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Arroyos Del Norte Elementary
Arroyos Del Norte Elementary
“Our mission at ADNE is to provide an innovative STEAM education that values student “Our mission at ADNE is to provide an innovative STEAM education that values student The ADNE mission is to provide an innovative STEAM education that values student wellness and instills confidence to pursue global career pathways. wellness and instills confidence to pursue global career pathways.” wellness and instills confidence to pursue global career pathways.”

Welcome families to the 2020-2021 school year at Arroyos Del Norte Elementary. ADNE is located in the heart of Arroyo Seco and Arroyo Hondo. Students will have bus transportation to and from Taos Public Library and KTAO. Our student enrollmentis 130-grades Kindergarten to 5thgrade. ADNE also has a YDI-head-startPre-K on school campus. Welcome families to the 2020-2021 school year at Arroyos Del Norte Elementary. ADNE is located in the heart of Arroyo Seco and Arroyo Hondo. Students will have bus transportation to and from Taos Public Library and KTAO. Our student enrollmentis 130-grades Kindergarten to 5thgrade. ADNE also has a YDI-head-startPre-K on school campus. Welcome families to the 2020-2021 school year at Arroyos Del Norte Elementary. ADNE is located in the heart of Arroyo Seco and Arroyo Hondo. Students will have bus transportation to and from Taos Public Library and KTAO. Our student enrollmentis 130-grades Kindergarten to 5thgrade. ADNE also has a YDI-head-startPre-K on school campus. Our dedicated staff work hard to ensure that all studentssocial and emotional learning needsare W elcome families to the 2020- 2021 school year at Arroyos Del Norte Elementary. ADNE is located in the heart of Arroyo Seco and Arroyo Hondo. Students will have bus transportation to and from Taos Public Library and KTAO. Our student enrollment is 130- grades Kindergarten to 5th grade. ADNE also has a YDI-head-start We are in our third year of being a STEAM school (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics). We have been working with community partners to integrate science and technology into our curriculum. Students will have the opportunity to participate in Project Based Learning activities throughout the year. Students will also receive one hour of Determination) and Aviation program. ADNE has a beautiful 30x70 greenhouse that will provide an outdoor classroom for our students to have hands-on lessons for science, math and health and to experience the joys of growing their own food. First day of school is Thursday, 13th from 8:30-3:30. We have early dismissal at 1:30 every Friday. Online student registration is We will be following the COVID-19 regulations closely and will notify families of new guidelines. Our beautiful campus is located in the Des Montes area at 405 Hondo Seco Rd. We look forward to working with you this coming year. Sincerely,
Our dedicated staff work hard to ensure that all studentssocial and emotional learning needsare addressedso students can be successful. dedicated staff work hard to ensure that all studentssocial and emotional learning needs addressedso students can be successful. We are in our third year of being a STEAM school (Science, Technology,Engineering, the Arts and Pre-K on school campus. Our dedicated staff work hard to ensure that all students social and emotional learning needs are addressed so students bilingual instruction daily, robotics club, ski club, basketball, chess club, visiting artists program and after school tutoring. Students and staff are in the second currently on our Arroyos Del Norte Elementary webpage and walk in registration will begin on July 22nd from 8:30-3:30 or call us at 575-737-6175. Mrs. Deborah E. Branchal Principal are addressed We are in our third year of being a STEAM school (Science, Technology,Engineering, the Arts and so students can be successful. Mathematics). We have been working with community partners to integrate science and technology can be successful. year of AVID(Advancement Via Individual deborah.branchal@taosschools.org Mathematics). We have been working with community partners to integrate science and technology into our curriculum. Students will have the opportunityto participate in Project Based Learning into our curriculum. Students will have the opportunityto participate in Project Based Learning activities throughoutthe year. Students will also receiveonehour of bilingual instruction daily, robotics club, skiclub, basketball, chess club, visiting artists program and after school tutoring. We are in our third year of being a STEAM school (Science, Technology,Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics). We have been working with community partners to integrate science and technology activities throughoutthe year. Students will also receiveonehour of bilingual instruction daily, robotics club, skiclub, basketball, chess club, visiting artists program and after school tutoring. Students and staff are in the second year of AVID(Advancement Via Individual Determination)and (575) 737-6175 | 405 Hondo Seco Rd, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 Students and staff are in the second year of AVID(Advancement Via Individual Determination)and into our curriculum. Students will have the opportunityto participate in Project Based Learning Aviationprogram.ADNE has a beautiful 30x70 greenhouse that will provide an outdoor classroom for our students to have hands-on lessons for science, math and health and to experience the joys of 24 BACK TO SCHOOL 2020 Aviationprogram.ADNE has a beautiful 30x70 greenhouse that will provide an outdoor classroom for our students to have hands-on lessons for science, math and health and to experience the joys of growing their own food. activities throughoutthe year. Students will also receiveonehour of bilingual instruction daily, robotics club, skiclub, basketball, chess club, visiting artists program and after school tutoring. growing their own food. First day of school is Thursday, 13thfrom 8:30-3:30. We have early dismissal at 1:30 every Friday. SPONSORED CONTENT PROVIDED BY TAOS MUNICIPAL SCHOOLS The information in this publication is accurate as of the date of publishing and is provided in good faith by Taos Municipal Schools; Information is subject to change without advance notice. * Students and staff are in the second year of AVID(Advancement Via Individual Determination) Onlinestudent registration is currently on our Arroyos Del Norte Elementary webpage and walk in and First day of school is Thursday, 13 from 8:303:30. We have early dismissal at 1:30 every Friday. ADNE has a beautiful 30x70 greenhouse that will provide an outdoor classroom