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How to Have the Life You Want

Planning a Madagascar Sequel

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Share the Gospel

Feed the Hungry

Rescue Victims of Human Trafficking

Give Orphans a Home

Help Hurting People

Rebuild Lives

As partners, Mike & Becky are helping provide Joyce’s program in 60 languages around the world.

Mike Undlin ,


I used to suffer from deep depression, which put a great deal of pressure on my wife, Becky. She listened to Joyce all the time and I knew it comforted her greatly. Even though I didn’t believe in God at the time, I could watch Joyce and relate to what she was saying.

EVENTUALLY GOD TOUCHED MY HEART and pulled me out of my depression.

I’m proud to be a partner because Joyce was able to give my wife the comfort she needed during a very difficult time. You know, it feels like a million bucks just to get back to level ground. And there’s a strong sense within me to pay it forward, because God reached out to me personally and helped my

wife through a very hard time.

GIVE FROM YOUR HEART. Help change lives through partnership. (800) 727-9673 / IN CANADA (800) 868-1002

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He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. —Matthew 28:6



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Contents In less than 30 days you can make a big change. Go!

13 Overcoming Fear with Faith By Joyce Meyer You don’t have to let your fears overtake you. You can overcome them.

t v broadcast sche d u l e ame ri ca at i ts b est god’s word ma d e pe r so n a l good ne w s re lat i onshi ps re al li f e pe r s pecti v es


By Joyce Meyer

6 27 29 30 32 34


8 Making Good Habits

16 Discipline Is Not a Dirty Word By Joyce Meyer


Discipline is good—good for the body, good for the soul, good for the spirit.

23 Our Journey to Madagascar and Why We’re Determined to Go Back Our medical/dental volunteers experienced a rough but rewarding journey—and would do it all over again!

THANK YOU! Every day our Partners help us Share Christ and Love People. Check out to find out exactly how. To become a partner, see pg 2 or the enclosed order form.

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By Wade Hosseini


How has a relationship with Jesus changed your life?

From the Editor For Christians, the Easter holiday is our bedrock celebration. It represents the beginning of real life, which we can only have through relationship with Christ, and reminds us of the extreme sacrifice Jesus made to give us that life. That’s a bit deeper than bunnies, Easter baskets and egg hunts. My memories of Easter from childhood include coloring eggs, shopping for the special Easter dress, picking out an Easter basket, the excitement of discovering treats in the basket Sunday morning, going to church, and family dinner and hunting eggs afterward. It was always a special day.

Bill Ross “There is not enough memory on my phone to give a testimony as long as mine, but one thing I have been shown by our Lord is the true meaning of the word UNCONDITIONAL.” Joseph Tony Arroyo “I was once angry, aggressive and cold-hearted, and didn’t care about anyone. Now I’m filled with peace, joy and love. Thank You Lord for saving me.”

Now that I’m past the basket-and-egg-hunt stage, the thing that makes Easter a celebration for me is the reality of Jesus’ love and presence in my life every day. It may sound like a cliché, but I wouldn’t want to live a single day without Him.

Rebecca Amunga “I seek to be a blessing rather than be blessed.”


Join the conversation! Follow us at


All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted.


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JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and travels extensively conducting conferences. She has written nearly 100 inspirational books and her Enjoying Everyday Life® radio and television programs are broadcast all over the world.

STEPHEN ARTERBURN is host of the New Life Live radio program, founder of New Life Ministries and Women of Faith, and is a best-selling author. His most recent project is “The Seven Minute Marriage Solution” and companion devotional Bible.

WADE HOSSEINI is a Medical Outreach Coordinator for Joyce Meyer Ministries/ Hand of Hope. He has traveled to some of the most remote areas of the world— sharing Christ’s love and helping coordinate medical/dental clinics that meet people’s demanding physical needs.

DAVE MEYER is Joyce’s husband and Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries. His passion is to share about this country’s rich Christian heritage and motivate people to get involved by praying, learning about the issues, and taking action.

Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.®,a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2012 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 41709522. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address: Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.

At Joyce Meyer Ministries, financial accountability is very important. We want you to be confi dent that your investment is being used wisely to build God’s kingdom. That’s why we are so pleased to be accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability—one of the most widely respected nonprofit accrediting agencies worldwide.


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Until we learn to do this, nothing else is really going to work out very well. But on the other hand, it’s amazing how good life can be when we learn to make this one major adjustment. By putting God first, as the Bible tells us to do, we actually lay the foundation for a more peaceful and successful life.

As a matter of fact, that’s an excellent way to start the good habit of putting God first. Ask for His help with everything…seek His guidance every day. He is right there with you… waiting to help.


Every now and then we try to make a new habit… and some we just really want to break. But let’s talk about one very good habit that sets the stage for success in life. That is the habit of putting God first.

I’m not saying that to be discouraging; but rather, to show exactly why we need the Holy Spirit to help us. The Amplified Bible refers to the Holy Spirit as our Standby…because He’s always standing by, ready to help. He’s just waiting for us to ask.

Make God your Good Habit!



e all have habits, right? We have good ones and we have bad ones. Some are just silly, quirky things. Our habits are a part of what makes us who we are.

“take just 21 DAYS and make a new habit”


It all starts with a decision. And when we get tired of old habits being in control, that decision becomes easier to make. A lot of the time, some of the things in our lives that we Christians call bondages really are just bad habits. We do something over and over and over for so long it seems like it has some kind of hold on us. Now, that hold can be broken, but there’s effort involved…and discomfort…and time.



