enjoying 2012
Our GoD heals
from Harm pa g e 8
pa g e 1 9
Hope Is Alive
l i f e
e v e r y d a y
in New Orleans
pa g e 1 4
Street children in Madagascar pa g e 2 8
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time + experience = trust
ou know there’s nothing that will bring peace in your life like learning how to trust God. Admittedly, that takes a little time— and experience with God.
I was saved at the tender age of nine years old, and I lived much of my life defeated. But I wasn’t raised in church and didn’t have a good example of how to have a real relationship with Jesus while I was growing up. Because of that, I didn’t understand that when Jesus came to live in my heart, He did it because He loved me and wanted to give me His abundant life full of love, peace and joy. So for many years, it was all about trying to be good—doing the right things, saying the right things, not making mistakes. I was trying to be perfect so I could feel accepted.
Magenta Yellow
So, whenever I did make a mistake I felt guilty, unclean, even like I’d lost my salvation. It was such a frustrating pattern—being “good” for a little while, then something would always happen and I would slip up. I should have been just loving Jesus and letting Jesus love me…letting Him change me—not trying to change myself. Because you see, the fi rst step to transformation is a relationship with God. We receive Christ as our Savior and begin a personal, intimate relationship with Him, and He begins to work in us to change us from the inside out.
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The more time we spend with God, the more we experience His goodness...the more we learn to trust Him completely.
Our Inner Life Will Lead Us Outward The world wants us to place our trust in our circumstances, our success, talents, or the opinions of others. But God wants us to put our trust completely in Him. And when we trust Him completely like that, we allow Him to guide us in all things. We let Him lead the way. Our destiny begins to become clearer. We also begin to focus more outwardly than inwardly.
below: Joyce’s destiny is being fulfilled as she ministers life to people all over the world. As a partner, you fulfill part of your destiny as well.
But here’s the thing: Like I said before, it takes time and experience with God. We often don’t like the amount of time it takes or the things we have to experience, but that is the way our faith in Him is built. God guides us through different situations. He gives us power to overcome trials and wisdom for everyday living. And as we reflect on His provision time after time, we begin to trust Him more. In essence, we learn how to trust Him when we have to trust Him!
God the more we have to trust Him. And before we even realize it, we have reached a whole new level of confidence in our relationship with Him. We progress through trusting God for things to trusting God in the midst of circumstances to simply trusting God.
One significant change that will eventually take place in us through our relationship with Christ is the transformation from selfishness to selflessness. Again, this takes time and experience with God. But if we can believe that He loves us and He always has His best for us in mind, no matter what it is we’re going through, we will benefit from it. Our faith will increase or we’ll feel growth or freedom in some other area that we’ve been struggling. The secret is trust. We learn to trust
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Building Faith Through Experience The Bible tells us that God …has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ (Ephesians 1:3 NLT). In other words, because Jesus lives in us, we have what we need to get through all of life’s challenges. His wisdom is in us for living everyday life. His anointing is in us to be victorious in everything we face. Trusting that God has blessed us with what we need is the key.
What I mean by that is we start wanting to help and bless others. God can show us a need and we’ll look forward to experiencing the joy of meeting that need for someone. As a matter of fact, one of the ways we appreciate and celebrate God’s goodness to us is through our giving to others.
have received from our ministry, and they just want to see others be blessed as well. So out of their gratitude for what God has done in their lives through this ministry, they give to us so we can continue to reach out even more.
That is the passion that drives missions outreach. We receive Christ, begin to grow and start wanting to reach out to others. And there are countless ways outreach can be done. As our faith grows stronger, we learn to follow the Holy Spirit as He shows us specific people or needs.
Meeting Needs and Making it Personal Our motto here is Sharing Christ & Loving People. This is foundational. We share Jesus and His love for people by teaching His Word and meeting practical needs. There’s a familiar saying that goes like this: People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. That rings so true to me, because the reality is, if someone is hungry and you go to them saying, “God bless you,” it probably won’t mean much to them. But if you walk up and give them a sandwich and a drink of water or take them to a restaurant and buy their dinner, they will likely be a whole lot more willing to hear what you have to say about God then.
That’s the case with many of the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Lots of them tell us they have been so touched by God’s love through the teaching and encouragement they
RIGHT: To us, sharing Christ and loving people means touching lives practically as well as spiritually.
