Words & Pictures Programme

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WORDS & PICTURES Illustrated Narratives

From Monday 8th April 2013 to Sunday 14th April 2013

The Egg Den eggden@outlook.com 075 4080 5290

The Egg Den

WORDS & PICTURES Illustrated Narratives

The Egg Den presents the “Words & Pictures: Illustrated Narratives Exhibition” at the BIC (Bournemouth International Centre), in association with AUB. The Egg Den are organising a gallery event about narrative artwork. Narratives as a form of communication have become more sophisticated over time. They can be used to express and convey through art, what wouldn’t be possible otherwise; giving us new perspectives. The aim of our exhibit is to explore and promote the idea that storytelling through narrativescanbeenhancedwithvisualimagery. Storytelling is a concept inherent to the history of all cultures. The narratives exhibited vary from short stories, comics and poetry. Each piece is also accompanied by equally varying artwork; each produced using a variety of media. We aim to exhibit original work as well as collect it into an anthology publication.

VISITOR INFORMATION Dates Monday 8th April 2013 - Sunday 14th April 2013 Opening Times 9am - 5:30pm (7 days a week) Admission Free Admission Location Bournemouth International Centre Exeter Rd Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BH An event organised by eggden.tumblr.com facebook.com/theeggden twitter.com/theeggden In association with

EXHIBITION TEAM Event Manager Tari Eguruze Contact tarieguruze@outlook.com 075 4080 5290

Curator Louis Vinet Contact louisvinet@outlook.com Phone Number 075 3017 6643

Currently in his third and final year of studying BA Architecture at the Arts University Bournemouth. Hisprimaryresponsibilitiesinvolved organising and overseeing the exhibition.

Currently in his third and final year of studying BA Illustration at the Arts University Bournemouth. Hisprimaryresponsibilitiesinvolved collecting submitted work from the artists.

Graphic Designer Jenny Gomes Contact jenny_gomes@hotmail.co.uk Phone Number 077 0204 6368

Exhibition Coordinator Esra Abd-elrahman Contact ez90@hotmail.co.uk Phone Number 077 1890 1991

Currently in her third and final year of studying BA Graphic Design at the Arts University Bournemouth. Herprimaryresponsibilitiesinvolved designing promotional materials for the exhibition.

Currently in her third and final year of studying BA Architecture at the Arts University Bournemouth. Her primary responsibilities involved determining the layout of the exhibition space.

Acknowledgments Thank you to: Jay Barnham - Exhibition Assistant Tamsin Campbleton – Young Enterprise Business Advisor Gail Collins – BIC Event Sales & Marketing Manager Hannah Cook – Young Enterprise Manager Joel Lardner - Set up Advisor Neil Leonard – Young Enterprise Business Advisor Valerie Lodge – Young Enterprise Business Advisor Kate McStraw – AUB Web Content Project Facilitator Josh Sherwell - Exhibition Assistant Victoria Vinet - Exhibition Assistant Copy Plus Printing Services

Lucinda Jane Baggett/ Jay Barnham/ Louis Craig Carpenter/ Jonny Clapham/ Elliot Coffin/ Mary Elise Collier/ Annabelle Egbunike/ Maia Fjord/ Fengyan Huo/ Emily Gilbert/ Katie - Marie Macon/ Marianna Madriz/ Nathalie Moore/ Antonia Morgan/ Allie Oldfield/ Eleana Orr/ Gabriel Rattue/ Ed Savage/ Joshua Sherwell/ Louis Vinet/ Louis Wood

Name Lucinda Jane Baggett Title Special Study Creatures of Bournemouth Course BA Architecture Contact 3225069@live.aucb.ac.uk

A special study of a form which would evoke emotions and the senses of a particular person with site specific needs and traits of personality was created through a narrative of research and form exploration. The form developed is a form of an internal space in the living and sleeping space for two oil rig workers who use the room in shifts, and who experience long hours and harsh working conditions in the confined and isolated environment of an oil rig in the Norwegian Sea. Research into the types of emotions an oil rig worker would experience, and the senses which a form could evoke to create an engaging environment within the living space was a significant part of this narrative. This research lead to an exploration and understanding of natural light in evoking senses and emotions within architectural space, and this knowledge defined how the form would frame, present, and enhance natural light specifically for the oil rig worker’s thoughts and habits. The concept of a form for site specific personality traits was continued through a narrative into a project which focuses on four types of people found within Bournemouth; an Explorer, a Thinker, a Creative, and a Content person. A narrative of the four types of people and the habits they possess based on their traits of personality were written, and these narratives help to define a form which will elicit emotional responses particular to the type of person who inhabits within it. A narrative is significant in the two projects as it expresses the continuity of an idea through two different briefs which signifies the importance of qualities of architecture in space. This is shown through how the alternation of architectural qualities can evoke different emotions and senses in individuals, and how an architectural quality created within a form can be linked with a psychological sense or emotion.