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For stations and program times in your area, check your local TV listing or visit Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast anytime you like at


March march 4 – 8

march 11 – 15

march 18 – 28

march 29

knock out fear

what are you thinking?

winning in life

undeniable proof

This week, Joyce teaches how to get the upper hand on fear and use your faith to deliver the knockout punch. On Wednesday, Joyce addresses our special day of prayer, focusing on the needs in your life.

Your thoughts are the forerunners for every single thing you do. Joyce teaches how to think “power thoughts” that will propel you in the right direction. Thursday and Friday includes a special question and answer segment.

Joyce teaches on the power that’s yours in Christ and how you can be ready and equipped to win your daily battles. On Thursday, tune in for an awe-inspiring testimony of one man’s conversion to Christ.*

Ravi Zacharias joins Joyce in studio for a special Good Friday program. Don’t miss this riveting discussion which centers on the incredible details proving the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

april 1 – 5

april 8 – 12

april 15 – 19

april 22 – 26

april 29 – may 3

breaking bad habits

bearing good fruit

obedience required

forgive and forget


This week, Joyce teaches how you can break your bad habits and develop good ones, including how to be happier, healthier and more decisive. Don’t miss the Q&A with Joyce on Friday.

Learn how you can yield a bumper crop of good fruit in your life—including love, faithfulness and humility. Hint: You’re going to want to sink your roots deep into God’s Word.

This week, Joyce shares her own gripping personal testimony. Then, beginning Wednesday, she teaches how becoming radically obedient to God will reveal His power and provision in a whole new way.

Monday and Tuesday, Joyce teaches how to press past anger and unforgiveness. On Wednesday* you will be wowed by true stories from our partners. Thursday and Friday, learn how to develop a merciful, forgiving attitude.

On Monday, Joyce shares a very special message about salvation that could change your life forever. Then, Tuesday-Friday, you’ll learn how to cooperate with God to be more like Him.


PROGRAMS AIR one day a week






m arc h 3 — 1 6 dealing with sin Sin can lead to a treadmill of guilt and condemnation. Joyce teaches how to really receive God’s forgiveness and see yourself the way He sees you.

m arc h 1 7 — a p ril 6 wave goodbye to worry Learn how to put worry and anxiety in your rearview mirror once and for all. During Easter week, Ravi Zacharias joins Joyce for a riveting discussion on proving the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

a pril 7 — 20 the power of agreement Life’s a whole lot easier when there’s peace and unity. Tune in as Joyce shares invaluable tips for eliminating strife and building greater communication and bonding in relationships.

a pril 21 — m ay 4 you can have it all There’s a lot that God wants to give us. Joyce shares how not to “settle” for anything less than the great, full, victorious life He has for you.

Schedules are subject to change. *TBN will receive alternate programming on March 28 and April 24.


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To Hell and Back

That’s when he met Cassie—the woman who would later become his wife. She was on her own journey


One of those prayers was for a healthy relationship. He’d endured a failed marriage and estranged relationships with his two sons and he was tired of being alone. Little did he know, God was the one listening all along.

Part of the couple’s devotional time together is watching Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life program. Years before he met Cassie, Mark would stumble upon Joyce’s program late at night. He didn’t realize it then, but the seed of the Gospel was planted in his heart during those painful late nights. And after his near-death experience and recovery from addictions, those seeds prepared him for God’s Word to fully come alive in his life.

Always looking for ways to give back, Mark and Cassie volunteered to join Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries on a medical/dental trip to Guatemala.

With a desire to help people who are struggling, Mark and Cassie prayerfully decided to become partners with the ministry. They know God saved Mark from a destructive life that day, and they hope that by sharing his story, they’ll help others find a real relationship with Jesus and experience the life they’ve been longing for.


Determined to find answers and change his life for good, he walked away from his destructive lifestyle and set out on the path to recovery from drug and alcohol addictions. He began to pray for direction for his life, even though he didn’t yet know what or to whom he was praying.

of recovery from alcoholism. Part of her recovery was a recommitment to Christ, and as their friendship developed, Mark began attending church with her. As their relationship grew, so did his relationship with God. He became a Christian and discovered the greatest relationship he could ever experience—one with his Savior.

Kacie Campbell is a staff writer for Joyce Meyer Ministries.



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On December 11, 2006, Mark DeDio’s life changed forever. After a five-day crack and alcohol binge, Mark overdosed and was declared dead for five whole minutes. Descending into complete and utter darkness, Mark recalls shrieks of torment and the smell of sulfur. As he began to fall further into the abyss, a sharp tug sent him back into this life…alive, but left to question this haunting trip into darkness.


by Kacie Campbell



Learn to Walk Step by step into a Brand-New Life by Joyce Meyer


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habit is something we have done repeatedly over time. It’s just a part of our normal routine. Sometimes our bad habits seem to have a hold on us, but they certainly can be broken. A bad habit can always be turned around.

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I’m not going to tell you it’s easy. I might as well be plain about it and say that most of the time what we want is a miracle. We want God to suddenly deliver us without any effort on our part—without any discomfort, inconvenience or suffering.

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Well obviously, if we’re going to break a bad habit and make a good habit, there’s going to be some effort involved. We will go through a time of trial, but God is in it and He will bless us through it. It’s very important to understand from the beginning that we need God’s help to succeed. The number one mistake people make in trying to live the Christian life is that we try to change ourselves. We forget the God factor. Jesus said that when He went away, He would send us the Holy Spirit to help us. The Amplified Bible refers to Him as “the standby.” I love that. God is always standing by in case we get ourselves into trouble and need a little help. It wouldn’t hurt any of us at all to say, “God help me,” a thousand times a day because we need it at least that often. Thankfully, with God’s help, we can break every bad habit we have by replacing it with a good habit.

