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Events are various activities which occur once the ticket has been produced, which may or may not affect the sales order to the customer or the payment to the haulier.

All events should be recorded, but not all events will equate to a block. The non blockable events are there for information only, should we need to look back at a delivery at a later date.

HOW TO VIEW AND ADD AN EVENT IN ZCOD Events can be raised manually in SAP via ZCOD. All events against tickets can be seen in ZCOD. These can be seen as soon as they are added via Fortek, and once the electronic ticket has been completed on the drivers device. You can display the events by going into the job, selecting the ticket tab, and clicking the new “Events� icon.

If multiple tickets are on the job, you will need to select which ticket you wish to see events for, by highlighting the appropriate ticket.


Events can be created in PODFather, Fortek and SAP.

The events box is displayed showing all events against that ticket. You also have the option to add a new event here. Click the new event button.

A new pop up will appear.

Select the code relating to the event from the drop down in the event type box. You are then required to add text in the event text box. Once info has been added the continue button appears. Press continue to proceed.


You can see this has also been added to the ticket and is displayed in the events box in ZCOD. Press Save events to save it and generate the time created data.

Once you click save, the box closes.



If manual tickets are required for any reason, these are no longer to be handwritten on blank paper tickets from the printer. These will now be created on the relevant devices - on the drivers for a delivered load and on the site tablet for a collect load. Sites have been advised to continue to make the office aware if they issue any manual tickets. As manual tickets will no longer be paper and sent in to the office, the process for gaining the details of the manual tickets has altered. As and when manual tickets are completed on either the drivers device or the site collect tablet, PODFather generates a 10 digit ticket number for the load. This ticket number along with the ticket information is available in the manual ticket report in PODFather as soon as the ticket number has been generated.

To view the manual ticket details you will need to run the manual ticket report in PODFather. You do this by selecting the boxes to show the applications box. Click reports.


You will be taken to the page showing all the various reports within PODFather.

Scroll down until you see the Manual Tickets Reconciliation Report. Enter the dates you wish to run the report for and click download report.

This will generate an Excel spreadsheet with all the manual tickets listed. The regular ticket information you would expect to see on a manual is detailed in the sheet, along with the extra ePOD delivery time stamps which you would see on an automatic ePOD job.



PODFather will not notify of any manual tickets created, it is your responsibility to check for these. As you will no longer receive batch reports, it is our recommendation that the manual ticket report is run each morning for the previous day (or days if running on a Monday).

The report will show manual tickets created for the date range selected for all sites nationally.

Manual tickets are still entered into SAP via ZT01, and can only be 6 digits long. As the ticket number generated by PODFather is 10 digits long, this can not be used. A 6 digit manual ticket number needs to be allocated to each manual ticket from the PODFather report.

Each region has an “ePOD Manual Tickets� spreadsheet for allocating manual ticket numbers in SAP. This sheet should also be used to paste in the manual ticket details from the PODFather national report for sites within your region only. A tab per month should be used. This will assist with reconciling the report each month in line with SOx controls.

The SAP manual tickets will need to be allocated to the plant in ZT04 before they can be used in ZT01. From the example shown, you can see tickets 000001 - 000004 need to be allocated to B088, 000005 needs to be allocated to G089 and 000006 & 000007 need to be allocated to D038.

The manual tickets should be entered in ZT01 as usual using the information detailed in this sheet.


The SAP manual ticket number from the spreadsheet should be entered in the “Ticket number” box, the PODFather generated 10 digit ticket number should be added to the “Merch ref” box. This will enable you to locate the ticket easily in ZT10 should you require.


Continue to populate the information required using the details from the report. Save and allow to process overnight, or manually process should you so wish.


As stated previously, all manual tickets should be completed on a tablet. During the transition, it is inevitable that some sites will default to what they have always done and handwrite on the blank tickets. If you receive any handwritten paper tickets with no preprinted number on, please contact the site and remind them of the correct procedure for manual tickets. If you have sites repeatedly not following the process, raise this with the relevant AOM or RBM. To be able to add these to SAP, log the details on the “ePOD Manual Tickets” spreadsheet. The SAP manual ticket number should be written on the paper ticket. Follow the same process for entering PODFather manual tickets. You will have no 10 digit ticket number to add in the “Merch ref” box, leave this blank. Once the ticket has been added, the paper copy with the SAP manual ticket number wrote on should be sent for scanning.



Just as you could pre-ePOD, you can go into ZT03 and look at tickets created on the day that will error as the interface processes overnight into SAP. To do this you select “only show ZCOD errors� and execute.

The screen looks like the usual ZT03 except everything is red. You can view any events here by selecting a ticket and pressing the events button.


Again, as in ZCOD this is for information only and events can not be resolved in this view, but any corrective actions taken on the day will mean that any “blocks” can be prevented when the overnight ticket processing takes place. Example if an event pops up for “missing price”, if it can be priced on the day then that will never resolve to an actual block.



You access the ZT03 report as you usually would. The screen looks more or less identical, except we now have the events button on the menu bar.

Select a ticket and press the events button, it will show you all, if any, events added against that ticket. All PODFather, Fortek and SAP events will be displayed. As you can see, it tells you the event type, any text added by the user when the event was added, parameters shows any values added against that block, for example if extra mileage is being claimed it tells you how many extra miles the driver is claiming, it tells you who created the event and the time it was created.


The last two columns shows you if it is blocking the sales order, preventing the ticket invoicing the customer, or if the haulier purchase order is blocked preventing payment being made to the driver for this load. You can tell if the event triggers a block by the presence of a padlock highlighted red in the column. As mentioned earlier, all events must be recorded but not all events will block. The events that do block, will either block the customer, the haulier or both the customer and haulier. This is predetermined by rules set in SAP around each event type. The ePOD team have worked on this with the assistance of key stakeholders within the Regions ahead of these changes being made. Only tickets which have a blockable event will be displayed in ZT03.



To clear these new events in ZT03 you must decide if you wish to approve the event or reject it. This is to be done in line with current business processes.

If you wish to accept the event, you must approve it in the event box and also go into the sales order and or haulier po to unblock and / or amend as required.

Tickets do not automatically update from selecting approve. Often approving an event will require the sales order, haulier po or both to be amended, which will continue to be a manual task. The purpose of the approval for now, is to help us to report on events, identify common causes and to provide a more thorough audit trail.


If you wish to reject the event, you must reject it in the event box and also go into the sales order and or haulier po to unblock as required. To reject select either of the reject buttons , if using the one below you must be active in the event you wish to reject, do this by clicking in the box.


The rejection pop up will appear, enter the text of why you are rejecting the event and click continue. You will then need to press save in the event box.

To approve select either of the approve buttons , if using the one below you must be active in the event you wish to approve, do this by clicking in the box.


The events button has also need added to the ticket view, should you wish to view them here. This is for information purposes only, no events can be approved or rejected here. Any further questions should be directed to the ePOD Support Desk on: 0345 071 1350 or via e-mail: tarmac_support@peak-ryzex.com



0345 071 1350





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