Women GiveTaos taos community foundation CMYK
Lt Green C60 M0 Y100 K24 Dk Green C70 M0 Y75 K55 Blue C100 M20 Y0 K40 Purple C65 M85 Y0 K0
Lt Green 42% Black Dk Green 90% Black Blue 77% Black Purple 64% Black
Taos Giving Circle’s mission:
To unite women as leaders and change agents to create opportunities for women and children in Taos and western Colfax Counties.
Lt Green R88 G154 B54 Dk Green R21 G104 B62 Blue R0 G101 B149 Purple R116 G72 B157
Lt Green 589a36 Dk Green 15683e Blue 006595 Purple 74489d
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Women Give Taos Advisors present the 2021 grant recipients, Youth Heartline, with a check for $30,000. Accepting the check are Executive Director - Sandra Emory along with her children Kellen & Nia Emory-Crowther, CASA Director - Yasmin Haque, Community Programs Coordinator - Feliz Medina, and staff. courtesy photo