Tarmac Corporate Brochure

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‚ The UK construction industry is facing some of the biggest, if not the biggest, challenges it has ever faced. We need to construct more than 200,000 new homes every year to meet the needs of our rapidly growing population. Our road and rail networks require significant investment, if we are to continue to compete in an increasingly competitive world. We must improve the connectivity of our towns and cities, if we are to continue to reap the benefits of the digital revolution. Our air and seaports must evolve, if we are to remain at the forefront of the global economy. And, all this has to be achieved at a time when we are under pressure to use less energy and conserve natural resources to combat the growing threat of climate change.

Only by thinking bigger today, can we build a better tomorrow. There are no easy answers, but there are solutions. This book is full of them. Right now, some may only exist on paper. But, every one of them is founded on ambition and grounded in reality. Our part in the delivery of these solutions will be based on tried and tested products. Created around proven expertise. The accumulation of over 150 years’ experience.

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Imagine if the energy generated by our roads could be used to light our streets. The UK road network covers more than 250 thousand miles and is used
by over 30 million vehicles every day. Each one of these vehicles generates energy as it moves, which is transmitted to the road surface. At the moment this is wasted, but it doesn’t have to be. Harnessing this kinetic energy could generate enough clean electricity to power road signs, street lighting and, one day, maybe even whole towns.

Ever since Tarmac invented the modern road surface in 1902, we’ve been reinventing
it. Making it stronger, longer lasting and more sustainable. Our market-leading innovations, include: porous asphalt and permeable concrete that allow rainwater to be harvested and reused, and reflective asphalt that can be used to illuminate road tunnels, reducing energy consumption. And, it’s not just product development where Tarmac is leading the way forward. Our contracting division is at the forefront

of closed-loop road reconstruction which allows old roads to be recycled into new ones, conserving virgin resources, minimising waste and reducing transport movements. We are the leading provider of highways management services. We are also leaders in offering Total Asset Management - a unique model that covers everything from assessment and funding, to management and maintenance. Think roads. Think Tarmac.

Image courtesy of Mark Beccaloni

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If planes can travel at the speed of sound, why not trains?

Industrial design and imagery courtesy of Vanja Valencak

It’s not as far-fetched as it seems. As the UK plans to roll out highspeed rail, ambitious engineers are already experimenting on a new generation of hyper-speed trains capable of travelling at over 1,236 km/h (760mph). However, before either of these dreams can become reality, there are many obstacles to overcome. Not least constructing a suitable track. To achieve the target London to Manchester journey time of one hour eight minutes, the line will need to permit speeds of up to 360 km/h. This raises many questions, not just about the track but also about the composition of the ground that will support it.

With over 150 years experience in mineral extraction and infrastructure construction, few businesses know more about the geology of the British Isles than Tarmac. Using historical data and field research, our ground engineering and technical experts are able to identify and address challenges ranging from stability and drainage to compaction and vibration. To meet the challenges raised by a new generation of rail travel, our asphalt and concrete specialists have developed a range of innovative products to aid the construction of new infrastructure. This will allow trains to run at higher speeds than ever before, safely, efficiently and with minimum maintenance. Ground breaking ideas? Think Tarmac.

RAIL 8 9

Why can’t we build homes that are not only carbon neutral but also energy positive? We can, and do. In 2009, Tarmac played an integral role in the construction of Unity Gardens, a pioneering social housing development in Spalding, Lincolnshire. All six earth-bunded homes are ‘energy positive’ because they are capable of generating more electricity than they use. They’re also ‘carbon negative’ because CO 2 emissions are mitigated by a combination of insulation, ventilation and renewable energy. As part of this project, Tarmac created a new super-low carbon concrete which was specially formulated to meet the specifications of award-winning architect Jerry Harrall. We were also responsible for the construction of two sustainable homes on the grounds of Nottingham University. Built using readily available masonry products, these unique dwellings provide a repeatable, affordable template for the construction of low-energy, low-carbon housing.


To meet the needs of a growing population, we not only need to build homes that are more sustainable but also need to build them quickly. This is another area where Tarmac is leading the way. Innovations like Tarmac Topflow self-compacting concrete which is widely accepted to be the fastest way to construct housing floor slabs greatly reduce build times and labour costs. Going forward, 3D printing and off-site precast construction have the potential to revolutionise the construction process, reducing the time needed to create complex elements from weeks to hours. Tarmac is partnering with Loughborough University and Swedish construction giant, Skanska, in developing the world’s first commercial concrete printing robot. As part of this industry-leading project, we are exploring opportunities for the implementation of 3D printing across the supply chain. Think Housing. Think Tarmac.