That’s why we focus on reaching out to people who are hurting and in need. We have been blessed to be a blessing. And we are encouraged and inspired to continue to reach out as others join us on this mission.
We are grateful for all of our friends and partners, who are rooted and grounded in God’s love, trusting Him to meet their needs and then work in and through them to help meet the needs of others.
Thanks for sharing what time and experience with God have produced in your lives and for coming alongside us to Share Christ and Love People!
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VO LU M E 26
No 7
In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. - Psalm 33:21 NIV
OUR GOD heals
PA G E 1 9
in New Orleans PA G E 1 4
Children in Cambodia are being rescued from homelessness, poverty, starvation and more through the outreaches of Hand of Hope. You’re helping to make it all possible!
Contents In Thailand, Billy and Meuyyun were destined for tragedy until you reached in and helped.
14 Bring Hope to New Orleans
By Ginger Stache
24 25 28 31
By Chad Trafton NFL players, carnival games, and free groceries were just the beginning of this fun-filled day in New Orleans.
19 Our God Heals
By Ashley Wilkins, R.N. From a sickly grandma to a young addict, you helped bring lifesaving care to many in Sri Lanka.
28 Helping Children on the Streets By Brad Senekal In Madagascar’s capital city, 50,000 children live on the streets They need your help more than ever!
THANK YOU! Every day our Partners help us Share Christ and Love People. The stories in this issue talk about the impact you’re making through the outreaches of Hand of Hope. To become a partner and help even more, see pg 27.
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8 Who Is My Neighbor?
In Your Own Words
The Secret Power of Speaking God’s Word Praying Scriptures of Healing Over My Brother “My brother was sick and [was receiving] blood transfusions because he was losing so much blood. I asked him and his wife if they minded if I prayed with them. They said yes so I grabbed Joyce’s little purple book, went straight to the Health & Healing section and started confessing scriptures over him. About 4 a.m. they woke me up to say he was doing great, even though the doctor said he shouldn’t be alive. God’s Word can heal anyone! —Glen, Florida
Is there a book or resource that’s helped you? We’d love to hear from you. Please share your story with us at joycemeyer.org/mystory.
@JClarkMcDowell #dailychallenge – Stop trying to control anything but yourself. You can’t control the world, but you can control yourself. – via @JoyceMeyer @gresgbestinc I like how bold @JoyceMeyer is. She says stuff no one wants to say, and asks the tough questions. @Shes_Focused every morning I wake up early take out my bible & look for the @JoyceMeyer show *Love watching it! I end up with a GREAT start of the day :) Join the conversation! Follow us at Twitter.com/JoyceMeyer.
Contributors BLACK
All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted.
JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers, often traveling the country and the world conducting conferences. She has written nearly 100 inspirational books and her Enjoying Everyday Life® radio and television programs are broadcast all over the world.
GINGER STACHE is an award-winning TV producer and Chief Media Officer of Joyce Meyer Ministries. She has traveled to many nations with her passion to help others and share the love of God with them.
ASHLEY WILKINS is the Medical Outreach Director for Joyce Meyer Ministries. Previously she worked as a registered nurse in a pediatric emergency room and attended the Hillsong International Leadership College in Australia. She truly has a heart for tending to people’s physical and spiritual needs.
BRAD SENEKAL is the African Outreach Director for Joyce Meyer Ministries, based in South Africa. He has a heart for helping people and bringing hope to as many throughout Africa as possible.
Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc®, a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2012 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 41709522. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call (636) 349-0303. Internet address: www. joycemeyer.org Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.
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parable of the good samaritan
Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. BLACK
Jesus said, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
luke 10: 33-34, 36-37
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
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BLACK CYAN Magenta Yellow
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Who is my neighbor? by ginger stache
How does it impact us when a child in a distant country is alone and hungry? Why is it our problem when a girl halfway around the world is forced into a life of prostitution? Perhaps the answer lies in Jesus’ reply to the man in Luke 10 who asked, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus taught him that a true neighbor is not simply the nearest in proximity but the one who displays mercy. Then Jesus told him that we should “go and do likewise.”
Perhaps it is because God does not leave us alone or forsaken in our time of need. John 14:18 says, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” He finds us wherever we are and welcomes us into His family, adopted as His own child.
