From Costilla to Peñasco, the roots of Taos County run deep. Whether you are talking about the ancient histories of Picuris and Taos Pueblos, the centuries old establishment of families who moved to Northern New Mexico when it was Spanish territory or the long-celebrated art and hippie communities of our area, Taos County is all about roots. It's a place where the question "how long have you been in Taos," is more than a question. It's a measuring stick of what you have endured and seen and how much room you have to comment on those experiences publicly.
People come to Northern New Mexico for a variety of reasons. And if they've been here a while, they've established some routines and traditions. The Taos News attempts to explore the roots (Raices) of some of these traditions and the history that has helped create them. Raices is the second publication in a four-part series known as Tradiciones. We've been doing this for 14 years, which, depending on who you ask, might be almost long