Name Jay Barnham Title Jay’s Days - A Visual Diary Course BA Illustration Contact jaybarnham.com

A selection of illustrations from a current project I’m pursuing entitled: ‘Jay’s Days’. It’s essentially a visual diary of my life through the project, including games I’ve played, holidays I have taken and various other significant events. Through focusing on my life in reality, I have incorporated fantasy elements throughout to push the narrative forward. The images shown are from three key events. One being the journey from Bournemouth to Prague, another from a‘Dungeons and Dragons’type of board game, called ‘descent’. And the third image of me walking to work. The final outcome will showcase these pages with a 50 page graphic comic.

Name Louis Craig Carpenter Title Gulliver’s Travels Course BA Illustration Contact louiscraigcarpenter.tumblr.com

The work is based on the story Gulliver’s Travels written by Jonathan Swift. The project was to create or show a narrative through image based story telling. I chose to draw the story in a continuous image to help convey the idea of travel that is a strong theme through out the narrative of Gulliver’s Travels. The format of the work also brings forward the passage of time through both the story and the image itself.The piece was drawn in pen and ink, once completed scanned in and digitally coloured.

Name Jonny Clapham Title Universe has a baby The Pleasure Cowboy Course BA Illustration Contact jonnyclapham.co.uk jonnyclapham.tumblr.com

“Hello. Thanks, first of all, for reading this paragraph, or at least beginning to. I know it’s a lot of effort and you came to this exhibition to look at lovely pictures, however words can also be an effective medium of communication and I encourage you to read on. This paragraph is a written explanation of the images above/below/to the side of this text. Not being involved with the hanging of this exhibition, I have no idea where you’ll be reading this, or whether my work has been featured on a wall at all. Perhaps instead it’s been put in a book, with this paragraph lazily slotted between the pages on a loose paper sheet because they forgot to print it. I hope that’s not the case but the more I imagine it the more real it seems in my head. If I write it down then the irony of it actually happening would be far too unrealistic. There, that should do it. If I were to talk to you during art school hours I’d tell you that these pieces are a commentary on the fetishisation of eastern cinema, clumsily recreated on a computer, with a mouse, by a naive westerner. If I were to talk to you at any other time I’d tell you I did it for fun. I did it for fun, by the way.”

Name Elliot Coffin Title How Paper is Made Course BA Illustration Contact elliotcoffin.co.uk

My work is interested in highlighting the realities of where things come from, this where i have decided to investigate a narrative of how paper is made. I find a lot of influence from science books, how things are made books, and other factual illustrative books from the 70’s.

Name Mary-Elise Collier Title Why the Earth Has Its Stars Course BFA Fibers (MICA Exchange Student) Contact emmiefishart.tumblr.com

Why the Earth Has Its Stars is a short story written by Megan Louden in collaboration with Elise Collier, who worked on the illustrations. Both artists are from the US state of Oregon and grew up around traditional Native American creation stories along with stories from other cultures. This short was a fun exploration of creating a new myth about one of the universe’s most mysterious subjects, the stars. The two characters are based on the most beloved constellations in the sky, the big dipper and little dipper, who are traditionally represented as long tailed bears. This is the story of how they came to watch over us each night.

Name Annabelle Egbunike Title See The Estate Through My Eyes Course BA Architecture Contact aegbunike91@hotmail.co.uk

The concept of the programme was to look at architecture and the roles with in an urban setting. The final outcome of the project was a short animation film. The notion of the film was to bring the drawings to life through stop motion animation so that the viewers would have more of an understanding of that type of environment.