Anywhere in the world when members of His family hurt — our brothers and sisters — He asks us to reach out in love, to go and do likewise to our neighbors. He wants us to take care of our family.
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Caring for Women and Children in Thailand
Billy’s Story Through new methods of communica- “Never again, Billy. You don’t have to go back there. You are part of a new tion and transportation, we can see family—you have a new home.” people hurting all over this world in ways we never could before. And we can do something about it. We can Our Response to Hurting help children like Billy in the city of Children So how does it affect us Chiang Rai, Thailand. when a child like Billy is hurting? We cry with him, and whenever possible A Home for Billy Billy is an orphan. we give him safety and love. Once severely malnourished and abused in the house of his elderly When the sound of a child’s cry can be grandparents, Billy’s life changed changed to the sweet tones of beauticompletely when he was adopted into ful music, we have accomplished a new family at the Bethel Children’s something extraordinary. And with Home. In this beautiful home, fully God’s help, the partners of Joyce Meyer funded by Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries are writing a symphony. Ministries World Missions, he is protected, nurtured and loved. Wonderful music pours out of the Bethel Children’s home. Walking In fact, Billy’s life with his new through its courtyard you will hear houseparents, brothers and sisters imperfect but simply lovely melodies has changed so completely he can’t drifting out of the windows as children even bear the thought of ever going learn to play musical instruments. back. One day, after a fun outing with And the singing and laughter of happy the entire group, a simple statement children is perhaps the most specpropelled Billy into a frightened panic. tacular music to ever grace our ears. Billy’s housemother told the group, “Time to go back home,” meaning they would return to the children’s home. As three-year-old Billy cried and shook in fear no one understood what was happening until they realized he thought he was being sent back to his former home where he was beaten and hungry.
We have learned through our children’s homes that raising a child surrounded by the love of Christ is a vast privilege, and we have learned that we cannot stop there. Too many children go without this comfort, and there are many more cries yet to be soothed.
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You can feed hungry kids. joycemeyer.org/share
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Make a special missions donation today!
Caring for Women and Children in Thailand
Meuyyun’s Story
Pastor Prathumwan Surapong of the Bethel Children’s Home is also Joyce Meyer Ministries’ national coordinator of Thailand outreaches. He says, “Through doing the children’s programs we realized that there is another group of people that have been left behind by poverty, lack of education, and even no love from their family.
“Some parents are expecting their children to go to work so that they can earn income for the family so these children, especially young girls, are forced to leave home to find work and they don’t know what to do. Slowly they’re led into prostitution.”
Her Life in Captivity Young Meuyyun walked the very path that Pastor Surapong describes. Originally from Laos, she could find no work until she crossed the border into Thailand illegally. There she cleaned house for a family but her employer began to threaten to turn her into the police unless she did as he demanded. In the beginning Meuyyun was held captive by fear but eventually this man literally held her prisoner. It began with him raping her and progressed to him forcing her to work for him as a prostitute. When she was allowed to go out he watched her continually. Her life was completely hopeless. Then one day her opportunity came and she was able to slip from his watch. She says she just kept walking with nowhere
to go and was drawn to the sound of singing coming from a nearby church. She met a pastor there who offered to help her. He told Meuyyun about a new place called the Gabrielle House that helps girls just like her. She latched onto this newfound hope, went with him that day to the Gabrielle House—a home fully funded by Hand of Hope— and never looked back. “The first thing I remember about when I arrived here was how the people treated me and I felt very safe,” Meuyyun says. “I knew at that time that from now on nobody will force me to do anything and I was very, very happy.”
A Brighter Future Awaits Today Meuyyun is learning dressmaking— developing a trade is an important step in the process to ensure that these young women do not return to the horrors they have escaped. She says, “I really want that one day I can go back to the village and show them what I can do now. I have skill, I can support myself and nobody will look down on me anymore.” Perhaps the most important thing Meuyyun and the other girls here receive is a love and acceptance that they never before knew existed. “The main thing in my life that has changed is I know about Christ now and before I didn’t know anything about Him,” she says with a smile. “That is the thing I am most grateful about.”
