A Message from the Head of School
Tatnall’s COVID Planning Steering Committee
Stay Safe During COVID: The 3 W’s
Collective Responsibility
On-Campus Experience: At A Glance
20 Hybrid Program: Middle and Upper School 23 Athletics 24
Learning Services & Mental Health
Frequently Asked Questions
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A MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Thank you for your patience this summer as we developed our plan for the start of school in September. After extensive internal discussions, advice from medical professionals on the health committee, and review of continued communications from the Governor’s Office, we are prepared to share Tatnall’s plan for fall 2020.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8: ORIENTATION Division Heads will share specific details about the schedule for the day. Note: Early Childhood Orientation will be held on Wednesday, September 2.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9: SCHOOL BEGINS Students in different grade levels will experience different forms of schooling beginning on September 9.
Early Childhood and Lower School students will begin attending school in person five days a week.
Middle and Upper School students will participate in a phased hybrid reopening.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18: MIDDLE AND UPPER SCHOOL HYBRID REOPENING Middle and Upper School students will alternate between two days of inperson instruction and two days of virtual, at-home instruction. After we have solidified protocols and safety guidelines to our satisfaction, our goal will be to end the hybrid period on Friday, September 18, and welcome all Middle and Upper School students back safely to campus on Monday, September 21.
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The schedule for Middle and Upper School students is as follows: DATE
Wednesday, September 9 . . . In-Person Instruction . . . Virtual Instruction Thursday, September 10 . . . . In-Person Instruction . . . Virtual Instruction Friday, September 11 . . . . . . Virtual Instruction . . . . . In-Person Instruction Monday, September 14 . . . . Virtual Instruction . . . . . In-Person Instruction Tuesday, September 15 . . . . In-Person Instruction . . . Virtual Instruction Wednesday, September 16 . . In-Person Instruction . . . Virtual Instruction Thursday, September 17 . . . . Virtual Instruction . . . . . In-Person Instruction Friday, September 18 . . . . . . Virtual Instruction . . . . . In-Person Instruction Monday, September 21 . . . . In-Person Instruction . . . In-Person Instruction
Thank you very much for the confidence you’ve placed in Tatnall to educate and care for your child. We truly appreciate your support, partnership, and trust. Please do not hesitate to contact me at andymartire@tatnall.org or (302) 892-4282 if you have any questions or concerns. Stay safe and healthy! Sincerely yours,
Andrew D. Martire, Ed.D. Head of School
We are confident in our procedures and plan to have all students on campus beginning on Monday, September 21. However, if we feel the need to extend the hybrid period due to local COVID conditions and/or other variables, we will.
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TATNALL’S COVID PLANNING STEERING COMMITTEE Tatnall’s COVID Planning Steering Committee is responsible for promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the entire Tatnall community. Directed by a set of guiding principles, Tatnall will: 1. Prioritize the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff, and campus visitors. 2. Emphasize the importance of community. We will partner with your family and care for your child with warmth and compassion. 3. Communicate often and directly, using the feedback of community members to help inform our decision-making processes. 4. Optimize resources—including our spacious campus—to offer a program rich in skill development, critical thinking, and social-emotional learning.
Patrick Manahan
Aimee Neff
Director of Learning Services
Director of Development
Head of Early Childhood
Michele Ciconte
Scott Marshall
William E. Schluter, Jr.
Interim Head of Lower School
Upper School Faculty,
Head of Upper School
Marc A. Scott ’96
Angelo Fontanazza Director of Operations
Andy Martire, Ed.D.
Mary Garrett, BSN, RN, NCSN
Head of School
School Nurse
Page McConnel
Director of Diversity and Inclusion Talia Titus Director of Enrollment
Paula L. Hager
Director of Marketing and
Business Manager
Patrick L. Jones
Brendan Minihan
Geoffrey Weyer
Athletic Director
Head of Middle School
Director of Technology
Management and Financial
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your distance – 6’ apart
WEAR your mask
your hands
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COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY We all play a role in keeping our campus safe. As a member of the Tatnall community, I understand and agree that:
We are stronger when we all do our part.
My actions can affect the health and safety of myself and others. I will abide by the COVID-19 health and safety requirements issued by federal, state, and local authorities, as well as Tatnall’s COVID Planning Steering Committee.
I will comply with Tatnall’s reopening and virtual guidelines. I will also wear my face mask, maintain appropriate physical distance whenever possible, wash and sanitize my hands frequently, and monitor my family’s health symptoms as well as my own.
