Neston local oct 2015

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October 2015

Issue 95

Inside this month: n Willaston play area n Bus complaints n Local schools n Station anniversary n Business Directory n What’s On

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Keep It Local Front Cover_ Autumn_135_135mm.indd 1

11/09/2015 13:02

FREE magazine delivered to 6,300 homes and businesses in Neston, Little Neston, Parkgate, Willaston and Ness Tel: 01244 350398 E W

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NESTON Town Council is calling for better bus services to Neston. The lack of early morning buses to Chester and Heswall has been brought about by a cut in subsidies to the bus companies and the town council wants action to tackle the problem.


Also in this edition, we have news of improvements to Johnston play area in Willaston, celebrations at Hadlow Road, Roald Dahl day at Neston Primary and lots more local news, what’s on guide, business directory and much more.


Hayley Ryder 18


For advertisement inquiries please call Hayley on 01244 350398 e-mail visit


Talkabout Publishing Ltd 2nd Floor Richmond Place 125 - 127 Boughton Chester CH3 5BH

We are an independently owned company, not connected to any big media group, based in Chester, producing six magazines, Talkabout, Neston Local, Heswall Local, Tarporley Talk, Overleigh Roundabout and Hoole Roundabout. For details visit

TAKE THE PLUNGE IN CONFIDENCE... Experience real relaxation in one of our bathrooms & wetrooms. We explore the world to source beautiful and innovative collections and solutions that offer a fresh perspective on quality. Our passion for perfection spans over 20 years and every bathroom and wetroom we create and install comes with complete peace of mind.

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Neston Local October 2015 5

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Neston aims for The first step towards Fairtrade status Council this week.

Concern over bus service

what may be Fairtrade Town status for Neston was taken by the Town

The first At step its meeting on Tuesday, Cllr Janet Griffiths succeeded in getting the Council to commit to buying only Fairtrade materials for refreshments for Neston Town Council meetings and events towards what may be where these are available. Fairtrade Town status Cllr Griffiths said that most local faith groups had already made this commitment, and for the for Neston Town was Counciltaken to do so was the first of five goals to achieve the status. The others involved products beingNeston readily available in Council local shops,is local workplaces and community Town calling on Cheshire by the Fairtrade Town Council. organisations using Fairtrade products, awareness raising events across the community, and local West & Chester Council to commit to funding At a recent Fairtrademeeting, steering group being set up. The first step towards what may be Fairtr bus services in the town to improve access to and from work. Cllr Janet Griffiths Council this week. The Council unanimously agreed to Cllr Griffiths’s proposal. At a recent meeting, the Council heard that although Avon At its meeting on Tuesday, Cllr Janet Gri succeeded buying only Fairtrade Buses had taken over the route to Chester and Heswall, it materials for refresh in where these are available. was having to do so as a commercial service with no subsidy. getting Cllr Griffiths said that most local faith gro Town Councilto to get do so was the first of fi The town has again been left with no links for workers the Fairtrade products being readily available to Chester before 8.22am and to Heswall and beyond the first organisations using Fairtrade products, awa Council Fairtrade steering group being set up. bus does not leave Neston until after 9am. to Council unanimously agreed to Cllr Griff Proposing the motion, Cllr Mike Shipman said The that Avon commit would be willing to add an extra early service to Chester and to buying only Heswall, but that the cost would be £18,000 in a full year, _______________________________________________________________________________ Fairtrade materials beyond the resources of the Town Council. Ends for refreshments for The Council noted that in past years First Group, Arriva, NestonFurther Towninformation: Council Helms and now Stagecoach had all failed to maintain the Alison Kunaj meetings and events route. where Town theseClerk are Neston Town Council Cllr Phil Lloyd, who chairs the Council’s Transport group, available. Town Hall said he had the feeling that transport problems ____________________________________ were the main Cllr Griffiths said High Street Ends issue in the local elections in May, yet since then matters had Neston CH64 9TR that most local Further information: actually got worse. He said there was a complete lack of any 0151 336 3840 faith groups had Alison Kunaj strategic vision for Neston transport, and the Town Town Council Clerk made this Nestonaway Town Council had to work to put that right. Neston was four miles from commitment, and for Hall a frequent, fast, electrified line linking EllesmereTown Port, Chester, the Town Council to High Street notCH64 seem Neston 9TR to do so was the first of Liverpool and north Wirral, yet Hooton station did feature in CWaC thinking, other than for car owners. 0151 336 3840 five goals to achieve The motion, seconded by Cllr Adam Cray, approved the status. unanimously: That this Council, recognising Avon Buses have stepped in to provide a continuing commercial bus service between Neston and Chester and Heswall following the withdrawal of the commercial and loss-making service operated by Stagecoach, and aware of the need to improve access to work by public transport, calls upon Cheshire West and Chester Council to provide funding to allow public transport provider to facilitate early morning services to both Chester and Heswall. The Council also requests its Transport Group to develop proposals for a strategic solution to Neston’s public transport needs that integrate rail and bus provision.



6 To advertise call 01244 350398


Health Fair

Friday 23rd October, 10 – 2pm Neston Town Hall High Street, Neston, CH64 9TR

Healthy and active ageing event with a host of professionals from local and national organisations. Drop in for a cuppa and cake, and get free healthchecks, information, advice and more.

For info, call CAN Group on 0151 353 8638 Neston Local October 2015 7

Celebrating Roald Dahl

There was a colourful and creative start to the new school year when pupils at Neston Primary School started the new term by celebrating what would have been Roald Dahl’s 99th birthday. Each class focused on one of the famous author’s books for the first few weeks of the term. To celebrate the author’s birthday the pupils and staff dressed up as a character from one of the fabulous and timeless books created by the Roald Dahl. Penny Rebbeck, the school’s reading subject leader, said: “Dress- up days at Neston Primary are always fantastic events. We would like to thank the pupils and parents for their time and creativity. It was a fabulous day and a great way to encourage pupils and parents to read Roald Dahl’s brilliant books”

8 To advertise call 01244 350398

Neston Local October 2015 9

LEGALMatters MATTERS Legal LEGAL MATTERS LegalColumn column Principal Solicitor atSolicitors CampionSolicitors Solicitors Legal withwith Jackie Campion, Principal Solicitor Solicitor at Campionat Column Jackie Campion, Principal Campion

Living well after Releasing cash diagnosis dementia from yourofhome A

diAgnosis of dementia can come as a shock; this could be any type of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia or mixed dementia. it is a worrying and upsetting time for the person affected and for family members.

There are a number of things that you can do to plan for your care in the future. l Make sure that your essential documents can be found easily. If your important documents such as Wills or property deeds are stored in a Solicitors or Bank make sure they can easily be obtained.

l Other things you may wish to think about are putting your finances in order and getting a Will, or updating any previous Will. This allows you to state who you want to inherit your estate. l Advance decisions and advance statements ensure that your wishes are taken into account in the future.