Where We Start and Where We Finish I used to have a habit of getting upset every time I didn’t get my way. It was just my go-to response—and I lived that way for many years until I finally decided to stop. Today, I want to encourage you to make some decisions of your own. Think about the person you are right now and the person you want to become, and then jot down a few habits that can help get you there. Remember, one good choice is another step closer to success. One scripture I’ve found to be most helpful in this area is Romans 12:21. It says, Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good. In other words, don’t even think about your bad habits. Instead, put all of your focus and concentration on making good ones. Because when we think about all the bad habits we’ve

got to try and undo, it zaps all of our strength. If we’re going to be successful, we need to learn to focus on the positive! Similarly, the Bible tells us that by walking in the Spirit, we overcome the flesh (see Galatians 5:16). Do everything you can to stay in the Spirit. Read the Word and meditate on it. Set aside time for prayer. Get around people who will encourage you to do what God’s asking you to do. Don’t give yourself the time or energy to do what your flesh is pleading with you to do. If you make a quality decision to act, it will change your life. But you can’t wait to feel like it. Just set your mind to do it.

How Long Does It Take to Form a Habit? Some people say it takes twenty-one days and others say thirty days. So let’s just say that anything you do (or don’t do) repeatedly for a period of time becomes a habit.


I used to smoke many years ago. And when God started convicting me to quit, I didn’t want to do it—and it was very hard for me to stop. In fact, it took several attempts to quit before I broke this habit.


When I reached the point of sheer determination to quit, the first day was bad. The second day wasn’t much better. I made it to the weekend but then Dave and I had an argument at a picnic and I ended up leaving on my own to go buy a pack of cigarettes. My plan was to smoke the whole pack.



You see, when we’re trying to form a new habit, there comes what I call a “crisis point.” That day at the picnic, I reached my crisis point. After I got those cigarettes I sat there and thought, If I smoke these right now, I’m likely to be doing it the rest of my


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Read a sample chapter

Good habits happen one day at a time.

Fill your life with one good habit after another and they will eventually crowd out the old habits you wish would go away. With God’s help, any good habit can be made and any bad one can be broken. Use Joyce’s newest book as your guide to habitual success. It’s not about perfection, it’s about




progress. And you will love, love, love the results.


Coming Soon – Joyce’s Newest Book Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits Will also be available in Spanish. (800) (800) 727-9673 727-9673 | In Canada | In Canada (800) (800) 868-1002 868-1002 Available Available AprilApril 2 wherever 2 wherever books books are sold. are sold.

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Is this movie worth watching?

Should I buy this watch? Red dress or black dress? Should I change my major...again?

Whom should I marry?

Don’t leave it up to chance— there’s too much at stake! Trust the Creator of the Universe to guide you down the path to a bigger, better, joy-filled life.


life and I’m not going to do that. So I took every single cigarette out of the package and threw them in the toilet. Every now and then, I’d think: I want a cigarette. But after about thirty days, I could tell my desire to smoke had changed. I just didn’t want to do it. And I never smoked another cigarette again. Sometimes we make a monster out of this stuff when, really, it’s nothing more than needing to give God control one day at a time.

LEARNING TO PUT GOD FIRST IN YOUR LIFE In Genesis 17, God said to Abraham, “Walk and live habitually before me and be perfect (blameless, wholehearted, complete) and I will multiply your blessings.” That was not just a message for Abraham; it’s a message for me and you. If we will obey God habitually, He will multiply every area of our life. When it comes to your everyday habits, it’s important to ask yourself: Am I putting God first?



Decisions, Decisions...

“When we think about all the bad habits we’ve got to try and undo, it zaps all of our strength. If we’re going to be successful, we need to learn to focus on the positive!”

The Wisdom of Making Right Choices 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer


We have to come to the point where we are God-pleasers and we’re not living for anything else.

YOU ARE NOT WIMPY OR WEAK-WILLED You are a child of God with the power of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you. And you have been given authority over the enemy. I encourage you to talk to yourself about who you are in Christ how His Spirit is alive and active on the inside of you. Get passionate and say, “Not getting my way in this is good for me. I don’t care if I have to be uncomfortable for a little while, because I am going to have the freedom and blessing that comes from doing what God wants me to do.” How wonderful it is when you can lay your head down at night and say, “God, I didn’t hit it 100 percent, but I gave it my best today. Let’s go at it again tomorrow, because I want to live for You.” Together, one day at a time, you and God can do anything.

First Thessalonians 2:4 says, But just as we have been approved by God to


$33 Canada

It can be so easy to put ourselves and our reputations first…or our friends… or our possessions. But every time we say yes to our flesh, we cheat ourselves out of something good that God wants us to have.

be entrusted with the glad tidings (the Gospel), so we speak not to please men but to please God, Who tests our hearts [expecting them to be approved].

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Overcoming Fear with Faith How to Shed the Layers of Fear That Weigh Us Down

by joyce meyer


veryone faces fear at times. I would like to see us get to the point where, when fear comes, we can immediately walk in faith, trust God and say, “I can do whatever I need to do through Christ who strengthens me. I will not fear.”


See, when you release your faith you’re able to receive from God. You’re saying you believe that He will help you through each fear and overcome it. But without faith, you are going to live in fear.