The pandemic and its impact are constantly shifting. I will continue to work with the school community as we all adjust to ever-changing health recommendations.
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ON-CAMPUS EXPERIENCE: AT A GLANCE FACE MASK POLICY It is Tatnall’s policy that all visitors, faculty, staff, and students in grades kindergarten through 12 will wear a face mask while in any campus building, during arrival and departure, and outside when social distancing is difficult to maintain. Students should be sent to school with a clean mask or face covering daily. Students do not need to wear a mask when playing outside or while participating in PE class when proper social distancing can be maintained. We recommend choosing a face mask/covering with at least two layers of fabric. The face mask/covering should cover the student’s nose and mouth without large gaps. It should have ear loops or ties so the fit can be adjusted if needed. Bandanas and masks with vents are not acceptable. To review the full face mask policy, including recommendations for PK3 and PK4 students and medical exemptions, please click here.
PRE-ARRIVAL SCREENING Before arriving at school each morning, students, faculty, and staff will be required to complete a Daily Home Screening via the SchoolPass app (more information below). Students must take their temperature before arriving at school and enter the information into the app. Body temperature must be under 100.4° F, per CDC guidelines. Any student who answers any screening question affirmatively is expected to stay home and email the school nurse, Mary Garrett (marygarrett@tatnall.org). Faculty and staff will help the school nurse verify that students completed the questionnaire before they enter the buildings every day.
SCHOOLPASS SchoolPass is a student safety and communications platform that helps automate student arrival, attendance, and dismissal. The goal is to make the process easier, safer, and faster. SchoolPass provides many products and services; however, Tatnall will be implementing the following SchoolPass features:
Daily health prescreenings
Automated arrival and dismissal
Robust emergency management and communication system
© 2020 MHR Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and confidential SchoolPass™ - A registered trademark of MHR Technologies, Inc.
We are still working out some logistics with the SchoolPass app and will supply additional details as soon as possible.
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CAMPUS ENHANCEMENTS In response to the pandemic, and in an effort to promote safety across our campus, we have made several upgrades to ensure the health of our students. We have:
Added plexiglass dividers to common areas, reception areas, science labs, and 1:1 instruction spaces to provide barriers between people.
Spaced desks six feet apart.
Removed extra furniture to allow for social distancing.
Created alternative learning spaces in the Laird Performing Arts Center Lobby, Ederic Library, the wrestling loft, and the first floor of the Middle School to safely accommodate larger classes.
Increased Wi-Fi access and bandwidth on campus and in our surrounding outdoor classrooms.
Replaced traditional water fountains with water-bottle-filling stations.
Created isolation spaces for students or faculty and staff in every building, as well as a second health suite in Beekley.
Ensured easy access to health, safety, and wellness supplies—disposable masks, gloves, gowns, face shields, sanitizers and disinfectants, and no-touch thermometers—across campus.
Added touchless hand-sanitizing stations throughout campus near major entryways.
Added automated paper towel dispensers.
Propped open doors when possible to reduce the number of high-touch areas.
Added branded social distancing signs, directional arrows, and room capacity reminders throughout campus to direct hallway traffic flow and prevent cross-pollination and overcrowding.
NURSING Tatnall’s school nurse, Mary Garrett, will be working closely with students, families, faculty and staff, and local epidemiologists to keep our community safe and take the appropriate measures in the event a community member feels ill or tests positive for COVID-19. You can email Nurse Garrett (marygarrett@tatnall.org). Staff Members In addition to Nurse Garrett, we have hired a second nurse through a nurse staffing agency who will be on campus part-time for at least the first two weeks of school. We will extend the contract with the agency for longer than two weeks if needed. Adding a second nurse ensures that we are well-staffed as we transition back to campus. We have also added a part-time staff member, Caitlin Vandiver ’14, who will help with contact tracing in the event a community member tests positive for COVID-19. Ms. Vandiver has been trained in contact tracing at Johns Hopkins. Health Spaces We have created isolation spaces for students or faculty and staff in every building. We’ve also created a second health suite in Beekley. More Information All health information will remain confidential. You can find additional details about positive cases, close contacts, contact tracing, and feeling ill at Tatnall in the FAQ section beginning on page 25. V E R S I O N 1 | AU G U ST 20 2 0
MORNING CARE/EARLY MORNING DROP-OFF Morning care will look different this school year due to Tatnall’s COVID health and safety protocols. Each division will be communicating with families about their options for early morning drop-off.
