Wynn Palace Entertainment Event Marquee on June 7-8 and June 14-15 World-class magician Louis Yan will showcase his extraordinary skills, taking the audience on a captivating journey filled with stunning magical transformations, promising an unforgettable experience for all.
Wynn will present "Louis Yan MY FAITH Magic Tour 2024 Macao" at Wynn Palace Entertainment Event Marquee on June 7-8 and June 14-15 World-class magician Louis Yan will showcase his extraordinary skills, taking the audience on a captivating journey filled with stunning magical transformations, promising an unforgettable experience for all
Internationally renowned magician Louis Yan, holds the Guinness World Record for the "Largest Magic Lesson”, surpassing David Copperfield’s record He has also been honored with the prestigious "Merlin Award" which is dubbed the “Oscars of Magic” His unparalleled magic performances have graced numerous stages, including a memorable appearance alongside mainland Chinese actors Leo Wu and Peng Yuchang at the 2020 CCTV Spring Festival Gala His magical journey spans the globe, having performed his Magic Tour in cities like Los Angeles, Toronto, and Sydney. He is also the first Hong Kong magician to hold a solo magic show in Las Vegas, showcasing his astounding magic skills around the world
This latest world tour, themed "MY FAITH”, will make its debut in Macau as the first stop Dedicating his life to perfecting and exploring the art of magic, Louis Yan's passion for magic has transformed into his faith in life This has guided him on his journey around the world to achieve miracles one after another, stunning his audience with magic and surprise in the blink of an eye This year, he is set to mesmerize Macao with his new magic show to recreate the magical miracle at Wynn Palace for two consecutive weeks, immersing the audience in the realm of mystery and magic
Tickets for "Louis Yan MY FAITH Magic Tour 2024 Macao" are now available, table with 4 seats is priced at MOP 1,688. Tickets are on sale at BOOKYAY ticketing website:
Details of "Louis Yan MY FAITH Magic Tour 2024 Macao"
Date: June 7-8 and June 14-15
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Venue: Wynn Palace Entertainment Event Marquee
Wynn Palace is the second luxury integrated resort from international resort developer Wynn Resorts in the Macau Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, following the launch of Wynn Macau Located in the Cotai area, it features a 28-storey hotel with 1,706 exquisitely furnished rooms, suites and villas, versatile meeting facilities, approximately 107,000 square feet of renowned luxury retail, 14 food and beverage outlets, Macau’s largest spa, a salon, a pool and approximately 468,000 square feet of casino space The resort also features a variety of entertainment experiences, including the dazzling 8-acre Performance Lake that mesmerizes guests with a choreographed display of water, music and light, the unique SkyCab, spectacular, large-scale floral displays and an extensive collection of art works by some of the world’s leading artists
Interview with Saurabh Shukla
From the beautiful landscapes of Kashmir, Red Pepper’s Entertainment gives you a wonderful theatrical experience with Ashvin Gidwani's #Barff, a Hindi thriller play that is being showcased on June 22nd It is an outstanding show that stars amazing artists, and we have the privilege of seeing live, the Bollywood movie icon Mr. Saurabh Shukla portraying the lead character in the play
Naari Magazine had the awesome opportunity to interview him, so we share the outstanding Q&A session below
Q.1. Saurabh Shukla, being an award-winning actor, a fine Director, and a screenplay writer, when you are approached for a movie what is the most attractive element that you notice first? Is it the story of the movie or the character that you need to perform?
Response: The very first thing is that the story of the film that you are participating in, should resonate with you and of course, as an actor, you have the grid of playing an important character. So, the character is also, equally important
Q.2. You have portrayed many characters in different movies. Please tell us which character was your favourite one and did it have an impact on you after the shooting was over?
Response: Actors have the strongest memories of the latest character they are playing, so in that case, right now my favourite character is Jolly LLB's Judge because I am into the shooting of Jolly LLB 3
Q.3 You are a person with Bengali genes which you are very proud of. Please tell us about some happy moments in shooting Bangla Chobi (Bengali Movie).
Response: I have not done a film in the Bengali language, but I have shot in Kolkata with Bengali director Kaushik Ganguli But it was his Hindi film I have great memories of that film What I realized in Kolkata during my time there was , either I was shooting, or I was eating because they kept feeding me all the time. So, they love their food, and they love to feed their food which is a very happy memory I have
The World, the world's largest private residential superyacht will visit Hong Kong
The World, the world's largest private residential superyacht offshore residence, is pleased to announce that it will visit Hong Kong in June 2024 for a four-day visit - this is The World's first time since 2019 Return to Hong Kong This visit is part of The World's expanded journey across six continents in 2024 The entire journey includes the highly anticipated Antarctica, South and East Africa, South Asia, Indonesia, Australia, the South Pacific, and other places Residents of this private residence at sea can enjoy a rich travel experience by visiting more than 100 ports each year while enjoying the world-class facilities, advanced equipment, and attentive service of this maritime home.