Let’s talk about seven common fears that God wants us to overcome by walking in faith.



Fear 1: Dread For many years, I had this vague sense that something bad was going to happen. I was just expecting the next disaster to come. If you do this, I want to encourage you to form a habit of wondering what the next blessing will be, instead of dreading the next bad thing to happen, because God wants to be good to you. Isaiah 30:18 says, And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you….

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“Maybe there are some things in your life that aren’t working anymore or have been dead for a long time but you’re still dragging them around with you. What you need to do is let go of the old so you can completely take hold of the new.”

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When these thoughts are warring in your mind, you need to open your mouth and speak up. So when the devil says nothing’s going to change, you need to say, “God has a good plan for my life. And the changes He has for me will happen!”

Fear 4: Change Sometimes we fear that things will change. After Moses died, God went to Joshua and said, “Moses is dead” (see Joshua 1). God was telling Joshua, “It’s time for things to change. You’re going to take on new responsibilities. Things are not going to be the way they used to be.” Maybe there are some things in your life that aren’t working anymore or have been dead for a long time but you’re still dragging them around with you. What you need to do is let go of the old so you can completely take hold of the new.

Fear 5: I Won’t Get What I Want God gives us some of the things we want, but not everything we want, because sometimes we simply don’t want the right things. Maybe you’ve wanted things in the

We will experience failures in life, but nobody has to be a failure. Failing at something doesn’t make you a failure. Failure comes when you quit trying.

Fear 7: Being Hurt I can tell you right now, you will get hurt, but you can’t let the fear of it control you. When you feel this fear, say, “God, I’m going to trust You. If I will stop trying to protect myself, You will protect me.” If I’m going to deal with people on any level, I will get hurt sometimes, but you know what? The Healer lives on the inside of us. As soon as we get hurt, we can go to Him and say, “God, I expect You to heal this wound, but I refuse to live in fear.”

We’re going to feel fear sometimes, but God has given us the faith we need to face those fears. You don’t have to let them take hold of you. Every time you feel afraid, please understand it’s just an indication that the devil’s trying to keep you from something God wants you to have. He’s trying to keep you in some kind of bondage. I want to encourage you to walk in the faith God has placed inside you and overcome fear!

How can we forgive people who choose to mistreat us? Get more insight from Joyce on the Enjoying Everyday Life television broadcast April 22 & 23. Check your local TV listing for stations.

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You don’t have to live afraid!


“I’ll never change; my family will never change; I’ll never have any money; I’ll never get married; I’ll never live in peace or enjoy my life…” But the truth is, everything is subject to change except God!

Fear 6: Failure I remember so many times in my life when I was so afraid of failing, but I would take a step of faith anyway. There were times when things worked out and times when they didn’t. When that happens to you, you need to shake it off and move forward. Don’t let the fear of making a mistake stop you.

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Fear 3: Things Will Never Change It’s easy to think things like,

Instead of being afraid of not getting something, learn to say, “God, I don’t want this if You don’t want me to have it.”

Overcoming Fear with Faith 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer

$26 / $33 Canada 15


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So you don’t need to play games to get people to like you. Just be you! And if there’s anything in you that needs to change, trust God to show you what it is.

past and you got out in front of God’s timing and got them anyway. I wonder how many of those things you wish you didn’t have now.


Fear 2: Rejection Rejection is terrible. But I’ve learned I’m not responsible to make everybody like me. I’m responsible to go out into the world and be my own unique self. God has given us individuality.

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KNOW YOUR POWER SOURCE First and foremost, living a disciplined life and establishing new habits requires a lot more than just will power. I’ll never forget the time years ago when I heard a teaching about the power of words. That day, I left church and said, “That’s it! I’m going to shut my mouth and not say one bad thing. I’m going to discipline myself!” You can probably guess how that turned out. Actually, I did manage to

I believe a lot of people want the “perks without the works.” In other words, they want to have all of the good results without having to discipline themselves or take any of the responsibility to get them. College football coach, Vince Lombardi, famously said that he was going to teach his players how to discipline themselves so they could have what they said they wanted to have. You see, although today we can microwave a meal, there’s no such thing as “microwave Christianity.” Actually, I like to call God’s process “The Law of Gradual Growth.” Why?

“Every time you make a choice to do the right thing, the next time it gets a little easier. And you get one step closer to your goal.”

teaches us that wise people think about the consequences and care more about later on than right now. Yes, you can live a lazy, undisciplined life and still go to heaven. But you won’t have peace, you won’t be happy and, worst of all, you won’t glorify God with your life the way He intended!

YOU CAN’T HAVE THE “PERKS” I encourage you to start viewing discipline and self-control in a whole new way…as helpful WITHOUT THE “WORKS” Years ago, people were expected to work at their jobs for a long time before getting raises, vacation and special benefits. Today, these things are expected up front. I’m all for people having great benefits, but there’s a sense of entitlement today that can actually hurt us.

A Better Life Starts Here BLACK


keys to good health, peace, prosperity, great relationships, and the satisfaction of fulfilling your purpose. And remember, whatever your goal is—whether it’s to get in good physical shape or change a negative attitude—you have what it takes. So start drawing on God’s power to help you achieve it. As you do—little by little—you’ll begin to find more freedom, more success, and more fulfillment than you could ever imagine.

Developing Discipline and Self-Control 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer


A Commitment to Excellence and Integrity DVD by Joyce Meyer

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Take a little time each day to read God’s Word and talk to Him in prayer. Some of my greatest breakthroughs have been the result of simply sitting quietly in His presence, letting Him know that I can’t do anything if He doesn’t make it happen.