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Who is my neighbor? Is your neighbor the lonely widow down the street or the hopeless and frightened girl in a foreign country? Is it the abandoned child hungry for food and love or is it the single mother in the church pew in front of me. The answer may lie in yet another question – Who is God putting before me to help? Who will I show compassion? We thank God that there are many ways that we can “go and do likewise.” We can help our literal neighbor as well as the hurting across the globe. Pastor Surapong expresses it beautifully when he describes the difference Joyce Meyer Ministries partners and Hand of Hope are making through our children’s homes and the Gabrielle House.
“We want to let you know that what you have given, what you have done for the Lord has been very helpful to these young women. Without your help, we wouldn’t be able to come this far. We have vision, we have a dream, but our dreams are fulfilled because you support us.”
You can stop human trafficking. joycemeyer.org/share
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Make a special missions donation today!
Bringing Hope to
New orleans
United States
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A Carnival of Kindness
Across the field, various local Gospel artists entertained the crowds. The powerful sound system alone had alerted the neighborhood that something big was happening at L.B. Landry.
Partnering with NFL Players
For the kids, this was a carnival, complete with all of the carnival games. After eating to their hearts’ content, they then ran, jumped and played inside the giant “inflatables.”
Most people’s first destination was the NFL Tent. Here, kids got their pictures taken with Chicago Bears and New Orleans Saints players Lance Louis, Tyler Clutts, Chris Chamberlain, Jabari Greer, Patrick Trahan, and Johnny Knox, then had them printed out on the spot. But the players had more than kids seeing stars.
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For this community, it was a time to have fun, unwind and forget about the stresses of daily life. “People respond
Throughout the day, volunteers from Healing Place Church cooked and distributed hot dogs and red beans and rice—a New Orleans favorite— as fast as their hands could move. By day’s end, they served a total of 1,500 lunches.
With 250 volunteers, we converted the field at L.B. Landry High School into a multifaceted one-day outreach that would provide fun, food and most importantly, messages of hope to this community.
By 10 a.m., hundreds were already waiting in line at the Welcome Tent, where volunteers handed out free tickets for the day’s festivities.
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Later in the day, all six athletes took the stage to share a message of hope, then raffled off prizes such as footballs, NFL jerseys, and gift cards.
Known for the devastation it incurred during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, this economically-depressed area is home to thousands of low-income and poverty-level residents in need of food, daily necessities and hope. It’s also the hometown of Chicago Bears football player Lance Louis. And his desire to reach out to people in need here is what prompted the “Lance Louis and Friends Give Back” event.
Minutes later, Green was proudly posing with the players, who then autographed her photos as well.
Earlier this year, Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions teamed with Straight from the Heart, the New Orleans Dream Center, Convoy of Hope, Healing Place Church and Lance Louis to hold a groundbreaking outreach in the inner city of New Orleans’ Whitney neighborhood.
“I came for the food giveaway and the ministry too…and I wanted to meet the Saints,” confessed fifty-two-year-old attendee Jacquelin Green.
by chad trafton
10/2/12 1:33 PM
Bringing Hope to New Orleans
to kindness,” said Mike Messner, Hand of Hope’s Domestic Outreach Director. “When you meet people at their point of need, they drop their barriers and that opens the door for you to tell them about Jesus.”
Small-Tent Revival On this day, the barriers were down. And nowhere was it more evident than at the Prayer Tent.
After years in prison, Terisa Davidson lost her job, her house and even her family. But on this day, she got something back.
“I came over for prayer, and they gave me help and hope,” she said through tears. “I think it’s awesome. Without ministries like this, what would people do?”
Attendee Robin Crawford agrees. “When they prayed for me, it was like God was speaking that everything was going to be alright. It feels so good that someone still cares for us in New Orleans.” And Terisa and Robin were just two of so many who stopped by for prayer, encouragement or some of the various free resources.
Food, Fun and Smiling Faces On their way out, every adult also received two bags of groceries. Inside were non-perishable items like canned vegetables, granola bars, spaghetti sauce and dumplings. By day’s end, more than 2,000 people attended this landmark event, and we were able to bless families with more than 35,000 pounds of groceries! Friends and partners, you have made it possible for us to touch the lives of this New Orleans community. With your support, we not only met some of their most basic needs, but we also offered spiritual help that will last an eternity. And we are excited about future outreaches like this in other inner-city areas that are being planned in the coming months. “I can’t even put it into words,” said Lance Louis. “Joyce Meyer Ministries’ friends and partners have helped a lot of people, fed a lot of families and put smiles on kids’ faces today…and that’s what this community needed.”