Name Maia Fjord Title The Small Ones Course BA Illustration Contact maiafjord.com

The narrative of The Small Ones is taken from the first two chapters of a book written by the illustrator’s grandmother in 1986. Maia Fjord has presented these initial chapters as an entire children’s book in themselves, the original being carefully hand bound. The story centres around themes of cultural change, and the use of imagination to improve the realities of the dull and everyday. Based on the life of her grandmother, the narrative tells of a little girl moving with her family from India to a cold, bleak Denmark, and learning to harness her imagination for the better. As the story evolves, we are introduced to the ‘small ones’, a group of creatures who have escaped a world that no longer believes in wonders, to a big poplar tree beside the narrator’s house. Maia has attempted to bring the story to life by using coloured pencils and inks to represent the imagined, or things that make the protagonist happy and monotone pencil to show the sad or dull reality. Although aimed at children, The Small Ones is filled with subtleties that an adult reading aloud to their child might appreciate.

Name Emily Gilbert Title Machination Course BA Illustration Contact emilyillustrates.tumblr.com

A project centered around a series of small narratives taking place within the characters imagination.

Name Fengyan Huo

Fay Huo is a Chinese illustrator currently based in UK. Her professional practice especially focus on pattern design, fashion and fantasy illustrations.

Title Prop Factory Self Portrait Through Your Bones

Inspired by Philosophy and her childhood, Fay likes to create dreamy and uncanny works which invite the viewers to enjoy the details as well as her wildest imagination. Being eager to discover the instinct of artist, Fay often attempts to develop a drawing from a tiny blur image or subtle sentences she finds in her daily life.

Course BA Illustration Contact fayhuo.com

Name Katie-Marie Macon Title The Boy Without Wings Course BA Illustration Contact katiemacon.viewbook.com

This series of images depict the narrative of Ari, a boy born without wings in a forest where everyone else can fly. Ari is determined to prove to everyone that even though he is not able to fly, no bird of the forest is out of his reach. On his adventures throughout the forest he plucks feathers from the birds he manages to catch as a memento. However there is one bird Ari hasn’t even seen, the giant Quetzal! King of the birds! Though many legends about this bird are told, it still manages to remain elusive. Therefore it is Ari’s aim to take one of his beautiful green tail feathers to add to his collection, in order to prove once and for all that no bird; not even the giant Quetzal, is beyond Ari’s reach! On his journey to find the Quetzal, searching here and there, Ari comes up against an unexpected obstacle and has to make a choice… his feathers or his life! Join Ari on his bird filled adventure where he discovers something more than just a beautiful new feather…

Name Marianna Madriz Title Space Immigration Corpse Milk Midsummer Night’s Dream Course BA Illustration Contact mariannamadriz.com mariannamadriz.tumblr.com

Coming from a Venezuelan-Italian background and moving to the UK at the age of fifteen, I’ve had very interested in themes related to self-identity and cultural isolation. My practice seeks to experiment constantly and try new techniques; together with a love for graphic novels, characters, patterns and an ever growing curiosity for the weird and extraordinary, this mix shapes my portfolio so far. The pieces presented in this exhibition are a mixture of recent narrative projects which display a variety of tonalities, from Midsummer Night’s Dream to monsters hiding under the bed and families living in space.

Name Nathalie Moore Title Huxley’s Doors of Perception Course BA Illustration Contact nathaliemooreillustration. tumblr.com

This gouache image was inspired by Huxley’s Doors Of Perception Essay, in particular the quote: “I continued to look at the flowers, and in their living light I seemed to detect the qualitative effect of breathing – but of a breathing without returns to a starting point…My eyes travelled from the rose, to the carnation, and from the feathery incandescence to the smooth scrolls of sentient amethyst which were the iris.”

Names Antonia Morgan Eleana Orr Title Soundscape Course BA Architecture Contact facebook.com/pages/ SoundScape/3812648919561 44

This project began with a group of six volunteers studying 3rd Year BA (Hons) Architecture at The Arts University in Bournemouth. Three sub-groups were created with the intent to focus on the essence of CODA Music School, based in Hampshire, and bring back aspects of the New Forest to this site. The Music School provides music lessons, therapy, and the growth of confidence through performances, to a wide range of clientele of all ages and abilities. CODA is an arts community for locals and those interested in the practice of well being; it aims to bring people together through the promotion and technology of music and varying instruments. Working to a live brief, SoundScape is a third of this group which is willing to analyse and enhance this charity-run business. The aim is to provide a tranquil place of well being within the site’s surrounding landscape, with the intention of enhancing local natural sounds through the installation of interactive elements. SoundScape focused on designing, drawing and making interactive elements in an architectural context considering the surrounding spaces, environments and their constraints and benefits to the site. This group developed its fundamental reasoning through a series of studies into the origin of Sound and its impact on the environment, studying the relationship between sound and the human body. ‘Phase 1’ of the proposal intends to actively attract more clients to the site which would then naturally enhance the likelihood of monetary investments and opportunities for the CODA music school.