Yes, in the beginning, disciplining yourself will be difficult. It won’t feel good and you won’t like it. But every time you make a choice to do the right thing, the next time it gets a little easier. And you get one step closer to your goal.


Here’s the lesson: Even when God asks us to do something, we still cannot do it successfully unless we lean on Him. John 15:5 has changed my life. It says, …Apart from Me you can do nothing (NAS).

Because little by little, as we make right choices, He delivers us from our enemies and takes us where we need to be.

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keep quiet, but then I realized I was depressed. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “You shut your mouth, but nothing on the inside has changed.”

Shame. Guilt. Poor self-image. Real women talk about what’s kept them from receiving God’s love—and the breakthroughs that are setting them free.


AGE 48





When I was four, I was chubby and unusually tall for my age. One day, a group of girls in my neighborhood started to make fun of me with that song, “Fatty, fatty, two by four…” That was the first time I recognized I wasn’t like other kids my age. My mother, who was Japanese and very petite, would complain to her friends that she couldn’t find pretty clothes to fit me. She would get exasperated and say to me in broken English, “Why you so big?” By the age of 12, I was 5’ 10” and wore a woman’s size 14. Because of my height, people thought I was much older than I was. They didn’t relate to me as a child. Even Christian people said insensitive things. As a teenager, an older man in church looked me up and down and said, “You sure are a stocky one, aren’t you?” I was 16 when I started listening to Joyce on the radio. She said it didn’t matter what I saw when I looked in the mirror. God looks at the inside. What mattered was who I was in Christ. Then one day a woman I respected said to me, “You are so tall and beautiful. You could be a model!” That was the first time it struck me that it wasn’t all bad to be tall. Things didn’t get easier for me overnight. But I feel much better about myself now. It’s a process. Whenever I start to feel insecure, I just try to remember how God sees me—and He thinks I’m beautiful.

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AGE 22

I grew up in eastern Kentucky. My dad was a minister and I prayed to receive Christ when I was small. But when a male cousin started molesting me at age six, things changed. I thought I was to blame for the abuse so I never told my parents. Secretly, I begged God to save me, but when He didn’t, I stopped seeing Him as my loving Father. He was my Commanding General. I had to be obedient and perfect. So I became a super-achiever in my church and school. On the surface, I looked good, but inside I was filled with self-loathing. Eventually the pain and pressure built up to where I could only find release by cutting and punching myself. I also became bulimic. I knew I was doing wrong. I was terrified of God’s anger, but I couldn’t stop. One day after I failed to get an “A” on a test, I came home and started cutting my face. I punched a wall so hard I broke my hand.


People tried to help me, but I continued to abuse my body. Finally one day I looked at my scarred face and wrists and thought, Surely, Christ didn’t die to give me a life like this. I realized He really loved me and wanted to draw close to me, but I had put up a wall between us. I had to learn to be vulnerable and honest about my feelings. I had to forgive those who hurt me and I had to forgive myself.


God’s Word says Christ promised Peter he would be the rock on which He built His church. Later, Peter denied Jesus three times, but still Jesus didn’t reject him. He never took away the promise. And if Jesus could restore Peter, He could certainly restore and use me.



Step by step, God has healed me. It took a long time to believe He still loved me, that He wasn’t mad at me, that He cared about me, and that He could and would truly forgive me. But today I know He loves me—and I finally love myself.

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AGE 33

I grew up bi-racial, unloved and unwanted in a Philadelphia ghetto known as “The Underworld.” My mother was white, and a crack addict. Her husband was not my real father, but a pedophile who began molesting me while I was still in elementary school. At 10, my mom let men use me in exchange for drugs. I spent my childhood in the dark world of drug addicts, crack houses and sexual slavery. Death and chaos were a normal part of life. I felt like a piece of trash. By the age of 12, I was living on the streets. My older brother, a drug dealer, tried to look out for me, but he was in and out of prison—murdered when I was 13. All alone, I clung to my abusive 21-year-old boyfriend. For awhile I found refuge in Islam. But I began to question if this was the truth. One day I was praying to an Egyptian goddess to deliver me from the pain in my life. Then a voice spoke to me, whom the Son sets free is free indeed, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. When I looked it up online, I discovered it was from the Bible. The Holy Spirit had spoken to me and it was the beginning of my transformation.





I accepted Christ, went to college and became a teacher. But I was still carrying guilt and shame from my past. I tried to compensate by leading a perfect life. But I failed again and again. As I’ve grown in Christ, He has shown me I don’t have to be perfect. Even in all of my flawed humanity, He accepts me as I am. I only have to try and be more like Him. Through Him, I’ve been made pure and whole.

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AGE 69

As many of you know, God healed me from the sexual abuse I endured growing up. But for a long time, I didn’t like my personality. I didn’t want to be so direct and blunt. I wanted to be like my friend who had a gift of being sweet and gentle. What I didn’t realize was she was born that way—and I wasn’t. But I tried to change myself to be more like her—the perfect woman, the ideal wife and mother who grew her own tomatoes and canned them, made jelly, sewed her family’s clothes, and on and on.


It didn’t work. It was the old story of trying to fit the square peg into a round hole. I was just trying to be something I wasn’t. Finally, I had to learn to stop comparing myself to other people and accept myself just the way God made me, with my own unique skills and talents.


Many of you struggle with a poor self-image because of things in your past. Or someone has convinced you that you are not good enough or smart enough or pretty enough. You may even think God has judged you. But that’s a lie straight from the devil. God adores you! He says you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).


