SMIIC is an OIC Affiliated Institution
NEWSLETTER 3 JUL•AUG•SEP 2013 The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries
A4 - 170 gr - Mat Kuşe
02 July 2013
International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) visit General
02 July 2013
Director of Fatwa and Sharia Rulings Department
Headquarters of the International Islamic Fiqh
of IIFA. During the meeting, where a comprehensive
Academy (IIFA) on 30 June – 02 July 2013, in Jeddah,
presentation was made by SMIIC, both sides had a
KSA. The Secretary General of IIFA, H.E. Prof. Ahmad
useful exchange of views and IIFA was invited to
Khalid Babikr received the SMIIC Delegation at
become liaison organization to TC1 and continue to
his office accompanied by Dr. Abdulqahir Qamar,
participate in its activities.
36th Session of ICECS General Secretariat of SMIIC participated in the 36th Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Social and Cultural Affairs (ICECS) in OIC Headquarters, Jeddah on 30 June – 02 July 2013, KSA.
22 August 2013
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Enhancing of Competitive Capacity of SMEs in the Member Countries of OIC A training program with a theme on the “Enhancing
in TSE Quality Campus premises, Gebze-Kocaeli,
of Competitive Capacity of SMEs in the Member
Republic of Turkey. Experts from Gambia, Palestine,
Countries of Organization of Islamic Countries” was
Mauritania, Suriname and Uganda participated in
organized by the Standing Committee for Economic
the programme and visited SMIIC Headquarters
and Commercial Cooperation of OIC (COMCEC) in
on 22 August 2013 where the activities of SMIIC
coordination with TSE on 19-23 August 2013
comprehensively introduced.
SMIIC Certification Bodies (CBs) Programme Working Group (WG) Meeting
29 August 2013
SMIIC Certification Bodies (CBs) Programme Working Group (WG) Meeting was held on 29-31 August 2013 in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey to further workout proposed draft CBs Programme of which a road wap was outlined with its action items to be completed in preparation of the certification mechanism.
Visit of Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry
05 September 2013
Second Vice Chairman of UAE-Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry H.E. Mr. Saeed Obaid Al Jarwan paid a visit to SMIIC Headquarters on 5th of September 2013 where latest improvements/ developments for Halal issues were discussed in both the member countries in the OIC and the nonOIC region.
3 A4 - 170 gr - Mat Kuşe
20 September 2013
23 September 2013
Coordination Meeting with SESRIC Coordination Meeting on possible Mandates
The Director General of SESRIC, H.E. Prof. Savaş
of SMIIC on “OIC Framework for Cooperation
Alpay received the SMIIC Delegation at his office
on Labor, Employment and Social Protection”
accompanied by Mr. Fatih Serenli, Director at the
regarding Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
Training and Technical Cooperation Department
with Statistical, Economic and Social Research and
of SESRIC. During the meeting, where the latest
Training Centre for the Islamic Countries (SESRIC)
developments of SMIIC was introduced and both
organized and took place at SESRIC Headquarters
sides had a useful exchange of views for the
on 20 September 2013, in Ankara, Republic of
possible cooperation on the needs of OIC Member
Countries in economical domains.
SMIIC Metrology Committee Meeting SMIIC Metrology Committee convened for the first meeting on the 23-24 September 2013 in Dubai, UAE, in which the Terms of Reference (ToR) was to be discussed and finalized, the coordinator and
secretary of the committee to be elected.
The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries Address: Süleyman Demirel Bulvarı, İPKAS Camii Yanı, İkitelli, Başakşehir-İstanbul / TURKEY, 34490 Tel: +90 212 407 05 20 / +90 212 407 05 22 Fax: +90 212 407 05 21 / A4 - 170 gr - Mat Kuşe