Name Allie Oldfield Title The Listernes Life of Pi Course BA Illustration Contact allieoldfield.carbonmade.com

A hand bound book illustrating Walter de la Mare’s poem The Listeners. The poem features a Traveller and his encounter with ethereal phantoms in an isolated house. The illustrations were created using white ink on colour pencil and marker Cover design and four inside illustrations for Yann Martel’s novel Life of Pi. The work centres on the themes of survival, isolation and illusion through the use of pencil and pattern.

Name Gabriel Rattue Title In the name of Dream Nous sommes votre Gangrene Course BA Fine Art Contact gabrielrattue.com

As my spirit is pretty much living in fantasies, I could say that my aim in art is to make these fantasies come to life, be real, by alienating myself a little bit more consciously, letting my physical body progress as a defective communication medium in the human world. I just whish to be the only God of my own universe. These stories were taken from a bigger body of work I am currently working on, called “We are your gangrene�. I use fantasies [mainly in written form] as a basis to start any visual works. I have got a strong love/hate relation-ship with words that push me to experiment its capacities all the time. Writing is probably all about keeping a record of the blurry shadow of a shiny crown. Words have an omnipotent importance supported by their impotence and have a rude way to label real and unreal very clumsily. These particular stories are the most representative of my main concerns [death, childhood as the fear of growing-up and love] and the wish to find my path to the land of fantasies, to my own vision of the perfect world.

Name Ed Savage Title Lunchtime Sportsmanship Course BA Illustration Contact Edsavage.tumblr.com

A synthesised collision of the mundane and the hyper violent, framed within the conventional stereotypes of the white collar worker. A sequential journey is explored; dramatically divergent from the normative social and political narrative. Expectations and human lives are thwarted in a cathartic release of *ULTRA GORE*, defying both good taste and simple narrative decency.

Name Joshua Sherwell Title The Case Files of PI Charles Course BA Illustration Contact girlsfromhounslow.tumblr.com

The Case Files of PI Charles is a pulp novel inspired comic series. It’s about Charles, a robot private detective. Charles’ adventures range from the absurd (punching a mutant gorilla in the face) to the dark (investigating the murder of prostitutes). He has the habit of blundering through cases, not being able to comprehend the human side of things. The versatility Charles’ character supports the exploration of visual languages and the themes of mood and atmosphere. Told through his eyes, he sees a New York where the moon is always full and the shadows are always pitch black.

Name Louis Vinet Title Mathilda’s Chapter Course BA Illustration Contact louis-vinet.tumblr.com

The images I have submitted are extracts from a motion comic called Mathilda’s Chapter. It is set several years after the events of the Luc Besson film, Léon (or, The Professional), and follows the protagonist, Mathilda, day-in-the-life-of style. Mathilda experiences flashbacks throughout the story, until the point at which her past and present converge. Inspiration has come from my love of cinema and the theories of Scott McCloud, such as the ‘infinite canvas,’ where the digital screen is imagined as a window to an infinite workspace. The project was an exploration into the blossoming new realm of digital comics. My aim was to show how motion comics might open up new possibilities for storytelling and new layers to the interactivity between readers and comics.

Name Louis Wood

A dark reflection of the good or ‘Seelie’ Court of faeries in English folklore, the Unseelie Court is comprised of bogeymen, tricksters and evil spirits.

Title The Unseelie Court

Black Annis: A blue skinned hag with iron claws, dwelling in a cave upon the Dane Hills. Black Annis catches disobedient and runaway children. Eating them, of course, she uses their skin to make her clothes.

Course BA Illustration Contact louiswood.tumblr.com

The Wild Hunt: A spectral hunt of spirits and faeries that ride through the night sky. Followed by a furious storm the hunt does not stop until it has run down it’s quarry, whomever that may be. The Goat Wraiths of Farnes Island: Drawn up from the bowels of hell the wraiths of Farnes Island ride the villager’s goats to exhaustion each night. As punishment for their ungodly ways the islanders are forever bound to the cackling spectres. Jan Tregeagle: A corrupt Barrister in life the spirit of Jan Tregeagle now suffers eternal pursuit across the Cornish moors, the hounds of hell snapping at his heels.

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