Whatever was done to you and whatever mistakes you’ve made, in Christ you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Don’t allow anyone or anything to steal your confidence in your God-given identity. Accept the person He created you to be and put shame behind you. It’s time to move on and learn to like yourself!

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THERE’S MORE TO JOYCE’S STORY. Watch her powerful personal testimony of healing from childhood sexual abuse.

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Jesus Culture

Ladies, this weekend is just for you, so leave the men and children at home and enjoy a few refreshing days away!

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MADAGASCAR Madagascar (Retouched)

OUR JOURNEY TO And Why We’re Determined to Go Back


CYAN Yellow

On a recent Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions trip to Madagascar, 25 volunteers from around the globe, traveled for three


That’s Madagascar and it’s more than the name of a popular children’s movie; the stark reality is that it’s one of the poorest nations in Africa. Like most countries in this region it has its bustling cities that are alive with industry and entertainment. But it also has its rural areas, which have little to no access to healthcare or dentistry.


You know that large island off the southern coast of Africa?

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days to get to the remote area of Ambovombe to help alleviate some of these problems. Four flights and an exhausting six-hour drive on back roads proved to be long and arduous, but were definitely worth it to reach people in desperate need of medical and dental care. Our team of medical and dental volunteers spent one grueling week providing intense, yet rewarding medical and dental care. I’ve been on 18 medical/dental trips with Hand of Hope, but the people of Madagascar had some of the worst needs I’ve ever seen. Lines of people at the clinics on most days climbed to over 800—many who had walked for days from outlying villages seeking help. The needs were so overwhelming. One little girl who visited our dentist for urgent care really touched my heart.




Marie is four years old, and when she came to see us, we learned she had been dealing with pain for the last three years. An oral abscess from a single infected tooth had grown through her cheek and was eating away at her ear canal. A severe infection had taken over, causing her unbelievable pain. Left untreated for much longer, Marie could have died.



trip stats


Medical Patients


Because we were in the same location for a week, our dentist was able to treat Marie with antibiotics before extracting the tooth. By the time we left, the swelling was reduced, the infection was nearly gone, and Marie was all smiles and completely pain free.


Dental Patients


Teeth Extracted


Free Prescriptions




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“When I look back on all the things that weren’t exactly as planned– the drive to Ambovombe, the hotel rooms, the lack of shower, the blaring music, the hotel stairs that my knee did not like–it all pales in comparison to the blessings that I received from being a part of that team.”


—carrie N., New York



wade hosseini

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Why are we going back? Marie’s smile and the fact that I know thousands of others received lifesaving care is why I actually enjoyed a three-day journey to one of the most remote places in Madagascar. And it’s why even though our volunteers admit it was a tough trip, most say they’d go back in a heartbeat. And it’s why I’m looking forward to our upcoming return trip in July.

we saw a lot of miracles. We even had an English teacher helping us who got filled with the Holy Spirit and now wants to preach. He promised me he would take Jesus to his people and to that region.” —Teresa K., Florida

“The needs we saw in Madagascar far surpassed any I’ve seen to date. As a result of this great need, God reached more hearts, including mine, and healed more people than I could have imagined possible.” —Susan S., RN, Florida “This trip was a hard one spiritually and physically, but the reward for the Kingdom was great. Over 95% of our patients received Christ, and

2013 TRIPS* Guatemala Albania Kenya Madagascar Dominican Republic South Africa Honduras Ethiopia

Sometimes I wonder what would happen to people like Marie if God hadn’t called us to Madagascar…or if the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries hadn’t sent our team to Ambovombe, that small village near the southern coast. Or what if the medical/dental volunteers wouldn’t have signed up to graciously give of their personal time and finances to serve some of the poorest in Africa. Thankfully, I don’t have to.



*Schedule is subject to chan ge. We will have a medical/den tal team traveling around the globe each month in 2013, so plea se check in with us periodically for more opportunities to serv e.

There is still so much more work to do in Madagascar. People’s lives depend on it. Please join us in July as we return to this nation, which is in desperate need of care. Physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and other medical professionals are needed. For more details:

Magenta Yellow

Be par t of a life -changing experience. Volunteer for upcoming trips in 2013. (800) 707-7877 ext 3218


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HAND OF HOPE is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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America’s Historical Amnesia What you don’t know really can hurt you

by dave meyer

Sadly, many people in our nation today (including many ministers) haven’t learned the godly heritage of our country because it was purposely taken out of their education. What’s worse is they are the very ones currently writing our history books. The truth is this: If God is not in it, then it’s not accurate history.


You see, deception feeds on ignorance. I always say that the interjection of deception patiently watches and waits for the invitation of ignorance. Thomas Jefferson warned, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”


As a result, the youth were indoctrinated with secular, humanistic doctrine… something that would get passed down for generations.

And that is what’s happened to our nation. For the past fifty to sixty years, out of ignorance, we have been led around by those who desire to eradicate God from this country.

Our twenty-eighth president, Woodrow Wilson, echoed this years later when he said, “A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do.”


In the last issue, I talked about four specific events that have drastically altered our nation for the worse. One occurred in the 1950s and 60s. The government, under pressure from special interest groups, began to remove all references to God and stories of our godly heritage from our history books.

A Bad Case of Forgetfulness — I liken our current situation to someone who has amnesia. If a person has amnesia, they have forgotten the past. And if this happens, how are they going to function in the future? The answer is that someone is going to lead them around.