As the only ship of its kind still in operation in the world, The World offers its guests a one-of-akind ultra-luxury global adventure lifestyle, visiting many of the world's most uninhabited remote areas as well as bustling metropolitan areas will be known in the city The residents of The World vote on the annual itinerary. The average stay in each port is three days, giving residents enough time to explore each destination. Unlike most other passenger cruise ships, The World spends almost twice as much time in port as at sea Every few days, residents wake up to a brand new port through their ship windows.
Before arriving in Hong Kong in June, The World first went on a trip to Antarctica and the Falkland Islands in January Some residents were even lucky enough to participate in an unforgettable land exploration trip to Antarctica The yacht then headed to South America in February, where residents visited Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, and Tristan da Cunha. In March, residents explored the east coast of Africa, enjoying the cultural traditions of Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, and Mozambique, before setting off into the Indian Ocean to places such as the Seychelles, Maldives, and Sri Lanka. The Asia itinerary includes India, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam After Hong Kong, the yacht will continue its voyage to Shanghai, Seoul, Nagasaki, Kobe, and Tokyo. Then explore Australia's last wilderness frontier: the Kimberley region before visiting Taiwan, the Philippines, and Indonesia. After that, The World will embark on its third adventure this year - going deep into Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands to see smoking volcanoes, dense mountains, and coral islands rich in marine life October will be spent among various islands in New Zealand, and then we will enter the dreamy scenery of the South Pacific and visit Maui, Kailua-Kona, Oahu, and Kauai in Hawaii As December approaches, the yacht arrives at Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlán, and La Paz on the west coast of Mexico, before welcoming the New Year in Cabo San Lucas
The World is a one-of-a-kind yacht where residents can enjoy the luxury of traveling around the world while staying at home They can explore different destinations during the day and return to their own private accommodation at the end of the day without having to pack their bags or take a plane or train. Exploring the world has never been easier. The World is a self-contained floating city equipped with high-end facilities and luxurious fittings, creating an intimate and sophisticated atmosphere Not only is this yacht stunningly beautiful, but the crew, who understand each resident's preferences, provide guests with personalized and attentive service that exceeds their expectations The vessel's warm and relaxing atmosphere is that of a private yacht, a well-managed private residence or an exclusive country club This is a unique combination of a six-star hotel and luxurious service facilities.
The World has a total of 165 private residences, ranging in size from open-plan to threebedroom units Room sizes range from 330 square feet (approximately 30 square meters) to the largest three-bedroom residence at 3,242 square feet ( 301 square meters) There are 106 twobedroom and three-bedroom units, 19 one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, and 40 studio units Interior décor can be customized to suit residents’ personal preferences, ranging from contemporary to traditional décor Yachts have a small number of units available for resale every year.
Craig Bowen, Ambassador for Asia and Australia at The World, shared: “The World is an extraordinary and unique investment opportunity Residents can go out and explore during the day and then come home to the comfort of their home every day You can sleep in your own bed, surrounded by your family. Photographs, cherished art and furniture, and other personal belongings are taken care of every day by experienced crew members who understand your personal preferences Every few days, you get to step out and experience a new one Place It’s an absolutely luxurious way to have an adventure.”
The ship was built in Rissa, Norway, and the vision for The World was realized when it set sail from Oslo with its first residents and crew. Her maiden voyage began in Lisbon, Portugal, and her christening ceremony was held in Venice, Italy
This ship offers a range of services and facilities. Notable highlights include a gallery that invites local artists to exhibit on board, allowing residents to spend a night under the stars, Balinese beds on the deck, bicycles and e-bikes, and home-cook service - where the chef comes to your Accommodation to prepare meals for you and your family and friends, or just sit back and enjoy dinner at home, 24 -hour fitness center with group classes and personal trainers, children's play area and activity room, conference center, diving and snorkeling, charge as needed Video rentals and DVDs, florist, game room, gourmet deli, hiking, housekeeping, in-house dining, canoes, laundry / dry cleaning, library, non-denominational chapel, physical therapist, Swimming pool, restaurant and cafe, sports center offering the world's top real and virtual golf courses, tennis courts, The World boutiques, and showrooms; The World reception; The World spa and wellness center, theater, youth programs, etc
This mega yacht has a small number of units available for resale To learn more about this unique global community of explorers and the opportunity to become a part, we invite you to speak with a residential consultant Qualified prospective residents can experience The World before purchasing a unit, subject to passing a background check and meeting the World's net asset value requirements.
To learn more about The World’s unique lifestyle, please visit the