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“I can’t even put it into words. Joyce Meyer Ministries’ friends and partners have helped a lot of people, fed a lot of families and put smiles on kids’ faces today…and that’s what this community needed.”
You can comfort the poor.
Lance Louis, NFL Chicago Bears
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Make a special missions donation today!
Your giving makes a difference! Because of your heart to love and serve others— to share the good news of the Gospel and offer practical help to those in need—we want to say thank you. Together, we are shining the light of Christ’s love in some of the darkest places on earth. Thank you so much for sending your prayers and support. God bless you!
You can give directly to any of the following OUTREACHES:
Feeding Medical & Dental Inner City Rescue Women & Children General Hand of Hope Fund
Make a special missions donation today!
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She had to be in her sixties and struggled to catch every breath. With each wheezy attempt,
her countenance appeared weaker and weaker. It wasn’t long after she approached our medical/dental clinic in Thotalanga, Sri Lanka, that she collapsed in front of our very eyes. It’s moments like these when I’m so grateful we are able to take lifesaving care to people around the world. God continues to amaze me how He puts us in the right place at the right time to meet desperate needs like this.
Providing Medical & Dental Care in Sri Lanka
Something to Ease the Pain
We were able to treat so many precious people during our time in Sri Lanka—thanks in large part to the twenty-five medical/dental volunteers who served with us and the additional volunteers sent by the local churches. Due to a national doctors strike, we treated more than a thousand people on the last day alone and more than 4,000 during the one-week outreach. Not only were we able to treat people’s physical needs, we also shared about the freedom available in Christ—something many came desperately seeking. From 1983 to
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Our God Heals
We discovered that she was a severe asthmatic and had run out of medication. We were able to give her what she needed, and within twenty minutes, she was alert and had regained her strength and the ability to breathe again with ease. I am thankful that I don’t have to worry about what would have happened had we not been there for her.
Providing Medical & Dental Care in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
2009 this country endured a bitter civil war. Obviously this has left the people in fear and many have turned to things like alcohol and drugs—more specifically heroin—to make it through those difficult times of conflict.
Throughout the week we met many young people looking for a way to break free from their addictions. On our first day in Pradeepa, two young men saw the sign advertising the free medical/dental clinic and recognized Joyce’s name from the Festival that was being held during the same week. They came in asking for prayer to be free from heroin. Both gave their lives to the Lord! We were also able to connect them with a local Christian drug rehab facility. Another young man in Thotalanga asked if there was a pill he could take to make the desire for drugs go away. We explained there wasn’t but that Jesus could heal anyone. We prayed over him, and I could literally see Christ light up on the inside of him. We connected him with a rehab facility and know he is on the road to healing.
I’ve seen this happen in other areas of the world, too. It’s because when people need care, all of those barriers that seem to matter so much in the world, fall away when you enter the clinic. This opportunity was especially exciting for the local volunteers because of the 106 people who came to the Lord. Although the country claims freedom of religion, Buddhism, as the official national religion, is heavily promoted and encouraged. And the government is trying to pass a law that would make it illegal for people in Sri Lanka to convert to Christianity. So for Christians in this country, sharing Christ has never been such an urgent need before. We know that God is doing great things in this nation, and the 106 salvations are simply the beginning. At the clinic, we were told over and over, “I know your God is the God who heals” no matter what religion the patient claimed to follow. Whether it was the woman with asthma, a child with an infection, young men addicted to heroin, or the many receiving care for high blood pressure and diabetes, I completely agree—our God does heal. Thank you for joining with us to bring medical and dental care and the healing power of God to so many in Sri Lanka and around the world.
Reaching Many Religions The pains of war have obviously affected so many in this area and it was such an honor to bring the love of Christ to them. Whether it was one of the 625 pulled teeth, 168 chiropractic adjustments or 16,116 prescriptions dispensed, every single act of care and compassion reached the hearts of people from all walks of life and many different religions. Many told me it was amazing to see Christians sitting next to Buddhists, sitting next to Muslims, and so on.