However there is much that can be done in the early stages that At Campion Solicitors we have l You can decide if you would can help to make life easier and specialist knowledge all like to choose to if you need quity RElEaSE is the name given to a someone instance to pay for long-termin care. more enjoyable, both now and in aspects of legal matters that can manage your on your range of products that let you access thefinances The money you receive from equity release may the future. affect a person with dementia. in the equity (cash) tied up in yourbehalf homeififyou youare unable affect to your entitlement to state benefits. If aare person has dementia, it is future, or make decisions relating All our initial interviews are free over the age of 55. There will be less for you to pass onto your important that they organise to your welfare. and without obligation to enable You can take the money you release as a health lump andfamily when you die. their legal and financial affairs your to make a decision on how sum or, with some schemes, several smaller whilst they are still able to do so. GEttinG adviCE to proceed. amounts. If you are thinking of taking out an equity Equity release may seem like a good option if Call Jackie Campion on release product, you should take financial advice you want some extra money and don’t want to 0151 342 9021 from a specialist. All advisers recommending move house. It can sometimes be the only option for must a no obligation meeting. equity release schemes have a specialist when couples separate and one of you wishes to qualification. Check that your adviser does. remain in the house but needs to pay the other a lump sum, or if you need essential repairs but do When you have seen a financial advisor and not have the cash . decided to proceed, you will also need to obtain legal advice as a Solicitor will be required as a HowEvER, tHERE aRE dRawbaCkS: condition of the offer to act on your behalf. Equity release is expensive and your debt can Our Solicitor Jackie Campion has over 15 years’ grow quickly as the interest is generally rolled up. experience in dealing with the legal aspects If you borrow too much you may not have the relating to equity release. money you need later in your retirement, for


further information on this please contact Jackie Campion For For further information on this please contact Jackie Campion

For further information on contact Jackie Campion 10 To advertise call0151 01244 350398 on 0151 342 9021 for aplease no obligation meeting. on 342 9021 forthis a no obligation meeting. on 0151 342 9021 for a no obligation meeting.

CAMPION SOLICITORS campion Local & Approachable, We are here to help


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Weare arehappy happytotoreview review and We offer flexible appointments We and advise We offer flexible appointments advise about any of the existing either in the comfort of your about any of the existing legal either in the comfort of your legal arrangements eg. Wills, own home or at our office in thein arrangements eg. wills, attorney own home or at our office attorney documents or property centre ofcentre heswall at a and timeat a documents or property matters. the of and heswall matters. to suit you. time to suit you. Please call 0151 342 9021 today for a no obligation appointment

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45 Pensby road, heswall, Experts in the following areas: l Conveyancing Wirral Ch60 7ra  Conveyancing  Wills & Probate  Family t: Matters 0151  342Employment 9021 l Wills m: 07515 929061 l Probate Campion Solicitors MilnerRoad, Road, Heswall, Campion Solicitors, 454Pensby Heswall, Wirral,CH60 CH605RZ 7RA E: l Family matters Campion Solicitors is a trading name of Campion Solicitors Limited, a firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA identification number 614811. Campion Solicitors Limited is a company registered in Campion solicitors is a trading name of Campion solicitors limited, a firm authorised and regulated by the solicitors regulation authority, sra identification number 614811. Neston Local October 11 4 Milner England and Wales, company number 9016590, registered 45 Pensby Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 Road, Heswall, CH60 5RZ2015 Campion solicitors limited is a company registered in England and Wales, Companyoffice number 9016590, registered office 45 Pensby road, heswall, Wirral,7RA Ch60 7ra.


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12 To advertise call 01244 350398

Neston Local October 2015 13 ADVERTISEMENT

Cloudy2Clear Windows – Service With A Smile!

It’s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes – not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Managing Director Alan Ball feels that it’s all about service. ‘Our product is simple. If your double glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But it’s not just about saving

people money, although that obviously helps. Many tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didn’t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didn’t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.’ Cloudy2Clear service Neston, Parkgate, Little Neston, Burton and Ness

& Alan is finding that his approach is a major factor in his success. ‘The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family

of people I’ve done work for, which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.’ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Alan a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!

STEAMED UP DOUBLE GLAZING? Don’t replace the Frames... just the Panes!

Broken or Damaged Windows? Faulty Hinges, Handles or Locks? Want The Latest Energy Saving Glass? All Glazing Backed By Our 5 Year Manufacturers Guarantee Priority Freephone

0800 61 21118 ...we make saving money perfectly clear...

Town council plans for the future Neston Town Council has been putting together a plan which will set the template for future developments in the area. The completion of the Neighbourhood Plan follows an extensive public consultation exercise undertaken earlier this year. Among other matters, the plan aims to give an idea of which parts of the town will be allocated for new housing. Phil Baker, chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Community Steering Group (CSG), said: “We received a huge volume of representations on the draft plan. It has been a major exercise to analyse and consider carefully every individual comment made, which has taken our team of volunteers some time to complete. However I believe the plan has been improved as a result. I want to thank everyone who submitted comments, but I particularly want to thank all those members of the CSG who have spent so much of their spare time to produce the plan.” Councillor Phil Lloyd, chairman of the Town Council Planning & Environment Committee added: “The production of a Neighbourhood Plan demonstrates the Town Council’s determination to influence positively the future of the town. It has not been an easy task to undertake and I am incredibly impressed by the quality of the plan that has been produced, and the depth of analysis that it is based upon. I commend all those who have contributed to its production” The Plan, and its six supporting documents, can be viewed on line at uk or at Neston Town Hall and Neston Library. Neston Riverside WI Thomas was the star of the evening when Neston Riverside WI had their August meeting. Caroline Howe from Hedgehog Rescue brought him in to meet the ladies and to give us pointers on how to help these endangered creatures. Just leaving a small area of the garden wild can provide them with places to nest or hibernate, especially if there are plenty of leaves piled there. If they can’t get into the garden though this would be a waste of space so make sure there are gaps where they can get through fences. They just need a 10cm gap so they can travel and hunt for food. Dried cat food and water will encourage them to call. Visit: for info If you want to find out more about Neston Riverside WI have a look at our website: 14 To advertise call 01244 350398

DOG WALKER WIRRAL l Available Monday to Friday 8.30am-6pm l Pick up and drop off to your home l I can map the walk and email it to you each time we go out l I throw balls and sticks, poop & scoop and give a towel rub down after our walk

ExpEriEncEd and insurEd ÂŁ10 per hour Need me? Email me!

Email Tel 07901 565 382 Neston Local October 2015 15

16 To advertise call 01244 350398

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Neston Local October 2015 17

150th anniversary celebrations under way at Hadlow Road The refurbished signal box at Hadlow Road Station is being given an official re-opening. The Willaston Station originally opened on 1st October 1866 and as it approaches its 150th anniversary, the commemorative celebrations are getting underway. Earlier this year a significant refurbishment and restoration project of the signal box was undertaken at the end of the station platform to make it safe for viewing and to return it to the appearance of its working condition. Now that this is completed and looking in such good order, the formal reopening was due on Sunday 27th September at 2:30pm with a ceremony including; Ellesmere Port Deputy Mayor, Myles Hogg and invited guests including one of the Hadlow Road Station staff members from the 1930s. The Friends of Hadlow Road Station is a group open to any interested party to join in community activities at Hadlow Road Station, Willaston. The group has already formed a committee, adopted a constitution that provides a framework for the group to operate within and meet regularly at the Memorial Hall. In addition, regular organised community volunteer clear up days have taken place in spring and summer 2015 to be followed up with more meetings throughout the autumn period. Demonstrable improvements are clear at the Station, including the addition of hanging baskets and floral presentations, an irrigation system, enhancements to the signage and public seating and perhaps more noticeable, very well maintained gardens, beds and platform, thanks to the dedication of volunteers. Watch this space for more information on the re-opening celebrations and in due course Santa’s Grotto coming in December.

