Haulier Newsletter January 2023

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News on Safety Mobile phones & electronic devices
Training What is available In this issue...
January 2023

Welcome back

Dear Haulier

Hope you had a restful Holiday and New Year. We would like to welcome you back and this year focus on Health & Safety will still be our number one focus to achieve our goal of Zero harm. It is very important that we all look out for not only our own safety but people around us and STEP IN If needed. You and your drivers may have already been invited to a return to work sessions at their respective base plants or over the coming weeks you will be invited, this will involve some drivers being asked to attend site walkabouts with management and site induction renewed.

Looking back over 2022, we had:

Over 345,000 OneCard swipes

Around 2,500 livered trucks on road daily in Tarmac

Over 12,500 OneCards

If they see anything unsafe or anything that could be improved at any time, they should report it to site or via the incident report on ePOD. Remember raising near hits is not pointing the finger at someone but allowing us to STOP a potential accident, so please keep raising them.

Stay safe

Over 9,000 Transport checks

Trucks travelled over 55 million km by road last year in materials

Tarmac Future of Logistics Conference 2023

Over 1.5m in materials

Tarmac materials held our first logistics conference at the Volvo offices. The event saw over 60 people from all parts of logistics come together to talk about the future of electric and alternative vehicles, Safety, and other items to help improve our transport operations.

2 proud ambitious collaborative We are


Return to Work safety standdowns

You and your drivers will be required to engage in drivers’ safety events.

Following an incident where loose material fell from a vehicle and damaged a member of the public’s vehicle, we would like to remind everyone that all drivers have a responsibility to ensure that their vehicle and load are safe to be on the public highway and any loose material must be removed before leaving site. It is the driver who will face prosecution if they are caught driving a vehicle in an unsafe condition (load or vehicle) which could lead to a driver conduct hearing in front of the Traffic Commissioner or worse.

We also have seen some artic roll overs and you should have received a brief note on Artic overturn in Agecroft, It is very important that you follow the site rules when tipping and be aware of soft verges, ground conditions, wind speeds, exclusion zones kept clear and that all inclinometers and any safety equipment are working correctly. Below are some of the key factors from this particular overturn.

Key Factors

• Truck loaded 5:00am with temperatures at the time were -6oC

• Driver did not abort the tip when no product was leaving body

• The trailer was heavily loaded to the front of the trailer

• No CCTV recordable at weighbridge to check load distribution

• Driver was uncertain of loading procedure, so very important that your drivers make sure they have received a site induction at all sites they visit

• CCTV on vehicle not recording.

Delays to driving licence renewals

You must make sure you have evidence and this is updated on your drivers onecard otherwise the OneCard may be suspended. Send any updates to onecard@tarmac.com

Delays to driving licence renewals - Section 88 derogations

DVSA are still taking longer to process applications to renew driving licences. They have not recovered from effects of both Covid and the strikes that the department has suffered. Rather than taking the usual 5 to 10 days they can take up to several months.

Neither you nor your drivers can start the application until they have got the forms from DVLA. Once the forms have been returned to DVLA they then sit in an “in box” until they are ready to process the application. Once they have acknowledged receipt then you or your drivers are legally allowed to drive if your old licence has expired.

BUT if your licence expires whilst the licence is in the “In Box” you cannot legally drive unless you or they can prove that the application has been delivered to DLSA.

The best way to prove this is to copy all the renewal paperwork and send it to DVSA via recorded delivery post. Your receipt from the post office will have the delivery address on and you can download the delivery acknowledgement from the post office website. Do not risk prosecution or O Licence by allowing your drivers or yourself to drive unless you can show that your renewal application has been delivered, the old licence is still valid, or the replacement request has been acknowledged.

You should also note that the derogation only lasts 12 months from the expiry date of your licence and if you do NOT receive your NEW Licence with that period, you CANNOT legally carry-on driving. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure they have received their new licence within the 12 months following the expiration of their old one.