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He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”
You can touch hearts through healing. Make a special missions donation today!
luke 10:27
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e r o bef A S
n I ST M e p o HR
OUR 2012 CHRISTMAS CATALOG is filled with ideas to make a difference in the
Feeding | Rescue Women & Children | Medical & Dental | Inner City | General Hand of Hope Fund
lives of people in need. This Christmas, give a world missions donation in honor of someone you love, share a lesson about giving with your child, or simply share God’s heart by meeting needs! You can give directly to any of the outreaches in our catalog:
hope TO DAY!
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This woman endured severe beatings, violent rapes and extreme emotional torment that nearly extinguished her will to survive. But God heard her cries. Learn how women and children around the world are being set free from the horrors of human trafficking. This sweet, smiling seven year old was bound to work in the scorching heat of a brick making factory. But God has moved on his behalf. Learn how the cycle of poverty in his village is being broken due to a feeding program in Sri Lanka.
Everyone knows good nutrition is critical to the well-being of a child. Learn why one inner-city outreach is this woman’s passion and how God is answering her prayers as she serves others with a heart of love and thanksgiving.
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Watch our missions programs November 5-9 to learn more about these inspiring stories and how people like you are providing lifechanging love and support for so many people in need.
This little boy was mocked by his peers at school due to a common physical defect. But they don’t laugh at him anymore. Learn how a visit to the CURE Hospital in Malawi changed his life and gave his family hope for a brighter future.
Trusting God
God is always at work in our lives for a greater purpose. He saves us, changes us, and then uses us to reach out to others. Take a few minutes to meditate on these verses and write down some thoughts about your own experience. 1. Is your faith, or you could say trust, in God strong? Don’t feel bad if you don’t think so; it takes time and experience to develop your faith in God. In what area(s) can your trust be stronger? What can you do to cultivate a stronger faith?
2. In 2 Cor. 8:8, Paul makes a statement that compares our love for God to our love or service for others. How do you express your love for God? For others?
And without faith it is impossible to please God…. —Hebrews 11:6 NIV
For if the [eager] readiness to give is there, then it is acceptable and welcomed in proportion to what a person has, not according to what he does not have. –2 Corinthians 8:12 AMP
3. Verse 12 should help give you peace. Wherever you are in your relationship with God, can you think of anyone you can help? Money is usually our first thought to give, but with this verse in mind, what else can you do for someone?
Remember This: God loves you…right where you are. He wants to have a personal, intimate relationship with you. With time and experience, your faith will grow strong!
As you abound in everything… see that you abound in this grace also. I speak not by commandment, but I am testing the sincerity of your love…. —2 Corinthians 8:7,8 NKJV
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letter T O
Dear Friend,
Now, I want to be very clear: God doesn’t cause every trial, but He will use them in your life to draw you closer to Him and to help you become all He has created you to be in Christ. Out of the Bitter Comes the Sweet James 1:12 says, Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who is patient under
See, trials can actually be “tests” used by God to bring about His divine purpose for our lives!
You might ask, “Joyce, can I really be blessed through a trial?” Believe it or not—no matter how big or how small the test or trial—you can be blessed. And I’m going to show you how. But first, I want to give you seven words that will help you keep the right perspective and see the blessing through the trial: Don’t panic! This is only a test. How God Works Behind the Scenes It’s important to tell yourself, no matter what you’re going through, that God is working on your behalf in every situation.
Well, there are a few things I’ve learned in life that I can hold on to in hard times: God is always bigger than my problem, He always loves me and wants to help me get through it, and He wants to take every negative situation and use it to do something really good in my life.
trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor’s] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.
A friend of mine experienced this firsthand recently. She showed up for a three-day training seminar only to discover she had been assigned to work with someone who she had an unresolved disagreement with, and didn’t really like.
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We all go through trials in life. And sometimes we wonder why they happen.
letter T O
It’s important to tell yourself, no matter what you’re going through, that God is working on your behalf in every situation.
Needless to say, they settled their differences and God was glorified. It turned out to be a blessing for both of them.
Get the most good out of every test and trial.
Don’t Panic: Living Worry Free Every Day 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer
Sometimes God orchestrates events like that in your life to teach you, heal you, guide you and bless you.
After more than thirty-five years in ministry, I’ve learned these seven words—Don’t panic! This is only a test—can be the key to having the proper perspective and an overcoming attitude.
