TAPPA Tribune - August, 2020

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August, 2020

The TAPPA Tribune is the monthly magazine of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association

Contents TAPPA is now on YouTube!


Wedding Photography: 5 Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make


This Month’s Program


Chuck Vosburgh


Upcoming Events


TAPPA Bylaws Changes 2020


Be a Part of Something Great


ADVERTISE 34 Board of Directors


On the cover: Photo by Booray Perry Visit TAPPA on FaceBook TAPPA.org info@TAPPA.org


TAPPA Tribune

Photo: Booray Perry

TAPPA is now on YouTube!

Subscribe to the TAPPA YouTube Channel and get all the latest TAPPA tutorials, webinars and recordings of some of our featured presenters from our meetings. Click here to check it out

TAPPA Tribune


This Month’s Program

Wedding Photography: 5 Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make Booray Perry

Meeting Details Tuesday, August 11, 2020 Social and Networking & Announcements


Presentation and Q&A

6:15-7:30 FREE:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86114385512 TAPPA Meets on the 2nd Tuesday 6pm:

During COVIDSafer at Home order, all TAPPA meetings, socials and webinars will be online, free and open to the public. info@tappa.org Tel: 727-577-5172


TAPPA Tribune

After shooting over 500 weddings, Booray Perry has made every mistake in the book. His program will detail the Top 5 things that he feels are essential. You don’t want to make these 5 mistakes if you hope to have a career as a wedding photographer!

photo: Booray Perry

BIO Booray Perry wasn’t always a professional photographer. He spent 20 years as a radio personality, entertaining people worldwide on satellite radio while performing weekends as a comedian in Dallas, TX. After retiring from radio, he launched Booray Perry Photography (he had a darkroom when he was 14 years old). Now he lives and works in Tampa, FL shooting everything under the sun from headshots to weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. In addition to being a full-time portrait and event photographer, Booray also travels and teaches at workshops and conventions every year like Imaging USA and WPPI. He hosts “Imaging USA LIVE” during Imaging USA and was host of “ICP LIVE” during the International Photographic Competition for 4 years. He is co-host of a popular photography podcast, “Photobomb,” available wherever podcasts are found.

photo: Booray Perry

He is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP), Photography Craftsman, Master Photographer, PPA Councilor, husband and father of two wonderful girls. TAPPA Tribune


photo: Booray Perry

photo: Booray Perry

photo: Booray Perry

photo: Booray Perry

photo: Booray Perry

photo: Booray Perry

photo: Booray Perry

photo: Booray Perry

Getting to know your fellow members

Chuck Vosburgh By Chuck Vosburgh

This month we’re starting a new feature to help us all get better acquainted. We have a lot of talented photographers in our group, but we may not know the story behind the person. So, I’m going to get it started. I’ll be calling on you soon to write about you! I’ll tell you all about me and my career, but the short story is I’m a Bible believer, husband to my wonderful wife Pat and vintage Volkswagen fanatic. I’m fortunate beyond what I ever imaged and sincerely grateful for every person I have the good fortune to meet.

It all started at a garage sale I found an old Polaroid at a garage sale when I was in my early teens and bought it using money earned mowing yards. A few other used cameras followed and my first new camera was a Pentax ME. In school I learned how to develop black and white film, make prints and built a darkroom in the shed in my parent’s back yard.

An internship set my course In 1983, my last year of high school, I was fortunate enough to have a two-semester internship at a local advertising agency. I got exposed to some of the most talented designers, illustrators and


TAPPA Tribune

photographers in the Tampa Bay area and all were willing to teach and mentor. The ad agency hired me part-time with the agreement that I would attend commercial art school, which I eagerly did. A few years later, I worked my way up to Art Director and was working mostly on advertising and marketing materials for builders and developers. In addition to doing photo: Steven Le the design and illustration work, I would sometimes get to do the photography as well. When the advertising agency I was working for closed in 1986 I rented an office and started my own business as a solo freelancer. Over time, my business grew into a small design studio and we started working on larger national-level accounts. I continued to do a lot of the photography for our clients and eventually photography eclipsed design work.

It wasn’t all work

The day my secret came out

During that time, I was also involved in off-road motorcycle racing and even though I was usually in the middle of the pack, I managed a couple of second places. I also continued another love developed early on - drawing and painting.