Mobile phone policy includes electronic devices

Do not use or interact with electronic devices whilst driving, even when handsfree. This includes but not limited to mobile phones, ePOD, Sat Navs, CB Radios and tablets.

If you need to use an electronic device, make or take a call please make sure:


Handbrake fully applied.

Importance of not using mobile phones

Drivers using phones are 4 times more likely to be in a crash resulting in injuries

After using a phone or other device, it can take nearly half a minute to regain full attention...

How our reactions slow

This chart shows the percentage increase in distracted drivers’ response times. An undistracted driver typically reacts in 1 second.

Drivers on phones are more likely to be blamed in crashes

ALWAYS Switch off the ignition.

ALWAYS Park in a legal and safe place.

Drivers aged 18-35 are most likely to read and respond to phones behind the wheel

13% Drink-drive limit

21% High on cannabis

27% Hands-free phone

37% Texting

46% Hand-held phone

Driving at 56mph the stopping distance for a driver using a hand-held phone increases by 13.1m compared to an alert driver.



Haulier/driver safety standards

At Tarmac safety is our number one priority. Our ambition is for zero harm across our business and this is shared with all hauliers and drivers working for or on behalf of Tarmac.

To deliver this we have standards that are expected on our sites. This document sets out those standards and outlines the steps and actions we will take in the event any of our standards are breached.

Interacting with members of public and/or protesters

We are aware of various groups that may seek to protest at our sites or customer sites. Protestors are looking for a reaction so please ensure you do not provide them with a photo opportunity. Remember everyone with a mobile phone is a potential camera person who can use social media and the internet to share anything captured.

What to do when dealing with any protesters

• First and foremost do not put yourself or anyone else at any risk or harm

• If you believe you are in imminent danger, call the police, otherwise call your Tarmac contact (distribution office, transport manager or plant) and wait for advice from Tarmac.

• Stop, turn your engine off and lock your cab doors and windows or divert before you are confronted, if safe to do so

• Make sure your cameras are recording

• Display the highest standards of behaviour – always be calm, polite and respectful.

Should there be any questions or challenges then you should respectfully refer them to contact Tarmac’s press office.

Contact your Transport team for a copy.
pr@tamac.com | 0844 7361199
Models available include the following IVECO X-WAY configurations*: 8x4 Tipper & Mixer / 6x4 Tipper / 6x2 Tractor / 4x2 Tipper & Mixer Tailored R&M packages also available upon request CONTACT YOUR IVECO DEALER X-WAY SPECIALIST IVECO PROUDLY SUPPLYING TARMAC NORTH EAST North East Truck & Van Chris Huggon chris.huggon@netv.co.uk 07753 709933 NORTH WEST Sherwood Truck and Van Shaun Taylor tarmac@guests.co.uk 0121 553 2737 SOUTH EAST Acorn Trucks William MacBurnie william.macburnie@acorntrucks.com 07768 510697 SCOTLAND AM Phillip Tim Hally tim.hally@amphillip.co.uk 07801 792871 MIDLANDS Guest Truck and Van Amarinder Bal tarmac@guests.co.uk 0121 553 2737 SOUTH WEST South West Truck & Van Paul Vickers pvickers@swtv-ltd.com 07733 022534 *other models available. Image for illustrative purposes only.

Training news and courses available

Safe Urban Driver Training (SUD)

More training companies are starting to set up Safe Urban Driving courses. Speak to your local training companies to see what they have in place.

Telesales: 0808 178 9977 or email: cpcadmin@driverhire.co.uk

Tarmac Materials MPQC Cards / Certificate

Please make sure your drivers attend a course as soon as possible and supply onecard@tarmac.com a copy of card with expiry date or proof of pass for your OneCard to be updated.

Course/Training Safe Urban Driving

Dates TBA

Contact number 0345 600 4045

Email training@fleetsource.co.uk website fleetsource.co.uk/training/fors-tfl-funded/



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