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What if our pavements could capture rainwater and recycle every precious drop? Why not? Tarmac pioneered porous asphalt several years ago and it’s now widely used for car parks, driveways and residential roads. More recently, we introduced a permeable concrete product with similar attributes. These products offer major benefits to the water industry, communities and the environment because they not only reduce the risk of localised flooding but they also allow rainwater to be captured for reuse. Something that will become increasingly important going forward, with experts predicting a fall in water levels of 10-15% over the coming years. To address the challenges posed by climate change and meet the needs of a growing population, we also need to change and improve the way our water is stored, treated and distributed. Tarmac is actively involved in all of these areas: exploring low carbon off-site construction and developing low, whole life carbon solutions to accelerate new build programmes, supplying specialist lime products to aid water treatment, and providing innovative, resource and logistics solutions to support the upgrading and maintenance of our supply network. For ideas that hold water. Think Tarmac.


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WATER 12 13

What’s the alternative to alternative energy? Rebalancing the UK’s energy mix doesn’t just require new ways of generating power. It requires new ideas; innovative solutions that will make renewable sources more affordable and conventional sources more sustainable. Tarmac is leading the way on both fronts. Working closely with major contractors and specialist suppliers, we are able to offer advanced solutions for the building and maintenance of new power stations, the decarbonisation of existing plants and decommissioning of old facilities. These

14 15 ENERGY

encompass a range of specialist services including: value engineering, programme planning, logistics management, the erection and operations of mobile and static batching plants, and the recycling of construction and demolition waste. We are a leading supplier of specialist concrete and aggregate solutions for the on and offshore wind industry, and the number one supplier of High Purity Limestone (HPL) and lime products for the treatment of flue gasses of both coal-fired power stations and Energy From Waste (EFW) plants. Having played an integral role in the construction and maintenance of the first

generation of nuclear power stations, we’re now busy preparing for the next generation. Working in collaboration with leading contractors, research establishments and industry bodies, including the Civil Engineering Contractors Association Nuclear Forum. We are also working in collaboration with industry-leading organisations on the development of new sources of renewable energy. This includes tidal power which has the potential to power 15 million homes and save 70 million tonnes of carbon by 2050. Think energy. Think Tarmac.

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Image courtesy of NorNet

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If we can recycle paper, bottles and cans, why not roads? Ensuring homes, public buildings and workplaces have access to fresh water, electricity, gas and superfast broadband is essential to our economy and to our health and well-being as a nation. However, the installation and maintenance of these vital services inevitably requires digging-up and reinstating thousands of miles of pavement every year. Which is not only costly and time consuming, but also disruptive and wasteful. Or at least it used to be.

Working closely with our customers, we have developed a pioneering range of products and services that not only reduce construction times and project costs, but also help eliminate waste and minimise carbon emissions. These include our industry-leading, closed loop, recycling system that allows 75% of arisings from trench excavations to be reprocessed and reused on-site. This not only eliminates waste, but also reduces raw material costs and minimises disruption to residents and road users. Think utility reinstatement. Think Tarmac.

Image courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

What if we could transform our air and seaports overnight? It’s possible, more than possible in fact. Since 1999 Tarmac has successfully completed seven major commercial airport projects - all during limited night time possessions. These include resurfacing the southern runway at Heathrow, where we supplied 31,000m3 of concrete in one month and completed the largest ever pour of slip formed, pavement quality concrete – 2,600m3 in just 18 hours. To minimise environmental impact, we have developed a range of specialist concrete and asphalt solutions that not only offer enhanced strength and durability but also maximise the reuse of onsite materials, cutting waste and carbon emissions. Undertaking large and complex tasks in a limited timeframe requires meticulous planning. Deliveries are not only carefully scheduled, but also rehearsed. Risks are continually reviewed. Contingency plans constantly revised and updated. The same attention to detail is required for defence contracts where timing and security are critical. It is also essential for ports and harbours which often require work to be undertaken during limited tidal windows. To enable this, we have created a range of concrete solutions specifically for use in extreme conditions and environmentally-sensitive marine ecosystems. Think one step ahead. Think Tarmac.



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How do we make the buildings of the future, futureproof? In a fast-changing world, to be truly sustainable, commercial and public buildings must not only be durable but also be adaptable. In the private arena, a flexible workforce requires a flexible workspace, while public buildings such as schools and hospitals are under constant pressure to adapt to meet changing demands. Global professional services experts, ARUP predict healthcare facilities will have to change their use and even their shape,


every six-to-eight years to keep pace with changing needs. Tarmac is at the forefront of the drive to create modern, energy-efficient, low-carbon working environments that promote health, productivity and well-being. To this end, we are championing the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to ensure the design of new buildings takes into account future flexibility and how the ‘internet of things’ will influence future building design, performance and use.