EXTENDED DAY Due to safety protocols, Tatnall is unable to offer the traditional Extended Day experience. If your work schedule prevents you from picking up your child(ren) by the time their division’s car line ends, please send a note to EnrichmentPrograms@tatnall.org, and a member of the Extended Day staff will work with you on possible after-school accommodations that meet current safety guidelines.
LUNCH The lunch experience will vary by division, but students will primarily eat lunch in a socially distant manner in their classrooms, homeroom, or Advisory—or outside as weather permits. To begin the school year, the Caffé in Beekley will not be open. We will, however, offer the option to pre-purchase boxed lunches in all four divisions. The boxed lunches will be delivered to designated pickup areas in each division. We’ll be sending an email with directions for ordering soon.
CAMPUS VISITORS Only preregistered visitors will be permitted in campus buildings. All visitors, including parents, must make an appointment before coming into any Tatnall building. Visitors must wear a mask and complete a health questionnaire via the SchoolPass app before their visit.
VAN SERVICE/TRANSPORTATION We plan to operate the same two van routes as last year—one in southern Delaware and one in New Jersey. Students using the van service will be required to wear masks for the duration of the trip and will be seated one child per row. Vans will be disinfected after each bus run.
STUDENT CIRCULATION We have placed signage across campus, particularly in hallways and bathrooms, to help with distancing and directional flow. In the Middle and Upper Schools, we’re allowing longer crossover times between periods and staggered dismissals between classes to cut down on the number of students in the hallway at one time. Early Childhood and Lower School students will primarily remain in small groups in their classrooms to prevent excess hallway use.
EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING To better leverage our outdoor spaces and extensive campus during COVID, we have formalized an Experiential Education Committee, co-chaired by science teachers John Evans and Evan Cantu-Hertzler. The committee has identified opportunities for students to learn outdoors while social distancing. Notably, as part of the experiential learning experience, we will be creating five rustic outdoor classrooms with semi-permanent, all-weather dry-erase boards and stump seating. We will also be constructing a low ropes course to promote outdoor activity and student leadership.
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CLEANING PROCEDURES Tatnall is undertaking enhanced hygiene and safety measures to ensure the well-being of our community members. In addition to our regularly contracted evening cleaning crew, we are adding a second day porter who will be responsible for cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces at least every two hours. In the evening, the cleaning crew will also sanitize, vacuum, mop, and disinfect, paying extra attention to high-touch areas. The cleaning crew will disinfect equipment nightly and take a variety of precautions to prevent cross-contamination. Additional cleaning and disinfecting measures include:
Battery-powered portable sanitizer sprayers for high-traffic areas, such as bathrooms and reception areas
Ongoing campus disinfecting and cleaning
Additional cleaning staff members and more frequent cleaning of restrooms and high-touch areas
Disinfecting supplies across campus and hand sanitizing stations at all major entrances
On-call cleaning staff members
LARGE COMMUNITY EVENTS We will evaluate large-scale gatherings on a case-by-base basis in accordance with state and local guidelines. We have not made any decisions about Founder’s Day or Homecoming at this time. We will either cancel larger gatherings or restrict them to allow for proper, outdoor social distancing.
COMMUNICATION We are committed to maintaining frequent communication throughout the school year. We will continue to use our standard communication channels—email, divisional updates, and social media—to keep you informed and connected. We will also be using the SchoolPass app throughout the 2020-2021 school year.
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DIVISIONAL INFORMATION EARLY CHILDHOOD ARRIVAL Early Childhood will implement a staggered arrival that allows for a friendly greeting, a health check-in, and hand sanitizing before entering classrooms. Morning Car Line Times Facutly car line . . . . . . . . 7:30–7:40 a.m. Kindergarten . . . . . . . . . 7:45–7:55 a.m. PK4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:55–8:10 a.m. PK3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:10–8:20 a.m. Before you leave home, please complete Tatnall’s daily prescreening (see page 8) and ensure your child has a clean mask. When you arrive on campus, please keep the following in mind: 1.
Pull up to the curb of the building, put the car in park, and remain in the car.
You and your child must be wearing masks.
A faculty member will meet your child at the car.
A faculty member will escort your child directly to the building and help them use hand sanitizer.
A faculty member will escort your child to their classroom to wash their hands and begin the day.
DEPARTURE The departure car line will begin at 2:45 p.m. Please keep the following information in mind: 1.
Pull up to the building, put your car in park, and get out of your car. Please wear a mask.
Please have car tags visible (best to hang from the rearview mirror).
A faculty member will notify your child’s teacher you have arrived and will escort your child to your car.
Children will wash their hands before leaving the classroom for dismissal.
Parents or guardians will buckle their child into a safety seat.