I went to school secretly to become a real estate agent and on my 50th birthday I announced my new career and shocked everyone. I believe that the only way to be the best at anything is to put your full attention to it so I referred every photo job that came my way to other TAPPA members and put my full attention to being the best Realtor I could be.

I filled in for a colleague teaching Photoshop at the local college and soon became an Adjunct Professor of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Quark XPress and wrote the book Learning Quark XPress which was used as a textbook by many schools. I still teach Photoshop and photography at the Morean Arts Center in St Petersburg and have an on-line Photoshop class for photographers who are getting started with Photoshop.

Pat changed everything Pat convinced me to make the leap of faith and do only photography and my career took off. An accomplished photographer herself, Pat and I flew to many interesting places and did the best work of my career. Most of our work consisted of flying to a location, working very long days outside and returning home to do the post-processing work. The high point of my photographic career was doing the covers and inside images for AirTran Airlines’ GO Magazine.

The desert in August made me think A job for AirTran included three days in the desert photographing a mountain bike champion in various settings. Scouting locations the first day I got heat exhaustion. I recovered enough overnight to finish the job but it made me think. On the flight home, I told Pat I needed a plan. There’s no way I could do that kind of work when I got older.

I found out that the same things that made me a great photographer make me a great Realtor. They say the way you do one thing is the way you do everything and it’s true. Now Pat and I are both in the top one percent of Realtors in the nation in terms of education and certifications, putting together million dollar deals and really helping people. That’s not the best part though.

It’s great working full time with my Wife – seriously. Pat and I do everything together. We work together all day every day and it’s been wonderful. We have honestly never had a fight. Annoying each other is to be expected, but you can live and work together and have it be the best experience of your life. I wish everyone could have what we have, and you can. Just ask and we’ll tell you anything you want to know. If you’ve read this far, I want to know you better. Call or email me and Pat and I will buy you lunch. Do it right now. Chuck Vosburgh 727-743-1740 Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com Photography website: ChuckVosburgh.com Chuck and Pat’s website: VosburghandVosburgh.com FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/chuck.vosburgh Instagram: chuckvosburgh

TAPPA Tribune


photo: Chuck Vosburgh

photo: Chuck Vosburgh

photo: Chuck Vosburgh

photo: Chuck Vosburgh

Upcoming Events August 11th, 6pm

General Meeting Booray Perry

Visit us on the web at TAPPA.org

How to shoot and light a wedding Online at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81784781087

September 8th, 6pm

General Meeting tba

Bryan Glazer Family JCC, 522 N Howard Ave, Tampa

October 13th, 6pm

General Meeting tba

Bryan Glazer Family JCC, 522 N Howard Ave, Tampa

November 10th, 6pm

General Meeting tba

Bryan Glazer Family JCC, 522 N Howard Ave, Tampa

During COVIDSafer at Home order, all TAPPA meetings, socials and webinars will be online, free and open to the public.

More information on all of these events and more can be found at TAPPA.org


TAPPA Tribune

TAPPA Bylaws Changes 2020 Current


Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of six (6) members who shall be elected for a term of three years each. No elected member of the Board shall be elected to serve more than two terms (six years), consecutively. The terms shall be staggered in such a manner that 2 board positions are voted on each year. Any Board Member who has served 2 Terms (elected or appointed) shall not be eligible to be elected or appointed for a period of two years.

A) PROFESSIONAL: An individual that is a resident of the State of Florida. An individual who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public. An individual who is employed as a photographer by a legally established business and derives a majority of income from the photographic field. May hold office, vote in TAPPA affairs, and use the TAPPA logo.

Proposed Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of six (6) members who shall be elected for a term of three years each. No elected member of the Board shall be elected to serve more than two terms (six years), consecutively. The terms shall be staggered in such a manner that 2 board positions are voted on each year. Any Board Member who has served 2 Terms (elected or appointed) shall not be eligible to be elected or appointed for a period of one year. The Board may appoint up to 3 special directors . Their term would run for the remainder of the calendar year. They may be only appointed by majority vote of the TAPPA board and may not hold the position of: Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, or President.

C) MEMBER: For newcomers to the profession who are not associated with any ACTIVE member and are just getting started in the profession. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions.

Proposed C) MEMBER: An individual that is a resident of the State of Florida. An individual who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public. An individual who is employed as a photographer by a legally established business and derives a majority of income from the photographic field or newcomers to the profession who are not associated with any ACTIVE member and are just getting started in the profession. May hold office, vote in TAPPA affairs, and use the TAPPA logo.