Does that sound extreme? Remember, where there’s ignorance, there is the risk of deception. If we don’t know the truth about our history, then, as far as we



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We’ve all the heard the phrase, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” But when it comes to our country, that couldn’t be further from the truth.



know, whatever anyone tells us could be the truth. In recent years, the United States has given up so many freedoms simply because we didn’t know. As a result, we didn’t act.

“A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do.” —WOODROW WILSON

How to Jog Your Memory — Thank God there is a cure for our country’s historical amnesia…and it all begins with getting the right information.

Master Plan




It didn’t happen by chance. Discover God’s fingerprints on the founding and establishing of this great nation.

America’s Providential History

Sixteen years ago, when I first read the book, America’s Providential History, I was absolutely astounded at what God had done in our nation…and also by our general ignorance of this part of our history. I was so sorry and repented for what I hadn’t done as a Christian. Now, one of the greatest things I can do is share what I’ve learned with others and ignite their passion to learn themselves. Why? Because when we have knowledge of our godly history and the truly supernatural way this country began, then it will change the way we act. We will be passionate to share this information with others. We will know right from wrong and stand up for our liberties by voting for godly candidates and making sure they follow through on their promises.

Knowing Is Half the Battle — The resources we offer each month are full of answers. They clearly detail who we were and how we got to where we are today. It is vital for us and our children to know the answers to things like: • How was our government formed? • What miracles did God perform during the Revolutionary War? • What happened at Valley Forge? • How is our current educational system different from the one used in early America? • What role did God play in the lives of our Founding Fathers? It all comes down to this: Action requires knowledge. Once we have knowledge, then we have a basis for our action, and we’re not functioning in the dark. Many times people want to do the right thing, but they don’t know what to do and eventually become frustrated.

“A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.” —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

It’s Not Too Late — God is providing a way for us to remember the great and mighty things He has done. We still have the opportunity to learn, to repent, to pray, and to take action. But we have to make that choice—the choice to remember who we were…so that we can become the godly nation we want to be in the future.

Paperback by Mark A. Beliles and Stephen K. McDowell


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A Good Habit to Have Develop the good habit of putting God first. Set aside some time, for the next 21 to 30 days, to spend in His presence. Keep a journal to record your experience. Day 1 Sit quietly for awhile until you begin to sense God’s presence… Just sit…relax and enjoy Him. Feel His love for you.

Day 2 Sit quietly for a few minutes. As you begin to sense God’s presence…just sit…bask in your private audience with the Creator of the universe!

Days 3 - 7 Sit quietly. Pick a scripture or devotion to meditate on while in God’s presence. Or better yet, follow the Holy Spirit’s lead. Journal…


Begin a dialogue with God. Share your inner-most thoughts, fears, joy, pain, etc. Wait in His presence for His response to you. Journal…

Days 15 - 21


Is there anything you need forgiveness for? Anyone you are praying for? Do you need direction for a particular problem? Talk to God. Listen with your heart. Journal…

Note: Not every experience is the same. This is personal. God bless your time with Him! Take your experience to a new level with the Make 1 Break 1 Challenge. See page 30 for details.



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One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life…. —Psalm 27:4

Days 8 - 14


Seek, inquire of and for the Lord, and crave Him and His strength… seek and require His face and His presence [continually] evermore. —Psalm 105:4



YOU HELPED PEOPLE START OVER incredible financial support, we’ve been able to respond to 30 disasters, includeing our most recent efforts along the U.S. Coast after Superstorm Sandy. Around the world, we have picked up debris, provided supplies, trained volunteers, and helped rebuild homes— bringing Christ’s love and compassion to communities in need of restoration.

If you keep track of current events or watch the world news at night, you know just how many people are affected by natural disasters. Thankfully, homes torn apart can be rebuilt…but it takes a unified response. And that’s where you come in.

WHAT A RELIEF… Over the past couple of years alone, through your prayers and EARTHQUAKES/TSUNAMIS TORNADOES

Japan, Myanmar & New Zealand Alabama, Missouri, Illinois & Texas, U.S.A.


Australia, Brazil, El Salvador, South Africa, Southeast Asia,





Philippines & Florida, U.S.A.




Fiji & Madagascar


East Coast & Gulf Coast, U.S.A.


Texas & Colorado, U.S.A.


Virginia & Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Getting in the Habit Did you know that it takes 2130 days to make a new habit? Starting April 1, we want you to join us for 30 days to make a good habit you’ve been longing to make, and experience the thrill of breaking a bad one in the process. Just go to and take advantage of the practical tips and words of encouragement from Joyce to help guide you through the process. You can also share about your experience and encourage others on this journey with you. Make up your mind today to rise to the challenge. And on April 1, go online and get started!

Want to see what else you’ve accomplished around the world? We’d love to show you at You’ll even find a downloadable version of our annual report specifically for your iPad.


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NSCP Spells “Progress”


Joyce Meyer Ministries is thrilled to announce the launch of the National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP) in South Africa. Partnering with Reaching a Generation, an organization committed to effecting positive change for the children of South Africa, we are pioneering this program which seeks to place Christian chaplains in every school. Here’s how it works: Using a correspondence curriculum, our program trains and equips teachers—using the Bible, several of Joyce’s books and other ministry resources—to serve as chaplains in their own schools. We also provide them with a framework to raise up a morally-sound, God-connected generation.



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Relatives Pass Along Their Heirlooms.


One great aspect is that the NSCP has already gained tremendous support from the government in a majority of the provinces…and teachers have begun signing up. The truth is that God is using the incredible prayers and support of our friends and partners to reach this new generation and transform a nation from the inside out.