18 To advertise call 01244 350398

Neston Local October 2015 19

Bathrooms don’t get much better than this! 09:42 PageWilson 1 Bishop Church of England Primary School

BF A6 i

BF A6 i




OPEN DAY for prospective parents

Page 1

Wednesday 14th October 2014 individuals, by assessing your lifestyle and irral Wetrooms should 9.30-10.30am & 1.30-2.30pm familyWilson, commitments while If you first wouldchoice like to visit Bishop please call: 0151providing 336 3396 a certainly be your or e-mail: to reserve a place unique look. Small or large jobs when considering a new bathroom, • Bishop Wilson CE Primary School, Puddington Lane, Burton, Neston CH64 5SE The prices are competitive and with • Re-wiring writes Hayley Ryder.


BF A6 i



Page 1

Need a local Additional customer sockets service, 100% • Irby boasts •excellent Electrician Need a local The brand new showroom in • Showers satisfaction and with every • customer Small or large jobs Electrician of a consultation room and a • wide variety •• Lighting • you can Need a local Need a local r aspect of your bathroom completed to the h you can • 4 of displays to view with Memento, • 2 Senique, PATRe-wiring testing • T • U highest quality, what more could you want? Additional sockets rely on? rely on? Landlord certificates My Nature and Subway with Subway • LL- O 2 and •• Electrician you Electrician A 4 C 1 • 7 Oh, and by the way customers receive a 7 Showers 4 Small or large jobs Re-wiring Additional sockets Showers Lighting PAT testing Landlord certificates Fuseboard upgrades Emergency lighting

can on? yourely can 24hr UT L- O CAL

•• ••

Fuseboard upgrades Joyce coming soon. 0 6674 • 771 Birkenhead office 0 BF A6 i 7/3/13 09:42 Page 1 15 freshly made cup of their favourite coffee, 4 Emergency lighting Lighting 7 0151 647 9955 for renowned bathroom 6 As a main dealer r 6 h Birkenhead office Heswall office 5 4 latte, cappuccino 12 PAT testing or espresso when they BF A6 i 7/3/13 09:42 Page 1 0151 342 3416 BARRYJFOGG specialists Villeroy & Boch, you are- OUT 0151 Chester office 647 9955ELECTRICAL SERVICES visit the showroom! Landlord certificates Small or largequality jobs and LL latestLTD Athe 01244 760016 Heswall guaranteed superb BF A6office i 7/3/13 09:42 1 C Email: barry@barryfogg4 Fuseboard upgrades 1 Re-wiring Wirral Wetrooms really do appreciate 7 We cover all Wirral, Chester & Liverpool areas 0151 342 are 3416 technology. There spa digital showers, 07 4 Emergency lighting Additional being part of their community and like Chester officesockets 7 SERVICES LTD 6well tiled televisions and digital radios asELECTRICAL 6 Birkenhead office 5 01244 760016 1 Showers to participate in helping with Friends as facilities plug9955 in your Ipod so you can Email:tobarry@barryfogg0151 647 Lighting of Chester Irby Library. Their Small or large jobs latest venture, I sing along to your favourite songs! We cover all Wirral, &•Liverpool areas r Heswall office Re-wiring PAT testing was informed, is a sponsored charity • BARRYJFOGG Small or largeover jobs 0151 3416 at342 Wirral Wetrooms have Additional sockets ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD OUT The team • • Landlord certificates parachute jump, which seven of the team Re-wiring Showers Chester office in their • 20 years experience field so you • ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD 4 Fuseboard upgrades Small or large jobs will be undertaking to raise money for the Additional sockets 1 We cover all Wirral, Chester & Liverpool areas • Re-wiringhr • Showers 7 can rest • Lighting 01244 760016 assured that your bathroom 4 • 2 PAT testing 4 Emergency lighting • Catterbridge Cancer Charity. r • o T U Call for but a Additional onlybarry@barryfogglook fantastic will be 667 will notEmail: • all certificates • Lighting LL-Osockets • Landlord We cover Chester &can Liverpool areas via facebook CAWirral, 4nehom-roabilliTgation••PATParttesting Showers Donations be made 2 P registered 4 • Fuseboard upgrades 1 E fully functional. They pride themselves • 7 U E R 7 OF imate ••Landlord Full liability 0 Lighting certificates L L • t 74 • Emergency lighting Wetrooms professional CA ofe1s4 on meeting the needs and 24hrupgrades Fuseboard Birkenhead 566 rm your T • PAT 1testing • 7 families indemnity covered Uoffice 7 O 0 Landlord certificates L lighting 647 9955• L LTD ELECTRICAL 6SERVICES 74 • Emergency CA0151

• rely on? • • l • • BARRYJFOGG Bathroom • • • • Need a local • BARRYJFOGG Electrician •Need a local •ElectricianNeed a local you can •you can Electricianrely on? relyBARRYJFOGG on? you can rely on? BARRYJFOGG 4 56 Well known and respected local bathroom and wetroom experts, Wirral Wetrooms have announced a massive quarter of a million pound investment and expansion project. Pulling on their industry leading design skills and extensive experience, the team have planned a show-stopping new look that is set to revolutionise their Irby showroom.

The first phase of the expansion to their upstairs showroom has begun with renovations to incorporate fully functional bathrooms settings including 10 operational showers and 12 working basins and taps all with the latest digital technology. Added to this under floor heating and a working sauna so clients can really ‘soak up’ the full Wirral Wetrooms offering.


get a live demo of all the must-have bathroom accessories. You can turn showers on, see how they perform on different settings and see for yourself how the valves and knobs work. There will be full audio visual equipment along with high-tech LED lighting throughout.’