We are also exploring new ways to increase build speed through modular construction and off-site manufacturing. Going forward, our innovation team is committed to developing new solutions that will allow buildings to be reconfigured quickly and cost effectively, and maximise the recycling and reuse of existing components. Think adaptable. Think Tarmac.

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Isn’t waste too valuable to waste? Tarmac is committed to reducing waste by creating solutions that go further and last longer. Not just for major contractors, but also for trade and retail customers. We were the first manufacturer to replace traditional paper packaging with weatherproof plastic. This has saved thousands of tonnes of material going to waste - and helped the people who use our products save thousands of pounds in the process.

22 23 RETAIL / DIY

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The introduction of mix-in-the-bag products has also made a huge difference, giving people the ability to mix small quantities for small jobs, quickly and simply.

This is reflected in initiatives such as: Intelligent Stock

Tarmac is the only manufacturer that can meet all requirements from a single source, with retail products being supplied at three levels – good, better and best. All of these products are delivered to a consistent, high-quality standard.

only makes life more convenient for our customers, but

In 2013, we won the B&Q award for ‘product innovation’. A year later, we gained a second award for ‘supply chain excellence’, in recognition of our commitment to outstanding customer service.

Management, EDI order integration and our industryleading load consolidation service. A solution that not it also reduces road movements and carbon emissions. In a fast-moving industry, collaboration between suppliers and stockers is essential. Our purpose-built Skills, Training and Innovation Centre allows us to work side-by-side with customers, enabling them to stay one-step ahead of the latest developments. Think resourceful. Think Tarmac.











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24 25 ABOUT US

Constructive thinking. Tarmac combines the knowledge and expertise of two of the construction industry’s most iconic brands: Tarmac, the pioneers of the modern road and Blue Circle, the company that patented Portland Cement. With over 150 years’ experience, we have many achievements to our name: the invention of asphalt, a product that remains synonymous with our brand; the construction of the first motorway; the introduction of next-generation concretes and cements. These breakthroughs have helped shape the world we live in. Now we are helping to reshape it, with new solutions to overcome new challenges. Solutions that go beyond the provision of innovative products to encompass every aspect of the construction process, from value engineering and logistics, to asset management and waste recycling.

Think innovation. Think Tarmac.

A Fortune 500 company and constituent member of the FTSE 100 index, CRH operates in 37 countries. The group is the largest building materials company in North America, a regional leader in Europe and has a growing presence in Asia.

Responsible Working.

UK sites and resources:

Solutions that allow our customers to achieve better results faster, for less cost. Solutions that will not only make a difference today but also for generations to come.

Tarmac owns and manages over 100,000 acres of land across the UK. Looking after such a precious commodity is a big responsibility which we don’t take lightly. We are committed to minimising environmental impact through responsible working and ensuring every acre is restored to deliver maximum benefit to local communities, whether that be development, conservation or recreation.

3 cement plants
 2 lime plants 22 contracting depots
 74 asphalt plants
 110 readymix concrete plants 120 quarries
 330 sites across the UK 6,900 dedicated employees 1,000’s of innovative ideas

A CRH company. Tarmac is part of CRH, a global building materials group employing over 90,000 people at around 4,000 locations worldwide.


Learning the lessons of the future. In a fast-moving world, you have to embrace change to stay one step ahead. To this end, Tarmac has a team dedicated to monitoring future trends and issues, and their potential impact on the built environment and the communities of the future. From new and proposed legislation to population growth and climate change.

cross-business innovation projects and facilitates collaboration between the business and numerous industry bodies, research organisations and universities including: Nottingham, Hertfordshire, Cranfield, Loughborough, Birmingham, Cardiff, Herriott Watt, Edinburgh, Imperial College London and Warwick.

This forward-thinking approach enables us to develop long-term solutions that not only help our customers overcome the challenges they face today but also those they are likely to face in years to come.

Technology is revolutionising the way we work. Allowing potential problems to be identified and solved before a single brick is laid. However, technology only truly works if it works for everyone.

Innovation though collaboration.

To realise the full potential of Building Information Modeling (BIM), every business in the supply chain not only needs to be ‘BIM literate,’ they also need to be able to

Our Future Trends and Innovation Committee oversees work on major

Making technology work for everyone.

communicate with each other. With this being the case, Tarmac is supporting the UK BIM Task Group and BIM for Manufacturers and Manufacturing (BIM4M2) in their bid to create a common language. We are also incorporating the latest communications technology into our production and delivery systems. This includes fitting mixer trucks with intelligent sensors that automatically add water to the mix, as and when required, delivering 100% consistency, and the remote monitoring of cement silos to ensure consistent stock levels are maintained. The bigger we think today, the better we can make tomorrow.