OPENING EXERCISES Individual classrooms will hold Opening Exercises virtually. We will continue to uphold Mrs. Tatnall’s vision of gathering together as a community each morning to recognize special events and engage in school-wide read-alouds, celebrations, and discussions. Student leadership and public speaking will continue. Parents will not be able to join Opening Exercises like they have in years past. We will, however, engage parents with other opportunities.
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CLASSROOM STRUCTURE AND SAFETY PROCEDURES To promote health and safety across Early Childhood, students will remain in small, static groups throughout the day. We are also instituting the following safety measures:
We will follow Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy.
We will place students six feet apart.
Students will use outdoor spaces for learning, lunch, and recess unless the weather is inclement.
We will limit the exchange of high touch materials.
Students will take mask breaks outside when a six-foot distance can be maintained.
Specialists will hold their classes in homerooms or take their classes outside.
We will incorporate hand washing and sanitizing into the daily routine.
We will routinely clean surfaces and spaces during and after school.
SPECIALS AND CLUBS Early Childhood specials–PE, art, music, science, library, Spanish, and karate–will take place within individual classrooms or outdoors. Our specialists will move throughout the building into individual homerooms so the children can remain in their cohorts. Collaborations with the Middle and Upper School divisions will take place via Zoom.
LUNCH AND SNACKS Early Childhood students will eat either outdoors or in their classrooms, which will have plexiglass shields on the tabletops. Tatnall will provide prepackaged midmorning snacks. For lunch, students can either bring a home-packed lunch or select a boxed hot lunch from the Caffé. We will be providing details about how to order prepackaged lunches in the coming weeks.
TECHNOLOGY Desktop computers and iPads will be used in classrooms for on-campus learning. Kindergarten will use 1:1 iPads and students in PK3 and PK4 will also have iPad training and use. Seesaw will be the primary learning platform used for in-school instruction and distance learning (if needed). We will ensure that all technology is thoroughly disinfected.
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LOWER SCHOOL ARRIVAL Lower School will implement a staggered arrival that allows for a friendly greeting, a health check-in, and hand sanitizing before entering classrooms. Morning Car Line Times Faculty car line . . . . . . . . 7:30–7:40 a.m. Last names A–G . . . . . . . 7:45–7:55 a.m. Last names H–P . . . . . . . 7:55–8:05 a.m. Last names Q–Z . . . . . . . 8:05–8:15 a.m. Before you leave home, please complete Tatnall’s daily prescreening (see page 8) and ensure your child has a clean mask. When you arrive on campus, please keep the following in mind: 1.
Pull up to the curb and remain in your car. • You and your child must be wearing masks. • Your child should have all personal belongings in their bag.
A faculty member will meet you at your car to confirm you have completed the health screening. If yes, your child will exit the car. We are encouraging children to use the curbside door. If that’s not possible, please exit your car and escort your child to the Lower School awning.
Your child will stand on a colored circle on the sidewalk until they are greeted by a faculty member who will oversee hand sanitizing.
Students will walk directly to their homerooms. Faculty members will supervise from the hallways.
Upon entry into the class, your child will immediately wash their hands before beginning their day.
DEPARTURE The departure car line will begin at 2:55 p.m. The afternoon schedule is as follows: Afternoon Car Line Times Last names A–G . . . . . . . 2:55–3:05 p.m. Last names H–P . . . . . . . 3:05–3:15 p.m. Last names Q–Z . . . . . . . 3:15–3:25 p.m. When you arrive on campus, please keep the following information in mind: 1.
Please pull into the driveway and form two lines. When you reach the cones, alternate cars to merge into one line closest to the curb.
Pull up as far as you can.
Please display the pickup sign Lower School will distribute during Orientation. We will notify the homeroom teacher that you have arrived. Your child will wash their hands and walk to the car line wearing their mask.
Your child will walk to the car and enter from the curbside door. If this is not possible, please put on your mask and exit your car to help your child into the vehicle.
Please look for the adult to signal that you may drive away. V E R S I O N 1 | AU G U ST 20 2 0
OPENING EXERCISES Individual classrooms will hold Lower School Opening Exercises virtually. We will continue to uphold Mrs. Tatnall’s vision of gathering together as a community to recognize special events and engage in schoolwide read-alouds, celebrations, and discussions. Student leadership and public speaking will continue.
LOCKER USE Students will be permitted to use their lockers during scheduled, supervised times. Lockers will be colorcoded to allow for physical distancing.