And you can even spend-a penny by sampling the fabulous new Geberit Aquaclean! Finally, complete the picture by choosing from a selection of their stunning tiles and you really be able to create a ‘tried and tested’ space to be proud of.

office Heswall qualified 1 • Fuseboard upgrades 1 LTDLet our fully om withBirkenhead 7office ELECTRICAL SERVICES 07team professional 0151 647 9955 0151 342 3416• Emergency lighting 4look BARRYJFOGG 7home! 6 6 after you & your Heswall Birkenhead office & Liverpool Chester office ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD 15 areas Weoffice cover all Wirral, Chester Wetrooms… 0151 342 3416 0151 647 9955 01244 760016 BARRYJFOGG ChesterChester office Heswall office Email: barry@barryfoggELECTRICAL LTD We cover all Wirral, & Liverpool areas SERVICES ll or

ansforming luxurious ng a stateeberit. Here tions we are r customers.

d to install a new like to give it pa feel. We’ve arge bath and would like bout the latest o design. We ving a bidet too



ht about having ated shower ve long been nd Europe ygienic than Now Geberit, the manufacturers ou with water, AquaClean range g sleek designs, ilable as wall hung cement seats so

ol areas

Call mail

Owner Dave Sergison commented, ‘Customers will literally be able to

Heart of Irby Village

Dave and the team have always supported the local community in Irby and the surrounding areas, and played a part in the life and soul of the village and love being there,

Dave commented “We recognised Irby as a great place to stay and grow in, we like the space we are in. We’ve taken on 2 apprentices and making this significant investment into the building can only improve it.” “Our new showroom will be completely unique for the Wirral, and will revolutionise the experience of buying a new bathroom for our customers. We want nothing more than people to come in and try them out for themselves, even down to taking your shoes off and feel the under floor heating, you can even take a shower if you are game, we don’t mind!” And with service and quality and experience that is second to none, your will be sure to find your slice of Bathroom Bliss, right here in the heart of Irby.

A You don’t have to spend a vast We cover all Wirral,Chester & Liverpool areas 0151 342 3416 Ca for a amount of money to purchase a Geberit toilet. office There are also less Email: barry@barryfoggChester ilELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD a n o expensive models in the range suchem i t WeAquaClean cover all Wirral,Chester &b Liverpool the gaareas ELECTRICAL LTD 01244 760016 GeberitSERVICES 4000. This Part P registered compact loo seat is designed to no-o REE The Geberit AquaClean range is Email: replace your existing loo seat and is comfortable and stylish too. And with F Full liability e We cover all Wirral,Chester & Liverpool areas straightforward to install, as it fits on t a a model to suit every style of home,


01244 760016

you can easily upgrade your existing loo. They all include an oscillating shower with forward and backwards movement, air purification and a warm air dryer.

We cover all Wirral, Chester & Liverpool areas

it would make a perfect addition to your new spa-like bathroom.


the existing seat.

• • professional

indemnity covered


Q Should I be concerned about how much water is used in spray-function toilets?

Let our fully qualified SUPPLY, FIT


Wirral Wetrooms specialise in

bespoke wetrooms and bathrooms BARRYJFOGG l for ion i a m ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD eWe cover all Wirral,Chester team look at & Liverpool areas & INSTALL ligprofessional Part P registered BARRYJFOGG o-ob Eafter JUST CALL... n E you & your home! ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD FR ate Full We cover all Wirral,Chester & Liverpool areas or liability Call for a estim ailprofessional n

A The Geberit AquaClean 4000 only uses 400ml of water at each use, and although this is more than a normal loo, there are positive environmental aspects to this choice, such as using less toilet paper. Water, chemicals and other raw materials are wasted in the production of toilet paper, and while it’s biodegradable, the process still leaves chemical traces in our water supply.

For more information

To find out more information about the Geberit AquaClean range, call into Wirral Wetrooms in Irby Village and try it out for yourself!

or We cover & Liverpool areas Callall Wirral,Chester a

• •

Wirral Wetrooms have a reputation for providing top class service visit our website to read just a few testimonials from satisfied customers:

Wirral Wetrooms is Wirral’s leading designer, supplier and installer of bespoke wetrooms.

Wetroom installations introduce a sense of spaciousness and style. We can create a room tailor-made to your requirements.

Wirral Wetrooms will transform your bathroom into your own personal haven.

em ligatio Part Pcovered registered o-ob indemnity r n o f il tion FREEate Full liability ema01244 a or 20 To advertise call g r 350398 i m 5 Thingwall Road, Irby, | Tel 0151 648 5564 | Fax 0151 648 1033 | Open Mon to Sat 8.30am to 5pm o bl Part P registered estiWirral, CH61 3UAprofessional Call for a no-o REE for a n F ate ail ationLet our fully qualified Full liability indemnity covered m e o m Part P registered esti oblig gati Q I’m really interested in buying a Geberit toilet with a spray function, but I have heard they’re very expensive. Are there any more affordable alternatives?

• •

• •



Wirral Wetrooms We design, supply & install bathrooms & wetrooms

At Wirral Wetrooms, we pride ourselves in being one of the few showrooms in the UK who design, install and take full responsibility of all aspects of your bathroom project. We bring attention to detail to create the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality. Wirral Wetrooms is the perfect answer in response to the growing demand for a tailored bathroom. Offering a range of sophisticated international products to produce a bathroom unique to you, the customer, which will look as good in 10 years time as it does on day one. At Wirral Wetrooms we never forget that we don’t choose you - you choose us! Your complete satisfaction is our number one priority.



5 Thingwall Road, Irby Wirral CH61 3UA Tel 0151 648 5564 Open Mon - Sat 8.30am-5pm

Visit our website to read just a few testimonials from satisfied customers:

Neston Local October 2015 21 51

22 To advertise call 01244 350398

Willaston play area gets a big facelift A £55,000 improvement scheme carried out at Johnston’s Recreation Ground in Willaston has been officially given a seal of approval. Local children and residents have helped to shape the scheme, which includes new play equipment, safety surfacing, creation of a new pathway around the play area, provision of picnic benches and seating, bins, entrance improvements, a quiet area, natural play features and installation of mini football goals. Funding came from WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund, Cheshire West and Chester Council , The Council’s Rural Support Fund, a contribution from the Member Budget of CWaC Willaston and Thornton Councillor Myles Hogg, a donation from Willaston & South Wirral Rotary Club, and money raised by local fundraising activities led by Willaston Residents’ and Countryside Society. Councillor Hogg said: “There is now more equipment for the toddler age range, provision of a kick about area, and better access and provision of seating for adults whilst children play and enjoy the facilities. And the fundraising does not stop there. Money is now being raised for the final phase of improvements.” l Johnston Recreation Ground is given the official seal of approval by Deb Jerreth, Rotary Club, Denise Heayns, CWaC, Councillor Myles Hogg, Sarah Shannon, Willaston Residents’ and Countryside Society, Richard Smith WREN, Steve Christie and Mary Lavery CWaC, and residents Annette Troake, Clare Pratten.

Neston Local October 2015 23

Our modern workshop facilities Did you know that any work areundertaken conveniently in will bysituated MB-Wirral Hoylake, to thewarranty station,with ensureclose that your a pleasant,welcoming remains unaffectedwaiting and ensures area where you can watch your its protection? car being worked on if you wish.

This enables you to take Mercedes Benz is a real passion advantage of the below with for us and we treat your car in the reassurance that your the manner we would like our warranty is fully protected. own vehicles cared for. At MB-Wirral we use the latest All work carried out at software & equipment MB Wirral maintains your and provide unrivalled manufacturer’s warranty. Mercedes-Benz knowledge. Genuine parts.High quality Castrol lubricants.Unrivalled Mercedes Benz knowledge and experience. Call for a realistic Quote.

MB-WIRRAL IS PROUD TO OFFER: Servicing to Mercedes-Benz schedules (no hidden costs) •• Servicing to Mercedes-Benz schedules (no hidden costs) • Full diagnostics service

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24 To advertise call 01244 350398

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Bathrooms We supply & fit bathrooms of all specifications, why not call in and pick up a brochure and check out the latest offers.