TAPPA Tribune


Be a Part of Something Great Being a part of TAPPA has many benefits both professionally and personally. Your annual dues helps TAPPA provide nationallevel educational programs every month, a great place to meet and many other educational and social opportunities throughout the year.

Membership Classification PROFESSIONAL MEMBER: (Voting) An individual that is a Florida resident. An individual who owns a legally established business engaged in selling photographic goods or services to the public. An individual who is employed by a legally established photographic business. May vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo, and enter print competition. A valid Sales Tax Number and Occupational License are required. ASSOCIATE MEMBER: For additional members from the same firm or studio already represented by a PROFESSIONAL MEMBER. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. The PROFESSIONAL MEMBER’S Sales Tax Number and Occupational License are required.

MEMBER: For enthusiasts, hobbyists, non-professionals, and newcomers to the profession, who are not associated with any PROFESSIONAL or LIFE MEMBER and may just be getting started in the profession. They may not vote, hold office, or display the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. No Sales Tax or Occupational License are required. STUDENT: An individual that is currently enrolled in photography related courses in the State of Florida and can provide authentic student identification. May not vote, hold office, or use the TAPPA logo, but may enter print competitions. SPOUSE: An individual not engaged in photography whose spouse is a TAPPA member. May not vote, hold office, use the TAPPA logo or enter print competitions. Questions? You can always email our Membership Director.

A membership application is on the next page or go to TAPPA.org

TAPPA Tribune


Benjamin Todd 813.431.2873 bwtodd75@gmail.com Chuck Vosburgh 727.743.1740 Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com Lee Burgess 727.724.1022 lee2810@verizon.net Rob Moorman 727.527.1237 cameradude1@earthlink.net Randy Van Duinen 727.577.5172 randy@rvdphotography.com Karen Barnett 727.267.8296 oakcrestproductions@tampabay.rr.com Susan Black 813.230.6472 suzi@suzibee.com Carol Walker 727.5775626 carol@thomasbruce.com Robert Sargent 813.930.7390 robert@sargentphotography.com Michael Landes 863.512.2637 landesmr@yahoo.com Ginny Otto 715.252.3195 ottophotography@icloud.com Booray Perry 813.728.7110 booray@boorayperry.com CJ Moment 813.244.6716 cj@annointedproductions.com Amanda Pratt 727.308.9200 pratt1ak@gmail.com

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Social Media



Wedding & Socail Function

Image Competition



High School Seniors

Graphics & Design

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Sports & Events



TAPPA Advisors

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The TAPPA Tribune is published monthly for the membership of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association. Its purpose is to share knowledge and insight with the photographic industry. The deadline for submission of articles and ad changes is the 15th of the month. Permission is hereby granted to reprint the contents of this newsletter, provided the authors and The TAPPA Tribune are recognized as the source. The ideas and views expressed do not necessarily reflect the policies of the Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association; they are solely those of the authors and editor.

Editor: Chuck Vosburgh 300 62nd Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com 727.743.1740

Advertising: To advertise in the TAPPA Tribune, please contact the editor for rates and distribution information.

Meetings: TAPPA monthly meetings take place the second Tuesday of the month at:

LOCATION Bryan Glazer Family JCC 522 N Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606 Networking Meeting

6:00 pm 6:30 pm

Register online at TAPPA.org


TAPPA Tribune

ADVERTISE In the TAPPA Tribune For information and rates, contact Chuck Vosburgh at Chuck@ChuckVosburgh.com or call 727.743.1740

Visit us on the web at TAPPA.org

Board of Directors

2020 OďŹƒcers President

Karen Barnett

727 780-3328


Vice President

Chuck Vosburgh

727 743-1740



Partricia MacFarland

727 544-4447



Bruce Hardin

813 503-7579



Lee Burgess

727 724-1022


Glenn Nielsen

813 540-4200


Win Wolloff

727 514-6805


Robert Sargent

813 930-7390


Committees Delegate

Julie Johnson


Kevin Newsome

813 968-2810



Chuck Vosburgh

727 743-1740



Michael Landes

863 512-2637



Carol Hackman

727 867-9254


Audio Visual

Robert Sargent

813 930-7390


Newsletter Editor

Chuck Vosburgh

727 743-1740



Scott Morrison



Web Master

Randy Van Duinen




Rob Moorman

727 423-3146



Rob Moorman

727 423-3146


Door Prize

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