CLASSROOM STRUCTURE AND SAFETY PROCEDURES Tatnall’s Lower School teachers will continue to provide a student-centered, quality educational experience focused on the development of the whole child. To promote health and safety across the Lower School, students will remain in their homeroom cohorts throughout the day. The following safety measures will be in place:
We will follow Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy.
We will place student desks six feet apart.
Students will use outdoor spaces for classwork, lunch, recess, and P.E. unless the weather is inclement.
Students will have individual classroom materials and supplies.
Students will take mask breaks outside when a six-foot distance can be maintained.
Specialists will hold their classes in homerooms or take their classes outside.
We will incorporate hand washing and sanitizing into the daily routine.
We will routinely clean surfaces and spaces during and after school.
SPECIALS AND CLUBS Lower School specials–science, PE, art, music, media literacy and language (Spanish and Prima Lingua)– will be held two times a week. However, our specialists will move throughout the building into individual homerooms so the children can remain in their cohorts. We will not permit in-person clubs until the guidance changes and we can safely mix cohorts.
LUNCH As often as possible, students will eat lunch outdoors with their cohorts, maintaining social distance. Students may bring a lunch or place an order with the Caffé. The Caffé will deliver all orders directly to the Lower School. We will be providing details about how to order prepackaged lunches in the coming weeks. All students should remember to bring a morning snack and a water bottle.
TECHNOLOGY Students in 1st and 2nd grade will use 1:1 iPads and students in grades 3 through 5 will use 1:1 Chromebooks. In grades 1 and 2, Seesaw will be the primary learning platform used for in-school instruction and distance learning (if needed). In grades 3 through 5, Google Classroom will be the primary learning platform used for in-school instruction and distance learning (if needed). V E R S I O N 1 | AU G U ST 20 2 0
MIDDLE SCHOOL ARRIVAL Middle School students can begin entering the building at 7:30 a.m. through the Beekley Lobby entrance. Students must use the hand sanitizer at the entrance of the building. After entering, students may go to their locker, then they must wash their hands and report directly to Advisory. Before you leave home, please complete Tatnall’s daily prescreening (see page 8) and ensure your child has a clean mask. When students arrive on campus they will: 1.
Enter the main Beekley Lobby entrance wearing masks.
Sanitize hands upon entry.
Gather in the lobby (six feet apart) until 7:45 a.m. A teacher will be on duty to monitor students.
Go to locker and Advisory rooms in waves. • Small groups of five to seven students will be dismissed in two-minute intervals until 8 a.m. • Sixth-grade students must use the lobby stairwell. • Seventh-grade students must use the Middle School hallway stairwell. • Eighth-grade students must use the Art Gallery stairwell.
DEPARTURE Middle School departure will take place between 3 and 3:30 p.m. At the end of the school day, all Middle School students will remain in Advisory until they are called to car line (faculty members will be alerted via the SchoolPass app). Students will use their assigned grade-level stairwell to exit the building.
HALLWAY CROSSING TIMES We are allowing longer crossover times between periods (ten minutes) and staggered dismissal between classes to ensure the entire student body is not passing through the halls at the same time.
COMMUNITY GATHERING AND GRADE LEVEL MEETINGS To promote social distancing, we will be holding Community Gathering and grade level meetings via Zoom during Day 2 Special and the midday Read and Review block.
LOCKER USE We are minimizing locker use. Students are still permitted to use their lockers; however, it will be supervised, with signage to promote social distancing.
CLASSROOM STRUCTURE AND SAFETY PROCEDURES To promote health and safety across the Middle School, the following safety measures will be in place:
We will follow Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy.
We will place student desks six feet apart.
Students will use outdoor spaces for classwork, lunch, recess, and P.E. unless the weather is inclement.
Students will have individual classroom materials and supplies.
We will routinely clean surfaces and spaces during and after school. V E R S I O N 1 | AU G U ST 20 2 0
SPECIALS AND CLUBS Distancing protocols will remain in place during club meetings and special activities. Some clubs and activities will be held via Zoom to ensure distancing for larger groups.
LUNCH Middle School students will eat lunch in their classrooms or outdoors with their small Advisory group. Students may bring their own lunch or preorder lunches from the CaffĂŠ, which will be delivered to the Middle School and sorted by grade level. We will be providing details about how to order prepackaged lunches in the coming weeks.
TECHNOLOGY The Middle School 1:1 Chromebook program will continue. Google Classroom will be the primary learning platform used for in-school instruction and distance learning (if needed). MyTatnall will be used for posting grades.