At Nes aw part so come on down a have what yo

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Neston Local October 2015 25

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26 To advertise call 01244 350398


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At TK PVC we have the solution, a new lightweight roofing system that we can fit to your existing conservatory. A conservatory conversion that gives you what you wanted in the first place at a fraction of the cost, Benefits in winter from Wirral’s leading •• warmer cooler in summer • low maintenance specialist company. • excellent build quality

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Neston Local October 2015 27

LETTER FROM WESTMINSTER by Ellesmere Port and Neston MP Justin Madders

Justin Madders, the Labour MP for Ellesmere Port and Neston, gives an insight into life at Westminster in his first few months since winning the seat.

Awe inspiring Parliament


he first few days were a real whirlwind; countless inductions, passwords to remember, names and places that were all new to me plus of course the excitement of really being in the Houses of Parliament! It would be fair to say I felt more like a tourist at the start; so many amazing pieces of architecture and so much history around every corner. I haven’t had a full tour yet but I really do need to take the time to appreciate the surroundings I now find myself in.

It only really hit home to me that I was really there in my own right when I sat in the Chamber for the election of the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow. Being sat on those green benches in a packed chamber with the Government only a few yards away from me was a very special moment as well as being a reminder about what I am there to do. Each week different Government departments will take their turn to put their Ministers before the House of Commons to answer questions from MP’s of all parties on questions relevant to that department.What people may not realise is that any MP who wishes to ask an oral question has to enter a ballot to ask a question and with so many MP’s and only an hour for questions many MP’s are disappointed. The lottery for Prime Ministers’ questions is even more fiercely contested.

Aside from the main chamber there are also debates in Westminster Hall which is where MP’s can request debates take place on any subject they wish to see discussed. There are only a limited number of slots and so far my requests have been unsuccessful. However, I have participated in debates about English votes for English Laws and the impact on North Wales, vehicle procurement in Monday 17th August 2015 the police and regeneration of town centres.

Justin Madders MP makes a s visit to Sainsbury’s Ellesmere P

There was lovely weather this weekend which was just as well as I attended a number of Summer Fairs. I visited both St. John ‘s and St Paul’s before heading off to Neston where it seemed the whole town had come out for their Summer fete. On the Sunday I attend the Mayor of Ellesmere Port’s Civic Service held at St Thomas’s where Gordon McGuiness gave his customary thought provoking sermon. My first ever Prime Minister’s question was a challenge with all the eyes on me but I delivered my question on the Northern Powerhouse (or lack of it) and whilst my question was tongue in chew it was making a serious point that the North isn’t just the big cities and places like ours need to be included. As is the norm on these occasions I didn’t get a proper answer but my point was made. What’s in store for town’s MP Justin Madders, the new Labour MP for the Ellesmere Port and Neston, visited the Sainsbury’s store in Neston. He learned about the store’s charity partnership with Neston’s Live at Home scheme which supports independent living for the elderly at home.

past boxes filled with long-forgotten belongings. But that dark and dingy place is worth thousands. In fact, it takes up a third of

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Neston Local October 2015 29

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Neston Local October 2015 31

W E T R o o M S & B AT H R o o M S

We offer design, supply and installation on bathrooms and wetrooms at competitive prices and all come fully guaranteed.

MONTHLY SPECIAL OFFERS Ask in store for details For more information or a free quotation please contact us on:

0151 625 1089


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71 Grange Cross Lane, Newton, Merseyside, CH48 8BL

Useful numbers and info Burton and Neston History Society Talks are held for members and visitors on the second Thursday of the month from October to May in the Gladstone Hall, Burton at 8pm. Contact the Publicity Officer 336 1190 or the Chairman 336 8643.

COUNCIL Cheshire West and Chester Council:For all local authority Inquiries regarding schools, roads, social services, planning, the Civic Hall, street cleansing, refuse disposal, local highways, environmental health and housing. Tel 0300 123 8 123

CH64 INC Community forum for Neston, Little Neston, Ness, Burton, Willaston and Parkgate. Ernie Waller, 336 3241

CYBERCENTRE Neston Community Cybercentre, Methodist Church, Park Street, Neston. Open Mon-Thurs. Tel: 336 7784

CHEMISTS Deeside Pharmacy, Mellock Lane, Little Neston. Tel: 336 1837 Galen Pharmacy, 17 High Street, Neston. Tel: 336 2350

DENTISTS Redcliffe Dental Practice, 25 Parkgate Road.. Tel 336 3012 Raby Road Dental Centre,30 Raby Road, Neston. Tel 0151 336 6844 Neston Dental Care, 5 Park Street, Neston. Tel 0151 336 5555

CHURCHES St Mary & St Helen Parish Church, Neston. The Vicarage, High St, Neston. Tel: 353 1000 Parkgate & Neston United Reformed Church, Moorside Lane,Parkgate. Tel 336 3336 Little Neston Methodist Church. Tel: 334 1772. Sunday services, 10.30am Neston Christian Fellowship, Burton Road. Tel: 336 7386 Neston Methodist Church, Park Road, Neston. Tel: 334 1772 St Winifride’s RC Church, Burton Rd, Little Neston. Tel: 336 4189 St Nicholas Parish Church, Burton. Tel: 353 0453 St Michael & All Angels, Marshlands Rd, Little Neston. Tel: 353 1000 St Thomas’ Church, Mostyn Square, Parkgate. T 353 1000 CITIZENS’ ADVICE BUREAU Drop-in service in Neston Library, Parkgate Road, on the second and fourthWednesday of each month from 9.30am to 1pm CIVIC HALL Neston Civic Hall, Hinderton Road. Tel 336 1077 Community Activities in Neston (CAN) The Neston Centre, High Street Neston Tel.353 8638

DOCTORS The Neston Medical Centre, 14-20 Liverpool Road, Neston. Tel 336 4121 Neston Surgery, Mellock Lane, Little Neston. Tel: 336 3951 The Willaston Surgery, Neston Road, Willaston. Tel 327 4593 OUT OF HOURS EMERGENCIES Arrowe Park Hospital. Tel: 678 8496 Friends of Park Fields The group aim to enhance the area of Park Fields in Parkgate Call 336 7472 or email: HOMEWATCH Neston & Parkgate: Mike Heathfield 336 5068 Little Neston and Riverside Rose McMahon JUNIOR FOOTBALL Neston Nomads. Ages 5-adult also includes a girls’ section. Tel Norman on 353 8337 LIBRARY Neston Library, Parkgate Road Phone 0151 337 4670 MARKET Fridays 8.30am-3pm. Farmers & Food Makers Market 1st Saturday