Think about the Israelites. They spent forty years in the wilderness grumbling and complaining when they could have simply said, “Don’t panic! This is only a test.”
No matter what you are going through right now, good or bad, God wants to stretch you. He wants to prepare you for His plans for your life, which are bigger than you can imagine. So don’t give up. Stay focused on your Provider.
God was teaching them to walk in faith and not in fear. And in order to pass their test, they needed to look past their problem and focus on their Provider.
God is faithful and He will give you the grace to get through your tests and trials victoriously. As you put your trust in Him, He will always help you get through all your trials and use them to do great things in you (see Romans 8:28).
There Are Payoffs to Not Panicking When you apply the “don’t panic” attitude to your situation, you’re essentially winning spiritual battles. Here’s how:
the Way for you! Every trial draws you nearer to Him, resulting in a stronger relationship.
1. You’re getting stronger. As you learn to be patient under trial (like James 1:12 talks about), you can find God’s peace and joy in the midst of hard times, and the joy of the Lord will be your strength. 2. You’re gaining wisdom. Proverbs 5:1 says that wisdom is gained by actual and costly experience. That test is educating you, training you and preparing you for the future.
Remember: Don’t panic! This is only a test! With that attitude, freedom is yours. I’m praying you can discover and walk in this wonderful truth today. Living worry free,
Dave & Joyce Meyer
3. You’re drawing closer to God. God doesn’t just make a way for you…He is
$20 $26 U.S. Funds
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Share the Gospel
Feed the Hungry
Rescue Victims of Human Trafficking
Give Orphans a Home
Help Hurting People
Rebuild Lives
“ We live in a society where the rich are
really rich and the poor are extremely poor.
And not many people are helping the poor. So we collect used clothes, shoes, toys and other useful things, and give them out. Those folks are also getting the Word of God, because we take what Joyce preaches on TV and then we share it with them. Really, she’s our ‘spiritual mother’ so to speak. So we said we should be partners.
AT SOME POINT IN YOUR LIFE, YOU SHOULD DO WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART TO DO. And that is what we want to do. People need to be cared for; to be loved. So we give ourselves to
that. And we’re happy.
—Tunde & Temi Dada,
Partners like Tunde and Temi are making a difference in people’s lives. Join our family of partners to help others find hope and healing in Christ, because together we can share the Gospel with millions every day and do our part to ease human suffering on a global scale.
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Help change lives through partnership.
Scan this code to see more of the Dada’s story or go to joycemeyer.org/partnerstories
Nig eri a
real life P E R S P E C T I V E S
Helping Children on the Streets what if it were my children sleeping on those streets?
by brad senekal
every time I visit a Hand of Hope supported program around Africa, I am constantly humbled and amazed by the opportunities God has given us to help reach out to people in harsh and dark circumstances.
On a recent trip to one of our outreaches in Madagascar, I found myself lying flat on my face in my hotel room one evening, weeping, praying and crying out, “How long God? How long will You allow this suffering to go on?”
In Antananarivo (the capital city of Madagascar), there are an estimated 50,000 children living on the streets. These children face unimaginable conditions at tender ages, which steal their innocence and replace it with fear. They face atrocious daily realities of violence, sexual abuse, human trafficking, hunger, lack of any form of stability or sense of belonging. I spent several days with a few hundred of the street children we are feeding and caring for daily, and saw an incredible difference in them.
These once withdrawn, fearful shadows of children have become joyful, much more healthy, and secure children with a real surety of Gods’ love for them. But I couldn’t keep myself from seeing all those kids we haven’t rescued yet –like the precious little girls who are only 3 years old, sleeping on the curb outside my hotel room. As I cried out to God from my hotel room floor… I kept seeing my own children’s faces (both only 4 years old). If it were my children sleeping on those streets… would I not urgently dedicate my whole life to getting them out? Would I ever be satisfied with only rescuing one of them… and not the other? These children are our responsibility because they are God’s children; He is our Father and theirs, and what I tapped into that night was His broken heart for His hurting children. Yes, He is thrilled about the ones we have helped so far… but He is passionate about rescuing them all! Eventually, I stood up, wiped away my tears, and knew deep within me that I was now more determined than ever to not just do something to help but to stretch myself and do MORE! And I believe there are many people who would join me in saying they want to do more to help, especially those who ask themselves, “What if it really was my child?” Brad Senekal is the African Outreach Coordinator of Joyce Meyer Ministries, based in South Africa.