What goes around comes around. We are committed to meeting the growing demand for our products, services and solutions in the most sustainable and efficient manner possible. To this end, we have adopted the concept of the ‘circular economy’ and placed it at the centre of everything we do. From material sourcing, transportation and product manufacture to delivery and placement. This is based on three key principles:

1. Designing out waste. We are constantly monitoring and improving our product facilities to improve efficiency. Our factory-produced asphalt and concrete solutions contain 70-100% recycled content.

2. Extending lifetime performance. Our market-leading asphalt and concrete solutions are highly durable and low maintenance. We also produce a range of special products for use in heavy-loading, abrasive and corrosive applications.

3. Building in recyclability. We consider the end of the life of our products from the outset, with the aim of ensuring everything we produce can be reused for the same purpose or recycled for a different use. This approach means that valuable resources remain in use, either being used for what they were originally designed for or for something new. It replaces the old linear way of thinking when resources are simply used then disposed of, with one

where waste is designed out from every stage of the supply chain and life cycle. Crucially, it’s not just about reusing and recycling, it’s about eliminating waste through superior design and developing products which add greater durability and longevity to new structures. It is also about incorporating a collaborative approach across the supply chain, in which everyone contributes to reducing the resources over the whole life. In 2014, we used 7.7 million tonnes of waste and secondary materials from other industries as raw materials and fuels in our manufacturing and products. We have committed to raising this to 10 million tonnes a year by 2020.

Innovation in action. To help our customers understand our solutions and their attributes throughout the whole life-cycle of their use within the built environment, we classify our solutions within four categories: IN Built. We are continuously improving the sustainable performance of both our business and our products: • Ensuring all raw materials are responsibly sourced • Promoting sustainable practices across the supply chain • Reducing carbon, water and waste during manufacture • Maximising the use of recycled and secondary materials • Generating energy from waste derived fuels • Using the most sustainable means of transport • Protecting the environment through responsible site stewardship

IN Construction. The way in which our products perform during construction is an important element of our commitment to sustainability. We aim to provide solutions that: • Make for a safer, healthier working environment • Allow construction to be completed faster, with less equipment • Reduce energy usage and carbon emissions • Maximise the reuse and recycling of existing onsite materials • Reduce environmental impact and minimise waste

IN Use. How our products perform once they have been installed is a crucial part of their life-cycle and can have a huge impact on the sustainability of a building: • Asphalts and concretes that offer enhanced durability reduce the need for maintenance

• Innovative solutions that use the thermal mass of concrete provide natural, carbon-free, air conditioning • Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems allow rainwater to be captured for reuse and reduce the risk of flooding • Proven construction templates make building low carbon and low energy homes simpler and more affordable

IN Support. We offer a range of services and tools that help architects, designers, customers and clients design and build more sustainably. These include: • Product and project carbon footprints • Smart technology and digital information solutions (including BIM) • Sustainable construction guides • Technical expertise for early engagement to maximise project opportunities


How it all comes together. At Tarmac, we don’t just think two heads are better than one; we believe the more heads the better. That’s why collaboration is at the heart of our business.

that unites the whole of our business, department to department, business unit to business unit.

to programme planning, logistics and

We apply the same approach when working with our customers, their clients and our partners in the supply chain.

available, we’ll work with you to develop

We encourage our people to work together and promote an open culture where everyone has the opportunity to make a contribution. Teamwork is an ethos

With over 150 years’ experience in providing solutions for major projects, we can provide an unrivalled level of support. From geological and ground engineering services

resource management. If the solution you need isn’t already one. The earlier we are involved in the process, the more we can add.


Everyone can be someone. How many jobs are there where you can genuinely say: “I did that,” “I made a difference,” “I made my mark”? Tarmac offers people that opportunity.

What we do matters and everyone in our

Our solutions play a pivotal role in the

install them. The account managers who

construction of the buildings we live and

look after our customers, the back office

work in and the delivery of the services on

teams who keep our business moving

which we all rely. Fresh food on supermarket

forward…our people are our business.

shelves. Clean water on tap. Electricity at

In recognition of this, we are committed

the touch of a button.

to supporting our people with long-term

organisation has an important part to play. From the experts who formulate and test new solutions and the plant operatives who produce them, to the drivers who deliver them and the specialist engineers who

careers and diverse progression opportunities. We offer an extensive range of career development, on the job learning and ongoing professional up-skilling programmes. From new apprentices to ambitious individuals, technical experts to seasoned professionals, everyone has our full support - every step of the way.

TARMAC.COM Tarmac Portland House Bickenhill Lane Solihull Birmingham B37 7BQ. ‘Tarmac’ and the ‘circle logo’ are registered trademarks. ©2015 Tarmac Trading Limited.

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