32 To advertise call 01244 350398

in the month 10am – 2pm, Market square at rear of Neston Town Hall. Tel: 0151 353 1056 NESTON RECREATION CENTRE Raby Park Road, Neston Tel 336 5741 NESTON CIVIC SOCIETY The society deals with the local environment, planning, architecture and conservation. We hold 6 talks and 2 newsletters per year. Contact Janet Griffiths on 336 5478 or email NESTON TOwn COUNCIL Neston Town Hall, High Street, Neston, CH64 9TR. Reception open 9am – 1pm. 0151 336 3840. There are 17 town councillors working on various community activities in the town. Town Clerk 0151 353 1407 Parkgate Jazz Club The club meets every Tuesday at 8.30pm upstairs at the Boathouse in Parkgate. It is hosted by the Parade Jazz Band.The usual admission cost is £3. There are regular theme nights and visiting musicians. Contact Roy Gregory on 07774905466. PARKGATE SOCIETY The Society is closely involved with the local authorities with particular interest in the history, conservation and enhancement of the unique quality of Parkgate and its amenities. email parkgatesociety@googlemail. com phone 0151 336 1069. POLICE Neston Police office, Neston Town Hall. Tel: 0845 458 0000 SCHOOLS Neston High School 336 3902 Bishop Wilson Primary, Burton, 336 3396 Neston Primary 338 2500 Parkgate Primary 338 2082 St Winefride’s Catholic Primary 338 2468 Woodfall Primary 338 2288

Neston Local October 2015 33

The Bowen Technique What is it? The Bowen Technique is a remedial, hands-on therapy that is applied using very gentle pressure. The practitioner uses thumbs and fingers on precise points of the body to perform Bowen’s unique sets of rolling-type moves which stimulate the muscles and soft tissue of the body.

rapid and deep relaxation. The client will also often report that they feel a tingling sensation or warmth in the area just worked. “It felt like your hands were still on me,” is a common comment. We believe this demonstrates that because the move is out of the ordinary, the brain is looking for information about what happened.

hoW LittLe is DoNe! defibrillators for Neston ThereMore is no manipulation or adjustment of hard One of the more difficult elements to come to terms A cheque £2,209 presented to the Joseph Windsor Heart Fund at Sainsbury’s tissue and no forcefor is used. Thewas experience of a treatwith is how little is done during a session. In addiment isingentle, subtle and relaxing. Neston. The fund, set up by Debbie Windsor following tragic death ofofher tion, the clientthe may well walk out theson treatment

Joseph,that aims placeTechnique defibrillators around Neston and was charity partner It is believed the to Bowen prompts room having felt the littlestore’s or no improvement over and the body to reset, and balance itself and clients andabove last year. repair Sainsbury’s Neston colleagues customers raised the moneythe byreactions a sensehave of relaxation. However, report the experience of pain relief, improvement of tombolas. to Bowen in the days will following a treatment holding quizzes, cakes sales, raffles and This money help to buy two can often belie its soft and gentle approach. Stiffness, soreness, function and recovery of energy. more defibrillators in the Neston area. headache and feeling like “I’ve been run over by a bus!” are common. All excellent signs, they demonhoW Does it Work? strate that the brain and body have started the process of repair. One of the least understood areas of the body is the brain. This process, when started, is The generally rapid and Golden it is not uncommon for even longstanding pain to There are something like 600,000 signals that travel Ticket, from the brain into the body every second and these in be reduced or resolved in two or three treatments. inspired Most sports or work-related problems canby often be turn come back to the brain with information which is the Chocolate dealt with within the two or three treatments, making then interpreted and sent back out. Bowen not only good remedial treatment, but cost Factory, In the case of the Bowen move, the brain is unable effective for the client as well. 9ct gold bar, to do this instantly and needs more information MiGraiNes to form a response. As it is, just when the brain is weight 72gm, asking for more info, the therapist has left the room, Although musculoskeletal problems such as frozen Hallmarked. and therefore the brain has to send specific signals to shoulder, back and neck pain account for the majority the area in order to gauge a response. If the client is Ticketstreatment, availableit can of conditions brought for Bowen lying down, the immediate response is nearly always BalducciClients also be helpful with more organicatproblems. have reported significant improvements with asthma, Jewellers migraines, irritable bowel, infertility and other reproductive problems. Even hayfever has been brought to Bowen.


There are no such things in this life as guarantees

and this can be said of Bowen as well. If the body it is not uncommon for responds to the treatment, then it can and will start even longstanding pain to the process of repair. If it doesn’t respond, then no harm is done. be reduced or resolved in Contact Lynette on 0151 336 5235 two or three treatments. PLEASE NOTE:

or visit the shop at 12 The Cross, Neston The Bowen Technique is not a substitute for medical treatment.

34 To advertise call 01244 350398

This information is not intended to replace guidance from your doctor or other suitably qualified medical professional who should be contacted for advice if you have any health concerns. l Editorial courtesy of ECBS (European College of Bowen Studies)



93% OF



ARE YOU IN PAIN OR SUFFERING WITH HAYFEVER? Problems Potentially Addressed Include Back - Neck Pain - Sciatica – Whiplash - Knee - Ankle - Foot Problems

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• The Bowen Technique is gentle, subtle and relaxing hands-on treatment. • Not a form of massage; there is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue. • Safe for people of all ages; promotes healing, pain relief and recovery of energy. Three or four treatments at weekly intervals OF PEOPLE are usually SURVEYED sufficient to BENEFITED FROM BOWEN achieve lasting THERAPY relief from even long standing pain. Treatment Costs £35 for an individual session or £90 in advance for a series of three.


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GCSE successes at Neston High Students at Neston High School are celebrating after receiving a great set of examination results. Headteacher Steve Dool said: “More Neston High students than ever, are achieving the highest grades in demanding academic subjects such as the sciences. Students and teachers should rightly be proud of these results.� Top performers at Neston High this year include Matthew Donahue with 9A* and 1A, James Hemingway with 8A* and 2A s, Leah Vining-Ledsham also with 8A* and 2As. Some of the top performers: Greg Jones, Matthew Donaghue, Klaudia Barcik, Helen Rafferty (pictured), James Hemingway, Lauren Peers, Steve Dool (Headteacher), Leah Vining-Ledsham, Molly Rose Bryson, Lucas Saulnier, Bethany Gould, Alex Cooper, Jack Jones, Ellie Male. 38 To advertise call 01244 350398





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GRAND OPEN DAY 10th OCTOBER - 9:30am - 2pm

With the right Honourable Frank Field and Mike Shepherd from


Neston Building Supplies Ltd, specialising in Building materials and Timber has quickly established itself in Neston and the surrounding area. Due to its continued success since opening in spring 2015, the companies holding group, Birkenhead Building & Roofing Supplies has decided to introduce Roofing materials at its Neston branch.

LIMITED TIME OFFERS! Cromapol Acrylic Roof Coating 5L £17.00 +VAT

Free Batten Nails

when buying 200 or more roofing tiles

2’6” Suffolk Oak Doors from


Vent 3 Classic 1 x 50m roll £24.00 +VAT

Half Price

GRP Roofing Materials Midland Lead per KG £1.70 +VAT


0151 336 8111


Unit H, Buildwas Road, Clayhill Industrial Estate, Neston, CH64 3RU Neston Local October 2015 39

Demanding career? Or just overwhelmed with tedious chores? We can set you FREE

New opening times Monday - Friday 10am-5pm Sat 10am-2pm

Need Logs for winter?