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UPPER SCHOOL ARRIVAL Upper School students can begin entering the building at 7:30 a.m. through the Beekley Commons entrance. Students must use the hand sanitizer at the entrance of the building and must be wearing a mask. After entering, students may go to their locker, then they must wash their hands and report directly to Advisory. Faculty will supervise traffic to maintain safety protocols. Before leaving home, students must complete Tatnall’s daily prescreening (see page 8) and have a clean mask. To allow for a somewhat staggered beginning, any student with a study hall during first period may delay arrival until the first academic class. However, the above safety protocol must be followed and the student must proceed directly to the Upper School office to check-in. Parent permission must be provided.
DEPARTURE Upper School dismissal will begin at 3 p.m., and all students are expected to leave campus at that time. We will accommodate early dismissals for students who end the day with a study hall, as long as parental permission exists.
HALLWAY CROSSING TIMES We are allowing longer crossover times between periods (ten minutes) and staggered dismissal between classes to ensure the entire student body is not passing through the halls at the same time.
COMMUNITY GATHERING To promote social distancing, we will be holding Community Gathering via Zoom during the midday Flex period.
LOCKER USE We are minimizing locker use. Students are still permitted to use their lockers; however, it will be supervised, with signage to promote social distancing.
CLASSROOM STRUCTURE AND SAFETY PROCEDURES To promote health and safety across the Upper School, the following safety measures will be in place:
We will follow Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy.
We will place student desks six feet apart.
Students will often use outdoor spaces for classwork, lunch, recess, and athletics unless the weather is inclement.
Students will have individual classroom materials and supplies.
We will routinely clean surfaces and spaces during and after school.
We will incorporate hand sanitizing into the daily routine.
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SPECIALS AND CLUBS Distancing protocols will remain in place during club meetings and special activities. Some clubs and activities will be held via Zoom to ensure distancing for larger groups.
LUNCH Upper School students will eat lunch in their classrooms or outdoors with their Advisory group. Students may bring their own lunch or preorder lunches from the CaffĂŠ, which will be delivered to the Upper School and sorted by Advisory. We will be providing details about how to order prepackaged lunches in the coming weeks.
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HYBRID PROGRAM: MIDDLE AND UPPER SCHOOL The goal of Tatnall’s hybrid learning program is to ensure teaching and learning continues in person on our beautiful campus in the safest way possible under COVID-19 restrictions. Under plan one of the hybrid learning program, Middle and Upper School students will alternate attending school in person for two consecutive days, meeting in all seven scheduled periods, and attending school virtually for two consecutive days through online teaching and learning, meeting all seven scheduled periods. Students will have equitable access to teachers for instruction time and independent review/support, and should be able to independently extend their learning and enrichment with the direction of the teacher. The hybrid learning program temporarily takes the place of regular school and will count toward the students’ course credit and GPA for matriculation.
Once hybrid learning begins (and on all subsequent days), we will proceed with a modified class schedule:
8:20–9:30 a.m. . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E 9:50–11 a.m. . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. . . . . . Lunch/Special/R&R* . . . .Lunch/Special/R&R* 12:30–1:40 p.m. . . . . . . C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G 1:50–3 pm. . . . . . . . .
D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Specials/Clubs
* US students eat lunch first and then attend Flex/Advisory; MS students attend “Read&Review” in Advisory and then attend lunch.
During in-person days, teachers are expected to teach to the students in the classroom and livestream the lesson to students at home.
During virtual days, teachers would be expected to engage students in asynchronous and synchronous lessons.
In advance of each class period, teachers will post assignments on MyTatnall and/or Google Classroom that include lesson details and links.
Homework may precede or follow class sessions, although students will be asked to spend no more than 30 minutes (45 minutes in US) on such homework per class.
All advisors will check in with each advisee both in person and via email or group message regularly.
Grades earned during hybrid learning will be applied to the Term grade book and will count towards the students’ GPA/course credit.
Division Heads will monitor the hybrid learning progress, collect data and assess feedback, and will announce adjustments as needed.
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Teachers will post assignments and grades on MyTatnall.
In grades 6-8, teachers also will have a Google Classroom set up for each class with clear instructions for the students and clear expectations.
Teachers will employ creative, flexible approaches to teaching.
Teachers will employ creative, flexible approaches to assessment.
Teachers may assign up to 30 minutes of homework as needed (45 minutes in Upper School).
Grades earned during hybrid learning will be applied to the Term grade book and will count towards the students’ GPA/course credit.
Division Heads will monitor hybrid learning progress, collect data and assess feedback, and will announce adjustments as needed.