The Marriage Solution That Takes Minutes a Day by Stephen Arterburn


Most people are aware that the divorce rate is somewhere around 50 percent. Shockingly, Christian marriages end at about the same rate as non-Christian marriages. Add to the divorcing couples those who will never divorce but are extremely miserable in marriage, and that total is staggering.




Miserable and divorcing marriages are epidemic, yet there have never been more resources available to heal the wounds and reconnect hurting couples. Workshops abound, and marriage books by Christian authors are everywhere, but nothing has made an impact significant enough to lower the numbers. It’s time to take a different approach. I believe the solution is a plan that reconnects husbands and wives through time spent in God’s Word, and it only takes a few minutes a day to make a difference.

There is evidence to show that a couple who is willing to devote even this short amount of time every day to reconnect with each other and with God and His Word can experience healing and restoration they didn’t think was possible. The Center for Bible Engagement has determined that when someone reads the Bible four days out of seven, it has a significant impact on their life. In a marriage, it lowers the chance of infidelity by 59 percent and decreases other things, like lashing out at each other, by 39 percent. It does this because God’s Word, utilized at least four times a week, changes character and transforms the soul of those who engage in it. It is a supernatural solution to what’s keeping couples disconnected, miserable and headed toward divorce. In Ecclesiastes 4:9 and 12, the Bible tells us that two people are better than one but three are even better because a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. For couples that are in trouble, there is often a very damaging third cord. He is


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one cord, she is another, and the third is pornography. Or it’s him, her and her boss. There are an infinite amount of poisonous cords that make up the braid. God wants to be that third cord. God becomes that third cord when couples take time to reconnect with each other, with God and His Word. Reading God’s Word and connecting around the truths found there clears out the clutter of petty irritations and rebuilds the relationship on a foundation that cannot be established from any

Things to Start in Your Marriage Start managing your money responsibly. Start responding romantically. Start expressing grace daily. Start focusing on fun and joy. Start accepting your husband/wife’s flaws. Start practicing your lifetime vows. Start showing respect for your husband/wife. As you look over these lists, you may recognize some specific things you are doing, or not doing, that may be

“Reading God’s Word and connecting around the truths found there clears out the clutter of petty irritations and rebuilds the relationship on a foundation that cannot be established from any other source.”


Things to Stop in Your Marriage Stop focusing on your husband/wife’s past mistakes. Stop living with unrealistic expectations. Stop living with jealousy and suspicion. Stop trying to fix your husband/wife’s weaknesses. Stop living in anger and resentment. Stop tolerating compulsions and addictions. Stop thinking only of your own self-interests.

Remember to always ask God for help, because the grace and strength we need to make changes in our relationships ultimately comes from Him alone. Get more insight about how you can improve your marriage in minutes a day by reading Stephen’s new book, The SevenMinute Marriage Solution, which will be released in May.


In addition to focusing on God and the truths in His Word, I want to share a list of seven things you can stop doing and seven you can start that will help save and improve your marriage, whatever the condition of your relationship may be.

aggravating your marital relationship. I encourage you to be honest with yourself and your spouse, and be willing to make your partner’s needs every bit as important as your own.



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other source. You’ll be amazed by what can happen when two people make God and His Word the third strand of their triple-braided cord.

real life P E R S P E C T I V E S




I USED TO BE in the habit of exercising. I could go to the gym and run three or more miles on the treadmill without feeling excessive fatigue.

I have never been tested before. In order to parent her with grace, patience, kindness and love, He will need me to stretch myself spiritually. I’m going to need Him more than ever before.


At the moment, I’m pregnant with three weeks left before my daughter’s due date. I haven’t been to the gym in months and admit I haven’t missed it. But my body is feeling it. And I need desperately to do something I haven’t done in a long time: stretch.


So that’s why, at 3:33 one morning, I ended up lying on the carpet in my living room, arms outstretched, relieving the tightness and tension that have built up over time.


As I lay there relaxed and silent, naturally God had something wise and wonderful to say. As a new mom, I’m about to be exercising all kinds of muscles. Not just during labor and delivery, but afterward. Along with being an amazing blessing, my new daughter will test me in ways

What’s out there on your horizon? What new challenge are you facing? And how much more of God will you need to be fruitful in this coming season of life? John 15: 1-8 tells us that if we stay connected to God, we will bear much fruit. In order to stay spiritually strong, you and I will need to protect the habits that keep us connected to God. We may even be led to form a few new ones. God is always with us, helping us along. And when we take the necessary steps to let Him into our life, we can expect to hear His still, small voice. More often than not, He’ll lead us to do one thing: stretch. When we’re fearful, He’ll stretch us to be bold. When we fall on our face, He’ll stretch us to persist. When we’re confused and struggling for control, He will stretch us to trust Him more completely. In the end it’s a great comfort to know that however God stretches us, we’ll always end up finding our rest in Him.


Anne Williams is a staff writer for Joyce Meyer Ministries.


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Get the details you need to plan your trip at Spanish translation will be available at some locations; please check online for more information. Interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing will be provided. No registration required. Schedule is subject to change.

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T. R A E H E TH M O FR S K N A H T F O T IF G A Our partners share God’s love with others every day by supporting a multitude of outreaches worldwide and distributing His healing Word through media. We are always looking for ways to thank you, so any new or existing partner who signs up for auto-debit giving will receive a free copy of Joyce’s new devotional, Trusting God Day by Day.

Thank you for the difference you make every day.


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