Want to get fit? – Pilates is it.

Join Peter in a gentle exercise programme, suitable for men and women of

80 - gentle at all levels of way experience. Newcomers are especially welcome. Pilates Pilates programme, suitable If you want to get fitis – aPilates isexercise the to do it.

your fitness, your posture; your balance; your strength; your flexib for menimprove and women of all ages, and all levels of If you want experience. Newcomers areJoinespecially welcome. Peter in a gentle exercise programme, suitab

Join Peter in a gentle exercise programme, suitable for men andmobility. women of all ages, and all levels of experience. Newcomers are especially welcome. Pilates will help to improve your fitness: posture: balance: strength: flexibility and mobility. Thornton Hough - Village Hall Neston - Neston Community & Youth Centre Hoylake - The Parade, Hoylake Community Centre Prenton - Prenton United Reform Church Hall

It’s a great way to relax too. welcome. Pilates will help to i

Mon 9.30 Mon 6.30 Tue 9.30

Want to get fit?Hough – Pilates is it. Hall Fri 2.30 Thornton Hough - Village Hall, Mon- Village 9.30am & 10.45am Thornton

Mon 9.30 Thornton Hough - Village

your place and for more information callwomen of all& Join Peter To in abook gentle exercise programme, for please men and ages - 18 to Centre Neston -suitable Neston Community Youth 6.30 Neston - NestonMon Commu 80 - at all levels of experience. Newcomers are especially welcome. Pilates will help to Peter Heath Hoylake 07808 813Hoylake Community Centre - The 920 Parade, Tue 9.30Ho Hoylake - The Parade, improve your fitness, your posture; your balance; your strength; your flexibility and your Prenton - Prenton United Church Hall Fri 2.30 mobility. Prenton - Prenton United

Neston - Neston Community & Youth Centre, Mon 6.30pm & 7.45pm Hardwood & Softwood Lower Bebington - Methodist Church, Thu 2.00pm logs It’s a great to relax too. Prenton - Prenton UnitedwayReformed Church Hall,yourFri place 2.00pm& for more information, pleaseTocallbo To book Thornton Hough - Village Hall Mon 9.30 Holistic Centre, Little Neston – 1-2-1s Assessments, by Appointment Neston - Neston Community & Youth Centre Mon&6.30 Pete Free Local Delivery ‘If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60 you are young’ - Joseph Pilates Hoylake - The Parade, Hoylake Community Centre Tue 9.30 Heath Peter 07808 920 813 Prenton - Prenton United Reform Church Hall Fri 2.30 0151 336 5847 07825 994 246

To book your place & for more information, please call Peter Heath 0780807808 920 813920 813 Peter Heath E To book your place & for more information, please call

‘If your spine is stiff at 30, you

‘If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60 you are young’ ‘IfJoseph your Pilates spine is stiff at 30, you are old.

40 To advertise call 01244 350398


If it is completely flexible at 60 yo Joseph Pilates

autumN special offeRs

Remember, we offer

free collection and delivery

November, December and January for winter servicing.

Neston Local October 2015 37

Entertainment guide Essential what’s on info for the next month

WHAT’S ON IN October Thursday 1st October John Hallam and Tom Kincaid will play in a jazz evening in Neston Library at 7.30pm. They are in demand at festivals and have made many CDs. John plays clarinet, tenor and baritone saxes and Tom the piano. Shades of Benny Goodman and Errol Garner and more will be heard. Visit the library soon to get your place for £6, which will include a glass of wine or juice. Friday 9th October Alpine Garden Society – Some of Japan’s Alpines & Woodland Plants by Jim Jermyn, 7.45pm, at Gladstone Village Hall. All welcome. Contact 0151 336 3407. Saturday 10th October Free Adult Cycle Training courses at Neston Community & Youth Centre, 9.30am-1.45pm – beginners to confident rider levels. To book places visit bookacourse or call Cycle Experience 0845 434 8451 Monday 12th October Elizabeth Davey will give a talk entitled Wirral in Peace & War 1914 – 1945, at Burton

Saturday 24th October Neston Flicks – The Theory of Everything, 6-8pm, at Neston Civic Hall. A biographical coming of age romantic drama for which Eddie Redmayne won an Oscar for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role. Based on the life of worldrenowned physicist Steven Hawking, also starring Felicity Jones. Tickets on sale at Neston Library or on Neston High Street from Temptation Card Shop, or pay on the door. Contact CAN Group on 0151 353 8638, email: Manor Gardens, from 7.15-9pm. Tel 0151 345 1107 or email burtonmanorgardens@gmail. com Monday 19th October Parkgate Society talk – ‘Friends of Williamson Tunnels’ by Claire Moorhead, 8-9.30pm, at the Cranston Suite, Neston Cricket Club. Visitors are welcome. Tel 0151 336 4199 Friday 23rd October Darts legend Bobby George will be at the Neston Royal British Legion, for an evening of darts, beers and cheers from 6.30pm. Price £12. Call 0151 336 4630 for info.

Fridays Willaston Country Market, 9-11 am. Baked goods, cakes, breads, savouries, jams, chutneys, flowers, fruit and vegetables Tuesdays The Parade Jazz Band plays every Tuesday night upstairs at The Boathouse, Parkgate, from 8.30pm. Only £3 to get in! Saturday 7th November Burton Manor Gardens will host an arts course entitled ‘Looking at Buildings & Perspective’ from 10am-4pm, at Squirrel Lodge. Tel 0151 345 1107 or email burtonmanorgardens@gmail. com.

Directory Aerials

APEX Aerial Services All types supplied, erected and repaired.Tel 336 2661 Mob: 07866 073583. Any time, 7 days. Est over 25 years. Cleaning

DUST-FREE. Domestic cleaning services. Materials & equipment provided. Weeklyfortnightly cleans. Laundry & Ironing service.FREE collection & delivery. 24hr FREE quote. 01515389108 or 07547257341 Architect / Planning

To advertise in this section for as little as ÂŁ17 a month (Including web listing) call 01244 350398

Decorating For the perfect finish every time


PAINTING & DECORATING SERVICES l Private & Commercial l No job too big or too small l Interior & Exterior l Time Served Tradesman with 25+ years experience l FREE ESTIMATES

TEL: 0151 339 5924 MOBILE: 07790243159

Alan J Milton

Steve Bowe Painter & Decorator Over 25 years experience Friendly, reliable service

Tel 0151 334 7121 Mob 07773 266870 60 Woodkind Hey, Spital, Wirral

Carpet / Oven cleaning

Painting and Decorating

Dirtym Interior Carpetsandorexterior Oven?? Dirty Carpets or Oven?? m Local friendly service m Wallpapering l Time served Expert Deep Cleaning tradesman

Fantastic l FullyResults insured l Fully Insured

Tel 01244 490472

07546 141 089 Mob 079360 60076 0151 327 7063

Expert Deep Cleaning Fantastic Results l Fully Insured

Tel 0151 636 0009 Mob 079360 60076 Chiropody / Podiatry



No job too small. Time Served. Over 20 yrs experience.