At the end of in-person school, students are required to leave campus, unless special arrangements are made ahead of time and approved by the division head.
Middle and Upper School students will attend two consecutive days of in-person learning, followed by two consecutive days of virtual learning.
10. Students are responsible for following the hybrid schedule on virtual days.
Students should check Tatnall email daily for instructions and updates from teachers.
Students should log into MyTatnall daily for assignments and syllabus for each class, and also log into Google Classroom pages.
Students should be able to independently carry out the tasks assigned by teachers, including accessing the material and submission of assignments. Students will be held to the school’s Academic Honesty policy. a. Unless you have specific permission from the teacher, do not use any outside sources for your work.
Students should be on time to class, turn off laptop microphone unless contributing to the discussion, and maintain respectful focus during the session.
Students should use their best manners and make sure that their contributions are positive and respectful.
On virtual days, when teachers have a synchronous (real-time) class, teachers will share the specific name/ code for the online meetings via GoogleMeet or Zoom. a. Students should be on time to class, turn off laptop microphone unless contributing to the discussion, and give respectful focus during the session.
Students should follow the school dress code on all synchronous (real-time) sessions.
During synchronous classes, the teachers may record class sessions, including video and audio. Students are not allowed to screenshot or video/audio record any synchronous lessons.
Remember that these are academic classes, so choose an appropriate workspace that will allow students to participate free from distractions.
10. If a student has difficulty accessing the internet and any virtual learning tools, such as MyTatnall, Google Classroom, Turnitin, etc., the student and/or parent should contact the teacher via email or phone. 11. Students who need learning support, technological support, medical support, or mental health support have access to our support staff (see page 24). V E R S I O N 1 | AU G U ST 20 2 0
Tatnall’s hybrid learning temporarily takes the place of regular school, and grades earned will count toward the students’ course credit and GPA for matriculation.
We are continuing to offer a program of learning and assessment that will a. provide a high level of detail for all learning experiences b. specify formative and summative assessments submission procedures (e.g., submission to Google Classroom, MyTatnall, etc.) c. continue to assess via projects and quizzes
Parents should not be placed in the role of teaching; students should be able to independently carry out the tasks assigned by teachers, including accessing the material.
A teacher may regularly schedule a “face-to-face” conference call for real-time contact with the student. During this call, the teacher and student will use their device cameras and microphones.
Teachers in all four divisions have completed professional development courses in online platforms and applications.
If a student has difficulty accessing the internet and any virtual learning tools, such as MyTatnall, Google Classroom, Turnitin, etc., the student and/or parent should contact the teacher via email or phone.
Parents should contact the Division Head or Division Coordinator if a family conflict or illness prevents the student from “attending” a scheduled class or completing an assignment.
Students in need of learning support, technological support, medical support, or mental health support have access to our support staff.
DISTANCE LEARNING DURING SELF ISOLATION If a student is required to self-isolate due to a diagnosis of COVID-19 or close contact with an infected individual, Tatnall will work with the student and family to develop an appropriate distance-learning curriculum. The student’s teachers, division head, and learning services team member will all work with the family to provide the appropriate information.
SCHOOL-WIDE CAMPUS LEARNING (TATNALL @HOME) In the event Tatnall is forced to close its campus and return to full-time distance learning, the school will provide students and families with updated distance learning guidelines, instructions, and expectations. The model will be similar to the distance learning format employed during the 2019-2020 school year.
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ATHLETICS FALL SPORTS The Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association (DIAA) Board has voted to postpone the fall athletic season and restructure all seasons for the 2020-2021 school year. Winter sports will begin in December, followed by fall sports in mid-February and spring sports in April. Given this decision, Tatnall has decided to waive the two-sport requirement for this school year. Students are still encouraged to participate in athletics. With guidance from the Delaware Division of Public Health and the DIAA, Tatnall will create a plan for safe return to play over the next several weeks.
SKILL DEVELOPMENT We will be offering sport-specific skill development this fall after school. We are still working out the schedule, but have tentatively scheduled skill development to begin on Monday, September 21.
MODIFICATIONS FOR ATHLETIC PROCEDURES When sports and practices do begin, several procedures will be modified to ensure the safety of our athletes:
Locker rooms will not be used to store equipment.
Locker rooms will be disinfected each night after use.
Athletic training room will be available by appointment only.
Students will report to the field/practice area immediately after changing in the locker room.