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Be part of a life-changing experience. Volunteer for upcoming trips at
joycemeyer.org/ medicalmissions Upcoming Medical/Dental Trips • Cambodia • Mozambique • Albania • Madagascar
Throughout the year our medical/dental volunteers travel to some of the poorest areas of the world to provide much needed care. And we hope you’ll join us! For up-to-date travel dates and more details, visit joycemeyer.org/medicalmissions.
Jesus said to [him], “I will go and heal him.”
Schedule is subject to change.
• Ethiopia • Haiti • Guatemala • Kenya
Jakarta, Indonesia JAN 17-19, 2013
JAN 17
Sentul International Convention Center Stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan, Jakarta - JAN 18 & 19 To learn more, go to joycemeyer.org/in
Come hear Joyce share a message message! Bring a friend! Enjoy live worship. Don’t miss this chance to see God move! facebook.com/joycemeyerministries
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do you believe it? The world can be a scary, uncertain place. Crises and unexpected changes can play with your mind and emotions, making you doubt that God is really in control. This new 365-day devotional from Joyce features fresh teaching and inspiration to renew your faith and help you develop a godly perspective on even the most difficult trials and challenges. Start building your trust in God day by day!
Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions Hardcover by Joyce Meyer
$16.99 $14 U.S. Funds
The good news is you don’t have to. In fact, in this all-new teaching from Joyce, you’ll learn why it’s so important to always let God take the lead in solving problems, whether it’s correcting an injustice or restoring harmony in your relationships. You don’t have to make things happen. Let God fight your battles!
Let God Fight Your Battles 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer
$26 U.S. Funds
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For stations and program times in your area, check your local TV listing or visit www.joycemeyer.org/tvlistings. Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast anytime you like at www.joycemeyer.org.
November FPO
oct 29 - nov 2
nov 5 - 9
nov 12 – 16
noV 19 – 23
nov 26 – 30
Rise Above Fear
Meeting Needs Around the World
Your Words And Your Life
The Hidden World of Human Trafficking
Overcoming Fear with Faith Monday through Thursday, get the encouragement you need to trust God when fears are keeping you from moving forward. And learn to apply practical principles of faith in your everyday life! Friday’s program focuses on healing. Discover how God’s Word can bring peace and comfort to your soul.
Monday and Tuesday, learn the facts about human trafficking as Joyce welcomes A21 Campaign cofounder Christine Caine. Wednesday, see how a lifechanging outreach is bringing hope to Malawi. Join Joyce on Thursday for a message about humility. Friday, learn learn what Joyce calls the “greatest gift of all.”
PROGRAMS AIR one day a week
O ct 28 - Nov 10 Pressing Past Painful EmotioNS Sometimes our feelings can keep us wrapped in the pain of our past. This teaching will help you shed the weight of unhealthy emotions and press on toward freedom in Christ.
She changed her words and it changed her life. This week, Joyce challenges you to put the same biblical principles to work in your everyday conversation—at work, at home and everywhere you go! Wednesday, Joyce welcomes John Maxwell for a workshop on words.
Outreaches in Sri Lanka, Thailand and New Orleans, Louisiana, are great examples of the good our partners are doing both near and far. This week, tune in to learn how God has been working miracles in people’s lives worldwide.
NOV 11 - D EC 1 LET GOD FIGHT YOUR BATTLES Are you still trying to fight a losing battle when God has a winning plan? Learn biblical insights to help you choose the right plan, right from the start!
Schedules are subject to change.
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Monday and Tuesday, Joyce teaches how God gives you victory over fearful thoughts. Wednesday and Thursday’s teachings cover how to move beyond worry and anxiety. On Friday, learn how to receive God’s peace.
New Book by Joyce—Now Available! Joyce’s newest book can help you get more joy out of life simply by agreeing with God’s Word. Set yourself up for success—change your words and change your life today!
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New York Times Bestseller CHANGE YOUR WORDS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE Sale Price: $18.39 / Reg. Price: $22.99 U.S. Funds
Get your copy today!
Look for it wherever books are sold.