Tel: 0151 336 3710 Mob: 0771 276 3290


0151 739 3628 07812333731


l Joinery l Brickwork l Extensions l Loft Conversions l Kitchens & Bathrooms l Renovations




To advertise in this section for as little as ÂŁ17 a month (Including web listing) call 01244 350398

Computers / IT support

Driveways / Gardens

Muckaway and Mini Digger Hire

l Muck removed - by self loading 32T grab wagon l Mini digger and dumper hire with or without operator l Decorative gravels/slates & landscaping materials l Top Soil supplied, various grades l Driveways, footings and gardens excavated l Recycled aggregates

Tel 0151 353 8686




(+ VAT, min booking 3 months, applies to small box)







commercial inDustrial

All aspects of electrical work undertaken Unbeatable quality, cost and service

Tel 0151 336 3218


E A Reed & Sons Ltd

Plant Hire & Groundwork Contractors All aspects of groundworks undertaken including tarmacadam, footings, demolition, driveways, menages, spoil removal, small extensions, fencing works, excavation works undertaken & digger/machinery hire.

0151 677 4306 07774 608674 Email


l Muck rem l Mini digg l Decorativ l Top Soil s l Driveway l Recycled


To advertise in this section for as little as ÂŁ17 a month (Including web listing) call 01244 350398

Directory Gardening / Excavation

(Agricultural & General Contractor)

Excavation Work & Site Clearance

Roy Hand Landscape Gardening

l Fencing l Turfing l Hedge cutting l Scarification l Moss and weed killing for lawns l Concrete Imprinting l Patios l Grounds maintenance

Call 0151 336 8507

Andys Lawn and Garden Care l Jungle clearance l Lawns scarified l Hedges cut l Chippings Gardens & Drives Dug Out & loweredLand Drainage by request l Trees topped l Tidy-ups Pond Excavations & prunedTop Soil Available l Jet washing l Stump grinding Small Demolitions Mini Digger Driver Hire Free Quotes. All waste& removed

DaviD RobeRts Property Maintenance & Handyman Local Experienced Reliable Tradesman

All work considered including, Patios, Re-pointing, Fencing, Decorating, Tiling, Gutter Repairs, Gardening and more. Please call for a no obligation quote

0151 336 4637 07990765605 Or visit our website at:

Handyman SOS Time served kitchen and bathroom installer

If you are looking to change your garage door, why not let Pennine help choose from a vast range of styles and colour finishes. l Up and over l Sectional doors l Roller doors l Side hinged l All colours l Automatic or manual For free quotation call 0151 336 7136 / 07786 682152

l Lawn Cutting l Turfing l Driveways l Hedge Cutting l Lawn Treatments l Patios l Fencing

Tel 07973 858252 0151 336 2614


In Conjunction with P & D Tel 01244 376201 0151 336 1481 or Paving 200503 Contact James07541 on: 07427 630210

Garage doors

Lawn Specialists

Tiling, painting, plumbing, flatpacking etc All work completed to a very high standard Please call for a free consultation

Nick Sington 0151 336 2614 / 07973 858 252

Wirral Handymen Tim and Julian

n Roofing n Guttering n Floors laid n Pointing n Patios cleaned n Decorating 0151 348 0793 0794 288 34 75 Handyman Services Decorating, Pointing, Roofing Gutter cleaning & repairs Flat pack & all DIY Free quotes No call out charge OAP discounts 0151-538-9108 07837584482


Davies Bros


To advertise in this section for as little as £17 a month (Including web listing) call 01244 350398

Directory Glazing

Kitchen Units

Glaze-rite Misted units replaced, all glazing work, lead repairs, UPVC fitted and PVC repairs. Tel 0151 538 9108 078375 84482


Kitchen Door Replacement Specialists Transform your kitchen at a fraction of the cost Over 25 years Experience

01352 761851 07709 303440 Contemporary Kitchens Formerly at Brimstage Hall


All makes of units fitted Free Planning and Estimates Gas Safe Registered Est. for over 30 years No VAT charges

Big or small - we fit them all

Fred Gill 0151 336 3633 Pet sitting

Parkgate Carpentry & Joinery Est 25 years

All aspects of Joinery, built in funiture, windows, doors, locks and repairs etc. No job too small

Tel 0151 336 7011 Mob 07964 016339 Roofing

Kitchen Fitting


£17 A MONTH!

(+ VAT, min booking 3 months)

Tree surgeon

Water Features

Touchwood Tree Surgery


RFS Cert Arb & NPTC Qualified Staff Fully Insured Domestic & Commercial


Pruning, Felling, Reducing Dismantling and Clearance Hedge Maintenance Stump Removal Tree Surveys and reports Free Estimates & Advice

0151 336 5847 07825 994 246


TEL 0151 336 6130

To advertise in this section for as little as £17 a month (Including web listing) call 01244 350398

Directory Plumbing/Heating/Bathrooms

Complete Bathroom Installations Baths l Showers l Wetrooms


l Tiling l Plastering l Radiators l Decorating

No job too small, call Ray

0151 353 1348 07966 448 606

0151 336 1508 Mob 07789 817652 Prop: Roy Hughes

For all your bathroom needs

I fInIsh the jobs your partner started


Small jobs, tradesman, local, cheap and reliable


l Sup/fit tank BCock £25 l Sup/fit basic toilet siphon £40 l Sup/ fit basic toilet F/Valve £35 l Sup/fit Tap washer £15 l Fit Kit or Basin taps £30

LGSC certificates Central Heating Installation Renewable energy & solar Guttering & Drainage Bathroom Suites fitted All Gas Appliances Fitted & Serviced Plumbing Leaks LPG Gas


0800 2321587 Wirral, Chester & N Wales

Plastering / Tiling


Plastering & Tiling

Covering all aspects of interior and exterior 30 Years Experience, Fully Insured


For the perfect finish call Carl 07703 734837 or email

0151 353 1434 07766 336021



l All Domestic Plumbing l Bathroom Installations l Service l Repairs l Central Heating FREE l Power Flushing ESTIMATES l Sensible Prices l 24hr Call Out (mob only) l Triton Shower Specialist Call Jim on

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Cerami Mosaic Marble Slate Travert

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A friendly and reliable local business Established for over 35 years

Complete bathrooms supplied, fi 0151 336 1965 from £2,995 07747797110

For a no obligation quote ple Jim 0776 586 5567 or Colin 015

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l Boiler installations & repairs l Bathroom installations l Plumbing repairs l Landlords gas safety checks Est 1979

07931 402196 0151 327 5278

Plumbing, Heating and Building Services All trades covered - over 25 years experience

l Central Heating Installations l Bathrooms & Wetrooms l Kitchens l Renovations Mob 07804 205 390 Tel 0151 208 1643


Tiling And Plumbing Services


Get your windows installed before Autumn sets in... ...from a family company that cares! Call us to get a FREE quotation on our ‘A’ rated windows and doors for your added warmth and security from a company you can trust.







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Newark & Vogue Cube

One of the areas leading installers of composite Rock and PVCu doors all including high security locks as standard.

NOW IN OUR SHOWROOM A selection of Bi-Folding doors in a range of various colours


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