Additional details will be available in the coming weeks.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION To allow students to continue to participate in physical education classes, Tatnall has developed three levels of socially distant P.E. Physical education teachers will determine the appropriate level for their individual classes. Level 1: Fully distanced* with no equipment Level 2: Fully distanced* and each student has his or her own equipment (equipment to be disinfected immediately after each use). Level 3: Fully distanced* and carefully considered shared, small group equipment (equipment to be disinfected immediately after each use). *Fully distanced means there is at least six feet between all people.
MODIFICATIONS FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL P.E. We will implement several modifications to allow Middle School students to safely participate in P.E. class:
Students will use locker rooms strictly as dressing rooms, not for the storage of equipment or clothing.
Students will not be changing clothes at the start of the school year. School clothes will be permitted with leniency on athletic clothing.
Students may remove masks only during outdoor class time.
Equipment and locker rooms will be disinfected after use. V E R S I O N 1 | AU G U ST 20 2 0
LEARNING SERVICES & MENTAL HEALTH Learning Services, counseling, and mental health will be an integral part of the Tatnall experience.
LEARNING SERVICES Learning Services team members will be observing students on campus and in their online classrooms to provide support as students and families transition back to campus and between virtual and inperson instruction. One-on-one and small group meetings will take place in-person—according to social distancing protocols—or via Zoom. Parents are encouraged to reach out to the Learning Services Team with questions: TEAM MEMBER NAME
Karen Coviello . . . . . . . . . . karencoviello@tatnall.org . . . . . . . Early Childhood Casey Chipman . . . . . . . . . . caseychipman@tatnall.org . . . . . . . Lower School, Department Chair Doug Lambe . . . . . . . . . . . douglaslambe@tatnall.org . . . . . . . Middle School Kathleen Maloney . . . . . . . . kathleenmaloney@tatnall.org . . . . . Middle School Jen Farina . . . . . . . . . . . . . jeniferfarina@tatnall.org . . . . . . . . Upper School
COUNSELING & MENTAL HEALTH To promote mental health and well-being, all students will have regular check-ins with their homeroom teachers and advisors. Students and families seeking additional support can contact a counselor who can meet one-on-one, in small groups, or virtually. For counseling support, please email Rebecca Whitesell, M.A., LPC, NCC, (rebeccawhitesell@tatnall.org) or Casey Chipman (caseychipman@tatnall.org).
TECHNOLOGY If a student has difficulty accessing the internet and any virtual learning tools, such as MyTatnall, Google Classroom, Turnitin, etc., the student and/or parent should contact the teacher via email or phone. You may also email Geoff Weyer, Director of Technology (geoffweyer@tatnall.org).
ATHLETICS If you have a specific question about athletics, please email Athletic Director Pat Jones (patrickjones@tatnall.org).
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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT HAPPENS IF A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19? In the event a community member tests positive for COVID-19, the Division of Public Health (DPH) will notify the school nurse within 24 hours. Health information will remain confidential. The school nurse will work with Tatnall’s DPH liaison to support case investigation and contact tracing. DPH will instruct the person who tests positive to self-isolate for a period of time consistent with the presence of symptoms and/or the time of the COVID test. We will take any classrooms or school spaces that have been compromised offline for 48 to 72 hours. We have predetermined backup spaces.
WHAT IS THE PROTOCOL FOR THE “CLOSE CONTACT” OF A PERSON WHO TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19? The school nurse, our part-time contact tracing hire, and DPH will work together to identify the close contacts who will need to self-quarantine and assess for symptoms. DPH will immediately notify anyone identified as a close contact and give them further instructions regarding quarantine.
WHO IS CONSIDERED A CLOSE CONTACT? A close contact is anyone who has been within six feet of a person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes. Following masking guidelines and maintaining social distancing protocols may prevent some people from being considered close contacts. Each positive test result will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
WHAT HAPPENS IF SOMEONE BECOMES ILL DURING THE SCHOOL DAY? Anyone experiencing symptoms of illness at school must see the school nurse immediately. The nurse will assess the person’s symptoms to determine appropriate next steps. If COVID is suspected, the person will be isolated in the Health Office and a family member will be contacted. Parents and guardians are expected to pick up their child(ren) within an hour of being notified.
HAVE TATNALL TEACHERS BEEN TESTED FOR COVID-19? Yes. We are requiring all faculty and staff to take an at-home COVID-19 test before returning to campus. We will not permit any faculty or staff member who tests positive to return to campus until they have followed the appropriate quarantine and health guidelines, and test negative. In addition, the State of Delaware has committed to test 25% of teachers on a weekly basis. This means all staff will be tested at least once a month after their initial at-home test.
ARE MASKS REQUIRED ON CAMPUS? Yes. Please refer to Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy for full details.
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